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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1923)
Harding Says Nothing Is Wrong With Alaska (Cnlilinilnl from I'hko Two.) lain to comp and in numbers v.e do rot now dare predict. They will ^^ctrry their description to every quai ™r of the globe, and will send others to view and marvel. Thus will tie accomplished the greatest work lor building the Alaska of tomorrow. Some of the visitors will love it and remain; t^hers will believe in it, and send theiVineans to develop it; none, having seen it, will ever again ques tion its place among the wonderlands of earth. “Problem" Will He Solved.” “ ‘The problem of Alaska,' has been dinned into our ears a great deal at Washington. Somehow, in Alaska, one does not hear much of It, or feel acutely conscious of its exist ence. In Alaska, one gets the feel ing that the sturdy, vigorous and highly intelligent people of the terri tory, under the leadership of otir old friend, Manifest Destiny, .will solve the problem. Alaska Is our one twentieth century frontier, hut it will not continue such to the halt way point of the century. "There has been much misunder standing, no little misrepresentation and some disposition to hysteria at times about Alaska. It long since passed beyond the wild west mining camp stage and is as sobered, settled and normal a community as will he found anywhere. But the rich and picturesque literature of its earlier epoch has carried a mistaken impres sion down even into our times. Soapy Smith and White Horse Rapids, tlie looting of Nome and the burden 1 of the far northern winters give color to Alaska's picture in minds that have not been impressed by the pres ent community of homes and schools and churches, of railroads and roads and motor cars, of law ami order. Tho summer time of unending daylight and glorious luxuriance In all the realm of things that grow, is entitled he placed alongside tho picture l^of winters no more severe than many people In the northern states have experienced." Future for Fur Industry. Mr. Harding, before concluding hts address, declared: "Alaska is well on the way to an enormous expansion in its fur product and, what is far more significant, to making this product as permanent a source of wealth as are the cotton of the south or the corn of the midwest,” and said lie doubted whether "if anywhere an aboriginal people has been so fast as similated to civilization, industry, in telligence and education as have the Alaskan Indians. "The federal government's processes have not paralyzed, but rather have promoted the right, sort of Alaska development." he concluded. "The territory needs their continuance; some of them, as already indicated, on a more generous scale than in the )>a.«t. We have been paid back many times for every dollar spent on Alas ka and the dividends have only be gun. We ought to shorten the line ■ f communication ns much as%po*.i Me between Alaska and Washington and to bring about tile closest co operation and understanding between ilie national agencies which operate there and the splendidly efficient ter ritorial government which, under Governor Bone, has deserved and holds the fullest confidence of the people. "Mine is pride and faith in Alaska. Villi our rational helpfulness, with our Justifiable generosity. her people will work out the destiny of the en chanting eiuiare and turn a wonder land of riches and Incomparable fas cination to added power and new glory to our great republic.” Bee Want Ails Produce Kesuits. No iVinaiiH for Box (Idr*. N|k>cImI Dtfttratrh to The Omnha lire. Lincoln. July 27.—The state railway commission s reports from railroads show that there js little demand fori cars to transport the wheat crop and miles of empty cars are on the tracks in Nebraska. Reasons assigned for the unprecedented condition arc low prices and farmers’ refusal to sell and tardKjess in cutting and thresh ing. “Save the Difference” Saturday Is “Courtesy Day” In Our Furniture Department, Preliminary to Our August Furniture Sale Which Begins Monday, July 30 Come in Saturday and examine at your leisure the remarkable values offered. You will see immediately the many opportunities for “Saving the Difference.” Furniture of the highest quality for every room in the house may be purchased at Savings of 15% to 50% • In this sale, as always,' you are privileged to Use Our Easy Monthly Payment Plan “Save the Difference” On This Ten Piece Suite 550.00 Ten-Piece Dining Suite 375.00 Ten perfectly matched pieces in genuine American walnut. The chairs are of solid walnut and have tapestry seats. The 66-inch buffet, the serving table and silver cabinet, all match the table in both design and finish, ^ You may buy*the buffet, table and set of 6 chairs for $275.00 Seventh Floor / K V A HUGE TiKE^/U^^ factory you You e An an TIRES HKttJt >/ ■' *t»4> Fu r r , Sf Knockout Sprague Yellow Tag Sale Proves a Real Knockout to Tire Users of Omaha and Vicinity OTA Tires Sold and Deliv- *7 AO Passed Through and Receiv v ered the First Day I Ju ed Service at Our Station Gil 18th & Cuming Street I THE TIME IS NEAR When we begin Omaha’s greatest economy fur sale. This will include the entire stock of furs purchased from Orkin Bros., together with $50,000 worth of new furs just purchased by us at tremendous price concessions, for our annual August Fur Sale. Think of buying a fine seal coat or a scarf at 50 per cent of Orkin Bros’ price. Remember, during this event a small deposit will hold any article purchased in our cold storage vault, free of charge, until early fall. Pre-Inventory Clearance of Summer Wearing Apparel Wise women will take advantage of these wonderful values in beauti ful frocks, sweaters and skirts for present time and next year’s wear. Beautiful Summer Silk Frocks Of Flat Crepe, Crepe Satins, A 7^ k Printed Crepes, Canton Crepes, X. _ K Georgette Crepes and Novelty Silks ■ Formerly priced at 39.75. Styles are interestingly yy individual, materials cool and distinctive, in a host, of summer colors. ' v Pre-Inventory Clearance of Better Silk Gowns at 39.75 Gowns for afternoon, evening, sport and club wear, in a variety of clever new styles—gowns of the type that are most unusual at this low price. Formerly 59.50. , Pre-Inventory Clearance Sale of Smart Fiber Silk iC98 Sweaters ^ Tuxedo or sports models, in an ar ray of handsome and smart colors. These sweaters are remarkable val ues; formerly priced 10.00 to 15.00. Choice of Any Better Silk Skirt, 9.85 No better silk skirt in our complete stock. Materials of crepe de chine, silk ratine, fantasi and Canton crepe; knife, box or side pleated; fjrnerly priced ]2j50 to 19.75. Pre-Inventory Clearance of 200 | Cotton Dresses, 6.98 Those are in light, washable, summer materials and smart colors; sizes for women and misses; formerly 10.98. Second Floor Pre-Inventory Clearance Sale of Women’s and Children’s Summer Footwear Extraordinary price reductions on our entire stock of I. Miller white and all summer wear footwear. Also included in the sale are hundreds of other pairs of this type at less than manufacturing costs. I. Miller Mi-Over W hlte (.laved Kid , l.ow Shoe*—In sandal or closed ef fects, French or Cuban heels, /? Q[T formerly priced 9 50 to 14.50, O.t/t) I. Miller Summer Shoe* White kid. trimmed with red, green, blue, and gray, all over blue, red, green, or gray, formerly priced 10.00 (f Q|T to 16.50, now :9Ml fairs of Braudels laite Spring and Summer Low Shoe*—Beige or gray suedes, white kids, patent leath er trimmings, sport oxfords In vari ous shades of elkskln, formerly priced 8SO to K'./iO, special, 4.95 ISA Fairs of Braudels’ Summer San dals—Of beige, smoked white, gray, elkskin. all rubber heels, Q 1C lormer prices 6.00, now O.'x'J 2IHI Fairs of Buster Brown ( hildren's I'atent Sandals and Brown Oxfords— - Formerly priced 3.50 t fl" , to 4.50 now per pair, ISO Fairs of Marathon Sandals— For children. Play oxfords in tan and brown elkskin, sizes 5!* to 9, 11V* to 2, former prices 2 25 _ to 3.00, special, vOC 100 Pairs of Hosier Brown Whit* Buckskin Hljrh or Whit* Flk> skin I.ow Shoes—formerly priced -1.00 to 6.50, _ special, Third Floor—F.osi 3 pkp« Amaml Shampoo and 50c \nmmi I’ortuiral Koutcc, combined value 95c. Special, 30c road's Vanishing Cream special Zic 60c Jergin's lollnn, special, 30^ r.Oc Korin's Kongc, special, 3»<i 60c I’epsodent Tooth Paste, apodal, 35# 60c Kennine Pannfleu Mas. earn, special, 3»# 1 -IK. Peroxide, special lf><* Drugs and Toilet Goods 1 Alanon I.eseant l ace Powder, ; special. 8«)<* : 2.00 Hjer Kiss Toilet water, spec- I lal. 1.2» Pinaud’s lilac de Trance,. si»c- ! lal. »8# : 30c Amelin, special, 234* fiOc Amaini t ream, special, If)** fiOc (ilaio Sail Polish, spec. 33<* A clour Powder Puffs, special 'Or fiillette llaxor Modes, package Of sic. 3,r»«s Sanitary Aprons, special, -lO** 4oc Sanitary llelts, special. 23<* 60c Palm Olive Shampoo, at 35^ 1.00 Piver's Fare Powder -l.e Trefle or Aauren 1.00 Mavi* Fare Powder, at -|}>» 26c Mention"* OJer ki«* or Mavi* Talcum, 15><* 2.00 Minermlava. special 1.4ft 2.00 Itorahelli Soap, at 1.3ft 10c Hardnater t a*ille **oap, spec- ] ial, 5^ of * (or 30<* 60c Hitch Haiel, pint at 60c Mentholatum, 33(* 1 20 Hildroot Hair Tonic at Sft<* 75c Sta-Comb, (or hair, at 4H<* Main Floor—W^sf. and Basrmtnt 10c Palmolive f* _J5oap—Bar, DC lie Mot!* Tnlrnm, at 17<* 100 Era—For the moths special. 6f»C 35c 0 Kay Bed Hue I iquld. special 35c Odnrnno, 23<* l>r. llf*t Tooth Brushes, sper-lal. 33«* Clinical Thermometers, one minute, special. Color!te Hat Dye. at !«♦<• Coty’s I'OritHii Perfume, ounce. l.BS • * Saturday—Pre-Inventory Clearance 1,000 Tub Suits for Boys A collection of fine suits, smart in style ami per- ^ feet in tailoring, not all sizes in each lot, liut all | I II 1 ' sizes in the assortment. 1.75 to 2.75 values, oV/vf A large selling season lias left us with only short lots of Ikvvs' fine wash suits which we have gathered together and placed in one group for r'jutck rlearance. All of the newest styles are rep resented; middles, Oliver Twists, llalkans, belted models, flappers, and novelties; these ronte In solid rotors, and color combinations, slses S to in blue, tan. gray, pink, hrown, and white. tiuaranteevl all fast colors, a new salt for any | Hint fades, early scjortlnn is advisable. Fourth Floor _:__ ^ Our Entire Stock of Boys’ Straw Hats Reduced newest novelties In light and dark straws, all sites S', to 7^4. Value* to m 48c ! i Values to ? 98c I Fourth Floor A