Beatrice Fairfax PROBLEMS THAT PERPLEX. Is Popularity Worth Having? Dear Miss Fairfax: Is it worth while (or me to l>e popular at tlie cost of all my ideals and theories? 1 am not good looking: I'm not clever I'm just an average business girl And I like to keep my self-respect But since I don’t drink or smoke m wear flossy clothes the men don't | bother with me. The other night i went to a little dinner, and just for I 'un 1 wore one iff tlie hostess' dresses. And I drunk u cocktail, and let the man next to me at table hold my hand for « minute. Honestly. I didn't do anything off color, but' I kind of hinted T might. A'nd 1 made a hit. 1 went home and cried myself to sleep, thinking how easy it is to be popular if 1 could just get rid of my ideals. I don't want to sit home night after night and he lonely. Which seems to you the wise choice for me to make’ KT11KJ,. Neither, my dear. Vou are limit ing your Hioire to alternatives w hic h simply dorvU exist. J'ou didn’t have a good time be cause your dress was rut two inches lower than usual, nor y a be* m? you drank a thimbleful of something forbidden by our laws. Xnr did th*' touch of your hand against your dinner partner's set In motion any electric force guaranteed to turn you into a belle ai a moment's notice. Hut you believed that you were at l’ active because you had on an at tractive dress and drank and smoked and behaved a bit differently from your usual custom. THE NEBBS— THE CHEF. , Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess * v (Trademark Applied For) TVC GAS WAR is ■ST'iLL on RUDV STUBBORN AND DEFIANT The gas co. is I STILL making And selling gas But nctt to RUDV anD in THE MEANTIME The old rustv meter is Getting l The First Vacation nr HAS HAD IN r DOWN IN THE BASEMENT' f and broil it _J ^ . -V. ITnA Mark Hr(, A pa I'4 TMPY ft SwJELL P'ECE or^ MEAT • YMEV GOT if OOY \ i OF YdE 5HOu) UjimDOu) FOR ^ ME — vr'6 60 -TENDER voo / W^CftN POOR \r y red -----X \T *SN'T HOT CnO\J(Sh Bur SON\EBODV HAD TO Go AnO ' UGMT TUE roQNACE ! 1 \ VLL BET THAT'5 ONE OE j (^UNtOR'S TQKX5_^ 7 • r»*r>rl«b» 1*0. k< Tfc» H»ll k»«*•#»*. . fowl So \T'5 Vou maninG < A LVTTLE CELLAR BANQUET OLD EConOMV luon’T PaV a 5" GAb Bill But uj\ll 1 BURN -♦B'S’ worth or CCAL l FOR one SANDUOICM _ ^ Co Q - BARNEY GOOGLE- Now Barney’s Wondering Where HE Is. Drawn for The Omaha'Bee by Billy DeBeck LET Mt ALfcNE. / _- AAA - Y -> x twque>A\OE - THINK, I Kits E/\T DE/TR: f\ IT OOT or TOUR _ _)' H/KND-HUR^TUP PHONE ONTT an TELE “ HIM TO fSRlNC THE canc up EER A LITTLE CAME AH’ WHEN THE\ COME *, p Show them into the -) PAR LOR - ,-... . J YE*b* DEAR! ©1923 »V INT l Fiatufi Stuvict. txe , GETUP-DOTOU ) think you -kre GOIN^ TO ^_ ‘bLEEP A»LL- f%L OAvY V 7P> oh: mkcoe • VVHX O'O XOUl ^E oun OF TH/VT I / ORE*t-v? I JERRY ON THE JOB NO NEED FOR USELESS THINGS. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban right, l»:a > ^EM C JeemS A? Vou'at VouKiS AnO AfgiuE AnO Kj\ A no CfrLV »'WILL Aon 5rco 'MTO MM OrciCE. AAD \ MJ'KiO UP 'tUE* "-7 Clock.'? AS A TamOR- 1 TO VOU,ItU it iwt-u Pttnjmi 'wt. "CQaTCU ' , Scuff 17, csS^r**, w f/t / Don WTVtN'c J VOuGWt ~To SVanO • V ON A KSs,\HSt>4PEB.? T OW REACH l*r Au. Q.-.SUT xwrrvou'T -r»AT < How to Start the Vacation Wrong By Bri^SSi lAJStt GOOD BY Andrew- ha«j£ A GOOD llMEi OFF FOW TWO VAjeeKS 6 M ? You LUC** st if f y Goo08Y ^8oVS, VMCIL- ALL .SET.' i we <3ooo Br To Tee Boys , im Tee pmcej ' Ji/st Thimk; LSiOY IT ^IMPLY GR/mJD c—„ - Two weeks op ruM F^ VAJMOO^S IT JseMi Too GOOD To TRue flore'E^, )6VJ6«VTmim6 S PACKED- ALL VovJ HAv/(? To DO . IS C Lose IT s'-—- V C«*yr4au. tin. n t Tffcw i». I tor Tap Lowe op Mine '■ I we'Re not taking a /-—. T*?IP AROUWP ' Thosc are OU«. DRE3S ■*\ CtOTHG J- -UJE M^V AJCEO'EM AND SO The OLD vacation UJAS UTTgRir and coMpLcreLV ruined? This is mV vacation and] I LL NOT WeARDRESS r~J clothes even 7 IF vaJF Do Take THpm - - » '-l_ A HAV/C THAT WD6(?3TooD AMD* tNiW.'r ABIE THE AGENT- HI* Tim* I* Limited, j IN TV AT CASE, ABE, THW ISSUE RAlM s CHECkS! o\ i SEE" G,EE., \ UJI4H 1 COUEft BE UkE MIUWS CV OTHERS EVERY SOMMER - BOY BY ME. VY'S QCY v^YO BE PoS'YlvEX. NO" VM SURPRl&EO /VWH - NOU, WO AMER'tAN '^CVYIZE»0'.•.: y PLEASE, Pl.EASE» t)OW"r COMMENCE UlPTH ME BA St&AU. v TALk’." y HAOR NOU ANY QOOO REASON FOR. NOT QOlNQ TO A R-AU. QAME ??> NES-IE rr \ RA'NS, i e*N"r QO THE NEXT V T*V •.". "V Why should you have bo much more confident* in a drees than in an Veager, interested way of meeting folks? Next time you go to a party, B’art nut with confidence. It a dress, a cocktail, a touch of the fingers ar.d a cigaret can make for popularity— surely a little interest, a glow of eagerness, a friendly spirit, a kindling mind and an unselfish desire to please can't fail of equal potency. Popularity is not worth while at the cost of (tour ideals. Even If you could get it that way, it wouldn't be well grounded nor lasting, for the real you would be in conflict with the false and you couldn t be easy, natural or gracious. The way to real popularity is to electrify your best self by interest in other folks. Stop worrying over the effect you produce on folks and ex press in all warmth and honesty the effect they produce on you and the interest they njake you feel. Give out friendliness and kindness and you'll win them in turn. Why Not Apologize? Dear Miss Fairfax: I am in love with a young man. but we had a mis understanding. From the way I spoke to him I guess he took it for granted I didn't care. He had a party lately and didn't invite me. Do you think he did the right thing? I know he cares for me, an he told me so often. Do you think I should wait for him to apologize, or should I call him up first? PEGGY. If you really'rare for the man and feel that your actions indicated the opposite of this, why not call him up w ith no more self consciousness than you Would show in telephoning to a woman friend with whom you had a misunderstanding which you felt was largely your fault? The Bashful Bo: The young lady will undoubtedly have another escort. I suggest that you Invite her to go with you as well as l* return. If you can get her alone somewhere without making the act conspicuous, I should think that would he best. Hut you could ask her very nicefy under cover of the games. Perhaps you could persuade her to sit out a danee with you and ask her then. The best plan of all, however, is to escort her to the party as w'ell as home from it. Y’our pseudonym is usually spelled beatr. Thankful: The dictionary defines twins as "a pair'' so a pair of twins, or pairs, would most certainly he four. I know it is a common expression but it is not correct. C.M.T.C. Men Not Obliged to Serve Attendance at Camp Not Im plied Promise to Join Army, Says Officials. The War department, in offering the free Citizens' Military Training ramps to the young men of the coun try, does not require them to obli gate themselves for military service, it was stated by army officials yes terday. The basic red course, for men with no previous military service, and the advanced red course, do not constitute any present or future contract of en listment in the army of the L'nlted States. The white course is for graduate* of the advanced red tours'*, or se lected citizens who have had military service equivalent thereto, who in dicate their willingness to s'-rve at some future time, an enlistment in the army of the l'nlted States. The blue course provides training for selected warrant officers and en listed men of the regular army, na tional guard and enlisted men s re serve corps, fitting them for service as second lieutenant*. In signing the application blanks to attend the camp the young man makes no contract which will hind him to attendance. If unforeseen cir cumstances render it advisable, he is at perfect liberty to withdraw his ap plication at any time. An early fil ing of the application will, however, insure his being selected for these' free summer camps. The camps in the seventh corps area will be held from August 1 tc August 30. at Fort Snelllng, Minn . Fort Lies Moines. Ia.. and Fort Dear enworth, Kan. Young men between 17 and 34 are eligible and everything is provided free, including railroad fare, food, lodging, uniforms, equip ment, medical and dental treatment. For full Information one may ap ply to the Ideal representative of the Military Training Camps association at "a railroad station or postoflice. or write to M»j. Gen. George B. Duncan, Army Building. Omaha. Circle Tours' Combining Rail.Ocean.Lake ^K^and RiverTravel r BACK EAST > Spend your summer in the mountains of New York and New England, or along the historic New England seashore. CIRCLE TOURS AT REDUCED FARES Vary your vacation trip to include lake, river and ocean voyages—Niagara Falls—Thousand Islands - -St. Lawrence River—Montreal—Adirondacka— Lake Champlain—Lake George—Green Moun tains — White Mountains — Berkshires — New England Seashore — State of Maine — Hudson River—New York Harbor — Boston — Ocean f. trip to Norfolk returning via Washington, j 31 Choice of many attractive routes with stop-over y U privilege at any point. Round trip fares from Omaha to New York $97.55 1 —to Boston $113.93. Tteketi on male to S+pt JO. '•ftm bout tO daj* 6r\*l Uovt Oct. For boakfst sod com plots informs* ■ on s* to routs*. Pullmsn chsrtss, stc . cart au ft Locsl Tick ml Afoot New York Cantral Linaa 808-809 Woodmen of the World Building. Omaha. Nebr. NEW YORK CENTRAL and MICHIGAN CENTRAL BEE WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. AMs Six Mare Miles to tke Gafioa i HOliOV Ml TtK IGDU TAW 0* iTASCAtC SAILS AttKT. SSI U* A>!4U5, C KLU UMA Cuticura Soap —The Safety Razor Shaving Soap ^»tkr>ScT»ha*»« w-’Sw. tr,.j F rgywhat 3r \i»\ KHThKMI N 1 QUITE A BUNDLE l hi ring llie last Third of a Century, more than Eighty Million Free trial pm kngcs of Mien's Foot Ease wen given away to the puhlie. Today Allen's Foot Kaae enjoys the larg* *t sale In its history. This form of treating the Feet, and this formula must he go**!, otherwise the puhlie would not buy the goods afier trial ef the treatn nt Free l > -mi- E ght> Mil l.on ptopltl in all part* of the world Ask for Vilen's Foot Kaae, the anti sopiic powder to he shaken into the shoes and sprinkles! into the Foot baih. for corns bunions, tired, tender smarting, swollen, sore feet Trial Package amt a Foot Ease Walking Ikdl sent Free. AI.I.KX'S FOOT KVSK, Is* Roy, X V DIARRHCIA ro« tni Motf of Pain in the Stomach and Bowels. Intestinal Cramp Colic. Diarrhcia - SOLO EVERYWHERE -