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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1923)
Reds’ Bats Beat Brookvn After j Twelve Innings ». _ D A Single, Followed by Sacrifice and Another Single, Win* Tough Game. Cincinnati, o.. July 27—Caveney's .uncle, a sacrifice by Harris anil a sharp smcle to right by fiohne after two were In the last half of the 12th inning tn.lay gave the Reds a * to 3 victory over Brooklyn. llrlmes went ihe entire dis tance for Ihe visitors. The score. BROOKLYN. AB.H.O.A. Nel«, cf 6 13 0 •loh’n, 2b 5 1 6 2 H. Oh. rf 4 1 1 0 T. G'h, rf 1 0 0 0 Four’r, lb 5 115 11 Hailey. If 5 0 2 O' Taylor, c 5 1 2 2l H’h. 3b-ss 5 3 2 6i Fren’h. si 2 0 1 7 xDeber’y, 1 0 0 01 Her*. 8« 0 0 2 3 vOlaon, 110 0 M’C’n. 3b 1 0 2 0 • rim's. p b 0 0 8 Total* 49 9x35 28 CINCINNATI. „ AB.H.O.A Burns, rf 4 3 7 0 Bless'r, lb 6 0 13 0 Bohne. 2b ti 1 3 3 Roush, ef 5 2 4 o Duncan. If 5 2 3 o Pinelll. 3b 4 1 4 1 Harg'e, c 3 1 1 1 iMann, 0 0 0 0‘ Wlngo, c 10 0 0 Cave y, ns 6 2 2 6 Rlxey. p 3 0 0 4 sDaubert, 1 n o o Harris, p 0 0 0 0 Totals 43 12 3« 14 xwaiten ror French in 7th. xBatted for Berg in 9th. oWO #out ,)vhen winning run scored. zRan for Hargrave in 9th. /.Batted for Rlxey in 9th. Score by innings: Brooklyn . 000 000 201 000—3 Cincinnati. 010 100 001 001—4 Ban®y* Taylor. High. Roush, Duncan (2). Caveney. Errors: .Johnson, French, Bressler. Pinelli (2» Iwo-base hits: Burns, Duncan, B. Grif ' V'. pThree-bai.e hit: Roueh. Sacrifice nits. Pinelli, Harris. Double play: French ,V? Fournier. l.eft on bases: 7: Cincinnati, 9 Base, on balls: 1 ,f .Pr mes' 3- 8,r>1''k out: By Rlxey, 1; n„iPllm”;. C H“»: off Rlxey. 8 In 9 Innings; off Harris, 1 in .1 Innings Wild Pitch. Orlmes Binning pitcher: Harris. M°r*n. Westervelt and HaVt. Brave#’ Rally Fall# Short. Pittsburgh. Pa, July 27.—The Braves staged a hatting rally In the last inning of today a Boston-PIttsburgh game, but fell short and the Pirate# won, 8 to &. The locals hit Oeschger freely and ttmelv and continued their offensive against < ooney when he was sent to the mound in the seventh inning Rain delayed the game for five min utes. , Score: BOSTON AB.H.O.A Felix. If 5 2:; n Powell cf 6 2 1 0 S’rth, r f 5 13 0 Mol’s, 1b 5 3 8 2 B'kel, 3b 4 2 0 2 Ford. 2b 3 2 0 1 R. S'th, sa 5 1 3 2 O’Neil, c 2 0 4 0 F. S’th, c 3 0 2 0 O’gher, p 2 l 0 3 x Bagwell 1100 Cooney, p 0 0 0 1 xGlbson 0 0 0 o PITTSBURGH. AB.H.O.A. R'lings. 2b 4 0 0 4 Carey, cf 5 2 5 1 Blgbee, If 3 0 1 0 Russell, if 3 1 0 0 B’hart. rf 0 0 0 0 Traynor, 3b 4 1 2 0 M'vllle ss 4 2 4 1 Grimm, lb 4 3 10 1 Schmidt, c 4 1 5 2 Meadows, p 4 2 0 4 Totals 35 12 27 13 Totals 40 15 24 111 .\ Bn tied for Oeschger in seventh. xBatted for Cooney in ninth. Score by Innings: Boston . 000 000 104 — 5 Pittsburgh .030 102 20x—8 Summary— Runs: Powell. Southworth. Melnnls. Bagwell. Gibson. Carey. Barn hart, Traynor, Maranville (2). Grimm (2). Schmidt. Errors: R. Smith, O’Neil, Carey. Maranville. Two-base hits: Powell. «'srey Grimm. R. Smith. Three-base hit: Maranville. Sacrifice hit: Ford. Double plays: Mclnnis to R. Smith to Melnnls; R. Smith to Melnnls; Carey to M&ran ville; Meadows to Schmidt to Grimm I-eft on bases: Boston, 12; Pittsburgh, 7. Bases on balls. Off Oeachger. 2; off <’ooney. 2: off Meadows. 3. Struck out: By Oeschger, 1; by Meadows. 4 Hits: Off Oeschger. 10 In t5! Innings; ofr Cooney. 2 in *2 innings Balk: Meadows Losing pit- h*5*-; Oeschger. Umpires; Finnernan and Pfirman. Time. 1:50. Jimmy Ring Hold# Cards. St. Louis, Mo. July 27.—Ring held St Louis to four hits and Philadelphia won La t-econd straight game from St. Louis ’ toda: . 3 to 2 The visitors, aided by Stocks erroi. rallied In the fifth after two were down, and scored all their runs In the fourth Bottomley hit & homer with no one on base Score: PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A -Sand, ss 3 0 13 Will’ll, cf 4 2 0 0 Wat's, 3b 4 2 1 0 Trey. 2b 4 1 0 9 Wlker. rf 4 0 4 0 Lee. If 4 110 Hoiks, lh 4 1 15 1 Wllaon. c 4 1 4 l! Ring. j> 3 1 1 2 Totals 34 9 27 H' ST LOUIS. AB.H.O.A. Flack, rf ♦ 0 1 0 Smith. If 4 1 3 0 H’naby, 2b 3 1 0 2 B’t'ley, lb 4 1 10 1 Stock. Ch 4 0 0 4 Mailer, cf 3 0 2 1 Top’car, na 3 1 3 5 Ain'ith. c 3 0 7 1 Shcrdel. p i 0 i 2 B'foot. p 0 0 0 0 z McCurdy 10 0 0 Totals 30 4 27 16 rBatted for Sherdell In eighth. S<*ore by innings: Philadelphia . ..000 030 000—3 St. Louis .000 100 001—2 Summary—Runs Hand. Williams, King Smith. Bottomley. Error: Stock. Two-base hits: Wrlghtstone, Ring. Horns by. Three-base hit: Smith. Home run: Bottomley. Double play Wilson to Sand Left on bases: Philadelphia. 6; St. Louis. I Bases on balls* Off Ring. 2: off Sherdel. 1. Struck out: By Ring 3: by Sherdel. -t Hits Off Hherdpl, 8 in h innings; off Barfoot. 1 in 1 Inning. Losing pitcher: Sherdel. Umpires; Klem an*! Wilson. Timer 1*73. EDDIE’S FRIENDS Till1 MBtW Wild a Hill'll Tiiut- MM| \«:iv j 'Xi-—--—— ifxi i iuAkir you to y • Haue toooo Times but r f -W/AJK those bums AIZEAmaW \x^ I' SELOU) UOutZ ELEMENT * IF V/ •TOO 60 UOU'll HAve to 60 ^X CUT AAj' 6ET ME A MACAziKlE J ^ TO J2E-AD - UJELL, MJO, X DOAJ'T s TUiAJtf MOu'O BETTER &0' I'Ml L. UOT PEE UK! 6 SO WELL TOkJIOHTX ? A^yujAH ry-r~~~J 'A doUJ C4U X LOSE. V '4AJWTW/M6, I 6A</E WOU ’ EUEfW 7L|/*J6 X HAD ^-/iKl&j -p T^IS. M0R.AJ/AJ6 p-if 4A, MA) 1! it Ht's <->OT 4S ■ MUCH CM4WCE ! al^E.T'r/Mu 4^47 ■ 4S 4 0\J£- ■ P^E6&fcD LIFEB [ TuP.MLR fpgjgH I ^ , v 1 7 28 rr i«t l fcatuoi initvict Imc. Rain Stops Jap-Canadian Davis Cup Competition Montreal. July 27.—Rain caused postponement today of the second day’s play of the Davis cup elimina tion contests between the tennis teams of Canada and Japan. Japanese players yesterday won both their singles matches. Zenzo Shimizu defeating Willard Crocker, while Leroy Rannie, Canadian star, lost to Masamosuke Fukuda. Loss of the doubles matches by the Canad ian team will mean their elimination from further Davis cup matches. Firpo Says Site for Match With Dempsey Not Chosen Grand Rapids, Mich., July 27.—No place or date for the meeting be tween Jack Dempsey and Luis Firpo has been fixed, ttie South American At Louisville— R. H. E Milwaukee . 1 * 3 Louisville . . .. . 1 10 6 Batteries. Sehaetk and Shinault; Seth oron and Meyer. At Indianapolis— R H. E Kansas City .. 13 1# 15 Indianapolis . . . - 9 3 Batteries: Saladna and Skiff; Hill, Cavet and Dixon. At Columbus, O— R H E Minneapolis H II Columbus. & 8 - Batteries: McGr&w and Grabowski; Northrop and Hartley. St. Paul at Toledo, rain. Ford Owners j Install the Speedwell Oiler and and notice the difference Perfect Lubrication for Fords Sold under bank guarantee Keeps the motor from overheating; no more burnt out hearing*, scored cylinders and pistons, in creases motor power. | Speedwell Oiler Co. 1918 Douglas Sf. Omaha, Neb. boxer announced here today. Firpo. through his interpreter, said he had signed to meet Dempsey, but that was all. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Final Clean-Up of Our Better Shirts Values to $4.00, QC now.V A tOO PAJAMAS, the tool, soft kind, d» t /^C formerly to $3.50, now. TIES A very unusual tie sale—all silk knit ties, formerly $1 and $1.50; 2 for Sl.OO, or each.OOC These values are so good you should stock in a half dozen for summer and fall wear. A real bargain in PALM BEACH SUITS. d»1 | *7r These suits were priced up to $22.50.l./D TROPICAL WORSTED and GABARDINE SUITS. Smart in style and fit, made right and of the 1Q 7C finest materials, values to $30. now.<|)1 1415 Farnam Street MAIL ORDERS filled same day as received. Send no money—pay when the postman de livers package. iMri^lcaUrtnu jWre, New Store—1405 Douglas Street Store Open Saturday* Until 9:30 P. M. ™ * i^-jssrisr* p^s M*t werchana - >t Gre r\oSCS^eS^’ Tour . iu\M tt, anoc'ose CANVAS WORK GLOVES, Eg per pair. Limit, six pairs to a customer. Auto Carrier Made of heavy, durable steel. Can be used on any make of car. Sale price— $1.89 NEW FOLDING COTS ^ Sale Price ______ Camp Stoves Tourist Camp Stove, “laughs at the winds.” A 2-burner gasoline stove, easy to op erate, easy to carry. Folds into small compact case. Mosquito Tents BRAND NEW Made of fine Marquisette or Bob binette. A wonderful protection against mosquitoes, etc. Thrifty housewives use them to make cur tains, drapes, doilies, etc. Sale price. Union Suits Nainaoolc Cull cut Athletic Union Suita $1.00 value. Sale Price— 49c p o L E L E S S T E N T S “A Wall Tent Without a Ridge Pole" A very compact, lightweight wall tent. Undo of 2:21 IT. F Army Shelter Tent Duck which aheda water like rubber and will wear like iron. Thia tent eliminate* tho nnceenity of a bulky ridge pola, the end pole* eie made of hollow tubing Join tod in three section* The entire tent fold* up and ia packed into a email waterproof bag which la furniahed with tent Made in the following alien: 7*9, formerly $29 50, tala price. $12-1.50 8*10, formerly $31.50, aala price $120.50 •'1*12, formerly $39.50, aale price $314.50 Other Trnta Priced in Proportion. Chicago Charity boxing Shows Under Federal Investigation Chicago, July 27.—Federal inquiry Into boxing matches fought in Chi cago under the guise of charitable entertainments, including the Benny Leonard-Plnkie Mitchell affair recent ly. which brought such contests to an end here, was begun today, with the arrival of L. L. Daily, an internal revenue agent, who checked the gate receipt* of the DempseyGIbbon* fight at Shelby, Mont. To date, Dally said, the government had received $22,000 in taxes on the big fight at Shelby, and Mayor Johnson of that city has been held responsible for $6,000 addl tlonal due the government. A lien against Johnson's property had been filed by the government. Dally said. Japan la to have seven national parks, similar to those in America. Seven tern-Year-01<1 Boy to (>et Trial W ith W a.«hinp:tnii Rockland, Me., July 17.—Clark Griffith of the Washington American league baseball club lias offered El mer Rising, 17-yesr-old southpaw hurler for Rockland high school, a chance with the Senators, Rising's record this season includes a per formante of 23 strikeouts in nine In ning* and another of 26 atrtkeoiitt ;n a 13 inning gum* Babe Ruth (JuuU Oul 24th Ifoiner of Season Philadelphia. Pa July *7.—Babe Huth, slugging Yankee out fields i clouted out his 24th circuit su ash of the year here today in the f tat i Ping of the Yankee-Athletic game. Naylor was pitching. Burgess-Nash Company ’EVERYBQDY5 STORE’ Men 9s and Boys9 Barber Shop and rest room Is now located on the Main Floor near the elevators adjaceut to the Men's Clothing Department. The change in location affords much more space and better facilities. The outstanding features of the new shop are the direct daylight which enters by means of the large skylight, extending the full length of the room, and the ventilating system, which makes it cool and comfort able. There are four chairs attended by expert barbers. The Lounge and Smoking Room, fitted with easy upholstered chairs, is an ideal place for men to meet their friends or to spend a few odd moments. Mothers may bring their boys here for a hair cut and have a pleasant place to wait. Great Clearance Sale of Men’s Palm Beach Suits Values to $18.00 The makers’ name, "Rosenwald and Weil” or “Stylcplus,” in every garment, assures you of the quality. Mohair and Tropical Worsted Suits Values to $22 Our entire stock of fine silk mo hair suits, and a good selection of tropical worsteds in plain colors, in visible pencil stripes and dark mix tures. Various colors in striped, checked and plain patterns give ample choice. Conservative and sports models. \ Entire Stock of $30 and $40 Summer Suits *23— i Included in this group are suits of 8 finest crash, imported tweed, trop- 3 ical worsteds, English flannel, gaber- ® dine and others. Norfolk, Sports and * plain models in stripes, overplaids and plain colors. MiIm Floor w mmI w Clearance Sale of Men ’$ Straw Hats Values Up to $3.00 All our regular stock of the season’s new est styles, regularly priced up to $3.00, arc re duced to one price. Mala Floor Athletic Union Suits "B. V. Ds.," "Rocking Chair," " Cooper Ben nington" and "Valora" suits; regularly priced $1.50 and $2.00, arc of ferod for Saturday onl\ at Hii* very low price. .lulu floor Men’s Fine Shoes Clearance Price at >52 Fine black and tan kid or calf high and low shoes that regularly sold up to $12.50. The stocks are somewhat broken, but we 'offer a good line of styles at, pair, $5.00. Men's ^imVach Oxfords $9 genuine Palm Beach Imported white Buck Ox end Nile cloth oxfords re- tords with Goodyear welt , o„ ,, ^ __leather soles and all white duced to sell QC OC kid lined, fitpy rn at pair. $0.00 At pair.3W.Dll Mala Floor July Clearance of j Men’s F urnishings 25c Garters .19c 50c and 75c Ties .35c I $3.00 Shirts .$1.95 Silk Shirts.4 to 4 Reduction Bathing Suits.4 to 4 Off | 75c Suspenders.'"59c $2.50 and $3.00 Pajamas.$1.85 All Belts.4 Reduction Mala Floor Sale of Golf Clubs *1.65 IS and 14 value* In clubs of all stjlcs: Mid-Irons, Pullers Masbles. Wooden Driv er* and Brassies. Every club guaranteed “Buniftjco" Imported Golf Balls 3 for $ 1 .OO |4 ert TennU Racquets {511 7T* MM I lilt; SPH 111 l-’rt Bag* with leather top and bottom. •'. #1.75* Sills I lo«r • • • American Association