Beatrice Fairfax PROBLEMS THAT PERPLEX. Silent on Betrothal. Dear Mies Fairfax: 1 am "0 and pledged to a young man four year* my senior whom I lovo dearly and who, I feel aure, loves me Though he Is in a position to he come engaged to me, he has never spoken nor hinled about an erigase ment, never failing, however, to make me eee that our environments an \ery different, and because of this social difference things cannot be ai ranged as easily as might be ex ported. My folks are old fashioned, but hon eat and loving people, and cannot see inlo secret or verbal love affairs, when the young man Is not obligated at home. Open communication to him on this subject seems impossible, for propriety prevents me from mention ing the subject—besides I have a! ways felt that the announcement of an engagement should always be sug gested by the man. My parents are very Insistent and make things very uncomfortable for me at home, claiming he is not se rious. Besides this, he occasionally make* appointments with friends whom 1 have never met, and in which not included, and sometimes accepts invitations where ladies are present, Maiming to have been a victim of eir-! cutnstances He feels lie is very broadminded In hi* behavior, telling Just where he haa been on nights he doesn't see me, and believes that even I should occasionally do the same. Do you think. Miss Fairfax, that THE NEBBS—_ 'THE SUN DODGER. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol He>s B/ing ' mv urr_\ r r*4c sun's / NEARER ) lACE YMAN / LACE ON / fH yi Ay feels hke\I S IT U)AS CLOSE V f ENOUGH TO PAT \ | ME Od TUE BACK ' If - \TS GOT ME ) VHVtyNG FROM J~ i i i y AMO BREEZE VthE'A / HAVEN'T HAD ENOUGH BREEZE To BLow * jf \ THE SEED OEF A /\ V DANDELION JUL irr^n-^lfr *•«* »•« imii r«i CIF VOO OO HAPPEN TcT^—n (GET A UTTLE BREEZE «T KEELS UKE IT U>AS COMtNG ERom A BLAST FURNACE - RIGHT NOU> <0 LIKE/ To BE IN ft BATHING SUIT Setting on an \CE-BCRG CJttH A FLOCK or ESKIMOS / THROWING 5NQuj-BALLS [ffk 1 M trn, T»* »*« fr »•> ?*, _ -ft •CW&WSOtO * I BARNEY GOOGLE- Barney’s No Longer in the Dark on One Point. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck . (LOp) TiSuIt ll*l. I 'ICV CP A HCGlAf* GU-f • APTCR SPARK V^l PVUG NAJIMS 7for»0RAevg \ xa S6«= Twfe JVJOG6 1 AMT> <«PT HIM our * | VMHCM HP'S r«ec. Jv CAM MUNT UP THC. / ' 6COKMAKSR . COlttST I V \i \minnin6s amo I \n ( HP \mom t «U6M (•‘wS V HAvin To APoeo H/Vb ONLT ONE b>TR\NC« ©m« •» INT-I PIATUM Bowie*. Inc S \ W\t>H < ' IT DIDN'T HAVE ANT _ 8-3 imr*> ‘ ®1W» »r nm. r«ATuw« toxnc«. iweT] I II JERRY ON THE JOB— TELL YOUR TROUBLES ELSEWHERE. Drftwn {or The Omaha Bee by Hoban / Iff at m 'war cho-Avo i Oowfr ] / »'wB’mb- Got to Cot ✓ tevpswstc awo f\i* 'itoaa.EO wwSEi* v—; Sun 'T^iMS'ib^QottE WCW.7' /.-i &jpi'"TUm op i • -A%OU SwM PJrT 7j - eno bSEL«r [ __ '~*E2E S' MO j ; Cwavjse Toa a • , PttOPlT '?•?? ) / /4nSiigi mS" ^ ~Tficrr.y-~J Ya£ Co*PLAifjr ( ■ DEBASY/KEMY / . CtOSBP. j /■ he really lotes me—and what would you advise me to do? Though he 1* able to purchase a ring aa a aeai to our pledge, he has made no effort whatsoever. UNDECIDED. It Isn't so much a matter of pride a* of definite understanding. Tou say you are "pledged" to the young man What, can this mean save that he has told you he lovee you and s*ked you to marry him some rta>. If this Is the case. you are engaged whether or not the affair has been made publle. and regardless of whether you are wearing an engagement ring. So— don't hesitate to come to a clear un derstanding. The man ought to go to your father and make hie position clear. If he does not want to do this, and instate on leaving you In a nebulous position, make sure first that there is not some very good res son why he has to go a step at a time toward happiness, and give him to understand that if he is fighting family objections or some such un fortunate. thing, you want to know so you can help him. Mrs. M. V. Hall Gains 20 Lbs. TakingTanlac “There is nothing too good I can say for Tanlac, because of its bene fits to me.” says Mrs. M. V. Hall, 1144 X. mil St., Lincoln. Xeb., in telling her experience. “I had the Flu in 1518, which left me in extremely bdd shape. My strength was all gone and my nerves were especially affected, and gradu ally grew worse until finally It was a complete nervous breakdown. I ach. Food seemed to give me no ach. FoFod seemed to give me no nourishment. I had heart palpitation and was too nervous to sleep. My daughters had to do ray housework for me, a* I was prostrated. "Tanlac braced me right up in a. short time and gave me a wonderful appetite. My sleep got to b* sound and refreshing and ray nerves wsrs as steady as steel. Indeed, I was soon In fine condition. I gained twenty pounds and felt like a new person.'* Tanlac is for sale by all good drug* gists. Take no substitute. Over 87 million bottles sold. Tanlac vegetable pills are Nature • own remedy for constipation. For sale everywhere.—Advertisement. 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Thousands or peopleharc awak ened to the impor tance of keeping the bodr in nor mal condition and hare found won derful help in Ljrko, the great general tonic. Take, for in etance. Mr. Mit chell Murray, well known In north- i em Missouri. Mr. Murray writ**, "When I began to take Lyko I »w so weak I could hardly walk across the room. Now I am able to do a pretty fair day's work and my neighbors are ap prised at the effect” Mr. W.L. Lawler of Alabama aays: ‘ This is one of the greatest tonics for vitality. digestion and liver trou ble. A general rebuilder for run down persons. It made me an entire ly new man at 55. 1 feel like I am only 30 years of age today.” These are only two out of the multitudes of letters from grateful people who hare recovered their strength and energy by the aid of Lyko and who recommend it as tha beat medicine they here ever need to reetore the • yctem to ita normal, healthy atate. The amaiing power ef Lyko te quickly build up run-down people ia due to die fact that it aeti on all partaof thesyatem. Ttiaagreatgen eral tonic compounded from pure medicinal In gredient*. each of which has its own special prop ertie*. Oneoftiteeein Csdientai*amild t efficient laxa ! tive which eleanr > e* the bowels and keepa one free from constipa tion , soother seta beneficially on the liter and kidneys. • third aids digestion so that tha bodv absorbs the fall strength from the food, another steadies the nerves and hel ns to overcome sleeplessness, irritability and nervoo* depreaaior,. There is hot an ailing part of the body which does not feel tbs ben efit of Lyko. If ran toiler from Iha sSartsaf ill*nan mrwaik ar worry: if yao Inn in dictating caaabpaboa or kidney trouble. if yaa ara hi bout: if yoa Ha awaka nlshts. If yaa lack that snarer aad spirit which wins paaaaap and popularity put Lyka at work to bal'd UP your itrraetn aad rltal'ty Saa how asm rau will frr' like now Lyko la aatd by Ml rrliaWa drusr tta. Aak for it tads*. 5a/o Ifaaafarfarari LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY Nsw Yack Kaaaea CAy, Mst Lyko Is for Sale by All Leading Druggists. Always in Stock at the Beaton Drug Co. — Ad1' ♦ Tedious Pastimes—Watching a Sleight-of-Hand Amateur By Briggs; -- HALF 'DOLUM*? I vSee-iT1?, I STOW WATCH I CLO-SecV / 1 ^ r—_ MOW U/ATCH MG \ CLOSELY • “’Thr Close** M3ovwatcm‘, The less1 yoo'See-y ———1 • ■> ThC ' H Awr> —. i £ /JltMCK^e. Thaw!/ Tmc evfer HpH* HC.M *HCHs \ I Th(!P*»^T- tS \ TtffA^SHlPP . WW'T *IT‘? I IVC'GCiT Tc> ^/A»T/P^M»MV>TC,,/ *,ec & a l LC J>o rAW0TV STA*.b'M<» ^ Au_ tto fromt of my \ TLVCIRVP RtSTAORAMT, RFBAr V ARr- ' "THAT'S AU I CAM REMEMBER - WHO WY ME AAt> U)HY?.\ "t— 7 ttm'T ’ \■<*** SLEET, BECAUSE M ' ABOUT IT \TS UJOBWBX, ME OARUKXr* CAJHO HF\ MF- AK)t) T<*Y to QO COHV ??> LUHO AWt) CJUHV ??? / i Ku