The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 12, 1923, CITY EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Morning Bee
the BEE PUBLISHING CO., Publisher.
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Old Glory will be carried on the high seas by
vessels of the American merchant marine.
This piece of information is carried by Albert
D. Lasker to the world through a statement made
to British reporters at Southampton on the arrival
of the Leviathan at that port. Here is the press
"Are you going to attempt to drive Britain from
the »ea?" a British correspondent asked.
"No," Lasker thundered, "but we are going to
build ships—and ships that will test the capacity
of the Panama canal, to carry our commerce to
all parts of the world, in earnest and fair competi
tion with all other maritime powers.
"You ask me if the movement to build up the
American merchant marine is not doomed to die.
Never, absolutely never.”
A distinct and definite announcement of what
may be expected, this is not a threat, but it does
have a significance that is not missed in England.
"And not a flag but by permission floats” is no
longer effective, and '‘while Britons never, never
shall be slaves,” the old boast that “Brittania rules
the waves,” has lost its meaning. America was
once before a great maritime nation, but its com
merce carriers were driven from the ocean as a re
sult of the Civil war and through peculiar economic
and industrial development. For half a century
the commerce of the greatest trading nation the
world ever knew has been carried on foreign bot
toms. Now, this is to be changed, and in a large
measure because of another great war.
Our British brethren feel the danger that im
pends in the presence of a great vessel carrying the
American flag. It means to them something more
than diminished international prestige; it means the
loss of business and of profit. America’s entry as
a carrier in the commerce of the world means cut
ting off revenue that Great Britain has relied upon.
That is why the officers of rival steamship lines sneer
at the Leviathan, ask that members of her crew be
arrested as deserters from British ships, and do
other things that are neither friendly nor seemly
to hinder the progress of the venture. '
We believe Mr. Lasker is right when he says
the great majority of the American people favor
the establishment of an American merchant marine.
In the end it will pay, but just now it has a senti
mental value of a nature that in the minds of our
citizens outweighs all other considerations. It in
jects a new factor into British-American relations.
John Bull may bluster and bluff, but it will take
more than ridicule or undercutting competition to
run Old Glory off the high seas again.
In the caao of “Black Tony” Ciarlitta certain
things should be kept in mind. One of these is that
he was sentenced to prison for life because he killed
a man. His life was forfeit, for he committed
murder in connection with robbery. He was one
of a band of robbers who held up a group of revel
ers in a disreputable resort, and stripped them of
money and valuables. “Black Tony” admitted he
fired the shot that killed a young bank clerk who
was in the crowd. For this he was sentenced by a
jury to imprisonment for life.
Within the last year we have heard a great
deal about the abuse of the pardoning power, the
careless exercise of the parole privilege, and much
of this objection has come from officers of the law,
and not a little from Omaha police authorities. Is
it not a little surprising, then, to find a sergeant of
the Omaha police force commending “Black Tony”
to the pardon board, while the warden of the peni
tentiary state* that he believes he should be par
doned? - *
“Black Tony” may have been "a little tramp”
when he committed the crime, arrd he may be an
“educated gentleman” now, yet has it come that
less than ten year*’ confinement is sufficient to sat
isfy the law when the sentence of life imprisonment
has been pronounced?
We have no desire to prosecute “Black Tony”
any further, but we do believe that the humane re
quirements of the law will be more nearly fulfilled
if he be caused to spend some further time in the
expiation of a crime that the law says merits death.
Omaha’s peace has been disturbed by many murders,
few of which have been adequately dealt with in
court, which is all the more reason for dealing stern
justice to the murderer who is caught and con
Relief work in Russia was not entirely devoid
of incidents that serve to lighten the gloom of the
dreadful tales of famine we have had from over
there. One of these has to do with how an Ameri
can in charge of a district in the Urals accomplished
considerable in the way of public improvement by
a simple expedient. He built a railroad forty versts
in length, constructed a number of bridges, and put
through a much needed drainage ditch, paying the
workmen in food they would have received anyhow,
if they had not worked. The drainage ditch, by
the way, was a hang-over from the days of the
czar, it having been first located 70 years ago, an
nually projected, and yet never built.
This little story teaches two things. One is that
the Russian is human in all his aspects. The other
is that relief may be made helpful in other ways
than merely to stave of? famine. We have no doubt
that the men who were selected from the starving
peasants and put to work felt at first they were
being favored, but that they kept at work after they
saw who remained unemployed getting rations also
is entirely to their credit. They were doing some
thing for the good of the community, and were
earning their food at the same time, and in this
they doubtless had much satisfaction.
The railroad was needed to connect a big iron
works with its supply of ore ami fuel, nnd the com
bination is working well, for it is producing ma
terial sadly needed in Russia. Such incidents
strengthen the belief that there is plenty of sound
health in Russia, and that the real vitality of the
•people will soon begin to show in a come-back as
full of promise as the last six years have been of
Joy in the tennis courts, glee in the swings, and
happiness everywhere, on turning poles, the rings
and the slides. That’s on the public playground.
Omaha has a number of these centers for child
recreation in its parks, and there is no good reason
why all Nebraska towns with more than fifty
families should not do likewise. Many of them do,
and whether one visits Gering, at the western end
of the state, or Seward in the east, the same whole
some, zestful scene is to be found.
Every village and town should have a play
ground for younger children, E. C. Lindeman, a spe
cialist in social research, writes in the American
City magazine. He sets the minimum space at one
eighth of an acre, with plenty of shade. Towns of
600 and upward, he says, should provide an athletic
park suitable for baseball, football, hockey, basket
ball and volley ball, for persons above the age of
14. Each village and town should provide an indoor
place for winter games. The floor space, he esti
mates, should be 40 by 60 feet.
But who is going to provide this? People com
plain of taxes, and all these things cost money.
Mr. Lindeman feels that the responsibility of pro
moting a constructive, recreation program for the
children of a small town should rest with the school
authorities. One teacher would be employed with
the thought in mind of utilizing a portion of his or
her time in supervision of recreation. A voluntary
association is suggested to create sentiment for or
ganized play, to assist in the financing and to pro
vide leadership. Between the public school board,
the town government and private subscriptions, he
believes such a feature could be maintained without
any excessive burden. He gives some figures: After
the initial outlay a town of 600 should be able to
provide an adequate recreation program for $500
a year, and $2,000 for a town of 5,000.
A child develops through play, but there is a
better method than to leave the organization of
play to gangs and cliques. Introducton of sporta
in which all engage is an excellent builder of com
munity loyalty and pride. Caste differences disap
pear in games and all who participate learn to meet
and to co-operate on a common basis. Thus a vil
lage may be led into larger life'by the use of rec
reation. It. is not difficult to train the young to
appreciate the old home town if the lighter side of
their nature is given wholesome opportunity.
All over the world, even in the most isolated
spots, women missionaries are ministering to the
needs of humanity. One of these, Miss Nillson, who
has charge of a great Lutheran hospital in India, is
visiting in Omaha today.
There are not so many women, however, who
occupy regular pulpits in the churches. Maude
Royden, the British preacher who visited America
last winter, is an outstanding figure. Mrs. Eddy also
was a power. But in the main the business of
preaching has been left to men. In the United
States today there are only 178 women ministers.
Thirty-three of these are in Illinois, 30 in Kansas
and 18 in Nebraska. The International Association
of Women Preachers, according to an announcement
made recently in Chicago, includes three in India,
two in China and one in Africa.
In the course of natural development it may be
expected that more women will enter the pulpit.
Always the sex has been most active in its church
work, and it asks even now no special recognition.
But the world has a way of seeking out those'who
fit themselves for high callings and setting them to
the task. The woman missionary is a pioneer who is
breaking the way for many others who hear the call.
Happy is the man who by dint of foresight is now
able to go out into the backyard and pick a dish
of raspberries for breakfast. In the cool of the
morning, while the dew is yet on the bushes, this is
a aplendid start on the day.
One must be wideawake to pick berries. It is
not a task for day dreamers. A moment of absent
mindedness amid the briers means a scratch that
bums. And unless one is on the alert one will miss
the choicest fruit of the patch. Nature has done
all it could to protect the berry patch from spolia
tion. Not only are the thorns designed to keep
away intruders, but the finest, blackest berries arc
hid under the leaves, where only accident or cunning
will find them.
A berry bush must be studied from every angle
before it can be shorn of its fruit. From one posi
tion there may seem to be nothing but green berries
to be had. Pass by and look back and the eye will
detect a number of luscious, ripe ones. Stand on
your head and look up and dozens more concealed
in the protecting shade of a leaf will appear.
It requires strategy to pick berries, and that
makes the job all the more delightful. Forbidden
fruit is always sweetest, and certainly nature has
done its best to forbid these being garnered.
The interest in the Wilbur Glenn Voliva libel
case is not that he had the bright new penny to pay
the fine, but that he could libel anybody.
Josephus Daniels sees a sweeping democratic vic
tory in 1924. But he is out in the mountains of
Colorado, where they see lots of strange things.
“Emperor” Simmons says he knows more about
the “klan” than any newspaper man does, and he is
probably right, at that.
Two hours shorter time to the Pacific coast from
Omaha sounds big, but what's two hours on such a
Old Doc Cook may have fooled the court of
Denmark, but a federal grand jury wns too much
for him.
The rainmakers are tuning up again, a date hav
ing been announced for the grocers and butchers'
A rain in time saves lots of misery.
Homespun Verse
—By Omaha'* Own Poet—
Robert Worthington Davie
Verse Libre, I read thee with pangs of despair,
I drink of your spirit—I know It is there!
I rend thee for beauty that touches my heart—
Hut where Is your rhyme and (he Jewel of nrlT
The trees are a tremble w ith something you |n< k,
The orioles sing with melodious knack,
The rose Is suggestive of rhythm sublime,
Which Isn't amiss In the music of rhyme.
You're really prosaic, though beautifully said,
Your phrases aie soulful, you heart—It Is dead -
The henrt that is beating in poetry true—
The rhyme that makes rhythm articulate, too.
In prose I would put you anil treasure you deal,
And call you poetic and sweetly sincere
And sadly regret thst you men t sublime
Because you are lacking the music of rhyme.
“The People's
£<fttortala tram rtadtra ot Tb* Maralap Baa.
Reader* of The Moral** Baa art Invited to
on thla column froatjr for axproialoo on
■after* ot fubllo lotoroot.
■ i
A Partisan of Henry Ford.
Lincoln, Neb.—To the Editor of The
Omaha Bee; In a late paper Charles
I>. Hilles, national committeeman of
New York, Is reported as saying: "The
election to the presidency of Henry
Ford, a mere bag of gold, would be
bowing down to mammon." This com
ing from a politician sounds like a
huge joke. Are not politicians al
ways hunting for the man with a
barrel? The average American's idea
of politcians is that they are always
chasing the "bag of gold.”
Henry Ford is a go-getter. The
trouble with New l'ork is that Henry
Ford bucked Wall street and loaned
Detroit (2,000,000 at 4 per cent when
Wall street expected to make Detroit
pay them 4>£ for the money. That is
where the shoe pinches. Ford is
bucking the corporations. Ho is buck
ing the coal barons, lie is bucking
the railroads, und he is getting ready
to buck (Sarji and his 12-hour-day steel
trust and then the 12-hour day will
go. and so will some of tho steel trust
Was Harding the choice of the peo
ple or the choice of Wall street? what
do you think of the result of the
primary in Ohio, Harding's own state?
Johnson's name did not appear on
the ballot, but 12,768 voters took the
trouble to write Johnson's name on
their ballots and undoubtedly John
son was the people's choice for pres
ident, but they were cheated out of
their choice at the Chicago convention
because their man was not "safe and
Harding has been president three
years. What has he done for the
good of the "people? What have all
the investigations amounted to? Look
what we are paying for sugar; we
ought to buy it for 7 cents, but the
sugar trust is holding the people up.
The president, under the tariff law,
has power to suspend the Import tax
on sugar and let it In free. Has he
done so? Oh no. "he's safe and sane."
The speculators say it would not do
any good because the sugar crop is
short. That is all humbug. Why
didn’t he try it and see instead of
swinging round the circle Just talking
like Andy Johnson did years ago and
probably with like result. Does any
one suppose that Roosevelt would
have gone off on “a joy ride" and left
the people to he held up on one of the
necessities of life, but Roosevelt was
not "safe and sane,’ 'that was why
Mark Hanna objected to him for vice
From present appearances there
seema to he a "ground swell" for
Henry Ford for president, a man that
Wall street can neither intimidate
nor buy, and the indications are that
generally the people are tired of the
tricks of national conventions and will
select approved Ford electors In each
state and see to It that their names
go on the ballot, and then they will
ilo the rest in November. 1924.
The War Debt.
Omaha—To the Editor of The
Omaha. Bee; Much argument has
arisen concerning the debts of Eng
land. France and other allied coun
tries to the United States, and the
probability of these countries paying
them. Many people think these debts
ought to be cancelled, as they will
never be paid; while others think
these countries ought to be held for
their payment.
England has at last come through
with a proposition for funding their
debt, which economists have long
known and politicians refused to be
lieve .As yet the French have no
definite plan. The French debt to the
United States is $3,358,000,000. To
this must be added $407,000,000 for
war supplies sold by the United
States. With accrued interest amount
ing to $500,000,000, the total French
debt is $4,265,000,000, nearly as large
as (treat Britain's.
The total American loans to the «1
lies Was $10,086,000,000, which, with
Interest accrued of $1,180,000,000,
makes a total of $11,266,000,000 (ib
viously this debt cannot be paid in
gold. The only remaining method of
liquidation is through the delivery of
goods and service. This $11,000,000,
000 cannot be accepted In goods and
services in one or 10 years without
impoverishing our debtors and bring
Ing chaos to the business of this
country. It Is unreasonable to leave
the accounts standing to the credit of
our own treasury; so It is logical and
almost Inevitable that they he con
verted into credits held by private
citizens and Institutions of this coun
try. 8uch a debt Is more secure, ss
Daily Prayer
l thunk Ood. Whom I serve —II xim 1st,
O Hod, Whose paternal goodness Is
unfailingly tender and constant, we
unite as a family to yield Thee glad
nnd earnest praise and to invoke upon
our home and all its interests Thy
gracious and heavenly blessing, ('huso
us so to realize our utter dependence
upon Thee and our profound obliga
tlon towrard Thee, that we may sub
mlt ourselves anew to Thy sovereign
sway, live our lives henceforth as In
Thine nil-searching sight, nnd con
sistently show ourselves Thine. Wo
bring to Thee at this time all who
are in any wise related to our home,
and any who m.-iy he attempting to
live their lives apart from Thee Suf
fer none of us to be enticed from the
path of simplicity, purity or honor.
Keep US from every form of seculerlty
and avarice, defend us from the seduc
tlve snares of vanity nnil pride, and
enable us to serve Time with such
undivided fidelity in this life ihnt In
the life to come we may nil receive
Thine exceeding great reward. And
with this prayer for ourselves, we be
seech of Thee in behnlf of those with
nut—our neighbors, our friends, and
all classes and conditions of men
Ihnt It may please Thee to give them
likewise of Thy fatherly favor, to
further them In nil their undertak
mgs nnd relationships, and to bring
them with us nt length Into Thine
Heavenly household, where we may
praise Thee ever, world without enii
Klmlrn, N V
for Juno,'1923, of
Dally . 72,709
D<>#» not include return*. Irf<
over*, sample* or paper* spoiled in
printing ami include* no special
■ ale*.
B. BREWER. Gen. Mgr.
V. A. BRIDGE, Cir. Mgr.
Subniihi'ii and *wnm to hafota me
this 7th day of July. 1921
< ^eal) N»»tei y Put*.
With about 40 pansmitpr trains a
•lav in and out of th»* Burlington »ie
Dot. it inav aaem to aonip an if ther«
nnv^r was a tiin* when the Chicago.
Burlington fir. Quinsy train* tild not
reach Omaha. Yet thin editorial of
haward Rnitwater. nubllahed August
:o. 1880. will remind them of a hope
that then was entertained:
"The completion of the railroad
bridge across the Missouri river at
Plattsmouth marks another important
epoch in the history of this common
wealth. Ten years ago the con
struction of a bridge across the Mis
souri river was regarded as an engi
neering problem. Kminent hydraulic
engineers had expressed grave doubts
as to the feasibility of bridging the
treacherous Missouri.
"The Union Pacific bridge at Oma
ha, constructed under the supervision
of Mr. Mickles, one of the most skillful
hydraulic engineers in this country,
solved the problem. Kor seven years
the Union Pacific bridge has monopol
ized the railway traffic acroas the
continent. During that period this
bridge has earned more than three
times the actual cost, and the extor
tlonato toll exacted by Its managers
has been an embargo on the commer
cial growth of this elty and has served
as a barrier to the entrance of the
Iowa and Missouri railroads into
active competition for the patronage
of Omaha on Nebaska soil.
' The completion of the bridge at
Plattsmouth will be hailed with su
preme satisfaction, not only by the
citizens of Omaha, hut by the people
of the whole state ami the entire trans
Missouri country. While we have no
assurance as yet that the managers
of the Chicago, Burlington A- Quincy
propose to use it for making direct
connections between Omaha and the
east and south, we do not doubt that
at no distant day the Plattsmouth
bridge will break the embargo and
give Omaha unbroken connection with
Chicago and St. Louis. When that
day comes the onerous bridge toll now
exacted at Omaha will he reduced,
even If the national legislature does
not rompel a reduction before that
time. But even if no reduction Is
made by either of the railways In
bridge toll, our merchants and manu
facturers will derive Incalculable
benefits from the Plattsmouth bridge
by more prompt service in the d<-bv
cry of goods and better accommoda
tions hv the parties who control the
rival brldjf***.”
foreign government* are more punc
tual In meeting payment* to American
Citizen* than those due the American
government, and the government Is
more energetic in encouraging the
payment of a debt due our citizens
those those of Its own accounts '
At present It Is Interest and not
principle that we should worry about
If lh<se debt* can be refunded so that
regular payment of interest is po*«|.
hie. the principal will take car* nf it
*elf _ F W. B.
Profits of Organization.
ftmnha.—To the Editor of The
Omaha Bee: Certain parties, with the
probable assistance of our ex brewers
and distillers, are trying to encourage
some kind of "Liberty league" for the
purpose of amending our laws and
constitution, giving the government
control over the mile of heer. wine
and. later on. the whisky business
In my opinion, when the organizers j
and official* of such a league have se
cured a sufficient number of members ,
they ought to he able to command at
tractive salaries and remuneration
for being able to throw votes and
united strength of such a Booze league
In favor of some light wine and beer
candidate in our next presidential elec
I am simply giving a little Inside
information—if you boys are good or
ganizers. go to it. There is plenty
of money and room available for a
few more leagues. CITIZEN.
Praise for Harding.
From th® Aurora Register.
The editor of this paper has never
until recently considered Warren G.
Harding a great man. We have
thought he meant well so far as he
could go without giving serious of
fense to capitalistic influence that
gave him Ills exalted position, but of
late he has developed elements of
greatness and Independence that we
did not dream he possessed. He has
declared for conscription of wealth as
well as men in warfare, and this is
something that bids defiance to every
profiteer and plutocrat in the country.
Declaring that the world has no
need for a loafer, he declares for gov
ernment regulation of coal mines on
the ground that mine operators and
the men who struck are equally guilty
of treason to their country and are
for selfish interests willing to exploit
their fellow citizens. This antagonizes
both the labor and the wealth trust,
proclaiming him an advocate of the
interests of the whole rather than any
organization or bloc.
Last but by no means least it is
impossible for good citizens to read his
plea for the enforcement of the liquor
Taws on moral grounds, placing him
self side by side with William J.
Bryan in an appeal to those who have
stocks of left over liquors to destroy
them and prefering law abiding right
eousness to self Indulgence to come up
to a higher plane of citizenship. He
places those who buy of bootleggers
as low and disreputable as those who
serve them, but law violators and
law nulliflers all look alike to Presi
dent Harding.
We take off our hat in genuine re
spect. He may destroy his chances
to be president, and then again he
may voice growing sentiments in the
heart of the American people that will
give him the standing Woodrow Wil
son might haves occupied had he not
preached democracy and practiced
autocracy, -and talked world liberty
while he favored an international gov
ernment by Europeans for Europe..
Radio Religion.
From th« Chicago N«w«.
A somewhat heated discussion is
being carried on among ministers as
to the effect on*the churches of broad
casting sermons and church services.
Some say that because of such distri
bution by radio rural church attend
ance is being seriously depleted. Some
believe that the radio is helpful to
the church at large, others that It is
The discussion is of a sort that at
tends every innovation in the work
and worship of the church. Sunday
schools at first were considered by
many a snare of the devil. Indeed, it
took the Sunday school 30 years to
break down the prejudice that pre
vailed against it in the church. The
question of instrumental music has
split church organizations into fa -
ttens. Kte reopt icons and moving pic
tures were anathema for a time.
Now it is the radio that is accused
of grievous sins.
In spite of such opposition, the
church has adapted itself to the use
of modern methods of preaching and
teaching and of modern mechanical
Inventions. The Sunday school has
become the life of many church or
ganizations. furnishing about S5 per
cent of their increases in membership
year by year. Organ and orchestra
music is now accepted as Inspiring a
spirit of worship, while the stereoptl
con and the moving picture carry
everywhere the message of missions
and of other services for humanity.
Inevitably the radio will be accepted
as a living voice for th* church.
Far-sighted religious lesders see
that mechanical improvements pro
vide no substitute for the personal
touch in religious work. The pho
tograph of a friend is not an acceepted
substitute for the friend. Phono
graphic record by Oalli Curd or John
McCormack is the first Incentive to
many to hear the singer in person,
in opera or concert. A sermon and
the singing of hvmns. coming by
radio, have revived memories that
have brought hack many to personal
attendance at religious worship.
The great end and aim of the
church, however, is not to build up
an organization and increase church
attendance, but to spread religious
truth. The radio is one of the agen
cies that carry the message of the
church to myriads who never pass
through a church door.
An Appalling Waste.
From lb* Wyoming Stst* Tribun*.
Eighty-five per rent of the Income
tax you Just paid went to pay the
Interest and the principal of the debts
from past wars, to provide war pen
sions, and to maintain a fighting ma
chine for war In the future, say sta
tistics supplied by Herbert P. Brown,
chief of the T'nited States bureau of
efficiency, and announced in Cheyenne
66 Years
at Your
It is generally agreed that
experience is a valuable teacher.
Back of the First National Bank is an expe
rience of sixty-six years. During that time
Omaha has grown from a frontier village to
a metropolitan city, and the territory hack of
it has developed from a part of the Great
American Desert to the bread basket of
the world.
The experience of the First
National Bank has been seasoned
with everything this community has passed
through from 1857 to the present time. Our
growth has been intimately associated with
lhat of the community. All the accumulated
< xperionce of sixty-six years of successful
operation is at your disposal.
First National
[Bankof Omaha
by President Hardin*. Here is the
way every dollar in taxes by the gov
ernment is spent:
For the army and navy. 17 cent*.
For pensions, the veterans' bureau,
etc., 25 cents.
For "special activities pertaining to
the recent war;” Buch as war con
tracts, the settlement with the rail
roads, etc., 4 cents.
For interest. 28 cents.
For retirement of ths public debt,
11 cents.
For the president, congress, the
courts, the executive departments, re
search work, education, public works,
and all other civil activities of the
government, 15 cents.
The Value of Gravel.
From tbs Norfolk Nows.
Norfolk has had an object lesaon
this spring in the value of gravel
as a toad surfacing material. The al
most constant rains of the last month
or six weeks have kept the dirt roads
in a deplorable condition. The down
pours followed one another so rapidly
that road patrol men .were unable to
get out on the highways which were
often almost Impassable for days at a
time. During all this time the two
short stretches of graveled road were
not only passable but In first class con
dition. iiven the hardest rain failed
to affect them. They stood up nobly
under the most trying season this sec
tion has had in many years.
The demonstration should convince
the most obstinate objector to grav
veled roads, if there are any left in
this vicinity. If it lias not convinced
him It is because he is not open to
proof. From now on there will be no
serious discussion as to whether or
not our roads should be graveled. The
only problem will be to raise the
money with which to do the work.
This problem should be made easier
by some figures compiled by the Ne
braska Good Koads association. The
association, taking statistics aa to the
number and weight of vehicles using
state roads, as disclosed by a recent
census, and applying the estimate
of the saving in gasoline and car
deterioration made by use of graveled
instead of dirt roads, reaches some in
teresting conclusions.
"Grave! roads, jt finds, will cost
about $4,500 per mile In Nebraska, fig
uring $800 per year per mile for re
placement of gravel. $175 per mile for
maintenance and $270 per year for
interest on $4,500 at 6 per cent, the
cost of the gravel per mile will be
$1,245 per year.
"The saving on the two Items of
fuel and car replacement amounts to
$2,889. which makes a dividend of 232
per cent returned every year on every
dollar Invested in gravel roads."
Where else can the public Invest
its money to get such dividend?
New Gas Tax Rules.
Frnm the Siou* Fell* Press.
.South Dakota's experiences with
gasoline tax exemptions seem to
prove that the Iowa legislature was
right in making the tax apply to all
gasoline sold if the system was to he
used at all. The exemptions operate
for chicanery rather than for equal
ization, and have been a constant
source of trouble under the South Da
kota system. Purchasers of gasoline
who stood in ’ with dealers could get
the tank filled without paying the tax
by Signing a statement certifying that,
the purchase was made for purpose
other than for operating motor ve
hicles While one may sympathize
with anybody's desire to d dge some
of the many varieties of taxes, the
favoritism has been unfair to those
who told the truth and paid. It's &
violation of principles laid down in
juvenile text books to penalize hon
est v and reward dishonesty. State of
fl< ials suspect that oil dealers
Knocked down" accaaionaily through
the aid of exemption slips.
"ith the 2-cent gasoline tax going
into effect in South Dakota on July
2 all purchasers of gasoline must pay
the tax at the time of making the pur
chase. The exemption claims, if any,
must be made and executed at that
time, attested by the dealer, and for
warded (by the purchaser) to the state
auditor, accompanies! by an affidavit!
Abe Martin
e to .» j-2
. r. 4 *.M
Mrs. Tilford Moots did not attend
th’ convention at Vincennes as she
couldn’ find no one t’ keep her
fern. Our idee o' th’ unequal dis
tribution o’ trouble in this life is t’
have one daughter graduate an’ one
git married all in th’ same June.”
(Copyright. Illl.l
supporting the exemption claim. The
auditor will issue warrants for the
refunds. That lays the basis for spe
cial investigations and prosecutions
in cases where false affidavits are
made. It also makes it impossible for
dealers to "cash in'' on exemption
slip* for which no refunds ever were
made to purchasers Incidentally, it
1 should open the way for a new bunch
of special inspectors to be paid out
of the gasoline tax funds.
The whole system would be greatly
simplified by making the gasoline tax
apply to ail gasoline sold. It is the
frank aim of this special levy to get
more money for use on the roads^fd
everybody is concerned shout roads.
How Do You Explain It?
Europeans are so disgusted with
prohibition in the United States that
they try every possible means to
avoid our immigration laws and get
in.—Pittsburgh Gazette Times.
The worm will turn, but the par
ticularly mean one* won't turn out
and give another chap the road.—
Bong Beach Telegram.
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