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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1923)
Holland Celebrates Queen’s Silver Jubilee The Hague. Aug. St.—AH Holland Is en fete today, celebrating the sil ver Jubilee of Queen Wilhehnina. The traditional loyalty of the Hol i landers to the house of Orange. coupled with the personal popularity that has come to the ruler iti the 23 years of her reign, are making the day and most of next week a con tinuous popular festival. i Washington, Aug. 31.—President Coolidge. in a cablegram to Queen Wilhelmlna dispatched today through the State department, offered his most "cordial felicitations” to the queen on the 25th anniversary of her ascension to the crown of the Netherlands. Richter Suspended. New York. Aug. 31.—The suspension of Manuel Richter of Richter & Co., Philadelphia, was announced from the rostrum of the Consolidated Stock ex change at the opening of business to day. County to Refund 5 Banks Excess Taxes Aurora, Neb., Aug. 31.—The Ham ilton county b9ard of commissioners has decided to return excess taxes paid on tangible property by Hamil ton county banks. The banks will furnish bonds to protect the com missioners. The law providing that intangible property be taxed at full value was recently declared unconstitutional by the Nebraska supreme court. First National bank. First Trust company. Farmers State bank and Fidelity State bank of Aurora and the Farmers State bank of Hampton will all receive refunds. Iowan Is Given $9.05 as Top Price for Hogs Hogs went up another notch yester day, reaching the top price of $9.05 a hundred, the highest for the day and year to dale, with John Mass man of Cedar Rapids receiving the top price for a load of choice hogs | averaging 215 pounds. Mr. Massman said mature hogs i were pretty well cleaned up In his section and that there was a fair sup ply of pigs, but not as many as last season. He said corn was excellent and that he thought feeding opera tions would be heavy. Bee Want Ads produce results. Federal Courts Federal Judge Woddrough will open gourt at Chudron September 10 ami at North Platte September 24. Fedei al Judge Elliott will come from South Dakota to sit In Lincoln at the trial of blue sky cases September 24. Fed eral Judge Munger will go to Sioux City to preside over the second trial of the Midland Packing company case. Beginning Tuesday, September 4, Store Hours 9 A. M. to 6 P.M. ® Saturday Special in Our Drug Department * Physicians’ and Per Q ^ Surgeons’ Soap Bar OL/ Made of pure vegetable oils. Good for general use. Limit of five bars to each customer. gj Main Floor—Wait This Store Closes at 1 P. M. Monday—Labor Day 4t!l IH Roses Roses Roses Long Stems, all colors, 5,000 of them. Special Saturday, each, Ferns—Regularly sold for 2.00, on sale Saturday at, each, I Lp Cut Flower Department—Main Floor—We»t Just Arrived—A Group of Charming New Fall Hats ^ Clever Duvetynes ^ Ribbon and Felt Hats at Correct styles for present time wear. Clever styles and shapes—turbans, small pokes and larger shapes—featur ing the season’s strongest colors: Brown and sand shades, also red, gray, blue and purple. Second Floor—E«»» Saturday Specials in * Women’s Silk Hosiery 1,500 Pairs of Women’s Fine Silk Hose Irregulars of 2.00 A A and 2.50 Values y Specially selected pure dye silk hose; irregulars; black and shoe shades; pure dye thread silk, full fashioned; double soles, spliced heels. These hose were unable to pass the very rigid examination this hosiery maker de mands of first grades. The imperfections consist of slight cloudiness in weave and are so small as not to af fect their appearance. Women’s Silk Hosiery—All are silk to the knee, semi fashioned, double soles, spliced heels; black, brown and all shoe shades; all sizes. These are slightly FC _ irregulars; sold at 1.00 everywhere; per pair, JiJC Main Floor—North Misses’ and Children’s Hose Misses’ end Children’s Silk Lisle Hose—Fine ribbed with double knees, dropped stitch with re inforced heel and toe; black, white and brown; irregulars of ,r>5c quality; sizes 6 to 10; special, per pair, Children’s Heavy Lisle Sport Hose—English rib bed with reinforced heel and toe; durable school hose; white, black and brown; sizes 7 to 9>4; special, pair, Children’s Lisle Half Socks—White with colored tops, reinforced heel and toe, sizes 6 to 9, 1 C 35c values, special, per pair, l«Jl» Main Floor—North Knit Underwear Specials Women’s Union Suits—Mercerized lisle and fine lisle; Kayser, Marvelfit and other well-known makes in flesh and full bleach, bodice and regulation styles, tight or loose knee and closed skirt, styles, regular and 1 AA extra sizes, 1.25 and 2.00 values, special, suit, l.UU Women s Glove Silk Un derwear—Bloomers made of extra jrood quality, in all sizes, flesh or orchid, 3.50 values, each, -_ Women's Glove Silk Vests —Substandards of 2.00 grades, in bodice styles, ribbon or jersey silk straps, flesh or orchid, all 1 JQ sizes at, each, !•»»/ Third Floor—Center Build /Your Own Radio Set Our newely enlarged Ratiio Department—Mt in Floor—Arcade—is an interesting place to radio fans. The sale men are e: perts on radio and are ready to help you with your radio problems. A few low priced parts for Saturday. Complete Parts for Reinartz Sets tunaiBiimi ur 7x18 Formica Panel, drilled ready to mount; Socket; Howard Vernier Rheostat 23-Plate Variable Condenser; 11.plate Variable Condenser; 3-Switch Lever*; 2 Dozen Switch Points: 1 Schoonhoven Reinartz Coil; Freshman Grid Leak and Condenser Combined; K Binding Posts; 25 Feet Tinned Wire; Basehoard for Mounting; Blue print for Complete Instructions for Assembling and Wiring. Priced at 12 10.00 Long Range Head Seta Made in style and design proved by use and experi ment to bn the best. Coil wound with about 6,50(1 ^ s ^ turns of No. 40 enamel coated copper wire. Direct current resistance approximately 1,600 ohms. 1m pendence at average music and voice frequency (800 cycles) is 21,000 ohms. ;i.00 22 (£-Volt B Batteries—large size. . 1.95 4.00 11-Plate Vernier Condenser. . 1.95 4.50 23-Plate Vernier Condenser. . 2.45 4.50 High and Low Radio Thordorson Transformers. 2.45 Radio Dapartmant—Main Floor—Arcada - ' 1" * : Saturday — New Fall Apparel For Women and Misses--Specially Priced Smart New Fall Dresses Clever in Style and New in Silhouette; Satins, ^ Canton Crepes, Satin Cantons, Poiret Twills 7 ^ III I and Charmeuses—Specially Priced Saturday. w A wonderful showing of new fall dresses in fashion’s most approved models. In this showing women will find dresses suitable for all occasions which she can wear with the assurance that she is well dressed. Many are cleverly tailored; some are effec tively trimmed with beads, embroidery and braids; sizes include those from 16 to 20 for misses and 34 to 44 for women. A Group of Sample Fur Trimmed Winter Coats 98.00 Smart Wraparound models, straight silhouettes, tiered and flounced styles. All well made of the finest of rich pile fabrics, including such fashionable ma terials as: x Gerona, Lustrosa, Fashona, Marvella Trimmed with luxurious furs, such as beaver, natural squirrel, Viatka squirrel, black fox, kit fox, taupe wolf, brown and black wolf; made to retail at 110.00 to 150.00. Tailored Fur Trimmed k Suits Women and Misses 44.00 You will still find some wonderful values in our sale of fine winter suits. While the quantity is limited, do not forget they are made to sell from 49.75 to 69.75; there are a number of samples included in this sale; the size ranges are from 16 to 20 and 34 to 44; fur-trimmed and tailored models. A Big Purchase of New Fall Sweaters \ Of Fine Soft Wool. 3.98 to 7.98 values; Saturday, % Of different weaves, in golf coats, .iacquettes, sleeveless and slipon sweaters, in plain and fancy styles; all the new fall shades; buff, Harding, silver, jackey, jade and white comb; made of fine mohair and worsted yarns. Brushed Wool Coal Sweater* for the Kiddie*—Delight fully warm and unusually attractive in style and color, you will find these new sweaters, whether a slipon model or coat; in solid colors or color O QO to (t C QO combinations; priced from «J)0*a/0 Adorable Hat and Scarf Set*—To match the O QO sweaters in plain or stripe effects; special, Lovely Novelties in New Fall Blouses All that is novel and new, yon will find featured in the new blouses for fall. Almost every style conceiveable. In crepe de chine, fall. Almost every style conceivable. In crepe de chine, imported Alpaca and Rodier crepe. Beading*, embroid blouses, smart tailored and semi-dress styles. The sea son’s newest shade. Havana, holly berry, rust, royal blue, moss green, navy and black. Priced 7 ^ to Jg Qg Middies for the School Girl For the “school girl;” in finest quality flannel, smartly tailored, with emblem on sleeve, silk braid trimmed; regulation co-ed style, red and O QQ to C A Q navy. Priced 0*2/0 0*42/ Second Floor ! E Saturday—One-Half Price Sale of the Famous □La Tausca Pearls u'J'S 3.98 Beautiful necklaces from Paris at one-half their regular price; beautifully tinted, 24 inches long with even graduations, with white gold safety clasp; all indestructi ble beads; e^ery one with the La Tausca gold seal. Main Floor—Ea.t _ -B Saturday Specials in Boys’ School Wear School Time is Here—Saturday specials in our Boys’ Shop, 4th floor, enables you to enjoy selecting quality clothes at unusually attractive prices. 300 Boys’All Wool Suits 11 H With Two Pairs of Trousers A / vJ 5 These suits were made by one of our best and foremost makers. The fabrics are strictly virgin wool and the Norfolk models are distinctly new; beautiful colorings and patterns to select from. Both trousers lined; an exceptional value. Sizes fi to 18. Junior Norfolk Suits—For little fellows, two trou sers, 5 to 10 years. Cleverly styled Norfolk coats with two pairs lined straight pants; all-wool, boyish-looking tweeds; smart little suits; special, Boys' Shirts-^-Neckband or collar attached styles, finest fast color fabrics; made as a boy’s shirt should he made; attractive patterns; sizes 1 AA 12 to 14 neckband; special at I.UV A Special for Little Fellow*—Beautiful new all wool tweeds or fine blue serges, pretty new style ideas in Oliver Twist and middy suits. Silk trimmed and emblem on sleeves; come in gray, tan. brown and blue shades; sizes 3 to 8; special at Boy*’ Blouse*—Full cut, standard make, perfect blouses, fast color, collar attached, boyish- £Q looking styles, all sizes 6 to 16, special, UOC Fourth Floor Saturday Glove Specials Women’s Long-Gloves 16-button leneth,* splendid quality'imported lambskin, Paris-point embroidery; shades of brown, tan and black; sizes 5% to 71/2 inclusive; special, A AA per pair, “W Silk Gauntlets—Novel combina- < tions of brown, beaver, mastic, gray and navy; strap wrist; sub- ^ standards of the 2.50 1 OQ quality; special, per pr., Main Floor—North Art Goods and Needlework Specials for Saturday Polychrome Book Ends—Hand- 1 tinted and gold burnished, a I dozen unique styles. These 1 make appreciated engagement and wedding gifts. Per pair, Imported Hand-Painted Vases —Black with red roses, metal ji linings; shapes, squatty and >1 tall sizes; *7r r nn priced I OC to 0»W Stamped Bedrpread—Lazy daisy French knot design on unbleached muslin for, full sized bed; regu- 1 QP lar 3.00 spread for 1**m) Royal Society Thread*— Packed in sealed glassine envelopes. The correct colors and quantity of thread for embroidering above spreads; 1 Pn 45 skeins for l»«lU third rloor—West J Saturday Another Shipment of Genuine Leather Hand Bags Made to sell for 3.95 to 4JiO. All well made and nicely fitted; made of genuine leather in such finishes as— • Pin Seal, Crepe Grain, Patent, Long Grain, Goat, Beaver Calf and Cordovan Calf. In pouch, envelope, new pleated bags and swagger shapes; all are silk lined ancl nicely fitted. Buy one of these beautiful bags to complete the fall costume. Main Floor—East White Gold and Sterling Silver Wrist Watches A wonderful value in a 25-year white gold case, prettily engraved, with a 15-jewel movement with two adjustments, silver dial; also sterling silver ease with same movement. A guaranteed timekeeper. For a Saturday special, a 15.00 value, special O Q C at Main Floor—East Kodaks No. 2 Cartridge Premo—Size 2 li x3 l«, regular $2.50, special, at 1.98 No. 2A Cartridge Premo—2 : 4 '«, regular 3.50, special 2.98 No. 2 Eastman Vulcan Films— 25c regularly, special, 19<* No. 2A Eastman Vulcan Films —Special, 23<* 7*11 Cloth-Covered Loon Leaf Album—50 leaves, regularly • 1.25, special 69<* Films left ,Kefore 10 A. M. fin ished by 4 P. >1. the same day. M in Floor—North I Women's New Fall Shoes Are Arriving Daily in Our Women s Shoe Department, third Floor---East One of the Prettiest Is the “Kathryn” Pump A distinctive, new autumn mode developed in allover black satin. With high Spanish or wood Cuban heels, flexible solos, a model designed and made for The Rrandeis Store; specially priced, per q eri pair, at, 0*01/ I The same model in cinnamon ! brown suede, with high wood i en Spanish heels; priced, per r 10.00 Clearance of Our Entire Stock of White and Colored Shoes All the styles that have been so popular this summer; rad ically reduced for immediate clearance, special, O Qr per pair, A Group of Brandeis Autumn Shoes In various leathers and fab rics, for dress and street wear; new styles and new trimmings characterise this fall show mg; spe- (■ QC dally priced at 0*5/0 Third Floor—East — * Something New in Candy Atlantic City Creams Soft and creamy, a»sorted flavor*, AQr* per pound, only x y L gg Main Floor—Wait g ■ ^ “ 11 Saturday 10:30 A. M., at the Brandejs Theatre, Buster Brown and His Dog “Tige" Will Entertain the Children Get free tickets up to 10 a. m. Saturday at The Brandeis Store Shoe Department, Third Floor—East I™— _[§£] •I-* National Hair Nets One half dozen to the box. single or double mesh, cap or fringe, all colors; these sell regularly, double mesh, qq I each; single mesh. 10c each; special, ls dozen. «3i/C ■ Main Floor—South _[*'