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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1923)
Johnson Refuses Political Comment California Senator Greeted by Father and Friends in y Home State. Sacramento. Cal., Aug. 31.— Greeted by his father and many friends. United States Senator Hiram W. Johnson stopped here for a few minutes today on his way to San Francisco. Senator Johnson expressed his de light at getting home again, but still refused to discuss politics. He re iterated his previous statements re garding the situation abroud. In a statement to the Sacramento Bee, the senator branded as a "pure lake" the purported interview' with him at Omaha, in which he said he w-as made to talk of President Cool idge. "Because of my long ahsence, tvpd because I deemed the time inoppor tune, I have refused to discuss pol itics in any fashion,” Senator John son declared. "This I have said to all reporters. I have not and will not talk politics utftil I have con ferred with my California friends and met with the men and women wh i did the great progressive work c-in, other days there will be for atatements and contests and 1 ... 1 sitite. Today I’m just home again and very happy." Senator Johnson spent most of the time while his train stopped here in conversation yith Ills father, I Grove I., Johnson. — Cass County Pip Crop Good, Shipper to Omaha Asserts J. F. Wood of Alvo, who shipped a mixed load of livestock to the ! Omaha stockyards yesterday, said the pig crop in his section was show ing up nicely, with prospects in gen <ral looking better than they have for some time. Mr. Wood has lived In Cass county for f>2 years end has been a regular shipper to Omaha since the estab lishment of the stockyards. He said the wheat crop will be light in his neighborhood, but that the corn will turn out big. State Meeting of League of I W omen Voters to Be at Aurora! Aurora, Neb., Aug. 31.—-The, state; convention of the Nebraska League of Women Voters will be held in Au rora October 4 and 6. Mrs. Elizabeth Senning, acting president of the state league, is in*Aurora making plans for the convention. The national league will be represented at the convention by its first vice president, Miss Bell Shrewln of Cleveland, O. Mrs. Nancy Schoommaker will address the convention on the world court. If you are caught in a shower an.l are afraid the tain will spot your dress, wipe it off immediately with a piece of soft silK, always stroking in the direction of the nap. For You ^ ONTS ^ i sssJCE CREAM Today! FRESH PEACH —a “Peaches and Cream” special that’s made of Delicia Vanilla and full-flavored peaches, ripened in the orchard and specially selected for this dainty. Get Fairmont’s Fresh Peach Special—and you get a real treat. Take it home today in bulk—or in pint or quart sealed packages. Frozen Fresh Daily the BETTER Way in / Omaha, Crete, Grand Island and Sioux City 1*22 FairmontCreamery COiliE. ^■KH2&Estabushed 1384- DeliciaIceCreamWEUMtC. r General Information Mr. Ek, HA. 1325 Macaroon Jumbles 2 tons Fresh Naked Fancy Cookies for Handy Service Stores. 3 lb. Cady, Family Size JUST AROUND THE CORNER TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER NOW! “The Telephone Is for YOUR Convenience” STORES CLOSED AT NOON LABOR DAY Place Your Order Saturday for Monday Morning's Delivery Fruits and Vegetables ADiftlAFC Siinklst, sweet and juicy ORANGES 4<)c RPinS Kx,ra Fan,T< Washing. f)r _ PEARS r'r APPLES BT’" 65c PEACHES 25c GRAPES s>r' ”■ 25c CAULIFLOWERS'-"" 20c CUCUMBERS 5c THMATOPQ SmaM hn*M i5c I UIvIM I U CO Market basket35£ RADISHES 2s, 8c BEANS Hr 10c LETTUCE Ice Berg, per Head, IOC PUFFED WHEAT, 2 for 25c Bran Flakes, Kellogg’s 3 for25c SWEET PICKLES, Fun Quart.,43c MAZOLA Quarts, 57c CRISCO 1 and 1-2 lb. Cans 35C Baking Powder, i“'K.r,::'-29c CLEANSER, ow Dutch; 3 for 28c MATCHES, 6 for 37c MACARONI, 3 for 25c Toilet Paper, a;r.,...'r, ,,'"'25c MILK Roberts’ Stays Fresh Longest HI ■ I Macaroni—THE DISH—Df Skinner s mi<ip tr**h to~ Forbes' coffee Rrjfulnr 45r talar* firr lb. ... _ n jggyj H ============r || Fairmont'. BynERsfe FI DIIR OMARmOEFLOUR | | I "Kirry aark Kunrantrrd|** 24-lb. aark. „ 11 — ■ —— — “CRYSTAL WHITE” I “For llir family laundry** . MAI T “PURITAN” I ■ I SB [ ■ Illrh* dt llrloua, prr ran . nnr ■ “FAULTLESS77" nnrA “milk crust” UIILft “POTATO BREAD” Oil Rates Suspended Washington. Aug. 31.—The Inter state commerce commission today suspended until December^ 30 the operation of certain schedules pro posed by the Atchison. Topeka & Why Take the Chance? When you buy “just cheese” you never know by whom it is made, how, or under jvhat conditions, neither do you know the flavor or quality until perhaps toolate. When you buy Kraft Cheese, you are buy ing a trade-marked product guaranteed by the makers—master cheesemakers. A product with every safeguard to protect its purity, and you further know that each new purchase will be as clean, as wholesome and of the same delightful flavor as the last. The very best of rea sons for demanding Kraft Cheese. > Four varieties: American, Pimento, Swiss and Brick, sold by the slice, pound or loaf. 8 VARIETIES IN TINS Santa Fe railway Increasing rates on petroleum and Its products. The rates, now to be Investigated by the commission, affect shipments of pe troleum and Its products from pro ducing points in Kansas and t'olora do, north of Denver, and the ex treme southeastern portion of Wyom ing. _ _ Ow»~ vsssk Will Not m Injure the WHEN IN NEED OF HELP TRY OMAHA BEE WANT ADS jflNf ^^k Ml Al__ ^*j £2*/*J Another Piggly Wiggly 4960 Podge Street Roses Free to Every Adult Our new store at the above address will open Saturday, Septem ber 1st at 9 a. m. We invite you to inspect our wonderful dis play of fresh fruits and vegetables. Jello 'Flavors 10c Cream Cheesed 28c Butter r lb. 48c Post Toasties 81c Early June Peas t: '13e Pure Strawberry 16-ounce aq. Preserves Jar »vw DSaItIaC Harmann’sSweet OQa rlUMCo Quart Jar VVV These Prices Are Good at All Piggly Wiggly Stores -OUR NEW BAKERY Under Management of West Farnam Bakery. Depart ment restocked with delicious, fresh, home-baked bread twice daily. You’ll find this a convenient place to buy quality bakery products. 2 Large or 3 small loaves Bread .«<>r Genuine Bohemien Bread that is made wholesome, t tasty and sanitary. Butter peer5tibCresm'ry: 46c CHEESE 29c GEM NUT r.3 21c OLIVES ^ ^.- 33c Coffee Fr 98c FLOUR Sr,l VI $1.49 MACARONI B"‘ 25c RICE Fancy Blue Rose, 3 Its. 19c P. & G. SOAP 10 Bars 42c Prime Rib Kt 19c CHICKENSKi-:r w r,”h33V2t PORK CHOPS 22VaC RIB BOIL Choice Steer, III. Sc PORK SHOULDER [r,,93/4C ROAST ”... 12y2c VEAL ROAST t r i 15c PICNIC HAMS V”0””1 12V2c HAMS su-ri: H-If... 211/zC BACON C-J’H”1 „ 173/4C GRAPES wM‘ 38c PEACHES El; 21c C A NT A L 0 P ES !£r, £~- 25c WAX BEANS 10c LETTUCE 3 10c BLACKBERRIES LT 11c SUNKIST ,k*;: -BUY FLOUR =•£=■- SUNKIST