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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1923)
SALESMAN WANTED. SALESMEN—Are you satisfied where you are1'. I want to interview men of charac ter and ambition. I can assure the right man a managerial position in the largest organization of its kind in the world. I will be at Hill hotel from 9 to 4. Room 11«>s. Ask for Mr. Crlawman. * GENERAL agent wanted for Court of Honor Life Ass’n.; must have had salea and organizing ability; splendid contract to tfght party. Write Ray E. Snyder, 810 West 6th St., Waterloo, la. WANTED—A resident custom shirt sales man for Omaha. Neb. Liberal commis sion; good money to the right man; must he a worker. Write us. The Wichita Shirt Co.. Wichita. Kan. WANTED—Two young men with ability as salea managers; only those who can handle men need apply. Sea F. D. Brown-* ing, 308 Baird Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED^ MARRIED man, aged 28, excellent gar dener, lawn, nhrubbery and flower man, desires position in or near Omaha. Serv ices available at once. HA. 1216. Aak for Mr. Sargent. KXF. laundress. Bundle washing, AT 5201. DAY WORK wanted. Exp. WE. 0803. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FREE INFORMATION—About Trier chamlis© stocks, hotels, groceries, garages, bakeries, pool halls, restaurants. meat markets. elevators. creameries, drug stores, etc. Business Exchange Co., St. Paul, Minn. , FOR SALE—Modern equiped cleaning, pressing and tailoring establishment. Steady trade. Hood selling reasons. Ad dress Victory Dry Cleaning Co., Calla way. Neb. FOR SALE—Restaurant. Best location In tow’n of 1.700. on D. L. P., half way be tween Lincoln and Omaha. Fine equip ment. Dbing big business. Rifle range opening August 2. lgocls, Whit© Front i 'a fe, Ashland. Neb. WANT to buy secondhand store fixtures; must be in good shape; can use 50 feet 36-inch dry goods shelving; can use 100 feet furnishing shelving 22 to 26 Inches deep; also can us© floor chsps. Answer quick. Bert Kiesel, Fairbury, Nebraska. FIRST nn<l second mortgages and real estate contracts or other negotiable paper bought at highest prices. Address P. O. Box 1076. Omaha, Neb. BATTRRY station and full equipment for sale. Business is excellent. Forced to sell on account of health. Write H. H. Guth als, Talmage. Neb. CASH paid lor 2d mortgages on Omaha property. F. C. Horacek 4 Co., 640 1st Xat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 2531. FIRST class repair ahop. 3-room apt. ad joining. Dundee location. WA. 4330, eve, WA. 4147. FIRST and second real estate mortgages and contracts bought Mr. Laraon, 104 North 15th St., ground floor MA. 1106 (TEL.) —14 rms. for sale at a V»argain. Well 'located and furnished. MONEY TO LOAN. YOU WANT MONET DON'T PAY HIGH RATES We loan any amount up to $500 at the lowest rates. Can be repaid In easy monthly payments to auif convenience. We are licensed and bonded and have been la business over SO years, therefore jou are aure of a quick, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY 606 Karbach Blk. Telephone Ja. $295. Southeast Corner 15th and Douglas St*. DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, business strictly confidential The Diamond Loan c'o.. 1514 Dodge St. Estab. 1S94 MON EY to loan on automobiles. WE. 5463 or HA 0926. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. 6 4 AND «V. MONET Loans on Omaha Improved property at lowest ra’ea FRANK H. BINDER. *23 City Nat,JA. 2661. SECOND mortgage* or contracts pur. chased by Tukey Company. 620 1st Nat’l Bk JA. 4223 ^ WANTED to loan, $100,000 In or near Omaha, In sums of $1,000 to $10,000. F. I) WEAD A I> H. BOWMAN. 310 S 18th Bt . Wcad Bldg. AT. 0161. MONEY ta loan on farms and Omaha real estata. MYERS & R A INBOLT CO.. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 0746 SIX per cant, loans on Omaha residence*. Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. H. !*ougee. Inc. B18 Keelin* Bldg FARM LOANS. Largo or small, West Nob farms, ranches Kloke Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nat Bk. ■ i . — ■ OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Net. Hk. Bldg. JA 371j. LOW rate on city property; quickly closed. No monthly payments. JA. 153$. W. T. GRAHAM. STRAIGHT B-year loans. 6Vfc per cent. AMOS GRANT CO. *01 8. 18th. Arthur Bldg. AT. 8?80. 1 WILL buy mortgages and contract*. Gorkin. >48 Omaha Nat. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb 614 AND 6 PEER CENT—NO DELAY GARVIN BROS.. S64 Ora. NafL Bldg •^VYA^JTE^JTO^BORROW^ WANTED—To borrow $1.00*1 *0 $3,000 first mortgage on Omaha imnroved real estate, good ‘»*‘*:urity. Address Postoffice Box 1076. Omaha. DOGS. BIRDS AND PETS.^ UAL BITS wnfed for laboratory work. Breed not essential. Must he healthy. State number and price. Address, P. O. “Box 197, Fort Dodge, Iowa. FOR SALE—On** milk goat, Just fresh and two kids Call Black 2982. WHITE Angora kittens, male, 6 mo., $10. AT. 07 39. 1706 fro 1 Sth. THOROUGHBRED Rock chickens: furni ture and farm Implements. WA. 5181. w! LEGHORN chicks; the good k7nd7 Gradman Egg Factory, KE. 4294. 'fOR SALE_ MISCELLANEOUS. COAHY^lTvvlrgmi7S,^r^,SwneeTftT>,rfor^big * Single harness for hale, MA. 2626. ALL kinds of bottler for sale. Call AT. 3944 -41 i 1 inning St THREE colonies, 3 bonded Italian beet, reasonable KE 2352. 3704 Craig Ave. BOTTLES. BOTTLES. Nathan Steinberg, lr,l9 Harney. JA. 6166. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE—Household furniture at 511$ Underwood avenue, Omaha, Neb. Entire furnh-hlnga of thla excellent Groom Dtin-% dee hom*i. Owner leaving city on short nolle**. An opportunity 10 secure some i hot* e furniture at your own price .Sat urday. July 14. at 1 o'clock Remember the place and time Herman Hermmuen, owner; Ja ncj* Dowd. auctioneer. DAVENPORT and chair, al"o vlct., door and wall mirror*. new. rnach., » hifforobe. AT, r:*74 or HA 3 I fH . ONE porch swing and porch rocker. sec ond-hand bed mattreaa, bathroom mirror. Wa. 432 i. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKML8, H»h and Harney AT. 4NL GOLDEN oak dining room set; buffet 44 in. long; 4 chairs, china • Inset and table, almost new, $125. MA. 0454. PTJFtNITUIlK AT AUCTION. • This Afternoon and Tomorrow Night. DOWD’A AUCTION HOUSE. 10-PI ECE oak dining room pet and 4-piece mahogany parlor suite, Reaa 3411 Burt. COLONIAL br*p» bed. \VA. 6146. CLOTHING, FURS. ETC. l*'OK HAIiB—Men's unredeemed suits. la. lad * s' unredeemed dr-sses, IMtr. and $1 . incn'H and ladies' shoes, 60c. to Si 2516 N 20th 81. FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent .1 A. .<1 2*. H>9 .V 1 hi h »f rod, .1_Feldman. MUSk:A I. I NSTR.U M EN IS. 'IHAhKyouruHfTplanot^^ piano Haisnce bn low as Sin m*i iiiutitn. A. HoBPE CD, 1 f> 1.1 Doug I a a. TRUMPET for sale; good an new. Reas onable. Phone Ha. 1706. OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR~SALE. 5T rases, etc. Oinalm Flxtuie A Hupply Co* a w corner 11th and Douglas JA. 27*4. GUARANTEED tyevrlters. $7 60 and up, Ft. XL ihlaea Co„ 211 N. Sixteenth it. ap_col^mn:'::7 tPOOP paying business; hardware and sporting goods. In h* irt of Omaha; only honaflde valuta conskMed. Address 614, < imaha Bee «>VERLAN1>- Good condition, swap for four k4x4 wheels and tires and some cash. Address 8 tilb. Omaha Hee NT EARNS 'KNIGHT touring in first-claa* condition, cash nr trsds, waut small car. Addrasa 0-777, Omaha Bee. /A A .OLD DEAR. ITT GOING TO RETIRE OPPORTUNITY HAS KNOCKED W IVE PARKED FAX NOSE ON THE DOOR DOWN'. \ GOT AN OFFER GRINDSTONE LONG ENOUGH - I’FA IN THE FAAIL TODAY TO TRADE GOING TO TRADE THE SELF AROUSER THE SELF ARQUSER COFAPANY FOR COFAPANV FOR THE U.S. FAINT '. J~ THE PH. RANCH IN TEKAS ^ FORTY THOUSAND ACRES OF GOLD PLATED,OIL SOAKEO TERRA —m^nr THERESA CATCH \N VT SOMEWHERE -"MAT OFFER OlDNT CONTE THROUGH THE WANT AOS IN THE OMAHA BEE VIA. BET THERE MAY BE OIL IN j~ CTHE LAND BUT YOOLl BE THE ) Ml ONE TO GET SOAKED \ f R«ir1«t*r Trlbun# 8m 41m t# IW **«»»»*• - CANNOU BEAT THAT ‘ YAA'S OUST UKE A tAOUSE TRAP-SHES FVJIA OF .CATCHES \ IF \ BROUGHT HOYAETHE DEED TOTHE BRVTVSH \SLES SHE'D FIND SOrAETHVNGT SS-y’WRONS \N\TH IT ! . CUAAAi i ^COLUMN: TWO-TOM truck and cash for house, lot or what have you? 8-769, Omaha Bee. DIAMOND—Have 14 carat diamond, per fect stone. will trade for Ford coupe. S-622, Omaha Bee. 10 BELGIUM hares; pedigreed, for boy’s bicycle, or what have you? 8-774, Oma ha Bep. | FARM—160 acres improved farm Dawson Co., Nob. Swap for house or stock of goods. Address S-838. Omaha Bee. $15 CRYSTAL set complete, wMth $6 ear phones, for bicycle, or what have you? 8-775, Omaha Bee. LARGE lot 60x306 for equity house close in. 8-438, Omaha Dee. 1 r 22 FORD coupe; excellent condition; extras. What haVe you It Box No. 8-620, Omaha Bee. BALLBEARTNG grindstone, steel frame, to swap for 30x4 tire. Address 8-621, Omaha Bee. WILL swap, good lot. 43x140. for good used car and cash. 8-776, Omaha Bee. 5 ROOMS of furniture. Including piano, for car. S-616, Omaha Bee. TWO-TON truck and cash for house, lot or what have you? S-759. Omaha Bee. NEW Ford touring to swap for cheaper car. Address 8-772. Omaha Bee. LEXINGTON sedan for roadster. S-617, Omaha Bee^ FISHER piano for Ford car. 8-619, Oma ha Bee. WILL trade Ford coupe body for Ford sedan body. Address S-713. Omaha Bee. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desks, used desks bought. Bold and traded. J. C. Resd. 1207 Farnam. AT. I14f. ~ APARTMENTS AND FLATS. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo O W O O o UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. O O 3 rooms, Memmen apts., 2208 N. O O 19th St.. $20 O O 4 rooms, Memmen apt*., 2208 N. O O 19th St.. 130. O O 3 rooms. No 1 Sweetwood, cor. O O Dewey and Sweetwood Aves. (be- O O iween 26th Ave. and 26th Sf ). O O $40. . O O 3 rooms, No. 3 Kingsborough. 2538 O O Do,lge St.. 154 O O 3 rooms. No. 19. Kingsborough, O O 2338 Dodge St.. $»'0. O O 4 rooms. No. 3 TIzard Apts.. 23d O O and Davenport Sts . $45. O O 3 rooms. Tizard Apts., 214 N. O O 23d St . $50. O O 3 rooms. Tizard Apts., 214*4 N. O O 23d St.. $56. O O 4 rooms, No. 9. Flo-Les, 20th and O O Capitol Ave.. $57.50. O O 4 rooms, No. 10 Troy, 3009 Harney O O St . $57.60. O O 4 rooms, No. 12 Ivy, 2407 N. 16th O O St.. $60. O O 4 rooms and dining alcove. No. O O 20. Mt. Vernon. 524 S. 31st Sf.. O O 85.00. O O 5 rooms. No. 5 Harlan, 2301 N. O O 16th 8t.. $65. * O O 5 rooms. No. 6 Potter, 3261 Far- O O ha/n St.. $90.00. O O 5 rooms. No. 11 Mildred, 4911 O O Dodge St.. $90.00. O O rooms. No. 26 Mt. Vernon, 5.4 o O 8. 21st St.. $100 00 O *0 O O O PETERS TRUST COMPANY, O O “Where Omaha Renta O O AT. 0644 17th and Fapnam Sta. O O O 0 O oooooooooooooooooooopoooo TURNER COURT. Beautifully located. In one of Omaha's most desirable residential districts; 3 beds, built-in features, front exposure. Available at From $55 to $70. Jani tor. HA 6698. G. M. HAUSER. 3102 Dodge ,st.HA 7140. 2 BEAUTIFUL 5 and 7-room apartments, one with maids room and bath. 8. K. corner 50th and Webster. J.arge rooms, beautiful grounds, complete, janitor serv ice Garage Included Immediate pos session. 518 Omaha Loan Bldg. T H. Maenn'-r <*o.. AT. 3362. GLEXARLO APTr. I-ROOM all modem apt., one of t^je heat In the city, at 51»t end Capitol Rent, 575. see Janitor or call and 1 will lake you out _ EE AUSTIN AT n~4 _ u.u.r» 1-t Natl. T4k. Bldg. APARTMENTS AND FLATS—$35 to $120 W. J PALMER CO. . ^ vAL ESTATE management. A r. *» 9 SO. iveeline Bldg. NEW duplex flat, located at 2 4 25 La fayetta avenue, vacant 24th of this month -—$65, In heat of condition and strictly high clang, AT. 9900 F* ETE RK T R U ST COM PANT, 4_ "WHERE OMAHA RENTS.’* AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Bta. BEAUT I FUt. 5-room apt.; Chula Vista, $80; immediate possession. HA 4835. 2581 HARNEY ST.- Strictly modern brick flat. 6 rm*.. >60 AT. 0860 for key. FOUR-ROOM modern apartments, low rent. G. P Stehblns 1610 Chicago »t. FOR ONE Or DRAKE'S 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackson 3806. APARTMENTS AND FLATS. (For Rent—Furnished.) | HUNTER INN, AT 6960—24th and Dodge *$te. Home for traveling man and wife WELL furnished 2-room apt. Call efter 1 p. m. J2014 N. 23d St. _ HOUSES FOR RENT. (I nfiirnislied.) STRICTLY modern 6-room stucco rot tagr ; MV aied on 317 North 26th Ht. $45 a month; no children. HA 3136. SEVEN-ROOM modern house m good up to dale condition, well located FI A 7124. | 2$TH AVE. 9lg H room house, modern duplex < all AT. 2765 1966 No. 27TM- Eight rooms, partly mod 1 rn. $37 60 Edith K.trlr. 3X30 < b;irb« 7-ROOM bt'lek duplex, ell modern, garage. fall tin. r.86l. MODKRN 6 room houae, 14Bl Emmet flt. < all EE. 3107. 2668 t'UMING—7-romr* modern, $66. HA. 4411. HOUSES FOR RENT. < FtirnUhrd) FINE ft-room pressed brick per month. «11 flrai floor. $*<> ;.n* 8 26th A vc AT. Mi 2 9 t^TTAUliJ for rent at l.akn 1IA OFFICES, STORES FOR RENT\ INPI VJDl* AIj floor aoai.a In Industrial l»!da. bail ted. fireproof, daylight bldg I'aen. and fralgbi elevator nervier. i.nw roHt. low In*. light ami power wiring Ideal for light hifg. or other huatnaaa: I ■nr lines ua-.a corn- r WE 34t3 JUST COMPLETE!* Seven large atorerooma at 4nth and Far n;irn Four rented, three |e>ft Kent rea : aonable. RE ATOM REALTY CO. 201 Barker Rlk, _JA OQftl. LATHIF! office for rent; reasonable; good location. Call AT.^ 7M0 KOR rent, very d* irahio unite of office*, alao few email office*. (kill Room 400. Flint Nat Rank HMg FOR RENT—First -data automobile repair aliop. VVA. r>!26. OFFICE ond warehf>UHn room and Murage ■■f all kind*. A u i» 'ni I i ,i nafer Co, ROOMS FOR RENT ( Furnished) T\Vi» or thraa larg« rool rooyn, furnish ed complete, gaa range elec , laundry, everything furnished; walking distance. Mu«t La geen to be appreciated Call HA. 1*16 1'LEAH A NT front room, privata family. WE. 1014. ROOMS FOR RENT. _ WILLARD HALL—A residence for* self supporting young women of good charac ter and reference. Call Mrs. Flora Smed ley, Supt., At. 8T85. 1509 So. 10th St. 8111 SO. 24TH ST.—2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Rents $6.50. Garage If desired. Call AT. 2396. HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. THIRTY-FIRST ave. 124 R.. modern rooms, $4 to $7. Laundry privilege. HA 3719, FRONT room and kitchenette $6. also single front nn. $3. AT. 1313. TWENTIETH ST.. 4614 SO—2 furn rooms for hHkpg. reas, on car line. MA. 0965. CHICAGO ST., 1710—Cool, airy rooms by day or week. Everything modetoi. JA. 3018. LARGE front room: beautifully furnished Sleeping. $2.60. II. K.. $4.00. 223 S 29th. BRISTOL ST., 2503—Two nice rooms, fur nished. for light housekeeping WK 29»v MODERN sleeping and nousekeeping; reasonable, close in. Ha. 7584. W A. 2005—2 rm. apt , modern, south ex posure, everything furnished $35 GRACE ST., 2013—One furn front on first floor; for colored. WE. 4328. TWENTY-NINTH, 609 S. — Cool, nicely furn. front apt. Reas. HA. 0922. ROOM AND BOARD . ~ CLOSE-IN cool room for 2 in strictly modern home, hot water all th«* time. CKod home cooking. Reasonable. HA 7361. NEWLY decorated and furnished rooms for gentlemen: excellent home cooking; 1 Block from Hanscom pork. HA. 6097. FURNISHED room with private bath for one gentleman; board optional I1A. 1875 LARGE, pleasant rooms (or 2 with board. Hanscom nark district. HA 3166. HOTELS. CAPITOL Hotel, ill N. 13th at. Nice large rooms, hot, cold water, 60c per day and up. 13 per week and up. FONT KNELLE HOTEL, 16th and Douglas «ts. AT. 622C WANTED TO RENT. THREE refined adulta want three house keeping room* or apartment In goad neighborhood, with or without garage, at once. State price. W-44S, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE—DUNDEE. Dundee A Very Low Price Near 52d and Underwood Ave. we have perhaps the lowest priced home in Dun dee considering quality and six*; & rooms beside* sun pofch and sleeping porch; 4 nice bedrooms; also maids room, butler s pantry: hot water heat; finely finished throughout, and In excellent condition, now vacant; only $9,950. with $1,750 cash. Aak for Mr. Gilbert, JA. 5464. E. H. Benner Co., Realtors, 404 Keeline Bldg. * Dundee Beautiful new 5-room colonial home, largo living room with fireplace two excep tionally large bedroom* and tile 1 bath, second floor; garage and driveway, oaJt throughout; ivory finish; shade*. *< reens and shutters; all specials paid. A real home on good terma or might trade for a bungalow in Miller Park district Call Mr Hamer. KE. 4125. or AT 9940. DUNDEE BUILDING SITES. GEORGE A CO. AT. $024. DUNDEE homp, 7 rms., $7,760; owner leaving city. Must be aold. Burt C. Fowler Co JA. 1 424. REAL ESTATE—FLORENCE.” ri.ORKM'K KIKI.n tv11.1, soon nr: open. C. W, MARTIN i, CO. REAL ESTATE—Miscellaneous. There's a Reason Owner must sell beautiful new five-room all modern bungalow. Sacrifice price, $5,350. with easy terms Evenings phone KE. R0J1 KE. '.m or KE. $029. Equitable Trust Company, REALTORS, 1*13 Douglas St. . AT. 294$. 3712 NO. 48TH ST, Two-story, 4-room stucco house snd ga rage; large lot 60xl3'»; fruit tree*. #tc. Price only $3,150; $6no cash. Evening* call Mi Reed. K E. 5611. GRUEMG REALTY C0„ .1 A. 19*', f, T 4 0r> First National Hank HOMES for workingmen. Four room*, partly modern, full lot, easy terma. $1,200 Have others Htewart. Ralston tf-W. LET Campbell figure your new home. Right tnateriHls, workmanship snd price* 637 Keel Inc. AT. *0 41, NEW bung* low, $5.75b Call Bostwlck. AT. 1 606 or WA. 2404 HALF a- re, * room home. like new. electric lights, $2,950. Very easy terms. WA 705i>, evenings ALFRED THOM** A Son tVv. Realforw REAL EST^TE-NORTH~ MILLER PARK 2453 HARTMAN AVE. House and furniture. fi room bungalow I and Ice box room. I nge living room. I 13x1*, full basement flour dialn nttl- i Plenty of shade. Modern In every respect.] The furniture Is good: 2 hraas bed* and mattrtssea. ga* range. duofobl. 54 inch l Queen Anne dining table, six chairs, buff- t Ire box, 100 lb. capacity, 2 dlc^sera, *• w ing machine, 4 rocker*, Ap< * va< uuin rle^nsr. diahes, • urtslns. washing ma chine. etc. Pricing house at $5,160. 92.000 - ash, sn*l will give term* on furniture. Bhown by «tppolniment < all Woodysrd, WA :i77 7. WA. 312 4 SEAVEY HUDSON C0., AT too. _ 2:* » City National EVERYTHING IN A BUNGALOW • »n Florence boulevard, the prrttleat vard you have ee»n. Mix large room*, beautiful ly flnlahed and decorated. Fireplace, huge living room. Fr* nch doora to aun r*o»in. nlc# bath room and axtra inOHrr bath, erreened In porch. Firm lawn, flower--, treea an*f* hedge Double gaiagc Owner having city. Metier ***e t |i I n today. A bai gain at $7,50ft, easy term* fall D E BUCK & C0-, REALTORS 742 Omaha Nat. ,IA. 2*4 .1 Fvenlnjra; Hu«b. KK 24.14; Knvaien, .1A 0.1*.4 H'» x, UK a 17 2. Ollhc it. KK 575ft A FINEllOME WITH-" BEAUTIFUL YARD AND FLOWERS null t right, extra large lomna. all In perfect ord*-r. large baarmeiil and atth, A-Nu. I lint water heating plant. Furrier lot. paved afreet Mce It wlmn you |»«*a 2 4 f h and H-iratoga Mt. Duration 4D1® N 4th fit Fry* right and caay t*rnia Hhown by appointment only. D. E BUCK & C0-, REALTORS Diverting*' Hllbart KK 57ft®, Lovgrrn J A ft.10 4. Faul lt..\, wi: r.:»7^ Mlnne Lusa Ave. Btinf alow Five large room*, fliapla.e, bnob<e«<-*. tile bath, all o«h end enamel, jue* fin Inhed ami ready in move In f«<w corn para * 1th It u» abut* you , ©AfT ©ROTMfcrt* •VlilAL O UlLPEK* REAL ESTATE—NORTH. FEAR 4! ST AND AMES Beautiful 6-room, newly remodeled and painted: aewer, gn* and water in street, and paid for: attractive yard; 1 Vfr blocks to car. $3,500, $600 cash. 3123 Burdette St. — $25«) cash, $20 per month, buys splendid 6-room home, mod ern except heat and bath tub; garage; big yard; $2,400. CHASo W. YOUNG & SON, 1002 City Nat'l Bank. AT 0668. HA. 6051. Mr. Anderson. Council Bluffs, 3204. 5534 No." 27th St, Hood 7-room modern home. Cobblestone foundation. Screened-in porch. Paving paid. Priced for quick sale at $5,500. It's worth It. ■ Carl H. Roos Co., 506-306 Sunderland Bldg.AT. 6982 SIX-ROOM BARGAIN Partly modern home having six good-sized rooms, in new addition or homes. Price only $2,800. with $300 down and $27.50 per month. Do not fail to look into this bargain Call Mr. Pedersen, HA 5465. LOT BARGAIN, $675 60x126—Water, sewer, gas. walks, shade trees—25th and Rlondo—on easy pay ments. Call at 606 Omafia Nat’l Bank Building. WORK INC MAN'S HOME. Why rent when for $250 cash, balance $12 per month, you can own your own little home? Price only $950; located ISth, near I.ocust Acme Realty Co., 302 Omaha Nat Bk. Bid., AT. 4424 ; HA. 4028. 2916 Decatur St. Just being built. 6 room, modern. Priced at less thin $6,600 ar.d on term*. Don't fail to see thin. COLLINS CO, 403 Arthur Bldg. Office. AT 3321. Res WA. 0127. Builders of Built-Right Hornes. 8-ROOM modern home. 2420 Seward St., *-» bi"> k from iv r Priced right REAL ESTATE—SOUTH. Ten New Homes I have completed ten houses on South 32nd Street between Oak and Wright Streets ranging In prices from $6,250 to $9,500 for sale on easy terms. Open for inspection afternoons and evenings be tween 7,30 and 9 o'clock. C, G, Carlfeerg, Realtor, __ .312 Brandela Theater Bldg. NEW 6-room house; easy payments, small payment down, balance like rent. JA 43tt. Tesar A Tesar specialist In 8. Blde hom— REA L ^ ETE^-WEST^^^ FORCED TO SELL AT $10300 Owner must have money snd Is sacrific ing a good $8,000 for quick action Home located on Harney street. U Mock from Elmwood park and Happy Hollow boule vard. South front. Solid concrete porch. Extra heavy stucco construction Two >e;»rs old. Three large bedrooms and tlla bath shower. Extra lung living room with fireplace and book case* Panel din ing room, white enamel kitchen. Full basement with all modern equipment and extra large furna- •* Double garage. This Is the best buy we have had for some time. Original first mortgage of $6,000 now paid down to $5.$00. GEORGE AND COMPANY, REALTORS Atlantic 3024. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO O ° Sacrifice at $6,000 ® O Five-room, large, beautiful, frame O O bungalow, one block to Technical O O High school, one half Mock to O O Hari.t-y car line, hot water heat, O O large, long living room, large bath O 8 and bedroom, oak finish, beautiful O I ghr fixtures, plenty of fruit and O O shade A well-built, comfortable O O home, at a aacrifhe of $*00, In O O one of best neighborhoods In city. o O $l.20o will handle, baiame nmn’h O O l> See this today. It won't last o O t all AT. 5111 for appointment to O O sec O O AMERICAN* MORTGAGE A O O FINANCE r'O. O O 214 Courtney Bldg O O AT 2115 AT Rill o O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O $4,950 BUYS NEAT, MODERN HOME Five large rooms snd bath, well screened In front porch. All n<*wly decorated throughout, good basement with modern conveniences Pretty lawn and Urge shade t rep* East front dandy location. Paving all paid Owner leaving city will make very easy terms. Let us call and show you this. D, E, BUCK & CO., REALTORS 742 Omaha Nat JA l**n Evening* Gilbert. KK R78R; Ixjvgren, tA ft .-■•4; Paul Box. WE. $372. Buck. KK. 2 9 74. Two Houses $9,000. I2.R00 TASK One 6-rnofn square type. 3 blocks from *1 reef i nr, i block* from Technical High, and 4 blocks from Crelgbion university. It is strictly modern, has thr-e bedrooms and n double garage. The other i* 7 room mod erg except heat. Ha* 3 bedroom* and double tar •*■ The two houses ars renting for Pio per month owner wants to sell them tn gether Evenings and Sunday call W1 FIRST TRUST CO., 4*0 First Nnt'1 BK Hldg. AT «7ft — $13300 Brick dwelling with 8 Urge rooms snd i<- hall «»n 1st floor. * nedrooma snd hath on 2nd floor. 2 bedrooms, both snd billiard loom on 3d floor, everything fin Uhed complete for an ideal home; hot water brat, elaborate built In features, elegant fixture*, garage for one car. cor ner lot. HlxltV; overlooking Htsxrotn i {>ark . owner leaving city; rut price to Li.MiO. $4,009 -ash. balance time. Call ua for Inspection of this bargain. C, G. Carlber?, Realtor, ^ 312 Biamlrls Theater Bldg. WEST LEAVENWORTH 6-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE, $6,150 Attractive 6 room atrlcfly modern buns* low. ell finlehr l m oak. one car *«»*«<• • • front on 4*th . eolith of Leaven worth. Thl* la a well built home, nicely aiienfieil and in fine repnir Hood term* with ro*ae*alon on abort notice Call Mr Hamer, KK 4 125. o» NT nAan Field Club District 15, M»« FA AY TKRM.t A fi-romn modei it homo on r.dxl t ft lot baa extra :»'>xl I f* lot. planted In fnil* treon and ahrutihery Hna thicken hnuar [ and HrtiMgc Uwiiq b>av111r Nehraaku and , muat aril, an unuhiml t>eif.iin. Hun Uy and exeninaa call NVA 40,'J First Trust Co., <"Q Kir.I -f.ll III, Hlil« AT 0 7. ■> West FamaiT H,5nn Ac van room, modern home, ImludiMR 0 building lota 4 block* from atreet nr. Thla la at- except tonally Rood buy, .1. .«r bavins been offered for •ule tie fore Kv«* nlnia and Monday rati \\ a *• ojt First Trust Co., . i | . CiAIRMONT BOULEVARD BUNGALOW Flneat location end fu flirt .. *< r*■*n»il porch. iiwnlnRa. yuixHP ami I .<» Ruud automatb ht rttei Snt»-i m pci*, h for I t ." fall es.nit.R* VVA r.onx day a, AT ton 4403 California St. Five room buiiRnlow. «nk flout*, full baae p.»nt 4 month* old Muat be aold It'a a I'dtRalu NV tin |« die tu< ky party? Cad H. IK nos Co., ItMOt kuud.iland Old' AT. dill. REA L ESTATE—WEST. Prettiest Spot IN THE FIELD CLUB, rhe owner of 330" Walnut St. Is going :o California and offers this home and )ther property at rock bottom prices. I'hls is a seven-room home with such leslrable features »s fireplace, beamed •filings. built-in buffet, elegant oak wood work. beautiful shrubbery, garage, etc. w farnam smith a CO.. ;320 Farnam. JA. 0564. Evenings. Mr. Bushman, HA. 2297. i 4338 Marcy St. ■^ix-room modern, two-story home: oak floors and finish: good decorations. Owner s anxious to sell. Let’s have your offer Carl H. Rcos Co., [>05-506 Sunderland Bldg. AT. 6382. ' ^'ew Homes—your terms. AT. 4156 Srove-Hlbbard Co. 'IWaST ■ WILL build to your order on our beautl- , ful lots In Edgewood; very easy terroa. Phone Atlantic 8540. SOUTH of Dodge and weit of 24th St., for sale at sacrifice by owner. 5-room modern home, large lot. south front; fine residence district. Phone WA. 6842. 8024 CALIFORNIA ST.—6-room, modern, 11.000 cash down. Real bargain at price asked. Crelgh. 808 Bee. JA. 0200. H. W, Volland Co for Real Service. AT >585 WE WILL submit you a reasonable offer in exchange for your land. Income or mdse. Try us. we probably have Just what you are looking for. BERT L. COOK A CO.. 610 Brown Bldg. AT 8287. ’’LET 8 MAKE A TRADE.” FOR EXCHANOE— $25,000 first mortgage. 3 years at 6 per cent, secured on 640 acre Improved farm 50 miles from Min neapolis, worth $ld0 per acre. Will ex change for land. Schwab Bros., 1026 Ply mouth Bldg . Minneapolis. Minn. HAVE an apartment house In Omaha, wish to trade It for merchandise, income $2,880 per year. Bert Kiesel, Falrbury. Neb. HAVE 160 acre* in Kearney county: al falfa 1 and: will trade for merchandise. Bert Kleael. Fairhury Nebraska HAVE 640 arret In Brown county: wish to trade for merchandise. Bert Kleael, Falr bury. Nebraaka . HAVE 160 acres In Holt county, want to trade for a stock of merchandise. Bert Kleael. Fairhury. Neb i f.EAR Canada land, trade for Towa nr Nebraska farm land. Will aaauma. Ad dreaa W-407, Qmnha Beg, ~R E A LESTA T E—WAN TED. We Need Listings We have more customer* than we car supply with moderately priced bouses I located anywhere In the city. If you want to sell and have your price * nd down payment reasonable call writ* or phone Osborne Realty Co., ISO Patera Trust Bldg. JA. 7217. Must have a home. Bo* W.117, Omaha Bee SEE us first Need dating*, any location l to S rooms. Shopen A Co.. Realtor* JA 4224. 2*6 Keeline Bldg. GRUENIG u,t 500, MOO Kir,t N»t'l Bank Bl<lgJA. IM». HAVE bay.r, for good hotnM. Do you want to sell your,? L!*t It with C. A Ortmmel. R.mltor. JA. 1818. niAS W. TOD NO A SON. Rent E.tit*. R,nt,l>. Insurant*,. ] «r>: City Nnt'l BkAT. »»«» WILL huy tour h"U„ n».dln*- repairing If fried right Phon. WE. 888?. _ Graham P,t.rg i'o, ,-H hton.a JA. 8181 f'hw, H H.iman. AT fI50. R«,l K,I»U I. J B.ybold A gpn. !2H City Ngt. AT 8101 HASTINGS A HF.YPKN REALTORS." 8V„t«rn Real Eatgt, Co. JA. 8881. S H. Brown, Co. Mila grr.a. AT. 1188. REALTORS. IF WE an t Mil year horn, la So day, »• will 1,11 you why CARL H. ROOI CO.. 888.808 gund.rland BldgAT. till GLOVER AND SPAIN. R.altor, City Real E»t,t, Sf.elallata. JA 1888. 818-28 City Nat. B,q* SLATER lb CO.. R,altera. t<„lln. Bldg FARMS FOR SALE. I HAVE quit farming and offer my farm for Rale: 2*3 arrea. 13& plowed field, balanre hayland and pasture well fepi ed. plenty wood and water on place. 6-room brick hous- all good outbuildings: lo cated 7 mllea nest Yank’on. F I)., price $15f> per acre 11" 000 < aah nr mor*-, bal ance term* to muU with 5 per rent In terest No better atoch and grain fartn In South Dakota For further informs turn eddre«* *2? TV 5th St . Yankton S 1> p on cession the first of year if wanted SMALL FARM — Five ten and twenty acre* /or trucking and poultry All black level prairie land. No payment down, no Interest < barged Possession any time. Investigate Address \V 4*7. Omaha Be**. If* ACRES level hay land, close to two railway town*, lying fifty mllea east of Rapid C|ty, H I» . 112 56 per acre. 12 mllea faom Cottonwood and Quinn Write r H Knlgh», 522 N 16th St . Omaha KANSAS Improved 14* n< res. Wet alfalfa region of Kane 116,000, tat rua, no trades. Buy Greenland. Ark AC RE AG EF OR SALE FIFTY a* re farm to rent, and crop for *ale including stock, implement*. etc. Possession at once C I. NET If A WAY. Florence___KK 14 Of. BUS 1N ESS~S E RV ICE BUILDERS. CONTRACTORS. CEMENT walks, garage floors. walla. chimney work. 2202 Harney St, JA 4«t4. GET our pr1< ea on completa garagea. Mor r | aon Lumber A Coal Co WE 1561 dancIng academies. dancing LKRHONR- Downtown. Rummer vlnas Tango a specialty. Prl .(a leaaotf# hour K I: !■* rs Si. in rn will Tel I A 647i DETECTIVE agencies JAMCS Mlan'aDetect I vea lit pert ee>-re| Ml .117 Neville Block. AT 1136. Mil 16111.10 Defective Bureau. Hunderland I»‘»lg JA 2616: night. KE 3412 Wo Molto 5V2% Loans on Omaha Real Estate 6% Monthly Payment I nana on Raairfynra* Peters Trust Company I 1 Peters National Bank MOVING, STORAGE. FIDET STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING TACKING riurtAUK SHIPPING, household UnoC*. Pianos, Office Furniture ,(l‘ ” unw * »»r> hT _JA. 0288 ... i emus, furniture packers, fire* >roof etorage. Phone JA. 1604. The rerrnlnal Warenouae Co.. 702 South 10th it., corner Jonea. on Viaduct. ESTIMATE furn. on packing., tnov. and torlng. Contracts taken by job or hour Jlobe Van A Storage Co. JA 4331. AT '220. Grossman'A Sons, owners. BEKINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE 6th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mow r- •tnrr?* "hipping JA. 4163. .no.inK»Packing—Storage. Jordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co 2U N 11th St Phone JA <632. MILLINERS. DRESMAKERS. iHKSHMAKINO—A1 kinds, reas. Summer |re»n*TR specialty, $3. work, guaranteed. A A 2S9S. NEBRASKA PLEATING, lemstltcblng. Covered Buttons. 1806 arnam. second floor. JA till. MILLINERS. DRESSMAKERS.. 7 ACCORDION. BIDE, knife . oox pleating, covered button*, all atyle*; hemstitching buttonhole*. Write Ideal Button Jc Pleat ing Co., JOS Brown Block. Omaha. Neb Telephone JA. ItJS. PAINTING, PAPERING^ PAINTING papering and house repairing at moderate price*. P. Kuliaek. AT. 7780. or AT. -<077. PAPERING. PAINTING—Will bring sam ple* to your borne: est. free MA. -Mix PAPERING and painting, first-clas* work Paper. >6 up JA f,?*'><). PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS. EDDY Prtntlrr To. 21? H 11 <*t IA ROM | PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney. 1711 Dodge, room tl? Also Washington, D C I help inventor* *ell their latent* Professional service. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the l Sherman * Mcfonncil Drue Store. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ..12 OfCNTAl. X-r.v 60c ««CB. II foil M «1» H.fiirni.» BIAr. nth ond F»rn«m SERVICES OFFERED, FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. One-day Mrvica Size and price of prints: 14x24.80 ! 34x4 *4 ...fce 3*4x34.3c 24x44.«o 24x44.4n I 14x64.•« KA8B STUDIO gig Neville BlkOmaha. lookWhat h here Expert car washer* and general repair ing Will come to your house Juat give m a r.rig at any hour. WE *>Q31. SODDING and weeding, cement work, patch work a bpeclalty. Reasonable nrlces. For estimates. JA 4362 IM MANUAL Private matemlay home. Reas. terms. WE. 200$. Call or write. 2Sna Bristol-___ f.ANDHCAPLNO weeding sodding and shrubberey HA. f*gl7. w. J. Burback. EVERYTHING laundered: grntd . price* < hen p; sl!kw and -veryih.rg AT. 4330. FI I,MS lifcV’BMiPBD FREE The Ensign Co. 2I0« Leavenworth K M M E It SoN STEAM LAUNDRY 1301 S. 24TH ST WE. 03 20. TAILORING, PRESSING. EVERYTHING laundered; grntd.. prleaa cheap: Hike and everything AT III#. Omaha, Neb. Shopen & Co., Gentlemen: We with to thank you for your speedy service in dispos ing of our home at 4689 Ban croft, and can certainly rec ommend your firm for real quick service. Thanking you again, we are Yours very truly, (Signed) MRS. O. A. MORSE O. A, MORSE ^ “Open Air” Addition . No Crowding of Houses Adjoins Omaha Field Club • Morton Meadows A Beautiful New Residence Addition j PLANNED AND DEVELOPED BY A CITY PLANNER—GEO. T. MORTON ^ Field Club Is Its Front Yard THE “OPEN AIR” Big lots, nearly a quarter of an acre each. Houses set bacl! 40 feet from lot line; this, with 50 and 60 foot streets, makes 130 to 140 feet between houses. Restrictions here give plenty of room between houses. No crowding of any kind THE VIEW Overlooks the 120-acre publidv owned Field Club grounds on the east. The beautiful Pappio valley u visible from this hill-top all the way to Ralston. You can see over Elmwood park, to the northwest, and to Benson hills. These views can never be cut off. THE IMPROVEMENTS Water, sewer, gas, grading, lighting standards and side walks all paid for in full. All streets to be paved as soon as city can get at it. Double rows of trees along lot fronts. Lighting standards, not poie3. Close to school and street car. THE LOCATION Between Woolworth and Pop pleton avenues, from Forty second to Forty-fifth streets. It 's lVa miles east of Elmwood park. Adjoins Omaha Field Club on the west—club gTounds owned by public. Mile and a half east of Ak Sar Ben field. It's the hilltop of the entire southwest district. Every Feature Here Is Absolutely Permanent. Restrictions Make Certain That Home Sur roundings Here Will Always Be Attractive Sale Op[ nslfjJay Continues Friday and Saturday Only 87 Lots to Be Sold Cet One. They'll Always Hr Beautiful. They're the Kind of lx>ts You've Been Ivookinsi For. PRICES LOW—Only $800 to $1400 TERMS EASY—10% Cash-2% Monthly Salesmen on the Ground Until Dark—Office on the Addition HOW TO GET THERE Go through Field Club entrance at 36th * and Woolworth, then straight west on Woolworth (cinder road way) through Field Club grounds, to addition. From Center Sc. come north up 42d or 45th to top of hill. From Leavenworth St. come south up 42d or 45th to top of hill. MORTON MEADOWS I* not a apeculatlve Tenture. It it the old Morton estate which ha» been tha property of lb# family for more than fifty veara; hold until the growth of tha city now warrants development of a hlgh-claat addition HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS DiliOmaha Nat’l llldy. JA ekson 0314.