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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1923)
Frederick William Is Believed to Be ^ Planning Escape Various Agents Going Between Wierengen and Germany —Prince Still Popular With Ex-Soldiers. By Amoclatnl Tress. I/ondon, July 27.—The Conner crown prince, Fredrick William, is believed to be planning his escape from Wleringen, asserts the Antwerp correspondent of the Daily Mail. There is anxiety throughout Belgium, lie says, owing to confidential infor mal ion regarding the comings and goings of various agents between Germany and Wleringen. The prince is believed to be In constant commu nication with the German national ists and their organizations through -4t the fatherland. . Nobody, the writer adds, would be surprised to hear that Frederick Wil liam had attempted to return to Ger many and If he were determined to escape, nothing but extremely vigi lant watch would prevent him. There have been many arrivals also at Doom in the past month, including Prince Eitel, former Minister Von Helfferich, and it is reported that lingo Stinnes, too, has been among the secret visitors. The correspondent asserts that the former German emperor also would have no difficulty in escaping, if he so wished. Twice lately he has mo tored to tile coast at Seheveningen. The writer suggests, however, that tile activities concern the prince laiher than the kaiser, whose popu larity has “sunk to zero." while the prince is not unpopular with the ex soldiers, anil his wife is popular In rlin. Merchant Slain as "’Peeping Tom’* Deputy Sheriff Shoots Store Owner Lurking Around Girl's Home. By International Nfwi Service. Morris, 111., July 27.—Blaney Beach, 42. owner of the largest department store in Joliet, 111., was dead today' —shot to death by a deputy sheriff as he lurked about the house of Miss Jane Remington, who had com ‘plained he was annoying her. The deputy fired, he said, when Beach resisted arrest. Tile girl told police she had re pulsed the merchant's love-making seven monlhs ago and that he since had "bothered" her frequently. Just before last midnight she com plained bjr telephone to Deputy Sher iff flay Ha i rod that Beach w as loit ering; about her home. The deputy hurried to the house, lie found Beach lying on the ground in an unused lot. "Put up your hands,” he demanded. Beach reached to a hip pockef as if to draw a weapon. The deputy tired. The first shot hit Beach just ^^esl-iw the heart and killed him in stantly. M s< Remington is beautiful, 20 ind talented. She studied drama in a CY go school. She and the mer ch v. re seen together frequently until seven months ago. when they quarreled. Sinco then Beach has paid many visits here from Joliet. Authorities said many women In the neighbor hood of Miss Remington’s home had brought to their attention the mer chant's frequent appearance in the neighborhood with no apparent ob ject. AgPfl Suiciilt* Dies in Arms of His Brule Sioux City, -Inly 27.—With words of love for his H2 year-old bride of three weeks on his trembling lips.' Aaron Foster, (11. a "wanderer' died a suicide in bis wife's arms here yes terday. Tuesday it is alleged he drank much moonshine liquor and in his crazed condition then swallowed a quantity of poison. He disappeared and efforts to find him were futile un til today, when he was located in a grove along the Floyd river near here. His condition became wwrse after being taken home and as his bride was attempting to give him a 1508 DOUGLAS STREET 1 World Theater Building / <XXx S In Justice to Yourself ) You cannot do yourself Jus- v tlce unless your examination t of each DIAMOND Is done c carefully and leisurely. c A most thorough compari- J > son of J > Ye > Diamond \ \ Shoppe < > Diamonds with any others } ) for brlllancy, fire, snap } > and animation will convince 1 > you of their superiority In S > both quality and price, and J > we are sure will be a decld- \ > tng factor In selecting 1 K < r Diamond < > Shoppe < r Diamonds for your personal ^ r wear or as a lasting gift to ^ r your friends. ^ 1 (AF.E OUR FILM at { r WORLD THEATER) { ^cxffifts That Last^xyQ dose of medicine he died In her arm*. About a month ago Foster, home less and friendless, came to Miss Mary Newman's boarding house. She had been married before but since her divorce had no use for men. It was different with Foster. It was love at first sight and they were mar ried. Mrs. Mary Rogers, 86, Dies; Hold Funeral Saturday Special Uispatch to The Omaha Bee. Auburn. Neb., July 27.—Mrs. Mary H. Rogers, 86, wife of the late Ezra Rogers, died late Wednesday. She came to Nemaha county in 1866 and for the past number of years has made this city her home. Funeral services wil be held Satur day at 1:30 at the Christian church and at 3 services will be held at Prairie Union cemetery where the re mains will be laid to rest. Millerand Commutes Death Sentence on Paul Georg Pusseldorf, July 27.—The death sentence upon Paul Georg. German engineer for the Badtsche Anllin company of Ludwigshafen, has been commuted to imprisonment for life at hard labor, it was announced here today, this action being taken by President Millerand. The engineer was convicted of sabotage by a court martial at Mayence on June 13. Burgess Bedtime Stories By THORNTON W. BURGESS. H# longest live* and wisely lives Who constant thought to safety gives. Danny Meadow Mouse. Nanny Kinds a line for the Tin Can. All that Nanny Meadow Mouse said about that old scarecrow for a place for a new home was true. Danny had to admit It. The only thing he could find to say against it was that it stood a little way in from the grass of the Green Meadows, for, ss you know, it was in Farmer Brown’s cornfield. Danny always feels safest when he can make his little paths through the grass. But Nanny promptly pointed out that It would be just as safe in there because the broad, long leaves of the corn would keep them hidden when they were running to and fro. Nanny didn’t waste any time. She started to work right away to make a place in the middle of the bundle of straw with which the old coat waa stuffed. She pulled out straw until there was a good sized little room there. Then she brought fine, soft, dry grass and lined it. Of course, Danny helped. But all the time he had a wistful longing for that old tin ran. Once In a while he would men tion It. After the n<-w home was completed Danny and Nanny made little path* . Ml a . . "It will make us the finest storehouse that ever was,” cried Nanny. through the grass of the Green Mead ows as they hunted for food. One day Nanny missed Danny. She found him looking rather wistfully into that old tin can by the fence post. At the sight of that old can a happy thought came to her. Yes, sir. Nanny Meadow Mouse had a happy thought. "Do you know what we’ll do with this?" said Nanny. "No," replied Danny. "If we are not going to live in it I don't see what good it is to us." Men’s and Young Men’s EXTRA PANTS If you need extra pants—you’ll have an opportunity to stock up Saturday at ridiculously low prices. Every popular pattern in pants represented in these lots. Wool, Palm Beach, mohair, flan nel, khaki, all included in a great variety. Come in Saturday and choose from this extraordinary stock at these prices. Store Open Saturday Until 9 P. M. Genuine Palm Beach Pants Genuine Palm Beach Pants— In light or dark colors. Match that coat or get an extra pair. You can't afford to pass up this bargain. Men’s and Young Men’s EXTRA PANTS Good, strong worsteds and cassi meres in neat dark striped pat terns. Well sewed and doub'e reinforced. Will stand hard wear. All sizes. Real values, every one. * Men’s and Young Men’s EXTRA PANTS Expertly tailored of eplendld cassimeres, worsteds and Scotches, in newest patterns and colorings. Plain or cuff bottom.. All sizes 28 to 50 waist. Men’s and Young Men’s EXTRA PANTS Neat woolen cassimeres, tweeds and Scotches in popu lar suit patterns. Also a spe cial lot of wool mixed worsteds In stripe patterns. Well made. Sizes 28 to 50 waist. Men’s Good, Strong Work Pants $1.79 . Men'* Blue Serg» Pant* $2.95 Mail Orders Mail order* receive prompt nttention. Add 5 cent* on the dollar to cover packing and post age. _ Beaton Drug Co. * Fifteenth and Farnam Special Cut Prices for Saturday and Monday Photo Dept. $3.50 Burke A James Box Camera, 2^sx4>4, special this week, earn, at . 81.98 —TOILET ARTICLES — 25e Golden Glint Shampoo for.19* 25c Grave*’ Tooth Powder for.17* 75c Stacomb for the hair, for . 54* Elona Hair Nets, cap or fringe shape, per dozen ... .50* 60c Hair Groom.., ....43* $1 60 Van Ess Hair Grower for.SI.29 60c Emulsion Cocoanut Oil, Beaton a . 34* 35c Allen’s Foot Ease..24* $1.00 Glacier Clay, the new product, for .79* 60c Stillman’s Freckle Cream for.39* 36c Odorono ... .24* 60c Kosmeo Cream . . . 39* $1.00 Youth Craft Hair Tonic, each . 59* -DRUG WANTS $1.10 Mastin’* Vitamon Tab let* for ... .60* 50c Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia for.36* 60c Resinol Ointment. .45* $1.25 Pinkham Vegetable Compound for.04* BOc Orazin Tooth Paste, 34* 30c Lavori* ... .19* $3.75 Horlick’s Hospital Size Malted Milk, each, 82.80 $1.00 Mulford Aspirin Tab lets, 100 in bottle...49* i 30c Colorite .19* 25c Mentholatum . ....17* 12c Lux Soap Chips.9* $1.50 Lyko Tonic for. .98* $ 1 25 1 pt. Imported Olive Oil . 89* -PERFUMES $2.00 Reiger Perfume, abort ed odora, per ounce, 79* $1.25 Azurea Extract. 79* $1.75 Djerkias Extract for . *1.10 $3.75 I/Origan Extract, per ounce.91.98 $1.00 White Roue Extract, per ounce . ., .49* -FOR MEN $1.00 Gem Razor with blades for.67* $6.00 Gillette Gold Razor and two blades, special at 70* Auto Strop Razor with three blades and strop, Saturday only, all for.64* 35c De Luxe Shaving Cream, special, Saturday only 10* $1.00 Gillette Razor Blades for . 60* $1.00 Auto Strop Blades for.65* -CIGARETS Camels, Cheaterficlds, Lucky Strikes, 2 pk(rs. for. 25# Per carton of 200. .SI.25 CIGARS 15c Moxart Rosa.10# Box of 50.31.25 15c Della Casa . . ....10# Box of 50.34.50 16c Della Casa, 2 for.. 15# Rox of 60.33.50 15c La Confession. 10# Box of 50.34.50 10c General Joe, 2 for 15# Box of 60.33.50 —-SUNDRIES $1.00 Solid Alcohol Stove for.49* $2.50 Le Grand Combination Water Bottle apd Fountain Syringe.$1.59 $3.50 Le Grand Female Spray Syringe, each.$2.39 $1.25 Pocket Knives. . . - TO* 00c Bathing Caps.39* $1.00 Diving Capa . . . .59* Far Plugs, per pair....50* $1.50 Bathing Bags, ca., 99* 10c Writing Tablets, 2 for.15* 1-qt. Thermo Pak .39* 30c Mufti Cleaner.23* 60c Spot Out, the heat ever, for.39* $2.00 Yellow Cab Bank for . $1.25 50c Puajsle Peg .39* 10c Palm Olive Soap, ea., 7* $2.00 Alarm Clock . $1.09 $1.60 1-pt. Vacuum Bottle for . 9S* -FACE POWDERS $1.25 Piver’s Face Powder, La Trefle .69* 56c Melba Fare Powder, 39* 60c Isabella Face Powder for . 34* 50c Imojrene Face Powder for.39* $1.25 Goutorbe Face Powder for.98* $1.00 L’Orijran Face Powder for . 79* 60c Djerkiss Compact Powder for.37* 60c Dorin Compact Powder for.37* $2.00 Goutorbe Double Com pact in the new shades, jrold or jrunmetal case, spe cial . 98* ! 60c Goutorhe Roujre . . . 39* 60c Luxor Roujre .39* 50c La Noye Roujre. . . .29* -RADIO SETS Complete Radio Receiving Set for . . . :.S9.9S This includes receiver, plug and phones, electric li(fht plupr and wire. All ready to operate. Hoes rot re quire an outside aerial. j-ELECTRIC $4.00 Electric Curling Iron, apocinl for .91. Ml I $6.00 6-lb. Electric Flat Iron. complete with coni, 92. IP 66c Heater Connection Plug fits all irons . . .25r $1.00 Double Socket, 2-Whj Plugs, for.5t>C $1.60 Heater Connection Set, including socket, plug, 6 ft. heater cord and Security , plug, all for. HHC $6.00 Electric Toaster, turns bread automatically, each, for . 92. Ml 16c Fuse Plugs, any sir.e, 7<* 10 to 60-Watt Edison Mania 1-nmps .22<* "I do," said Nanny. "What?” demanded Danny. "It will make us the finest store house that ever was'" cried Nanny. "We can put a lot of seeds in there In the fall and they will keep per fectly. dry and always be right where we can get them." Danny's eyes brightened. "That's so!" he cried. "I hadn't thought of that. Then, too, wr will always have it to run to for safety if we should he driven out of our home. 1 do be lieve we have found the best place in all the Great World to live." Nanny chuckled. "I know it,” she said happily. "I know It. Just think of all the food we will have when this corn becomes ripe. We won’t have to even hunt for it. Isn't It funny how things that seem about as bad as they can be turn out to be the beat things that could have hap pened? If Mr. Rlacksnake hadn't found* our home In lledwlng'8 old nest we wouldn't have found this new home. This will make us a much better winter home than that would have. I never felt worse In my life than when 1 saw Mr. Rlacksnake (limbing up to that nest. Now I'm glad. 1 wouldn't have believed that -5 Mr Rlar-kenake could ever bring me gladness It is a funny old world, isn’t It. Danny?” Danny agreed that it was. # i (Copyright. ltil.) The next story: "Fun Jn a Scare crowr.” - ■ — 1 In Russia, the population of Mos cow is estimated at 1,490,047, of whom 720,779 are men and 789,268 women. I- --- 1 ■ ■ . ■■■ -- Charge purchases made ' Saturday will be placed on August 1st statements, pay’ , able September 10th. "EVERYBODYS STORE Summer Candies Special Saturday Cream Patties, Pound, 29c A rich cream candy daintily flavored. Fresh from our own Candy Kitchen daily. Regu larly 40c a pound. With nut tops, lb.49<£ Snow Butter Caramels, Pound, 49c A real butter caramel, dipped in an icing of assorted flavors. Regularly 60c a pound. Main Floor Women’s Vests of Lisle 35c : 3 for $1 Fine quality lisle vests, sleeve less style with French band top. Sizes 36 to 44. Jersey Silk Vests $2.25 Women’s “Columbine” rests of extra heavy quality jersey silk, made exceptionally long and finished with a dainty pi cot edge and shoulder straps of self material. Sizes 36 to 42. Flesh color. Socond Floor Remarkable Sale of Summertime Dresses Dainty and Cool $|0 and $15 Midseason apparel in all its sheer loveliness and charming simplicity is offered in this sale at very at tractive price reductions. I | Figured and dotted voiles that combine the servic ! ability of darker colors with the coolness of summer materials. Also hand-drawn models in all light shades —fine quality fabrics of undisputably late styling. Hand-drawn and lace-trimmed voiles whose loveli ness manifests itself in exquisite daintiness. There are also linen and combinations with linen that one wears with the certainty and assurance of presenting an ap pearance of comfortable coolness. * Third Floor French Hand-Made Undergarments Very Off the Special Original Clearance at Pricing Chemise Slips Gouns Vests Petticots Drawers Lovely French hand made pieces from our regular stock and so greatly re duced in price only because they have become soiled from display and hand ling. Each piece finely made and ex quisitely embroidered. Round or “V” necks and bodice topped styles. Original prices.$4.95 to $19.50 Open Drawers Fine nainsook drawers daintily trimmed in embroidery. Small, medium and large sizes. These are slightly mussed from counter dis play and include garments formerly priced from $2.95 to $6.95. PRICE Socond Floor July Clearance Sale of Women9s Jersey Bathing Suits Smartly styled suits in the popular colors for the summer girl are re duced for clearance. Knit of a su perior quality jersey in two-in-one style with sports skirt attached. Biack combined with colors; also various other shades. Belts to Match Suits, 35c Suits for Larger Women $5.95-$8.95 A wonderful assortment of well-made suits, of firm weave, and slightly full hip line to assure both attractive fit and prac tical service. All colors. Sizes 46 to 58. Third Floor Sale of Women's Low Shoes Hair Nets “Penela” Hair Nets, cap A g or fringe style, dozen. .. "Nedra”, medium size O P _ cap net, dozen.«Wv Main Floor Oxford, Pump and San dal effect*, represents# every type of footwear. $412 Every pair new and of this season's styling—of desirable leathers and fabrics. Regular Values to $12 JO ^ Satin Kid Suede Patent Colored Kid in Gray Beige Broun Black Ivory Red Blue Green Violet Misses' Sandals One-strap sandals with rub ber heels in red, QQ blue and green. Sizes 2 to 7. Pair, ^ Children’s Sandals One-strap kid sandals with spring heels. Sixes 5 to 11 in red, blue and green.. Main Floor Tea Room-Luncheon 75c Fried Fresh Ham Steak, country style New Potatoes Green Beans Rolls with Butter Fresh Fruit Tart Milk, Ice Tea or Coffee Seventh Floor .ill Extraordinary Snip of Summer Silk Skirts $7.95 Hundreds of lovely skirts, val ues to 115.00, nro given this reduction price to effect im mediate disposal. Heated or straight line models are made of the finest quality novelty silks with Jacquard or che nile stripes in sports colors or white. Sizes ‘J.'t to .'14. Third Floor July Clearance Sale of Handkerchiefs Men's White Cambric Handkerchiefs with woven border, regular size with one-fourth inch hem. Each, 15c. Men's White Handkerchiefs in a large assortment of woven colors are made with one-fourth and one-eighth inch hems. Each, 15c. EACH Man Flaw Women’* Sheer While Lawn Handker chief*, regular size, one-eighth inch hem, white with colored embroidery in corner*. Each, 15*. Women * Colored Handkerchief* of •heer linen, in regular me with one eighth inch hem. Each, 15c. _ Sale of Trunks $29.50 Regular $40.00 Trunk* Full sized wardrobe trunks of five-ply construction. Fitted with every new device for convenience in traveling. Each trunk offered carries a five year guarantee. $10.00 Suit Ca*c* AH leather suit cases of 24 inch site, 2-strap style. Sat day only. Special. «J)0 */0 $11.00 Traveling Bag* 18 inch all leather traveling bags reduced for Saturday's selling only. Yen tfj’C 7C special. «PO* « O Main Floor_ I Clearance Sale of Dresses for Girls At $7.95 -. Cleverly styled little dresses, and smart. ■■ You may expect the materials to be the finest, the trimmings hand work and the workmanship admirable, for these are dresses that sold earlier in the season at $12.50 to $22.50. Devonshire*, linens and ginghams the skirts side pleated to give extra fullness; many with kid of patent leather belt*. Sixes 7 to 14. Domestic ginghams and French brochcs in small checked patterns and in plain colors. Also pleated blue serge skirts with ac companying white middy blouse that buttons at the waist detachable so that it may be laundered. Sixes 7 to 14. years. Regularly Sold Up to $10.00 ‘Tllaok Tar" middy drones in regulation style with navy blue wool collars and cuffs. Regularly priced at GO OC *:» ___ Tktrtl t'Wntr 6lo M fMn Our Value-Giving Clearance Sale of loilet Goods Continues Saturday!