Japanese Labor Outbreak Menaces Thursday Islam) Sydney, X. W. S., Au* SO.—The situation at Thursday island, off the northern coast of Queensland, where serious Japanese labor trouble* oc curred recently, is said to be delicate from an international point of view, according to tlie latest reports re ceived here One authority ha.* described the position as "a powder magaine cov ered with brown paper." although there has lieen no violence on the purt of the Japanese greater than Australia has heen accustomed to in othet portion* of the commonwealth. The situation is declared to be the climax of difficulties that have existed since J91t» when the Queensland gov ernment was forced, through repre sentations made to the federal gov ernment at the instance of Japan, to withdraw tlif permit for .Japanese in the sugar fields. In ltTJO the .Japanese indentured workers resented the employment of Papuans and Australian natives to such a degree that the laborers of those races were withdrawn almost entirely from the indu*tr>. The »cnrrison nt Thursday Island is so small that it would bo useless in the __ event of any widespread troulile. -— THE NEBBS— AN OUTSIDE JOB Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess /The nf.qbs UVE here ?Xtep RlGv^\ ^r-~T-rr~r^ ‘ TR'5 "The Place in officers 2?v»arwS?UStrr loe were sent u jThe*4place.- gSWgffi L TROM MEADGwaOTERS/TMEV TOOK LwTnGing abound T^E^PVTHiNG Bur\ when DID ThU f The heating K happen ? yr " (Plant and -the —Y ’ ^yjf-yNALL PAPER) r /"I Dont k.nOvyI\ (that's Bad-'T might wave ) UlEVE 8EtN AWAV I j HAPPENED OVER twc WEEKS j TO Will CREST ei AGO- THEY CAME IN PROM 'Tor about three /Uthe outside all right - ; ?AljEEKS and the Sm •But I Don t %ee AnV r j/PLACE was ROBBED ll TinGER prints thev / j when VWE Got ftACK!' must wave USED — TWtV CAME IN ' t;p-viNjcl GLOVES TWROUGW a WINDOWJaK BD*'N*t* ^ur^riaVr) no ~ •r«|i>rttk) WU h» n»l karj is that all"1—j tmats all we , •you MiSS now’ miss MOW — I SUPPOSE TOU SEE t Cam COULD IDEMTIFV IDFntiFV EVEPV-, TUtS stuff if we TuinG — WE TinD it ■? E»D NEVER HAVE \ TNEV GET AMV AN"/ L.QUOP I LIQUOR ? /, IN ~WE HOUSE HF. SOIL) Ml l“Jl kukl,' — J i -THtV NAD SUCN ABlG STAQT — ten niinotes is all Then nEED On -tmat Gov _ it TmEv Lett their i names and ADDRESSES HE'D NAVE TO TAKE SOME ONE ALONG TO weep him riND the Place - uj’Tm That sguEAk in mis Shoes me coulont even sneak. up On A DEAr GoV in A BOU.ER __ v W, r ^ rtrmd* m»rk ii>i *»»!'« ^ CAmi ^ • ■•-** C<3f-* * , BARNEY GOOGLE- BARNEY’S HAT IS HIS LAST HOPE. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by BUly DeBeck / CtSIN tV? TEEM r-VCiRE YOVLES Tc j Saratoga.sparky. fvcocw cm =• tS Vwt A'^T ©VS0OURAGE.D * F •\ wt v>? CiovnG bagk vnvth ouP I VTtAOS |M Twe BRER 2 E AND ' TWR E- 30.000' WORSE SHOE HAMDVCAR' A VWfctK ERONN SATURDAY - GVRDY AP SPARK PLUG - 5PPRk plug citt 'SRAlfsi'MG » X ^ur A dwgp That P'Vvjst HA\JE HAV> A - -- - - -- - - I . r -. 1 —— —... r 1— ---' f I WONOE.R IF DAUGHTER | TOL.O THAT ftEAO OF" I 1 WHAT t ‘bAIQ- }-- , v-w—tt2nrrr ocp 11 I'LL. CO ^>EE u BEFORE HE J CALL'S TCHICHT THAT COT , % - HEVER KNOWS / WHEM TO CO HOME WHOS TOO TOL.D HIM THKT *Ll_ UlCiHTO MS L. THIb> HOObE WERE TO BEOUT TCrs, OCLOOc WHKT DD (£) 1*23 ikt t Finnmt Sc^vtct. <*•€• He t>A\o Heoj ne^e K. TONIC.HT AT r j tenth\rty: i — , JERRY ON THE JOB— getting more efficient every day. Drawn for Bee by Hoban f QAOGUW.T » ftSRE'S A' fTV.SE- L6TTBE, / xort*. tv at tuojftAwee pest Jos Boao^I) I WE'S Stu. 8A8ja\»40 EoT2 US 'TO PaV OUK. S)W Iw9itiAK'.t through tlie hole the young Chuck had gone through. He wouldn t have gone under there, anyway. He had nu liking for dark place* As soon - ilie young Chuck had disappeared the Mu rdoster stretched up to his full height, opened his mouth and crowed. "Cockl* doodle-doo! Cockle i mod I' doo’ Cockledoodle-doo’.'' crowed the rooster, and then very proudly walked back to where the liens were fot them to admire hi* bravery. Never had the young Chuck heard a roostet crow before, excepting in ‘lie distance, and it made him shiver. The big rooster seemed a very tcrri* hie fellow to the young Chuck and im had no desire to see more of him. ' i'll stay here until those big bird* go away." said the young Chuck to himself. "I guess? it was a mistake coming up here. 1 guess that funny Old .Mr. Toad was right. However, this seems like a good hiding place, so I'll just stay here until there Is a chance to get hack to the Green Meadows." For a while the young Chuck squat ted right close to the hole through which he had entered. But he grew toed of sitting still. lie decided to look around under Farmer Brown’s \«Mto mind who I am; who are you?" drug store when suddenly •ecsed with agonizing intestinal cramps, de^div nausea and prostrating diarrhoea CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY ji\ e§ injtant warmth ^.omiort and case from pain. Never fails. Hew to End the Vacation Wrong. By Briggs , — * - —. • _ _:_^____^ ~ *___ --- _- - fvvY GooONESS \ y°u BiT. UJGR T IT •)Ftf/ / rHERE ^ RO c300O To GET PLACE LiKE iTo your ggjm I Your owm Home AGAii'-i'f’ j BED AMD hoar o Afrt'R V ALE MARGE -J—i:— f lue H.*STfcWiNO IS \ • COMirwC DOWN y \ \r;\ Ypu Co Right Down amd feu. I Tne^ To Torn Tne voATep on I Wight awkt * 'Me ii^ns mo j GAS OR light riTnew /“MU_nh«J HHOMF IJN ' WOWK.MG «kiml - 4^, ' AMO SO inf HOn* f COMiMt WAS UTTERLY K OIM t D ABIE THE AGENT—0 rawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield it iiiMsiri p,i\ t«i lit' linnet / W THEY RAlt> \ _ r-N ! US Ht.t.m J I Q'VE a FAkt '* ^ A FAKE AuwayS WtU.8E MAME1’ ABE KAB'BBl.S = I 7- ft\ \ K)0 PHOKitN NIAMEY II . o 'A.V**V' o o i \ .J;:- / v \ n NikMc !!j 'T' A" i came face to face with ft stranger, ft I was so sudden and unexi>ected tha* I the young Chuck was badly fright ened. Not knowing what else to do. he drew back his lips so as to show Ins teeth and growled down in hl» ! throat. It was the wisest thing nr (w»uld have done. The strangm backed up n little. Who are you?” he de manded in a fierce, squeaky voice “Never mind who I am Who are you?” growled the young Chuck. ' I in Robber the Rat. And I dot ? allow anybody in here,” replied the stranger, trying to appear very bold and fierce “Well what are you going to do about it?” grow led the young Chun*, for by this time he had discovered that this stranger v i h tin fierce looking eyes was no bigger than hiio self In fart, if anything, he wn- a w**p hi? Hiiuille?. Ho ti» young t hu< put on a bold fan* ami stood h*f ground. “Nothing just now. rejdied Robb* « the Rat k, his squeak' voir* for lie was a cl* ver f* linw and of no mind to figiit if a fight could be avoided. ' Toll me how '■mi hapuen - b* here." he added in a mild (>tw "l am not used to having Visitors. “O you mu *t excuse no if I seemed a bit impolit* Now, though lit dull;'’ know' it 11 yousir (’ini* i had begun to f* * lor* sum*. and he was only too glad to have someone talk lu He lulu Robber the Rat win.* he vat. and how he had started ou* to mo the Gren. World, fie told him of th* terrible big bird that had chased him und i the barn. At this Robber grinned Ynq set. he guessed right away tha; that rooster had mistaken the young Chuck for himself. i Cupyrheh* IS- * The next story: “The J><- ~ ?.i/g ' Rubber he Ra ‘ Alfred C. Bottom, architect t« I-on don conffi^ng v : n the BritiM Institute of Architects on ’he detui * • *f his plan 11- bring British student« of architecture here to study Aine: ■ hr offic** f'j,,t.orv end l*»ft • •»iii. i» sold at all g&cl cs 1a two sires. The « is mere ecocomtvsL Ohr World's Best ‘/flood Medicine XOVt.KTIst Mt.NT WANTS TO HELP OTHER WOMEN GratefulforHealthRestored by Lydia EL Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Chicago, 111. — "I am willing to write to any girl or woman who us suffering from the troubles 1 had be fore 1 took Lydia E. 1’ i n k h a m ' s Vegetable Com pound. My tvaek always ached, so 1 could not go about my house work, and 1 had other troubles from weakness. I was this way for years,then mvsis ter-in-law took the Vegetable lorn pound and recommended it tome, in the time I have been taking it. it hate done wonders for me. I keep house and am abie to do lots of » or k beside*." -Mrs. Hv.ll v SKVCIK, 2711 Thomas bt,, Chicago. 111. Women sulft ring from female troubles causing baekaehe, irregu larities, pains, l-caring-down feelings and weakness should take Lydia E. l’ir.i.ham s \ eg table Compound. Not only is the worth of this splendid medicine shown bv such cases as this, but for nearly fifty years this same sort of experience Ws been reported by thousands of women, Mr- Sevoik is willing to write ti am gtrl or woman suffering from sue! troubos, and answer any question, they may like to ask