Beatrice Fairfax PROBLEMS THAT PERPLEX. Mother Is Right. Dear Miss Fairfax: Like atl other people I rearl your part of the paper •vary night. Nag', this Is my prob lem: My mother and 1 have quite a time; we are always quarreling. Sometimes I get so discouraged Hint 1 feel like crying. Now, Miss Fairfax. I sometimes doubt If she Is my real mother, been use a real true, loving mother would not treat me mean. She does not want mo to go out with boy friends or girls either and I have to bt> in by 10; If I'm at the movies 1 have to get tip and go. It surely Is disgusting. It's the same way with dances. Just same old story. Now, some loving mother who has a daugh ter please love them and they will love you. Now, mother*. I wlah you would write In to th# paper and tell me what you think—if my mother Is rijrht Hoplngr to *ee thl* In print.. JUST 1«. I think your mother la rijtht and you are wronjr A 16-vear-old child should have to do just what you are doing. You need considerable more schooling and considerable less boys. I.onesome nirdie: Crying will only make your eyes red and will not make you a bit more companionable, I,earn your friends' special hobbies nml discuss these tilings with them Make your conversation bright and intelligent and witty, it you can. Be Iho best friend of n friend you know how and people will want to be your friends. Pola: it is really a sad st#ite of af THE NEBBS— WHO’S WHO. Directed for The Omaha Bee by bol He»$ (v LI BE HWPV w«EM \ GET BACK'S HOME AND EAT. (N NW SMlQT SLEEVES \ AND BE COMTOQTABLE-tMiS ORESSiN"! YcQ dinner in hot ujeatmer ! _ a ■ Eellow can cualk around au. DAV ) (N A QATMING SUIT BUT IE HE CAME \ INTO THE DINING ROOM COOTH OUT A ] >ki. COAT eVERVBoDV GoOUV-D BE SHOCKED/ / RuDv - Dorr look now - that ljoman wcm\ [ THE OJHNTC CREPE DE CHINE BACK OF VoO USED To) (fcE A CLOAK AND SU\T MODEL - SHE MARRIED/ A UERV R.t» J | f M • SET 'WOT COUPLE BACK THEQE_\ HE'S PRESIDENT or A Bank J and owns almost all of *iue Town where he LwES — You 1 WOULDN'T THINK SO To LOOK AT THEM — THE HELP DON'T. LIKE •THEM - THEY NEVER TIP ANYBODY/ y QUER A DIME -,-/ /see THAT UAVTER OUER THERE_ «e\ I CAME FROM DOWN SOUTH — H\S j 1 ancestors ujcre Born in Africa - [ BEFORE HE CAME WERE HE U/AS A UAlTEQ IN A CAFETERIA - / \ LET'S GET SOMETHING TO EAT j !*'•»•« rl*fc«. mss K« tkf n-ll l»r.l / Gj fo CaftlSo^l BARNEY GOOGLE- BARNEY KEEPS THE COAST CLEAR. Drawn for The Omaha Be* by Billy DeBeck (Copyright* 1921.) /Voo-ws CRA1Y is STAY COOOEO OP IN^ < Iwe MCSTtL ON A nice DAY UK&THlS. flNO YOUR HAT and GOME ON -V1R\|_ Go To The Maces This afternoon > and Yco-«.c Get a one on some f Or The coots '•spark flog" Runs / a\ AGMNST NEXT SATURDAY - VVl CAH'T CEAYt 7^eT\ S f Joint . mac . There, s A \ { Q\G DARKY APTXR. me * C I X TIPPEO HIM OPF To CAY *7 \ ms Dough on my horse ' Noui HE HEARS that _'V. SPARKY IS IN CAD I _SHAPE AND HE'S ( (ru tlT***: *~vGonna suce ) VC*?Tr^r g* me op^ /sure euoodw »N fHE'5 STItt. LRN(M& l V Vo^ ^ J I Copyright. 19*3. by Kmf F«rtm Ik. ' j s.21 BRINGING UP FATHER-u. S.M,, SL IWn for TheOmaha Bee by McManu, I'M COirs£* OVER TO T/M-K TO MRb.PMlTH CO» T TUX TO t)NEA,K &QAWA.X At) I Atv\ KEEPING TJ'-O GONE.'!! Sr— D*/ vy •» IWT L Piaturc Scm'ics. I»*c. JERRY ON THE JOB— WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban ' __~_• ourrlahi. i»s*. /vAiSoSy.! 1 'Wi.GGl A\,\* S. AdoUT 'TWWMS' //FETIM& Ot^c , SOAB.O ot 0',C£C'floaS‘=-I > y V'ffT5.'TV(5 QAQMED'TUlMGS' AoNvjaV. A WEILO .V » VP /AaN OP N 'TUoSs O'O TAThEa^EO D-^sctors I Sussex in.t&u 'QaTo \ma>t y *V ”JlL «E 'TUK.E AS* stm AC jA Visit.* O'D /4vW OC MUOSE PiSTT SET MECE.' MET ?, I ft'W .■ V M.. ;t j9-' | The Days of Real Sport _ By Briggs l ' ;the CHEERY” TREE fair* when a girl of IS can And noth Ing worth living for. No 20 year old boy Is worth such heartache. I'm afraid tliat if tho young man doe* not lova you now nothing can make him. However, ‘ absence make* the heart grow fonder." Maybe jour plan would work. But you've plenty of time yet to fall In love with other peo ple and 1 imagine it won t be long be fore you And some one else that you love Just twice a* much as this one. Dol: It depends a great deal on the flapper, but I think she uses rouge and has bobbed hair as a rifle. Are you intending to be one? Left-Over Duck. This Is a delicious method of using up a small quantity of left over cooked duck. Cut the duck In tiny dice, and add for one small cup two r hopped hard boiled eggs, one table spoon of minced parsley, and half a cup of stuffed olives cut In quar ters. Moisten well with a brown sauce or gravy left from the day pre vious, and reheat all In the upper part of the chafing dish over hot water. simmer for five minutes after It begins to bubble, so that the flavor of the Ingredients may blend well and serve on hot toast slices. This is an excellent late supper dish, -r While Grape Juice Jelly. Soak oAe-half box of gelatine (two tablespoons) In one-half cup of cold water In the top of the double boiler for one-half hour. Add one-half cup boiling water and stir until dissolved. Add one epp of strained orange Juice, one pint of white grape Juice and one cup of sugar (le»* sugar If preferred less sweet.) Pour Into a mold to cool and harden »nd serve with whipped cream. Much Easier to Clean. Take down all draperies, portiere* and hangings, clean and store, before going away for a summer vacation if you don't want trouble getting the dirt out when you return. Say “Bayer” and Insist! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed hv physician* over twenty two year* and proved safe by millions for Cold* Toothacha Earacha Xauralgia Headache lumbago Rheumatism Pain, Pain Accept “Bayer Tablet* of Aspirin” only. Each unbroken package con tains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell bottles s? 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Ba_\er Manufacture of Monoaceticaci dester of, Salicylicacid. tm rRTi«Esrrvr. GIRLS! LEMONS BLEACH FRECKLES: Make this Lemon Cream and just ! see Tan, Freckles Disappear Mix tl}e juice of two lemons with three ounces of Orchard White, which any druggist will supply fn* a few cents, shake well In a bottle, and you have a whole quarter pint of the most wonderful freckle and tan cream, and complexion beautifier. Massage this sweetly fragTant lemon cream into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes naturally bleach right out and how youthfully clear, soft and rosy-white the skin becomes. ABIE THE AGENT-- .Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Sonifllilnc llad to Ho I>ono. f srrvjRM tv*Ecw,(iCKmjtAvw ! KiOtr act IN FlFTESU v MINUTES *= ICE CREAM \PARlOR NDCT'feOOR! / 2c r^Tr--_ _r, / • y,stem s / s |iy UOORST SW3U> ^ X EUER SAUJ* ' THAT* ' I'LL TAHf A*o A SYRAU^tWy AWRUU ft*" VSHOOJjj r7 THEY fcOtf'T RfAUZ* k RE AUX> [\ CoS' TB^ tEKJra MP'EtEi! 11* 1 _ / neat's \ > ; vuioe* \ V A UAN'UA. ) . \PUDk*E / * ■ MU.U THOSE MHO T*0 »0T INTENT) TO SEE THE REST OF THE SHOW. C h Flense ewjor os hy Ql\HN<* RETURN CHECKS TO 6<*>A CV.ERK! - k»IIM5 THWIW- / ->■ T—i—i'»»■■ ■ - /?///', (HEREs^ .' , ' / / l MINE I nuptial Salad. Cut cool, peeled tomatoes in rather thick slices arid arrange on ertsp tomato leave*. Have ready soin*; cauliflower tips and arrange on thu tomato slices, pouring a thl'k golden mayonnaise over tho vegetables. Sprinkle a very little chopped pickle^ over the dressing. To 1,'Misrn the IMrt. Always brush a mud-stained gar ment from the top to the bottom. Tou will never free It entirely from dirt If you brush against the warp. , To Wind Yam. When you have no one to hold your yarn for winding, place two flat Irons on the table as far apart a* the length of the skein arid stretch the yam over them. ■* MISSOURI iji. AND LOWER SCHOOL | J 'r-' Mexico, Mo. For Boya | from 9 to 20 year a old n t\on Mfilitmrp ColUgta and HeAoele c/ U.S.t i Regular term bewin* ThurdUy. k September 13. 1923. Term rur.x time month*. Roy. in Lower School bar* I every advantage afforded the larger boys. Mild Military Urill. bn Briber form of government give* just the right contact between younger and older boys and instructor*, special term* to good Musicians. Early ei*r*Umeof is n*eettary as capacity is annually lai*d. Catalog*#. Addret* COL. E. Y. BURTON, President Bo* 1009 Maalco, Mo. '.tritnmef Seho&l and Camp. Colorado Springe, Colorado 4- ' - -=* Absolutely Pure imported POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL' Sold Everywhere v. -- \d.-1 All Over Face. Hard and Red, Lost Sleep, Cuticura Heals. “ My face was badly disfigured • with pimplea which often* caused errioarrassmeni. i ney were hard and red and , were scattered ail over } tnv face. The pimples itched and burned, and at night 1 could not sleep on account of the I Irritation. The trouble { lasted about a yea; and a bait. “ I tried many different remedies but they all failed. I read an adver tisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and purchased seme and after using them I got relief. 1 con tinued using them and now I am completely healed.” (Signed) Miss Alice Batman, 4140 Store; Are., Cleveland, Ohio. Use Cuticura for all skin trouble*. UaylM r™h»iJ l«rar"0«kinUtir. mn« IVft a K. 4«r 41 Kill - So-I mr? whjr* 24c. OretiMTt S •.’vd Me Sc ur# So*pshave* with out mug. t _ Coated tongue, sour stomach, bad breath, torpid liver and congested bowel*. Amazingly Their quick curative action starts in the stomach, relieving the pain and distress, the gmy bloated feel ing. They keep the liver active and give free and cleansing bowel action. Mr. M. F. Craig, Middle Cnee, K. Y., leys, "They art Ike nicest and pleasantest media** i tier ni'd for incisesbon and ccnstipctien. Fork like a charm. Os not jTip**cr leeve any implement rdiect” Srrull ccgt - on!v~ d>e. Soli CiTTywbere VI>V KKTI.-KMKNT. ARE WOMEN OVERWORKED Yes. hnndkfds of thousamfs of them are. This applies to the housewife and mother who struggles on a small Income to make both ends meet by doing all the washing, ironing, cook ing. baking and mend* g for a Urge family. There are others who not only support'themselves working in factories, shops, stores and offices, hut often have an invalid father u* mother to support, therefore do house work besides. The-e are the women who break down early and are afflict ed witli villous forms, of female weakness. Ninety-eight out of evcr.v 100 women who hive tried Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have proved that It is a successful remedy for women's ills. For nearly fifty years it lias been restoring women to health, and It will pay every *il.:.g woman to try it. * i