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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1923)
_. . THE OMAHA BEE * __ Beatrice 'Fairfax PROBLEMS THAT PERPLEX. Skinnej: In addition to your rote ular meal*, try eating twice a day a cereal like oatmeal or rice wUh all cream or at least half cream and half milk with lots of sugar on it. Take one in the morning and the other be fore retiring. Kat your big meal at night, and rest for half an hour after It. I know a girl who put on a lot of weight following thia rule for a couple of months. Light gymnasium work is recommended you—basket ball and swimming, particularly, for developing the body. Issj: We aren't Riven much choice of belief, are are we? The Rood book puts It rather plainly. "And the sins of the fathers shall he visited upon the children even unto the third and fourth generations." The young man was certainly a gentleman to refuse to correspond with you against your mother’s wishes. But if he truly loves you and feels that he cannot be blamed for any Indiscretions on the part of his mother perhaps he will try t« find you. Meanwhile, bet ter obey your mother. Site's almost sure to be ritcht and site's a mlghtiy safe haven in trouble, anyaway. A Worried Wife and Mother: May be his home isn't juBt as cheerful and THE NEBBS— Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess CUDY. AQ.E YOU SUQE YOU'YE GOT CYEftY-^ THING NOU) ? YOU WAVEN'T ^OQGoTrCN / ‘ . A THVNCj ? J "Bor The piano\ \ ’ and THE THINGS You anQ tne; / l CHlLDQEN ARP UjEAQi^G / \ r_?-~ / Xmes i 'Thought' i d take the eahilv avwavV N^~ , ALwfWt' [THIS SOMMER — OJE RE Going To HILL CREST _ IT S//Qpr R\CGER Tipi A &UJELL PLACE - IF NOD TtP THE UJAlTER. S w ta%‘V)0'-’-a? KJKr*S?9£vTTyP™'Vo%£ juJELL TRIMMED^VJHE f^CLJftV HOME ^ --~HT7' ^NOu> >SNY TAlS LOVELY ? YMEy|J VoR GOODNESS SAKE DONT START CECTTAiNLH SlCkED TRL Sun on J To CRAB NOW —You’YE Got LOTS US -Today _ AND CINDERS \ I OF TIME - AND N\AY8E PLENTY mw ewes are: so Tulu t to crab about so don r CAN'T SMUT THEM ! / V LoEAR YOURSELF OUT THE — First T>.av Gj o Lso^ BARNEY GOOGLE--— Barney’d Treat Sparky to a Show for Staging a Run Like That. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck (SVARK'C-Vcu u Be Ax Tue pcsr V in fifteen MINUTES ana po VOUR } STUPE — MM UPE DEPENOS ON ) 'You -t-OOW AT M6 vurrw TMose / Bis BROVUM E.VES — --/ CANT Vcu SEC ) T'M (. CHok/m<a \ 11 s SpAWr 1 . m j ("oyvnfii*. !*)?< bv Knf fVaturr* Syruliftg. !nc| Imeyse ' NECW AND NECKj*y -- :IU^ ) > / COME ON\. SPARK pujC, x You bui*\*», __ —_-_ SPftfcVC ^PLVJGi SA'IS X V CANT? A.*!,. BRINGING UP FATHER-SS.S?S»rM‘VS?»&r'SS Drawn for The OmahaB« by McManu, f TELL'HY F>l/MNO1 TEACHER TO WMT-|'LL \ BE e>^\CK “bOON /Ms y oors-T too <iO out pi ) A.E> MR. OTTO TUrSE ~) l*=Ci01N<; To “blNCi IFOR UttTONkiHT 1 WHA.ODA ,f) MELAJS NOU SAY-THERE l*b A MAN OUT SIDE? ^ what Does he want: ” I'M PRETTY SURE HE WANTS THE piano: ii ^_7 _ .—6. l ^ the: third in'oT/sll.iheist I'd due ors tOUR PlAvtso AvHV IF" i DON'T C,»T IT-I VEf.PiT TA TAkrr -rut- i ©1923 my (nt l~ FtATuvte Scavicc. 1mc. 7d| work } f/vot: l JERRY ON THE JOB— A PAIR OF GLASSES MIGHT HELP. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban * ** foorHcht. 1»2S. ' AAAM8E OUi MJOKTtV^ MS • It S' B6EK>: I ME ACS' svies 1 ’• TAH >~y V = u<y»W'Ji5a,'TEu^\ v Miva I'M USttS./-^ V"'Y lu “t&x u\* ly I 4gt mw\.y ■A <3pfr OUTPOe '«uo I CauV l fc’lPwi Ki, QTJ»r>'X> I Shau. * C«*oo hi a»a m ? 1 / B.EDWO0O Tr \ ) ttew>ooo ?? / ; 1 OO^TT VEMQMJ / I fceovioaw j nv-j3S' vs %ljE»oco 'j oc. (rfepp-inoco / BtAeK-NOOf - - /^"JT y ^ur _/ WUS) i is j “HTJOiBwE- / »CAH"T MOti S'jcvi ^ r aEM«wse2,^*E couoc., ’'• I OP /A /AAMS* j-X U ^ MAMS"? jj There’* at Least One in Every Office By Brigga $./V f Y&J > Wtyif HA v/<* vole*-*/ Po-Tam Toes To - mam Tops yAwo ^Cl/LLioft/S * A M/ ' A « Pv -.7>m • Tom s \To- MAh -Toe s \ MJO^COLL '<3 k) i i £Thi*m«'# ms ^ UWOFB STAMB S Tne iJeMouj* Meai.oF-Hij OFFew^e wow/ Bcttprk •) To * .SPR' ►■16 / That hi»i»u \ VPDDliT - ^rir\ UJ'VL You 7 rt?Ol T ' HSV ' •JL/ILL YovJ <2i_m r ? . ^ VJL/ltC Va WILL Ya' ►J0UJ ' Voo \STop JLAPPINJ'tME l<AlO'T T>oINi’ w u Th t 'kj ' T v&j ■ ■ KRer»JtVooP v HAWCi OPf AJ MF •JOUJ I I^LctVA €> I MM I happy ns it might in*. The only rea son 1 can think, of for his staying away Is that, he finds other plates more enticing. Perha'ps you can make things more- pleasant for him at home. To Itleach Sheets. This Is the weather for bleaching large linens and sheets. wash Ing, hang (hern on the line and when dry, turn the hose on them. Tou will not have to take them down to we? them and they can la* wet again ar.?l again on a sunshiny day. Mitre Flavor. When stuffing potatoes that ha-.e been baked, a little grated cheese is a welcome addition. Bargain* Vacation Fares | Round Trip 30-Day Fare* From Omaha: Fan •«. Fool, Mins. ItLH Mlnnaapnlla, Mian. . 11.fa Dul nth, Minn. .17.1a 4 Irsnndrta, Minn. . 23.SO Rrnlnrrd, Minn. 23.05 Drrrnood. Minn. 24.50 Detroit Minn. .. 20.75 Kir. Anna. *83.35 Fairmont, Minn.•14.05 Intrrnntlonnl Folia. Minn. 33.25 Moans, Minn.24.50 Oanklfl, Minn. 23.25 Fan I’equot. Mia a.S34X» Pine lllter Minn. 38.25 Tower, Minn.*33.30 Walker, Mina., Aahland. Win.33.Ml Bayfield. Wla. . Cable, All. . 33.MO Chetek. Wla. . 23.T8 Cumberland. Wla. .. 22..10 Hayward. Wla.23.00 Mlnonar, Wla.22.73 Spooner, Ala 33.10 ‘Season Limit October 31st. Tickets at these bargain Excursion fares will be on sale daily until September 30, 1923. Stop-overt allowed any point en route within final limit. — Phone Atlanta 7856 W.J. Smith General Af ent, C. A N. W. Rr. 1201-1203 Famam St.. Omaha. Neb. Cut out and Pleaaa tend me copy of folder ‘'Summer Ootlnja" with large ecale map of Wiaccnaln-Michigan Lake Region and liet mail for of retort* and hotel*, with rate*. free folder v * .*...J (593) ! [ECZEMA OVER A YEAR ON HA DS In Small Watery Pimples. Itched and Burned Lost Rest Cuticura Heals * I had eczema on my hands tor J over a year 1 broke out in small, | i watery pimples with severe itching j land burning and would raise up ; in blisters I spread all o'-er the , palms of my hands which were so ‘ | tender that 1 could scarcely put! them m water 1 could not rest' ! nights j ' 1 sent for a free sample of C-Jti- j i cura Soap and Ointment. I pur- j |chased more and after using one! jcake of Soap and two boxes of j I Ointment 1 was healed." (Signedlf 1 Mrs J W Green 3? So 20th St. j Kenmore, Ohio. Use Cuticura for every-day toilet ' purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment dust with Talcum.' S*»p'.« Trm Vp A4dr**« C«tlr«rt L*>*r. ( •ten*. rVyt M. «« Wui SoW r*rrr- 1 • SotrSf O r tjh#r t and to* Tairom2W j MT Cubcttra So«ptUvM ■' pood Digestion, Active Liver^ f»iv, regular bowel,; no griping, j | no nau»ea. Omly IS reap. | Bee Want Ads Bring Results . ABIE THE AGENT— _Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Ju*t a *«K'lab|p l.ittl* (..imp T \ UjHETE u£HE > ^OU ON THE MIQHT OF \MARCH >2™ f l LUNS VJlSftTNQ \ ' MENET* BlECtio'S \ BouSt'.’ / I i YOU WERE IRAJ'YED Yb\ HIS, HOOSE Ror A SotiMAJE . I CARt> GAME, HA?.IoASN'Y THERE An; AttQUIAEkY I /'^JDURW^YRE QAM*' / rCT^ (00= lY X WM A FIQHT" HCXU LCNAi Mt. V Nou S>TKV TVtERt fcEYEfc. THE f FlG,HT STARTED ^ "Vl'O'x TU)P UiCEVS = TM^\ 1 t>COt>RS UJ0UU5MT \.rr Ywem n\ovE N. ME’.’: I Boils rHERE is a reason for every thing that happens. Com mon-sense kills misery. Common sense also stops boils I S. S. S. is the common sense remedy for boils, be cause it is built on rea s o n. Scien tific authoriv^. ties admit its power! S.S S. builds blood power, it builds red-blood-ceils. That is what makes fighting-blood. Fighting-biood destroys impuri ties. It fights boils. It fight* fimples! It fights skin eruptionst t always wins! Mr. V. D. Schaff. 557 15th street, Washington, D. C.. writes: "I tried for years to get relief from a bad case of boils. Every thing failed until I took S. S. S. 1 am now absolutely cured, and it was S. S. S. that did it.” S. S. S. is sold at all goal dru£ stores ia two sires. Tl»« larger sire is sere economical* tCC Otie World's Best O.J.O. '/flood Mrdicinft M>\ KKTI't MKM Easiest Way to Remove Ugly Hairy Growths (Beauty Culture* Here is a method for removing hair from arms, neck or face that is ur Online is quite inexpi r.sive: Mix a thjek paste with some powdered delatone and water and spread on hairy surface. After 2 or 3 minutes rub it oflf. wash the skin and every ■trace of hair has vanished. No harm or inconvenience results from this treatment, hut be careful to (ret ' uine delatone and mix fresh as wa nled. 2 MORE WOMEN JOIN THEJRMT Of Those Who Have Been Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pmkham’a Vegetable Compound Milwaukee. Wis. — “I hadnbadjvain in my left side and 1 could not lift anything heavy without having a backache. I tried different things. Then 1 saw Lydia L-Linkham's Veg etable Compound advertised in the newspapers and began taking it as the direct ions said. I feel very good now and can do all my work. I recommend the Vegetable compound to all my t riends, and you can use my testimonial letter. — Mrs. Hattie Warson, 870 Garden St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Gained in Every Way Buffalo. K.\ .'— "1 had some female troubles that iust run my health down so that 1 lost my appetite and felt miserable all the time. 1 could not lift anything heavy, and a little extra work some days would put me in bed. A friend had told n'e to try Lydia E. Pinkhatn’s Vegetable Com pound and 1 gamed in every w av.cvmld rat better and felt atronger. 1 had found nothing before this that did me so much good. Mrs. J, Grave, ill Woltt Avenue. Buffalo. N. \. * rn-lr f1»C. %|*|<r4 >'"*> 7- gff