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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1923)
Chick Evans Defeats Sweetser on 38th Green in a Brilliant Golf Match -— . _*.. .. ■ ■ ■ Defending Title Holder Will Meet Joe Wells Todav j Match as Nip and Tuck Af fair for 36 Holes and Na tional Champ Loses on 38th Green. Cleveland, July 27.—Chick Evans of Chicago, defending tltleholder, today defeated Jess Sweetser, national nma teur champion, in the western ama teur championship at Mayfield on the 38th hole. It was a nip and tuck struggle for 36 holes, first one and then the other gaining the lead, only to lose it. Evans was finally dortnie one but lost the 36th hole. They halved the 37th hole in par four but Evans won the 38th in a nervous demonstration of golf in which Sweet ser took six strokes on the 345-yard hole while Evans himself took five. Hamilton Gardner, Buffalo, won the other semi-final match from Joe Wells of East Liverpool, O., four and three and will meet Evans in the finals to morrow. Play First Round of Junior Meet Three Junior Chamber of Com merce golfers won their way Into the second round of the champion ship Might of the Mrst annual chant her golf tournament this morning when they defeated their opponents over the course of the Fontenelle club. Harkness Kountze defeated Jack Peacock, 1 up. while Frank Camp bell won his first round champion ship match when he trimmed Edward llrown, 2 and 1. Phil Downs, con sidered the chap likely to win the tournament, beat E. liansen, 5 and 4. Tlte Downs-! iansrn match was all even at the end of the first nine, but on the homeward journey Downs won the Mrst five holes and the match. Mix matches on the first round arc being played over the Fontenelle course today. Links C ret Dakota Leaguers. I.incoln. Xeb., July 27.—The I.incoln club of I he State league has been strengthened by players from the do lunct South Dakota league. Frank Cleve la handling second base and Klijah Smith, full-blooded Indian, is playing th« outMeld. They have driv en in the winning runs in two games now. Herman AVoock, a pitcher from ihe same league, has been released. A1 Albertson, another twirler, will be given another chance, after losing to Hastings in his first start. St. Joseph Pilcher Suspended St. Joseph. Mo., July 27.—Ralph “Razor ’ Ledbetter, St. Joseph pitcher, was suspended indefinitely by the St. Joseph management last night and given a ticket to his home in North Carolina for failure -to keep in play ing condition. Stanley Lewan, out fielder, was sent to Moline, in the Three-I league, for seasoning. San Francisco Signs Catcher. San Francisco, July 27.—Pete Rich ards, former catcher for the Seattle club In thfc Pacific Coast league, who was releafed from that organization along with Manager Harry Wolver ton, waa signed today by the San Francisco club. WHATTH&sfmC The Industrial league of the Ama teur Baseball association held the first meeting of the season Thursday even ing at the call of President N. J. Wes ton at the. "Y” and drew up the fol lowing schedule to finish the season: DIVISION 1. July 28. Omaha Police against V. S Rubber Co. Swift & Co. againat Cudahy Parking. August 4. Cudahy Packing againat U. 8. Rubber Co. Baker Ice Co. against Swlfte. DIVISION 2. July •‘8. Omaha Steel Works against Omaha Printers Overland Tires against Guarantee Llfes. ^ Augiint 4. Omaha Steel Works against Guarantee Llfes. firpo Expects to Make Easy Work of Jack Dempsey Grand Rapids, Mich., July 27.— l.uis Angel Firpo, from Argentina, will meet Joe Iturke of Detroit in a 10-round bout hern tonight. Speaking through an interpreter to newspa|>er men who asked if he expected to defeat Jack Dempsey, Firpo said he does not anticipate any more difficulty in disposing of the champion than he had with Jess Willard nr Rill Brennan. GAMES TODAY WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha at Oklohoma City. Denver at Tulsa. Dea Moines at Wichita. Sioux City at St. Joseph. STATE LEAGUE. Falrbury at Lincoln. Grand Island at Norfolk. Hastings at Beatrice. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia at St. Louia. New York at Chicago. Boaton at Pittsburgh. Brooklyn at Cincinnati. AMERICAN LEAGUE. St. Louis at Philadelphia. Detroit at Washington. Cleveland at Boston. Chicago at New York. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. St. Paul at Toledo. Minneapolis at Columbus. Kansas City at Indianapolis. Milwaukee at Loulsvillp. orts EEMS to be a hard matter for an European ring gladiator to pluck a fistic crown off the dome of a citizen of this country. Eugene Criqui. the French feather weight champion, and also the world's champ until last night, came over to this country after winning the title of European feather king, with the idea in mind of carting back to France the world’s title. First Criqui mixed with Johnny Kilbane, gray haired and aged Johnny. The French man succeeded in winning the world's feather honors from Kilbane, only to keep the title a little over two months. He lost it to Dundee. Dundee Inst night realized his life ambit ion, and that was to win the featherweight championship of the world. He beat Criqui, and beat him had. judging from the accounts of the fight. The new champion Is an Italian. However, Dundee is a citizen of this country and it was on this side of the creek that Johnny got all of his knowledge of ring warfare. Four years ago Georges Carpen tier came over to this side of the pond to take hack to France with him the world's heavyweight chain pionship. What Jack Dempsey did to (ieorges is history. Carpentier went hack to France all right, hut iie didn't take the heavyweight crown. So it is with Criqui—tlie hero of Verdun is going hack to his native land, hut is not lugging any world’s fistic crown with him. Not so long ago Jimmy Wilde, the world's flyweight king came to the United States in search of more money. He engaged in battle with I’ancho Villa and lost his crown. "Battling'' Siki took on "Mike” McTigue in Ireland several months ago. "Mike" heat Siki and copped the light heavyweight championship of Europe. 'Tis tough on the European bat tlers. Poor old Joe Beckett, the higli diver of English rings, is figuring on coming to this country, but Joe should talk to Carpentier before de elding on Invading the United States in search of pugilistic laurels. nHOSR Omaha BufTalies finally managed to win a game from Wichita, the league leaders. The result of the final game of the series was 4 to 3. This afternoon the linlTaloes open a series at Oklahoma City which should settle for a time at least, just who is going to occupy third place. At present tlie Indians are holding down the third berth, hut the Buffaloes are right on their heels and the outcome of the series which starts this afternoon will either put the Herd in third place or further down in the standings. Here's hoping the Buffaloes leave Oklahoma City in third place. Wins Philadelphia Open Title Pin* Valley. N. J.t July 27.—Clar ence W. Hackney, Atlantic City pro fessional, yesterday won th* open golf championship • of Philadelphia over the Pine Valley course with a total of 298 for the course. James W. Edmundson, North Hills, with 311, finished second. John Golden, South ern Dutchess Golf club; McDonald Smith. San Francisco, and Hob Mc Donald. Chicago, were tied for third place with scores of 313. ~lUith the KNIGHTS r”*^ of the s* GLOVES Seattle. Wash.. July 27.—Dode Hereof, Monroe logger, fought herd throughout six tounde in which he received a drew here lent night with Young Carmen of San Joae. Cal. The southerner seemed to have the best of It with the lumber jack In close quarters until near the close of the contest, when he began to tire Their weight# were announced as Bercot 139%. Carmen 135. f'onnla Curry. Sioux City, anil Chuck Helman. Portland, bantams, boxed a six round draw. Joe Powell, a California lightweight. whs given a decision over Johnny Mack, Pittsburgh. Pa, and Georgia Ktcal. I?0 poiind sailor, who was seen here for the flrat time since lie left to go to Antwerp hs a member of the American team In the Olympics, defeated Brownie Villon, a Filipino. New York.—Charlie Glnxler. Chicago, won a decision over Davy Jones, New York, anad Tony Vacarelfi. New York, defeated llarry Zarbey, Jersey City, in the lodges opinion, in the preliminaries of the Crlqul-Dundee fight. New York.—Johnny Dundee. New York. go» the decision over Kugene Crlqul <<f France, 1& rounds, winning the world's featherweight championship Mixer Mitchell, Syracuse, got decision over I.eon Poutat, France, six rounds. Danny Kd wards, California, got decision over Mir key Itclmont. New York, four rounds Filed Club May Hold Junior Golf Tourney Next Month F THE plana of the Omaha Field club golf committee do not go aatray, a ■ Junior golf tourna * inent for boyn un der 17 yeare of age will be held over the Field club rourae during the latter part of next month. It la the plan of £ the Field club committee to make thin Junior tournament an annual af fair among the youngatera of Omaha • ml In thla way help to develop a more prompting crop of knight* of the niblick. The annual city tournament which will he held over the Field cluh couree the week of August tt la attracting a lot of Interest among local golfers. The tourney this season will he dlf ferent to previous tournsments In that the first two days will he de voted to qualifying play end the rc malnlng four days to match competi tion. The winner of the city tournament may get a chance to tee off with the city Champa of lies Moines, Min neapolls and Kansas f'lly. The champions of these three cities will be Invited to plsy In e foursome over the Field club course either Sun day, August 12, or Sunday, August 18. Lee Passes Wrong Man and Indians Defeat Buffaloes Windle Walked With Man on Second and Pitcher Singles to Score Winning Run. Oklahoma City, July 27. — passed Windle with the score tide, Krueger on second and two out in the sixth to get to Allen. The Okla homa City pitcher singled for the run that decided the first game of the series in favor of the Indians, 6 to 4. Score: OMAHA. AH. K. II. POA.E. O’Connor, rf .4 o 3 4 0 ft Wilcox, 2I> 3 1 o 1 2 0 McDonald. 3b .3 2 2 2 2 0 K ini etch y, lb .3 1 I A 0 1 Cuilop. If ..4 0 1 l 1 0 lionowltz, cf .4 0 I 1 0 0 Kerr, as . 4 0 1 4 2 ft Hale, c .3 O 0 A 2 0 xManiihh.I 0 1 0 0 0 I ce. n .2 O 1 0 1 0 xWilder.I o A o « 0 Totals .32 “1 Ti 24 To *1 OKLAHOMA CITY. ' , . AB. K. H.PO.A.E. Hock, rf .3 0 1 4 l 1 McNally. 2b . I I I 3 1 ft Sivcncy. cf .3 ft ft 2 1 ft I*>lber. If . 3 2 2 3 0 0 Koclie. c .I ft <1 t 0 ft I Ml7. c .2 ft ft 3 | o Krueger, lb . 4 1 2 7 I ft i’Hte. 3b .3 l 0 | 2 ft Windle. ns .3 1 *2 1 4 | Allen, p .4 ft I 2 3 ft Total* .30 6 V 27 IT ~2 Score by innings: Omaha .. fftft ftftl I0«—4 Oklahoma City . 001 003 01 x—6 Summary—Two-ba«e liit*: Mauu*h. Kel ber, Krueger. Windle. Three-base lilt*: honetchy, llommit/., < oilop. McNally, sacrifice lilts: Wilcox, Sweeney, Lutz, stolen base: McDonald, liases on Hall*: Off. Allen 3: off l ee, 3 HU by pitched bull: li> Lee (llock). Double play*: Hock to Liit/.: Krueger to W indie to Allen. Left on bases: Omaha. 4: Oklahoma City, ft. Time: 1:30. CmpIres: McDonald uml Shannon. Joflies Heat fioo. St. Joseph, Mo. July 27.—St. Joseph got to Duff for four runs In the third inning and kept pecking away later on .nil they stacked a 7 to 4 win over Sioux City in the series opener. Score: SIOUX CITY. AB.H.O.A Moore, ct S 1 2 Oi * "child, kh 3 1 1 0! J'al'er, 2b 5 2 3 4 Metz, lb 3 0 10 1 • I rover, rf 4 1 0 o< ’. % i > » 1 1 4 • tjuery, c 4 3 3 3 ei^nin. Jf 2 0 4 «•; xWill's, If 1 0 0 0] Duff, p 3 1 0 11 R'm'ssen 1 0 0 0J Totals 34 10 24 IS) ST. JOSEPH. AB H O.A Brown. a« 5 2 3 5! H'han. 2b 2 1 3 3 Magee, rf 3 1 2 0 Miller, If 3 10 0 O’lbeat, b 4 1 3 1 Liwm, rf 4 3 2 0 Pierre, c 3 l 2 1 Olaen, lb 3 2 11 1 B'k’t'k, p 2 0 1 l I/dber*. p 2 1 0 2 Totals 31 13 27 14 me hy innings. a i ’ .it* • I for Qenin In eighth. .Batted tor Duff in ninth. ' ioux iiiy .000 040 000—4 St Joseph .0004 011 01*—7 Summary — Huna: Moore, Fairchild, P • Imer Duff. Brown. Magee. Miller, d.nlbert. I.ewan, Pierce, I.indbrrg Error: Brown. Huns and hits; < »ff Birkenatock. J and 7 in 4 Innings. Winning pitcher. I.indher;r Bases ball**. Off Muff, 3; off Birkenatock, 3; off Lindberg. 1. Struck out: By Muff, 2; by Lindberg. 1. Left <»n bases: Si^ux Pity, 8; St Joseph. 7 Wild pitch: Birkenatock Two-base hits drover. Lewan. Lindberg. Three lose hits: Fairchilds Palmer Double plays: Brown to Hollohan to Olaen (2); Met z to Query. Sacrifice hits. Miller, Hollohan (2), Oenin. Olaen. T’mpires: Anderson and McOrew. Time: 2.00. W itrliea Down Boosters. Wichita. Kan. July 27—Wichita in creas-d itw lead to two and a half games iu the Western league when two Booster hurlwrs were hammered for IT. hits, the lexica winning. 12 to 5. Lefty Hellers was invincible until the eighth frame when the visitors counted four scores Srnr#» : DES MOINES AH H O.A ' ("•'man. an 5 1 5 1 <"rid^n. if 5 1 1 J Mcl/ry, lb 5 1 4 2 M'phy. cf 4 1 4 (i Horan, rf 2 1 l 1 K'nmn, 2b 4 1 3 1 K’ntu. 3b 2 111 H’iinir. r 2 15 nir^n. p 3 n o . W’ll*ma, p 0 •» o o xXeison 1 0 0 u WICHITA AH II O A Srath, rf 4 2 3 0 Cnnlan. cf 2 2 2 0 U'ftb. 2b 4 2 2 3 Bkf sly, If 3 1 o 0 MrD'II. lb 4 2 « 0 Hut ter. 3b 5 3 0 0 Heck, rr 5 12 2 tsey < 4 112 1 Fellers. p 3 1 o 2 Totals 35 15 27 * Total* 3 1 1 0 24 9' xHt for Oi*en In eighth. Score by inning*: n. * Mntnea .001 ooo 040— 5 Wichita .....101 021 70X—12 Summary—Run*: Cbrrlden, McLarry. Murphy. Ho an, Hungllng. Smith (2). Conlan. Griffin (2). Blakealy. McDowell, Butler. Beck, * 'a ney (2). Seller*. Error*; Gorman. Corrlden. M<- Harry, Murphy Kingman Two-ba*e hit*: Csrrlden (2). McDowell. Butler, Mr Harry. Stolen bn*e Smith. Sacrifice hit* Conlan, BIake*lv, Seller*, McDowell, Hungllng I^ft on base*; Wichita. *. De» Moines, 7 Bare* on ball*. < >ff Sellers, 4. off Olaoit, 3 Struck out: By Seller*. 10; by Olaen. 3; by William*. 2 Hit* and runs Off Olaen. 14 an*! 12 In 7 inning* Hit by pitched ball By Olaen ffonlun and Caaey) Wild pitch Olaen. Winning pitcher; Seller*. 1,0*1 ng pitcher: Olaen H’mplrea: Burnalde and Boyle. Time, 2:00. Hear* Min Hurling Dual. Tulaa. July 27 —Ollle Volght and Bob Clark engaged In * pitching dual here today and Volght held the Oiler* to four hit* end won til* game. 4 to 1 Score: DBNVKIl. A H H.O A R'lftn. 2b 4 1 1 2 Mi l*h’a ** 4 0 2 < O’ llrlan.rf 3 14 0 UK, If 3 I 4 f 1-alk. 2b 4 2 4 2 I»' van. lb 4 0 9 •> Wllnir. c 4 1 3 ' I’Iitk. rf 3 1 o ij Volght, p 2 0 0 1 Totals 81 4 87 18| TULSA. A F» H O A Ibnn't, if a o 1 o Hluart. Jb 4 0 1 2 I»»vU. rf a 1 0 o I.Hinb. . f 3 0 2 0 1/vett, 1b 4 0 12 0 M'rnan. 2b 4 0 2 2 Is**, ra 4 14 1 Uroaby, c 4 1 6 1 Clark, p aio7 sT’mpaon 10 0 0 Total* 32 4 27 13 rBatted for Clark In ninth. Scorn by Inning*: Denver .201 000 1*5—4 Tula*. .001 000 000—t Summary—Rune Reagan (2). MePh*e, Whaling. Ls* Error* M« Phe* (2). Falk. Two-huM hit*: O'Brien, Reagan (2). Falk. Crosby. Sacrifice hi**; O'Brien. Hi***, M o P h e e. Plgg. Volght. Ba*e on halls- Off Clark. 2. off Volght. 3 Struck out: By Clark, 3; by Volght, 2. T,ef* on ba*e*: Denver, 7; Tulaa. fl Umpires: Held and Gaffney. Time: 1:27. Gitinlardi Gors to Sioux Gily Oklahoma City, Okl.. July 27.— Henry Olnglardl, for the past two season* renterfielder for the Okie homa City Western league team, w»* turned over to Bloiix City of the name circuit yesterday. The transfer Involved no cash or exchange of piny er*. It wn» understood. Baseball Dope Tha Annual gant® between tha marrlad an»! alngla man wag h®ld at Chbago yea terday and a® a raault the Cuba defeated the (Hunt*, 11 to 10. After Heli hlaa furnlalied tha winning run over Walter .luhnann and th® Sen ator® In the alghih Inning of tha flrat game, 7 to «, Walter rain® hark and beat th® Rad Hog In the aeaond, IB to 1. Cy Wllllame amotetwn homare, bringing hla total for th# yea* up to 2* and th® a®aond of them enabled the l*hllll®e to defeat the Cardinal®, B to 4 After f». If. Huth. the well known ont f (alder, hed retired with a atlff nark. Harvey llendrlrk, a r» ■ mlt. raplared him. and hla double, arorlng two In tha fifth. enahlad the Yanka to defeat tha Ath letlea. 4 to 3. The Dodgara flnlahed a had aornnd In ti e Rede. IT to 2 Tra.vnor’a homer off ftornea *n the 12th ga\® th® Plratea an k-tO'7 verdict orer the Pravaa. Illll Htao, leading pitcher of the New York National®, auffered hla ftret dafenf of th® aeaaon at the handa of the chi ♦ ago Cuba II® pit* lied only two balle Th® flrat t*«ulted p, * douhla by Arnold Slat r. whlrh aent two tuna hom® ®nd Had the a< nr® "Mparkv" Adama, the tie Hi man up. •racked th« flrat nffailttg for a alngla whlrh aent Stall horn® with tha winning run Itvan ha- participated In t an men ami waa eiedlted with alt vlrlorteg. The New lurk Americana aniAalied the hall hard In 'ha nim hr* nod won H» Ir third an m'H|i vlrlmv ovai the T’hll » •lalphla Aihletira ItUtli failed to hit on hla flrat trip to th* plata In th® flrat Inning and lef th® gam a haraua® of a atlff neck whlrh ha dating has been caualng him trouble littly. LUIS ANGEL FIRPO, the wild bull of the pampas, conqueror of Jess Willard, who meets Homer Smith at Omaha next Friday, is consistent in that he trains at all times for his coming matches and wants to be in the best of shape when he meets Champion Jack Demp sey at New York in September. Firpo began his western tour at Grand Rapids, Mich., last night. He is due to arrive in Omaha Sunday or Monday. *Fl*?po tt-v jiC’&utrMevg. Well, llie Omaha Buffaloes managed to win one game from the Wichita Witches. It was the last contest of the series, too. Vincent Richards as a result of a taxi smash, in which he was slightly hurt, was forced to default his sin gles in the fifth round of the metro politan tennis tourney at New York. Senor Flrpo, ’ll* said, object* to being railed a wild bull and we pre dict tliat in due time he will re semble a sick row now that he has been matched with Jack Dempsey. William l>. Kelly, former end of the I’nivereity of Wisconsin football team, has been signed as football coach by the Redwood City High school of Red wood City, Cal. Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt II and Mrs. Henry Carnegie Thlpps are com pleting arrangements to gather ex tensive racing stables to be entered on the American turf. The Heatrire Rliieg of the State league have gig hurlera, and at ill they are at the hotlnni of the league gtandingg. Marvin Childs, Omaha harness horse driver, piloted Julia M. Direct, Omaha owned pacer, to second place In the 2:07 pace at the Grand Circuit race meeting yesterday. Miss Helen Wills of Iterkeley, Cal., yesterday advanced to the final round In the New York state tennis tourna ment when sho defeated Mr*. Helea Gilleaudeau Lock horn, 75, I 0. The Japanese tennis players were victorious at Montreal yesterday In the first matches of ths American sone Davis cup series. Having been relieved of bin championship responsibilities, Mr. tlene Sarazen is now In a position to devote his whole tlms to the mystery of why this country has no bananas. Hardy Fehlitinger of (lie Glemvnod ; club, Minneapolis, yesterday won the' first annual Minnesota slate public links golf championship when he de feated Kay Tracy. 3 to 2. It. \Y. Beeler of Norfolk won the northeast Nebraska golf championship yesterday at the Norfolk Country club when he defeated Harold Russell of Omaha, 3 up and 1 to play. Robert Kinsey of San Francisco eliminated s. Howard Voshell of New York, 6 3, 7-6, in the Metropolitan grass courts championship at Brook lyn yesterday. Jock Hutchison, Walter* Hagen, Gene Sarazen and other well-known Yank golfers have entered the Cana dian open tourney. Many persons have taken up Coif this summer apparently tin mindful of the fart that the 19th hole haa been amputated. Lcpion Rand Dissolved; < )ther Employment. Reason The band of the fjoug las county post of the American legion hsa been discontinued, it has been announced by H, H. Dudley, manager. Mr. Dudley said that many of the members are employed at local the* ters and were unable to get away for concerts. A bugle and drum corps may supplant the band. run. htitenr NATIONAL I.EAME. Player and Club No. Total. William- Philadelphia . Z tS Miller, thlrmo I II Mruw. New > ork .I 1? Tray ner, Plttaburyh . 1 It Walker. Philadelphia . t IX AMERICAN I.EAGIE. Player and ( luh. No. Total Miller. Philadelphia I to Ciharnty. W M-hlngton I x Total*: National. 3111 ; American, tk?. Williams Regains Home Run Honors When He ("louts Out Two Bjr Amtorlntnl HICACtO, July 27.—Home run day was cele brated yesterday in the big leagues. Cy Wil liams of the Phillies regained the round trip crown after bis tie with Babe Ruth, by knock ing out two homers against St. Louis, making his season total 25. I'he other non-stoppers of the day were hammered out by Meusel for the Giants. Miller for the Cubs, Traynor for the Pirates, Miller for the Athletics, Gharrity for the Senators, and Waller for the Phillies. “Cy’s” second fence splitter, which was made in the eighth inning of the Phillies game In St. Louis, drove in Mitchell, and won the game, 5 to 4. Rogers Hornsby took his 100th safety of the season in the first inning. In Philadelphia, Sam .lone*, the Tankee loner, won th« game both waya when he made run* out of hi* iwo hit* and did * good Job at keeping tha Athletic* from going the round* too often. The New York team took the third atraight game of their *er|e* with th« Maokmen, 4 to 3. At * double handed festival In line ton tha honora ware apllt. Washing ton taking ona game. 15 to 3. and the home team capturing the other, 7 to •. What proved to tie tha win nlng tally In Moalon’a game rame In tha eighth whan Klngatend walked, Burna hunted and Itairhla doubled to right Held The lilnnla loat to the Cubs In I'111 oh go In a (lose running, heat \ hitting game, II to in Mr draw naad five pttvhna ami Klllafer four. t The Pirate*, playing Ineld* thehome fence, defeated Hoelon In th* 12th Inn Inn when Tray nor hit a homer. After the local* tied the ecor* In the ninth Ronton puehed a run acroa* In the l#th. but the Pirate* itRnltt evened tt up with hit* hy ltiRhee. M.traitvtlle ttnd I’.tlmm. After n awltch In (lie lte.1V |>oal Ilona, the Hrookhn Itnhlri* fell *«*>■ vlctlma to th# Oneln n*11 leant, who pin.veil (in their home grounda, and loat, t to 2. evening th* aerie* Sqys"dugs,m CtQt*l “ROUGH” CHAMP TAKES VACATION — He In on Mount Vmuviut Checking I p Hid Blisters. # _ Dear Expert: The experts who figured that filb bonw couldn't skip the rope for 15 round*, are nil wrong, like a eheep with claw*. What wan the blggent purse that (•ink ever got for nhndow-boxing? Please answer thl* as I have con tracted insomnia from trying to figure out how muny times a cuckoo goes back lrto a clock? Yours. JACK LIGHT. I Wahoo. »b. Wahoo, Neb., must be a nice place to live In, especially If it's subject to fine and imprisonment. Trying to figure how many times a cuckoo will step back into his coop is like chinning yourself on a rain bow. Mr. Light must go swimming with an anvil In each hand. The biggest purse that Gink ever got was In a regular fight. It was in the subway. The next biggest wallet he ever got was in Carnegie Hall when Professor Brogan lectured on the medicinal properties of homeopathic black jacks. The third round was when the Roughtown champ took on The Glut. Sixty rounds or rain checks. It was not a finish fight. When Gink fought Ole Olson of Helsinfors, that was a Finnish fight. Gink had Just finished building the new Roughtown Apartments de Luxe. He had complied with ail the Rough town earthquake laws, which speci fied that all apartments must be stuck with chewing gum and cigaret papers. Omaha laws are not so strict. The Glutt's manager demanded one million for his man. Gink scraped the million together but nine hundred thousand of them were cough drops. The Glutt was satisfied and the fight took place under the auspices of the telephone company. The Glutt had the mouthpiece and Gink was the receiver. The central at the switchboard went out for lunch between every round. When Gink tapped the coin box all he got was a lead slug with Kaiser Wilhelm's picture on it. Gink won th.s fight because his manager was wise enough to pencil Instructions on the canvas. Gink had plenty of opportunities to read them. After the referee's patriotic deci sion, Gink started training for the Orphans' picnic. That was a fight. But until Dempsey and Gibbons finish up their financial investments we will lay back in the hammock and give Gink a vacation. He is on Mount Vesuvius counting his blisters. (Cepyright 1922.1 Announce Gridiron Schedule. Lincoln. Neb.. July 27.—Nebraska Wesleyan's football schedule for 192S has been approved and announced. Glen Preston, quarterback on last year's Nebraska team, will coajch the Methodists this year. The schedule: October f Wayn* at LTmyrrstty Pla**#. October 13 Danvtr university at Den ver (tentative) October 20 South Dakota at Vermillion. October 27 Midland at University Pis* e. November 3. Trinity college st L’nlver* sity Place November f Cotner at Bethany. November 1*. Pes Mome* university at University Place. November 17: Grand Island at Grand Inland November ?4 Poane at Crete November 2* Hantmas at Hasting* Davis Cup Serieg Opens Today New York. July 27.—J. O. Ander son of Australia will meet Bowie De trick of Hawaii in the first singles match of the Davis cup scries open ing today at the Orange, N J., Lawn Tennis club. In the remaining sin gles -I. H. Hawke* of Australia will face William A. Acklund of Hawaii. The same men will play In the doubles tomorrow and the concluding singles on Sunday. Play Lincoln Net Finals Today Lincoln. Neb . July 27.—Cedric Pot ter. former Omaha tennis playpr. and Fred Archerd. I'niversity Place, meet Friday to decide the city tennis cham pionship of Lincoln. The Turf I --- Friday’s Results. HAYYTIIORNK. Flrat race. Five furlonga: I .eat her wood. 10? Karland ). . . 16-1 6-1 6-? Altawood. 110 McDermott).2-1 4 Sarah KUiaheth 112 (Marline*).1*5 Time 1 013 6 Future. Whiff. Dowry, Malt. Valley Light alro ran Second rare Pi%e furlonga* Shining Hold. 113 iMcDarmotlM-l 4-1 ? 6 NMhlrhem Steel, 113 (Fronk).... 4-1 « 6 Pretly Wally. 112 I. Bogowakt). . . 3 6 Time 1*03 Lady Martan, Nell Mr Chord. Col Finn also ran Third race: Five ami one half furlong# Brother .lohn. 104 (HogooakD 6 2 7-10 1-4 Little ltlack sheep. 106 i Martinet) 4 14 6 Harry 11. 104 tPettold). out Time 1 01 7 6 Thelma K . and Lord Allen alao tan Fourth race \ mile Second Thought ioi (Petiold) 2 1 1-3 out Lord (Jranlte 102 tFronk) .14 out White Star. 104 (McDermott) . . . out Time, 1 13 3 5 Only three aiartera. Fifth race- 1 64 mllea. Smut*. 101 (Fronk) .4 1 4-6 Staunch. 101 1 Karland) ..even 2-6 Queen High. 104 (Harvey) .. 1-J Time 1.67 I 6. Apricot and Tingling alao ran. Sixth race: Mile and 70 yarda: B'glan Queen, 106 iHogowaki) 6-1 f 1 even Peace Pal, 10«* tFarland).3 6 l 4 Die a a. 100 (nander) .6 6 Time, 1 60 1 6 Proceed* Mollie Bar nee. Walter II. Pearce, Contort. Sea Wrack alao ran. RJWTKIIN LKACil R. O. AR. H R TH Vlomn. Dm Molno 00 34ft 07 134 900 Ho ii man Tulaa 0ft 943 07 ltft .370 Vila. Oklahoma I It.r .00 111 10 41 370 llUkoaUr, ttlrltlta »7 4«t 0ft 140 300 Palmor. Moot t'ltjr #4 lft0 71 141 307 , 4MKKU AN I.RAm 4 (i. All. K II IVI I llt-llmano IVfroll 09 HMt 00 |}n loo I Hlllh >#*\» ' orV 1)0 1*'N kn |l« 971 1 "looker, Ocvelnn.l ftl 904 7# lift 903 •hhii'ii 4 li-iriKiiii fta 3*« 77 |.hh .4 vt» I Inelamt JM 917 00 117 300 N \TION A I I 4 AM 4 I. All H II IVI lliirn»h| M I onia 00 131 04 HHi 3ft0 \% honl. Hmoklm 71 973 34 104 .901 1 mi nor. IMII-Mirth Mft 999 09 ill .979 rarnharf. rittaburch 9ft 199 39 0« 300 ounf. New York .. ftl 54} 17 lift 307 BASEBALL RESULTS a«a STANDINGS/ n'r>TKRN LEAOIX MtpPdlnn. . . .W, I.. Prt. W. u Hit hit, .62 36 .633 .636 424 .62 39 ,614 .61* 60S Oklahoma City ...f,4 44 .561 .566 546 1? iff :ff? if? St loaeph .40 61 .394 .402 .392 D*>nv«r . 39 61 390 .396 .3*6 Sioux Clly .as 60 .36* .396 .3*6 . Yaatarday'a Rraulta. Oklahoma City, 6; Omaha 4. St. Joseph, 7- Sioux City, 4. Wichita, 12- I>ea Moines, i. Denver. 4, Tulsa. J. STATK laiAGCI. Ktandlnga. W I'cf. Norfolk 4* %% .6711 Lincoln 47 40 .540 O. Island 4b 45 .506 W. 1, Pet. Kairbury 41 44.600 Hastings 31 1« .162 Beatrlca 37 4> .130 1 t-etrrdaj’a Knults. Norfolk, 12; Grand Island, 2 Lincoln. »; Falrbury, S. Hastings, 3; Beatrice, 0. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standings. W UPct. Now York 63 32 .64* Cincinnati 56 35 .615 I’lttab'gh 66 35.615 Chicago 43 43 .533 W I.. Pet. Brooklyn 46 45 .505 St Louis 47 47 .500 Phtia 2*62.211 Boston 25 67 .272 lesterdny’n Results. Pittsburgh 8; Boston. &. Philadelphia. 3; St. Louis. 2. Cincinnati, 4; Brooklyn. 3. (Twelve in nings). New York-Chicago, rain. AMERIC AN LEAGUE. Standings. w. I,. Pet -V. York €3 28 .*JS*2 cieve'nd 60 44 .532 8t. Louts 47 44 .51$ Detroit 44 44 .500 w. U Pet. Chiracs 43 46 .4*3 I’hiia'phia 43 4* .462 Wanh'ton 29 51 .<32 Boaton 33 65 .376 Yenfcrday'ft Rr»ulta New York. 7. Philadelphia. 2 Wachington, 10; Bouton. 7. No other game* acheduled. AMERIC AN ASSOCIATION. Standing*. W I.. riA. St. Paul £7 32 .€4o Kan*a» C. 56 33 t29 l-out'ville 50 4 <‘olumbu» 45 42 .517 W L. Pet. Milwaukee 44 49 .473 Indi'apolfa 41 »2 .441 Minn polia 37 53 .441 Toledo 33 59.359 W*terclH>’« Kmoltt. Milwaukee, 4. Louisville, l. Minneapolis. 6; Columbus. 6. Kansas City. 13; Indianapolis, t. St. Paul-Toledo, rain. COAST LEAGUE. Salt Lake City JO; Sacramento, S. Los Angeles. 4; Oakland. 3. San Fianclseo. 6; Vernon, 2. Portland. 5; Seattle, 4 SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. Birmingham, 5; Chattanooga. 1. Mobile. 17. Nashville. 7. Atlanta. 4; Memphis. 6. (No others played.) INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Jersey City. ft. Reading. 6. Baltimore. 2; Newark, h. Rochester, 1; Toronto, 3. Buffalo, 12; Syracuse. IS. TEXAS I.EAGLE. Dallas. €; Beaumont, 2. Shreveport. ». Galveston, 7. Fort Worth, ft: Houston. 2. Wichita Fails, 7-4: San Antonio. 3-3 Elkhorns All Hit and Beat Islanders j — - ■ Norfolk. Neb.. July 27—The Elkhorns j all hit this afternoon and Hoetker was I an easy target letting II smacks go out | including a homer by Clark and Norfolk « had an easy time winning the game by * score of 12 to 2. Hilton pitched a: great game allowing only four well scat- < ter**<1 hits Th* score. GRAND ISLAND. AB H O A Tho'n. Jb 3 © 2 2 Bu»er, 3b 4 1 © i M*t*. s* 3 12 4 Bou'n. rf 4 0 3 0 ORv, tf 4 © 2 © Bros, lb 4 © 9 0 Rolf. If 4 10 0 l.ufbb*. r 1 1 4 1 Hf^tkrr, p 3 0 0 4 xB«rry. 10 0© NORFOLK AB H A Pede’n. rf 3 2 3 0 Ather'n. m 3 2 2 4 Caaey. lb 5 2 10 1 Row. If 5 2 10 Reirhl* rf 4 1 3 « M'f’y, 1b 4 4 11 Tru'r, 2b 2 2 5 2 Clark, c 4 15 1 Hilton, p 4 1 0 1 -Totals 24 IS 27 12 Total* 32 4 24 1 3 xBatted for Hoetker In fth Score by innmffi: Grand liiaml . 200 COO 0*0— 5 Norfolk.Oil ltl 62*—12 Summary—Run* Thompson. Baser, Pederson «2), Atherton Casey (Jl. Rouse. Reichle (2). MeCafferty < 2). Trurr mer, Hilton Error* Thompson. Rrx>kh»ua Pederson <2> Two-ba*e hit* Roif. Rouse. I.uebbe. McCafferty <2). Three-base hits. MeCafferty. Trammer. Home run Caaey. Stolen base* Huser. McCaf forty. Trum mer Sacrifice hit* Atherton <2». Trum mer Rouble plays: Met* to Thompson to Brook ho 'if 12) Left on baae* Grand Inland. 1 Norfolk. 5 Base* on baps Off Hiltoh. 3 off Hoetker. 2. Struck out: By Hilton. 4 by Hoetker. 3 Wild pitch: Hilton Parsed ball: Luebbe. Umpire: Mjsra Time 1:60. Links round Out Vlrtsry. iJncoln. Neb . July 27 —I.incoin hit two Eairbury pitchers hard and won the sec ond came of the serjea t to 5. here today. Sr*nton started for the visitor* but after four success!\e hits one a trtpl# by Cleve. which produced two runs. Alter was aent to hi* re''ef in the first inninr .Score; FAIRBt RY AR H n A Nolt. rf 6 1 1 ft B'l. c If 4 0 1 1 m n't. if-r tit:, Hilda. Ih 5 4 4 ^ Makln Sh 4 « 1 1 Kinkel. rf 5 3 3 a Goon. 2b 4 1 3 5 S-ann. p <* 0 « a ! Alter, p 4 t» « 1 Grant, as 4 1 2 3 LINCOLN AB H O A hpt'<!. Jb 5 s e 1 C1#V*. ?b 5 J ft 3 Dye. ib K 4 7 « Purdv. If 4 1 3 ft Bond t. *» 4 1 4 3 ronk«T, r 3 2 4 6 Pnvlth, rf 4 1 3 1 T*nn*r. cf 3 1 10 Kll^r p 4 0 11 xMcCoy. #006 411 null Total* 37 1 i 17 » zKftn for tn fth. Sror* by inning.; F.trbnry . 1*« *l« **J—5 l.inroin ..... .. 301 *11 ««.—« Summary— Run* Beall. MrDermeU <21. Hudgens. Makin. Cleveland. <*Iave, pye <2*. Honduran!. Conkey, Smith. McCoy. Error* Hr-*1: M 'v-moif Hudgen'a. Cleveland. C»r,key 'ianner <|» Three base hlta; Pye. '*e\e Tw baa** h;'s KinkeJ. Hudgerr. Brant. B*»ndurant. Cnn k«v <?> Sacrifice hue: Makin. Purdy Earned run* Falrburr. 1; Lincoln, f Left on bane* Kairbufv. 7; Lincoln. * TL-rca on bailer Off Alter. 7 off Eller. 1 Struck out Hr Alter 4 by Kller, 4 Hits and run* Off Stanton. 4 and 2 in t-S inning off Alter. II and « in T and 2-J* l.oafng pitcher Stanton. t'ropira Strea tor. Time: 1:4$. T1 *%f Inc* Cipher* Beatrice. Beatrice. Neb July 27 —Haettng* eliut cut Beatrice today. $ to a. Only in one Inning w*a Treoo In danger when he nail Tiled the baae* He then struck out Speaker *nd Schaefer Score If ACTINGS AH H O A Sh4w. if 4 : ; o Kuna. 2b S 1 4 4 < Vaolt, cf 4lio Tomoa, ) f 1 1 0 f *$»»•*. !»!• 4 12 5 Kcnt'r, lb 4 l 10 o N’ock. lb 3 i i r| (’hook, r S o a i Troon, p S 1 o * Total. 7\~iriu BEATRICE A Tl H n A Quinn, m 4 12 4 M'O’lh. lb J ft j 4 A S h far. Jh 4 o ft J Sp#'k*r rf 4 A ft ft **»««* 2b 3 1 l J Nova k If 4 « A J Prtft*.,cf 1 A 2 A t'nfftr, * J ft 4 2 Mtliftr, p 2 1 ft 4 Firntm. p a a a a iBoj ! 1 1 ft A AO I.ftftry ft ft ft ft Total* St 4 IT It aRa'ted for Miller In eighth ’Ran for Vtov.l in eighth Si or* hr inning* IHet'ng* . . pop PCS ooa—it Beatrice Poo moo pap—p Summary—Run* Shaw. ('»»*!!. Tome*. Krror Nnack Two b.**e h;t* Shaw. »'**. *n||. Treon Three-has* hit Tome* Sa< rif;» e Kuni !>ouMi* plays: Qu nn to Sugg* to M.tJrath, Kple> to Kuna. left on haee* Reatn e. 7. Ha at Inga. :> Rears • n twill* Off Miller off Tieor 4 Struck out Rjr Miller J: by Tre. n 4 Hit*: Off Miller, a in I Innings; off Far mim, none m 1 inning; off Treon, 4 in • Inning* Hit bv pitched ball Ry Miller (Toniea. Cheek » Wild pitch; ' Treon. Winning pitcher Treon Uo« ng pitcher; Miller Cmpire KVrguaon Time Mi. Yanks Make Clean Sweep of Series at Philadelphia Babe Ruth, Bark in Gamr Clouts Out Twenty-fourth Home Run of Season. Philadelphia. July S7.— Sew York mi'll a dean sweep of the senes with Phi.a delphia. taking the final garr.e today, 7 to 3. Naylor pitched his firs* game on the home lot in over a month but <J I net display the form shown before ha Injury Ruth hit his 24th home run of the season in the first inning No one was at base Walker, pinch bitting in the ninth, hit a home run into the bleacher*. Score: NEW YORK ! A 13 HO. A Witt, rf $12 0 Outran, 3b 5 10 1 Ruth, If 4 3 1' PIpp, lb 3 2 12 1, Smith, rf 4 1 1 01 xMeusel 1 1 0 o| H'ynaa, rf n 0 o 0 Ward, 2b 5 3 5 b Srott, *• I 1 0 4 S^han*. c 3 2 4 0 P'nock, p 4 1 1 31 TotaJi 31 15 27 14 PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A. Mat’ws. cf 2 12 0 Hale. 2b 4 0 0 1 U ser, ,1b 4 113 '» Welch, rf 3 110 Perkin*, c 2 2 2 2 Miller. If 4 0 3 o 0*1’way. *s 3 1 1 1 Wood, ss 0 0 0 1 zWattser 1 1 0 o Dykes. 2b 4 14 5 Naylor, p 2 10 2 KBruftgy 10 0 0 Helm ch. p o 0 0 l sScheer 1 0 0 0 Total* 35 3 27 13 xBatted for Smith in ninth. zRatted for Wood in ninth. (Ratted for Naylor In seventh zBatted for Haimach in ninth. Score bv innings: New York .1«2 040 211—7 Philadelphia .000 204 001—3 Summary—Runs: Dugan Ruth <3). Pipu, Ward Schang. Welch. Perkin*. Walker. Krrora. Pipp. Ma’thew* Gal loway. Dyk-e Two-base hi**: Dugan. Welch. Galloway. Scott. Ruth. Three base hit: Pipp. Home rur Ruth. Wal ker Sacrifices. Schang. Pipp. Doub'o play*: Nayior to Dykes to Hauser; Scott to Ward to Pipp; Pennock to Ward to Pipp; Wood to Dyke* to Hauser. Deft on base*' New York >; Philadelphia. 7. Bases on balla: Naylor, 2. Pennock. 2. St rur k out By Naylor. 2; by Pennock. 3. Hits: Off Naylor. 10 in 7 inning* off IVeimach. 6 in 2 inning* Dosing pitcher: ^ Naylor. Umpires: Xallin and Mortality. Time. 2:15. ftenators Beat Red fox. Boston. July 27.—Washington defea»*d Boston. 10 to 7, today. Six runs off Ehmke in the first and one in the second inning gave the visitors a lead that proved enough to c&rry them through, although Boston made six runs off Zahn iser in the seventh A dugout battle, mostly of words, between Fe water hr< d Plcinich Immediately preceded the Boston rally, but Chance later compelled the players to *hak«* hands. WASHINGTON BOSTON ABH.OA ABHAA. Dei bold cf 4 2 2 0 F*w*ter 2b 2 : ! 3 Bu*h 3b 4 2 2 2 Plcinich c 5 2 1 0 Goslin If 5 3 3 0 Flag* 4 rf 4 3 2 1 Rice rf 3 0 0 0 Burn* lb 4 113 0 Rue! c 5 0J0 Retchle cf 5 0 0 S H ria 2b 5 2 3 3 J Harris If 3 1 3 o P augh as 4 2 2 € zMenoaky 0 o n n Evans lb 4 2 12 0 Shark* 3b 4 1 I 1 Zahniser p J 1 0 3 McM'an *a 5 ! 3 4 Mitchell p 0 0 4 O' Ehmke p 0 B 0 0 -O’Doul p 4 112 Total! 37 14 27 12: - Total* 33 12 27 13 zRan for J. Harris in ninth. Score by Innings: Washington .4*4 00J n^r.— m Boston .000 000 €10— 7 Summary—Rune: I-elbo!d (3*. Bush <2t. Goslin. Rl^e. S Harris. Peckenpa ugh, Zohmser. Fews’er P -snich il -. F s »tead, J Harris. McMillan. O Doul. Er rors. Plcinich (2). Reirh.e Shanks. Two base hit* Fesrster. Plcinich. Tnree-ba** hits Peeldapauch F’agstead. Heme run; J. Harris 8acrif:*e hits: Bush, H: Double plays: Flagatead to McM :Ian; McMillan to Bum*. Deft <n bases: Wash ington. 5; Beaton, 1'- Base* en t-a Off Zahnieer 4 off >!.*. he' . 1. ff Ehmke, 2: off O’Doul 1. Struck rut: By Zahniser. 1: by Mitchell. 3. by Ebr 1. Hits Off Zahniser, 10 in 42-3 ning*; off Mitchell. 2 n 2 1-1 mr nr«. off Ehmke. 4 in 1 1-1 innings: off O'Pou'. 4 In 7 2-3 inning* Winning pitcher: Zahniser Losing pitcher; Ehmke. Ur - pires: Hildebrand. Holmes and Evens. Time: 3 47. Across the Net L at Field Club Vow thwl the rltr not moot »• noarlr rinished the local racquet wlelders are • ooking towards the stats tens!* m*** wh-^h .% to he held at Lincoln The «■ rectors o? the state meet decided that •he tourney should hs postponed from ths week of August I. to the followirr week starting August 13. This change has been made so that the Nebraska me*t would not confl .-t with the tourna ment being held at Sioux City the we-it previous. Nexeral local player* hare been tarited •o r 1 av in ths Sioux Cltv meet and mar.e tavs made 1t known that thev are r wa ning on Journeying to the Capitol c ty ihe second week of next month to enter ths stats racqust spree. Beerkle and flnkel played two hard tennis double matches veaterdar Tha younger bright ights defeated ' Zcs ya snd Hansen in the outstanding part* • *•« ship event yesterday. coming back after the first set. S-T. taking the ae< • 1 and decisive six in i t, and extra * fashion The Carter L*k* < hampa *1 most of the way thromghout and not u^> til the Kounte park performers extended themaelrea Following this batt e k b »»d K®rh fell b.for® the rteke! Beerk e combination. • Mi^s < orrer and htoeking appear to he strongest In the mixed doubles . st » - t •hnu.l come through with. ;: n.-'ir.e .h feat at the hands of any of the other Ova entrants. Now that all the events are In action »nd with not a one finished the rub court* are full throughout the after: wn »n .v.ninc Mr V.w, ,- i v. . „ s , ».»i»t»nt Grorc* M»;..lf. .r» h.nd -g in. tourn.v in smooth .tvl® »nd »v.r. thm* point, . ptrf«t cl»»tr tfc s J*»r. Jockey Must Pay Owner of Horse Injured in Race London. July !7.-—A special Jury today ordered Michael Bears. fore in«»t Irish Jockey, to pay SI,500 to Henry 4. Brain, owner of tint race horse Iron Ore. Beary, it was charged, while riding* In a race, was guilty of negligent riding, rairsing Iron Ore to fall and injuring tire horse so that it had to hr* destroy ed. Tlie case yvas the first of the kind in the history «>( British racing Beary had been suspended by the jock's club three months ago. shortly after the riding incident that Nought on the suit. Legion Caught Firpo Napping Vi hen They Signed Him to Contest r rir,i\,:zz'>'zz£LM'- -. But Om.h, la thr .mi, not of thr four ritlr. In nhloh Firpo will takr part In a deciakm fight. ' Thr Smith Omaha poat of thr American Irglon caught I.uia Ingel', manager, napping whrn thr, algned him to a contract Firpo'. manager, thought Nebraska «aa a mvdeci.lon .tat. and thr fatal paper, had alrrad. hrrn algprd when they dl.rorrrrd thr Intr alatr of affalra out hrrr. Thrift It »na too latr to bark out. Firpoa signed contract re celvert In Omaha yesterday. Flrpo will he accompanied to Omaha hy Hugh ttartlamt of New Aik. a ho la managing him on the weatern tour; Billy Mct'arney. assist lug Oartlnnit; Jimmy IVFoireat. Fir po a trainer, ami Allied Mayer. sport ln« editor of l<a Naoion of Huenoa Altea, who la coy arm* Fupot ac tivltle* In this country for hi* pa per. The party arrives Sunday On* of th» preliminaries to the Kirpo Smith bout «** signed yrypc ,>n li 'vil! he a a \ rounder l-etneen X iger Johnny Cline who claims the welterweight cha tnptonshtr of tho eoulhweat. and Charley l.enp. cole i ed •crapiwr of Omaha. It will h* tho first mixed bout In Omaha under comnuaalon ruled beam*.