Mail Romance With English *. Bride on Rocks Manchester, England, Woman Asks Separate Maintenance from South Omaha Merchant After Few Months’ Trial. Back in the days when Mike Clark was sheriff he conducted a matrimo nial agency. Lonesome maidens from all parts of the world wrote the sheriff in the hope of acquiring noble husbands. Among the lonesome ones was Mary Josephine Kirwin of Manchester, England. Mary's first husband was killed during the war. She wrote Mr. Clark, asking If Omaha could furnish her | another husband. Her Jetter was published in Omaha papers, and Jo seph V. Kaspar, South Omaha mer chant, wrote her. / Iiasp&r's Third Trial. Mr. Kaspar had embarked on the sea of matrimony twice before. He felt that he might experience more bliss if he imported a wife for the third trial. Mrs. Kirwin answered his letter, and their correspondence continued until they began to feel quite "chummy,” so to speak. They i exchanged pictures, and then Mr. < Kaspar sent her money to come to < this country. They were married in Council i Bluffs May 20, 1922. Today there is i a petition on file in' district court in i which the third Mrs. Kaspar asks i that the court give her separate main- I tenance of $100 a month. She alleges Mr. Kaspar failed to support her, i although she declares he is worth a i ^—small fortune. 1 ^ "I didn’t fall to support her,” said < Mr. Kaspar, at his home at 2501 . South Twelfth street, this morning. ’ "She was English and wasn't used to American ways. She told me she was 39 years old and that she had no children. I found out after we were < married that she had a child in f England. ' 1 “Yes, I have three grown children s myself. I suppose she was homesick ' for her native country;. that's the t only reason I can find for her asking 1 for separate maintenance. I. guess I she'll go back to England.” ■ Mrs. Kaspar. who is represented by i George B. Collins, refused to com- i ment on the suit. 1 I t Unfilled Steel Orders Decrease Statement of Business on July 31 Shows Drop Over Previous Month. New York. Aug. 10.—Unfilled orders of the United States Steel corporation July 31. made public yesterday, totaled 5,910,763 tons, a decrease of 475,498. under those at the end of the preced ing month and the smallest since July 31 of last year when the total was 5,776,161 tons. ^0 While the decrease was about 75,500 t tons more than Wall street had an- _ ticlpated. it reflected a better de mand for steel in July than in June ■ when the decrease was 595,090 tons below the preceding month. Making allowance, however, for the smaller shipment in July It was estimated, by market observers that bookings last month were 3,000 tons a business \ day more than those In June, the daily gain being smaller than trade reports had indicated. Orders no|V on hand represent ap proximately five months business at the current operating ratio of 90 per cent. Elimination of the 12-hour day is expected to slow up shipments ; but steel men do not look for any marked improvement in the industry until September or Octoljpr. -- . I Omaha Is Large Postal Center ' ■ ■ - ■ As a postal center, Omaha is one of the biggest 1n the west and dis burses approximately $25,000,000 an nually for the postal deportment, ac cording to records of the bureau of publicity of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. The Omaha postoffice gives em ployment to W0 m£n and women. It includes in its system a $1,000,000 building downtown and 25 branch of fices and stations. Its distribution territory includes a wide area west ^^.f the Missouri river. There are 1,200 ^dAilway mail clerks and 1,700 rural route mail carriers in this territory. Omaha is the central station on the New York San Francisco air mall route. In addition to the delivery of thousands of retail store packages each year, the postoffice handles about 125,000.000 pieces of mall an nually. One hundred mail trains en ter Omaha dally. The parcel delivery system of the postoffiee Is completely motorized snd ■the system of dispatching and col lecting mail is one of the best and most efficiently organized In ihe United States, the report adds. Congressman Suffering. Special niupstrh to The Onmlia Bee. Columbus, Neb., Aug. 0.—Congress man Edgar Howard, third Nebraska district, is suffering severe pain fol lowing the sudden illness with which he was stricken Tuesday. In connec tion with Intestinal disturbances, Mr. Howard, physicians announced today, is suffering from a stone in the kid ney His pulse Is 78, respiration has Increased from 20 to 40, temperature of 99.04. • Not Arrested. E. J. Latterly, 3511 California street, was not arrested In Omaha on July 24, as previously reported. Up was taken to Central police station by Patrolman Aboud. who said ho 0> had been accused of threatening a man he found with his step-daughter. Bernice, 16. He was <|Uestibned by Captain Allen and released. 1,. J. Frye Die's. Leslie James Frye, 29, Lll< < Ity. Neb., died Thursday In an Omaha hospital. He is survived by his widow and ono son. Funeral services will he held Sun dav afternoon Ht 2 at Elk City and burial will be In Klk City cemetery. I WELL MR. HIIX. WOULD YOU LIKE HO'. HA* THIS WILL BE 6000 * f AH — LlSlEN - I LL BET THAIS ^ ! -TO WIT NESS A MIRACLE- WOULD MA SAW SOME DOPE AOWERHSEOINTHE / MA COMING UP St A\RS. SHE \ j voo LIKE TO SEE ME6ET RIO OF OMAHA BEE ( LMsEVN SAW A RAYs WlSKERS < _s THE RATS VODOE BEEN FEEDING WANT AOS TO OAWEOt/T.RAlS ( *NO FORGOT ALL ABOUT HER A ALL WEEK ? _AND SHE THINKS SHES GOT EM P EXTERMINATION PAOCLWITIES ». ^ OMJHERUM NOVN Hft'Hft! < s-S V ,<• j -I -n **>-«■ luirlMtr «n» Tr«mn* ayit4lc*t«, Dm MoMm _) (?,WW. -— Great Strides in Electrical Field Electrical Engineer Sees Un limited Field Developing From Research Work. New York, Aug. 10.—Stupendous advances In electricity are foresha dowed. Dr. Frank B. Jewett, presi dent of the American Institute of Ejectrical Engineers and vice-chair man of the Engineering Foundation, declared at the 24th summer session convocation at Columbia University, attended by teachers and students from all parts of the country. "So vast is the present stream of new knowledge from research work In the field of the structure of the atom and of the properties of Ions, electrons and protons," said Dr. Jewett, “that one dare not predict what the future has in store for us.” Dr. Jewett whose subject was "The Age of Electricity," added that "as a result of the knowledge ac quired since we first began to have an insight into the mechanism of electricity there has developed and is still developing a knowledge of the ultimate structure of matter and of the various manifestations of what we term 'energy' which have not only tended to break down and diffuse many of the old barriers which separ ated the so-called sciences, but also give basis for the belief that, in the last analysis, all matter and forms of energy are different manifesta tions of electricity in its primordial form. "If this turns out to be so, then we have indeed a real justification for the allegation that we are living In an age of electricity. Whether the electrons and protons of our present knowledge are in fact the ultimate devices of these great protean forces we have no present means of know ing. but even if they are not later found to be composites of some in finitely smaller units our present knowledge of them is sufficient to open up wide vistas of practical ap plications of electricity compared with which tfie developments of the pres ent will pale into insignificance." Stupendous advances are fore shadowed by discoveries of the last two decades. Dr. Jewett declared. Mennonites Cut Gas Four Cents Religious Sect Near Hutchin-i son. Kan., Quick to Re duce Motor Fuel. Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Hutchinson, Kan., Aug. 10.—Men nonites of Buhler, a small settlement a few miles northeast of Hutchinson, have gone into the oil business Noted heretofore, for their unusual dress and religious practices, they are now creating a stir in oil circles by selling gasoline at 4 cents un der the prevailing market, price. Here tofore, they have taken no prominent part in the commercial life of the county. But now the members of the Buhler community have suddenly taken an Important part in the lives of citi zens in their community. They have been instrumental in making the eve ] ning motor ride in Hutchinson terri tory 4 cents cheaper per gallon. In other words, gasoline in Hutchin son, is selling at the filling stations for 18.5 cents per gallon, while in Wichita, 55 miles away, it is still 22.4 cents per gallon. It is reported due to a certain quick business sense of the Mennonites, who took advantage of the wide spread between the refiners and tank wagon markets and went about Hutchinson and its vicinity selling gasoline to all coiners at 4 cents be low the filling station price. They had no' overhead expenses to dis count, and soon were doing such n business that the filling stations be gan to feel it. , On Sunday afternoon the regular filling stations began their war upon the Mennonites by meeting .their price. The Standard Oil company, CrewLecick, Derby, White Kagle, arid National Refining companies, besides| the many other filling station Inter ests, began selling gasoline at 18.5 cents per gallon, approximately 20 cents cheaper for the regular five gal ion lot than it had been before. Henry Beal Hack. Henry Beal, county attorney, re turned Thursday with Joseph Mur phy of South Omaha frorn an auto mobile trip to Yellowstone national park. They did not learn of President Harding’s death until three days after It happened, according to Mr. Beal. They were attending a rodeo at Ashland, Mont., 75 miles from a railroad, Mr. Beal declares that farmers, stock raisers and business men are badly olf nil through the western ter ritory. To Investigate. County Attorney lienry Beal will go to Lincoln today to Investigate the new statute which giants his of fice one more deputy. When the new law was before ihe legislature it provided for three new deputies and the governor signed ihe hill under the impression Hint it pro vided fin (luce. However, tlie Mil in its flnHl form calls for only one. Mr. Beal declares it must he a tyiiographl cal ertor, Col. Lahn Is Military Aid to New President Col. JFrank P. Kalin. Marion, O.—Col. Frank P. l-ilin, military aide to President < indulge, represented his chief in helping plan for the funeral services for Mr. Hard ing. Lincoln to Have New Light Hates New Schedule Makes Flat Service Charge of 40 Cents Per Month. The Lincoln Has & Electric com pany has announced the following schedule of rates for electricity, be ginning September 1: A service of 40 cents per month, plus first 10 K. 'V. 11. used per month, 5c per K. VV, H.; next 30 K. VV*. H. nsed tier month, 4c net per K. VV. If.; next 460 K VV. H„ 3 f-2c net per K. VV. H.; all over 600 K. VV. ff. used per month, 3c net. The Nebraska Power company has an unlimited net rate of 6 l-2c per K. VV'. H., for residential purposes, with a minimum charge of 50 cents per month, hut imposes no initial service charge. The new Eincoln rates are higher on monthly bills to and including 30 K. VV. II., after which amount the Eincoln rate gradually becomes low er than.tlm Omaha rate, as indicat ed in the following comparative fig ures up to a consumption of 50 K. W. H. per month; k. w H. Per Mo. Omaha Lincoln 10 56 .90 15 *3 1110 JO .a. 11.10 11.30 2f, .31.3* $1.50 30 .. II II 70 35 .11.93 $1 90 *0 . 12.30 I 10 46 .$2U I2 2« 50 .13.75 12.46 "Only a small percenluge of the residential customers of tile Nebras ka Power company use more than 30 kilowatt hours of electricity a month," Kenneth Goewt.v. sales man ager of the Nebraski# Power com pany said today. Nebraska Guard Honors Harding N|»*riftl DiapftteM to The Omaha flee. Ashland, Neb., Aug. 10.—Memorial services in honor of the memory of the late President Warren fi. Harding were held by the Nebraska National Guard companies encamped hero at 2 this afternoon. No member of the guard at the camp was excused. Presidential salute was fired by the howitzer company, after which a bugler sounded taps. Music was furnished by the band of the 134th infantry. All duty whs suspended for the day in accordance with the order of the secretary of war affecting all army posts and troops In the field. .100 Auto Tourists. Five hundred automobile tourists have registered at the new tourist camp In Elmwood park during tho nine days ended Thursday evening. Beginning August I. a charge of 50 cents has been made for each 24 hours of occupancy of the camp. Most of the tourists visiting here have had ifrigi, some have carried their feline pets and one family this week had a chicken hawk which was caught along the way. Many stales were represented at the camp during the last nine days. Five Persons Killed. Clinton, III . Aug. 10.—Little Alice Jellnek, 8, Is the sole survivor of a party of six persons whose automo bile was struck by an Illinois Central passenger train here Wednesday. The three men In the party, which was on its way to the DeWitt county fair grounds, were killed Instantly. They were John n. Hurt-Ill and Emery tlloyd of Effingham. Ill , and an un Identified man The little girl s piolher. Mrs. Fran ces Jelpiek of Chicago, uml her grand mother. Mts John It. Surrlll of Ef finghum, died at n hospital. Pioneer Widely Known in West Dennis Leary. 93, pioneer mining man who was buried in Omaha last Monday, was one of the first few white men to locate at the spot which is now Silver Bow, Mont. He went there In 1864 and later helped to find the Silver Bow Mill and Min ing company. lie was known all over the terri tory at that time, not only as a miner hut as a plainsman, and was leader of the vigilantes in Virginia City. He came to Omaha in 1890 and had j lived here ever since. ^ Mrs. D. .J. Hennessy. a daughter, and Bud Leary, a son. survive. In Belgium the trade union restric tions on apprenticeship bar women from the hairdressing and printing trade*. BEE WANT AD RATES lCr per line each day, 1 or 2 day*. 12c per line each day. 3 to 6 days 12c per line each day. 3 to h days. Wc per line each day. 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed “public wants” and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns ad vertising or exploiting their businesses. These rates apply to The Sunday Oma ha Bee as well as The Mcrning and Eve ning Bee. All week-day advertisements appear In both morning and evening edi tions at the one cost. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Morning Edition .9 p. m. Evening Edition .11:30 a m. Sunday Edition ..9 p. m. Saturday Want Ads accepted at the following offices: .Main office .17th and Farnam S' a South Omaha .N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Blufrs .16 Scott St. Telephone AT lantic lOon. fall for 'Want” Ad Department. An experienced “Want” Ad taker will receive your add and a bill will be mail* d later. The rateg quoted above apply to either charge or ra«h orders. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right fn designate what constitutes a public Want THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE FUNERAL NOTICES. sTTRVD^Tr^Mnr^armjHT^passe^r^awRy^at Blair, Neb. August 9, 1923. aged 87 years. Mrs. Service is survived by three daugh ters-— Mrs Lottie Crampton of Yakima. Wash.: Mrs. E. L. Weakley of Fremont. Neb ; Mrs Harriet? M Harnett of Omaha —and 11 grandchildren Funeral Sunday. 2 p. in . August If. at Blair.__ Rl’NDHA'K—Carrie, age years Be lov. d wife of T Rundbaik. August x 1923. at Colorado Springs Colo Funeral Saturday afternoon nt 2 30 from the Trin ity Lutheran church. Thirtieth and Rod icK avenue. Interment. Forest Lawn cemetery Fr|end« ar<- web nrnc. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V J. STACR A CO. Omaha s best undertaking establishment PIERCE A llRdW V M HULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. HA. 0064 HEAFEY & HEAFEY. Undertaker* and Kmbalmer* Phone HA 0265, Office 2611 Farnam. (ESTABLISHED SINCE 18*2 ) CRANE MORTUARY CO. CONDUCTED MV LADIES ONLY 615 S. 20th St. AT. 36*9 and AT. 3690. Kr-RISKO FUNERAL HOME. 23d and O Sta. 1250 S. 13th St. MA 0680.AT i*t;. FUNERAJ^DIRE CT OR S HOFFMANN A MBT7T.ANCK Dodge at 24th. Funeral Direct or*. JA 390J. HULSK A RIE PEN. Funeral director*. 2224 lining. JA. 1228 < lifts BY Ml "»l: 1. rtth and W ^ WE 0MT. TAGGART A SON. 2212* Cuming St J \ «;i4. If. H KRAMER FUNERAL HOME. 6919 Military Ave. WA. 63J4 ‘ BRA I LET A- DOR RANCH* 1823 CUMING ST. JA. 0526. JOHN \ GENTLEMAN, 3411 Farnam St. CEMETERIES VISIT FOREST LAWN. • North of CUv Limits. 520 a •'rt't-. Perpetual • are. • -fflre* at eetnetery and 730 Brand in Theater Bldg. ~VAULTSANDMONl^M 1: NTS DISTINCTIVE feature*. «ee detnon.-ira Don pf factory Automatic Sealing Con crete Burial Vault. Inaiat upon your un dertaker using no oGior. Every vault ■ tamped Watch for name In ltd Man ufactured only by t h'- Omaha t’nne?«-fe Burial Vault Co . 6210 N 30th St , Omaha _FLORISTS._ I.KK LARMON. l!)fh a nd I touglaa Phone AT H JOHN HATH d*/.4 Farnam JA I L. I f F. N1 iKHHON', 1507 I n root n JA I ST. A LOST AND FOUND. Lost—Tun bulldog, white marking down center of fare And on throat Monday availing. Three year* old, name .Huoze. weigh* between f>0 and 80 pound* He wn nl HA 278b l I.OST—!d clothing, furniture, mnga alnea. Wi collect. We dlatrlbute Phone JA. 412b and our wagon will call • all and inspect our new homa. 1110*1112-1114 Hodge St_ AUTOS FOK SALeT~ Kcinu TON TnlU'K. I nil'I l>".|». HH'U mat lea, $2'»0. MuU k three nuHi ter-t 'ii pnruinatl' ’ . <1 Two and half ton Republic ilun.p truck. 91.2&0. Threw and a half ton H »• p u 1*11 • truck. II, 210. ANDREW Ml RPHr Ho\ /•I veara In business. 14th ami J.«• I u t>argatn« In used Fords. New •on. aaav pavmenta McCAFFliKT MOTOR ft • The ftandy Kervlca Station lbtll pnd Ja< ka ta AT. 7711. OOl.l>8TH<>M AUTO SALKS t’O newTo cation. 21 12 ilarnev Street Forda and other make* $50 and Up Ford bodies • nah or time Open evening* Phone AT t,,, t»; NEW and used Ford*, caah or term*. C. 1C PAULSON MOTOR (Yl,, Authorized Ford and Lincoln H'v.lera both and Aron Ave Kl. 0141 IIKIM grade new ami used cat* OUT L. SMITH i xr;o i .mis t>. N nonney Motor Ft*. 2b$4 Fat ttaill. I REFINISH ED Fora sedan bodies. all models. Will tak.» your touring or road ster body as part payment. Terms to re sponsible parties. Don’t watt till fall and winter and then pay a premium for a soda,n body. Itay now and turn your Ford [Into a gobd looking comfortable sedan at a low cos'. We make the change over. | Serj us today. Wp are open. Hannan* Odell-Van Brunt, Inc., 3002 Farnam St. USED parts for all makes of cars. Ford used parts at half price. Neb. Auto Parte. JA. 4021. USED ‘’ARS THAT (’AN BE SOLD. NEBRASKA OLD8MOUILK CO.. Howard at lKth. AT. 1770. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. MUST sell my Ford ten truck quirk. Is irp gor>h condition with closed cab and [express body, only used a few months. I need the money. Have nonuse for the truck and will give some one a real good buy. 1819 Wirt St._ AUTOACCESSORIES.TIR^S. BUY a metal garage. Made in Omaha. CARTER SHEET METAL OO., JA. 0602. DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometer, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. W^lte, call or phone Jacknon 1565 for large illus trated catalog. Address HOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg. Omaha. Neb. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fin*- offi* o position ‘ all AT. 7774 or write Ameriran College. 1912 Farnam. PIANO lesHons taught. Low Hummer rates. 44*14 Bed ford A \ e, WA 6154. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS S. E. corner 19th and Douglas. JA. 5890 MOLER BARBER COLLEGE! 110 8. 14th St. Writs for catalog Comptometer school 300 Courtney Bldg. HELP WANTED—MALE. YOUNG MAN—STUDY LAW! Downtown evening session*. University of Omaha Law School. Nomina! tuition. Enroll now. See Sec^y. 1027 Omaha Nat. Bank. WILL i i) boj h tu '.*'u through business < ollege for doing some light Janitor work. AT. 7 77 4 IJELP WANTED—FKMALE. wK ARK manufacturer* of a very staple line to the retail trade and are desirnua of obtaining the services of a good, re sponsible woman to represent our inter ests in Omaha. Neh. To the proper seri ous minded parly we have a good,* per manent position to c*ff**r. with fine possi bilities for future. Write J. K. Trovers Co., 463 Broadway. Kt. J'aul. Minn. WANTED an exper!en» ed white second girl with good references. Apply Mrs W. H. McCord. 6201 Davenport. WAITRESS* and waffle girl; no Sunday work. MartcII Waffle House, 161 i Far nam salesman wanted' HA I.K.SM EN Ow ns to cnlargeni' ii’ of Dea Moines branch operations, our Hales Manager will be in Otuaha. Thursday and Friday. Aug ust 9 and 10. to interview applicant* to sell our complete tine of 9i Whl* products to auto dealers, garages, accessory, hard ware and similar dealers In Iowa terri tories Only men of order getting ability considered, you will be backed by dealer helps, national advertising and weekly drawing account against libera! commis sion basis. For interview telephone \\ JL,. t.ushti.uigh, f-'..nt.-n- h**t»l. Omaha SITUATIONS WANTED. MAN moving to Omaha want* poaitlon w 'h manufacturer or Jobber. Willing to Mart In ba- -m* n' Good reference*. Y-2379. Omaha Bee. WORK, painting, etc.. In sots. end hotels ,T Kreph»r. F.f'26 S 26th St. L>AV work wanted. White woman. AT. WM FT»;_laundress, d*v work. KK 3<'fl«\ Pm*-. ,1 with freight paid rJ Mia sourl river Can be aeon at any t’rlic Write or wire for prices. Rcfei. iii'i; Farmers stmt* bank. co*sd; Live Stock National bank! Chicago. NOEL COVER, OWNER. COZAD, NEB. business opportunities] AS I \\ \NT to r<* ire. I will se|| my we]| establiahed cafe. with fountain and cabaret in connection. This is a money mak. r Hnd ran be improved. Inman < afe. Wakeflold. N«t I «»R SALK—First class meat market, do ing good business In good town; if )n trrMtfd write helnoat Bros, Creighton,! DUY from owner, eight rooms, well fur nished; Income off second floor, f&o. rent H , only ft.2nd HA 41 m. 7 RdiiMS modern Baby giand piano ! ““'M • Your own price. 2411 Har-' noy Hi JA 2261 F"lt HALL MO f.-.>f gon'.i haidw'aiT fix-' nivs hi s bargain Must act quick Marry F Johnson, Friend Neb _1NVKSTMIgNTS. 1 \HI4 paid (for 2d mortaasea on Omaha property y <* Horarek A Co, ti40 lat - St ■ DIAMOND loans at lowest rafra. business afrlrtlv confidential. The Diamond Loan «. i .1 1 Pod no St , FatnU_1 *94_ M>ANS - )N ' 5 A! I S TA I 1 r. S and « P1CR i'KNT MtiNKT | Uuo on itmnha improved property at loiTfet rat re. I RANK II HINPKK. |CM i’llv Nat J A, 2561. sr.cOM> mortanR-a or contracts pur chased hy Tukcv Company, t>.'0 lat Nat'l 111 .IV 4223 FARM LOANS ! irite or Sul ill. \S • • Nabi farms, ranches Kloke m atm nl « * I4R Dm Nat Bk OMAHA IIOMI IS I A N r N C R FVRMhT « K I' I: FI ItK VI. KSTATF CO. inn. ('in Nat. Mk Hldy .? A. 2711. 8TRAX0IIT b year loans, ti Va per vent AMOH OK ANT CO.. 101 W 18th._ AT 8888 • F I* WtCAD A P H ROWMAN I '> S IMh. V MoNhJY »o loan on fat ms and Omaha > »y I estate. VIYKRH A It A?NHOI.T i‘(l„ t i piiihIi.i Nat Hank Rida .1 * 074* SIX per cent toHns <•«* Omaha realdsnrra Ca«h on hand Ctonipt servlet bk H I.OUter, I m i.M Keellnn Rida > \\ i ■ i I'M. m . a. i ind ts , t “ikill, 94b ojiih. Nai. lildg , Omaha, Nth. LOANSON REAL ESTATE. 5Vi AND alu*. A4^ dress S-933. Omaha B*vr SI UMAR square piano, suitable for large ball to trade for furniture or what have vOU ? 8-9*9. Omaha Bee • ’llE VROLET—*Trade~t hat Ford in on «. new rhcvrolet; easy terms. Ttlephona KE. 5345. WIFE rant drl\e it Will trade 192! Chevrolet touring, good shape, for Ford touring with start*! 8-97;. Omaha Bee FOUR lb')LK jth« range to swap for box springs or what have you * S 931. Omaha II"« To SWAB chickens for what hav« you? S i»2« < maha Bee SWAP large ever ready flashlight for Ford cutout. 8-97 4. unatia Bee EQUITY in two lota f>*r car. or what have you? 8-930. Omaha'Bee. TRADE tiren for 1can m ten: 8 971. H*e. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS. DESKS N>w deck*. u»* d de*ka bought aold nnd traded. J. v’. Reed. 1207 Farnam St. AT. fil4« WANTED to bm female bulldog. Write Arthur ItnrtK. Phillip*. Neb. APARTMENTS ANeTfLATsT < For Rent— I nfurnUhed 1 AN n.ttractive ami convenient email apart ment. hai trig living room, dining alcove, kitch* n. drr«alng room and bath Vo ♦; Klngahornugh. Dodge street. $t,ft o Ml.go. We have n number of other apartments of varloua typra mailable—get our Hal PETERS TRUST COMPANY Whet a Omaha Renta' A T A ft 4 4 17th and Farnam St*. TURN E ItT COURT APTS Moat beautifully located and arranged. Three apartment n\tb ft-room accommo dation*. two bed*, built-in fextuie*. oppe - -ite boule va i I and Turner park. Avail ably at once Janitor. IIA IS** «1 M. HAUSER Manager -l0- D "!>:«’ _|1\ Tun four downstairs rooms in double houar. and garage, 140. 2*12 Rlnhei Hi and new n room flap |,c;, S IOth St $7S Se\ rn room partl> mod ein flat. 2121 \ 1 c* van worth St, fj.s AT fSOO UWin .MKN' TS \ \ 11 F I.ATS- III to lie NN .1 P A1 MKIt ro UK A I F. STATE MANAOFMKNT. K ee Hn.» Hldg. AT k9in PFTF.HS rRl'S I COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS XT 0.44 t.ih and Farnam St* Full i.N'K OF DRAKI S inert APARTMENTS tall JacKaon 2E0& si i AM heated modern apartment*, low rent <; P Stebblne 1*10 Chicago St. tIS N* 80th St — 9-room flat modriti fall JA CM* 4 HOOM8 upatalra, with auneoopi and ga rage atrictiy modern; * ft HI N. ftSd 5 K' F N roe in brick duplex flat, 1 l * & t°th. KK 1 oft 4 _ A PAR TMKNTS ANI> Fl.ATS ^ ^ -i JFujrijUbrd > # ' 1 • XT *»• dill ,1)1,1 1', .Ik 6i», livtuo for aiming man and w if a. * HOUSES FOR RENT. | 2516 WOOLWOr.TH AVE—6 roomii. *65. Every modern convenience. Garage, 1 car, oak floor*, oak finish. GRAHAM PETER8 REALTY CO, JA 0303,Eve. WA. 1103. VERY desirable modern cottage, 7 room* and bath, hot water heat, fine sleeping potch, large front and hack lawn. Iron fence: floors linoleum covered. 628 6. 19th St JA. 4236 TWENTIETH ST, 2714 8.—8-room house for rent. Call AT. 3374. 2 412 Pinkney, f> rooms $55. WE. 1677. HOUSES FOR RENT. TWENTY-FIFTH ST., 317 N.-^Nlcely fur nished five-room stucco house; rent. 866. No children. HA, 3136 GROVER ST. 402—Beautifully furnished 5/oom home, garage |Q&. AT. 9646. OFFICES.^ STOjtES FOR RENtT INDIVIDUAL floor space In ^Industrial bldg, heated, fireproof, daylight bldg. Pass, and freight elevator service. Low rent, low In*., light and power wiring. Id*al for light mfg or other business; 5 « ar line* paaa corner. WE. 34S3. _ DESIRABLE office; 221 square feet. In ! the Kennedy building. 19th and Douglas, streets; reasonable rent. Apply Foater Barker Company. LARGE office for rent; reasonable; good location. Call AT. 7980. PRIVATE office, furnished. AT. 1606. ROOMS^FOR RENT. 3 LARGE rooms, modern, newly decorated light sRd water furnished. 826. AT. 6620,' Ha 7010.__ : HA. 3S07—Wanted Sept. 1 unfur southeast room With larg»> ■■lone:. reasonable ROOMS FOR RENT. (Famished.! HA 4436—Nicely furnished, large, south ro©m. in private home; large closet., with mirror door; twin beds if desired. HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. WE. 6744—Two desirable comer rooms in private home; kitchen priv for congenial couple; near University of Omaha. AT 4045—Strictly modern sleeping rooms nicely furnished; private home,on* room connected with si-eping porch. 13RD ST, 192 8—Two large modem nice ly furnished r< oms, West Farnam dis trict HA £907 73RD ST.. 192 S—Two large modern nice ly furnished rooms; West Fsrnsm dis* trier, HA 5907 _ HA. 521*—Nice front sleeping room with kitchen privileges; also basement sleeping rooms. CALIFORNIA ST 2HM—Two front rooms nicely furnished; strictly modem. AT 74fS. PARK AVE—very fins front room near • ar line, references. Call manager Keene hotel. HA 5477—Young business man de* rg* gentleman f >r rc mm*-. * \n h.«-«t locality FARNAM St 2210—Two nice single rooms with or without board. HA 2615—East front room in nice, quiet home very reasonable, gentleman WEST FARNAM District—T*arge front room; private family. HA 2905. NICE cool sleeping room, with bath, reasonable. AVE. 1717 AT "57 n — Large cool front room, bath *djoining. |5. smaller one. $3 5°. t'ORBY—1*32; nicely furnished front riom for i or 3 WE. 434*. NEVA' HOME—T«o furnished rooms, home pr.v >g*« HA 7342 H\ 394*—Room for gentleman in private home; every convenience References WEST FARNAM f>TSTRT< T—La • ©e front room, private family. HA. 2905. H A 74 3*—One large room a* 14 39 in pfi> atc horn, and close to car, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CASS ST. 2402—$R first and second floor! Apts , in brick, well furnished, coo), new-1 ?y decorated; fine semi-basement Apt. i 19.50. AT 94*4 Call after l p. n AT 1799 iTel.)—Large nicely furnished' housekeeping room; newly decorated; pri vate home; lUnicom park district; very low rent. *1 4 5* 29TH ST—Two clean front rooms. 17 a wt-K One large room, newly de - orated two closet*. Clean linens. 14. HA 3557. 502 S 2RT1I ST—Two large, welf fur nlshed rooms, parlor floor, all convent C‘°** iD *' 50 *,*,° *u,?* • *- 1IA. "TAVQ sleelv furnisher! room# for houae k-»'ping w th kitfhsnette. everything lur »hed; adult family A\*E 93*1. WE. 1179— Two or three me*, large, airy moms, furnished. pr vats home 2 1 AROF m - downstairs. one lars* room and kitchenette unsta'ra. Kverjthing fur nlshed. 4 24 So 19th St Tn LET—Light housekeeping end sleep ing rooms, furnished, close ;tv 24 23 Casa LEAN KNAVmrth 17 9;.’. 1707. Ul9 ^7 rent; sleeping and houeekeer ;ng. second floor. Call AT 4*97 HA 4173—Two clean rooms modern, pri vate home, good location 'Iso garage i ONE large coo! room, w th everv thing ! furnished for I?. 299 S 25th Av- * * A 1'ITOL AVI' 2426—Housekeeping rooms. HA 7575 .1 \ i'4*—s furnished rooms. modern.! ciose to mr lino, private. _ II VRM Y ST. 2?7S- Pleamint room*. chtl-J • Irrn allow* 1 reasonable. AT if27 I*l*NItKK Two furnished rooms on first floor W A 2 5*2 ANT' room furnished ; . jvixatai bath ill. S nth s• rear I TAA Q roomr furnished, first floor, laundrx done >6 .1A 0474 __ ROOM AND BOARD. *l'PPI.KTii\ AX’E. *114—South <•'uhlt room; business women or couple etnn.; board, home prtv.; near ear 1IA. I OAT. H ANSv't'M park district, home like room for i with private faintly; excellent home cooking, garage near HA Jt|gg I ARGK ROOM in private home suitable f •- two 2 meals, laundry, mending. $3o month each, references KK 367 7 2.STH A\ K , 117 SO—Room and board; walking distam e Tel .1* 2*74 t A ROE s»uth re mu f r course, excellent meals RiasonaMe. HA 7'44 RKAl. ESTATE—BENSON. BIGGK9T RAROA IN* 1\ ftKNsoN M M? oNT Y f 4 pg(* Six rooms and bath strictly modern, with hoi wain host, garage |0xl2c just west of the Oountrv tub OstpORN K »x KALTY CO S' Peters Trust HI.If .1 \ t2*3 * 9B2YKN ROOM modern h >use in Heru.>n a* gets Rinney f>T only terms 4>f $100 ea*h. I " H xiATKSt <47 < Ml)aba Nat’l Hk 1\ |?|4 >41 \ . 1 i if IN HONiYa AI.IMTIOX : fin !',■>» H 11 .< .,»! V..nlh Wi't'Adlk |N \ KSrMK\T t . • ,\ \ j • | \ -4V3 N gOTlI 9T — 6-room bungalow modem parity furnished. Hargain Terms NJAI KST A TJ-"—Council Bluftg <*Ni; HAt.l *i is of land and 4 room , h.*u-e for a«|e $.tm> or $Jgn , ssh and I'oimI c. * M Harker i;41 Ave 1 ■ ohm-11 Ulufis . EKAL ESTATE—DUNDEE >M M'i:c horn*. 7 rntt. I7.7M1 oi*n**r , ' >' Mtt.l !-• »o’d J»uu . * «*>•( lo , JA 1(14. / ■' ...—-g-» DUNDEE BUILDING SITES. GEORGE & CO. .at, ao«:4. JREAL ^ESTAT^-FL^ENCE^ FLORENCE FIELD WILL SOON BE OPEN. C, W MARTIN & CO REAL ESTATE—Miscellaneous. HOMES for working men. Four room*f#, partly modern, full lot, easy term*. $1,200. L Have others. Stewart. Ralston 10-W. CAMPBELL builds best bungalows. Can show you many built thla year. Let him build yours 637 Keeiine. AT. 8044. ALFRED THOMAS + Son Co. Realtor*. REAL ESTATE— N ORTH. . D. E. BUCK 8t CO. buy and well homes , REAL ESTATE—SOUTH. DON'T RENT—Buy thta brand new bun galow. 2106 SouUi 15th street; $1,000 ’ down, balance monthly. JA. 0420. FOR RALE—Lot with 4 houses, cheap. Inquire 1433 8o. 14th St - ... ——— , ; Tesar__^_^£££^_g^£j^jtae In 8. Hide homes. REAL ESTATE—WEST " WEST DODGE INVESTMENT. One duplex and one triplex of brick c© - struction. practically new and la ex cei j lent condition. Each flat has 6 roonv*. bath and sleeping porch, flrat floor fin ished In oak and second floor in white enamel. Oak floors throughout & g.i - rages, income $40# per month Either du plex or triplex may b** sold FIRST TRUST CO. £^ 400 First NatM Bk Bldg AT. U729 Evenings. WA. 6021 ONLY $o#0 CASH On North 37th St . near Dodge. A good 6-room all modern home and garag* . - This is not a new place, but It surely is worth the price asked. You are missing KE*°*846bUy ** y°U <5on 1 ***• this one.. EDWARD F. WILLIAM? CO, Realtor*.-4 805-6 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. JA. 04?#. ON LT $-.750 ON JriAS Y*'TER MS. . A very comfortable home. 6 large rooms, within walkiog distance of New' Technh h! High; 3 nice bedrooms. 2 pantries, built-' in cabinet in dining-room, full basement: hot air furnace; gas water and electric lights, nice larg* lot. ehruba rnd flow ers. Hsve use of three vacant lota ad joining. AT. 6911AT. 2116. , SPECIAL BUILT Brand new Leavenworth He ghts bunga low, reverse roof, tile bath, breakfast . nook, south front, big attic, price $6,750. Terms. Call JA. 3261 days. Real snap New Homes—Your Terms. iJROVfc'-HIBBARD CO., AT 4$5$.526 Sunderland Bldg WILL build to your order on our beatfti- ' ful lots in Edge wood; very easy terms* Phone Atlantic 354#. WEST SIDE 8-rm. semi-bungalow: splen-, did condition: corner lot; double garage; terms WA 1027\ 3424 PARKER ST.—S rooms, modern;* barn, extra lot. Easy payments Creigh. . 604 Bee * JA AgOM,' l ROOMS 2214 S. 5 7TH—Kle< light* fu*-* nace. cement basement; 2 lota. it. 600. Easy terms. JA. 1016. \ FARTSCII & Hl'ETTHLilAI-ER, AT r REAL ESTATE—EXCHANGE. FOR TRADE—Good irrigated farm, 160 acres, paid up wafer rtgh*. fou* miles from railroad Will trad* for general •tore or hardware Pr.-e of lard is rea sonabla. will carry back difference if , stock doe* tfot invoice enough to pav for£ farm. Address Box T«-.rr:ngtor. Wy REAL ESTATE—WANTED. WE have buyers for >cur five or six-room home: prompt inspect.on. Quick results. Call Oahorn* Realty Co., 530 Petera Trust BMr ja. 22s: HAVE buyera for go^d homes. Do you want to sell youra” Lie* it with C. A Gritnmci, Realtor. JA. 1615 SEE u« first. Need listings, any location 5 to ^ loom*. Sbcpen a: Co., Realtors. JA 4228. 736 Keehne RMg niA.« W YOUNG A SON Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 1602 City Nat’l BkAT. >668 WE NEED some listings. Buyers waiting Quick action. J L HIATT CO._ AT *J0«. FARMS, city property ar.d insurance. Held Land Co. «<*4 Military A\e. \VA. 1071. - , GLOVER AND SPAIN*. Realfn.-a. * 'it jr Real Estate Specialists. JA 2«i'\9H-:o Citv Nat. Bank LIST your property with Chri* Bovcr notary Pub ic. 22d and Cuming Sts. LIST with us for Quirk results CARI. H ROQg CP AT 6>|? G A. SandeiL. 61T Sunder d Bid. AT. ‘ t. J Sey bMd A- Son 226 -City Nat. AT. JC' 1 * S H Browne Co sells acres AT. 5350 T « ha- K Reiman. AT 625*. Rea! Estate vVeycrn R*a 1 F.«tats Co JA 260 7. Grahern F»t*re C h---«i JA r■ ?5 REALTORS. GRt’K.YJO REALTY CO For servioe !:st your home with us U First National Bank Bldg JA R K BUNN PR COM FAN Y — REA LTOR V • Sl.ATKR .v CO Realtors. K*el:n* Elds Hastings a heyl»en. realtors ^o7^N^sTC£^,frnp,rovedXXTo-,,Sacres^T!irce nv.’ea from Macedonia, la. Pr a $ ■ Ma.-edona Mate >,ank Macedonia Ja . * BUSINESS SERVICE BUILDERS. CONTRACTORS GARAGES !U ILT Cement block. very h*»*r qua »r T wes*. prices t ajl for farms t e at 7 7 s i Rf.KNS made. porch and \* ndow ran .red; g'.aging. lie. wan. kb GET oar price* on complete garage* Mor r>»on Lumber A Coal Co WE. CEMENT walks garag.* floor*, r*"# _^re) work 7 - "11a N* Ja 4*3 » dancing academies. W E TE Ai ’H TOU H< *\V And *e don t moan M AYBE *r?JTr"*t* leeaon* ar\ ho-j . rwKtr.i > I a-nam J K 7*4 7c detective agencies! JAMES .1.1 AX s n.lvri:.-. rv ... »»rvtf». Sll-Sl. Xu;!, Black AT. Hit RKUIABLK ivte,-uv. Bureau, Sunderland 11 J* J a ;oit - rtt, ke in: Moving, storage' = FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN GO. M« *\1 \.} I’Ai’K !NO STORAGE SHIPPING Household goods p*anos office furnitu-e G»7 I 1 MOW VRD ST JA ESTIMATE turn. on packing wot. amt storing (ontr* ;• taken by lob or hou Globe Van A Storage Co \?A 4*|j> AT • 230, Groaaman A Son#, ©w ners, EXPERT China. furn'tur*’ pa k«r». proof storage Phone .» \ 1. C4 Tb» Terminal Warehouse Co. 7*2 South l#tn S» . corner Jones, on Vaduet. Moving Packing—Storage Gordon Fireproof War -house .v \ ®n Co. :i> N_nth St rh,-:.r ] K. SMJ: BEK INS OMAHA VAN a STORAGE l«th and Lea\enw ortt| S’s Pa king, mo • ' ing. atora^**. shtpp ng J A 41V2 milliners, dressmakers NEBRASKA PLEATING H emst item ng Covered Burton*. ||A4 Karnam. second floor. JA. 44T#. painting, papering" P A1 NT ING and decorat’ng . tight werfc a^ right price Anderaon. AT fc#7. PATENT ATTORNEYS? .1. b martin it 12 1 ' sc» Room i*» Lima ha a iso Washington d lb'e **rtKe, ituglu fee. Ala© help sell patents PRINTERS, engravers KHPV l - n: nit |> 11 i .y 1 i si J \ PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. I'RKsv RIPTIONS carefully irom pounded #’ Lhe S Sherman a McConnell Drug Stores* DENTAL \ ra* 4bc eacli $i tv\i ft M> Sfcur-tie* Bldg, 14th and Parham SERVICES (. RED Mi'VIN-il and Manlm* ut all k'tnla. a«s . iii.l nibbi.h > amoved. Haul tinder*. \v v S.'1«I'1\,, |~S , r .| , 71^., a at k i III... au* .. \\ S ;<* 1 V1 > S I % T»a Knntn On, |»r< | .. , I Mill KSON VTkCv 1 a\ nFKi T| iT. mu st. imj«. ‘