Letters from Little Folks of Happyland (Prize.) Tommy’s lesson. One day Tommy was playing when his Uncle Louis came. He had a very large package for Tom my. Tommy was very anxious to find what the package contained. He was a very selfish little boy. He followed his uncle into the house and saw him lay the package down on the dining room table. His mother forbad him to look into the package. She took Tommy’s uncle out into the garden. Tommy # watched them leave the house. Then he stole softly into the din ing room and started to lift the package. There wras a clatter of dishes; his mother's best china plate fell to the floor and was broken into a million pieces, this to be followed by tw’o or three more china cups and saucers. His mother at the* far end of the garden did not hear the noise, so Tommy stole soft ly out of the house to the front yard and there he opened the pack age he wag carrying. It contained another small package and a bow and some arrows. The smaller package '-held 10 large marbles. Tommy held them in his hand when somebody came and knocked them out of his hand, and he only found two of them. Then he picked up his bow and arrows and aimed it at a bird nearby. He hit it, hut a girl passing by picked it up from the ground and looked around to see who had hit it. Tommy was very much ashamed of himself and hid l»ehind a bush. Just then he heard his mother calling. He picked up his bow and arrows and went into the house looking shamefaced and downcast. His mother punished him for breaking the dishes and doing w hat she had told him not to do by making him j i«-k up the broken dishes. Then she |o« k his bow and arrows and gave them to the neigh bor's hoy. Tommy never did what his mother told him not to or broke dishes again—H» l*‘n Marie l>avis, Ag* 10, Silver Creek, Neb. \ New Member. Dear Happy: As I am too little* to writ** this letter I am having my Uig sister write it. I will be 7 years ol<1 next month and in the second grade r am sending a 2 cent stamp for a pin. We have nine little ducks and five little rab bits. We alst> have three old rab bits Well I h-pe Mr W*xtepaper Basket s out walking. Agatha Sellhorn, age 7. North Bend Neb. first letter. Dear Happy: 1 am sending .i 2 rent stamp for a button. This is my f.rst 1' tter to you. and I want to join the Go Hawks tribe. I ain 12. I am in the seventh grade at school. My teacher's name is Miss Lomr I ha> • **ne sister and one brother. I ll 1** glad when 1 get my button. Well as my letter is getting long I will close. Mar gnrei lb lk' Greenwood Neb. \ t hicagu (io flaw k. Dear Hippy: 1 am sending with this coupon a stamp for which please send me Go Hawk button. 1 wiil keep all pledges and follow all rliles I go to h« hool in Chi cago and vxim in the sixth grade. I am n«*\v spending my vacation in the country with a friend IV aches Te-tty. age 11, T*-k.ninth. N* h. Roh« rt Smith of Beverly Mass , saw a baby carnage tied t«» sn awning and helped untie It first I.el ter. Dear Happy; This is my first letter to you and I wondered if I could get a button. I rent of the Go Hawk club every Sunday in The Bee and 1 want to join the Ho llow k club. 1 have a i>ot shoppy dog and he's just as good as he can be. I am kind to him. I enclose a 2 cent stamp- -Bailie Louise Mat thews. Omaha, Neb. \ New Member. Dear Happy: I wish to become a menil*er of your Oolliwk club. I am sending a 2 ■ enl stamp for a button. I also promise to keep the pledge. 1 am 10 years old and in * the fourth grade.-—Carl Komrofske. 3508 South Twentieth Avenue. Oma ha, Neb. \ sixth (trader. Hear Hupp > Hru'msed \ ou w ill And one ? < • nt st amp and coupon, for which I wish you would send mo n Qolfnwk pin. 1 am 10 years old and have ono yellow cat and 1 am In the sixth grade. My girl friend sent after a pin. too She said she w mtod to start a chib, and I sure xvlsh we could Well, good by. 1 am, (Hndys Mef ford. 1 *ox 108-1. (Jrcemvnod Nch. Dear Ifappv: l want to join your club. Api enclosing two ? cent mi a mps for two buttons. One is for my brother. Billy, and one for myself. We both promise to be kind to dumb animals. We go to School to St. Ursulas academy. I am In the Fourth grade. Billy 1h 8 years old and is in the third grade, i have a Collie dog named Buster. I am 9 years old. My name is Helen Haupt, 1300 Nebraska ave nue, York, Neb. lakes School. Pear Happy: I received the pin which you sent me and wish to thank you for It. I Ko to school every day and like it fine. My teacher's name is Miss Hester Wilson. Will close and thanks again for the pin.—Edna Manion, Age 11, Oiltner, N'eb. Spring. The winds are blowing warmer, The pussy-willow's out. The birds are singing sweetly. What is it all about? Oh. I know spring is coming. The dainty little thing, With sweetest gentle breezes, Oh, lovely, gentle spring. Happy Easter’s coming, too, The boys and girls are glad. You will get lots of colored Easter eggs If you have not l>een bad. ■—Eunice Presser, Age 9: Bancroft, Neb. Inez Dragoo of St. Louie, Mo , has a brother who caught a baby bluebird that had flow-n into their Upstairs window and took it outside and let it go. Boor Birdie! I>ear Happy: I received my pin Q. K. I arr. surely proud of it. The day I got my pin I saw a little bird in the tunk. It was no cold Its color was l barof - -ted «ome «*f the days. And have fun many other ways. Velma Sorensen, age 9. 1227 Fair mount .\ vo . Council Bluffs. In \ Kind Herd. One day as I was t iking a walk 1 saw a Itaby r«-1 ;n winch had fallen from its n*st and was laying h« Ip less ci the ground. 1 walked up to it and picked the poor little bird up. I was going to put it in its nest, but it was too high for n*e to climb the tree. so 1 told my brother who was with me to climb the tree and put the dear little bird in its nest. Mv broth,, r did it with great pleas ure. and we both walked away, very happy tipeause we d d a kind deed. —Jennie Kan-n, 325 North Tenth Street. Council Bluffs. Ia. ri**» Haunted Itarn. In a lily there lived a man whose name was Mr Gray, lb boarded at a country firm house. Near the farm house there was a barn Peo ple thought it was haunted and nobody went in It. Mr. Gray had to pass the burn and almost every time he pissed it lie heard strange noises. Other times he didn't hear them On.- day a small gill went to sell .ggs to a neighbor. She passed the barn and she heard a groan t*ln dropped the eggs and she started for home. Her mother came running to her and the little girl told her .lust then a black cat ran across tb* fence They thought It yyas the . at. so they went home 1 few days after that they heard Mr. Gray's friend was there and had gone ntn th« barn, and he found a pig and some young ones They toil the barn down, so that was the i i 1 of The- haunted barn — Mary l.ouise Pari.a Ohio wa. \rb Beans. Dear Happy: I have been reading the other Go-Hawks’ letters and stories. I have been wanting to be come a member of this tribe for some time. We have a canary bird named Dickey. I have a dog whose name is Billy Beans, hut I call him Beans for short. Beans received his name from Mary Kathryn, a little 4 year old admirer of his. For a dog only 6 months old Beans is very intelligent. He catches candy, toast or most any thing. He has only one bad fault. He loves to tear things into rib bons. I am 12 years old and I am in the seventh grade. We have department work at our school. There are two ward schools here. The other .school is called Athens and is smaller than ours. I go to Antoch. Am enclosing a 2-oent stamp, hoping to get a pin. My letter is longer than I anticipated, ho I will close, hoping I am your friend.—Dorothy Thurles, 801 Thir teenth Street, Auburn, Neb. Wants Lett***. Dear Happy: As I have not writ ten for a long time, I am n< w going to write my second letter. I have a little pet kitten and I am going to tell you how I got it. One day my papa found it and brought it home. It is so nice now. I will close now as my letter Is getting long. I wish some of the Go Hawks would w rite to me.—Mae Gordon, Gregory. The It'ni'H Rescue. Dear Happy: I would lik^ very much to join the Happy tribe. I am sending a 2 cent stamp for my pin 1 like the Happy page. egj*e cially Uncle Peter Heathen. 1 like the whole page and will always like The lice I will always l*e kind to dumb animals. I am going to tell you a story of a little bird: One afternoon when we lived on Madison avenue we had a sh**wer of raid. The people l.ving /text door had set out their tub to cat* h the rain. A friend and I were skating When the owner came out of the house and motioned for me to come over there. I went and what was my surprise to see a poor little helpless bird in the tub flopping and trying to get out. 1 picked it up in a poee of woolen cloth not tightly, and put it in the oven. I th* n went on roller skating. Then in about five minutes n amma told us to watch it fly aw y happy and singing. I was very happy because I had saved a life small, but at the same time it made me happy. This is a true story. Well, goodbye for th:> time—Kmhelie L*fUrt, age 11. Route 5. Counc.i Blurts, la. Harriet F Stone of Hamilton. N V. has learned a part of one of the Fury Grotto plays ar.d is v* rv much interested in Happylar d \ New Member. 1'k.ir Happy: I wish to join >*»ur Happy tribe I ant 7 years old and in the second grade. My teacher's name is M ss U. yd I am en-'Us ing a 2 > nt s’ m* f r tv’: * h send me a button, 1 will b« kind . all bads and dumb hi imals—Carroll Quinton. Age 7 Platismouth, N \ s« i olid I * Ik r. Peru Go Hawk- I th*eight ! would write again. 1 wrote tufa* and 1 have received two Utters. on« fr« in R* va Goo. but the other on* just U-f -i* I took the sc.u 1*; f v« r, and I forr t the name of the writ »r The first nanv was Vera Please f anyone knows. Wras last name write and answer because I belong to the Go Hawks and 1 want to answer nil my letters We have moved about three and a half miles from Carl n. T am 14 years old. Well, as my letter is getting long. 1 w 11 cl >so Vera McHenry. Car bon, la. \ (•<» llawli From \\ touting Pear Happv: I am enclosing a 2* rent stamp for a happy Qo Hawk pin. My teacher’s name is Miss Wilson. 1 am in the third grade I have been reading all the letters of the (lo Hawks. I am good to all dumb animals. W« have two rows, their names are Dolly and Poly, a dog whose name is Bob. and some chickens PI* ase send my pin as soon as possible Yours truly. Kish N*«»re* .* W< stman. A?' 11 Buffalo. Wyo The Il« tt.s. Pear Happy: 1 have wr.iten *> Join the club before, but the otlur time 1 forg-x my Scent stamp Well 1 can't say that 1 forget It either. I was going to mail it and get n - cent stamp a« 1 did for we hid none at home, but mamma mailed the letter ami 1 forgot to tell her to put a S cant stamp in it 1 don t suppose it was even scaled for 1 had left it open sso that th s» m.p cvuld be put In For pets 1 hive a dog named narco" and two red hens. 1 m very proud of rny hens because they lay eggs arid are such a dark red color that they are pretty. Mamma has all white chickens and my hens look kind of funny in among hers. It surely is hot weather here now. Well I have some more letters to write, so 1 will close, hoping to receive my Go-Hawk pin soon.— Lucille L'nh; Auburn, Neb. Tommy’s Clock. A tick, a tick, a tick, a tock. What's the name of Tommy's clock; He winds it and it ticks away, Hut never tells the time of day. A little bell it always rings Whenever Tommy plays or sings; It marks the time, now fast, now slow, And Tommy knows just how to go. Truthfully Yours. Helen Marie Da vis, Silver Creek, N'eb. A Sixth Grader. Dear Happy: I want to join your happy tribe of Go-Hawks, so I am sending a 2-cent stamp. I have one brother and two sisters My broth er's name is Robert and my sis ters' names are Doris and Mar jorie. My brother is sending a 2 eent stamp, too. I will be in the sixth gTade next year. My teach er's name is Grace Boyce. I must dose.—Mary Eleanor Mudd. aged 10, Arnold, Neb. A New Member. Dear Happy: I would like to join your club. I am 5 years old. I will be 6 years old In November. My sister is a Go-Hawk so I thought I would Join. My name is James Richard Rlakney. My house num ber Is 3306 Popple ton Ave . Omaha. “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to any one else.” ‘•pot. Dear Happy: I'm sending a 2 eent stamp as I want to be * member of your Go-Hawk Tribe I promise to be kind to all dumb animals. I have one brother. Richard. He is 6 years old. We have a dog named Spot, and I put glasses on him so he may read a book Richard is sending a coupon next week. We have a bin! house up and some wrens built in IT. They sit on our kitchen window and then we fe< d them. I am 3 years old and in the fourth grade. — Inez Mary Price: Tekamah, Neb A Fourth Grader. Dear Happy: I would like to join ttie Go Hawks. I am a little girl I have two brothers, one surer and my mamma is dead. I am 9 years old. My teacher's name .s M>s Ed wards and I am in the Fourth grade. I have a pet pig and three dogs ard also two cats. I wdl promise to be- kind to all dumb ani tnale My name is Arvt Roger 1 will write another letter s- mo other time. Y ntrs truly, Arva Roger, Route 2. Merna. Neb. Wants to Join. Dear Happy: I want to lx a Go* Hawk. I am sending a coupon and a two cent stamp for a button. This is my first letter to you. I am 7 years old. 1 have three pets, two eats and one dog. Their names ara Dick, Muggins and Torn. I lika them very much. I will always b« kind to dumb animals. Very truly yours, Ituth May Johnson, 92H North Twenty ninth street, Omaha, Neb. A New tin Hawk. Dear Happy: I am S years old I read the Happyiand page and I like to read the Happyiand, so I am going to join. Weil I must close —Floy Thayej, Sidney, N'eh. The Kabbits. Dear Happy I w:?h to join yout; GoH.iwks, 1 im sending a two* cent stamp 1 had some pet rabbits last summer, but a cat caught some and kilb-d it. 1 am 10 years old and in the Fourth grade. 1 like my teacher, her name is Miss Booth I read the whole Happyiand Page every Monday. Guess I’d r ■ — close now Vi.jrs truly, Deacon Gardner, Grand island, Neb. Likes School. Dear Happy I am sending a 2* cent stamp for my button. I am 9 years old and I am in the third grade. My teachers name Is V. - a Pierce. I like to go to school very much. 1 wish to become a Go* Hawk. Well, as my letter .s get* ting long, I will close.—Viva Oa* borne. Lakeside. Neb. Wants to Join. Dear Happy: I want to join the Go-Hawks I am sending a 2-cent stamp for a butt'-n. I promise to be kind to all dumb animals ar.d birds. I love the birds and animal* very much. I like to watch the birds build their nc*t“ n the spring, yours truly—D-r<* T re Aged 8, Stromsburg, Neb. A Seventh Grader. Dear Happy: I wish to become a member of vour Go Hawk club. 1 am sending -• ■ ■ an 5 a 2 cent stamp for the button. I also prom ise to keep the motto and the pledge I am '.2 y- : s ,d and I am In the seventh stradc- I have two g -men p gs a: 1 a i- tt~n for pets.—Rva Davis. Winner. S. D. like*. Birds. I*e r Hap; 1 am n.img a 2-cent stamp and wish • Join the Go-H .wks 1" j s I ,ve six pigeons ar.d two rabbits. I am 10 years ol 1 and in the fifth grade. I like birds. 1 ret- 1 books about birds most all - * -;n I did have a ■ log. but seme ■ pi isoned it. I have thrc» * - rs and one brother. I read year letters • • . ry Sunday and think -hey - - v- y ir.’eresi* ing. This ;s 11 firs: t.me 1 have writ!, n to y- ’t As : t:er :s getting kng I " :U I- se, Yours truly —P.i i_.rd Dewee*. Shenan. linnh. Ia. Dot Puzzle I AN \ol' FINISH THIS rUTFUF! « oivi'l. !,• *}'t* j'i : v - v !-\ .1: ' » ' ch t* \* - *’g w ith i■: ■ * mi : r h « > . ^