The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 08, 1923, HOME EDITION, PART TWO, Page 9-B, Image 19

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    There Is Nothing That Gives Such a Feeling of Satisfaction;
as knowing that you own your own home. It gives you a standing as a good citizen in your own community; makes you feel that you really belong, in short, it flives you that feeling
of satisfaction as nothing else can. Read the “Real Estate ^or Sale” “Want” Ads in today’s Omaha Bee.
Real Estate—North .98
Brand new, now under construction,
consisting of 4 rooms and hath. All im
provements paid for: built-in features,
heavy oak floors throughout, strictly
modern; full sized lot. Call Schmitz,
owner, Ke. 0175.
°np block to car line, 2 blocks to grade
school. 1 block to new North Omaha high.
Owner says sell fast; priced $4,500. but
we are ready to submit your offer. Takes
about $750 rash, balance less‘than rent.
Tb- sure to Investigate this. Call Lewis.
V V ft. It 22.
2 4th and Ames. Ke. 0175.
Mime Lisa Home
$1,500 CASH
A beautiful 7-room home in one 4f the
choicest locations in this district. This
home has all the new features to make
« very complete and comfortable place,
including sleeping porch, fireplace in large
living room and many other built-in fea
4nn First Nai'l Dk. Bldg.AT. 0729.
Full sized mt. garage, full cement base
ment. furnace. ioal Lin fruit room, hot
and cold water. House about a years
old. Will take $75‘» cash. RilMii< e. $:15 J
.per month. Call Schmitz. Ke. 0175.
, * n. r ci.ary co. realtors.
-4th and Ames Ke 0175.
$5.450—$1,000 CASH.
New Miller park bungalow, just com
pleted; 5 room* «ntl bath; oak finish In
living rooms; white and ivory enamel fn
kitchen and bedrooms; high grade fix
tures; gool make furnace; cast front lot;
paved atieel. How many new houses can
be bought at tire above price and terms?
Here in a real bargain After office hours
call HA. 1065 or \VA. 0S95.
RASP BROS. Realtors.
AT .1721. 210-12-14 Koeltne Bldg.
mr, colgreITman
If you nre looking for^V. real home, you
will find it in this now bungalow we
have .iu>i completed. It has 4 rooms and
bath: lota m built-in features; aak floors
throughout; full cemented basement; floor
•train; h uvy Neab.t furnace. Is on paved
street. Paving paid for The price is
low and tb- term a are easy. See It to
day. i'*or appointment call Sundays and I
«*' ening-j. An. 142-'_
HERE'S a real beauty
rm. all modern home, near kontenelle
park, best <■£ condition, oak floors and
finian. newly decorated, east front lot,
• lose to car and school. heal bargain at
$6,000 wild terms. Sunday phone Mr.
Gehris. Klv 5*i.»9 or Mr. I’ltkin. KK. 5091.
1m;'. I.mug!:*s St. Realtors AT 2345.
, Rmtenelle Park District
I wo-story, 6-room stucco house and gar
age. Hus city water, toilet and electric
lights. Large lot. 60x130; price is only
$ ..200, Laay terms. Sunday call Mr. Reed,
ivt-J. 5611.
Gruenig Realty Co,, Realtors,
JA 196*k1400 First Nat'I Bank.
$ 7-Room Hotss °
O Located In Walnut If III, close to O
O h( bool and car line; sleeping O
O porch, tile bath, mirrored door- O
O and other late feature*. Wall* Oj
j downstairs are hand-painted, oak O
r* 3 floor* and finish. This is beaut! O
) ful home at a sacrifice, $6,800.00 O
r on terms; less for all cash. O
American FUge, & g
3, Finance Co., °
0 Puiis 214 Courtney Bldg O
5 AT 2118 AT. 5911. O
. Best Bay North
New 6-room bungalow, large porch; com
Ulete in ev« ry detail. Gail Kenwood 1J25
for complete description or come out to
3711 Grand Av<. Have one under con
struction near that you will want to see.
about 3 blocks north of the new North
Ride high A horn*1 in this district at
prevailing prices will be a good invest
W. J. Tracer,
Weekday. At. 6886
Miller Park
Under corwi ruction. five-room modern
bungalow; cast front, street to be paved,
oak finish In living and dining rooms, pak
floors throughout; choice uf finish In ir
maintng rooms; choice of electric fixture#
and shades; $5,200, $600 down, balance
Groye-Hnbbard Co.,
Builders of Good Homes.
At 4956._K. T. Flattery. VVal, 4*7:5
See at Once—Rear Ames A?e.
Only $4,500—7 Rooms
Own^r paid $5,500, to he sold today for
$4,600; new oak floors, newly papered,
and is now being tainted on outside;
south front lot. on paved street, 2 block#
■>t a car line service#. Hsa 7 rooms, com
pletely modern: garage also. For Infor
mation. phone Wa. ;t 12 4. or se*
Seavey-Hudson Co„
A*. •067. _2263 flty Nat'l
Beautiful F,-rm cottage at 2916 Decatur
St. Oak floor# throughout. Oak flnl#h In
main rooms. Can he bought at less than
$5,000, and on terms. Here Is your chance
% to get a brand new home with $500 down
' payment. Call anytime.
FOLLINS CO., 405 Arthur Bldg
Office. AT. 3521, Itea., WA. 0127.
AT 1128 N. 20T1I we have a small 5-rootn
home with water, sewer, gar*. toilet, which
the owner is willing to sell at the low
pries of $1,800. Take h look at this
* oropertv be < a use it in a bargain.
111ft WilliamJA. 6612.
$5,250—$1,000 Cash
Bran! flew
5-room modern bungalow on paved atreet.
Paving paid. Oak floor# with oak trim
main rooms. Near 26th and Sprague,
'amphwll. WA. 5704.
~Get Your Money's Worth
Comparatively new 6-room. 2 story
home with fireplace. 2 sets of French
doors, oak floors and finish. All for
17.500; terms
W. FAUNA NT SMITH A. CO.. Realtors.
1520 Farnam Ht. JA nr,64. Hun. HA. 2297.
N. E. Corner 4ft»h and Dodge.
Unrestricted 2 lot*. 6-room kll-mod
ern house. Can he moved over,
leaving room for oil station. 461h
is Just at the edge of Dundee. Is
a section line. Dodge is practically
• continuation of Farnam property.
Combines a home, a possible oil
station and a sure growth. Can't
lose on this.
Another Can't I-ose Kind.
6606 N. 24th, 6-room house: front*
east on 2 4th, near Manderson Ave
on the north. 100 fe»*t In depth, All
improvements in and paid. House
not n«w but has new Kohler plumb
ing. Han furnace, electric lights.
A home, a future business place and
a speculation. Can you heat It?
Near Omaha University. Beautiful
tree* front and rear. Act quickly.
Price $4,600 $1,000 cash.
Harrison & Morton
• IB Omaha N-l BU. Rid,. JA.0314
Real Estate—North ■ „ ■ • ^^ .98
Bargain on Ho. 26th Hear
Ames Ave,
Modern 6-room house and two lota. Ex
tensive chicken houses, quantity of fruit
and large garden plot. Requires only
$1,000 cash and good terms. KE. .1293.
W. J PALMER CO., AT. 8980.
Lots of fruit and shrubbery planted.
Priced for quick sale at $1,600, $5o0 cash.
Call Lewis, Ja. G948.
Two Houses Close in
Near 20th and Charles, 1-5 rooms, 1-6
rooms modern except heat, price $5,600
on easy terms. See us at once.
Florence BM,
Good 6-room, modern home on Florence
Blvd., near Ames; east front, nice lawn
and shade trees; price only $4,750, on
Rood terms. Would trade for a home west
or northwest Call owner, KE. 412.».
SIX-ROOM house, all modern; lot 60*
130; price, 14,500; terms. Call Kenwood
323 4.
8-ROOM modern home. 2420 Seward St.,
Vy him k from fur. Triced right.
D E BUCK CO buy and ell homes
TATITSCir A- Hni‘t tidmaler, r e. AT. 6250.
Real Estate—South .99
FleM Club District
Two new homes. Just being completed,
finished in oak and ivory. Eli large, airy
rooms, tile bath, built-in wall tub. pedes
tal lavatory, convenient kitchen with
built-in cabinets, one piece sink and
breakfast nook, large rear entry, full ce
ment basement, with plastered coal bln.
fruit room, laundry trays, floor drain and
toilet: close to Hanscom park and to
new “Field’' school, These are the last
two homiH we have in “Fleldc rest’’ addi
Mon, ami ar* priced right for oulek sale.
Drive by today and see them. Donated at
: 329 and .1331 Hickory Si. Price $*.250.
Terms. Open all clay. Call KK. 0460.
Norris & Norris,
104 V 15th St. T‘h AT 7062.
This house located 100 feet south of Har
ney Street on i.trd. built of high grade
.‘tucco. oak floor* and finish on first
floor, sunroom, fireplace, three bedrooms.
>U-eping porch and bath on second floor;
brick foundation.
Cost $9,500 several years ago; that will
buy it todav.
A, Po Tiikey & Son,
"Tukev Sold It.’*
I'L’O M Xnt. m< Mid g_JA 4 223.
FieM Club Special
Choice 7-Room, East Front
Home '
Has reception hall, large living dining
room* and kitchen down 4 large bed
rooms and bath up Has good garage.
For appointment call JA. 22*2.
Osbarne Realty Co.,
New 3-room house with acre. $1,730;
easy payments. If you don’t have the
down payment for a house, I will sell
you a Mj a- r- or acre on very easy terms,
and will build you a house after, you have
made the payments for a short time. Call
Finley. KK. 1219.
NEW 5-room bouse, easy payments, small
payment down, balnnc* like rent. JA.
4 395.
FOR SALE—8e\en-room modern house
oak finish, hot water heat, $6,000. 2227
South 20fh St.
Tesar A Tesar specialise In 8, Side home*.
Real Estate—West • • . • ■.100
Reduced for immediate sale 8 room* be
.*■■ i<1 hall. Hun perch and sleeping porch
4 bedroom.** and finished maid * room. In
ex- ll^nt condition. Very substantial
Be t of finish and floors. Now unne
cupied Can show today or at your con
Mr. t lilherf .IA 5664. or HA. «514.
E H, Benner Company,
406 Keellne Bldg.
y2 Acre—Good Home
Elmwood Park
This is a good homo with living
room, kitchen, two bedroom* and
hath. Full cemented basement,
new furnace. Large garage,
chicken yard and fine well Why
not enjoy this pleasant home st
6715 Mayberry St. No city taxes
Near pa\od road. Evening* call
.1 H. Payne WA 7050 or C. P.
Allen at K E. 6744
Payne & Carnaby Co.,
"Your Realtors"
610 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.
Corner lot. paved on both side* living
room 12x18 feet with fireplace, built-in
book case*, extra coat closet*; bedrooms
aro 12x14 each, hallway connecting bed
rooms and bath; large dining room, well
arranged kitchen with all built-in fea
tures. full cemenC basement, floor drain,
coal bin. fruit room, hot and cold water
connection Just a year old Newly
decorated, well built Now vacaQt. 11.
000 Mill handle Call Lewis. Ja. 6948 or
Schmitz. K 0175
24th and Ames.Ke. 0175.
Minne Lusa Special
Truth in Advertising
We are not leaving the city—neither
are we forced to Kell. But we do want
you to see the dandy bungalows we
are just finishing 6 rooms—complete
in every respect Beautifully finished
in oak and ivory enamel. Oak floors
throughout Best of plumbing and dec
orations. Compare these homes with
others at the price. Call today, we
will be glad to show you. Price $6,700.
$1,000 cash.
Facing Beautiful Miller Park. A
splendid home of 7 rooms. Sun room
And double French doors. Extra large
living room with fireplace and book
cases. Paneled dining room with ele
gant buffet. 8 large corner bedrooms
with tiled bath on second floor. Attic.
Full baacment. Laundry trays. Gas
heater. Garage for 2 cars with solid
drive. This Is one of the best homes
m Minn* I i ' i "t us prove it. prle#
$9,000. $2,600 cash.
Sunday call Mr. Hoislngton, KE.
7472; Mr. Lnngfellner. K E. 2H8?, or
Mr. Brader. KE. 6870.
Charles W. Martin & Co.
737 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. AT. 0187
Real Estate—West „ .100
Forced to Sell at
Owner must have money and is sacrificing
a good IS.000 for quick action; home
located on Harney street, Vfc block
from Elmwood park and Happy Hollow
boulevard; south front; solid concrete
porch; extra heavy stucco construction;
two yearM old; 3 large bedrooms and tile
bath with shower; extra long living room
with fireplace and bookcases; panel din
ing room; white enamel kitchen; full base
ment with all modern equipment and
extra large furnace; double garage; this
is the host buy we have had for some
time. Original first mortgage of $6,000
now paid down to $5,500.
George & Co.,
Realtors, AT. 3024
We can conscientiously say we offer the
very best buy in Leavenworth Heights in
this immaculate 0-room, 2-story residence.
I** ideally located npar carline. Is prac
tically new with long living room, coat
closet, French doors, built-in kitchen,
fine corner bed rooms, floored attic, won
derful basement with gas heater and
fruit room, garage and drive also. Price
reduced to $*>,950.00 Should sell on
sight. For appointment call Sunday Mr.
Booth WA. 5008: Minlktis, JA. 4 578
Scliroeder Investment C0o,
JA. 3261. Realtors. Sunderland Bldg
Near New Tech High
Choice 6-R Brick Bungalow
Has large living room with fireplace and
wall lights, dining room, splendid sun
rnom. kitchen with built-in features and
two bedrooms, all on one floor. Built-in
bath, pedestal lavatory. Full attic, won
derful full basement, beautifully decor
ated Double garage.
For terms and appointment call JA. 2282.
Osborne Realty Co.,
Hanscom Park Home
Large biirk dwelling 3 rooms and recep
tion hall 1st floor. 4 bedrooms and bath
or 2nd floor. 2 bedrooms, billiard room
and bath on 3rd floor, modern In every
detail, elaborate built -In features, hot
water heat, large screened porch. Corner
lot 81x127, facing east and north and
overlooking Hanscom park. Owner must
leave city. Says get me $13,000, $4,000
cash, hn’anc-e terms.
C, Go Carlberg, Realtor,
"»12 Brandeis Theater Bldg _
The price on thi» 5-rm. all modern
house dropped from $4,000 to $3,500 with
easy terms. And. mind you. it's com
pletely furnished at that price, including
gas stove, ice box. dishes and furniture.
Take your time but remember the first
lucky man there, gets It Sunday phone
Mr Gehris, KB. 6039 or Mr. I’ttkin. KK.
ISIS Douglas Ft Realtors AT 1:945.
ONLY 1780 cash will make first payment
on a brand new bungalow on 4*d Street,
between Ames and Fowler. Only two
blocks to car and school and Just around
th* corner from Fontenelle park. Large
living room, dining room, kitchen, bath,
two dandy corner bedrooms. Oak floors
and finish. Full cement basement with
hot air furnace Large level lot with fine
shad'* frees fruit trees etc. Price $4,950.
T. H, Maenner Cu„
n 1 ft Omaha Loan Bldg AT. 1**2
A chance for speculation, nice comfort
able home, not new hut lust gone over:
!> rooms strictly modern, tile bath, co 0 tr
lot 52x7* Fine place for room**-*. p*!.r
Sales and new high school. Will take
$2,000 cash, balance terms.
.1 A. 2715.
Close to Clalrroont
Brand ne’v dandy 5-room bungalow. 1 cor
ner bedroortja. largo living room, hall be
tween bedrooms and bath Cunboarda.
built-in kitchen, very conveniently ar
ranged Built-In tub Oak floors oak and
enamel finish. full < oment basement.
South front lot. paved street. Vacant.
Price right. Easy terms. Sun . call WA.
, n Voorhees Realty Co.,
AT 32*1 _2«n Kcnlne Bldg,
4433 California St,
5-room bungalow, oak floors throughout.
Bookcase*. Kitchen cabinet. Full base
merit, floor drain. This property must be
bold The price and terrne .will sur
prise you
Carl H. Rocs Ccmpany,
50^-BQ* Sunderland Bldg.AT 5982
Field Club Specials
38th Street
Just north of Club, seven-room, two
story frame house, well built, excel
lent arrangement, with vestibule,
living room, dining room, sun room,
kitchen, pantry and refrigerator
room on the first floor; oak finish,
oak floors. Upstairs, three good bed
rooms with fine ploets, and sleep
ing porch; nice hath; full basement
wih laundry, sink, furnace and water
heater- Owner leaving city, must
sell. Nice shade trees. Oil burner
and other attraetive features. 12.000
cash will handle it. balance like
36th Street
Overlooking the Club, well built
seven-room house having entrance
vestibule, large living room across
the front, dinirtg room, pantry,
kitchen, refrigerator room and extra
lavatory, on first floor. Upstairs
are four nice bedrooms with good
closets, bath room, stairway to large
attic; full basement, good furnace,
laundry, sink, floor drain and show
er. House neatly finished in ivory
and white enamel, and beautiful oak
floors. New decorations and elec
tric fixtures, and best of hardware.
This house must he sold. Immediate
possension. Priced right, terms
Residence Lott
Targe eaat and waat front lot* at
tha highet point in Omaha.
Hanatn'a Addition
located on 60th Avenua. and Mat
Street, juet aouth of Lake and eaat
of the Country cluh. sewer, water,
ga* and pavement all being put in.
Pricea reasonable. There ie a spec
ulation in buying on# of these Iota.
They are bound to inert*** in value
and are selling rapidly. Call u* any
time and we will take you out or
meet you at tha Addition.
For further Information rail the of
fice. or outside of business hours,
rail Mr Sholes, HA. *029; Mr
Noaek. HA 6266; Mr Holton. WA
2729; Mr. McDonald, HA. 372*.
Benson & Garrett
SPECIALIZING in the design
and construction of resi
dences, stores and duplexes.
414 Arthur Bldg. AT 9640
Rral Estate—Went .100
$3,000 Sacrifice
Owner says: "I'm going to California.
Sell at $8.6001“ Absolutely nothing like
It in the city at the price. Three rooms
and breakfast room downstairs; all oak;
beamed ceilings, built-in buffet, plate
glass mirrors, built-in features, three bed
rooms. heated sleeping porch and bath
upstairs; birch and white enamel; attic;
vacuiftn vapor heat; three-car garage.
Large lot, south front. Montclair; one-hair
block to Harney car; three blocks to
Technical High; highest location in dis
trict Takes $4,000 to handle. Owner’s
sacrifice—your profit. Home worth every
nickel of $11,500. Call AT. 2#16 immedi
ately for appointment to see. It won't
AT. 5911. 214 Courtney Bldg. AT. 2116.
Are you Interested In an up-to-date. large,
roomy bungalow of six rooms, all on one
floor, strictly modern, coloniul style, in
side and out? If so. look at 84.1 S. 59th
8t., two lots lOo feet frontage; close to
car line ami Elmwood park golf course.
This i;: a benutiiul home. See me for
price and terms. Shown only by appoint
€. A. Grimmel, Realtor
Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. Phone Ja. 1815.
4338 Marey
A good well-built home, 6 rooms, all
modern; a long living room, dining ioom
and kitchen; three largo sleeping rooms
with cross ventilation; bath and nice
closets upstairs. This place must he sold
at once. We will be glad to show you
this property. We are sure the home will
piesse you and the price Is right.
Carl H. Rms Co.,
r.os ■< -Sunderland Hide.At. t9»2
Clifton Hill
Six-room semi-bungalow; beautiful south
front lot; four rooms on first floor, two
bedrooms and bath on second floor;
newly painted and papered; $4,050, $.100
down, balance monthly.
Grove-Hibbard Co.,
Builders of Good Homes.
At_j956,lv T Slattery, Wal. 4<72
Choice Clalrmont Kellastone
$1,500 Down—Terms
Hast front bungalow with garage, has
large living, dining room, kitchen. 3 bed
rooms and bath on 1st floor. Large full
attic where two rooms could be finished.
1,11 Osborne Realty Co.,
Master Home
You must see this wonderful 8-room home
today sure All done up In oak and
lirch. Wonderful hot water heat. st>len
did garage. Right in th« heart pf Field
club Prle<* $10,500 on terms.
Office, AT 8250. 506 K<elin* Bldg.
JA 2354 __WA 41*7.
2714 No. 40th Street
2-story, 4 large rooms, oak floors, full
basement, nice lot, garage and plenty of
frutt trees. This is worth the money.
M.800, terms Sunday call Mr. Reed KK.
Gruenlg Realty Co., Realtars,
• I A. 19»:t;i|Q«» 1st Nt I Bk
Get Our Prices on
Complete Garages
A salesman will call on
request. Pay part down,
balance in monthly pay
ments like rent.
Lumber and Coal Co.
Phone WE. 5561
22d and Paul, Omaha, Neb.
KealKstaUB-—Wewt %*•%•»■*iviy I0.0
% 4-Room Cottage °
O Located In Clalrmont. Bedroom, O
O living room, dining room and O
O kitchen; whade trees, fruit and a O
O good well. Price $1,700.00, on O
O « a»y trims. JUHt the home for Q
O the man desiring to get a start O
O in life. O
° American Mtge. & °
% Finance Co*, °
O Suit© 214, Courtney Bldg O
o at am ai stn. o
Leavenworth Heights on Mayberry Av«;
South front high and sightly; has garage
and nice law© with shrubs. This wus
built for a home, complete In every de
tail Flreotact. onk floors, gunroom, tiled
bath, hirch and enamel fnlnh. good deco
rations; only $2,000 rash, balance terms.
Crtli owner for appointment. WA. 0633.
Hew Edgewood Bungalow
Five fine rooms and large floored attic;
excellent arrangement and complete In
every detail. Price $7,250. Sunday call
Grant Benson. WA. 15&0.
Benson & Carmichael,
64 2 Paxton Block.AT, <540.
} l U N (i A LO W W E8T
This dandy live-room new. strictly
modern bungalovfc oak floors throughout.
Oak finish in main rooms. White enamel
tn others. Buyer may have choice of
light fixtures, shades and decorating
paved street, 2 block to car line. $500
down, balance like rent. Call Monday.
Mr, Vogel. JA f»013.
5-Room Bungalow
48th and Maple Streets
Oak floors throughout. Enamel bed
room*. Built-In features In kitchen; com
plete In every way. $6,000. Call Mr. Wll
r WA. 3450. _
5 rmi, less than year old; corner lot;
oak and white enamel finish; built-in
bath Let us show you this. Attractively
AT 9900.1338 First Nat l Hk Rldg
Nearly new 5-room, all modern bun
galow in best of repali ; Just redecorated:
:»n give immediate possession. $40#^
' *eh ond balance like rent. WA. 6159.
Mr Read._
Edgewood Colonial
Cnly I1O 000, 6 rooms, high and sightly;
on paved street. Must be srtn to be ap
preciated. Call today and let me show
you this property. WA. 2812.
This dandy large modern 8-rm. home.
4 bedrooms net ond floor, 2 rmi * nished
3rd floor, near 34th and Harney. Call Mon
d.y Mr Vogel. JA 0^13.
H V/ Volland Co for Real Service. AT »5M
4624 Douglas St. Splendid 7
rooms, modern in'detail; oak
floors and finish; beautiful
lot; all specials paid. Price
$7,750, $1,500 cash.
33d and Harney. 8 large
rooms, sun room, sleeping
porch and maid’s room; 4
large bedrooms; quarter sawed
oak floors and trim; all spe
cial features; 2-car garage;
big lot. Price $12,000, $5,000
Bcmis Park's Prettiest. Ele
gant 8 rooms; large corner
bedrooms; oak floors and trim;
fireplace, built-in book cases
and wronderful beamed ceil
ing; full basement; vapor vac
uum heat; 2 large lots with
plenty of native shade. Price
$16,000, $5,000 cash.
50th and Cuming. Fine 8
room Kellastone; oak below;
maple and birch above; 3 large
bedrooms and sleeping porch
above; built-in bookcases and
French doors; full basement;
hot water heat: 2-car garage;
lot 50x136. Price $10,000,
$3,500 cash.
Chas. W. Young & Son
1602 City National Bank
AT. 9668, HA. 5051
Mr. Anderson, Co. B. 3204
Big Profits
Already Made
In the New and Rapidly Growing West Dodge
A tract of 4.7 acres in the West Dodge district
(not Fairacres), a short distance southeast of West
Dodge Acres, several years ago was bought for
$500 an acre. Three years ago it was sold for
$5,000 an acre.
Here's another: A 10-acre tract at the northeast
corner of 90th and Dodge, was bought in 1897 for
$850. This 10 acres couldn't be bought now for
Similar Chances
In West Dodge Acres
Omaha’s Most Promising District
(Opposite Peony Farm)
New paved road, fine streets and drives,
private water system for part of addition,
subdrainage, on Dodge street, many other
Half Acres, $500 and Up
Acres, $1,000 and Up
Down Payments, $25 and Up
Monthly Payments, $7.50 and Up
Come Out Today
Come Early Salesmen
Come Late on the ground
Branch Office on Dodge St., Opposite Peony Farm
Drive out Dodge street, through Fairncres,
or straight out Underwood avenue along
the north side of Happy Hollow club.
1614 Harney REALTORS At. 0050
Real Estate—West .100
New 5 and 6-Koem
houses In Clalrmont dlatrlct; can he
handled on easy terms. Call Russell,
KH. 4836. JA. 2428.
For sale by the owner. Five-room bunga
low. nearly new; oak floors and finish In
living room. Good lot. Call Kenwood
2190 for appointment.
New Homes—your terms. AT. 4956
Grovc-Klbbarfl Co.
8624 CALIFORNIA HT.—6-room, modern,
$1,000 cash down. Real bargain at price
asked. Creigh, 608 Bee. JA. 0200.
Real Estate—Exchange .101
(Conservative Appraisal $200,000)
Want Middle West.
A G.Q00-ft'-re principality. deep, rich soil,
level, bordering both side* of an ever
flowing creek, and surrounded by a hun
dred thousand acres of government range
Both Southern Pacific and Western Paci
fic main lines pass through r »arest town.
Just appraised "for loan purposes” at
$160 000 and actual value $200,000 bv one
of the biggest and most conservative
firms of Bonding House Appraisers in
San Francisco. Want ranch or city
property in the middltwest or east to full
John ?, Hsiiand,
S E Coi 11th and Webster.
We co-operate with Realtors.
Hood 320 acre stock farm, well Improved.
Clarke Co.. Iowa In'-. $17,000; to exchange
for Colo, or clear western land, by owner.
Owners only need reply.
«>sceola. Iowa
Want Equity in Hsuse
I have a good used car. a good half acra
lot. both • dear of incumbrance and 1500
cash. Call me. AT. 3350.
I have a new and clear city property to
exchange f'-r farm land near Omaha, will
assume. Add-*m< Omaha Bee.
A Good Buy—2509 Emmet
street, 7-room house, modern;
arranged for two families. Up
stairs rents $35, Garage; large
lot. $4,360. $1,000 cash, bal
ance easy payments.
Owner Going lo California—
j A real bargain in Prairie
Park home. Five rooms, all
modern bungilow. Large lot,
hedge and fruit trees. Price
$5,250. Easy terms. See at
Florence Bird. Home—Owner
will sacrifice to sell at once.
Five-room bungalow, oak fin
ish, double garage, large lot.
Home for Street Car or Fac
tory Man—Near 24th and
Ames. Six rooms, story and a
half, oak finish, modern; dou
ble garage, large lot, hedge
and fruit trees'
Leavenworth Height*—-A real
home on Barker Ave., near
43d St., 5 rooms, strictly mod
ern. stucco bungalow, fire
place, beautiful interior dec
orations and fixtures. Will sell
at sacrifice for quick turn.
Owner leaving for the east.
Exceptional Value—49th ave
nue and Izard, a very fine 2
story stucco house, complete
in every detail; large living
room; fireplace and other
built-in features; two-car ga
rage. Truly a home for dis
criminating buyers. Only
$8,850. Can be seen by ap
pointment only.
310 P^ers Trust Bldg.
AT 4262 KE 2196
Real ^^tate—Exchange ........ ..101
WE WILL lubmlt you a reasonable offer
tn exchange for your land. Income or
mdse. Try us. we probably have Just whal,
you srs looking for.
610 Brown Bldg AT. 8287.
HAVE cosh buyers for merchandise
stocks, good Iowa mortgage* or small
Iowa faims. L B. 224. Sac City, la
Real Estate—Wanted . ........10?
We Need Listings
We have more customers than we can
supply with modetatejy priced houses
located anywhere In the city. If you
want to sell and have your price and
down payment reasonable call write or
'Osborne Realty Co„
630 Peters Trust Bldg.
JA. 2282.
WE have buyers for 5 and 6-room homes
priced right Also a number of clients
with rash looking for brick duplexes and
store buildings If your property is for
sale call us Immediate Inspection.
Temple McFayden Co=,
160a Knrnam StAT. 9960.
HAVE customers for acreage*. Improved
or vacant. Home nice honv-s in city to
exchange for suburban We specialize
acreage and home* with more than one
lot. We can also sell your city home.
Have customer for house In bad repair.
54‘I Securities Bldg. AT 3350.
WANT good cheap rsrm from ownir.
Hava i-a*h. Hurry. Y-2346. Omaha Bee.
Must have a home. Box W.187. Omaha
Real E«tate—Wanted ...103
HAVE several thousand dollars on hand
to invest In one or more houses s»nd will
buy such property as may bo priced for
Quick sale. This is not a listing ad;
mean business and can deal at once,
(live details Including location, price and
encumbrance. Writ# Box W-405, Omaha
h'EE us first. Need listings, any location,
5 to % rooms. 8hopen A Co.. Realtors.
JA. 41*28 226 Keellno Bldg.
1400 First Nat'l. Bank Bldf. JA. lt»<.
HAVE buyers for good homes. Do you
want Lo sell yours? List It with C. A.
Orlmmel. Realtor. JA. 1615.
Real Estate. Rental*. Iraurano#.
J 602 City Nat’l. Bk AT >418,
WILL buy your house need ng repairing
If priced right Phone WE. 5*21'.
Grabant Peters Co. aeil homes. JA 0653.
Chsa E Beiman. AT. f.250 Rea; Estate.
L J Bey hold & Pon 22* City Nat. AT. <301
Western Real Estate Co JA
8. H. Browne Co. eells acres. AT. I!5t.
Realtors .103
IF WE can t sell your horn# In 30 days w#
will tell you why.
605.506 Sunderland BldgAT. *»*!■
City Real Karate SpecUliata.
JA. 3850f 11-20 City Nat. B#nk.
SLATER A CO.. Realtor# beeline Bldg.
Omaha Dwelling House Loans
We are giving prompt service by
passing on security and taking
the loans ourselves. Money ready
when loans approved.
and 5^2%
centrally located.
The Company of Quick Action
W. Farnam Smith & Co.
1320 Farnam St. JA ckson 0564
Omaha Real Estate Loans,
5l/2 to 6%
RtprAentitine Will Call on Rrqurit
United States Trust Company j
Affiliated With
United States National Bank
JA ckson 2911 1612 Farnam Street
For Quick Sale
Eastern owner in city one week and very desirous to sell 8ft
a. res, close-in, beautiful, high and sightly location for sub-di
vision purposes. Eight blocks to ear line. This is clear and
will make terms.
Would also make wonderful feeding yards. Three houses now
on it.
Splendidly Drained.
Address Room 211, Hamilton Hotel
For Appointment
Brand New Four, Five and Six-Room Houses
South of Hanscom Park
One block from the West Park car. The only new district conveniently close to the
business section. All houses have select oak floors, oak woodwork in living and din
ing rooms. Baths have tiled floors and built-in tubs. Kitchens have built-in cahinets.
We will decorate to suit you.
2826 South 32d street. Five
rooms on first floor. Fireplace,
built-in bockcasrs. desk, buffet.
Airy unfinished attic, large
enough to take care of two
rooms. 9 7.000.
2818 South 32d street. Five
rooms, two floors. F.xtra large
living room with fireplace. Two
large bedrooms with spacious
closets 97,450.
2810 South 32d street. Six
rooms, two floors, three bed
rooms, each with two ex
poau res. 97,500.
2841 South 32d street \ model
home in every way. 90.500.
2826 South 34th street. Five
•room* and sun room, two floors.
Downstairs finished in silver
oak. 97,000.
You will enjoy visiting the
Model Home. 2841 South 32d
street. Ruilt by C. G. Carltmrg.
Furnished by Orchard A Wil
helm Co. Open every day, 1-9
p. m.
2887 South 32d street. Five
rooms, two floors. Fireplace,
built-in bookcases, desk. Two
large bedroom* and closets.
Come and see these houses or
let u* call for you.
083.3 South 32d street. Five
rooms and sun room on one
floor. Large, airy attic. Good
closets $7,150.
2823 South 82d street. \ beau
tiful ke’lastone, 2-story house,
consisting of five rooms and
sun room separated from din
ing room hy French doors.
2S25 South 32d street Four
rooms on first floor. Two large
closets. Finish off extra rooms
upstairs as you need them.
2821 South 82d street. Si*
room*. one-*tory garage.
2817 South 82d street Six
room*, two stories. Garage
310-312 Brandeii Theater Bldg. HA 0053. JA 0565