Scouts Add 359.29 Pounds and 8.25 Feet to Makeup at Camp Gifford 375 Omaha Youths at Annual Outing Have Few Med ical Defects—They Are Divided Into • Six Sections. A monster, eight and one-fourth feet tall, and scaling at about 359 1-4 pounds, was brought to Omaha by the Boy Scouts of the local council who have spent 10-day outings at Camp Gifford, this summer. The lads proudly declare that their little pet was not at the camp when they first arrived and that they have raised It during the six periods into which their camping season was divided. In short, the giant symbolizes the combined additional weight and in i "ease in stature which the 375 boys, who have enrolled fur the camp, have "put on" during their various 10-day outings. This huge amount aver ages approximately .93 of a pound and .261 of an inch In height per boy. In other words, the average youth that attended the camp returned home almost a pound heavier and over a quarter of an inch taller than when he left. Daily Routine. The following is an outline of a day's routine at Camp Gifford. The menu is changed every day, having been plotted out before the camping period started: 5:30 i. M.—Reveille and flag raising. S:30 A. Af.—Retting up exercises. « :40 A. At.—Alornlng dip In the pool. 7:15 A. At.—Breakfast: Hot cakes and svrup, fried bacon, cocoa, bread and but ler. 9:15 A. Af.—Officers' esli and inspection. 9::;o to 10:39 A. At.—Hcouteraft. 1 0 ■ 59 A. At —"Poor fish" swim (Scouts who have not passed their first swimming I est). 11:00 A. Af.—"Muskrats" swim (first rlass scouts are allowed a longer time in the water). 13:00 A. A!—Dinner: A'egetable soup and < lackers. creamed corn, potatoes, boiled beef, bread and butter, milk and tapicoa pudding. 12:30 to 1:30 r. Af.—Afterrroon siesta. 1:30 to 130 P. M.—Free period. ?;50 P. At.—Roll call. 40 P. At.—.“Poor fish" swim. ■c " 4:10 p. m.—"Atuskrats" swim. 5:30 P. At.—Supper: Cold meat, mashed potatoes, cabbage ealad, bread and butter, sliced peachee and milk. 5:00 P At.—Retreat: Camp fire, stunt*, games, etc. 9:00 P. Af.—Call to quarters. 9:50 P. Af —Tattoo, quiet. 9 00 P. At.—Taps. Food Doesn’t Fatten. w here boys have shown a decrease In weight while at camp, it is gen erally found that the lads when at home were in the habit of eating be tween meals and excessively of candy Hnd other fattening foods. That it is not food that fattens is found in the record of the 82 boys who attended the fifth period camp. These boys were to have been the hosts of the Omaha Rotary club who were obliged to postpone their trip as a token of respect to the late presi dent and because of the rainy weath er. • But additional provisions, in cluding large amounts of roast chicken and ice cream, bad already been pro \ ided at the camp, awaiting the Rotarians. Consequently, the boys of this period were royally fed. More ever out of the 10 days those boys were at camp, seven were so rainy that much outside recreation was im possible. One would suppose that the increased rations and the lack of ex ercise would tend toward the fatten ing of the lRds. But the medical report shows that, at this largest of all out ings in the history of Camp Gifford. :stj lads lost a total of 52 pounds, 24 \ ouths gained a mere total of 30 pounds, and 19 boys gained not at all. J^ilrty five did not show any Increase ' ,n height while 45 gained a combined total of only 16.25 inches. In no other period did the weight losses anyways near approach the weight gains. Contrast it with the smallest period, the last period, held for colored scouts only. In this camp, the 26 scouts enrolled gained a total of 75 pounds, or nearly three pounds each; not one showed any weight loss, and but two failed to gain. And in measurement, this contingent, less than a third of the size of the fifth period, gained a total of 8.75 inches in stature or over half of the gain showed by the fiftli group. Rerords Compiled. These records have been compiled by R. S. Russell, a senior medical student at the Nebraska Medical school, who has been acting through the summer as physical director of the camp. Every scout entering the camp was weighed and measured be fore he, entered and when he left. Mr. Russell also subjected each scout to a thorough medical examination. The officials at the Omaha council 'head quarters in the Patterson block noti fied parents of his “finds'' that it possible they might be remedied. In the examination of the 26 colored boys comprising the sixth period, the only imperfections found were two cases of adenoids, while In other periods 11, 15, 13, and even 23 cases of defects were reported. Don Kinsey, second period scout, copped first honors for gain in weight. Don left the camp 3.5 pounds to the good, Jumping from 68 1-2 pounds to 78 in his 10-day stay. Bernard Kind berg ofsthe same period holds second place on the gain scale, having raised his poundage from 130 to 136 1-2 pounds, or a gain of 6 1-2 pounds. Neither of these lads showed any In crease In height. Several scouts reached the 5.5 pound gain mark made by Don Nelson in the first period, hut none but Kinsey and Kindberg passed it. Boy Gains 28 Inches. The altitude record for this sum mer's camps is held by Thomas Keegan of the fourth period who gained two inches, growing from 5 feet 3 1-2 to 5 feet 5 1-2. Gustav Puchs, Haul Graetz. Edwin Perl and Robert Rahn, all of the fourth period, are reputed officially to have shrunk a quarter of an inch each during their 10-day stay at camp. The first period has the most enviable height record however, al though it broke no records. Its larg est gain was made by Pat Gill and was only 1.75 inches. Nevertheless, a gain of 1.5 and 1.25 inches were recorded in the same period, as were nirfe gains of an inch each. Other period record^ do not compare with its showing, its 59 boys gaining a total of 23.25 Inches. The 80 boys comprising the fourth period set a period weight record, adding a total of 157.5 pounds or nearly two pounds each. In this contingent, gains of two, three and four pounds were frequent. So it is that after 375 scouts have enjoyed a total of 60 days at camp, camp officials find that, even after subtracting the losses, these youths have grown 359.29 pounds of boy and added a total of 8.25 feet to their combined height. Glider Contest ■ inU. S. Planned ” wpll D I Aviation Program ^ ill Be Held in Conjunction ^ itli Legion Convention. -- -t Indianapolis. Ind., Aug. 26.—An In 1 ei national gliders' meet will he held in Sa'n Francisco in connection with ihe national convention of the Amer ican Legion October 15 to 10, ac cording to an announcement at le gion national headquarters here to day. European as well as American made machines will be entered, it was said. , Maj. Harris C. Allen, chairman of the convention committee on avia tion. has approved plans for the glider concurse to fit in with the gen eral aerial program of the conven tion. Modern types of glidcDB. some nf which have established records in this country and Europe, will be on exhibition and are entered In the con tests. i apt. Edward Kickenbackcr. Am r lean ace in the world war. has of fered a *5,000 trophy as first prize. -y contest, and other prizes will hellnnounced later. The finals ,n the meet will be held on Thursday, October 18. according to the an nouncemcnt. Family Disproves Theory That Early Marriages Fail Green Bay, Wis.. Aug. 26.—Those , xperls on the subject of matrimony who decry early marriages might, well study the record established by « Green Bay family. Through four gen orations girl members of that family llt,ve married before reaching the age „i is years—and all married happily. With the birth of Donald Bailey to Mr and Mrs. Wade Bailey of Green liny. Mrs. Fred Toutloff, mother of i he wife, became a grandmother at i lie age of 33. Her daughter is 16. Mrs. Touloffs mother, who was married at 14. became a great grandmother at 53. J he great grandmother is Mrs. l’ete Van Holder of this city. The record of the family Is held by Mrs. captain Harry Johnson, deccas rd, who was married at 13. Captain Johnson, paternal grahdfathcr of Mrs. Touloff, became a great great grand father at 78. “Successful marriages depend upon clrcupastnnces, not ages." declared Mrs. Touloff when asked for her opinion on the Question. I hough I do not approve of early marriages as rule. In my case I have never re ^gretted it.” Mrs. Van Hclder. who became e great-grandmother at 53, thinks the girl who marries yo'tng has an "even break" with those who await I maturity. Tt all depends on those In volved," she declared. "I believe a girl who marries in her ’teens has an enuallv good chance foi happi ness with the one who walls.’ * Retired Mermaid to Try Comeback i j_ Frances Cowells, WTio Held Many Records in 1920. to Race Again. San Francisco, Aug. 20.—The latest former champion to attempt a "come back" wears a one-piece bathing suit. She is Frances Cowells, former world's champion swimmer and hold er, even at the present time, of sev eral world's records. Retired practically since the Olymp ic games at Antwerp in 1920, Miss Cowells has now definitely announc ed she will enter her first race, since that year, at Idora )>ark. Here are some of the records for merly held by the fair mermaid that she will endeavor to regain: World's open straightaway record for 50 yards and every American rec ord from 25 yards to one mile during the year 191S. Miss Cowells was also supreme in her sex In the breast ami backstroke. Sinee her retirement a host of promising youngsters have come to the fore on the Pacific coast, includ ing Hilda Curtis and Kies nor O’Brien. The latter two are expected to he ready to compete against their former superior. At the present time Miss Cowells has commenced a rigid training grind which she Is confident will put her Into her old time form In time for the 'starter's gun at Idora. John Krupa Is Released on Order of Police Inspector John Krupa, 2S31 South Twenty seventh avenue, arrested on com plaint of J. F. Nets], 221S Maple street, wan dismissed hy ('apt. Jack Psznnowskl. inspector of police, when Netzl withdrew his cliaraes. _ ^F^UNERALJNOIICES_ ~ KAUsVrNK- I,pi.ora. 2 4 r. :l South Twroi lioih aired, August U5. ago f»4 yarn, to craned I* aurvlved by her huaband. Ilpr n.MTi, a—|f two da tighter*. Mra Peml hurt left of Omaha. and Mr* Margaret F*-igu aon of Los Angrier, Cal, and ono non, Ralph of Omaha Funeral services Tuesday at to 30 a m from Hoffmann funeral home. Interment at Went Lawn cemetery. TKItKKLSKV, Veter. Aug 24. 1923. Ak>"I 7f» yearn He !» aurvlved bv one daughtet, | Mra. A, T Slgunrt. one unn, Ne|* T* rkel son. and ono brother. Morria Trrkelaon. nil of Omaha. Funeral services will be held froin the I hruftev A- Uorr>inr4- f'hnpel, Mnridav, Aug 27th. at 2 p. in. Interment, Prosper t Hill remetrry VACLAV—Hmnoln. nge 70. Saturday nt Ht. Joseph hospital Hurvlved by daughter, Mra. Joseph I Inor; threw ions, Frank. [Charles rind Kdward. Funeral Tu*adHy 2 p. tn . Knrlsko funeral home. 23d and O. Interment MhIh nunn National t em*t*ry. • HOTER—Mrs. I.oular. age .'•• yenra. Haturday. Hurvlved by aon, George, and two daughter*, Mra. Stella I »e| f f and Mlaa Frames. Funeral Monday n t 2 p. m from the residence at Papitllon, flea C 8 Han am officiating. HurlnI nt Fspllllon. FUNERAL DIREC rORS j RRAIT.F.Y At DORRANCF. 1123 ctTMING HT . IA 0624 ' _____________________ JOHN V GLN'ILKMAN, j 14’ I 1«m.tni S'. MR.MIU, WOW OOVOO KEEP SO COOU 00 MOU HR\»E P» VERSE ON RU1HE COOL FREEZES OR ICE RERfeS.OR »S \t NRTORRL LAKE R HAS SHOWN tAE THE MAUVE OE XNANT AOS IN THE tUijatO amt Tribune Syndicate. Dee tfofnea J VT CLtVJER USE OP- THESE WANT At>«, THAT \ ANN ABLE TO HOLO A CORNER ON THE BREEZE l VW HOLDS -v> THfc CORMER V — _fLR* - • —- .V*' J a >avaj BEE WANT AD RATES 16c per line eneh day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 daya or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed '•public wants" and do not include adver tisements of Individuals or concerns ad vertising or exploiting their businesses. These rates apply to The Sunday Oma ha Bee as well as The Morning and Eve ning Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening edi tions at the one cost. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Morning Edition ...9 P. w». Evening Edition .11:80 a. m. Sunday Edition .9 p. m. Saturday Want Ads accepted at the following offices: Main office .17th and Farnam fits. South Omaha..N. W. Cor. 24th and N Rta. Council Blufrs .16 Scott St. Telephone AT lantTe lOOO. rail for "Want" Ad Department. An experienced "Want" Ad taker will receive your add and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. THE OMAHA BEE tf^rvM the right to designate what constitutes a public Win THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. Wool—Pelts. $1.26© 1.6© for full worded skins: spring lambs. 40®60c. according to size and length of wool: clips, no value; wool. "Q yi“r lb. — FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK A CO.. Omaha's beet undertaking eetabllehment. PIERCE ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. .... Thirty-third and Farnam. HA. 9014. HEAFET A IIEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone HA. 0285. office 2811 Farnam. (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1182.) CRANE MORTUARY CO.. CONDUCTED BY LADIES ONLY. 615 S. 20th St. AT. 3889 and AT. 3899. KORISKO FUNERAL HOME. 23d and O Sts. 1250 S. 13th St. HA. 0689. AT. 1*73. -1---— HOFFMANN AMBULANCE. Dodge at 2 4th Funeral Directors. JA 3901. HULSE A RIEPEN. Funeral directors. 2224 umlng. JA. izza. CROSBY-MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WE. 004T. TAGGART A SON. 2212 Cuming St. JA. 0714. H. H. KRAMER FUNERAL HOMS. 6*1* Military Ave. WA. 6314. _CEMETERIES._ VISIT FOREST LAWN. North of City Limits. 320 acres. Perpetual care. Offices at cemetery and 720 BrRnd-le Theater Bldg. VAULTS AND MONUMENTS. DISTINCTIVE features, see demonstra tion at factory. Automatic Sealing Con crete Burial Vault. Insist upon your un dertaker using no other. Every vault stamped. Watch for name In lid Man ufactured only bv the omana Concrete Burin! Vault Co.. 6210 N. 30th St ■ Omaha. FLORISTS. larmon 19th and Douglas. Phone AT. 1244. JOHN HATH, 1*04 Karnam. JA. 1906. r H ENPERSON. 16«7 Karnam. JA. 1258. LOST^ ANDJK3UND. CARD ease silver, lost Sunday evening containing $5to I*, between South Oiga ha und River rend to Florence. Initials •*H. C W." in left hand comer. Return to quarters of Colonel Pillntson, Fort Omana for reward. LOST—Marten neck pier®. Tel. 2221, Council Bluffs, or JA. 1945. noticeI THE VILLAGE of Lynch. Neb. baa ST.OOf) Funding Bonds fnr sale. History com plete Write* Village Clerk. DOCTORS and nurse*. The Nurse* t’luh of Omaha and Registry nan moved from 29«:s Pa'ifU 'St. to 1121 N. 18th St. Tel. WE. 52ft^. PERSONAL THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits vnur -*ld clothing, furniture, maga zine? We collect. We distribute. Phone JA 4136 and our wagon will rail. Cal» find inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. LET the Ideal Hair Parlors take far* of your face and hair while your city la without water Expert operators in nil branches of work. 204 Wickham Block, fall Council Bluff* 130. t’ANITK—Sorry for mean letter* Wor ried. Skk Need, want you. A COUPLE LltT L R KJ PS BETTY maternity hotne are of Infants. Call or writW A 7 1 1 1 41 2fi Lafayette Ave. ^AUTOSJTOJt SALE^^^^ REBUILT Bufck. 3 ton pncumat c. 117*: rebuilt Republic, one-ton. $650; rebuilt Republic, i i^| tn|i. $760. rebuilt Republic, 2-ton. $460; Republic. 2-ton dump, hy draulic hoist. $1,000. Exceptional \aluea offered in other mak**e Andrew Mur phy & Son. 14th snd Jackson Sfs. 63 years in business tit >1.1 »STKoM AUTO SALEH CO.; new lo cation 2112 Harney Street. Korda and otli«*r m «k< a $ -0 au*f up Ford bodies, rush or time. Open evenings Phone AT. 8f>4*>. I Some bargains In used Fords. New Ford son, easv payments. * McCAKFRKV MOTOR OC\ The Dandy Service Station I'»th and Jackson Sts AT. 7711 NEW and used Forda, rssh or terms. C. R. PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorized Ford ar.d Lincoln Denier* tOth and Aitim Ave. KK. 014® OVERLAND SEDAN. UR'3 model, in per fect condition. priced to sell. WILLYS- OVKRLA N L». INC. 2662 Farnain 8t USED CARS O. N. Donnev Motor Co. 3SS4, USED CARS THAT CAN WE SORD. NKHRAHKA OUDSMODIUE Co. Howard Hi 14th AT 177® USED parts for all makes of < nr Ford used parts at half price. Neb. Auto Parts. JA. 4»21. Ftir RALE Ford touring car body. Cgll KK t»4*M*. Ringnld ^uto"a<^cjessorij^ltires. MIT n meti#| garage Made |n Omaha f MITER SHEET METAL CO.. JA. 0802. WJLI.VH KNItrilT fix- passenger touring. only $360 4 l»aa telegraphy, civil rervlre end all Eng I lleli and commercial brant hea. Write, call or phone Jackeon 1660 fur large lllua trated catalog. Addnaa MOTI.KS CO LI, EG *3. Hoyle* Itldg . Omaha. Neb. LEA UN to mak» artificial KLOWEKS nig money Knr full partleyiara call at -jna H lath atrect_ EIGHT to 12 weeka pee para you fob a fine offc.. poaltlo'i t'.ill AT 7774 or write American College. HH 2 Eirnarn. KIIANK Ml’t'KINGIIA H. hanlo, mandolin, i guitar I net ril« t'mi. II Ihitdilge Itlk . 2tit Ip md Earn am MOl KIt HA It BE l( nil.l i:tlK. ||0 M 14th .‘MEN WA.VTE1>—To sell lubricating oil and paints from manufacturer* direct to farnn-ra. Good commission basis. Must have car. FARMERS PAINT fk OIL CO 1014 N, 17TH ST' I CREW manager wanted and four sales men to sell a proposition where first pay ment Is retained by salesman. Balance of commission la raid on verification. Fee salesmanger. 30* Baird Bldg SALESMAN having nufos should answer this ad at once. Rig money for live ' wires selling direct to farmer*. Address Y-J398. Omaha Bee i TO PNG men. aalary $5h par week and bonus for those who qualify C. C. Cald well. 1*14 Harney, 7 p. m. Monday. SUBSCRIPTION Salesmen—A chance to make big money this fall and wlntar. Address V : ;97, Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED. COMPETENT well balanced married man with famllv geeks connection with re vpomihle concern, fifteen years' experi ence in sales and credit work Available 1 mmedlnfely. Compensation oren. Inter view solicited. Address. W 441. Omaha Bee. _ POSITION wanted by young woman, medi'Hl student, as traveling companion for Invalid or child going to eastern state, professional care guaranteed. Address V»rh.-t M Hallman. St. Llhorv. Neh. BUSINESS OPPORT UN ITT ES. EXCKDDKXT BCSINKSR FOR SADR Fr<>*seholfl Bros. Clothing »tor-. Knrf Dodge. la Established lb years On# of the best store# In the mlddl#we*t. Right-year lease on fin# store room. be»t location In city, fireproof, low Insurance rate-. Urge dry basement Til health reason for selling Buyer will step into a good tutying bqgJne**, at 00k reduced to suit. Address \V. t \ RaGrave. Care Twin Toggery Shop. Port Podge, fa MEAT MARKET in good western Ne braskn town Modern in every way HI a ugh ter house and yards on 40-acre farm, hrat h good improvement* On# mile from town Sell all for $14.nno. part cash. No trade t'arner Is going on a ranch. Address Y-2391, Omaha Iter. GF.NTRAI. STORK in live South Dakota city of 2.000, established by present own era In 1910 Doing $100.00 annually. Ex cellent reason for selling Stork dean, well ba!an' lonns at lowest rates, business strictly confident In I. The Diamond Doan Cn DM4 Dod it a Ht . Pst a h 1224. ^LOANS ON HKAL LSTATK 6% and n PICIt c’KNT MONRY. Doan* ru Omaha improved properly at lowest rales THANK H HINDI It. tit City Nat ,TA. 2521, I Wll.D buy mortgage* and contracts Corkln 94k Onia Nat Rldg OmHhi. Nab \ D ( I'll: t' F N1 NO HKD AY IUA r:\IN HIM ill 't 1*10 Natl, hi Ida LOANSON REAL ESTATJE. ! 1100 to *10.000 loam. Prompt service. F. D. WEAD * D. H. BOWMAN. 310 18th. Wead Bldg. AT. 0151.1 MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha real estate. MYERS A RAINBOLT CO., 424 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg JA, 0740. OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB FARMS. O’KEEFE REAP ESTATE CO., 1010 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg- JA. 271*. STRAIGHT 6-year loans. 6 % per cent.' AMOS GRANT CO., 201 S, 18th. Arthur Bldg. AT. 83*0. , SIX per cent loana on Omaha residences. Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. H. Pongee, Inc., 688 Keellne Bldg. .SECOND mortgagea or contracts pur chased by Tukey Company, 620 1st Nat’l Bk JA. 4223. FARM LOANS. r.arge or small. West Neb farma, ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. 846 Om. Nat. Bk. WANTED TOMORROW JU STNESS man with fast growing bual ness wiahes to borrow from private par ty, one or two thousand dollars at 10 ner - cnt for detail commulrate with W-422. 1 'rnnhri B*.», DOGS, BIRDS AND PETS^ FOR HALE—60 registered American Pit Bimi Terrier pups with beat of blood and healthy. Shipped anywhere aubject to e* amlnation; males, 915; female*. 910.00. Highland Pit-Bull Kennel, Atlantic. Ia. SHETLAND pony for aale. WA. 3145. SHETLAND ponv for aale. KE 9615. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. -IfcKUSiJti THE largest stock of used furniture It Omaha at the Stephenaon Auction House. 1509 Capitol Ave. Auction* at 1:80 p. m every Tueaday, Wednesday. Friday and Saturday. Qnoda also sold at private sale. FARNAM STREET AUCTION CO. AT. 7*60. 2424 Farnam Bt. We buy furniture or aell it for you on commission. Private aale* dally. | FI’RMTl'RE AT A UCT I ON I Thla Afternoon and Tomorrow Night, j DOWDS AUCTION HOUSE EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKEL8. 15th and Harney. AT. 4151. ' FOR SALE—Spanish leather 3-plece clr- . caasian walnut living room suite, in ** cellent condition. 160 HA. 2263. PIECED quilta for sale. Comfort mak Sng 714 South 1 «t h St .TA. 5099. WHITE enamel kitchen table, 95. WA 1079' j ONE OVERSTUFFED LEATHER ROCK ER. CALL WE 6429.I FOR SALE—Fumed oak library table, 916. f 527 N. 24th Hi, KE. 1909 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUST FOR aale or trade, one U-lnch Pouth j Bend lathe, one 24-lnch silver upr«w*>t grill, with tapping attachment; one 2 h p 60-cycle. 220-volt Wilson electric motor: 1 r^ar axle spand, 1 set bo* stocks and dyes KE. 0383. Can be seen at 3410 Arnes Ave LEARN LA SALLE business administra tion correspondence course Will sell 18 I volume. 4* lesson set st sacrifice for >35 Nearly new. Cost >14A all'* lot N Mth Street ,1 Feldman. ^MJJSICAJ^IN^TRUMEfjITS^ TRADE your u*ed piano on a new player rlano Balance *a low aa 110 per month. A HOHPK CO., 101.1 Donglaa SECOND HAND ^-axophone* Robert Henrv 4Q«i-Arlington BK ___ GUARANTEED typewrlte-a. »7 50 and Up R M ShUew Co. ;in N. Sixteenth St. of^Yce^suj^plj^s^for_saleT RESTAURANT fixtures for aale cheap. A Na**gyle. 1817 Leavenworth atreet. JA. 5275. OFFICE: SUPPjLIES FOR SALE. WE BUY, sell aafo. make desks. *h'W '»»¥». etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. S W. cor 11th and Douglas J A. 2724 OFFICE DESK, larg>\ inahogunj, toll top, for sale. JA. 5**6. OFFICE S A FI; FOR SALE. AT 0«5 SWAP COLUMN._ A i flUPl.KTK 4„ll i . .mint. Including lamps, bails arpt other necessary equip ment »o set up a money making conces sion; will exchange for second-hand Ford nr wh«t have you? 8 f Omaha Baa.* I l!A \ K an equity in a beautiful restrict ed amsha Bee TWO-TON International truck, like n*w. for trade for anything equal value Aci droaa 8 Ml, Omaha Baa» KIMHAI.L upright piano, excellent condi tion. for ssle or trade. What hava you? 8 361 Omaha Hee HOOD paving ginnery end meat busi ness. trade for city property or farm S 351. tMnuha Bee _ TIVKNTV THRKK room. Ii.>k»rplng for good Ford • nupe and cash, first payment 8-35*. Omaha Ilea. IIA\ FI perfe- t diamond *nraf. t<> trade as part payment on Ford, or will sell ■ heai' 8-915, Omaha Her t'lllNA t 'A HI N'KT. chiffonier. sanitary couth, fet wardrobe trunk or anything 366. idnalif Hee. c-MNTHAOToR Will paint and decorate house price to go on tent of house 8-914, otpaha liec* 1? clAl tiK Remington shotgun f• • n change for I •'-gauge hammerlrss Fox or Hanker. 8 3H6, timalia lb** LAND—Good Alharta. CaRidi, vnlmpfot ••d quarter section for what hato jnu? 8 . i inul i •• |4 work s 3"«. Omaha Hr** Ht»8HK player maim for trade, or what have you ’ S 369 t»m*h* Hee. crh il» .<■«! range for w hat hav e you? 8-162, Omaha Hee Ft iH It 1'YI IM'KH fuse. five-passenger, flit lawn work. 8 87. Omaha lire HOOD b.tscburnrr to swap for l»\12 parlor I Ug 8 3 46, Omaha Hee WANTFD liquid goap. I It Harper. Musseno. It. ilii'SKh body for Ford to swap for roadster body. 8 “I. Omaha Hee WAN rub TO HUY DK8K8 , ■' - t ' New d» -k Ufil desks bought, sod and t»’'d«d .1 lleed 1T07 l-nimttn 81 A 1' \ 6 1 *4. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. (For Rent—Unfurnished.! APARTMENTS AVAILABLE SEPT. 1ST^ No. 19 FMwood—103 South 49th Ave—5 rooms; one of Omaha* finest, well ar ranged, splendidly located and with ex cellent service—$116. ^ No. 26 Mt. Vernon—42' South 31st St.— 5 r>oms. In an excellent building; very well arranged; plenty of closet spire; everything for your convenience—$100. No 11 Mildred—4911 Dodge 8t.—5 rooms. 2 story apartment; very well located in Dundee—$90. pleasant rooms in a very comfortable building, conveniently located—$90. No ? Montlccllo—520 South 31st St.; living room, dining alcove, sun pore!-, bedroom and kitchen: a delightful apartment, $86. No. 6 Harlan—2301 N. 16th St.: 5 rooms and screened porch: well arranged an# very good value at $66 and $72.59. No 4 Shlrlev—127 N. 41 at St. 4 rooms in pleasant small apartment building, good location. $60. No. 14 Sweet wood—Corner of Dewey and Sweetwnod Ave.. (between 25th Ave. and 26tii fit.) Jiving room, bedroom and kitchen. $50 and $69. No. 10 Ivy—2407 N 16th St.—4 rooms and screened porch; a very pleasant apart ment, 169. No 6 Troy—3*99 Harney; 4 rooms and porch; conveniently located. $60 and $65. No. t Flo Lea—29th and Caplto] Ave. A well arranged 4-room apartment. In a good close-in location. $57.50 and $65. No 7 Conamor*—2763 California St. Liv ing room, dining alcove, kitchen, dre*« ing room and bath In this excellent building. $65. No 17 Kingsborough—2533 Dndr* Street: living room, dining alcove and kitchen; *n exceptionally well arranged email apartment In a very good location— $o5—$60. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Where Omaha Rent*" AT. 0644 17th and Farnam S*s. TURNER COURT APTS Most beautifully located and arranged. 3-rm. apartment, with 5-rrn. accommo dation h , two bed* bulit-in feature*, oppo site boulevard and Turner park Avail* able at once. Janitor. HA 6896. O M. .HAUSER, Manager. 31»2 Dodge HA 7140. TWO-ROOM APTS Rent |*6 or $37.50 No more In winter Heat. water. Janitor service included. Close-In location. 606 8 31st Ave Two rooms furnished, $C W J PALMER COAT. 6980. TWO-ROOM Murphy bed apt . rent $49. Ws furnish heat, water and janitor ser\ - ire. No increase in rent for winter. Get located now Newton apts. 725 8. 18th street. w J PALMER ' oAT 498* VERT neat 3-room "eml-basement apart ment, with disappearing bed. in Nor mandie, rent reasonable L J SET BOLD A SON. 236 City Natl RankAT 43*1, THIRTY THIRD AND HOWARD-rNew 6 room bnrk flat, immediate pna«#«9ton. JOHN M CARVI LI.K. REALTOR. AT 5025 1 ^02 City Nat. APARTMENTS AND FLATS- 1-8 to IS0~ W J. PALMER CO. REAT. ESTATE MANAGEMENT, Keelin^ HldifAT. 4980. ST RE<.I8 APARTMENTS 617 8 37TH ST 4 and « R« »OM APTS HA *91? PETERS TRUST COMPANY. •WHERE OMAHA RENTS’* AT Q64 4 1 7*h and Farnam S's. T'/jR one or DRAKES 1000 APARTMENTS Cali Jackson ?*0i> WALKING distance, close in. 4 large rooms ard tile bath, newly de. orated, neat and clean J A 18*1. W A. 24 4 1* ROOM apartment of double house, modern except heat. 210 8 29th St. HA. 6924__ FOUR-ROOM modern apartment, walking distance. water heat, light furnished 12 2 N 31st. T\V KN I T F< >1 RTH ST . O'?:, N — E . a room fiat, modern JA. 1525 or JA. 5676 STEAM heated modern apartments low rent <1. P. Stebbin*. 16|0 Chicago St HA 7124 i to 10 a m . 4 to 7 p. m Five-room modern « location •HlCAtJO ST 4406 1 «f floor, heated 3 'mi with 4 rm ace. $65. WA. 1712 APARTMENTS AND FLATS. 'TWO C(»N\E( T1NU ROOMS suitable for four people employed will equip for hourek pins a.I < onvenlencea furnished. ' 'Sit .1 A 4 «A.l TWO and three rosai ante. #111 accom modate four, steam heated. Brown aids.. ! r.04 N 71** AT 7 41? HI NTKR INN AT «*»»•»- :4th end lh>,1se 8ts. Home for traveling man and wife. HOUSES FOR RENT. ( ( nfurnished.) \ h eg ted home of 7 rtoma with ateei ng I "ti h. well located. summer 9100, win ter 91 IS V4 9 4<*th street. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Where Omaha Renta.'' AT AS44 17th and Farnam St*. |l! VERT d**al raids modern cottage, i room* and bath, hot water heat, fine sleeping porch, large front and back lawn. Iron fence; floors lln< leum covered. S. mth st j s 4:1* i 7 rooms. S515 T'avenport atre#t, 970 7 room*. <10 South Slth avenue, garage. $70 PETERS TRUST COMPANY Where Omaha Renta." AT 0544 !?th and Fatnarn Sis j JUHN XTARV1UR RKU.Tni i at _mo; i-u, n',; i AN EXCEPTIONAL HOME. * rooms doubts garage, splendidly lo r»t«d, 6122 Pavenport street, 1176. PETERS TRL'fiT COMPANY. "Whera Omaha Rents I AT OSH. I7th and Farnam Sta. '■ROOM atnetl) all modern bungalow for rent . paved afreet Iso \YA 21 OS Sewn l oom house *\atei beat. I0 a month iltrt Maltha 7611 N ?2T> ST—7-room all modern bouae KE 6S4 4 HS7 S 22.1 St big home built In featurea and garage HA 6*61. HOUSES FOR RENT. FOl R rooms, neatly furnished for rent, sleeping room, dining room kitchen and ith room. 9M» per month. l*?l South 2 *• t h A % e KI'HNIHHKM 6-room bungalow to re sponsible party, llanacom park district. 1IA m? omCKS. S FORKS FOR R1 \ I \ttka«-tivk sronTKMiiM iu :i h Pavenport Sts. steam heated I'KTKHS Till ST 1 11 Where Amah* Ren** I 'i ” M j:ih and Ear gam sts OFFICES. STORES FOR RE NT FOR space Suitable for light manufactur ing or similar lines, look at the Bromley Bldg , 20* South 13th St. i Iron Bldg., 21* South 12th. Light space conveniently located. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha RentH." AT. 05*4. 17th and Farnam Sts.! -1 STOREROOM, 2412 Cuming atreet. C^xSO. PETERS X tFST COMPANY, "Wher- Omaha Rents." I AT 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. INDIVIDUAL floor apace in Industrial. bldg, heated, fireproof, daylight bid*:. ( Pass, and freight elevator service. Low * rent, low 1ms . light and power wi'Mng Idea I for light mrg. or other business; a car lines , asa corner. WL. 3**3. STOREROOM. «ontrally located, ail mod ern. size 22x132. brick building 1300 Douglaa St. Call us up BIRKETT Ac CO. 35o Peters Trust Bldg -IA. 0633 ! FOR rent, one of the best business loca j tlons in north part of city, *10* N. 24th St. Phone KE. 03*3. TiAROE office for rent; reasonable, good location. Call AT. 7080.* FOR RENT—5 rooms—dentist preferred. 4in* X. 24th. fit KL 03*3 STORE building with fixtures; good lo cation for grocery. KE 04*1. PRIVATE off1 r-s, furnished. AT U"4. ROOMS FOR RENT. AT. 4**0—3 large p!ea«ant rooms, hea . light, phone and garage. 140. HA 09*4—Three unfurnished rooms on ee. f.nd floor. r«--asona Me ROOMS FOR^ RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS IN APT. BLDGS. Single room. No. 6. Mt. Vernon. 524 S. 31*1 street, 115. Double room. No. 21, Alsatian. 115 S. 3oth street. $30. (See Janitor). PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 'Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam. I ONE ROOM. COMPLETE. MODERN. CLEAN. I Private bath: cabinet kit'hen: in walking distance $::. On summer. $40.00 winter. Furnished $47.50 and $52 59. Call JA. -’405. Drake Rental Agency, 17th and Howard. HOTEL SANK ORD— 19th and rarnam. HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam. ■Special rates to permanent gueata. I MEN only Running hot and cold water ia each room. Steam h**at. Brown Apts.. ir>* N Jlst St. AT. 7449 FREJGHTON univ. district, atudents. turn, double room. 2 d^ska and typewriter, reaa. for year JA 5377 DUNDEE—Bedroom and Bitting room, ladles or couple employed References. WA 73H* LARGE furnished room for one or two gentlemen private home. Htnicom park I -1: *sf r i ■ ’ HA ..6:’7 HA. 4751—fery desirable front room in lovely private home, excellent location. 539 S 27TH—Furnished rooms, suitable for one or two* g^ntlemei^ HA. 2741. FURNISHED sleep og rooms for teachers •1 r students AT. 7179. HA. 69°7 — Larg- modern eaat front room, five window* West Farnam district. I DOUGLAS ST 1124 — Mon Amour. Fur I nlshed moms modern l^u*: hide : piano, ■ WK l r» i 4 (Tel.)—Nu-#!y furnished room | for party employed 143d and. Hamilton* Nl ely furnished [ room, half b k from ■ W a 7*29 i LARGE front sleeping room. 13.50. 2ft9 [So 2lth Ave NICELY furnished room ‘n private home. I West Farnam di«fn<’i ravage WA. 5492 Mi >D «•'■->i rm* I ? an! up 724 No, ISth. ^HOUSEK£EP|NG^ROOMS^ 2314 S 10TH ST — 3 nicely furnished rooms. first floor, private entrance, on nrlimv JA 2999 I.ARGH rool housekeeping room with e-.erything furnished ft 14 50. 209 So. 25th Ave CASS ST. r I®*—Two • ■ -*m« for light hskpg on 2d floor. IT 2 rooms on 3d floor » AT _ PARK AVK tool—A s.jite of two or three rooms, clean, coty and a.' modern HA 5*1«V Fl'RN. housekeeping rooms -f taken for vear. Responsible party wanted. Posset stoa met, ja 337? KMMETT ST. 2423 3 large modern un furn. rooms, d-s ruble locution ^ block to car \V K 3594 PASS AND 27TH—Three ght hskg room*, modern. r**as JA 3S77. CURTIS AVK, 3059—Two rooms for light housekeeping KE 302? TWO 1 ght housekeeping rooms. ? girla - *' n i p 1 * • v« 1 ■ .’.i; Hinton W \ a ? 5 v ROO\!j\ND BOARD haxhcom park district. large pleasant room for two. with board HA. 1144 PARK AVK. 319 — Beautiful room wub hoard, for two gentleman HA, 2120_ HOTELS. HOTEL NEVILLE. William Koenig, ilgr., I "T N th l«th SI AT >1(1 Cl AIU MONT HOTEL. 1TTH AN1« JACK t*QN L (i - ,\t l ot REAL ESTATE—BENSON. lio Down. |io par Month McC A *; l 1. 1N\ KS^MKNT «’t._j Al£45. DUNDEE RV1LDIND SITES. GEORG! A CO. __AT 3024 I’l'M'llIT home, 7 rmi. 11,799 owner i.-aving city. Must be add. Burt C. F-.w • r iV ,1A 14 3ft «4n» I>Ol*Ul.AS- For sale ail modern home at I garage. Price low owner leaving _Kl' 14?o REAL ESTATE—Miscellaneous. f ■ ’rtn h\iv» 11 room r'-Amint hou*n. *uht MocKa * would t a *1 i v brtn* $1 Ru> from owner ■ timet rull M- M. xrr WA * 4 v t'AMi'I’-Kl.l. build* be*t b inuA’.o ' * »'«n sh«-w \ ou v.jinx bu ’< tin* >mr l.r» him build > our* R37 K»*tnn AT. 104s Hi VI S for w. - kin*; m*n Four room*, partly mod*rn fall let rtny t*rm* I ?0C lU'i' others St*ir*it. H«ii>ton IMS AI.rHKH THOM an .% w„n «'o H«m't M»( |T|0 nisH, brtlAni* Ilk* r*nt or m«x t*nl to t • 11 a b. c outx Cun owittr, \\ \ ?ios. Sl\ UOi’M a’I mo*t< i n hou-A 'x»r <■ \ n*wlv «1*>or«t*d lotA of fruit And |> »i'Ai *. h a i f block north t*vhnu»l UiKb ixK HI 4_ FOR S A I. I ’ m I-WNFU -F ’■« nftlrni lunn<* do.l* no** *n>i ■ txoM of m million « **t nod mak* off** .'<11 \ 1Mb WK 4-' O F H\'« K A CO b x and if.) h■ ii,n REAL ESTATE—NORTH^^ ON FON TEN ELLE BOLLEVARD. Seven-room house. g-»o«4 west location. Just off Fontenelle boulevard; atrlctly modern: lot 50 by 160 garage; fruit, shade tree*, flowers and shrubs Only 14,750. on exceptionally good terma, or rrngbt trade for a smaller house, well lo cated. AMERICAN MORTGAGE AND FINANCE CO. AT 5911AT. :m. FOR -al«- by owner—6-room. strictly mod ern house, full size basement. 2 s< re»*ned porches five r-|o.«ete. retention hall, pantry and refrigerator room, all newlv painted and decorated; gararo for 1 ear- '.orated a» .1713 N 24ih. 8t Telephone WE. 596€. price $5,500, __ . -ROOM modern oek fln'sh. You name the terms .1 N rth 'WV 6977 REAL ESTATE—SOUTH. Teaar A Tes^c specialize in 3. Bide homes REA L ESTAT^WEST ^ WEST FARNAM BIT Brand new bungalow, oak and white er.amei f.arg- cemented hasetr.'tV South front. p«' -1 street Wes* Farr a iar service Price, $5,750, $750 ^ ■ handle Extra chore glx-rnom rraigs'ona bur. galow. splendid large rooms, oak floors and finish. Exceptional location A sac rifice at 17,360 Very easy terms. OFBURNE REALTY CO JA. 2712 5*0 Peters Trust Bldg New Homes—Tour Term*. GROVE UIBBARD CO AT. 4536. 526 Sunderland Bldg WILL, build >our order on our beauti ful loti in Edge wood; very easy term# Phone Atlantic 3540. 3624 PARKER ST.—8 rooms, modern - trn extra Jot. Easy payment*. Creigh. oOS Dee. JA »20> i ROOMS. 2214 8. 67TH—Else. lights.^ fur na,«p*ctior a*, once. I Evening* a i Mr Reed. KE iCll. • IKlTNUi REALTY CO. Reaito'*. i .TA _14^'A F:ret Nat Park. hustings 4 hrypen realtors R r: P1 nner company—realtors slater a- CO Rep It or*. B.dg ___^FARMS FOR SALE. V P\K Make offer for equity f re half section n»ar Lanaford. Bottineau countj North Dakota, subject to mort gage of R *ne. Offer Improved R'chland •■out'tv half section farm for garage or hardware business. Other farm* at b g -Trfice. Paulson Land Co.. Wvndmere N P' ~BUSTNESS" SERVICE ~ BUILDERS. CONTRACTORS. GET our pH es on comrlete carag#s Mor r.son Lumber A Coa 1 Co WE. iStl. DANCING ACADEMIES. \TR~rFTv:Tr~Toi?—iT And w» don't mean MAYBE > a*« tonight. Private lessons an' noj» 1 K1:rr>* Karnin._JA. S4?t. DETECTIVE AGENCIES” .’ A M ES ALLAN'S Detective*. Expert secret -TV c. 11 -1» \r;"« Bock AT H3< RELIABLE Detective Bureau Sunderland P Ik Jn PH-* t ight. KT 2%\Z._ MILLINERS, DRESSMAKERS Cl#* "»FP KUK. Zn to Sen* 4. NEBRASKA PLEATING !**4 Fs —am second foo-, ,M E«;* FI RS rem deled chokers made. Sum* ■ '*'-c-c.' 1IA •'■'V 4 MOVING. STORAGE. Fi! 1.1.1 TV STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING TACKING ST • dtAGK SHIPPING If cMho *! rood*, ranoa. office furnitu"e. lire n HiMvutp STJ A t>!«» KXPKRT China, furniture, park#'*, ft eg. nr.of Phone Jk 1HM The Terminal Warehouse Co. TP? South lPth Si corner J ne*. on Viaduct. HAl'UNG—AnvUn-.e, anyplace. ashea. rubbish removed Cinder* delivered. WA. 771* KvT'MA’I'S * • *-he.l pa \ n g. moving C ope Non A Sto- > > . JA. 4.*Sft AT 0}|f I Moving Pack-nr—Storage. Gordon F* rev-oof \Na*ehou»e A Van Oo. riF N Uth St. Phore JA JP5S. v 'KINS MAH A VAN St 3TORAOF. l*th a"! I eav.-nworth St*. Parking, woe* ina a* - age *h;pp r.g. J A. 416". PAINTING, PAPERING, 4'APKRH A NG1NG New book, now in et * ahow i net »r,l Prompt »er\t<» r r»f;i patents PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS. • I IT ' - ■ ■’ c r : < « > \ j>M*. PROFESSION AI SERVICE PRRhCRlPTlONS carefully > . n pounded at the sh* rman Jfc McConnell I>rug Storea. N V \ J ' a na SERVICES OFFERED \ g and all work written guarantee \\ \ 109*-F-7 ril VS 1>KVgl OPKli FRKK The KntgTt Co ffO« I #*% erwert g 7rc Guaranteed First Mortgage Real Katate Rond A. den « at ion *■ of % M>g and flMO. Prinfipal and aemi-annual interval fuanatifd be PAYNE INVESTMEN1 lO. V»7 Om Nat‘l BW Rid* AT V»gO