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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1923)
BEE WANT AD RATES 15' per line en'h djv, j or 2 days. izc per lino each day, 3 to 6 days. 1 TKper ,,ne ea h day- 1 day* or longer. i ne above rates apply exclusively to .. a^| Ada which are commonly termed Public want*'- and do not include adver tisements of Individuals or concerns ad or exploiting their businessea. Thee® rates apply to The Sunday Oma ha Bee as well ss Tho Morning and Eve ning Bee. All week-day advertisements ^ appear in both morning and evening edl tions at tbs one cost. CL08ING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. . Morning Edltipn .9 p. n». 1 Evening Edition .11:30 a. m. j Sunday Edition .f p. m. Saturday Want Ads accepted at the following offices: Main office .17th and Farnam B*a. South Omaha . .N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs .IS Scott St. Telephone AT tantlo lOOO. Call for “Want" Ad Department. An experienced "Want" Ad taker will receive .'our add and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash order*. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. THE OMAHA MORNING BEB. THE EVENING BEB. Wool—Pelts, $1.2501.60 for full wonted *kin*: spring lambs. 40050c. according to six© and length of wool: clips, no value: wool. 20©33o per It FUNERAL NOTICES. 5HNIBL—Mrs. Magdalene T., 1721 South 17th street, August 30; agpd 76 year*. Deceased is survived by her husband, Frank; a daughter. Mr*. Katie Brunlng. and fine son. Frank: three grandson* and one granddaughter. Funeral services Monday at 6:40 *• m . from the residence to St. Joseph church at 9 a. m. Interment St. Mary Magda l*ne cemetery. For information call JA. r,90t. | SHEPARD— Fred H . age 64 year*, died Thursday He was bookkeeper for the Record Livestock Commission Co. Funeral Fn-lav 3 v m. from Brewer t’hapel. 24th and K Sts.. Rev. P. J. Oal iaeher officiating. Burial At Fon du Lac. : Win,_j HTLDING—Charlotte Isabelle, age 36 years, passed away August 29, 1923. Funeral Saturday afternoon at 2:30 from the N. P. Swanson chapel. 17th and Cum ing Sts. Interment West Lawn ceme t ery. Friends welcome, _ FUNERAL DIRECTORS^ ^ HEAFEY ft HEAFEY. Undertaker, and Einbalmer,. Phone HA. 0286. Office 3811 F,rnam. (ESTABLISHED SINCE 18S3.) CRANE MORTUARY CO.. CONDUCTED HV t, A DIES OS'LT. Ill S. 20th St. AT. 3889 and AT. 3810. KORTSKO FUNERAL HOME, tld and O Sta. 1360 8 13th St MA. 0880. AT. 1873. DUFFY ft JOHNSTON, III S. 13d, new funeral home. HA. 0417. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE, Dodge at 24th, Funeral Director,. JA 1901. k' HULSE ft R1EPEN. i Funeral directors, 2224 umlng. JA. 1«2§. A CROSRY-MOORE, Pi »4th and Wirt. WE. 0047. nl* TAGGART A SON. V‘ 2113 Cuming St. JA. 0714. H. H. KRAMER FUNERAL HOME. 6918 Military Ave. WA. 6114. BRAILEY ft DORRANCE. 1123 CUMING ST.. JA- 0631. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, 3411 Farnam St. _CEMETERIES._ VISIT FOREST LAWN. North of City Limits. ."•20 acres. Perpetual care. Offices at • emstery xnd 720 BrandHs Theater Bldg. VAULTS AND MONUMENTS. DISTINCTIVE lenture.. ... demonatra tren at fartory. Automatic Sealing Con , ret. Burial Vault, ln.i.t upon your un dertaker using no other. Every vault .ramped. Watch for name In lid. Man ufactured onlv bv the omana Concrete Burial Vault Co,. Hilt N. 30th St.. Omaha. florists! LEE LARMON 19th and Douglas._Phone AT. 8244. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farniro. JA. 1904. H KN PERSON, 1507 Farnam. JA. 1258. LOST AND FOUND! SUITCASE, leather, containing clothing, lost between house and Union station. Reward. A. L. Patrick. 107 N. 42d. HA. 3554. j u-, I.OST—White male collie pup* black and 0‘m9> tan tipped ears; two black spots on ba^k. Reward for return to Jack Shearman, Ha. 6393. I.OST—BROWN MARTEN FUR IN OR NEAR STRAND THEATER TUESDAY IV M REWARD CALL AT. 3132. LOST—A email mink fur in World theater Thursday' evening between 6 and 9. Re ward. HE. 4861. I.OST—Flying squlrrsl scarf, white Jamb trimming. Call HA 471ft for reward. PERSONAL~_ THE SALVATION Army Industrial horns solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone .TA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Cali and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 ' rco<**e St. GOING out of town for the winter? Gen ileman with excellent references would assume obligation* of care taker for the privilege * room in the home. Box 353. Omaha <«*' ON OR •*_ * this date. 8-29-23. 1 will e\ot be r* • j1* for any debt* con i r acted bv ;•••*: Mattie Hudson, my wife. 1.563 N. 19. Signed, Charles Hudson, 1563 N. 19th___ BETTY maternity home, cars of infants. < all or write WA. 7111. 4120 Lafayette Av WILL lady who called 11A. 6393 about oat collio pup kindlv « a 1 i again AUTOS FOR SALE. USED CAR*S ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN' Chevrolet Touring. I ke new.$350 Oldemoblls Six Touring, cord t*res. . $395 Ford Sedan, extra good. .. $300 Oldsmobile Eight. repainted and rebuilt . .*. $95 Siudebaker Spec-ial Six Chummy.. ..$595 Oldsmobile Six Sedan.$400 •»Ids mobile Eight, .reconditioned.$47 0 oldsmobile Eight Touring, needs paint $200 oldsmobile Six run* fine.$200 Pacemaker Oldsmobile .$27* Ford Touring . . $35 Light Oldsmobile Eight.. . . $"0'i Oldsraoblle Four Touring .... $» ••'> i NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. 18th and HowardAT 177ft OOLDSTROM AUTO .SALES CO.; new io ration. 2112 Harney Street. Fords and ^ other makes |00 and up. Ford bodies, cash or time. Open evenings. Phone AT. 6046. Some bargains In used Fords. New Ford son, easy payments McCaffrey motor co. The Dandy Service Station. 16th and Jackson Sts. AT. Till. NEW And used Fords, cash or terms. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorized Ford ar.d Lincoln Dealer*. $0th and Ames Av*. KE. 0146. IS ED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co. 2554 Farnam. USED CARS THAT CAN BE SOLD. NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO.. Howard at 18th._ AT. 1770. . USED parts for *11 make* of '-ar*. Ford used parts ■'* t half price. Neb. Auto Part?. TA. 4931. HIGH-GRADE new and used cars. GUT I*. SMITH MJTO ACCESSORIES, tires. HI V made-ln-Om»h» tires; guaranteed Twin City Tire Co.. AT. 4«u7. ! E mJCATIO N A L. V M r s KVKNINO Bi'HnOI.. Open* Morvlav. September JOth. \ < la>H For EVERY Man." Accountancy, drafting. arithmetic, bonl-.. ; fcping. hnfdneaa English. bualne** cor respondence. commercial art. eomniarclal in a cl. < tricity elementary aublccts. life j naui'a n«'i‘. grammar, pen manehlp. public A'dUing. Hit leema nahiP. ahortband. type vN-iling, ami many other cojiniri'. I'I'onae Miur course and enroll fodsv Y»>l N»» Ml N S ClfltfSTIAN ASSN and Harney hi a HuOM ill 9 may school—night ~hcTiooET Complete couraea in /accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometer, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire 'ega telegraphy, civil aervlca and all Eng lish ami commercial branchea Write, «all or phone Ja* keen 1 566 for latga lllua* > traded catalog. Addrega IPjYI.EM COLLEGE. f Moyle* Bldg. Omaha. Neb. ■ . ' TFtl-< IT V BAR HER roLI.I' HE rn 1 d02 rmdge fit Dior, Mrviglaa *» fall or writs for informal Ion. LIGHT to 12 wpfki pn pare von for » fine offh * poali Ion fall AT 77.4 c»r write Amer leap College. 1912 k’arnani. MOLER BARBER tTOl.LEGE~ ~ 110 8. 14th Ht. Wrlla tor catalog. Ccmpfomater achool. loo Courtney Bldg RESULTS » CftUH • PUT ft BY GUIA,THOSE VrfftNT ftOS ftRE LIKE LOCKING THE fAULE ftFTER, "---'•v ' WftNT P>D iN THE GDEfTT THINGS IN HEN ft FELLER THE BftRN HftS ESCftPEO TOO /-^HO’.HO! Mft VsJlU-SURE BE l— OPNftWftBEE _ USES'EFV THE TROUBLE UUITR KNOOJ - NOU) VlllTH IAE 1V5 / SURPRISES) IN HEN SHE FINOS \ YESTERDRY ftNO NOlN l HRUE \ SO tAftNN PEOPLE lb TftET OON7 OlFFERENT -WHEN I ,NEEO \THE HOUSE ftLV RE'OECORftTEO J «\ GftNG. OF CftRPENTERS ftNO J s USE 'EH ftNO THEN UioNOER THlNCbS OONE I GET EN\ v>_ HE ! HE \ HE' J PftlNTERS ftT UUORK FIXING ) LUHS THEV CftN'T GET THINGS OONE* V j U OP THE ROONNTHE F«RE y' S_ OONE ! — V 1 WftdEO!^ > K—-on ] ^ IllllrlBMf r * ii 11111 • • R»r1nt#r and Trlbun# SrndlOAt*. WolnM fthAVjO \ YOUNG MAN—STUDY LAW I—Downtown evening session* University of Omaha Law School. Nominal tuft Ion. Enroll now. S«m Soc'y. 1027 Omaha Nat. Hark. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, wanted. Give age and reference. Permanent po sition. nut want party who can advance. Address. W-395, Omaha- Bee. WANTED—Young stenographer who wish es to train himself to become a newMi« • per reporter; night work, m Omaha. Box W-393, Omaha Bee. WELDER wanted; oxy-acetylene welder for tank work for out of town. OMAHA WELDING CO., 1501 JACKSON. WANTED—First-class vulranlser and tire repair man. Yellowstone Tire A Vulcan ising Co , Billings, Mont. WANTED—Busheiman, tailor. steady work. Men s clothing store. Ben Simon Arsons, Lincoln. Neb. j WANTED—Competent manager for him ] her yard. Two yard town northeastern Nebraska. W-800, Omaha Bee. WANT a first-class candv maker at the Paris kitchen. 1324 0*St.. Lincoln. Neb SALESWOMEN. Experienced, wanted for ready-to wear and millinery dept. Per manent position, good salary. Ap ply superintendent, balcony. BRANDEIS STORE. WHITE girl or middle-aged lady, unen cumbered. to help with housework for two; no children, no laundry Call In per son. dp not Tel. 3124 Cass St. MAID—Wanted, experienced white girl; must be good rook: small house, two adults. 327 N. 40th St. WA. 2873. WHITE girl or woman wanted to assist i with housework. AT. 4318. SALESMAN WANTED. SALEMEN WANTED—Several strictly. I high cla.«s, capable, energetic stove end warm air heating furnace salesmen fori Michigan. Illinois. Missouri. Nebraska. Kansas and Louisiana territories. Make application in own handwriting, giving! exporienre. reference, age and salary. Ap plicant mult have previous retail or road experience In ahov# Hems. Address1 Y-2406 Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WAITED" POSITION wanteo as housekeeper In motherless home- AT. 9212. .....- - ■■■ ..— - i GOOD plasterer warts work. MA. 5028 DAY WORK —White woman. AT 8433. LUMBER YARD for sale, good buildings, small stock, small town, central Nebraska. Traders need not apply. Will give terms If necessary. r. W. APPLE. BROKEN BOW. NEB A SMALL confectionery store, doing poo l huainess: leaving town; want quick deal. 11.250 cash; rent only $15 per mo. with 4 year lease Sure to make big profit on your investment. »* o 11 tmlav JA. >’25o. FOR SALE—Hardware. Implement and coal business In good central Nebraska town. Must he sold to settle estate. Bar gain for any one wanting a business. Y-2404, Omaha Be*. WILL trado 840 acres grass Jand In Brown Co.. Neb. for grocery, market, or filling station. A snap direct from owner. E. Mooney. Bronson. Kan. BIG SNAP Invest in flat on north aide from owner and have good home and In come to live on. W-801. Omaha B‘*c. GROCERY with building; doinr gootj business. Sell a1 count other business. 144■> N. 19th St. WE. 6037. CAFE FOR SALE. DOING GOOD Busi ness in college town. Writ# Regent Cafe, Cedar Falls, Iowa, FOR SALE—Good restaurant cheap Write to P, O. Box 405. St Paul. Neb. NINE-ROOM rooming house, good loca tlon. Call 4224-W, Council Bluff* CAFE, receipts $200 per day. must be sold. Address W-486, Omaha Bee. WANTED—Barrier, <#xperlcn«ed. to take charge of business. Call WE. 0206. — ... INVESTMENTS. CASH paid for 2d mortgage* on Omaha proper*". F. C. Horacek <fe Co., 640 1st Nat I Hank Bldg. AT. 3531. CITY real estate, mortgage* and contract#! nought. Mr. Larson. 104 No. 15th S' LOANSON REAL ESTATE~ 6 Vi and 6 PER CENT MONET ‘ Loans on Omaha improved property at lowest rates. FRANK H. BINDER, 323 City Nat.JA. 2561. $100 to $10,000 loana. Prompt service, F. D. WEAD A D. H. BOWMAN. 310 S. nth. Wead Bidg. AT 01SL MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha real «state. MYERS A RAlNBOLT CO, 42 4 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. JA. 07 48. OMAHA HOMES —EAST NEB FARMS? r KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO . 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 2711. 8TRAIOHT 5-year loans. 4V4 per cent. AMOS GRANT CO., 101 S- 18th, Arthur Bldg AT. 1380. six par cant Iomm on Omaha residence*. Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. H. I.ougee. Inc,. 633 Keellne Bldg. SECOND mortgage* or contracts pur chased by Tukey Company, 620 lat Nat l Bk JA. 4223. FARM LOANS Large or small. Weat Neb farms, ranches. Kloks Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nat. Bk. I WILL buy mortgages and contracts. Corkin. 948 Oma. Nat. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. 5V4 AND 6 PER CENT—NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS. 364 Om Natl. Bldg FARM LOANS—Gibbon-Steel. JA 6604 __^IONEYjrO^ _ YOU WANT MONEY DON’T PA Y HIGH KENTS. We loan any amount up to 1600 at the lowest rate*. Can be repaid In ea.'y monthly payments to suit convenient. Wo are licensed and bonded and have been In business over 30 years, therefore you are sure of & quick, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 608 Knrba< h Blk Telephone .1A 1296. Southeast Cor. 15th and DomlM Hta. DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, buslne** strictly confidential. The Diamond Doan Co., loll Dodge Ht.. K*tab. 1814._ WANTED TO BORROW BUSINESS man with fast growing busi ness wishes lu borrow fr<>m private par ty, ona <T two thousand dollars at if> pat r»nt for one year. good eei-urlty. Commu nleato with W 422. OpiHliM Bee POULTRY. _ THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Reds, entire stork, including this years pullets. 8001 < 'enter. HOUSEHOLD^OODS. THK largest s*ock of used furniture IrJ Omaha. at the Btsphenson Auction House. 1609 Canitol Ave. Amt Ions at l 50 p. in every Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday. Goods also sold at prlvatn sale. FARN AM HTUEE r A1 f 'l P'N CO. AT 7*50 "424 Firnam Ht. " e buy fijrtiilure or sell If for you on commission. Private *m!ps dally. PAPkflllA MJlifl tool* ladder and hoards. Pal he grsphontds. heailna stove. rn« Uing' haire high chair, sanitary cnt. unwlnu inn-him. foldl'n lieneh with wringer and tubs, mall box, fruit tats. • \ 804 EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK EDA. I6lh and llarney. AT. 4181. FURNITURE AT AUCTION This Afternoon and Tomorrow Night. DOWD 8 AUCTION H' USE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FURNITURE, gas nnd coal combination range and house full of goods. HA. 3491, 9.18 N. 26th St. WASHING machine and wringer, a bar gain af >10. 4601 Seward St. Table, dining room, aqlld oak. 48-inch; it bargain, 4059 Blnncy WA. 7563 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR Bale or trade, one 13-lnch South iiend lathe, one 24-Inch silver uprt*4it grill, with tapping attachment; one 2 h. p. 60-cycle. 220-volt Wilson electric motor; 1 rear axle spand, 1 set box stocks and dyes. KE. 0383. Can be seen at 3410 Ames Ave. TOMATOES for sale, 60c a bushel. Pick them vourself L. N. Reems. 600 N. i 26th St. Co Bluffs. Ta. Phone 831. ONF. 16 horse power verical boiler. 112 bottle. Wright milk bottler. Thone Co. Bluffs 4646 BOTTLES. Kegs. Crocks. Nathan Stein berg. 1019 Harney. JA. 6194. PRESS FORM. ADJUSTABLE. FOR SALK <' H K A 1' HA 4421 CLOT H IN G.F URS^ET C FULL DRESS sulta and Tuxedos for rent. | JA. 3128. 109 N. 14th St. John Feldman.] MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS^ TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance aa low ns 410 per month. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas PIANO—Nelson piano, fine mahogany case, >65. 2224 Dodge street. AT 6629. VICTROLA for sale, almost new, coat >140, will sell for >70. Call HA. 4101. BANJO—Vega. 6-stringed and. leather <aa.i. Like new. >30. WA. 3717. PIANO—GOOD FISHER TIANO FOR SALK OHEAP. JA 6S0S. OFF ICE SUPPLIESFORjALE. WE BUY. sell safes, make desks, show cases. etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Uo.. S. W. cor. 11th and Douglas. J V. 2724 ONE Toledo computing meat scale; new condition. 1912 M St. PFFP'K SAFE FOR SALE AT. oITT. SWAP-COLUMN? 12-GAUGE Remington automatic shotgun in first class shape to trade for 16 gnugo hanimerless Parker or Fox. S-365, Omaha Bee. TWO-TON International truck, likn new. for trad*- for anything equal value. Ad dresw 8-341. Omaha Bee FORD roadster body late *22 and storage battery for A-l touring body for Ford. S-106. Omaha Bee. CHEVROLET starter. 490. Sw;,p for 30x 3*4 tire or what have you. R-129, Omaha Bee. WILL EXCHANGE Velour Overatuffed rocker for Spinnet desk and chair. Value $75. 9-1M. Bee FORD SEDAN or rooming house to swap for city property or large house close In. S-137. Bee. TYPEWRITER desk—drop top. oak. used very little; will trade for trunk, or what have you? Address, S-136. Omaha. Bee WILL TRADE Minna J,.i*a bungalow with ffreplar* for eight or nine room house or Improved acreage S-101. Rp»__ LADIES’ gold wrist watch for gas stove or thre*--hurner oil stove or what have you? 8-101. Omaha Bee. UAR FOR LOT. Good car for lot or equity tip to f268 Fall At. 33 50 BRAND NEW tailor-made suit, size 42; value >50; awap for 12-gauge pumpgun AT 0204 ONE CHAIR—Barber outfit to swan for 34x4 tires, tent, or what hav# you? 8-140. Omaha Be* VJNE new baby cab. Will swap for 34x4 Urn or t«n S-300. Omaha Bee. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS. DESKS New desks. used deoke bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam St. AT. 6146. ! APARTMENTS AND FLATS. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH 1 NEAR 20TH AND MARTHA. Just listed this wonderful home * ih Its' dandy large living room. *xtra size dm ing room and a mother* kitchen. fine pantry and one bed room on first J floor; golden oak floors and finish t., top of stairs, then haa real bed rooms and bath with the finest of oak floor* and rypre * finish a real sleeping por. I* j glassed for winter and screened for sum met a large basement with everv con-j venlence. wonderful hot water heatim-j plant. Not priced at >8.000. whkh it's worth, but can be bought for >4,000 on terms of >1,000 cash. Ask us to take you through. PAYNE INVESTMENT UO . AT. 6960. Perrou. WE 0*32. Gibson. KE 3227 Ntwlon. KE. 2226. TURNER COURT APTS Most beautifully located and arranged 2-rrn. apartment, with 6-rm. accommo datlons; two beds, built-in features, oppo site boulevard and Turner pBrk Avail able at once. I '96. G M. HAUSER. Manager. 3102 Dodg<HA. 7140. APARTMENTS AND FLATS— |2S to 1*0 W. J PALMER CO. HEAT. ESTATE MANAGEMENT, Keellne Hidg_ AT. *9*0 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. WHERE OMAHA RENTS’* AT 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. FOR ONE OF DRAKES 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackaon 2*05. TWENTY-FOURTH ST. ::«Dsi. '%• —Five roriin flat, modern JA. 1.2. or J A 6*.7» STEAM heated, modern apartmetita, low rent. G. P. Htehblns. 161Q Chicago St. 5-ROOM second floor flat, 1619 Purl: Ave. porch Inundry; good condition $1 Call AT. 1619 Park Ave . 8 to 12 a. m HA. 7124, 8 to 10 a m , 4 to 7 p. m Five-room modern Choice location 19TH 8T 409*4 South 5 room modern. I best condition, >55. JA. 3664. APARTMENTS AND FLATS HII.U’HKST A 1'AUT'IKNTH NIp*. clean, cool, strict ly modern apt*. ?■ to $m pne week Everything furnished (»ne week * rent free. 91>M N 2 7 th Ave IIA 76*0 WINTER WILE MOON HE HER kT~ Pet nettled In mu* of our may npn* t merit* while we hn\r ho h inert men l to pick front. Apartments «*f any »* /*>. « nil ,Ta 2*0f>. Pinko Rental Agrn< \ 171 ti and flow a rd •i RO(>M APT. ,1210 Hum- $100 pci month .Janitor service, heat, and water. AT !I900^__ VKRY pISnNsnt pmtlv furnished ft room flat, fil/ 8. 2*ith A \ e. Adult* only. Tel AT $201__ ATTRACTIVE two room apartment, »il-i bath walking dlnignro. App! 2 N. 23d.__ HI NTER INN. AT *.'HiO~-24th and l»nd-n S'* Home f<" t • * • ■ ><n* man « od «. if* HOUSES*FOR RENT. Mix room modern bungalow' in Ponder with parage and Isrr* %ard *‘sll l\Hao A. Morgan. AT 9120, 1627 t'tty Natlonni Rank building I n 1A 8 24TII E|v» room modem boo I • M» Inquire at 1322 8. 24th tail A I'. I \ i 0274 l*TVE I^ltOK modern mom*. h*i ..n.i floor i |L’fi. watep furnished At He o and I In 7 opt •» lE'OM model n. !!»•«iv pnpered J,'. | . j I'orhy. >10 pp|' month WE 4 07 4 ITVE nmiii- and sleeping porch, all mod >*rn, choice location hi. 4•»r*7 Me van room hotter water Urnt. ffto ,. month. 29b0 Maith* OFFICES, STORES FOR RENT. INDIVIDUAL floor space In Industrial bldg, heated, fireproof, daylight bldg. Pass, and freight elevator service. Low rent, low Ins., light and power wiring. Ideal for light mtg. or other business; 5 car lines pass corner. WE. S48S. FOR RENT—Small office In front of ^ elevator. Apply room 400, First National Hank building. LARGE office for rent: reasonable; good location. Call AT. 7989. PRIVATE office, furnished. AT. 1606. _ rooms”for reTit. SIX-ROOM, ftmEoriinfurn , firat-clans home. In good location. KE. 0169. ROOMS FOR RENT. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS, suitable for four people employed; will equip for1 housekeeping; all conveniences furnished. Gall JA. 48f3.! HOTEL SANFORD—19th end Famam. HOTEL IIENSHAW—16th and Famam. Special rates to permanent gueeta. 509 S 22H— Lovely large front room on bathroom floor, strictly modern, for two gentlement or employed couple. 216 PARK AVK Lovely furnished room. I modern home, hot water alwaya, adjoining bath, gentlemen, reasonable. HA. 1328—Neat front room, with alcove, i suitable for 1 or 2; single bed* If de sired; private home. CAPITOL AVK, 2780 Lovely furnished deeping rooms, private home. HA. 7228. HARNEY ST . 3332—Excellently furnished room. HA. 2350. THIRTY FIRST. ST. 1128 S. — A tt ractivo rooms for rent. IT A. 0507. LARGE front sleeping room. S3 50. 209 8o 25th Ave. NIOELY furnished room in private home. West F.trnum district, garage WA 3602. I)UN I IKK DTK’/rIi.'T—T.ovcly furnluhrd room, tor feat., ref rcq. WA. 06S7. | BEMIS PARK, coxv cast room, home i privileges, <4. If A 1679 *| 2507 FAR NAM— Large cool sleeping room' in brick flat JA. 2413.i FOR RENT—Nice rooms on tba csr line. 1415 S Huh St 33d and Hodge, iergr. modern, nicely furn east and <<ou'h i oom HA. 59f>7 2108 Binnev, good room, good location, references required. WE. 0396 HO USEKEEFIN GROOMS. JA. 0325—One nicely furnished house- j keeping room, with kitchenette, on both room floor, one block from car line, j laundry prtv. JA 0226. j WIUT ST 212*—One nicely fur. hrkp* i room with kitchenette; everything furn . | 1 bile, from car line; laundiy prlv. WE. 03S1, JA. 4020—Two nicely furniahed. modern moms with private i hone and large fire place. This Is a private home and nut a rooming hou*»> cir»H in_l TWRNT1KTH AVt -J «4<* S —Ni. *ly fur nished front room. S20: heat. light, every- , thing fnrnlshc-d AT _ PARK AVK. 273—One large housekeeping room for couple employed. Walking die tance. HA. 147:. 2474 HARNEY St. clean 2-room ant. run ning .\vter. gas an<l electricity furn. $9 p*-r week, also sleeping room* j TWENTY-NINTH ST . 4702 NO.—On# j room an 1 kit< h*nette, #\erythm* com plet* KK 1996 _ TWO or three front rooms. furniahed. modern, private home. Alao garage. 2606 Knin.e* HE 5216 N 25TH—Three attraetive furniahed front rooms. Gas rang* . ? efrigerator, and al«o garage Call WE. 25** CASH ST. ink—Two rooms for light bskpg on 1 floor. 17; 2 rooma on 3d floor. >3 AT. 6106. BRISTOL St.. 2422—2 neat front rooma. everything furniahed. |7 week WE. 3064. TWO light housekeeping rooms. 2 girls • >r employed couple. Benson. WA. 075& DOUGLAS ST. 2111—Nicely furnished rooma J r-^'n at-G it, luding kit henette 31ST ST 11 2 H S Attractive rooms for rent. half Mock from nr. HA 0607. EARN AM 42 * Three nice. Urge hskpff rooms, mod . *-ver;> thlhg furn WA. 3061 HOI'«1;KKKPINO rooma Everything fur niahed f n I*. Res. 2424 Jones. HOWARD ST, 2202 Two-room house-1 keeping suite; cool and pleaaant. j CALIFORNIA 8T — 2 rooms complete. Aduit < Ref, • ■ w -n • W A 7 IM HA. 1504 Two or three furnished rooma j For couple employed HA ISM, . CURTIS AVK. an;,9- Two rooms for light housekeeping. KE. 3027. ROOM AND BOARD. 2 9TH ST. 1003 N Cozy 3-room suite also front room; excellent table and aervtco AT. 200M 29TH ST 1003 N* -Home cooking room and board. IN All new furn HA. 7131. WA 36'■ 2—Nicely furn. rooms prlv. . family, garage, on Fnrnam car line. f " - HOTELS. GLARE MONT HOTEL. 17TH AND JACK SON Weekly rates, t Co 110 AT. 6944 WANTED TO RENT. ?*l»f^r^?ijrnt»Tp,,d^T|,oui!e1i^e^»rn,g^^>om?f^nelir HA K K A L , KS.i^T&^ENSOWr^ YOUR LAST* CHANCE ROOM STRICTLY MODERN Bl*NG A • L« »W, X K A R L Y \ K W . ON PAY E l * STREET: CHOICE I LOCATION OWNER Ml ST MRi.l PRICED * 4 26" ACT QUICKLY. GALL WA 1076. IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN HERE IT IS A six room and hall stiirtly modern home Good as new Oak finish on first floor On paved slree’ Neat cat Choice local ion At sacrifice Good terms HELD LAND COMPANY. WA. 1076. BEY A LOT IN BONITA ADDITION fin Down. 110 per Month. Mr GAGE E INVESTMENT CO JA. 1146. OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOON \N|> AM, DAY SUNDAY DUNDEE MIA’OAUiW If A MI f .TON STREET ONLY I*™ CASH i'-.",* - 11 < 11 d h v afternoon n* spy tlm* Sunday and m-r roof. Hamilton street, nn iif tii-- finent and mo*t rompItU ^ f noma lrid hath, atrntlv modern loinrhlow* that «' <■ have i vrr offered .«i this pro s ntirl l*»m* c. inpiete • veil t«» d*« orations, g*a ivaf*i heater, fixture*, shadow screens and »\ «-r v t liitig ready to move tight in wlth put \our spending a • ent Onk floor* throughout Finish is oak and whit* •riwio.l Tim full «-'merit ha-*m*nt could rod h< loiter Coal ton frull mom anti rioor dm lit. Full lot quality of poo*!ig iop. (ompletenesa, hn Moving rightly lotatlon, eti . make* tb** "• ' IdingHlow uneMuale«t Mt f.S.K.rt, only I"»00 < .11ft and very reasonable monthly payment* * i i•*t Sunday w* offered a duplicate of bis bungalow About "* people tame to «•* it hut HI were disappointed The "■» ond orrsoti who ante took advantage • f n ft eat opportunity and bought the • rnpert v Most *■< tone wanting * hotn* would buy hD wonderful value ft* safe and bring Ktrns earnest monev lo bind the bargain MR HIUlliHT M PM IT HI NVi:it Ci.MPWA m VT.Torts 1 1 1 ,x,;; 11! 1 D U N DI • I lit 11.1 * I .* Tins CJKOfUi F A CO. V " 4 I mm DOWN buy * nifty DUNDR1Q m .n IAI.oVV of .. finished In oak and 'Hf; n i c 1 PtiMthsIlv new I'rli i’ t'n.l fA ;tgr.| «In> a_ _ >mi \ • I, OS n*» •avlng II v Muat by Sold. Hut t C. 1 I'owler Uo . JA 141* 1 DUNDEE BRICK Owner leaving city gays 'sell." Largo living room with fireplace, gunroom, din ing room and kitchen first floor; four lovely bedrooms up to the minute, bath room, hot water heat, double garage, cloae to car line and school. The one best buy In Omaha W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Realtors. 1320 Farnam St. JA. 0664. .Sun. WA 2878. UNDINK COURT APARTMENT. Three rooms and bath with 6-room ac commodations. Thoroughly modern in every detail; only a moment’s walk to the heart of the city. Also have a few garages located near. Shown by appointment. Phone AT. 6886. Evenings and Sunday, KE. 1326 TRAVKR BROS . INC. 81# First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE—Miscellaneous. $2,600 buys Jl-room rooming house, eight blocks southwest of 16th snd Farnam. 2 bath rooms; now raying $75 per mo., would eaaily bring $100. Buy from ownar direct. Call Mr. Meyer. WA. ." 483 I* H. KLWOOD. builders of modern homes. We will help vou finance. 419 Sunderland Bldg.. JA. ."688. CAMPBELL bullda best bungalows. Can show you many built this jtar. Let him build yours. b37 Keeline. AT. 8048. HCMES for working men. Four rooms, partly modern, full lot. easy terma. $1,200. Have others. Htewart. Ralston 10-W. A HOUSE and 2 lots In North Loup. Neb. P. O Box 406. fit Paul. Neb ALFRED THOMAS A Son Co.. Realtor* REAL ESTATE—FLORENCE. BUY FROM OWNERS, 5 room cottage In Florence. Not modern except light. $350 ; ‘■’ash. Bargain. Mr Elwood JA. 3886. Eve nings rail HA 3229 FLORENCE FIELD j WILL SOON BE OPEN. C. W MARTIN A CO._ | NETHA WAY «C1B to whites only. HE. 1409.1 REAL TAT A REAL COZY BUNGALOW. $5,000—11,000 CASH. A strict Iv modern five-room bungalow, located within walking distance of re tail district. Oak floors and finish Tins home la In good condition and has a two-car garage. FIRST TRUST CO. 400 First Natl Bank Bldg AT 0729. Evening, WA. 6021. YOU PEOPLE WITH A LITTLE CASH AND SOME AMBITION * an own a 4-room and bath strictly mod-1 ern bungalow, except gas, in very desir able location We have several of tb-*» houses finished and under construction. I Heavy oak floors, full cemented base ment. standard furni'fi. some built-in features. W« have sold ten of these Jus* recently. Phone us what you r»n do and, we will try and arrange «o you can have a home of your own Call Lewis WA 1 42:. R F CLARY CO. REALTORS 24th and Ames. KE. 0175. ] FINK LOCATION. I’* y wiU sell new modem bung alow exceptionally fine lot, with gat age may take car or tot a* nart down payment. Pri ed to •e’l. Mr. Lkkty. KE ISIS. near :gth and hpragle. ONI.V 94*-U pr»VV N Weil home, practically new Five room* and bath linen closet. stairway to attic, oak floor*, oak and enamel trim, full cement t»*serm-nt. floor drain and furnace. Lot M'xr.fc a snap in a good homo Be «ure to *e« it today, ■all HA 7 4 8 2. NEW BUNGALOW FROM OWNER V*rv fine, well built, five mom* and bath, modern, oak finish, you will Ilk* it li-a-lv to move In. Price cut for quirk sale Easy terms. Near new North Hide High arhoo!. -?A 2128. evenlags WA 5062. 5-R. FACING Fonteneli** High and sight ly, oak floors and finish Price 9 660. AT. 211S 11.000 WILL buy a nice little place to live in Ka»y term* or cash 4,07 De catur St, BY OWNER—5-room modern • bungalow. near school. 9M<0f>. !{en :4>'6, tern * D K. BUCK it CO. buy and sell homes RKAL ESTA^TE^SQUThT^ FIELD CLUB SPECIAL. ‘ liol • seven room home east front Ha* reception hall, large living and dining rcom in <»ak, and kitchen, down four fine bedrooms up. Large lot, good g« rage Prb e only 9*.75* Call JA 228: OHBORNE REALTY CO • 30 Peters Trust Bldg If ion wart a real bargain let us show you thle alt modern house, oak finish full lot. only 96.000 |2.or»0 « ash balance like rent Now vacant. 38th and Parker ftfl GEOROE HEATER. REAL ESTATE 1 >01 Vinton StI V 4 493 A BARGAIN Beautiful nine-room nearly niodetn home half block from <ar and *-h:>nj Hharb flowers Suitable for two families good neighborhood 9 2 400 - 91.7 1 1 <* .«!. be I .m»e 9 2'i per month "021 H 19th 1500 CASH 14 0 monthly 4. room* strictly modern. $4,500. 3016 Oak St. Edward F. Williams ,C'n. __ fi-R. TWO lot*, all modern but furnace, paved atreet. 93.500 Albright AT. -116 Tae*r A Tesar specialise In H. Side homea. ^^R^AL^ESTATE—-WEST^^^ WONDERFUL BUNGALOW. KOUNTZE PLACE SEE THIS. MAKE AN OFFER QUICK The owner of this **tra large bungalow with llvlpg room that will take In a grand pleno dining room with built-in aeat. paneled walls. beamed elllng* 2 extra large bedroom* with lots of win (lnw the finest of light oak floors and finish, a mother s lntchen and pantry, icebox room 1 dandy large room* < n second floor. a wonderful basement, screened front porch, pressed brick foun daMon. KtlllfltOM, and cement block g ■« r age to match, south front paved street and nald 11.1‘ 0 0 cash tequlred Quick Make vour offer TATNE INVESTMENT CO AT 6*10 Nswlon. KE 1141 Gibson. KE 32:7 Perrou. WE 083 i WEST DODGE INVESTMENT One duplex and one triplex, of brb K < on struct ien. PrartiraUv new and in excellent < ondl Hon Each Gat has six ro«»tiv> bath and sleeping porch; first floor finished in oak and second floor In white ensntel Oak floor* throughout Five garage* Income 94*o pn month Bllhtt duplet nr tfl plex may be *old FIRST TRUST CO 4«0 First Natl Rani* AT "• Evening*. '6 A Io.’ I BRAND NEW IIANSCOM PARK ID»MU. Five rooms and sun parlor, all on one fb'or. large ultlr. Intesr built In featm**. tiled bath wRh built in tub nice i «t<l **’dd*d and set phi In shrubbery, pared ■tre*t*; hist one block to ■ nr line I *« cited 28,16 8 3?d 8» House mil be decorated to suit purchaser Price $7.1 •« 9.0f» down, balance like ren* open e\e ntnga from 7 *.. 1 * G CAR! BERG llesh-o 313 Brandela Theater Rida »*»*"! BURT~.'•Tit LET — A wgndkukul HOME > rooms and hath tiled mid oak ffho •ak amt enamel finish Garage 11^ " move Into |7.7{.n Small b.w i«\ iiisnf, balstirs |*\ month. Mr 1. • ht\ Kenwood 1211 1 ■ I l MIR WOOD Da* uurdi'tn x 1 1 * ment diire, pavsd. must ssll. A I 3116 | ^^R^AI^ESjTAT^E—WEST\^ FIVE ROOM COTTAGE. Modern except heat. $500 down, balance like rent. O. A SANDELL. 517 Sunderland Bldg. AT. 9232; evening* HA 3634, OWNER WILL .SACRIFICE ‘’all for appointment to a»o this all modern bun galow. Five rooms, oak floors and finish On paved street, Mr Elwood. JA. 3886. Evenings call HA 3229. BEMTft Park, Lincoln boulevard, west of 33; * - room modern, hot water heat oak finish, very low for quick sale. Address Box Y-200O. Omah» Bee. Phone Walnut 84MS. New Homes—Your Term*. GROVE-HIBBARD CO.. AT. 4966. 626 Munderlsnd Bldg BUY FROM OWNER, 8-room modern home in Belli is park. Just redecorated throughout. Write owner for price and location. Hot W -896. Omaha H'e WILL build to your order on our beautl-I fjl lots in Edge wood; very easy term* Phone Atlantic 3640. ! » KOOMS ::u S. SiTH—Klee IIkht*. fur- j nace. cernent basement; 2 lots. $3,600. Easy terms, JA. ] n I c 3828 PARKER ST.—8 rooms, modern:! barn, extra lot. Easy payments. Creigh. I 60S Bee. JA. A2CM PARTPCIf A HI’KTTKf.MAH.T. AT. 82:0. I real ! TO TRADE for Eastern Nebraska or Iowa I farn\ or city property 2.280-a. farm and ranrh; land In Central Nebraska. Mostly level. 8oft water. Big orchard. School forty rods. Practically clear. Mod ern house. Fine groves. Describe fully in firat letter. Owner. George IJ. Ham. Elgin, Neb. FOR EX' 'H A NOF —Part or s’l of $20.,.Aft0 worth of good Illinois farm land, im- i proved, for cheap lands. 8. K. Hughes. \ 211 N Neil 8t . Champaign. 1 TWO fine Iowa corn farms. 400 and 240' teres: *an' Ford garag** with 180 to 400-j car contract or larger. Tucker Bros. Win-( terset. la1 _Rj£ALESTATE—WANT E WILL BUY OLD HOUSES Have clients for several old houses In need of repair. Call at once At. 3350. 8. H BROWNE CO. 542 Securities. | SERVICE AND RESULTS. Wh*n you list with us Competent sal*** force. JA 2850 GLOVER Al SPAIN. Realtors ( HAVE buyers for good homes Dp you V ant to sell yours’ List it with C X. Orltnmel, Realtor. JA. 1615. i PEE US firs*. Need listings, any location 5 to * looms. Hhopen Ac Co.. Realtors. JA 422?. Kcellne Bldg WE NEED some listings. Buyers waiting Quick action 1 J. L. HIATT CO,AT. >900. CHA8 W. YOUNG <V SON Real Estate, Rentals. Insurance. 1501 City Nat'l Bk. AT. 9*68 LIST your property with ‘’hrls Boyer, notary pub !*\ 22d and Cuming Sts. L J. Sevbold se Son. 226 City Nat. AT *<301_. LIST Vito U* lor CARL H. ROQS CO. AT. t»» S H Browne Co >»M> acres. AT. 2350. < haa K Beiman, AT. 5250. R«al Estate. Western Real Karats Co. JA 3607. Graham Peters Co . sell homes. JA. 0661 O v SASHELL, Real Es^te. AT. 9232. WE Ml*ST have some & and 6-r. hooves We ha\© buyers who must find a home at once. rail us for inspection at once. Evenings rail Mr. Reed. KE 4611. URCF-NIG REALTY CO. Realtors. . ,TA 1966 _Mf>n First Nat Bank. HASTINGS V HKYDKNr RKALTOR8. R K BENNER COMPANY — REALTORS SLATER A CO . Realtors. Keellne Bldg. FARM3 Fp_R SALE._ NEBRASKA—At auction. September 12. M^-acr* ranch. 11 miles north of Coaad. Nab. This te a splendid well improvt-d ranch Write for full particular*. Ad dr**. Nebraska Realty Auction Co, Cen tral City. Neb CASH FUR YOIR PROPERTY. Sales made in five states and 6f' count!** of Nebraska Col. Mark Carraher, Cen tral City. Neb. _ ~ BUSINESS SERVICE BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS. GET our price* on complete garages Mor rison Lumber 4k Coal Co* WE. 5511. . DANCING ACADEMIES. WE TEACH TOU HOW And we don’t mean MAYBE. • ’las* tonight. Private lessons any hour KEEPS, 111* Earnajn._JA. 4470 DANCING ACADEMIES. KKL-PINE. 25th and Farnam. Latest dance* taught Private lessons any hour. Clasat-a Mon. Thurs and Sal. 7 20 p Childr.-n's classes Sat afternoon AT. 765<>. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. JAM KS ALLAN S Detectives. Expert secret service, SI 1-312 Neville Block AT. 1136 RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland Bldg JA. 2011. night. KE. J812. I MILLINERS. DRESSMAKERS ct.nsKI1 Au*. . ' to W «. NEBRASKA l’l.KATlNo 1*04 ■ «** ontl floor, .1 A * * ■ 0 Choice Building Site# in Happy Hollow $1,200.00 to $3,500 00 One-fifth cash, balance easy term*. 50 to 73-foot frontages. All street improvements in. GEORGE & CO. asi alt one-* AT lantic 3024 7% Guaranteed I irst Mortgage Heal Estate Bond' denomination* of $500 and $1,000 Principal and semiannual infeieai guaranteed |»y PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 537 Om Nat l BW Bldg. AT. 8MO COAL STRIKE WHY WORRY \HOtn THAT WHKN OIL IS COMINO POWN A NO W V. i \N HI A r YOUR HOMI AS CHI AP UK i HI \ EH THAN COAL ATI ‘RESENT I'RH 1 I T 1MIN.VI INti ASH EM AND HOST* THE CONVEX IENCE IS WOR I’H Till MIA! L PRIC1 II ONI EASON Wl ARAN 1 i i I <» HR AT YOUR HOUSE SATIS!-At TORtl Y. Collins - Grip Burner Co. AT 1 SI OR HA .visi 10* AR I HI K lllHI PINC j MILLINERS. DRESSMAKERS. FURS remodeled, choker* made; Suit*. droswe* altered. If A. *18 04 DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy aewing. Reasonable, Call AT 9212. MOVING, STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household goods, pianos, office furniture 1107-11 HOWARD ST.JA. 02«« EXPERT Chin*, furniture, packer*, fir* proof storage. Phone JA 1604 The Terminal Warehouse Co., 702 South 10th St., corner Jonea. on Viaduct. IIAULINO—Anytime. anyplace. aehe*. rubbish removed. Cinders delivered. WA. 7716 ESTIMATES furnished on packing, moving and storing. Contract* taken by job or hour Globe Van & Stor. Co.. JA. 4338. AT. 0230 Moving-Packing—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co 219 N. 3 Ith St. Phone JA. 2032. BEK I NS OMAHA VAN~* STORAGE. 16th and Leaven worth 8ta. Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping. JA. 4162. PAINTING, PAPERING. ~ PA PERU A NO ING—New book now in. Let us show paper and give estimate Prompt service. Fred Parks. AT. 7404, or MA 0101. PATENT ATTORNEYS. I. W MARTIN. 1712 Dodge. Room 2 Of. Omaha, also Waahlngton; double aervlce. single fee. Also help aell patent*. PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS. F.DDT Printing Go.. 212 S. 13 Bt. JA. 6QS3. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the f* Gherman A McConnell Drug fcRorea. DENTAL X-ray 50c each 13 full act 619 Securities Bldg. 16th and Farnam. , ■ RADIO. GUARANTEED radio s*t» 13.45 and up. R M. Sh’.iee. 218 North lfih S^.VICES OFFERED. «.ENERAl" REPAIRING- Brick, cement work, chimney. basement. retaining walla, driveways estimates free. K E 5453. SODDING, seeding and cement work; all work wri-teii guaiant»*». WA. 109T-F-7. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Th# Enrlgn Co. 2906 Leavenworth. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. To the Owners of all )o:«. land tracta and pare**.a of land* within Street Im provement District No 1316, and to the owners of all lots, tracts and parcels of lands, abutting on or adjacent tg that part of Ailev between list Street and Hanacom Boulevard from Ed Creighton Avenue to Martha Street, in i the City of Omaha. Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that there ha* teen filed with the City Clerk of th City of Omaha a petition for the improve ment of that part of Alley between 31st Street and Hanacom Boulevard from Ed. Creighton Ave . to Martha Street. ;n the City of Omaha, by paving, said petition being in words and figures a* fo*o.w* Petition for Improving Alley between j *l#t Street and Hanscom Bouievard from j Ed. Creighton Avenue, to Martha Street, j To the Honorable City 'Council of the City of Omaha We, the undersigned, owners of lots or lands abutting upon that part of Alley between list Street anil Hanacom Boulc *. ar-d from Ed. Creighton Avenue *o Martha Street in Street Improvement Dis trict No 1315 in the City of Omaha, being record owners of a majority of the feet frontage on said part of said street, as shown by the generally recogn xed maps of eald city, do hereby petition i that the same be improved by paving And we do further petiUoif the Coun- J cil to order such Improvement and cause | it to be made, and that thirty days be ! allowed to the property owners in aa.d District within which to designate the materia! dealred to be used in the pav ing of »aul atreet. Wiihelmlna Armbrust Bock, Auguat «?h. 1523. Lot 12. Block 1. Virginia Place, 60 feet front by 120 feet deep. Alberta T. Vette. August 12th. 1122. Lot 11 Block 1, Virginia Place. 60 fee; front by 120 feet deep. Kathryn O Cox August 12th. 3*2*. Lot 1". Block 1, Virginia Pia e, i.0 fee; front by 120 feet deep Almira 1'. Clark per 7. oro D. Clark. Auguat 15:h, 1*23 Lot 14. Bloci 1. Vir ginia Place. 50 feet front by 129 feet deep Harry M Lapidus. August 15th. 1*23. Lot 15. Block 1. Virginia Pla-e. 60 feet front bv 120 fset deep Herbert K Dunn. August 15th. 1*23 N u of Lot 2. Block 1 and also Lot 1. Block 1. Virginia Place Lewis I*. Lintner Ex August 16th. 1*23. West 65 feet of Lot 6. Block 1. Vir ginia Place. Fabian * Hoagland. Auguat 16th. 1*2.> East 55 feet of Lot 16. Bio *. 1. Virginia Place. Amy C. Brown. August 16th 1*22. I.ot 7. Block 1. Vuginia Place. 50 fee: front by 120 fen deer Nichoiaa J Weller and Wife. August !6th. 1523, 1 t 6. H.ock 1. Virginia Place. 50 feet front by !.■ feet deep Joe and Ida White August 16th. 152". ! Lot 6. Block 1. Virginia Place 60 feet front by 120 feel deep Arthur F. Do'.n. August 21. 1*2.3. South! ** of Lot 3. Block 1. and the North 1 2 v* I feet of Lot Blc*« k 1. Virginia Place. ' 37 U feet front by 120 feet deep Cirri" K ff: August . h, IK *.9* . Block 1. Virginia Place. 50 feet front by 120 feet deer James P. Borer August 10th. 1*23. I.ot *. Block 1. \ irginia Pla* e, £0 feet front by 120 feet deer Barbara F Welch. August ?0th 1*23 Lot 4. Block 1. Virginia Place. 40 fee: front by 1*0 fe*t deep. Filed August 21st, 1*23. at 60.05 o clock a m You are further notified that you and •ach of you will have IS day* from Au gust 3o 1*2*. the f.rst day of publica tion hereof In which to file protest in the office of the City Clerk against the regularity, legality or sufftclercv of aa'.d petition or any signature thereon. Published in accordance with Resolu tion No 6401 f*erle« 1*2* Omaha. Nebraska August *9. 1*23 OLA TDK F BOSS IF City Clerk 4 2n *1. and S 1 NOTICK. To th# owner* »>f th* aereral p.ei#» of real estate hereinafter dea^nbed Toy and each of >oy are hereby notl fld that on (he 21st day of August. If2.“. rttjr Council of tha <'.ty of Omaha, adopted Heeolutlon No (2f1. which L> in the words and figure* following on the east aide of 49th Avenue of Artificial Stone class A 4 f* ef wide Lot 11. Block 1. I'loverdale Addition »"Tt (he south ehie of Jonas Street of: Artlf al ‘•tone -iHsa A . 4 feet wide Lot « Block 15 lsa»i A Solder, a Addi tion • 'n the W es* Side of 50th Axetme of ar tif al alone, Cass "A 4 feet wide Lois 19. if ?0 and 21. Block J. Bar ney place A ldlt on T.o»a 1 2, 5. 4 K I and 5. the north and the anyth a of l.ot a l<ot If. Block Kich mond A ild l tlon On the north a da “of Jackson Street of Artificial Stone taas 'A ' 4 feet wide Lot Bauman a 1st Addition to West S le Addition, on the eaM aide of 49th Street of Artificial Stone class A" 4 feel wide i i*. m, •«.*, «* a: At at :•» ?t :: 7" and 71 Hampton Pla<-e Addition T ot 15. Block “K". ink* James Park Ad dition Op th* «c»i side n? 44th S*reet of Ar il f|c la I Stone i I » s ’• A 4 feet w id# 1 7 7 . ' 7 9 x ‘ ' 1 't i .1 ‘ 11 amp ton T'la-’e Addition Lota 1A and 11. Block 'T Lake James Park Addition. t *n the ea«t ail. of 49th Arreet of Ar tificial Stone rises A 4 feet wide Lot ft Block 7 Baker P ace Addi tion in* the south side of Trait Apert of Artificial Stone . lass A 4 feet wde Lota I 4nd •( Block 1 MIIiIim Ad d 1 r ton * *.» t * e « • 1 • 0 sir f «' and i*f V»t:f»« a I Stone d*>i V 4 f r wide The east T2 feet and the w r-t S* fret f 1 .t . I hr eat' S of Lot nest a |rrl T Ot 4 l ot i’ Bio 'k I. 1st Addition Trti'n Path Addition »»n the I*. h i* df of l.a< nime Av*nu» of v r t I f. ill S CPf <;**s A 4 feM w tdr 1 ’< 1 • * *rt r 1 «s ( i' ll in.! 1' tha south 9*1 feel of lots 1* • ml ?' Bek t let AJdMion to Tyct* Park Addition I’d th* weat a ot a *( 4*;h »i aet of CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES Artificial Stone class "A” 4 fee; wide The e<iuth 86 feet of Lot 20, Wo« k I, let Addition to Pruyn Park Addition. On the south aide of Iiupont Street of brick, 4 feet wide to repair: The east 20 feet end the west 27 fe*t wf Lot 5. Block 4. Dupont Plate Add : mr * *n the north aide of Blnney Street of artificial Stone class "A‘* 4 feet wide Lota 13, J 4, jr., 16. J 7. 1%, 1f. 20, 21. 22 23 and 24, Block •. Lincoln Hetgh'e Addition. On the east aide oT 42d Street of Ar tificial ,-:i ne class **A" 4 feet wld* Lote ’> and 10. Block 16. Lote 9 and 10 Block 15, Lot 9. the north and south ’y of Lot 10. Block 6, Lota 9 and 10. Block 5. Hitchcocks 1st Addi tion. On the north aide of Dorcae Street of Artificial Stone close "A" 6 feet wide to repair: The east ty and west Vs of Lot 12. Block 2. Improvement Association Addi tion. .<>n th^ west side of 42d Street of Artificial Jit one class "A" 4 feet wide Lota I and 24. Block 1, Lote 1 and 24. Block 2, Lote 1 and 24. Block 3. Tx>ts 1 and 24, Block 4. Creighton Heights Addition. On the east aide of Fontenell* Foul# vard of Artificial Stone cJaae ’‘A’’ 4 feet wide: Lot 6. Block 1, Pruyn Park Addition. On »he ntjrth side of Madiaon Street of Artificial 8ton# class “A" 4 feet wide: Lota 15. 20, 21. 22. 23 and 24. Block 54 Albright* Choice Addlttor On the east side of C8th Street of Ar tificial Stone class “A- 4 feet wide Lots 21. 22. 23 and 24. Block 2, Lan caster Place Addition On the west side of Fonteuelle Boule vard of Artificial Stone class "A" 4 feet wide: Lot 1, Selby Huighte Additions Lots 1 and 26. Block 2, Gale City Park Addi tion. <>n the south side of Camden Avenue Of Artificial Store clcae *‘A’* 4 feet wide: Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. :. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. * 12 ,nnd 15. Block 2. Gate City Park Addition: Lots 1, 2 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. t. 9. 10 and 11. the east \k and west Vs of Lot 12. Lots 13, 14 and 15. Block 4. Lota 1. 2, 3 4. 6. 6 7. *. 9 10, 1 1. 12. 13. 14 end 15. Block 3. Cottage Home View Addi tion. On the north side of Camden Avenue of Artificial Stone < !ass "A” 4 feet wide. Lota 16 17. is 1?, 2ft. 21 and 22, the east snd west of Lot 23 lo’s 24. 25. ?€. 27. 28, 29 and 30, block 1. lots 16, 17. IS. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26 27. 28. 2» and 1ft. Block 2. Cottage Home View Addition; Lota 14, 15. 16 }, II. 19. 20. 21. 22, 2 3. 24. 25 and 26. Block 1. Gate City Park Addition On the south aide of Military Avenue of Artificial Store class "A" 5 feet wide: Lot 3. Hibbard Plan* Addition. On the south s’de of Hartman Avenue ot Artificial Stone class “A” 4 feet wide Lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 12. 1J. 14 and 15, Block 2. Floroma Addition. On the north side of Lafayette Avenue of Brick 4 f*-et wide to relay. The South 60 feet of Lots 21 and It Block 22. Walnut Hill Addition. On th*> north aide of Farnam Street of Artificial Stone '-Ians “A” 2ft f»et wide: Th« west 22 feet of Sub Lot 31, of Lot 3. Capitol Addition. On the west side of 52nd Street of Ar tificial Stone claas “A" 4 feet wide’ The east 147 feet of Lo*s 13, 17 and 18, Block 3 Washington Hill Addition; I-ots 12. 13 and 14. Harrison Place Add rion. Lots 1. 2 snd 3. Paul's Sub of Lot 14. Block 2 Washington Hill Addition, Lot 1. Elliot t Place Addition Such sidewalks to be constructed under the supervision of the City Engines*- and in acrordam e with the plana and speci fications end requirements as prepared by thp City Engineer and adopted ar.d approved by th*> Mayor and City Coun :! of eald City: Provided that »h«* owner or nwrers of the premiere herein d»srr:b*-d ?hal! have twen’y days from and after the last publication of notice hereof. In which *o lay or construct said sidewalks ! or to commem *» the laying or *-©n*tru* t on of said sidewalks as provided here in: and provided, further, that the d or owners are hereby notified end warned that if they fail, neglect or re fuse to lay or «on*truct raid sidewalk or to enter upon the laying or cons’ructtng j of said sidewalks as herein orders*! with in 20 day a after the la*’ rubll’Xttcn cf such no’ice that ♦hen and the*-eaf*rr the t'ity of < mah* will advertise for contrac tors' b de on all walks remaining urcor • trusted t nd upon the award of contract accordingly and the completion of the work, the said cost will be thereafter levied and assessed by the Mayor and Ci’v Council ae % epecitl tax again**, their said premises. Omah«. Nebraska. August 79rh. 1121. CLAUDE F BOSMH, City Clerk. A 29.3ft.31 NOTICE. To the owners of l^t# and r> «■ of real •state hereinafter described: You and each of you are hereby notified ♦hat U Street from 13th Street to 15th S'reet. 15th fpree*. from S ctr*et to W street. *5 Street from 15th Street to 18th Stree' within Grading Improvement No 111. u» ordered graded Jr. ore and the asms proceed rg i> P.eao ut on No. 541t duly adopted on August 2*th. 1521. You are further notified that unlew the -ecord owner# 40 per cant of the taxah’A frontage abutttnr upon aa d part r' *a.d street, file proteat with the City Clark on or before September 25tn. 1523, being thirty daye from tfce f'.r-t date of publication, sa.d grading will b# done Published b accordance with Raaola tion No. 5418 Omaha. Nebraska August 10th i»2f. CLAUDE F BOSSIE City Clark. A-38. 51. S I LEGAl"~NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICE. UNION PA * ’ I FI*' RAILROAD. AUCTION. Tne f. Jawinr unclaimed taggage will be so.a at auction at eaat end of Omaha l nion Station Baggage Room, Omaha. Neb commencing at I ft a m. Tuesday >«ptember 11. 1523. and onttnuing the *\n‘* hour each day uktil. ail has been sold : Trunk*—Henry JgcVson. Sioux Citv: L. V Klbby. Omaha. M ke Torer: Carl I. ' If^Mt. Tom KaHa* Freder: k Gerker . « urn# A Fenny: William J. Johnson. Ramarei Anaconda Mont .; A. E Bus Nonh Platte: Lavender David Gafa'der \ic»°r B. H1ortsb>i:g. R*:n Bow Min# Rje 'alley ore., 'era Omaha A t*r? Hu iter, • are bn Ell «r,n. Eaton < o!o Rum-1: Mallohen; /r.Jre# Perej •■n. Green River; Gladys Graham; CVcL J Loden. Ethel E Smalley. Suitcase#—Jack Austin C. F Gorman. °tnaha Norman Edward# H. S Haswe! Rawi:ns; G B King William Sander# Sloan Nichols R W 'Vilaon s Hughe* O D Ilatridge F rt Bl $a. Tex \ M McCart: I.ouis Yoekeat. Laramie n Astoria; I*. Howell: Tom Hunter, Hayward Brothers. Onuh* 'Yiillam Mt' e:s Thom** Pagtulo: E E Ifort-»r.. Grips—Ralph A I/Cr»nib!*> J P T^e "ymore. Neb Hies Jet? a B'o##. S*bj IK K Ha W A Tavlor, Ogden. M. Matson Port’and Bundle*—Paul Du#<ant: IT Baker Sample Case—August Witt B've*—TV. H Shrubert. Jennings Kan . I* 1 Johnson, Gordor. Neb ; W ♦ * «m Norris, Hanna. Also 80« i!» f miscellaneous s ’>s cor.s ating of trunk# boxes, rhee'.# bundles, blanket#, valises, g ;n*. watches, overcoats umbrellas, musical irtatre menta not marked . . • GEORGE L ALLEY. General Baggage Agent * i" M il s#r< : REQUEST FOR Bit's UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM of AMiM&nt t® the Pre*.dent l'ursuant to the regularlor.* of the Interstate Commerce Com mi at ion in ita order dated October 4. Ill* in Pocket Kt Parre No. 54 the Union Pa- ific Railro*. « mpany. Oregon Short L na R* 'road 1 ‘’mpany. «vre* n-Wash ngton Rs.irogd and Navigation Company. I -* Ange'ea A >Hlt Lake Railroad Company and the > Joseph and Grand Island Rajisra' 1 ompany hereby request bid* and hereb'v gjxe notice that they w.ll re e ve bida for .heir requirement* for or.e year comment'* « September 15 lf:i of standard large Maada Incandescent lamp bulbs and mtn istqre Mazda Incandescent lamp bu’b*. »g*regs:ing approx, mately »«vent\-rr\e ihauaand dollar* ilTS.OC and ten thousand doll*-a < tlf 0© 1 • * re value, respectively Bid* must be addressed and aub •r. tied to the undersigned at h.s office b' l.o clock noon central standard time of SatunUx. the 15th day of September Bide received after that time will mt be considered Bid* roust be prepared and »wb rmtted on the forms prescribed in the •’gv:.*tior.s mentioned above wh’oh forma "1 ' furn.shed on r* quest by tha unde signed. * Th» pu,'rp.,ful bicM.r wilt S. r» to *r.,»r no and »>•" )>• ?«,r‘V »«l»l N- 1 151 .■wn,«-nln« out' ■ tanlUlly th. o.-n«:a| i.rm. and ;lon» .a follow. * 'r »"*tf *• ont .'it bu s. >. b* fur iht'd front ti-rie to urns throughout tA« '•r d of the contract a* remired bv the »*-d companies All material and work uatiahlp to be strictly first-class 1n ever ■r»pect All lamps to be properlv pac\ , ■ lavtnenf* to be made within 4» da* « 1 °m %5* lit'olce and ehipmer.t o' material i» > h* right s .I--*er\»d ;o eot an *nd all bids and to accept sr« part of mr one bid. 4 The successful bddcr shall tf re lulred by the railroad companies famish x bond in th« sum of ten thousand do on r, • h orporete euret • 'f -m, approved bv the racroad ratr •an'f* conditioned upon the faithful an •rompt perform#*-' of a ' the term* o' ■ sid contract The expanse* for the rm -n .>n ■itch * f required, v e^bron* by the railroad compan'e* Contp'ei# Infoi tna> b* eh ■ med at the office of the undersigned i free .'f charge) during tb# bUStn<-»* hour* '• *'■' bn* ness day by im person or p*r » ■ «h.i may desire or propose to •«!» n't bide P* * ! ih • ;:ih day of august *4f? N l • ' V PAi irtc R At t.BOAT* iTMPtN) •mK-c \ Mi*-nr use Ktimou* i'OMI'NY 'RFOOV )X 4FMIN . ro\ RAH BOAT* A NAVIGATION '» ' M F \ ,N \ VNGFU v .1 bAl r LAKf BAU n-'AP VN'MPWY :n\ st t. s» fii a (HUM) muxsr* RAU.W \ \ ndll'tN) Rv V r A PAM A Aevistart to the r***'d*ot. Room 4*? t’nion Fact fir Bti”.<1mg l • 4 4 P -g« > 'me b v * *. \ SI 5 14 ?