j Beatrice Fairfax I PROBLEMS THAT PERPLEX. Not Stupidity But ('levenieHs. Dear Miss Fairfax: Why is it that •' man always proposes to the type of girl who believes anything lie tells her, while he always passes up the girl who Is able to see through the lies he tells? One man -v*ho called upon me for six months suddenly stopped coming when I let him know that I bad found him out. He had a habit of breaking appointments and was never without an alibi. I Invar la bly took the trouble to Investigate his excuses and always found that they were manufactured for the occasion. Now 1 know that had 1 pretended in nocence and accepted his explana tions as genuine instead of counter feit he would still la? coming regular ly twice a tveek. But I see no tea son why women should pretend to be brainless just to be popular with men. So I let him know each time that he had failed to fool me. He is now going with a girl who will, I am sure, helieve anything—and without doubt he will propose And, for my part. T am satisfied, for I have never en vied the wives who are kept busy an swering the telephone only to hear Itliat "he' cannot be home to dinner owing to business, 1 am perfectly satisfied to escape and only wonder how any Intelligent woman ran lie blind to the wavs of the average man "A WISE ONE." It Is not stupidity but cleverness 1n a woman to accept, with smiling In dulgence the little varied and more or less original excuses which the man of her choice concocts upon oc casion. As a matter of fact. If wo men would be more reasonable,, men would not have to plead business when they want to spend an evening away from home. It is only because they fear a domestic upheaval that they proceed to tell a new one. THE NEBBS— THE LURE. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess NO l Don't* NEED A CvJECWT DQoTECYoQ-^ CROOKS UoMO RWSE CHECKS DON'T UjASYE / Ann TIme with a Small GuV Like me / _ TUKTS THE PLEASURE OT BEING/ A little Potato - mo one r Pons anV attention to Noo ^—y^rr — /a miowsGoTitox /7 _ ~~ v-\ SPEND LoY«S or \ WfeS These CROOKY MONET THESE DfcVS I SUPPORT A LOT Yo PROTECT HIM- OE B»G INDUSTRIES J 1 Sar erom crooks K c£> • r-1 r~\ Sou TAKE A Touin or A FEW THOUSAND) PEOPLE — MA*Qe TNFRE APE ONLV Tvuo \ OR. TMREE CROOKS IN TvAE TouoN BuY EUERVBOOVS GoT To HAKE SAFES, / locks,Burglar insurance:, policemen AND EKERSTUNG _ Vou CAN'T TELL WHEN/ TWES'Re going To wop in On vou ^ f »F EUECVBODV ooAS HONEST l CoulD\ LEAVE MV STORE OPEN NiCHT.5 - A FELlou)i COMING NOME LATE AND WANTED A J CvGAQ OR A Bo* OF CANOV To SQUARE himself ujcrH the uj»fe could Come IN AND GET rr - Put the cash in the \ DRAWER - ououlDnT >t be A J I '—Pi—^ (aJONDERF'UL world ?,— \ ^r\ /!Yr\ i I 1 Cj.Pi JeS$l BARNEY GOOGLE_ SPARKY’LL NEVER WIN ON LOOKS. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck (Copyright. 1»2I.» - " * -*l f^-'g-M—■ . I -TJ ' " ■ Ill 1 ■ " ■■ 1 I -— ■ ■ - _ f DON'T (jET ExerrEoX^^^ / SVNEET^ WOMAN , ThaTS %-? SAPPHO’,The horse That* £ , The heavy fAvoft'TE /n J \ The " Bfcp»7HAT 00<* IS klNteo V enough • 7-n BRINGING UP FATHER-a-l'SETo*.’ “ Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManu. (Cop>rtgi t. I9!S » HOW HAvNT TlME^D HA*s/E t TOLD TOU HOT TO ^>\T A^OUHD HALF UHDR.E'bEiED ? «T*1> t^ERFECTLT Ol'iC.O^TlHti. ^V[ -\ I U^sEO TO CARftT vy the HOO LIKE rJ C>0 Also <,ET ORE^ED ^L e>eroREi “tor/e one cml^> ' and bEE^j xou That wax- 1 W /TTT-Urn.-T^7 I NE.VtR KNEW Av COULD 0 COCH /\N' e>e t>o uhco^fokt/kbue --f__— © tns >v imt'u rturw«« ie»vic«. i*o. I HCf^E WE HWE — CM-EEf^a TONtOHT ID LKC TO *bHOW V N\"V NEW DKE-b^ (////Jr WHKT YS TERRY ON tliE JOB— NO CENSURE FOR MR. GIVNEY. ” Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hob.n . - _ _ 99_ Cn»»* rlebt. 19?1 VIHAT 00 1 \ /\i\. ^uSt Step in^ /.MO Sc^-t lsiCTTWki' j ^v-o /AA«E ViO / S S^SUSSSw ) V '■nurrs l'./ J Ah s U\3w MOoto ' Avo ~zviss v Kicrr h?UE Mrr 3 “Time y ^ *oa Ujmcu 'too. i Late. AGann•) " §3A*7 1 W The woman who Investigate* a man* excuses is courting disaster. But why wish to investigate? Instead spend the time In enjoying his ab sence. It is beneficial for both hus band and wife to spend at least one evening a week independently. It Is a sort of safety Insurance against boredom. And tjie clever wife ap preciates the fact and ofTcrs no oppo sition to John's night at the club. And the only reason that men avoid the girl Who investigates exeusos is the natural masculine dislike of scenes. No man wants to marry the sort of girl who will hire a detective Am RETIREMENT END RHEUMATIC With New German Oil—A ritten (Guarantee That You Can Do It. Why continue to »uffer with rheumatic pain, aching muscle* and stiff, creaking, agonizing joints, when science now offers you instant relief? Thanks to Germaifi jirhemistry that gave to the world the bene fits of Aspirin for headache pain and No vocain for painless dentistry you tan now aften in a very short time be free from he nerve-racking pains of rheumatic in fection. A remarkable new discovery makes this aossible. For by applying a few drops of i powerful oil to the sore, swollen and »«n iitive parts, you can actually rub the pain sway. So rapid and effective is it, and so imazing has been its success in Europe, hat the American Distributors have au horized your local druggist to give you a >osftive signed guarantee of relief from he use of the very first bottle. Unless rou are fully satisfied and convinced your noney will promptly be refunded. This amazing oil, when applied to the affected parts, quickly penetrates to the infected tissue. Its action on the crystal lized deposits of poison must be surpris ingly certain for the pain disappears almost at once in many eases and the benefits are positive and lasting. Get a bottle of Buhler Oil today ar.d a*k for the written guarantee. Then Use it in accordance with the directions and watch results. You’ll be amazed at the immediate benefits of this wonderful remedy. For ■ale today at Sherman & McConnell Drug j Ho., Beaton Drug Co.. Merritt Drug Co . I Harney Dugan Drug Co., Unitt-Doceka! Drug Co.. Saratoga Drug Co., Pope Drug Do. and Haines Drug Co. I rHTi"K\n nt Child-birth! Here i* a wonderful me»*age to all expectant mother* 1 When the Little One arrives, you can have that moment more free Irom sunenn# man 704 have perhapa fmarined. An eminent physician, eapert in this acicnee, has ahown the way. It was he who first pro duced the Treat remedy. '.Mother'a Friend. ** Mrs. C. J. Hartman, Scranton, Pau, aaya: "With try first two children I had a doctor and a nurse, and then they had to use instru ments, but with my last two children I us**d Mother • l nend and bad only a nurse: wo had no time to get a doctor becaua* I wasn't very aick—only about ten or fifteen min- | utea.*' Use "Mother's Friend” aa our moth* era and grandmothers did. Don’t wait, »tart today, end meanwhile write to Brad field Regulator Co., BA 4fi. Atlanta, Ga_, for a free illustrated book containing information every expectant mother should have. "Moth* er’a Friend** u avid by all drug • tores—* everywhere. Be V proud of.) your 1/ complexion No matter how beautiful your fea tures are, you cannot be truly attractive with a rough, clogged, blotchy or grimy skin. Resinol Ointment, aided bv Resinol Soap, is what you need to overcome such troubles. The gentle, but unusually cleansing qualities ©f RsmmI Soap, together with tha soothing, healing properties ol Kes no! Ointment tend to make tne skm so clear and healfhy tt eanrot help betng beautiful. The ideal treatment ior all complenena. ’'Ai’uqys cell for Rectoor" Resinol The Days of Real Sport . By Briggs / Ter* ~//U L0CAL /VNVjAAAfffr ’5oMe Youthful mis creants , INVADEP anD STOLE Several - of the Choicest MELONS FROM TheBON SKINNERS patch LAST WEEK.1 I CONSTABL* MICKS SAYS HF HAS MIS SUSPICIONS WHO THE OUILTV PARTIES ABF AND ' , WHBN CAPTURE® IAJILL Bl PUNISHED To /THE TULL EXTENT OP THE LAW. IT »3 HIGH Tims Fh/nt youthful Criminals, i, HEREABOUTS BP MAP* AN EXAMPLE OF. r•*r«gw HU m V ▼ *»••• ThetCRiminalS 4 * % ' — — - ___ ABIE THE AGENT— _Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfieid Ho Spraks From Kxprrirtn «*. S - AWT) 1 PROPOSE \PVH0<* GUJT*\ POR MEMBERSH\P CUR. CLUB. \ HE'S * VERY RVQH CLESS PEUVR | IKi EMERY PESREOr AM> RfU. BE A CREW TO OUR CRQAMI2ATI0M". j / OV, \’U. GitT EVCTCEbCy « HE S IKi A OUR CV.U-% OV3V.V 'TWO MOtOTVS AKt> 'THfc'V “THRCv/U HIN> OOY \ ALREAOVJ TM\MK THEN V A MlVTMOr % l Kv.'ou. HE “4 \ KHtt PEUER'. ~-T*ev OL/T ~T OUT 01* THE CLUB U/VTHCXft 1 QvOlKjC^ ME Mv MOfOtY (*NJt V&ACKW \ MONPy -^jn%£7 VBWk.WV/IW . UJK* MOT-THET QAVJE \\ l fcf\CK TO ME >K1 EVEHV . OTHER CLUB X UA* 1 V^T>AROWfJ OUT or.* y to follow him as soon as the cere mony is ovor. What John wants !y a sensible and reasonable companion who will under*lap4 hi* need of an evening with the crowd. And. having found that girl, he won't have to manufacture reasons for slaying down town with the hoys. Be sensi ble. my dear—anybody can be a de tective—but it takes real" cleverness to be a serene and auei cssful wife umanuni i Stop that Eczema/ ’ A MAZING results have been produced by S. S. S. in cases of eczema, pimples, blackheads and other skin eruptions. If you have been troubled with eczema. and you nare >used skin ap p1ications without num ber, make a test yourself, on yourself with a bottle of S. S. S , one of the most powerful blood cleans ers known. S. S. S. makes the blood rich and pure, and when your blood is freed of impuri ties your stubborn eczema, rash, tetter, skin eruptions, pimples, blackheads, blotches and acne ar? bound to disappear. There are no unproven theories about S. S. S.; the scientific results of each of its purely vegetable medicinal ingre dients are admitted by authorities. S. S. S. is sold at all good drug stores in two eiaes. The larger sue is more economical. ^He World’s Best rH\ood Medicine ■■ ■ . ^ ADYEBTI^EMfLVr You, Too, Can Have Beautiful Hair The novelist says:—"He# hair, soft as silk—" The movie screen recites:—"Her hair, rich, brown and lustrous—” The .poet sings:—"Her hair, like spun gold—" Everyone recognizes the charm of beautiful, soft, glossy hair. Yet few realize that beautiful hair is mainly a matter of tare and cleanliness. A FITCH SHAMPOO tw;ce £ month will keep your scalp clean and free from dandruff and the port! open. It will remove dirt and un natural oils from the hair, leaving it healthy, silky and lustrous. Don't sit by and watch your hair grow thin and lifeless. No amount of curling, patting or tucking away of stray locks can compare with a natur al wealth of hair in clean, healthy condition. * Write for copy of our free booklet. "The Secret of Beautiful Hair.'* The FITCH SHAMPOO is on Sale at first class toilet good* counter*. In two size*. 75 cents. fl.5d for family package. Complete directions in the package. Applications at leading bar ber shops. Our fine IS page illustrated booklet. "The Secret of Beautiful Hair.” mailed free to anyone upon request. Addreca F. W. Fitch Co.. Dcs Mc.ir.es, la.—Adv. %Df IRTI«Mr5T Woman's Health Restored She Claims Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Did It After Everything Else Failed Milwaukee,Wis. —•• I feel that I ought to let youkncw about my case. 1 was aiiir.g and could barely damy house worlrar.d washing I was so run-down, just from having one child. 1 took a lot of medicine* and had doctor*. Then I gave them all up and took Lydia E. Pink ham '3 Vege table Compound and I feel wonder fully good now. I do every thing that coroi's along, and we all take your medicine as a tonic when we don't feel just so. 1 am thankful for what the Vegetable Compound has done for mv health and for rev family.” — Mrs. Mary Paiechfck, $M4 SSth St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Letters like these testify to the value of the Vegetable Compound. These women speak from the fullness of their hearts. They describe as cor rectly as they can their conditions: First, thoee symptoms that affected them most conspicuously: and later the disappearanceof those symptoms. Tbey sre sincere expressions of grati tude. For nearly fifty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Veeetable Compound has been so praised by women. % “OUCH! How My Com*, Bunions and Calloused. Burning, Tired re«t Hurt —what shu-Jl I Do?” GYPSY FOOT REUEF No mope n\*k-t»s the feet m medicated hath* * no powders, plasters, tv>r inconvenience ~no muss, no bother ' Arotv m eoe minute. then walk all pwi Tike and nock on your feet as at>>xi wish! The rviT\KMtimi pain# and ache* from onrna, bun Ayna, ml~ loturs and boentnc none, tired feet vanish as if n> ma*v ’ Gypsy Foot Relief A WmitHul Steftt From tKf Of»crt Pofi Avar W«t K Foot T roublo*. / 5uc >-aaw * m hack. U u ik* can kr -Micrmaa 41 M< CaaaalL Icthi I t>ru« Ca Hai«w» r*rw Ca Merrill