The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 13, 1923, CITY EDITION, Page 6, Image 6
Reynolds-Hughes and - * Millard-Morris Matches in the Semi-Final Round Today ---------;-1 Champion Winner Over Peters by 5 Up, 3 to Play Bob Millard Puts Veteran W. J. Fove Out of Running for the Title. Sam Reynolds, present champion, Jack Hughes, Rob Millard and Johnny Morris reached the semi final round of the state golf cham pionship at the Omaha Country club Thursday. Reynolds is paired with Hughes and Morris with Millard In l he 36 hole matches today, Reynolds easily won his match with Clarence I’eters by 3 up and 3 •o play. The champion played a steady brand of golf and was never in danger, though Peters rallied at times and made several spectacular putts which made- Sam shoot even better golf to emerge victor. 6ne of the most remarkable matches of the day was that between Capt. W. .1. Foye and young Rob Millard, the Tale student wanning over his older opponent in a bril liant match, 4 up and 3 to play. Hr. Clone Slattery was 6 down to Johnny Morris at the end of the morning round, hut recovered during the afternoon and coming on X'o. 14 was one down. Ho dropped the next two holes, Morris winning, 4 and 3. Jack Hughes encountered little op position In the municipal player, Harry Donovan, whom he defeated, 7 up ana « to piay. m a Mr 10 n sii i r co nsolation FLIGHT. SfMHMtd Round. Henry Doll (Fontenelle) defeated Dr. L. L Nelson (Norfolk). 4 and 3. Phil Aitken (Lincoln) defeated Karl Rock (H II.), 1 up on 10 holes. Wally Shepard (T^akoma) defeated Ed Lyman (Fontenelle), 6 and 4 Harold Fulmer (Fontenelle) defeated Ed Creighton CO. C C.)* l up. Semi-Final*. Doll defeated Aitken. 4 and 3 Shepard defeated Palmer. 2 and 1. President'* Flight. Bill Folsom (Lincoln > defeated L. H. Burgess (O. C. 4\). 3 and 2. S. Blaine Young (O F. C.) defeated Hon BUsett (k'lmwood). 1 up. Francis Massara (Fontenelle) defeated Gene Vaughan (O. F. f\). 'j and 2 Doug Peters (T.akoma) defeated M. G < olpetzer (O. C. C\), 3 and J. Semi-Finals. Young defeated Folsom, 1 up D. Peters defeated Maasara 4 and 3 Vice-President’s Might. 4J. B- Paulson defeated O D. Perrr, 1 tip. J J P. Webster defeated C. B Griffey, 1 up Cl.ff Calkina defeated V. D. Benedict. 2 and 1. „ B. Tyler defeated Darkness**, f up Seml-Mnnls. debater defeated Paulson. 1 up, 20th n o 4 e. Tyler rt*fraud r»|kln». < and 3. »*< RRTARY'S KIJGHT. Third Round. F- A* Hlgflna drfoatrii rt H rerry I and 3. J 4*. S«'ott defeated F., H. Montgomerv, 1 up. K H Campbell defeated L E Gillis .»!**. 3 up Douglas Bo*.vi« defeated If Johnson, 6 snd o. Kemi-Flnal*. Higgins defeated Scott. S end Bowie defeated Campbell, l up. DIRECTORS' FLIGHT. Second Round. Os* or Lle-ben defeated R. T. Burns, 3 * n*J 2. w. T._ Wilco* defeated Chet Bowers, 4 and 3. A. D. Mallory defeated Ernest €5west, •> and 4 ({. T. Wiison defeated Tom Burtch, 1 un. Semi-FInaU, Ijieben flrf^ateil Wilcox. 4 **-,d * tVIlaon d*»f**ated Mallory. 1 up SPECIAL FLIGHT. Third Round. G H Doran defeated Di* k 'Vagnur, 7 and 6. A1 Cahn defeated Temple J • Faydcn, 2 up. K W. Clarke. Jrr defeated Tom Mur phy. 2 ud. » F B Mallory defeated G. W. Summers. I up. 19 holes. Semi-Finals. cahn defeated Doran. 3 and 2 Clarke defeated Mallory. 5 and 4. Fight by Rounds (Coatlnued From I'age Onr.l a* Firpo circled hi* opponent in search of Bn opening. Firpo drove right* and left* to the jaw but failed to shake big Je**. Willard'* left stojrped Firpo short. The Argentinan'* aim was bad with hi* left but he shot in a right to the body as the gong ended the round. Round Seven. Willard shot In a hard right that sent Firpo to the ropes. He employed the rabbit punch to the back of Firpo * head In a clinch. Willard'* left shot home twice to the Jaw. Firpo showed a slight cut under his right ey*. Willard took several blows to the head a* the round ended. Kigltlli Round. Willard came out of his corner to take the aggressive. He landed two left Jati* to Firpo* Jaw the latter clinched twice, apparently tiring un der the relent!?** pace he had set. Rut a* h* drew away from Willard, lie suddenly launched a whirlwind drive to both head and body. Sensing this advantage a* Willard * guard dropped from a Jolting right, Firpo rained a volley of rights and lefts to (lie head. Willard tried to ward off Firpo’* drive but hi* de f'naive tactics were Ineffective. A powerful right straight to the chin -ent ltlg Jen* reeling back to the rope*. Dazed arid groggy he dropped “lowly to one knee. He shook his head much a* a big mastiff might, <* the referee tolled the count. Ho ■lied to rise' at eight hut could not lift hi* big hulk to hla feet. He was lifted to hi* corner In a daze. Frontier Boosters Coming. 1 lelr g;itIon of Whit# River, H. D.. boosters will he In Council Bluff* Wednesday, July IS, between noon and I p. m. They will he met by a delegation front the Commercial club and entertained at the Chamber of Commerce. The delegation l« adver tising the 10th frontier days celebra tion to he held at Whlta River this \fall. Off to Rainbow MpH. tlen. Matt Tlnley, Sheriff P. A l.ninaon, William Bonham and Rob i rt Wickham will leave tonight for Indiana polls to attend the annual re in,.mi of the Itnlnbow dlvlalon, to he In Id i herd. KITort will he made to i i i g (leneral Onurard, who com nriiidi'd the division, to Council uluny. ••l.ll)" llernmn. Omelis he»vy»el*M. .'tiff Kleiner nf Keel He In ene ■ f iti*- prel 1 mIner) bouts at Boyles' Thirty ' - I mi tali I H*rm»n kncu-ked not !k rr rn«r when they flrit met •• »b* WESTERN LEAGUE. G. A H. R. H. Pet. ! Yd#. Okla. City... 4ft S3 ft 32 .3ft* Bauman, Tulsa .74 201 50 10ft .304 Horan. Dm Moines 09 20ft ftft 110 .302 Blakesley, Wichita <7 321 72 lift .3flft McLarry. Dee M.. .04 33ft 09 121 .300 NATIONAL LEAGUE. G. AB. R. H. Pet. Wheat. Brooklyn ...00 271 54 103 .3A0 Barnhart. Pittsburgh 40 122 2ft 4ft .377 Hornsby. St. Louis . 52 19ft 4ft 74 .374 Fournier. Brooklyn. 57 223 40 04 .373 Roush Cincinnati 73 200 44 104 .371 AMERICAN LEAGUE. G. AB. K. H. Pet. Heilmann, Detroit ..70 255 59 102 .“Ml Ruth. New York . 75 234 70 90 .37» Jamieson. Cleveland 70 312 Oft 110 .372 Bums. Boston .07 231 43 91 .303 naney. Detroit . 09 254 47 90 .354 Buffaloes Split Double-Header With Boosters Des Moines’ Rally in Ninth Inning of First Game Beats Omaha, 7 to 5—Pinch Hitter Wins Second. By RALPH WAOXKR. When it conies to winning double headers the Omaha Buffaloes just can't quite make the grade. Tester day they went 50-50 with the Des Moines Boosters, losing the first game 7 to 5 and oopplng the second, a seven-inning affair. 2 to 1. Something like 500 spectators were In the stands and saw the Buffaloes lose the first game in the ninth In ning when the Iowans made one of their well-known rallies develop three runs, enough to wallop the Herd. The Buffaloes held the lead over Des Moines, 5 to 4 until the first of the ninth. Speece was hurling for the Herd and was working in fairly good fashion. In the last inning, Manager Corriden of Des Mbines called on his reserves. He sent Nel son In to bat for Whaling and this Booster worked Speece for a walk, Wheat batted for Williams and cele brated his appearance in the lineup by clouting out a single. Gorman lined one down to McDonald who threw the ball sky-high over first. The overthrow permitted both Nel son and Wheat to tally and sent Gorman trotting down to third. Me Tjirry then doubled, scoring Gorman with the seventh and final Des Moines run. , Mcljirry Doubles After McLarry's double, Speece journeyed to the showers and Pren dergast took up the mound work. He retired the side in short order and the Boosters finished a, good after noon’s work. With the score 7 to 5 against tlmm the Buffaloes attempted to put over a rally In the ninth, but with no success, O’Connor went In to bat for Prendergast and succeeded in get ting a single. Manush slso singled Blit all this happened after two were out and Kerr put an end to the and things started to look better, game by forcing O'Connor at second. Williams hurled eight innings for the Boosters and allowed seven hits, three of which we’re doubles. Jones relieved hint in the ninth inning and whiffed the first two Buffaloes The second game was a hurlcrs’ duel between Jones of the Iowans and Harry Lee, the star of Konetchy 's corps.- Jones had the best of the mound battle, allowing the Herd only four scattered hits, while Lee permitted the Boosters to collect seven. Omaha, however, took advan tage of Des Moines' errors and scored one run In the sixth and another In the seventh when they hunched two singles. Boosters Score. Des Moines saved Itself front a coat of whitewash by scoring a tally In the fourth Inning after one down when Horan singled to right, went to second on Manush's error, and scored on Kingman s single. The ial ter was nabbed at second trying to stretch his one bagger Into a double when Cullop made a good throw to the Infield Murphy got his second single of the game, but was forced at second by Koenig, and Des Moines' best Inning came to a close. Two errors, the second a wild throw to first, by fonts, allowed Manush to score Omaha's first run in the sixth. In the following stanza, after one down, Wilder went In to hit for Hale. Keel cracked out a sin gle and then Lee played big brother. Wilder taking second on the sacrifice and scoring a minute later on Manush's single. Kelly and Hickey Iron Out Troubles Ilf Internatlonsl >»w« Scribe. ■Chicago, July 12—Charges of dis honesty made ago ins! the president of the Amelrran Association by Mike Kelly, manager of the St. Paul club were being aired here today before Judge Kennesaw M. 1/andls, high commissioner of baseball. Filing of the charges has resulted In the temporary suspension of Kelly pending Anal outcome of the pro ceedings. Owners of the St. Paul club arrived In Chicago this morn ing to ha present at the hearing. The letter from Kelly which was addressed lo Judge Candia road: "Dear Sis: I have Ju«t now again read that publication about president Hickey anil I now see the meaning the reader would get. from it and I give you my word that when T talked with the newspaper men I had no such Idea at this language seems (o sipress. "I have known President Hickey more than 20 years and nobody not a fool would accuse him of dishon esty. I em terribly sorry this thing happened and 1 am going lo ask newspaper men to run the shove in hope everybody that re,id ihe other will read this. (Signed) "M. .1. KISCCY." President Hickey said thst he had no deelre lo carry the controversy further In view of Kelly's apology whlnh he sreepted and that he would reinstate th* auapended manager to —-—2- - » _ .a . .< Herman Floored by Kramer but Gets Decision Omahan Draws First Blood but Weakens Under Heavy Attack. By DAMON RUNYON. Boyle’s Thirty Acres, N. J,, July 12. —Long, long before the shades of night had fallen—in fact, while the sun was still poking around in the western sky, adding tan to the com plexion of the Jersey lawns—there was a big crowd Inside the arena walls for the Firpo-Willard fight. A lot of women were among the early arrivals and they had the good sense to bring picnic baskets full of grub with them. They dined nl fresco In their seats, while cash customers not so forehanded looked on en viously. A band climbed Into the ring and broke out into music. Jack Kearns, Jack Dempsey’s man ager, was there, red hot from Mon tana and still thinking a lot of things you can't print about the promoters out there yonder, who are doubtless retaliating by thinking about Jack. The manager of the heavyweight champion wanted to see if there was any husineas in sight for Dempsey in the Boyle’s Thirty Acres melee. Like Old Times. The hand played Jersey's state an them, “How Dry I Am," or anyway it was the state anthem in the reign of Edwards, the Last. It sounded like old times. The newspaper writers, many of them just back from Shelhy, held a reunion In the press section of the ringside. A lot of western writers came on direct from the field of bat tle In Montana to see this fight. Mayor Frank Hague looked the crowd over from his box and seemed pleased with what he saw. Irvin S. Cobb of Paducah, Ky„ was seen spread out over one chair and a half not far from where Eddie Foy, the comedian, sat with his wife. Socie<y Is There. There was plenty of society—so ciety of all kinds. The Long Island set that goes in for Meadowbrook and polo, and all that sort of thing, rubbed elbows with the Ixmg Island set that merely owns police dogs. Former Governor James M. Cox of Ohio was reported inside with a parly. Governor Smith of Vermont was another official reported on hand. Slate Treasurer McMahon of N»w Vork added to the official tone. Jchn E. Madden, the horseman, and Charles Sabin, the banker, were aaid to be among those present. Why Tex Smiled. Bill Wat hey caine in and as he struggled to his press seat, said 25,000 people were still outside fussing for cheap seats. This was news that brought another smile to Tex Rick ards smoothly shaven countenance. William Muldoon. chairman of the New York boxing commission, look ing like the picture of a stem old Roman senator, came down the aisle with majestic stride and took a ring side seat. He is 88 years young and was at heavyweight fight* long be fore many of the spectator* in the huge crowd were born. Scores of celebrities stopped to shake hand* with the dean of the whole world of "port. At Blight of England, substituted for young Hob Fitzsimmons, and went through eight jolly rounds with Tom Roper»of Chicago, The pair put on a tough slugging match, Tom in the third round displaying the first blood of the evening Roper came hack strong in the last three rounds anti had the better of the milling. Albert missed and in the seventh fell down and almost throught the ropes, lie was bleeding from the forehead as a result of the butt. Roper had a shads the heat of It at the end of the bout. Herman Conic* On. Tiny Jim Herman of Omaha and Cliff Kramer of California were the next i>air, with Eddie Dugan a* the referee. Herman, another paunchy man, weighed 218 pound* and Kra mer 195. Thl* wa* a fast affair for big men. Herman punched Kramer solidly In the body with hi* left, but Kramer eame hack jabbing with a left, and tiling* were about even in the first round. Their heads came together and Kramer fell bark with a gashed forehead. Toward the close of the round Herman connected with Kramers chin and Cliff wa* in had shape af tile flnlsh. In the second Herman fairly butchered Kramer with hi* left, but t'liff was game, and kept trying. Herman I* a mighty deceiv ing gent. For *11 hi* paunchy ap pearance, he move* around like a lightweight. Herman hammered Kramer all around the ring In, the third. Then presently Kramer nailed Herman with a right to the chin that rocked liny. The fat Omaha man gathered a lot rtt respect for Cliff's right after that. Herman Floored in »h« mxtn nt a moniMit wlim Merman was attll mauling Kramer, the Californian suddenly nailed Tiny right on the ear with a terrific right. For one full Instant Herman hung poised and then fell face forward lie took a short count, prone on hie face, climbed up and fought on Kramer knocked him over again and again. Herman got up, pulling himself up right on KrainerV |cr Tlie |,„|| found Herman flahimg back full ously. The round gave the crowd a big thrill. The seventh anil eighth rounds were desperate sessions Merman made a marvelous "comeback" after his knockdown and In the opinion of the writer he outscnred the Califor nian. A slx round bout was now pm m loe Humphreys announcing that \\ it. lard and FTrpo would go on \t, Johnson and McAuliffe last Mils scheme being employed lo dribble the crowd out. The same plan was em ployed at the llempsey I'arpehtler fight, hut only berame a threatened rain hastened the big bout. Van P»ke .lohiis and l.een »le 't'nrrenne, Seattle i v M'Mltli amt i; II Caere ef Vac It i , for the tennis doubles ehsntj'lonihtp ef the nttrUinest |s » t»vray Utid at Seattle Annual Canoeing Championship Will Be Raced at Carter l^ake The first annual city canoeing championship will be held at Carter lake on the afternoon of July 22 as the feature of the boat regatta held under the auspices of the Carter Lake cluf) and “Doc” Weeks. The sched ule for the water carnival includes races for canoe artists, motor boat racee and sailing competition with prizes for the winners In each event. The main event on card is the canoe championships. The canoe paddlers will be given a chance to enter the one-man race at the quarter mile distance, one-man races for the 100 yards and 220, while two-man races will hold sway at the half mile and the mile distances. The race course will start from the Municipal beach and all races will finish at the Carter Dalle club house to allow spectators to view the finish. Any person in Omaha who has a canoe, sail boat or motor boat is ellgl ble to enter. This regatta has been held for several seasons at the club, but for the first time it is open to outsiders. At present "Doc" Weeks claims his "Bear lake" sail boat holds the floating honors for this vicinity and will attempt to uphold his title. There are many fast motor boats on the lake and some speedy time Is ex pected to be recorded In this event. The Jib sails will be hoisted at promptly 2 o’clock at the starts. Prizes and medals are to be awarded by the Carter Ij&ke <^ub. HITS m MISSES m m avFAtocs— First game; RES MOINES. aii r ii Tit mi sa nn PO \ E Gorman. **4223 1 1 0 4 2 1 C'orrldrn, If ft 0 2 .T 41 0 0 3 ft 0 Mclvirry, 1b 4 1 A60W I 10 0 ft Murphy, rf.4 1 2400 12 0 ft Horan, rf 4 0 1 2 0 10 2 0 0 Klugm’n, 2b 4 0 0 0 ft ft 0 I 10 Koenig, 3b 4 ft 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 ft tWhaling. e 3 0 0 ft ft ft 0 1 l 0 zaWTI'm*. p 3 1 I 10 0 0 0 2 0 donee, p 0 ft 0 0 O O ft 0 0 ft x Nelson .0 1 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 xx Wheat, c. I I I 1 0 0 02 00 Totals 36 7 ft 17 1 2 3 7> H 1 r Nel-on batted for W baling in ninth. xrWheat batted for William* in ninth. OMAHA. AH K II TB Ml S.\ BB PO \ K Mitnu-h. rf 4 I I 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Kerr, ss 4 I I 2 0 I 0 3 4 0 Wilcox. 2b 4 1 2 3 0 0 0 3 3 1 MeRon’d, 3b 1 2 2 3 1 1 0 12 2 Kon'chj, 1b 3 0 1 I « 0 I IS O' « Bon’wltf. ef 4 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 Cullop, If 4000000000 Wilder, r 4000 0 0 0 401 Speece, p 300000 0 0 30 xPren’gst, p 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 xO’Connor toiioooooo Totals 34 ~l "ft 72 1 3 2 27 12 4 xO’Connor hotted for Prendergast In ninth. Score by Innings: Rea Moines .001 000 JM—7 Omaha 203 000 000—6 Summary—Two-has# hit*: Gorman. Corriden. Murphy (2). Horan, Kerr, W 11 - ♦•ox. McDonald. Hun* and hits: Off Speece. 7 and ft in eight inning*; off Freft dargast. 0 and 0 in one Inning; off Wil liam*. B and 7 in eight Inning*; off done*. 0 and 2 in one inning. Hit by pitched ball: Kerr. Rouble play* Gorman to Melairrj. Struck out; By Speece. 2; by Prendergast: 0; by Williams. 0; by done*. 2. liaeen on ball*: Off Speece. 3: «»ff William*. 2; off Prendergast. ft; off done*. 0 I mpire*. den*en and Shanahan, leri on bases: Res Molnc*. 7; Omaha. 6 Time of game, J :40. Second game: RES >IOl NFS All K If Til Sll Ml 111! PO \ E Gorman s* | 0 0 •» 0 « « I » « Mrlerrr Ih 4 « I 1 0 O » 11 « JJ C orriden If 3 ft 1 1 0 9 S !! Horan rf *12200 0 060 Kingman ?b 3 022000330 Morphy cf 3 0 1 1*22252 Koenig 3b Wheat e 34S00JJ003J® dones p Nelson *s |OftOOQ.34 1 Total* 27 1 7 7 0 fi 3x20 13 2 n.M Ml V ARRII Til Ml SB BR TO 1 F. Manu»h rf 4122000101 Kerr •* 20000 0 1230 W Hrnx 7b 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 McRon’d 3b 2 0 0 0 0 O 1 0 « 0 Konetrhy IhlOllOOIJOft Honowttz ef 3 O o a 6 0 o 2 ft ft Cullop If 3 0 6 0 0 0 0 11* iHale e 50000003*0 l>ee p 16061 6 6016 xWilder 1 I J » «_n • Jf Jf JJ Total* 23 2 4 4 1 0 3 71 10 7 xTwo out when winning run was scored In seventh «Wilder batted for Hale in seventh. Score h> inning*: l>.. MoIum . 'J* J—J lilts .. IIO 302 ft— 1 . |||t« 06 I I •Ml v-4 (Called end of *e*enth by agreement » Summary —Rouble plat*: Koenig to Mclarn Nelson to Klugman to Me la rrr Struck not: By I-*#. Ii by done*. 3. >4 It with pitched ball: Hy done*. Konetrhy. left on ba*c* Re* Wotne*. 7: Omaha. 6 Impire*: -haimhin and densen. Time- It23. Firpo Knocks Out Willard in Eighth (Continued From Page OneA bell saving Herman as he reeled to the ropes. Kramer also had an edgt* In the last two rounds, although both appeared somewhat groggy at the final bell. Herman weighed 21* and Kramer 195. Prelim Is Draw A1 Bright, English heavyweight, s member of Flrpo's training camp and Tom Rc/per of Chicago, struggled to a draw in the opinion of most critics. In an eight round bout, the first pie liminary. Bright opened a rut over Roper's eye In the third round hut he was wild and an easy target for Roper's Jabs. Bright weighed 206 and Roper ISO. Johnson Wins in Flrst^ Floyd Johnson of Ilea Moines knocked out Jack McAullffe 11 of Detroit In one minute and four seconds of the first round of the heavyweight bout staged on Boyle's Thirty Acres tonight, ns an epilogue to the Willard Flrpo figlu One of McAullffe’s handlers sprinkled water on his back as he crouched near his corner, and when Joe Jeanette, negro pugilist, ruling as referee, signified Johnson «* win ner, fight fans thought he hsd dis qualified the Detroit boxer. It was announced from the ring, however, that Jeanette counted McAullffe out. Johnson, weighing 198, Against McAullffe’s 196, raced Into the light at the sound of the gong In n few seconds he had knocked .McAullffe flat on hi« hack and the thud of his head could tie hearfl si most on the rim of the giant saucer. In iKfew seconds more llte flying fighter!from Dos Moines had punched McAullffe almost through the ropes with a right to the Jaw McAullffe, entering the ring, dropped to hie knee, clinging to the ropes when he was counted out At this moment a shower of water fell mi McAullffe's liftrk from his corner and n chorus of rries rose from Johnson's handlers. Willie the crowd sat aghast at this dramatic instance, .lesneito pointed In Johnson as ihe victor and the fight ended Ilrlrn Hills to t.omprtr New York, July 1? Miss Helen W ills, 17 > ear-old tennis sfsr of Per kcdey, Cal., arrived here yesterday to prepare for a campaign of more than two months on eastern courts The young western girl Is tn be picked, it (a reported for the Ameji can team which will oppose four Pettish women a’ara in an Interna Monti I Tn.tlrh at I -tc i Hills \tgusi 10 and 11. as an introductory feature to tii# nntiynnl women's champion ships on August |;t l»r I' «u» II tint or. former I itllfomU golf 1 lisinn, Inal to 1 St»i| of M#>att|i in Mm ••r‘in*t round of Mm find I* for t h*’ I’d 1 ifi* Northwest golf rh«mi»tnniUUp «t Sr "Ml* y«at*rdsv after n gniolltitK 3l- hot* m*tch s*vrn dtytuica took in* h*eti out of Dr. HunUi, BASEBALL RESULTS 'ana STANDINGS/ WESTERN I.FAC.I K. Won. Lost. Pot. Win Lose. Wichita ..._ 47 .-’.O .610 .616 .603 Tulsa . 60 ."a .566 .591 .561 Okie City . 44 6 650 666 .,,43 Omaha ....44 3JI .637 .$42 ..*,30 Deg Moineg . 42 43 .494 .500 .4-% fit. Joseph . 35 47 .477 .*34 122 Sioux City . 32 46 .4 1 0 41 * 405 Denver . 32 62 H1 .31* "76 Vwiterdij’* Result*. Dee Moines, 7-1; Dm* ha. 6-7 Oklahoma City. 6. Wichita, ft Tu).«a. 6 St Joseph. Denver. 4: Sioux City, 0. 6TATK I.KAC.I F. standings. 33 T. Pet W. L Pet. .Vorfo’K 36 26.594 O’d Uland 26 ."6 4*»> Lincoln 39 31 S37 Beatrice ,1 41 431 i'airbury 27 24.521 Masting* .9 39 421 Yr*f erda > ’* He»ult*. Fa ir bury, 7. Beatrice, z Hastings 12; Grand Island, 5 Norfolk-Lincoln. postponed. raTn NATIONAL LKAGIE. Standings. W.L.lVt ., W I. Pet. New York 32 26 .669 Brooklyn * 36 '20 Clncin'ati 46 29 613j fvt. Louis 4» 41.494 Pit burgh 45 30.600 Boaton L'2 64 7J0 Chicago 42 37 .532 Phlla. 22 55 2*4 A eeterdaj ’» Results. Pittsburg?. 5-2. New York, 2 4 fit. Louis. 0; Boston. 6. Cincinnati. 2. Philadelphia, 6 Chicago. 2. Hrooklyn. 0 AMERIC AN I.FLAGl T standings. P New York . 2 ; 97fSt Loui* "7 ''.4*7 Cleveland 42 36 .7 3* r*hi« .go .15 4* <79 Phlla -7 :<f 4*7 Wash a: 4 4 421 Detroit 37 39 4*7 Bos n 2! 4 7 94 ietderdsf'ii He*,ill* Cleveland. 11. Philadelphia 0 fit Louis. * Washington. * New York. 1ft; «'hCag.j, h Burton. 6. Detro t. 6 V4M niFKN Ak*Oi IATIOV At Atlanta, 9. Mobile. * A* Birmingham. 6. New Orleans, I (Tie game rgiitti darkness > At Little Rock. 5 Nashvlle. 4 A' Chaltanooga. 7 Mcmph's. 7 COAST IF\(.tF Sacramento. 7, I.o* Angele*. 2 Oakland 6. Portland 4 Salt Lake * sin Francisco, 7. Vernon. 14 Seattle, 1ft Seattle Buys \ ernon Pitcher Seattle Wash., July 12. — Purchase of Weiser Doll, ceteran right hand er of the Vernon c lub of the Pacific Coast Baseball league, by the Seattle club for ?3.h00. is announced in a telegram received here from Charles J. Rockard president of the Seattle club, who Is in Ro« Angeles with the team. Dell. It was said, I as been dissatis fied In his berth with the Tigers and this resulted in waner proce dure. Jack Tesar, pitcher, has l»een sold by Seattle to the Tulsa club of^thc Western league, and Pete Ritchie, | catcher, lias been given an uncondt | tional release St. Paul (..lult I ratlcs Pitcher St. Paul. Minn , July 12.—Pitcher Tom Rogi re of the St Paul club of the American association has been traded to the Memphis Southern as sociation club for Fred Beck, first baseman, the local club announced tonight. Rogers came to St. Paul from the New York Americans in 1921. It was also announced that Catcher Dugan had been sent back to Bismarck of the Old Dakota league. The Turf If ednesday s Results. HAWTHORNE. Kit at r*rr & furlong* Sait on. 1 06 iAml>rm»| .101 4 1 J! Noon Hour, 1 1 2 l Mr l»#rmott) 1 « out Firat ran. IQb (Murke) . 6-1 r ill* 1 07 4 6 Fl***. H*cruP. Srod». Smart Uuy. Pol Pat Rapid Stride. Firat t'oimsfl. San Pablo. Monaun alao ran | S»- und r*rr 6 furlong* Elvina. I0» (Uarn^r) J-l }.g out Sunn!*. 101 lllurka) S 1 #v.*n Uutlilv Might. lir ll'nnn)! nut Tim*' 1 00 2-1 Rag* F e# Hand also ran Third rac# * furlong* Great .Inn. 110 (Garnrvi #\»n 1-5 out Ford Granite 106 (Mrl>«t mott). 1 6 out Allla Ocha, 97 ttlgrvav) *van Tim*; 1 13 1-6 Kuk Mad> Tantalu*. Apricot. l.ittla Smoke. Resting Tim# alao ran Fourth rar# 1 mil* Actuary t» (Heupdt. 6 1 J t I Rulia*. Proof. 11n (Sharp*» 1 7 l I.a«1y Madcap. 110 (Garner) out Tima 1 in 2-6. Fatting Sun.* John F Raarrton. Prlnr# K al*" tan Fifth rar* l l 14 mil*a P4v»rAity, ]0 tH#*«*h» 70 t * | 4 Sport am an. 102 < I my!a t . ... 3*1 «'#n R*i tahtllt v. i Harvey » 1 Tim*’ 1 47 Wood*# Mons tnarv Roh Staunch Hill Head, lira * Tr« *. t3rla#lda. Pet* Foy and Prut a I Mull#) alao ran Math ra.e on# and thr## sixteenth# tnlloa Haider. 106 iM-Hatmolt) « 6 13 14 ! .arty f .111 Win HO < Ha r reft) M #'*n Tunv H*#u. 107 tKarland). 2 6 Tim*. 7 00 (n*w track rarord) Reap, Smut# Rib lira** and Ilalu *l*o ran FMI’lltK CIT\ First race Puree |1.11«.20.2-year-old fil ths a*111n g five furlong* I *uc W ej 113 i Me rlnelll1. 3 1 e\en 2 5 Sanation, 112 (Hand*).. Poatllllon 110 ( Itoae) . U 4 e\en 2 » Time 1 ni Fad) Audrey High Prieat tM, Florence H Walker, Apology. Hilar tt*. Babbling. Peat, and Sletx chlmmi also i a n h -cond race The Spur purar. 3 vear-olda and up. mile and 7" yards Flannel Shirt I to till, el « 1 ? 1 1 .» Frigate. .') (Mgodn) 11 |0 4 20 out Mootiraker. 90 tt'allahani ■ 3 2 12 1* Time 1 4.1 Thimble Shamrock. Epi aode. Demijohn alao tan Third race Mares. I >ear olda and up. about sn furlon** Ml|i Star. 112 (Turner). * - ■ * 1 ' Ktppx , lot t lta bin » 1 2- 1 4 > Arrow Of Wold. 109 <Millerl 12 I 4 1 1 * Time I 09 Dolores. Amusement. Mary Patricia. Mormaw and May Blossom also ran Fourth race Puree |t o(Mt guaranteed. The Tarrytnwn 3-year-old*, mile Mutin' ion < Me A tee) •* > 12 1-1 SSTIIlam Tell 10* tt'allahani FI * * T-lt Home stretch. HIT 14 If! 1 Time. I 4i’ Hen Wood. Mark Twain. Amor Patriae and poughnreaan also ran Fifth rare Three \r»i olda an«l up. claiming mil* and "0 * ants Put ! m t Babin 1 4 1 1 1 I g Paula Shay, 9S tM«>one> • 12 3 4 14 « armen< lta in;. ti.Anul »'* I * * 1 to Tune 1 40 lied Fog* I rile Super. Fit t le Ammie. S. I* *• »T«w. Mai** An nil eraan etui W'arllUe ale*' ran Six ra*e Two year olds, claiming. Use and on-' half furlong* Soub> rt te |nj tHah'n) «'» 1 fc .« 7 10 Fur m, 107 t F. Fa tor ‘ I 4 evm 2 a I.title Thistle 10 A iMarlnellll ii*' M Tim* l .91 Id Tickler. Attention. Spontaneous Out ntar Sapphire Te*. Dorothy IF an and Inn SiuKh ai#g ran St. Louis Browns Win Third Game From Nationals Go Into Three-Cornered Tie for Third Place as Re su It of W in. Rt Louis. July 12—St. Louis went into a three-cornered tie with Philadelphia and Detroit for third plat • as a result of defeating Washington today for the third straight time here. S to 5 After pitching five hltleas Innings. Davis Weak ened In the aixth and seventh, when the Senator* tied the acore. S' hlelbner won the game in the eighth inning when he hit a home run with two men on bases. Leibohl knocked a circuit drive in the seventh Inning with one man on has**. Sain Rice. v. ho was Injured yesterday when he crasher! against the pavilion m attempting to rate h a fly. was back jn the lineup today. Williams had fodr hit:. in aa many times at bat. Score: WASHINGTON. ST. LOUIS AB.1I.O A. AB.H O A I,'bold, cf 3 1 0 0 Tobin, rf 5 u 3 " Dig*. Ob 4 0 1 1 Gerber, as 4 2 2 4 Gordin. If 4 1 2 1 W hams, If 4 4 l, n Rice, rf 4 1 3 0 J’bson, cf 4 2 1 J G'rily, lb 4 1 7 u McM's, 2b 4 2 1 1 Harris, 2b 2 0 6 4 S'reld. t 4 l 7 n O'Neill, 2b 0 0 0 0 Kzzeil, 3b 3 0 0 3 Peck, *g 3 0 3 4 K sort. 3b 0 n 0 I Rue), o 4 13 2 Hch'ner, lb 3 1 * 0 Zachary, p 3 2 0 1 Davis, p 3 10 1 Russell, p 0 0 0 0 D'forth, pi 10 0 xEvan* 10 0 O' zCoihna 0 0 0 0 xH grave 1 0 0 0 - -j Tola!* 36 1 4 27 10 Totals 23 7 24 11 xHatted for Russell in ninth, x&atted for Lelboid in ninth Batted for Kxxell in eighth. Score by innings Washington .000 fifi r-0—r» St Ixmia.Ill *20 03x—H Summary—Runs Liebold (2E Goailn, Zachary 12), Gerber »2t. Williams Jacob son, McManus. Robertson Schhebner. Error* Bluege. Gerber (2), McManus. Two-base hits 11 il Marin, Gerber, Sever eld, Gharrity. Davis. Danforth. Home runs: Liebold, Schltlbner. Stolen bas**: Robertson. Double plays Harris to Peck to Gharrity; Peck to Harris to Gharrity. Left on bass* Washington. 1. St. Ivoui*. S. Rases on balls Ogg Zachary. 1; off Russell, 1; off Davla. 3. Struck ou’ By Zachary. 2, by Ru«**:i, 1, by Davis 4. by Danforth. 2 Hits Off Davis, •> in 6 1-3 innings, off Za'hary, 12 in 7 innings, none out In eighth, off Russell. 2 in 1 inning, off Danforth, 1 In 2 2-1 inninga. Hit by pitched ball. By Danforth <Har ris*> Winning pitcher Danforth Losing pitcher Zachary Umpires Hildebrand and Ldnneen Time, 2;0» New York Take* Third Mraight. Chicago, July II—Inability to hit Bob fihawkey in the early inning* coup e«i with a heavy bombardme t by tb«* Tan ker* whtch drove Ted Blan k en ah! p ft (he mound, enabled New York to make it three srra /ru from Chicago today. 10 to € Fhawkey started the rally which put tha league !*ader* on- in front when he opened the thirl inning with a tnpie and finished the job by ra* King out a double on his s*-ond time up !r. ho inning, clearing the ba*-• w hich werg filled Ruth cracked out h'* 20th homer of the season with a mar on 8' re. NEW TOR •<. CHICAGO A li H < t A ADD O A H'dr ks. If 6 3 1 o Hooper, rf 4 3 2 0 Dugan. 2b 6 2 11 M'O |’n «« 4 12! Ruth, cf 6 2 3 ft Kamm. 3b 4 1 0 1 Ptpp. lb 6 14 0 Mostil. rf b t 4 » Smith rf 6 13 <> Sh^ly lb 3 < I 1 Ward. 2b 4 1 6 - Falk ff 6 0 2 0 H'-f't!, sa 4 113 Happy 2b 4 I 1 2 B'ng h. c 4 0 7 0* Graham, r 4 _ 7 ti Sh'wkey p 4 2 0 I B k'nshtp p 0000 —-Lyon*, p 2010 Total* 41 1 3 37 8 rStrunk 13^0 Mack, p 1 0 « l Total* 37 II 27 6 rBatted for Lyon* in seventh. S< ore by inning* New Y«rk .. ..0*7 001 ftor—10 1 hi' ago . . .000 000 60!— f Summary — Runs: Hendrick* <21, Dugan <2». Ruth <?) Smith. Ward. Scot* Shaw kev. Hooper. Kamm. Happeny. Graham. Strunk Error* Smith. Scott Rengougli. Kamm. Two-base hits Hendricks Mm tit <:». Duga'' hhav ke;. Three.base hit: ''hawkey Home njn Ruth Stolen base* HenflrL k*. Ward Smith 8acri fle# hit MrCltlias Left on bases K«J York 6 Uhi* ago, 9 Bases cn h- • L»ff I.yon*. 2; off Shaw key. 4 Struck out: By T Blankenship 2, by Mhawkey. *■. by Lyons, 2 by Mack 2 Hit* ‘ *Tf T Blankenship. 7 In 2 1-3 innings . off Lyons, ft in 4 2*3 inning", off Ms 4. I'-m* n . inning" Balk; T,>ons Losing pi'- hvr; T Rianken*hlp Umpires M *r. atity and Nallln Time 2.It. Indian* *"hut <»kt Philadelphia. Oieland. O July 11 <'!evel*nM made it *hr'e straight from Philadelphia to ri*’ winning II to 0 It was Mortons second eu'ceaajva *hutou* of the Athletics a* he blankel them. 6 to 0. in Philadel phia aat month Score PHILADELPHIA CLEV El AND AD H O A AR H O A. M haw*.of I * f> Ja ;e#on.lf \ 1 1 ft lehesf.tb 1 4 ! ft* Perkins r l ft * i Speaker,cf 4 2 ft 0 ' -e ’ • * 4 0 n <• Meph n,2b 4 1 4 4 Rtc’da. b 4 12 0 Lutake... *> ~ 4 MeO'n.rf 4 10 1 3 1 « • Dyke" n * 0 1 3, <» Nelil.c 4 l ft 0 Harris.p 2 0 0 ’ Morton p 4 f ft 0 Kellette.p 0 0 0 U - all a I* 110 0 Total* 14 13 27 12 Total* 31 6 14 I xHatted for Harris in eighth. Score hy inning* Philadelphia . . 000 000 000— 0 Cleveland ...... 401 010 06a—11 Summary — Runn Summa (2L Speaker <2». J Sewell t2». Stephenson <2L Lutake. Brower. Morton Errors Perkin*. Riconda. Stephenson Two-base h f t *■ 0 N«H1 (21. Speaker, Sewell. Stephenson Three -base hit J Sewell. Home run Brower Stolen base Lu'xke Double play J. Sewell to Stephenson to Kroner Left on basts Philadelphia. 6. Cleveland. 9 Pa*«* on ball* Off Harr *. «, off KeJIette. 2. off Morton. 4 Struck out By Hart la. 4. by Morton, ft Hit* Off Harn*. ft in 7 Inning": off Kehette. 6 tn 1 inning Passed had «YN**l! L->rlng rltcher. Harris Umpire* Holmes and ‘ wen*. Time; 2:12. Boston Non* O11I Detroit Detroit. M-h. July 1?—A fghtlne finish hy Detroit fell one run short of enough to tie the score and Boston n o toda\ » gain*. 6 to 6 Heme run* by Purns. Harris and Flagstead featured the Bo* on attack. Manager Cobb used five pltc l.r re Be or* BOiTON DETROIT AB H O A All H O A F ater. ** j * 3 4 Haney, 3b 1 1 0 Rejrhle. cf 4 { 1 V Cobb. cf 4 110 y steed, if 4 3 1 1 Manuah. If .113 0 Burns lb 1 1 10 1 H n»ann lb 4 2 A 3 Harris, If 3 1 0 0 Veach. rf 6 1 1 ft M M n, 3b 4 ft 1 1 Pratt, 2b 4 1 4 3 Sh k*. 2h 2 ft 6 I Rignev. *• 1 3 1) mer. r 4 0 ft 1 Haasler. c # 3 .’ .t F*r son. p 3 1 o 0 H way. p 1*13 ejutnn. p onoo Uni#, p 0 O 1 1 | — _ — Olsen, p 0 0 n •» j Total* 2ft » 17 I! Franris. p 0 0 - 0 Well*, p « ft o * • rerglR 1 A 11 0 ? \Y ood ail o o 0 ft | «Maninn l 0 »l ft tJ one* 0 0 0 0; Total* S* 16 17 16 rBatted for Holloway In fourth, r Matted for Olsen tn seventh sBatted for Francm m eighth rltan for P att in ninth s« ore by inning* Boston ... oftft 4'i f*00— , Detrr It . .yt . . , . ftftl 00O 1 Mumniary Run* Few iter, 1'lag* «d tl>. Burn* (2>. Barr * ll.incv «r >. • <2 1, \ e« ii Error Devortuer Two-hase t»ii" t'obb Bassler 4 2 >. Home run* Ruin*. Harris Fiag*te«d Stolen ba*» * I'ohh McMillan Sa< rtflce h't* Pha.ik* Usllmanti Double play* Rignev to Prat* to Hellmann t2). Whanwks to Burn# l.rft on bases Boston 2 Detroit, 17 U,<sea on balls Off Ferguson. 4 off llft11o"J>. 1 off < It off Wi ' i rutk Kin By Ferguson. 6 bv Hollow a\ t, by Well*. I Hit-* «*ff llolow a\. 4 in 4 Inning*: off J In 3 inning*; off Well*. 0 in 1 innlna, off t «<|* 2 in 1 Inning off Fran i", i In I inning off Ferguson. If* »n " " 3 Inning*: (>ff tJulnn. ft In 1 * toning IDt by pitched ball By l>rcu« n (M# nuah • 'ft''Inning pltchei Ferguson 1 •• ing pitcher Hollow a* L'tnpstr-* Ro w and . ami Even*. Time, f 20 I ^©rfletcPv John H Keerrinn one of ••Rill*" Ne*«e| houe' thoroughbred t utin*r» wg« «n *!%.» en *t Hew Minute teeterdft* Abadan**. h# C n Irwin runner. wgi* inmhni lleinle Mmnnli. former tlutfnto renter •* I d e r now with Detroit, hut *rt • heme to piny firm for the Ten* *• ordlng in nn ennoum eiuent mid* hv it o»*l> 'Imui-h p m> e»| fuel bn** fm ]►* out hern IrMgue eltih one m'flmtu lommt t «lh hone didn't hmr n »>iu nn* » nr in\ on whet he got #< hell* Muskogee hne b«*«n offered two or three* ’renehleee in the WeMern imoi |«in*n hut h* tlou I h western league n>egnet»n refna* n telegas th» town from lheir organise lift. American Association St. Paul, Minn., July 2f.— Toledo . * 14 * *t. Paul . * 12 a Batteries: B<;dient and Anderson Hall, Napier and Allen Kansas City. Mo., July 12 — LouUville-Kansaa City game postponed, jam. Milwaukee, July 12.— Indianapolis . 1 7 1 Milwaukee . 4 11 0 Hati'.riea: Bono and Krueger, Lindsey and Hhinault Minneapolis, July 12 Col urn bus . 9 14 1 Minneapolis . 7 2 1 i Batteries; Gleason, -Northrop and Hart ley: lipple. Mari a urn. Schauer and ib.rr. Wichita Team Badly Beaten Wichita. Kan., July 12.—Payne held Wichita at his mercy and the lzzies were only able to total three hits, uaUhoma City winning, 5 to 0. Score: OKLAHOMA CITY.| WICHITA. AH.H.O. A.| AB.H.O.A. Hock, rf 4 2 i u Smith, rf 4 ] 3 ij M N’ly, 2b 4 1 ;s 3 Conlan. cf 4 o 6 ( Kelber. If 4 0 2 U Griffin, I'b 4 0 14 L d r's, lb 4*2 13 1 Bk’xC.lf 4 0 3* Roche, c 3 1 l 1 M D w ], lb 3 13 1 G Kl’di. cf 4 0 2 0 Butler. 3b 3 4 1 J Tate. 3b 4 2 13 Be< k. •• 3 0 13 Wlndle. S9 3 0 2 4 < **ey, c: 3 1 3 J Payne, p 3 0 0 1 M N mra p i 0 0 J --1 Musser p 0 o 0 o Totals 33 « 27 13| zGregory 1 © 0 0 Total# 31 3 27 11 zBatted for McNamara in eighth •s' r« by inning#: Oklahoma City .002 210 0©0—5 Wlchira . .eoo ooo 00o—4 Summary—Runs Hock, Ludrrus (2), R'-rha, Windle Errors: Tate (-> Wind.#, hriuth. Two-base hits Tat*. AfcNanly. Roche, Casey. Three-bas* list Luderua. -toiea base Payne Sacrifice hit* Mc Nally. Payne. Double play: Lud*-ru% i*j >V mole Left on base# Wichita. 4. Okla homa City. 6. on na!i* Off Mc Namara, 1. off Musser 1 Stru- K ow : By Pa: ne, 2 . by McNamara. 2 Hi**. Off M'Narnata 3 and 5 runs m * innings H:t by pitched ba!J: Hcck. by Muss* inning pitcher: J ayne Losing pitcher McNamara Umpire* Held and Gaffrej Time. 1:22. 1 »en \ er Mine Again Sioux City. July 12 —Denver made it four straight from Sioux City by taking the fins! game of the scr ** 4 r,, n Brown held the Parkers to six scattered hits and waa never in danger. Score DENVER SIOUX CITY _ . AB. H.O A AB H O A Lagan. ib 4 1 1 © Moore cf 4 i 4 M' P e, 2b i 2 2 2 Grover ,f 4 0 0 B en, Cf 3 0 4 © Palmer 2b 4 2 _ 4 If mor.d. <3133 M*lz lb 4 "13 Hlgbee, It b . i 0 McD d, 3b 2 «» 0 < Purcell, rf 6 1 0 1 Query, c 4 0 12 Young. .1 1 1 3 Burke, rf 3 1 2 f I/ Ib 4 «12 I b’child. as 3 0 3 1 Brown, p 4 3 0 3 Ra* sen p 3 2 1 l Totals 26 2 2 2 7 I “ To*a s Tl ~l 7? 14 Store by inning* r ^nver .. 002 101 100—4 Moux City ©10 000 000—0 cumrr.ary—Runs Ragan, OBrjen. Pur - ell Brown. Error* Ragao, Moore T»o ' *"** hit# Ragan. Yoar.g Hlgbee >.). S% .-if e hit Young Dour e p.ay Me-a '» Fairchild to Metz Left on base* Denver. 1] S.oux City, fi Bases on bal.s ■ tt Brown. , off Rasmussen. 2 Struck By Ujo»r, . by Rasmussen 1 Hit ty ;> "ched bail By Rumtu^n tRagsni 1 pi res Andersen and McGi« » T me. 1 29 Oilers Bent Saint*. T as Okla, July 12.—The O.ieis msda ’•t three games out of the fnur-gan.a *•<♦■* h»re th.s afternoon by# defeaur g the 24a:nts 6 to l Yank h:t *;a D.'th home rur of the season 8«*ore. ST JOSEPH | T L'LSA. AB H.O A , A B H O A. O'sep lb 4 l 7 ; H r.t |f-ef * 4 © I -e w S n, ’t 4 1 . . -t rt 4 12 1 !*#*«, rf 4 1 1 © Dav^. rf 4 3 0 0 '•liiter .f 3 0 0 «.* Lamb c 3 © ] • 1 Nufer. 2b 4 I 4 b Tp*OB- 3b © 0 0 ** | Brown, ** 4 2 3 4 L * it. lb 4211 Hoi hr. 3b 4 © 2 i H mar 2b 4 2 4 2 1 Pi*' e c 4 2 4 - LeLel. s* 5 0 2 4 ; ilaid. p l " 1 li Croaby, c 4 2 J 0 I *' swk. p 0 0 0 • McL gin. p 3 2 1 J .K dier 1 © • 0 - -1 Tot*:* 24 24:7 II Total* 31 i 14 17, T x Bat ted for Hald in 7 th. Jrcore by ;nr.;ngs. St Joaph __ ...... '?© 21© ©•©—J Tu>* .2 '■’& 102 1 •-’*—f Fumn.ary—Runs. Miller, Magee, bier*-*. Bennett. Davis (If. Bauman. ' r0sby, M. I-aughlT. Error#. M>er, Thompson Home run: Davis. Sacrifice ! :t* Ha d. I*-*, Thompson. Stolen ba.*-*s: Davis. Bennett Double plays. litu i*\ an to Lee io Leiivelt: Lewan *o I :*r e to HoUahar Hit# and runs Off Haid. 4 rir* 12 hi** In six inning*. }'.*•♦* -n ball* ’ft Mcl^* uf h’lr I, off Ha*d 2 off B;rkent»ock 1 btrufA out: Is Maid. 7. by .MrLa ighiln, 2 Wild pitch Ha d l eft on be»-» St Joseph. « Tu:«a 9 Umpire# Bo> !e and Burn I side. T: me * 1 :t>4. Hastings Defeats Islanders Again *. >« - d D - Neb, July if—Ha* nga made it :» • straight from Grand Island 's'. »"imrg a rageed contest. 12 to 4. 3\ hi * th* te m» *rre even on hits t).« Cut-* •;•*.» the ba'f when it m»»r r-»rs HASTINGS GRAND IS!.©NT). AR H.O A AB H O A II can rf : - 4 © Th’son 3b ;» 2 S 0 K’ins 2b 2 10© Buser 3b 4121 * 1 4 j Mata s* » 3 4 3 S w ss 3h ft 1 2 4 R man If » 1 2 © Tomes If « 2 3 © it Re*!y rf 4 2 1 0 • ***r | cf 2 n 2 © M dien lb 4 2 ft © Jb 4 1 © 3 G haul rf « 1 5 • K eyer lb 4 2 * © Rarry r 4 1 7 © Cheek e 2 17 1 Ferris p 1 © © 1 Reck p X 1 © © Hoetker p I © © 5 Ton,-. «« 1J tt n| Tot. • 41 ' £ IT « Score by innings Hasting* .1©© «2© ©12—12 Grand Island .©01 21© ©1©— i Summary—-Rur* Hogan <* Shaw. T-' f 's«sell Noark Echtermeyer «*». Cheek Re-k t2> Met*. Bowman M*d s*n. n*Re«iiy t2* Error* Ep,#y **). Thompson <2>. Meta. Barry, Hoetker T wo - base hits Tomes. Hogan Home runs Met* Bowman Stolen Tome*. Cheek. Rvek. Buaer S»rrtf*«-ee No*rk. E«*htertr.*>er. Cheek (3' Double p al ifoetl • to Meti to yfadser l^eft on has** Hasting* 14 Grand Is'an-1 1 ©. , Rase* on balls Off Ferris, t off Hoet ke-. 4. Struck out By R-rk ©. bv ' Fe-r'*. 7 'n 3 Innings (non* «-»ut tx fourth): ff lfor»k»r. < in © inning* H f n '1 pitched hall: Rv Reck. Buser. h\ Jl rk«" tNisse’l Echtermeyer PkmvI bail Rarr> losing pl»<~her Ferris I’mpire Meyers. Time 1 ig lairburv Hn»u H**trir* Ftirhury, Nob, July 1J.-—gnirhury wen from Beal fie* 7 to ? The Coyote# jumped *>n MrilUl in th* inn Ire for »«*x rn bu» and f. v* run# Score BKATRirr PATRBURT ARIMTA ARHO A 7b 5 ? 3 A\fe#3b’ 4 5 A 7 0 l. rv.ef A ft 3 A Beall, r A 1 3 ft Shafer Sb A 1 ? a M«*I> ott.ef t ? 3 *< Speaker.If A 1 n A Hud* » 1b .* * 11 ft Qu«nn *« * 3 * 5 Makin. 2b 4 113 M.C th lb 1 A < a «* 3 7 4 ? tvpaey.’rf “ ! ? S' 1 .o v leh. 1 f 4 a | a t’n*er c 4 1 < a C dula, rf 4 l 4 ft Midi!!, r 4 1 ft a H utetter i 4 1 ft l Total* 3* >24 A Tefal* 3t 14 27 1 ' Beatrioa . aaa #«2 ftST_5 , Palrbu ll \ Sunnnnrt Hun* Speaker ^uw". Me* <7* Be*!! Mel>#rm*'l’, Hugh*# ( 2' T ee i Kimr Hm1*»n# Tto b«M ho. Nt-e Meparn'oft Grodw-n Fun • lb'" b*#e I hit HudfftiR Horn* run Hudson# S* olen b«»e \|ee Stntfloe bit Me Grath left on bn#** Fairhury 7. Beatrice. ]1 Baaea on ball# «'ff Ho*, ’alter | Struck out Bv MoGUI, 4 ft' Koktett* r. 7 lltf by pitched bal! Bv H ■ *»! e* ter « McGrath. Pi*mp*ryl. b\ M. OB! ( Mae) Umpire* Strealor. Time ? 1* buck \\ t-iurr Benie* He Played With Team in South Chicago, July 1?—Buck Weaver f vhum* Whitt Sox player, reported to have hern with the Bastrop (Iji v semi pro train recently, today denied hr had ever played with the tram Wravrr drclarrd hr had not hrrr south of Valparaiso. Ind . sines Janu st \ I and Announced hia Intention <v going before Commissioner l*andi< tomorrow to deny thr report that hr wn* on thr tram with Joe Jackson. Kddir Olcotte and Hlsherg. all former White Sox players. t\an Ished from organised baseball sftrr ’ throwing the 1919 world aeries Iowa Stol«' (»olf Meet Cedar Bapids la . July 1? Sfn>n ' ti’Mial golf h\ Arthui Bartlett . f ot i tmmv.i in . and James \V lluhhel' 1 f !>es Moines and the defeat of Ko land <5. ltarjiN-m ixf Pom M*'ln«*M a id B 4 5 (Uiinsnd of Cedar Rapid*, featured thr plav In the second round of the annual Iowa state golf touma luent Ucvt today. Chicago Cubs | Beat Dodgers by 2-0 Score Toney Kaufmann Holds Rob ins to Six Scattered Hits and No Runs. Brooklyn N Y , July 1 3.—Toney K* jf r-.ann of the Chicago Cuba today dup.i ca'ed Alexander # feat of \esterda. In allowing Brooklyn an hita and shut'mg them out 2 to © On* Dodger a t 'n •hlrd Burleigh Grime# was touch'd for 10 hits Score CHICAGO BROOKLYN ABHOA ABHOA I Stmts ' f 5 3 h - Neim. cf 4 1 4 r, ‘ HTch'r.ak 3 115 Olson, 2b i 1 0 G'thrn, 2b 5 1 3 3 Berg 2b 0^* © © ' OTrr'l, ' 3 12 1 BQTthlf 3 0 4 . Krnif 3b 3 12 1 F ruler, lb 4 2 7 j rj-ghT, If 4 0 3 f TGr fh, rf 4 © ' H’hrote rf 4 1 2 1 Taylor, c 4 © 4 * l Eiiiott, lb 3 1 I ©. High. s* 3 14 K'fm'n, p 4 1 1 1 M r n. 3b 2 0 3. — -— Grtmee. p 3 3 6 1 Totaia 34 10 *7 12 xWheat 1 © © ft Total* 21 6 27 7 r.Batted fo*- Olaon in eighth. Score by inning* Chicago . ... . ...000 ©ft© ©?0 — 2 Brooklyn. .00© ©0© ©0©—0 Summary—Runs "‘a’z, KaufrflAnn Er ror-. McCmrren, Grilles Two-base hi** Grantham, Grime*. Kaufrnann N» * Stolen ba‘*s Hea’hgote V.' • •». S* - floe hitja Holio'her. Frib-rg Y. '.*» D'‘Ub> plaj Hoilocher to Grantham r« I Elliot#. Left on base# Chicago. 16. Brooklyn, 0 Base© on ball* Off Kauf mann. 2. off Crimea. 2 Struck out. L i Kaufrnann. 1 by Grime*. 3 Winning I a^her Kaufrnann Umpi**» V ' or :..k and O'Da;- Tin'. ; 41 Ht. l/ouia Beats Hoeton Bos* or., July 17 —F* Louie peered ** *n runt n the fifth inning off th« Dick Rudolph, today and defeated Bo*."' mak f It light victoria» Tha iror# v a* 9 to ^ Ragged fi©:di**r hy *he Bra'.ea and bunched hi*tfrg by i. */; j i • ere responsible for the outcome. Score: ST LOUIS BOSTON. ABHOA A B If C A Flack, rf a 1 2 © F* .i f 2 0 1 J Sib. If 5 4 1 © Powe cf 2 1 7 © ^ H'y lb-2b 4 5 3 3 S'worth rf 4 a e ft Fftu. as 1 © © 2 Mein*. Id » 312 » M> erg, 'f 4 © 4 © BoerkeJ, 3b 2 1 ! 1 Stock. 3b 5 X © 7 O'Neill. ' 4 1 5 © T r 2b m 3 1 3 © Conlon. 2b 3 1 15 McCdy. c 4 1 3 C Ford as 4 12 6 La van. *a 1 © 2 S Rudolph, p 1 © 1 • Bley lb 2 2 6 © MM a-a p 2 1 1 * Toney, p 4 0 © 5 xE Sm.’.b l © © © To*a'* 79 14 27 15 Totals 31 9 27 14 x Bat ted S for McNamara in nlr.'h. Scora by innings: Ft. Louis ... © © © © 7 * 7**—* Boston . .. . . . 1 ©© 1 ft© ©12—4 Summary—Runs F a- k. -T Smith 7 Hornsby Stock, Torpor'-er McCurdy Bot tomley. Toner. Felix <2>. Powell. Mclr nia. Conlon, Ford Errors. Ford <2> T»o bp*e hit* Hornsby. Bottornley. M-In- • (2). Powell Three-base hit J 8m:’h. Sacr f e h *• My era. Boeckel. Southw^rtb Doubie play* La van to To porter to lo'if to Hornsby: Ford to Mclnr * <2). Left o bas-s >* Lou s 5. Bos r 9 Ba»e# cn ball* Off Toney. 7. off Rudolph, l. Stru k ou* By gooey 3 by Rudolph, i by McNamara 7 H • Of' Rudolph. . !Lb « cr r g« none out in f.fth. off Vc^i -nar* ‘ in 5 inni-g* Hit by pitch*! h%|it By Toney 'Con or !.<*,*.-g rttoher Ru dolph Umpire*: Hart and Moran. Time. 1 4t _ Reds Shut Oat PhiUiea. Philadelphia. July 12—Chncr.-a" abut out Phladelphia today 7 to r Lucue b* d *he looms *o ?h-e* a-a **ered h’t*. Weven 'ao was m g-ea* foTm a--.d nei a safe*' wa« made of' h'm u*v the f.fth when Hargrave h * to th* b ea he-e for a hem© run ' neater Lord a r>e» r« •--ru t, pla>*d third tor tha Ph ea. Score* CINCINNATI | PHILADELPHIA A B H O A A B H U A Burn* rf 7 1 5 © Vr‘<*n If - © 5 © D'bert. lb X 1 ! © ** Wjl'mr of X © 1 * Bohn* 3b 4 © © 4 Walker rf 4 © 2 1 Rous h, cf 3 © 3 b Tier y. 7» 4 13* P'r/»n, if 4 1 1 © Rand »i “ 1 4 & KVn v 7b 4 1 % V rT^ach 1 1 © © Hgave. c 5 1 i 7 H ne. c 7©?1 r*v ej, it 3 1©? Holke. lh . ft f *> Lsqot, p 2 © © € Lord. 7a 2 ft I 3 — —-We’ert, p 2 ©ft © To'* • 2f « 7T 13 iWwnny l § n r Winters, p © # © <• Tota's 7t 3 7'! 4 zBgtted far W#»nert in e ghth. sBatted tf r Sand :n ninth. Score by inning* Cincinnati .©ft© tl© •*©—2 Pbladeiphia . ©0© CM ©•©— Summary—Run* Burr* Hargrave F ror. Le-d Home ru- Harg-a^e. >:» en b*** Burrs S*rr * c« hit. H»n n* T> *u-> e play « T ■'nt: t*» Faad to Hc'k T.erney to Holke ff» »»* to Holke; T eruey to Sand to Holke Iwft cn bs*** C*nctn»iatl. S: Ph.!.ade!ph?s ft Rase on ball* Off I^uqu* 4 off Waoer 5. F* ruck cut Rr I^uqae 4 by We atr I 1 Hits. Off Weiner*, i ir. » innings. e*f W.mtrt. 1 in 1 Hit by pitched *wi Wafrert. Umpire* E rr --an ard Ph *man. Losing p icaer We ne-t. Time i Giants and Pirate* ftplit Header i New York. Ja’y 17—The Near York G:anta and Pt’sburgh I'i*-»*es sp •# a '■•ub e header today the Virate* tak-rg the f ret. 5 to 3. whi • the G ant* won the second. 4 to J T ee Meadows wen his own gsrre t tha ft*r*t contest with a triple n :h two *n Sa*«*s while Tvayrnr * homer in *he : h -d m‘ng with Rigbee on f n added two runs to tha Pirates tota' In the ser-tnd gsm* the P -A*es go? two runs In the second on four hits and » wild r-tch With oqs run behind o th* fourth tha Gianta rushed »er : v.s wtnn.rg run* on )lf\.*» » h^ner a-* Gowdy s ting a w lh Utangtl sa second Sceff. PITTSBURGH f NEW YORK AB H O A AB H A R. M'nrll e as 6 1 X J Toong.rf X 1 1 1 S © 4 ft Oreh.Xh ill# R‘gsae If 4 16© Frisch :»* « j j Russel! rf 3 1 \ © Meuse' '? 4 1 1 1 Ta yner 3b 4 ? l 1 Steoga'.cf 3 1 * ft (irimm.lh 4 1 * © 4 © « R -gsJb 4 7 © * Jack*-»-»s 4 ft J 6 Schmidt.e 4 13 7 Snyder.r 4 © * ■*> a M'dow* p 4 2 ft 1 McQ m p © © © © -Ryan r 7 • 1 1 Tota s 37 11 27 II * onr»'l © © ft Jonnard p © © f © Totals 72 6 77 IX tRatted for R'sn in seventh S -e b\ jrn ng* Pittsbuegh . .©3j ©r© (taa_S New York ©* s r —9 Fummars—Rur* B ghee Trai r or Grimm Raw mgs < htTv'1* Ton ■ », Frisch Errors Va-anv e T**v. ne>~- Jackson b»*,» ^ ^ *nm Three-base !i** 'le«,trws H '»"• run Travnor Stolen bases « *r*s . Ru**er FaTifica }-, F-enge1 l"ub e r;>' Raw ling# *o Marann!)* ».> Grirr.m l oft on ba*e« New V .*k 5 Pittsburgh * Basra on halls Off MoGuillar. l cfl Meadows. 2. Struck out Ft Meade*» r by Ryan 4 by Jonnard. 1 ’ Hits v%?' MrQainan 4 :n 1 1 - * •nn-.p off Rxa ^ >n S 2-2 Inn no, off Jenna-d 7 *n 2 rn ga I n»jg pitch#' M viul Kn X m. pi’re K em and \'!i*on Tme 1 46. Second cam# PlTTSSl RliH XtW TOUK ... AB.M O.A | , M ' r *s 4 . 2 7 Yeung, rf 4 • c •'a-ey . ? 4 © s © Ureh 5b 4 19 Btgi'ce ' 4 14© ; h 4 © 9 t Russrli rf 4 © 1 ft Meuse:. If 4 e ' a Sb 3 7 • ? Stengei cf *. a ’ © a • t * m ni 1 b 4 :i© © K e 1 ! b - 1 t U:* r5 7b 4 « 7 ? Jack«on * © - - iloo.-h, r 3 ! 1 • Gow.H c S * * Adam*. r 3 1 © « Scott, p 3 j t © vBrnhart 1 ft © © __. __ Ba-rhart 1 © © © Totaia !•' *1*1 \ Mat tax t © © r ,nn Total* ?5 9 74 n. \ Hatted for Gnnch in n oth t Bat led for 4dama tn ninth Scorn by Innings P tTsburgh ©-© aaa ag, N ft" > ' > • I ft ; » 01 * 4 Summary — Runs Tr*»n.« RawVss Gooch, Youn* Meiisej ;» Mnnge’ y Rfn Ke.' Th-e.- s ■ 1 IT'S H ' "e run Me «* v .j,.. ».a. , T ray not Fs nf;.*e h*t ta.V* o • K Rawlings Varant ‘e to tir 1,-ft * h»ses New To , * riuebu-gh Base on I a!’* Off S. .HI, Struck out Bv F.-oot, 4 hv 4 dam* \ t p- n B' 'f Winning h • \ ■% r* p’t'her \dams Umpires. K -m and M son T *e 1 JJ Japanese Tennis I'laxer lose* Proxidsns*. K I . juij. n —Two msmhsr* of ths Japans** paxla cup ts*m put out of th« runnir* in ths stats tsnnls championship match s* at fhs Xcsnam Hunt cluh h* s today. M Fttkada fell hsfor* Orl . * . ' » champion. «o. $ 1<>. « t and Arnold Jons* Iwmt 7.rnxo Shimllu. I t s * * 4 klthsr Victors* m ihs msn'a s ■ Sics " ci s Is.uts || Vhalhslmsr of lx* ’•** Tss lm* XX hits. s Howard x shall How Twrk | li Williams X.*Is and lA«rsn. r. Boston IXTtKMrll" vt | » Vt,( r - **df a. * Svi’ieyii* Pviff*’.', J It* ion - s t* Ti rsnts T J h*».Ps, } • neckwt**. i. cm, >l