County Pav ing to Be Apple of - Taxpayer’s Eye Roads Will Be Best In This Part of the Country When Completed January 1. At the completion of the Douglas county paving program, at the end of the year, taxpayers can boast some of the best paved roads In this part of the country. The county will have 80 miles of paved roads by January 1. Every main road will be paved and four of them will be connected with overland highways. On Dodge street along the Lincoln highway one can visit Elkhorn, W aterloo and Valley. Fremont is a few miles off the highway. Military avenue brick road connects with the Black Hills trails, while connections are easily made on the D. L. D. through Millard and Washington highways. Part of the cost of building a few of the roads is paid by the state and federal governments. The first rural pavement was laid in 1920 The Lincoln highway was paved from the Union Pacific railroad north west to the bridge Vest of the Elk hom cemetery. Four and three-fourths miles of brick were put in on tho D. L. D. highway from the south county line through Millard, north an'", east to where ths old brick paving ends, dur ing 1921. Five and one-half miles of brick were put In on the Lincoln highway from the bridge west of Elkhorn cemetery northwest to Valley's north ern limits. The Washington highway was paved form the north city limits to the north county line. In 1922, Military avenue from Oma ha was paved for 8.25 miles to the corner south of Bennington. Bitulithic pavement was used for six miles on the road lonnectlng Val ley to the north county line. The Lincoln highway from Road 46 to Road 56, and from Pappio creek to Father Flanagan’s home for boys will be completed this year. Johnson Is Riled; It Was Mistake Denies He Told George Harvey He'd Win by Landslide If Nominated. ir Associated Trees. New York, July 27.—Senator Hiram Johnson of California, with an em phatic denial, today took cognizance of a story appearing in certain New York papers quoting George Harvey, American ambassador to the court of St. James, as stating Mr. Johnson hail predicted for himself election by a landslide if he obtained the repub lican nomination for president. Mr. Harvey, who received his ap pointment from President Harding, to whose views on the world court Mr. Johnson took sharp exception in his first public utterance since returning from Eurpose, attended the meeting here Wednesday night at which the senator outlined his views on America's foreign policy. At that time Mr. Harvey, replying to ques tions by newspaper men, said: “Yes, I have nothing to say.” The story published today quoted, Mr. Harvey as saying at Long Branch, N. J., that Mr. Johnson1 would not receive the republican nom ination and that he thought Mr. Johnson a little previous In his pre diction of a landslide. The ambas sador was quoted as saying that Mr. Johnson had made the prediction in the course of a conversation with him. By Associated Press. Long Branch* N. J.. July 27.—Col. George Harvey, United States am bassador to the court of St. James, today corrected statements regardlrg presidential prospects for 1924 attrib uted to him in certain New York morning papers and asserted that when he had predicted failure he was referring to the chances of Henry Ford and not those of Senator Hiram Johnson. * '••Apparently the gentleman with whom I was speaking misunderstood what I said.” said Mr. Harvey. "X had been talking about Henry Ford and I expressed surprise that so ^j^ny good Judges of srffalrs, lnclud Hiram Johnson, believe that If he could get a major nomination there would be a landslide In his fa vor. ‘ I Intended this to apply to Mr. Ford and not, as the gentleman with whom I was speaking evidently thought, to Mr. Johnson. Plan Upbuilding for Scottsbluff Region Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Scottsbluff, Neb., July 27.—Two proposals for the upbuilding of the Scottsbluff community are being con sidered by local business men. One is suggested by J. C. McCreary. Another plan by Dr. N. N. Rasmus sen. is to send a group of four or five men to southern Minnesota for the double purpose of studying dairying at first hand and of demonstrating the resources of the North Platte valley. It Is thought that as a re suit of this mission a dozen families of Scandinavian descent, thoroughly experienced In dairy farming, could he Influenced to move to thla valley and either buy farms or take them on long term leases. While they would practice general farming, they would also demonstrate the best methods of dairying, and it is believed their* Influence would the conversion of this region rlnto a great dairy country. Mercury Drops 17 Degrees Since Monday's Scorcher The temperature has dropped 17 degrees $lnce Monday, according to flgurea, compiled by Government Me teorologiet M. V. Robins. “Light blankets will probably come Jn handy tonight,” said Robins. Several point* over the state re ported rainfall. i THE WOALO \S ABOUT TO BE *TRANSFOArAEO BY N\Y INVJEN JriONS.THAOUSH THE MEOIUIA ?©F WANT AOS A NEW KEG OF ^INVENTIVE GENIUS HAS 'N*—«v BEEN POT ON . V^TAP^, AT THE RATE THE GREAT fAANUFACTURERS ARE FALLING FOR MY V/ANTAO IVE GOT TO GET AH OFFICE ANO LABORATORY IN WHICH TO EXERCISE MY GREY / AH » KNEW I’OFINOniNTHE OnftHA BEE WANT AOS “"A FURNISHED OFFICE. ANO LABORATORY READY ^TO BE OCCUPIED**— OUST X Hb[-—iNNHftT « WANT*. ■or service ^—>~| ID SENILE fAEN-N NUENT ANVTHIIV6 <J UP SPOON tAUFFLER] ER PROOF POUJOER 1 >R SRTHlNG f—^ &EROTIE51.' I Mi THbtw# Rnwjj *—l Nebraska Girl Held for Forging Checks Sioux City, July 27.—Charged with cheating by false pretenses and ac cused of having forged checks, Ger trude M. Muck of Hartington, Neb., was arrested Thursday night. The checks are alleged to have been cashed In Omaha, Sioux City, Norfolk, Neb., and other cities. Approximate ly $1,600 is said by the operatives to have been obtained. Norfolk, Neb., July 27.—Gertrude Muck who Is held at Sioux City for passing worthless checks, is alleged she gave about a dozen of them to Norfolk merchants, from whom she bought several hundred dollars worth of merchandise. Legion Furnishes Program for Bellevue Students Students at the Bellevue Vocational school were given a program of enter tainment Thursday night under the auspices of the newly organized American Legion post of the school. Entertainers on the program In cluded Alice McCormicx, Joe Lump kin, Robert Sheehan, Eleanor and Elouise Segi, Marjorie Jane Bloom berg, Mario Jane Davies, the Invinci ble quartet, Guy Kiddoo ami Shorty Dodds, the Bellevue night watchman. Talks were made by J. J. Ryan, di rector of the vocational school; Dr. Michael J. Ford and Dr. J. A, Tami sea. Form Oats Shocking Bee. Special Dispatch to The Omaha lice. Plalnview, Neb., July 27.—Several young men of this place formed a bee and went to the farm of Peter Kuhl, who was severely burned and bruised whe# his tractor crushed him against a hogtight wire fence, and spent the afternoon and evening shocking his oats. FUNERAL NOTICES. THOMPSOX-W. Albert, passed on at lo cal hospital Thursday. July 26. 1922. age 23 years. Mr Thompson In survived by hia wife, hi* mother, Martha V. Thomp son of Punning. Neb.. 2 brothers. Tt. A. Thompson of Lawrence, Kan., and Harvey Thompson of Dun iio«L Neb., and on-- sis ter. Miss Erma Thompson, of Dunning, Neb. Funeral service* and irterment at Dun ning. Neb. For information call Crosby Moore. wn. 0047 SMALL—Daniel Lorraine, infant son of Mr. and Mrs Frank !. Small. pa«*ed on at local hospital. Thursday, July 26, 1923, age 4 mo. and 19 da>* Funeral from Crosby-Moore funeral home 24th and Wirt Sts . Saturday, July 28. 1923. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery__ BA DOF—Mary, age 7 years. Friday, at. the residence of per parents, Mr and Mrs. Aural .Turtman; one sister, Helen. Funeral service* Saturday afternoon. 4 o’clock, from Larkin Hros. chapel, Inter ment Insure! Hill cemetery._ ^^FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F J. 8TACK A CO , Omaha's best undertaking establlahment. PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SER VICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. HA. 0064. HEAFET A HEAFET. Undertakers and Embalmera Phone HA. 0265 Office 2611 Farnam. (ESTABLISHED SINCE 18S2). CRANK MORTUARY CO . CONDUCTED B V LADIES ONLY. 515 S. 20th St. AT. 3689 and AT. 1890. KORI8KO FUNERAL HOME. 23d and O Sta. 1250 8. 13th St. MA. 0880. AT. 1873. HULSE A RIEPEN. Funeral Dlrectora. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1228. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE. Dodge at 24th. Funeral Dlrectora. JA. 3901 CROSBY-MOORE, 24th and Wirt. WK. 0047. TAGGART A BON 2212 Cuming St. JA. 0714. H. H. KRAMER FUNERAL HOME, 6918 Military Ava. WA. 6314. BRATLEY A DOKRANCK. 1823 CUMING BT. JA. 0628. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 3411 Farnam St. VAULTS AND MONUMENTsT DISTINCTIVE feature*. see demonstration at factory. Automatic Healing Concrete Burial Vault. Insist upon your under taker using no other. Every vault ntsmp ed; watch for name In lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., 6210 N. 30th St . Omaha. VISIT FOREST LAWN. North of City Limita. 820 a "res. Perpetual care. Offlcea at cemetery and 720 Brand*!* Theater Hid* __FLOR£STS__ LEE? LAHMON 19th and DouhIm.Phone AT. 3244. JOHN BATH, JgQ4 Farnarn. ~J A 190fk I. HENUKRHON. 1607 Karnam JA m* 7 LOST 125 BEWARD for return of white Hpltr. dog lost about 4 wseka ago north of Floranca. Belongs In city. Call HA. 3<t34 t'AMBRA loat at Hand Point bea^h Hun day evening Call MA 2307 Reward ... BASEBALL OAMK WANTED. Weeping Water would like a game with some team on Friday, August 3. Call f opple. Mgr., Weeping Wat*»r, Neh. _ PERSONAL._ THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4115 and our wagon will call. <‘all and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. LADY going to Portland in the near fu ture will find It to her advantage to write Boa Y 23B7, Omaha B*-» AURORA maternity home and haul*** rared for. Write for purtltulara. 1322 H. Hat Bt. HA f,lOl. I). W f1, LTNCICOMF. or anyone know ing him, pleas* writs P. O. Bog lbub, I o-n ver. X Y. Z. Addreaa laLoya I_hotel. AUTOSFOR8ALE. PSED parte for alt makes of rare. Ford ua#d parte at half price. lirb. Auto rare. JA. 4931. USKI) CARS THAT CAN II12 PH HD. NEBRASKA OLDBMUBILK CO., Howard at IMh.AT. 1770 HIGH grade new and uaad cars. OUT U SMITH. DODGE sedan for sale, 1350. Good con dltIon, good tlrea, fair wheels I'all an Ho 4Hth Hi BUfCK Touring. 1I2H. new tires top and battery. Muat b* ao!4. WA. 474* BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line earh day, 1 or 2 daya. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 daya. 10c per line earh day, 7 day a or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to Want / ds which are commonly termed "public wants,” and do not include adver tisements of Individuals or concerns ad vertising or exploiting their businesses. These rates apply to The Sunday Omaha Re© as well as The Morning and Evening Itee. All week-day advertisements appear In both morning and evening editions at tag "nr cost. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Morning Edition .9 p. m. Evening Edition .11:30 a. m. Sunday Edition .9 p. m. Saturday Want Ads - accepted at the following offices: Main office.17th and Fnrnam Sts. South Omaha . .N. W. Cor. 24th and N. Sta. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone Allan tic 1 *»00. Call for "Want" Ad Department. An experienced "Want” ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rate* quoted above apply to either charge or ca^h orders. THE OMAHA BEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE JORDAN BLUE BOY SPORT—I have a new Jordan Blue Boy four passenger sport model and connot meet my pay ments. Will sacrifice on my equity if you will take over the payment#. Car Is new and latest model. Run less than 1,500 miles. Write Box W-417, Omaha Bee. 1923 FORD SEDAN. BOUGHT NEW ONLY A FEW MONTHS AGO FIVE TIRES. LOCK WHEEL. AS GOOD AS NEW IN EVERY RESPECT WILL TAKE FORD TOURING AS PART PAYMENT OR GIVE TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY. IF INTER EST FI> DON'T WASTE ANY TIME SEEING THIS CAR AS I MIST SELL SAME QUICK. HARNEY 4332. AUCTION ‘Saturday, 2 p. m The following cars will 1)« acid at auction to the highest bidder; one Bulck four 1917, Dodgo Sedan 1918, Chevrolet Touring. Ford with starter. Ford Chassis, Old* 8, Studefoakcr and many other*. If you want to sell your ear Hat it with ua. We will sell it for you. BIO A CTO COMPANY. 1120 Nort ii 19th Street. STONER Ac JONES. Auctioneers. Some bargains in used Ford*. New Ford eon, easy payment* McCaffrey motor co. The Dandy Service Station 15th and Jackson St*.AT. 7711. OOEDHTKOM AUTu SALES CO.; new lo cation, 21»3 Harn-y Street. Ford* and other make* $50 and up. Ford hodieg, ra*h or time. open evenings. Phone AT 6546. NEW and used Fords, cash or term*. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO., Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealer*. 20th and Ames Ave. KK. 0146. HUPMOBILK Model M, R-pa*senger touring; will trade for Ford sedan or coup*?. HA. 349* or wa. rtn:i4. , USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Co. 2554 Farnam. DIXIE TOURIN'O. In good condition throughout and Is a real bargain Call AT. 4040__ AUTOi ACCESSORIES. TIRKsT BUY a. inetkl garage. Mad* In Omaha, i CARTER Rll BET METAL CO.. JA. 0603. TRUCKS ANDTRACTORS. FC’RD ton truck In good condition, body and cab nearly new. For quick sal* will make low price. Cash or term*. 1812 Wirt St. _EDUCATIONAL._ DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometer, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wlre l*ss telegraphy, civil service and all Eng Hah and commercial branches. Writs, r ail or phone Jackson 1L6& for large Illus trated catalog Address IJMYLEM COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fin# office position. Call AT. 7774 or American College. 1912 Earns m. THI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1402 Dodge St. 1304 Douglas Ft. |_'all or writs for Information. VAN FA NT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS F K. corner 19th and Douglas. JA. 0*90. MOI.EK BARBER COLLE» i K, 110 S 14? h Ft. Write for catalog. Comptometer school. 200 Courtney^ Bldg. ^JIELP^WANTED^MALE^^ WANTED—Carpenters with tools. I*. F. adn E Free fare. WESTERN BAILWAY LA BOR AGENCY, 310 H. 11th Ft._ YOUNG MAN—STUDY LAW! Downtown evening sessions University of Omaha Law School. Nominal tuition Enroll now Fee Her'y. 1 o7 Omaha Nat Hank. GROCERY driver wanted. 2629 Shsrman A ve. HELP WANTEDu-FEMALE^ WELT, EDUCATED WOMAN. Mutt hav* norm AI school or college train !ng and some knowledge of the principles of pedagogy. Duties involve some travel ing. Work refined nrtd high class In every particular Experience unneces sary «'• train you and pay salary from ■tart, with opportunity ti» earn I3.O0Q and up per year. In answering state fully > "Ur qualifications E A. rotter. 41/ t Stand Avenue Temple Bldg., hnnxa* City, Mo, OIKL or middle aged woman wauled to aasiat wdth care or children. Phone 306, Co. Bluffs,__ GIRL to wait table* I'nlt t-Docakel Drug Co., 17th and Karnum Hta. SALESMAN WANTED SALESMEN to sell our complete line of M WHIZ products to auto dealers, ga rages, accessory, hardware and similar dealers In Iowa territory Only men of order getting selling ability ooneld-red. Those selected given permanent positions and fully Inatruottd in nelllng points, backed with dealer helps, national adver l lalng and weekly drawing account agoinet liberal commission basis. Star* If mar ried. If have car Review selling experi ences, giving age and reference** Writs W. I, Luahhaugh, 7U0 Cheriy St, Des Moines, la. HA LEHMAN- HFKt’IALTY MAN HE tvvkkn jr> and air., who has had HEAL EXPERIENCE ANI» IS CAPA HIE OF INTER VI EWINO THE HKHT Cl, A MU or HI ’HI N EH MEN ON HlOH OH A ME HPKCIALTY KXI'M’HIY K TERRITORY A It K A NO E M E N T ON ATTHACTIVK HA HIH PHONE A C CROFT, ROOM 1JU& IIII.L HOTEL WANTED—Traveling and clly salesmen to handle Maple article on good com mission contract. Every man a user end Article a good seller small pocket sam ple Worth Investigating Call at room *f>4 Paxton hotel, Saturday or Bunday. WANTED Five llvswlra piano salesmen for city sales department. Opportunity to make 8ood monev. CIIMOLLKK A MUELLER PIANO CO.. I M 4 If. 1 H I .n.lye WANTED—One teal salesman to handle a crew . also four men to work with *rew, good selling proposition; commissions paid dally. Sec Mr Downing. ."Oh Hstrd Hldg advertising so travel and sell advertising omit West »rn A(1v. Assn. 120& Farnem AUTO supply salehnien. city, commission basis 2013 Harney HI SITUATIONS WAN T 1C I > W'ORK on large farm or ranch Herman preferred Age 31 W-4»l. Omaha Bee. DAY work wanted. White women AT 1431, | JSITJJATION MARRIED man. 32. expert bookkeeper, experienced auditor; five yearn In bank, two as cashier, wants permanent position In small town near “Dunker” church If possible; ready for work Sept. 1. Write o. C. C, 151S Lyon 8t , Dea Moinea. Tel Black 3816. AUTHORS—Have your manuscript type written neatly and accurately, tt pays. 76c *to $1 per 1,000 words. Alary Iliff, Nellgh. Neb. Box 532. ^bijsin^ssjopport^jnitijesT^ SMALL PACKING PLANT. Afost completely equipped In Kansas City. 40 feet from stockyards. Operation In hands of exceptionally competent man. Need msnager who knnrfrs the business to take half interest. Investment required. $20.u00. Should make 25 to 60 per cent on Investment. Address Independent Pack ers, 15 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kan. OARAGE and machine shop, county seat town, doing good business, price for quirk “ale. $8,000; $2,000 cash, terms on bal ance. Newell Bros., Hebron, Neb. CONFKCTIONA RY. Lunch Tnd Cigar*. Good location, good busine&s. Rome terms. 5511 N. 24th St. NINE rooms with furniture, good Invest ment. good condition and arrangement. Terms. 11A. 6723. GARAGES—HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. . Best quality of cement blocks, complete. Lowest prices. Gall now. AT. 7731. CIGAR STAND, Omaha, beat In commer cial 260-room hotel. $2,600 JA. 1476. CONFECTIONERY and cigsr store; sacri fice sale. On west side. Call WE. 4fH5^_ FOR RALE—First-class dry cleaning establishment. Phone WA. 26S6. ___INVESTMENTSr-_ CASH paid for 2d mortgages on Omaha property F C. Horacek A- Co., 640 1st Nat l Hank Bldg. AT. 3531. CITY real estate, mortgage* and contracts bought. Mr Parson. 104 No 15th St. M O N E Y JTO L O A R YOU WANT MONEY DON’T PAY HIGH RENTS. We loan any amount up to #500 at the lowest rates Can be repaid In easy monthly payments to suit convenience. W« are licensed and bonded and have been In business over 30 years, therefore you are sure of a quick, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY 6b« Karbach Blk Telephone JA. 2215. Southeast Corner 15th and Douglas Sts DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, business strlctl) confidential. The Diamond Loan Co.. 1514 Dodge St. Estab. 1814. MONEY to loan on automobilea. WE. 5463 or HA. 0926. ^LO^NJ^O^REAL^ESTATE^ 5 4 AND f. PER CENT MONEY. Loans on Omaha Improved property At lowest rates. FRANK H. BINDER, *23 city Nat. JA 2691. WANTED to loan. 9100,000 In or near Omaha, in sums of >1,091 to 910.99$. V D. WKAP a- I*. H. BOWMAN. 310 a mil St , Weed Bldg. AT.OUI. i MONEY to loan on farms and CTnaha j real estate MYERS A K A INBOLT CO., 424 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg JA, 0749. 1 SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences. Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. H. Lougse. Inc . 619 Keelins Bldg. SECOND mortgages or contracts pur chased by Tukey Company, 620 let Nat l Bk. JA. 4223.| FARM LOANS. Largs nr small. Weil Neb farms, ranches. Kloks Investment Co, *4.v Cm Nat. Bk. OMAHA MOM F.S — EAST NF H FARMS. O'KEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO., 101S (»m. Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. :719. STRAIGHT 6-yegr loans, 9per cent. AMOS GRANT CO„ 201 ft, Hth. Arthur Bldg AT. 9380. I WILL buy mortgages and contrscts. Corkin, >49 Qma. Nat, Bldg , Omaha, Neb. | is AND 6 PER CENT—NO DELAY? GARVIN BROS. 164 < »m Nat l. Bldg. WANTEDI TcT¥oRiROW~ WANTED—To borrow 91.60#, good secur ity. six month.'* good Interest; quick ac tlon. Box_W ■ 4 1 8, Omaha Be* DOGS. BIRDS AND PETS. BEAUTIFUL male poodle, 2 years; watch- I fui ; great pet, reasonable P. 1» S 10th. I LOVELY shepherd puppies, males, IS. females 13. 1618 P loth FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMOND ring. 1-karat, clear and good color, set In lady's beautiful 19-k solid whita gold mounting, with 2 sapphires. 1300 Ha. fi*7o morning* 3-CYLINDER Mullen's ateel motor boat, excellent condition. AT. 69S4. SUGAR sack a and flour sacks, good for I tea towels. WE. 4*84. AI.KA1.FA — 8 tons haled JA 41*1 | HOUSEHOLD GOODS. AUCTION of furniture 2pm Saturday. July 2*. at 23d and N St* . South Omaha. Wifi sell furniture* or anythin* you have at open air auction direct to the public. Satisfaction guaranteed Call any tlm* Mr 0360 or We. .1227. Frank Wink. Auctioneer. THE Largest stock of used furniture la orauha at the Stephenson Auction llous.*, 1504 Capitol Ave. Auctions at 1 30 p. in every Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday. Uooda also sold at private sale MAHOGANY and velour day bed. llbr fable, reed chair and rorkere. period din. t a ble and chairs, walnut dreeaer, rug May rent Inn apt WK 1317 Ml ST gall lit on'-o <his range, electric washer; electric sewing machine two beds All price,! to sell; come and ece. 4224 Tturdet te Htrent. HEAUTfFUL mahogany living room set. Cane back, plush «ushton*. for sale or ex- hang* If A 1.201. TWO brnaa lie la complete, 3 dressers, 2 ■tends, almost new. itargain if taken at once. If \ BUM. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. 13th and Jlnrnry AT. 4861. FURNITURE RARUA IN—HURRY. Furniture of 6 run for I .*50, upstairs Mot a than pay rent AT 1745 FUR.MTU HE for sale’ *•* ho 23d. "AllV IIIOIY for ss!a.~|U ” K I 4U4 . ^ TLOt i u ngTfurs.etc. FULL PRES* suite and Tuxedo* for rent IA 31?N U»9 N. 16th Htreet. J Feldman. FULL dress suit, reasonable_K U. 2 217 _MUSlCAr.lNSlKUM EN IS TRADE your used plana on a new playar piano Ralspc* ae low as 110 per month A HOHHE CO, 4H» Douglaa MUST sell ut once Piano and phono graph Priced to sell 4 22 4 llnfdeUe St^ TYPEWRITERS., 7 UViAKANTI ICD Ur»»r|t»r,. 17.60 and UP. 1’ M ''.‘I... Cn !1H 6l.lf.Iilh SI OFFICE SUrriJES FOR SALE. WE RUT. sell aaf*. make desks, show ’•■•*. etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co, » w • ri'ri llfh and l imi| as I A • i SWAPCOLUMN._ $100 AN1* UAH will take my one tot, ■c Croat, i In*. to North t'mihn high Address H k.t!t, (>meha lire. TIIRI'K tut** radio aet complete, feu ■ ampttig outfit s 420. Omaha Her NEW electric washer for used Forfl H Hi, Omaha Iter SWAP n Remington tynewrltet f01 tires or what have you " S 41*, Ree GRAPONOLA SWAP FOR Ft RI^ToilTT 1NO t AH, JA 3704. POOL table and furniture Will trad* for car. 8*101, oiuaU* Lea _SWAP COLUMN._ CHEVROLET—If you are dialroua of own ing a new Chevrolet car and you now own a Ford, will swap, taking in your Ford as a part payment, balance easy terina. JCE. 6345. LARGE walnut wardrobe, with mirror door, or oak with hat rack, or wicker baby buggy and sleeping basket for ward robe trunk. WE. 1713. PIERCE-ARROW touring, 7 passenger, worth 91.800. Fine condition Trade for Dundee lot or property or equity of equal value. 8-869, Omaha Bee. 11.200 equity in a new oak finished bungalow near Rlvervlew park for vacant lots or auto and some cash. S 830. Oma ha Bee. WILL trade 26 doxen sets of spark )n ^tennifier*. retail at 93.60 per set for "coupe or sedan or what have you? 8-832, Omaha Bee. WILL sell 160 acres southwestern Iowa land or trade for cheaper land or first mortgages. 8-860. Omaha lit-. NEW 9200 PHONOGRAPH—Trade for used car. vacant property, or what have you? 8-857, Omaha Bee. 1912 Trap model Winchester pump shot gun. Practically new Swap lor Ford or wardrobe trunk 8-890, Bee. PIGEONS, swap for chickens or roll top desk, or what have you? S-831, Omaha Bee. SEVEN-PASSENGER limousine, body fits Cadillac. 61 to 65, for what nave you? 8-840. t maha Bee. | LONG distance radio for gun, field glasses or what -have you? S-802. Omaha Bee TEA cart, Woodstock typewriter. new spritig coat, three evening dresses. Will trad*- for diamonds 8-842. Omaha Bee. FORTY-THREE used player rolls. 40 used Victor records, for kitchen cabinet, 8-slf, Omaha feee. 8EPAN, wire wheels, 1917 studle. A 1 con dition. What have you? S-658, Omaha Bee SWAP—An electric vacuum sweeper, almost new, for a camping outfit. 8.-488, Omaha Bee. j A good 140 acres of Iowa lend to ex change for Omaha property. 8 826, Oma ha Doe. ALLEN touring car, dandy shape, value $65.00, to trade for Buff Orp chickens or what have you? 8 *52. Omaha Bee WANTED TO BUY. WILL pay cash for Used Ford Touring or Roadster Bodies In good condition Also can use a good Ford Ton Truck Body. .See Mr. Rodgers, Hannan-Odeil Van Brunt, Inc DESKS DESKS DESKS New d-ska, used desks, bought, sold and traded J. C. Reed, 1207 Ftrnam 8t., AT 6146’ APARTMENTS AND FLATS. r^^I^n f urn 1» h e d. > TURNER COURT APTS. Most beautifully loc ated and arranged. . Three-room apartment with 5-room ac commodation* tw«i beds, built-in features, I opposite boulevard and Turner park. Available at on< e Janitor. HA 6S96. <i. M HAUSER, Manager 1102 Dodge HA. 7! 40. I B'UK KudM CORNER APARTMENT. I Large living room, dining room. bath. ! bedroom, and a dandy kitchen First or | second floor in the corner of the building Rent $Su. Better loegte now and be com fertabls thin winter Look at Thellan Apta. *26 bo 21it Av» or call AT. IISV. W. J PALM FIR CO. WALKING DISTANCE—A complete, all modern apartment at the price of a fur nished room. Private bath, cabinet kitchen. Furnished, including light and gas, |6Q Furnished in overatuffed, 962.16 Call JA 2905. Drake Rental Agency, cor. 17th end Howard. Five-room duplex !n Ramona Court. lt«7 Dewey a'e., large living room, dining mom. kitchen, two corner bedrooms and tiled bath. All large rooms. Rent, 976. T. H MA ETCHER CO, 519 Dinah* L>an llidg AT. 1I«2. HERE Is a dandy 6 room firs? floor apartment. Look at No. 16 Uintah Apt . 3"th and Leavenworth Sfa Janitor at building, or rail Atlantic 9110. Rent 970. _W J PALMER CDMPANV. FOR RENT—CDtSE Tn Two dandy 6-room apt* with fireplace; large room*, in oak. separate furnace rooms; garage; gt.»d lOcttkNIi 96° and f >■ -1A i.k. Realty company. RENT 179 or 930—3 or 4 rooms, heat, hot wafer and Janitor included. You • «n't be*t it \m> k at Rurdstta Apta. “1st and Burdette Ms. W. J PALMER COMPANY. AT 9996. APARTMENTS AND FLATS—936 to 9120 W. J PALMER CO. REAL ESTATE management. AT fc!>9nKeeline Bldg. 1 wo-ROOM APTS —Furnished" 941; unfurnished at 915 and 937 6*' Close In. walking distance so* S 71st Av*» W J PAl,.v!KR COMPANY, AT. h»*6. CLOSE In, etrlctly modern, four Urn* room* and entry hall. Beat for the rrlre. ■Swenaen Salta Co., 607 Paxton Block. JA. 1431. TWO-ROOM M CRPHT HFD APT —Rent f31 Newton Aida 725 S llth Rt W .1 PALMER r> iMT A NT. AT 6614. 5 - ROOM apt., modern but heat; private bath, rarave 2322 So ?9th St. AT\ 1316, owner 1021 Dmigla*, It5. PETERS TRUST COM I* ANT, * WHERE OMAHA RENTS/* AT OSH 17th and Farnam Ste for onh or DRAKE'S 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackaon 1146. IN attractive location. Juat completed. 7 room* and bath, lateat lmprovemauta 7(»2 North 27th Ave. BEAUTIFUL M-rnom apt.; Cltula \ lata, t*1); Immediate poweation HA 4115. STEAM heated rnodarn apartment*. low rent i) IV Stebhlnw. IMP Chicago St, BEAUTIFUL brick duplex: many built-in f«»at wren , llA. ♦.541 2 unfurntehed ronma 610. No children. 913 North 19th at reel THREE, four or aevan room apartment*. 1649 nr.l N 17th t AT. 4M1. TWO f.iur-room apartment* for rent, new !>- deroroted. 3909 Podge H A 6535. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. F’Ol’R.ROOM furnished apartment to party buying furniture; rent very reason able H.-Ion Apts, Tel. .7A. 411# MODKHN three-room furnished apart ment. f;;3 00 a month. 1303 *% N. Hat *t Apt N I Hurdette.. HUNTER INN. AT. 6»40—14th and Hodge t'e Home for traveling man and wlf# ?I8T RT 117 N'—3 or I room modern apurtmenta. walking distance, reasonable ha#« tw<». ft 00 Ninglo loom. a i rt m#al for aale Tel, AT. M>41 Til RICK and two room aparlmenta on fir»t >«iul (.*»• Mi,d floor ‘J l m 3 wpencti HOUSES FOR RENT. -, -..-ow, SEVEN*ROOM DUPLEX D*nt out eoine ro* in a and reduca your rant Look at 11.1 South JOth St Janitor mi Portland will atiow you Rant flOfc. \V« furnish heat W. J l'ALM tCIt CO. _AtUntlo IfSO HAIINLY HT. 4010— For rant, all mod arn 7 room houa* $7K par month In tulra at ;»3rt Mouth 4<'»h Hi. Beaton Heal I y >» JA non TWKVrv I I PTII AY L flfi H T-room h“ii*. n o. Wn dupt* » < all AT 1711. HfYoi) nine loom house, rloaa In Inquire IM k. ?Mh Ava MOUSES FOR RENT?” -—— I I Hm r r'LAMM nicely furniahad. five-room i h»> ii ■»» ^ fj^rahi | t h r aa m ont Iha \V I1. J J > t» ' ’ 1 ICKS STORKS I OK KKNT FINE d..k iwm with u*. M «•!••*«■» :011 H*rn.]> Ik. OFFICES. STOHESFOR RENT INDIVIDUAL floor soaca In Industrial bldg, heated, fireproof, daylight bldg. Pass, and freight elevator service. Low rent, low Ins. light and power wiring Ideal for light mfg. or other business: i car lines t>aws corn* r. WE 3483. FOR RENT—1905 Harney 8? . Grain Ks < hange building, large storeroom, adjoin ing entrance lobby. Very attractive. Suitable for office purposes. Basement Included Rent reasonable. Apply sec retary. room S30. Atlantic 6733. .irST COMPLETED Seven large storerooms at 40th and Far nam; four rented, 3 left. Rent reasonable. BEATON REALTY CO.. 2m Barker BlkJA. 0081. OFFICES for rent, fursished or unfur nished; large workroom nod private of fice, centrally located. 754-766 Omaha National Bank. Phone AT **50. VERY choice office suite for rent. Ap ply Room 400, First National Bank Bldg LARGE office for rent; reasonable; good location. Cali AT. 7M0._ ROOMS FOR RENT. ROOMS, with 2 or 3 meal* a day, at very reasonable price; alao rooms without meals, with chance to make their own meals If bo desired. Ro. Y. W. C. A., reai dcncea 202-208 N. 26th Rt. HA 1668. WILLARD HALL—A residence for eelf supportlng young women *t good charac ter and reference. Call Mre. Flora 8med ley, Supt., At. 1785. 1509 Ro. 10th St. HOTEL RANFOHI)— 19th and Farnem. HOTEL HRNSHAW—16th and Karnam. Special rates to permanent gu-ata. JONES ST.. 2524—To couple wlshtnr privilege? ‘ In a beautiful home with large sleeping room Call JA. 4649. CALIFORNIA ST . 511s—Two cool, clean, comfortable rooms; use of porch. Ref erences WA. 7386. FAR LOR floor aulfe. 2 or 4. cool, shady place, close in, very reasonable. HA- 1836. *02 8. 28th St, LINCOLN BLVD . 2935—Furn room in private home to ladies employed. IIA. 6 521. ATTRACTIVE room in prtv home for re fined woman. walking distance WE. 4211 FARNAM — Lovelv r'tom: dinner* for staying with child evening* WA. 2050. NICELY furaiahed room*. 13 50 a week, with parlor and piano. Cal! AT 5198 CARA ST 2408—1 cozily furn. large front room on main floor, f AT. CIO* TWENTY SIXTH ST . 915 SO.—Nir® cool room and sleeping porch. JA 1 973. TWO large, cool. mod. well furn,shed room*. gs^ag*-, adults, AT 7027 WEST Farnam district, near Hlackstone, delightful rk-iin room HA. 7466 KE 6810—Nicely furnlahed room, with or without board. prl\ate family. LARGE pleasant room w:»h boaid. Hana com park district. HA. Slid. , HA. 3163—Nice cool southeast room for two, 16 00. Single room. FARNAM. 1802. Apt 6—Sleeping room. suitable for 2. Call after f- JA 4907. NICELY furnlahed room In Hernia Park district WA 6333, DELIGHTFUL front room in Circassian walnut private home WE 1 *4 4 MOD cool room* >3 60 No 19th ROOMS FOR RENT. TWENTY-FIFTH ST . 311 N.—Two cool i ronro*. first fjoor. Laundry done. JA 0874. ^OU^EK^EPI^G^ROOMS^ LARGE cool sleeping and light hou*c keeping rooms, near Krug park, 12 and >3 KE .r5 2* CALIFORNIA ST. &' 1S — Tw., ■ ool rie*n. comfortable, uae of porch. Refer ence*. WA. 7J88 TWO or 3 hskpg room*, neatly furnished apartment* U12 So llth Adults P I’R modern room* unfurnished, for light housekeeping AT 1220 j 7 ROOM ANP BOARD, ! HA. 7090—To employed couple, private! home Excellent come meal*, excellent . surrounding*. ^^JEAL^ESX^T^E—i POWDER RIVER A Rep«rn bunc:;lew at 14.500. fi\e room*. I all modern, ak floor* and finish, and fUll Cemented basement This i* a right good home. boy*, and w* r*n fix you out on this with about $8t»d or 1*00 rash, bal ance per month at f 4^ Call Mr. Spicks, i KE. 3594 or offica open until 9 p. ni. 1 AMOS GRANT COMPANY. Realtora. AT. 1310 210 Bo llth St. BI T A LOT IN BONITA ADDITION $10 down, |lo per month M'fAOUE INVESTMENT CO. JA. 1345. REAL ESTATE—-DUNPEE. DUNDEE BRICK $15.000—$5.©CO CASH. A very attractive, nicely arranged 7-room humc, located on beautiful corner on Hap py Hollow HIvd Has large living room with fireplace, dining room. sun room, kitchen with latest butit-tn feature* and breakfast nook. Three large bad rooms. the bath with tub and shower. Finished with auarteded oak and eggshell enamel throughout, fall basement overall* fur nace. stationary tubs. Built last year for home. Let u* show* you thla home after office hour*. WA, «P2l. FIRST TRUST CO. rirst Nat Bldg. AT ©7!t DUNDEE Beautiful 5 room new strictly modem colonial horn*. all large rooms. oak throughout firrtlare garage end drive way I.mated north part of Dundee, near Haopy Hollow Hlvd Can arrange terms, with possession at on< Call Mr. Hamer. KF 4175. or AT »M* DU ND r~K Rui UDINO SITES. UKOHDK A CO. _AT. n:i_ DUNDEE home. 7 rma.. $7.7$y- owner leaving city. Must be eold. Burt C. Fowler Co. JA. 14 7*. REAL ESTATE—FLORENCE. FI.ORKNCB FIELD will soon in: open. O. W MAHTtN A CO. ^REAL E8TATK-M:sccn.1 nc Ml, TWO- STOUT —RIGHT ROOMS, H‘ T W ATER H KAT. • 6.000- It.10* CASH If you are looking for « conservative, well built borne, in good repair through out. on paved afreet fine Mg aha«1« tree*, garden apot; a good location, two Mock* to car line rail ua to ee« (hi a proparty Will consider a a d lot aa part pa> - ment. A r T1 KBT A SON, "Tukey Sold It." CO First Nai Bk llldg JA CH, TWO HOUSES $1.000—12.600 CASH One a large a<i t> pa 0-roem. strictly modern, oak finieh through at. double garage, tha othar a T*toom. modarn as* cept bent , double garage Ton egn live In one tha othar will taka care of your payments l et u» show you this property. FIRST TRUST CO. First Nat Bldg AT OT20 bauoaTns Mo.' and $MI0 «l«nn. Five-room, all modern, paved ati.'et Five-room, modern except gaa Four-room, modarn atcepi g«a Five-room, modern eaeept aaa. larga l«v Five-room, all modarn. paved atreel nur Five-room, modern except gas. garage. VOUFI -CAT 1*1 NS COMPANY. __ _ ja non ___ HO MBS for workingman Tour toome partly modern, full lot, easy terma It.S0g Itav# wthera. Slaw art. Balaton II-W, HEAL ESTATE—Miscellaneous. LET Campbell fignr© your new home. Right material*, workmanship and prices. R37 Keellne. AT. HOOT FOR SALE—Flrst-clas* income property. Write owner. Box 32-M. Si our C'tv la. ALFRED THOM *8 * Bon Co. Re 'ra MINNE NUBA RESIDENCE • Just listed a 7-room full 2 atorv, brand new' house, faring Miller Park on Redlrk Avenue consisting of larg** living room with flreplac**. sun room with bevel plated doors, nlc» large dining room and kitchen with built-in features and break fast nook; 3 elegant corner bedrooms, tile bath, base tub. pedestal lavatory on second floor; dandy south front lot on paved street; two - ar garage with r?. ment drive. If you want * something brand new and up to the minute priced right, will prove to you !t Is worth the money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT 537 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AT 5950. Newlon, KE. 114s. Gibson. KE 3227. I’errou. WE. 0532. NEAR KOUNTZE PARK, We have here an eight-room, ttn-ftory house with a sleeping porch, atrlctly mod ern with full basement. Has oak floora and oak finish with pine, varnished wood work upstairs. Nice garage and the pav ing all paid The price is right at $$,$00 with about $2,000 cash, balance at $50 per month Include* the Interest. Call Bob Hammang, KE. 105$ or office open until 9 p. m. AMOS GRANT COM PANT, Realtor*. AT. S360. 510 So. llth St. KOUNTZE PLACE RESIDENCE *1,000 f ASH Six-room strictly modern n*ml-h«nra!ow with 4 rooms on first fioor. consisting o? living room, dining room, kitchen and 1 bedroom or den; finished In oak. 2 nice bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor; full cemented ba**ment; furnace heat; lot 60x13$ fee? I'rJ. *6,00© PAYNE IVVWTMENT COMPANY. $37 Omaha Nat. Bank R’dg AT $*ld. Perrou. WE 0132. Gibson. KE. 3227. Newlon. KE. 114$. NIFTY NEW BUNGALOWS. Near 'Gth and Grand Ave high sightly lo ati >n. & rooms and bath, all modern *k finish, built-in features, electric wall plug t \ erv room beautiful fixtures. win d' *v shades attic and full basement. Th.s is a real honeat to goodness built i h<*'Ae Let us show you. Th* price U right. Good term- to responsible party.' P .T TEBBINR GO., ; Phone JA. 2112. E\KRYTH!NO COMPLETE 7 LARGE ROOMS ANI* REAL TILE BATH; LARGEI LIVING R«k»M. FIREPLACE AND A' NIFTY BREAKFAST NOOK CORNER LOT FINE LARGE 2 CAR GARAGE. A BEAUTY. OWNER MOVING TO PER MOINES HANDY TO CAR AND SCHOOL PRICE REDUCED FROM *».:■©0 TO **.373 IF BOLD BY AUGUST 1 cant duplicate FOR $».S*0. FOR APPOINTMENT GALL BUCK. JA 2©00. CAPITOL AVE BARGAIN. Splendid % rooms strictly modern, right rn edge of Dundee 1-car garage big lot. paved street; 1 block to car. price *3.76©; II.00© c*»h CHAS W YOUNG A SON. 1«©2 City Nat Bk AT *««*: HA BOIL Mr. Anderaon. Co B. 3204. _ 23RD AND CURTIS. N#w frame bungalow all modem and up date In this beautiful new convenient location. Five room and bath oak floors. r*h an! enamel woodwork . Oo'r $5 90 cash will handle Price $5,600. Call Mr. P»d»"ser. HA ?4 fc • 44 44 RUGGLES, 4 A 4-room mod home except gas. About 6 years old Full cemented basement A shed that could be used ae chicken house or garage Small dear. payment and easy monthly terms. AT. 7412 days Ask for Mr Came 2424 ELLISON AVENUE, a’.! modern cottage; only 1500 cash and balance less than rent r. C HORA* EK it CO. $40 First Nat. Bank AT 1521. A BARGAIN* * room modern home with garage and 22 lots, 1 block to car. 2 blocks to h sh school, must be sold. G A. Sanded. 617 Pund-rtand Bldg , AT 0232 34 3* PARKER 8T S r 'oir.s modern, bam extra lot. Easy payments. Crelgh, $01 Bee JA 020# D K. BUCK A CO buy ar.4 eell horoesi ^KEALEtTAT&^OOTa, EIGHT NEW HOMES. T have cor-dieted n.n# houses on South 32d St. t*etnreen Oik and Wrlffht St* . ranfinc In pr:re* from t*,3i* to l» I©©, for sale on easy term* * »pen for taspoi t!cn afternoon* and evening* from ..JO to • o'clock C <J OAREBERG. REAT.TOR. ?U Brand*!.* Theater Hide. GOING to California. o*nrr must sell thi* 5-room beauty. Heat construction, lar«e l«d and a *1 buy at |t,f$0 Call AT *110 or JA 2269 1 >0NT RENT—Buy this brand new bun aalow. J10« South lith street. |EP'Q down, balance monthly JA 1*42© Tesar A Teaar apocialtte la S Side home*. ——-——. _REAL ESTATE—WKST.^^ BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH TYPE LOCKWOOD HOME A beautiful brick. 7-room home, located high and tightly on a large east frort lot. H('use |a exceptionally well built and wry art tat t >'ally arranged. Something new and different. A screened in front porch, vestibule entrance, with centre hall and pen stair*-** . large *:ry lleii.g r* cm with fireplace dandy dining room kitchen and breakfast nock, toilet and lavatory on flrat floor. 1'pstairs are 3 large corner bedrooms, tile bath, maids room an l terra e porch. Uintah la white enamel with oak f’.ocis throughout. Full basemrnt shower bath Here is a home Just put on the market and can be bought right, wav below reproduction For further details call John Pedaroon. WA. 49M SHULER A CART Realtors JA 19743:t Keellne Ridg FINE RUBINESS AND GOOD INVESTMENT New grocery ato»-e 4 months old. but do ing 11.300 to 13.609 business per month located on a fine corner In west part of city with additional ground for expansion and drug store Four fine living rooms and bath In rear Here's an actual chance to make 149 per cent profit on this property and do a fine business *n grocery and meat line la meantime Call J 1 HIATT COMPANY. 1)11 First Natl Hk Bldg AT 1990 I'M.Y |1 :io ON EASY TERMS A very comfortable home 4 large tvoms. within walking distance of New Technical High- I nice bedrooms, 3 pantries, built in cabinet in dining room, full basement; hot air furnace, gas water and electric lights nlca large lot. shrub# and flow era. Him use of three \ scant lota ad joining AT till AT 111* I.F AVKNW ORTH HEIGHTS New spetial built oak bungalow filed bath, breakfast nook, finest tapestry dec oration a. overate rooms and attl* ft .*>00 down, greatly reduced price Eve, JA 4 M S , daw. JA 3941 New Homes - Your Terma OROVk-HiPHAnn 00, AT 4936 CJ9 Sunderland Rldg tfjf N 4«>T|f FT A rooms garsge and : larga lot f3 339; sea owner after 3 p. m Phone \\ A 4 * f 3 WILL build to your order on our beaut!- J fut lota In Ldgeerood. 4ary easy tsrrna Phone Atlantic 3344 3 ROOMS. St 14 R 3?TH Elec lights fur nace. temenl l*aaemebt, S lota 13.494 Easy terms JA 1414 pTrTrT m A HUETTKI M A1FR 36» Keellne TVdg AT *J9«' II TV VoUand Ca for Real Fat vice At till REAL ESTATE—EXCHANGE. WE WILL submit you a reasonable offer In exchange for jour land, income or *• mdse. Try ua, we probably have Juat what you are looking for BERT L. * 'OOK A 610 H-own Bldg. AT. S28T “LET’I MARK A TRADEj ^ REA jESTi^ W^A N T E THIS MKANH BUS IN ESP. Wanted k 5-room cottage in 2 days. Mod ern and good condition Will pay tS.600 to $4,030 cash d**al. But you must act oulek. Wtft to 40th, south to Center and north to Burdott. JA. 0563. Linings, W/I 1133. IF WE can’t cell your home in 30 daya we will teli you why. CARL If ROOS CO.. 605.633 Sunderland BidgAT <111. SEE ua first. Need listings, any location. 6 to 3 rooms Bhopen A Co., Realtors JA. 4223. 236 Kccllne Bldg, HAVE buyers for good homes Do you want to sell youra? List It with C. A. Orimmcl. Realtor. JA. 1315. CHAS. W TOUNO A BON. Real Estate. Rentals Insurance. 1333 City Nat'l BkAT. $31$. WE NEED aome listings. Buyers waiting. Quick action. J. L. HIATT COAT >90*. KARMH. city property and Insurance. Held Land Co.. 6054 Military Ave. WA. 1076. GLOVER AND SPAIN. Realtors City Real Estate Specialists JA. 3363.>18-20 City Nat. Bank. GHUENIO REA TV CO For service list y«u?^^ wie with us 1 4 f|0 First Nat|onnl iy JA 1 >g ft Graham Peter* Co., tell home*. Cha* F? Belman. AT 5250 Heal E*tat7 ; L J. Bey bold A gon. 22* City Nat AT *20*' HASTINGS A HAYDEN REAI.TORS.~ S. H. Browne Co. tells acre*. AT. ll*t. Western Real Estate Co JA. i<©7. FARMS FOR SALE. MIN>f.—Owne» of highly improved ar.-i profitable purebred email poultry br*ei Ing farm an.l home In grow rg auburn of Minneapolis. Minnesota. »,ehn to *e.*> In order to incorporate larger plant. Fr quick sale will sacHflce for 0.20^.00; half caah or Liberty bonds be »nce to suit. Will also aell equipment «nd well adre tised stock at reasonable prices if d* ’ aired. Prospective purchasers only reed reply. “Edelman’s Wlntarlay” Barred Rock Yards, Ht. Louis Park, Mine. SOUTH DAKOTA — 24r> acres, Brook'ng* county, good improvement*. Dwellings, barn, hog hou#**. granary and chicken house: good grove well We own this land and will sell reasonable on good term*. Address Bog 15. Toronto. 8. D. BUSINESS SERVICE BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS. GET our price* on complete gerege* Mor rjgon Lumber 8k Coal Co. WE 6S41 CEMENT ■» alkr garage floor* w»'’v >himney wotk .^02 Harrev St -JA. 4*>« DANCING ACADEMIES. VTE TEACH TOU HOW And we don't mean MAYBE. Claa* ronlght Private leaacna any hon*1. KEEP'S 1*14 Farr, am.JA. 1474. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. JAMES AUan’aDetectlvea. Expert eecrel errvice 311-312 N-vlUe Block. AT 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sundarland P!dg JA 2*M night. KE >411. MOVING, STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING FACKTNG STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goode. Planoa, Office Furniture 1107-11 HOWARD FT.JA. Ollt. ESTIMATE furn. on packing., oov. and etorlng Contracts taken by Job nr hotr. Globe Van A Storage Ca JA. 43M. AT. ft230 Gro—man it Sor.a, owners EXPERT China, furniture packers, fire proof storage. Phone JA. 1344. The Terminal Warehouse Co.. It! South 10th St . corner Jcn«*. on Vladu^. BEKINS OMAHA VAN 8t STORAGE 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov • ■.r.g. •torag*. shipping JA. 4142 Moving—Pack ;ng—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co :i> N 12th 3* Phone JA <011. MILLINERS. DRESSMAKERS ACCORDION. FIDE, knife . ©ox pleating, covered buttons. all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes Write Idee! Dutton A Pleat ing Co.. SCI Bro«n Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. UK.■ NEBRASKA PLEATING Hemstitching. Covered Bittonn 1181 Ta nan. aecon d floor JA 887# DRESSMAKING plain and fancy. Ca.l WE SI 4 4 • r WE CM PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN. 1711 Dodge, room 20>. Omaha, alao Washington: double service. « ng « fe» Als> h»ip sell patents PRINTERS? ENGRAVERS. KDPY }i« fi II «l JA f»U PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. PRESCRIPTIONS esr.fuity compounded St •■hs t Shermsn l Prut Stores DENTAL X-rsy »0c escD; tl full set. <!* Securt'les Bids lfts sod Fsrnsm. SERVICES OFFERED. IMVAM'AIj Private maternity horr*. R*a*. r*rn.- WE. ZfOt. Call or write. ;t03 Bn* Pl-ASTF ^ Kindt of repairing, brtrk or *^^F%lock work; resaleable. WA :*u. _____________ MOVING ar.d hauling of all kind*. a*hef and rubblah removed Haul cinders WA. TT1< SODDING and seeding. r*ment work, ratch work a specialty Reasonable price*.* For estimate*. JA. 3142' ril.ys DKVKLOPEI) FRER The "Enrlgn Co. LsavePworffc. FIl.MS developed free. Price list here Friday KASK STUDIO, Nevtl.e B.oc* 7Semi-Annual First Mortgage Real ? Estate Bonds in denomi nations of $1,000 and $500 A well secured, sound investment. ; Payne Invettment Co., | $37 Omaha Nat*! Bank BI4f. Ph«m# AT. Morton Meadows Lot* or WoohPttrtk avenue and Poppl«ton aver.vie, ju*t a*e*t of th# Field eluh, ar# Belting to people who ha*# *earehed ftrrftjlly foe a clean. restricted residence di*uriet 'Several buyer* ar# planning brick horn#* and on# brick house i» al ready atarted. You will hk# it a* a place te establish a permanent home We are road? to help build and finance *uch home*. It i* just about th# high#«t spot. arith th# coolest air and leave#t eiesr. Priae >ut th»* #*rnmg Yen arill fall in lo*• wiUl it. No other place offer# *o large a tot in such a carefully protected re*idenee district; a mil* and a half ea*t of U»»i*ol park \«k for one of our plats with fall description and puce*. Harrison & Morton • l« OmIi K«ImmI Bui SMf. 1 ■■■■—. _- ’