German Prices Continue to Climb; ^ Papers Suspend Reports From Paris Dissipate Feeling of Optimism Over Assumption of Office by Stresemann. By CnivertiHl Service. Berlinfi Aug. 17.—Reports from i’aris regarding Premier oPincare’e coming note to England, the new fall of the marn and a sudden attempt to make a transition to gold reckon ing, have already disipated the optimism which followed the assump tion o£ office by Chancellor Strese mann. At the close of the bourse the dollar stood officially at 3,120,000 marks, but after the close of the exchange it went to 4,000.000. The printers, who have been com plicating matters by crippling the money presses through their threa tened strike, are demanding 48 gold marks weekly, which Is more than a dollar above the wages demand that was made the basis of agfcree ment between the union and the Cuno government. Owing to the demands of the print ers. the newspaper publishers in middle Germany have decided to su spend publication unless the employes accept lower wages. Book publish ers announce that it is Impossible to print scientific books since the cost would he triple the world price, mak ing them unsalable both here and abroad. , At Cologna the tram fare is 37 iHennigs. It was 10-Uafore the war. trices of all necer/’^.j are rising ripidly, partly as a result of high wages and partly because of the high ■ he Strcsemann cabinet faces a puzzling situation; it can take no steps toward an active foreign policy lintil the domestic situation is in order, and It cannot bring order out of the domestic situation utnil the foreign problems are regulated. ! The spectre of unemployment looms x* prices ot export products are ap proaching, or exen in some cases ex oSoding, xvorld market figures. Members of Sioux Gather at Niobrara , White Horse, S. D.. Aug. 17.—From n*l parts of South Dakota, and as far away ns Nebraska, members nf the ■■ioux nation, representing more than ■',000 communicants of the Protestant llpiscopal church. have trekked dross the plains and were encamped list night in a great circle on the lenks of the Moreau river. The meet ing Is the Niobrara convocation, N'lo i>rara meaning running water in the Indian tongue. The camp has always been held •ji the banks of some stream to af ford water for the horses, but the drse drawn prairie schooner is fast dsappearjng and the primitive con x yance made of tepee poles has van ished. These Christian Sioux have traveled for the most part In auto 'polities, with here and there a spring ' The Kight Ttev. Hugh T. Burleson, bishop of South Dakota, and the IJiglit Ttev. Blair Huberts, suffragan Ushop, are here nominally in charge ■f the convocation, but in reality it ijt longs to the red man arid all serv ices will be held In the Dakota lan guage. Patriotic Week. Week of September 16 to 22 has been set aside as "Constitution week" liy the committee on American citi zenship of the American Bar associa Hpn. Meetings of local bars in United States court rooms on September 17. the anniversary of the adoption of h* constitution, lias been urged, to gether with the preparation of appro Ifuate programs. - - - \ oungest Subscriber l iola Hose. 3, Heads I he Omaha Bee Is Fond of Spark Plug Viola Xeiswanger, 3 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Neis wanger, 4704 South Twentieth street, has the distinction of being the young est subscriber and reader of The Omaha Bee in South Omaha. She is found by the carrier waiting in the front yard for the paper, whi ’b she takes to her fav ofite chair in the parlor and first pi . •.-.J-i to read .Te doings < f Barney f'.oogio and Spark Plug, after which sho s-'.ins the en tire paper from the fashion section to the sport pag.\ <" Her proud parents ssv Viola will not give up her newspaper to other members of the fiAu.j until she hats entirely finished Poking it over. Auto Crash Wrecks Brand New Car at Curb IT. W. Thornton, 324 North Forty first avenue, called on police early Friday morning for aid in locating the motorist who crashed into and wrecked his brand new automobile while it was standing parked in front of his home. Thornton had parked the car In the street before his home shortly after midnight. About 2 ho heard a clash and the sounds of steel rending steel. He leaped from bed and went to in vestigate. There on Ills front lawn, devoid of wheels, bent ami twisted out of shupe, lay liis car, the pride of his heart. The careless motorist who had dune the damage hail not tarried, he hod left as he had come, and all that Thornton could see was a tail light disappearing in the distance. ('oolir. Duncan. “We must keep some of the fighting spirit in our 1 eliglon." Similar was ihe opinion of !!pv. Tloward C. Whltromb of Calvary Baptist churoh, who believes suelt hymn* "exun -s an element of aggies slveness and virility in Christianity which i« Important in challenging the spirit of heroism, especially among young people.” In Kdgar M. Brown of Belt* Memorial Methodist church save lie personally would miss such hymns a great deni. 1 hrv serve fis an nld to healthy religious life and everyone underst-aiide that they rcl'n onh to warfare In the spiritual sens* ► Piver’s 1.00 Azurea or Le Trefle Face Powder, specially priced /Q for Saturday, Main Floor—Weit National Human Hair Net*— Guaranteed perfect, cap or fringe style, single or double mesh; come six to the box, handy to carry in the handbag; regu larly single mesh, 50c; double mesh, ,75c; specially priced, single dr double, the box, 33c Main Floor—South I August Feature Sales for Saturday Sweetland Specials Klondike*—Cream, maple, pecan nut, pineapple, fruit and vanilla. Brazil huts made fresh daily; OQ special, per pound, D*/C Bitter Sweet and Swiss Milk Chocolates—De licious hand rolls in fruit and nut centers packed in one-pound boxes at only, per pound, Pure Vanilla Marshmal lows—Gold Medal brand, very soft and mellow; try a pound box at only I Spiced Jelly Opera Drops I —Packed, assorted flavors, in a one-pound box; OQ special, per box, Main Floor—We»t A a /V VS Advance Showing of Smart Millinery t for Fall ’5 J10 A lovely group of models which carry a pleasing prophesy of brown for autumn wear; em broidery trimmings, ribbons, tancy feathers and ornaments give them charac ter and charm and distinguish them from the hats we have previously shown; a be coming shape for every type of face and all distinctly new and smart. Second Floor—East Women’s Fine Pure Silk Hosiery In Heavy Medium j & Chiffon Weight Heavy, medium and lightweight hose of Kayser, Allen A, Black Cat, Onyx, McCallum, Boyd, Lehigh, Brandeis Special and other popular makes; in shades including white, black, sand, beige, gray, brown and the very popular wood shades; all are first quality; full fash ioned and well reinforced. Also chiffons of the clearest and sheerest A-eave, from our regular stock of Onyx, Mojud, Lehigh, -1 QC Brandeis Special and Allen A; per pair, * Women’s Silk Stockings—Semi and full-fashioned. A few are irregulars of better quality hosiery. Colors black, gray, tan, sand, nude and other popular shades. These are from our 1.50 and 1.75 quality; special, per pair, i When You) Go Shopping In Omaha You will of course visit The Brandeis Store, for everyone in this section of the country un derstands that “when you buy it at Brandeis” you shop in the markets of the world. The trials I of the shopper at The Brandeis Store are reduced to the mini mum, for here you find every thing arranged for your conveni ence and Service is of prime im portance in the plans of the management. An important feature of this service is the Cafeteria. A nour ishing lunch and a cheering cup of tea do much to lighten the burden of fatigue. Our Cafe teria is conveniently located on I the Main Floor, North. It in vites you with the bright cleanli ness of its marble counters and nickeled fixtures. It pleases you with its prompt and simple service. It tampts you with home-cooked and appetizing food. It satisfies you with its moderate prices. The Cafeteria is open at 9 a. m.; luncheon is ready at 11 a. m. and served until 4:30 p. m. Again uur European Shopping 1 rip scores--1 his 1 ime With a Great Sale of; Imported and Domestic Novelty Jewelry ’ In Three Lots 25c, 50c and 1.00 Beads in great va riety of chokers, long chain and tassel effects: ear rings in shower and long drops : j of crystal and combinations; bracelets, all the season’s new esc s c y i e s ana colors. An as sortment of cuff pins, bar pins, cuff links, scarf pins and brooch pins in pretty ; stone settings silver and gold filled. Mam Floor—East Real Leather Handbags Purchased in Europe by our special representative for a price that enables us to sell 7.50 to 10.00 values to you for— All Genuine Leathers, Pin Seal Morocco, Suede and Calf 4 illigator Grain, Novelty and Other Popular Finishes All new and generous sizes, smartly styled and perfectly made and finished with silk or real leather linings. Colors are gray, navy, brown and black Every one is a bag you will be glad to carry with your smartest costume. They are mostly in new large sizes, while some very smart small bags are included. The commodious flat bag is a feature of the assortment and there are many large, semi-pouch style bags with celluloid frames in ivory or shell finish. All are fitted with coin purse and mirror and some have shopping pad and pencil and other fittings. LWhen you see these bags you will wonder at their great value and remark ably low price. Shop early—we cannot guarantee such remarkable styles and values to remain long unsold. * Main Floor—Eatt Boy’s Clothing and Furnishings Boys9 Sample Shirts! 1.25 to S2 Value 89c Each Collar attached, neckband and sport styles. Well-made, good fitting shirts; madras, soisette and fine count percale in neat patterns or plain colors; sizes 12 to 14. Boys’ High-Grade Pajamas—Fine ! grade of madras, soisette, cambric and percale in various colors, one and two-piece styles; sizes 4 to 1G years; regular prices 1.85 to 1 IQ 2.50; specially priced. l*i«/ Little Boy*’ Tub Suit*—Broken lot* from our regular stock; even,- suit a big bargain; styles are Oliver Twist, mid dies and Balkans; plain colors or com- j binations; guaranteed fast colors and perfectly tailored: sizes 3 to 8; QQ special price, *JOC Fourth Floor ■_____________ ji August Features in Housefurnishings The thousand and one helps to lighten kitchen labor will be found here at low prices. Some August sale feature* for Saturdav: 4.00 R i d j i d Folding Iron ing Board l.arjre top and » u b s t a ntial base, 3.29 f 1.50 Electric Grills or Toasters—Com plete with cord and socket, spec., <)«)<<• ■ i u I m p o r t e d Wooden Kitchen Sets -Consisting Of PlPCs*H *n H rmtk, »U n^rfh'iirf In th* kitchen «t 1 «» 1.00 4 - Piece ! White Enamel Canister Set— «9tf w 1.75 Stcpladder Stool* — \Vrl! made, 1.2ft 2.00 Key I itone Food C h op per* j — F a roily ! lice, four steel out ing blades 1.49 5.50 All Metal, White Enamel Medicine Cabi net and Small Mirror, J,29 ||j Fifth Floor—West | Women’s Glove Silk Undergarments A special grouping of fine silk undergarments of the kind in great demand, priced for clearance at figures that will help you to make big savings. [Women’s Glove Silk Bloomers — In flesh and orchid, all perfect quality, 3.25 values; sizes are 5, 6 and 7; special, each, Women’s Glove Silk Vests —The run of the mill; they come in flesh and orchid, jersey and silk stripes; regular values 2.00 and 2.25; special, 1 each, Women’s Silk Lisle Suits and Fine Lisle Suits—Some t are Kayser and Marvelfit; these come in flesh or full I bleach; all styles; regular and extra sizes; | rvrv i 1.50 to 2.00 values; special, per suit, A .UU I ThirJ Floor Center Fine Handkerchiefs Women’s Imported Irish Linen Handker chiefs—White and colored linen with plain and spoke hemstitched borders, with fancy hand-embroidered corners; 6Pc value; special, each. Men’s and Women's Fine Cotton and Shamrock Lawn Handkerchiefs—Men’s are white with satin stripe borders, and white with colored borders; women’s white and colored with fancy embroidered corners, special, on.. Main Floor—Eaal Sale of Standard Notions Hickory Girdle* -With four or six supporter, cool and comfortable for the corsctless fig ure. These girdles sell regularly at 1.00 and 1.25; special, ll)C Puritan Sanitary Apron* Rubberised, \v h i l e only; regularly 00c; special, Kleinert’g Jiffy Pants Small, medium and large: regularly 19e; special, :{!)«* Hair Pin Cabinets Kegularly 2,'ic; special at 17P Ivory Dressing Combs Kine quality; regularly 76c; special, ^flf* Main r loor .>oufh New Crepe and Striped Batiste Bloomers For midsummer wear. For the woman who requires extra large sizes. We make it a special point to he able to fit the stout woman as well as offering her specially priced undergarments. These bloomers are made of Windsor crepe and striped batiste in pretty pastel shades; all seams double stitched; specially 1 PQ priced, l.D*/ Third Floor—Center Attractive Framed Pictures .lust received an attractive assortment of framed pictures. Nice for bridge prir.os, showers and .-mull gifts, ranging in CQ to *} AQ price from' OI/C ^ • t C7 \ number of frames with glass, suitable for en larged kodak prints of your summer vneation that are especially' dear to A f\ to e you; from 4UC l./O Sisth Floor—South Wrap-Around Girdles For Slender Women Attractive to all who would save a good percentage on excellent wrap around Girdles. In this selling are Madam Irene. Gotham and Treo corsets. All made of beautiful satin and silk broche, combined with good 'ilk and cotton knit elastic webbing. Also all elastic models of imported hand - knit elastic and domestic makes. AH models will give fashionable lines and fit splendidly, all lengths, 12, Id, 16-inch. Values 12.00, 15.00 and 18.00 Priced, 9.89 Each of our corsetieres is carefully trained to fit you correctly with the model you should wear, and has at her command the complete variety of elastic corsets in all sizes. __ji Third Floor—I’orth Wi t?