The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 07, 1923, CITY EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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    Bryan Reception
Campaign Feeler
Pot Begins to Simmer
—Wet and Dry Coalition
to Be Sought.
imperial Dispatch to Tho Omaha Roc.)
Lincoln. July 6.—All political eyes
are centered this week upon a public
reception to be given Saturday night
at JJie governor's mansion to demo
cratic political leaders in the state. •
Hot only will Governor Bryan be
t!**re, but his distinguished brother,
William Jennings Bryan, three times
candidate for president and looked
upon by many as willing to make the
sacrifice a fourth time, will be on
the receiving line.
There, in the advantageous posi
tion of hosts, it is confidently pre
dicted that the riryan brothers will
do everything possible to gain con
sent of party leaders to follow the
Bryan banner in the pending pre
convention fight.
At the present time William
Jennings Bryan has expressed a lik
ing for the McAdoo candidacy.
Whether the brothers will openly at
tempt a unison of democrats behind
the McAdoo banner or will be content
tej sound out sentiment for candidates
and let that suffice for a time is
Fly in Ointment.
There is one fly admittedly in the
ointment at this lime in the person
of Governor A1 Smilh of New York.
It ,is known every effort is being
mdde by Governor Bryan to keep the
wet democrats, already organizing
Smith-for-president clubs in Ne
braska, ih line with the Bryan stand
To accomplish this purpose, Gov
ernor Bryan has absolutely refused to
be quoted on Governor Smith's action
ning the prohibition repealer in
Vork. He also has handed out
Prize political appointments lo the
liberal element in democratic ranks.
To gain the friendship of the wet
element the governor has been
obliged openly to fight the officers of
the Antisaloon league and mutterings
of a “double cross" by the governor
are heard daily in prohibition ranks.
Despite the governor's opposition the
same officers of the Antisaloon league
who fought him in the election be
cause of his tieup with Senator Hitch
cock were re-elected recently by the
With both of these elements being
urged to attend the democratic recep
tion and every effort being made to
impress upon them the need of a
ufiited democracy, which. Incidentally
must be led by the Bryans, the Yneet
ing here Saturday night promises to
b<j Interesting.
Senator Hitchcock is in Atlantic
City and his regrets have been re
ceived. The question is whether such
democrat* as James C. Dahlman, .1.
N. Norton, Theodore Oaterman, Dan
Butler and Arthur Mullen are willing
to gather round the governor's festive
board and boost whatever the Bryan
plans for the coming presidential and
senatorial campaign may lie.
Approve World Court.
IVinona Lake, Ind., July 6.—Quali
fied approval of the world court was ]
unanimously voted by the World
(Chftstlan Citizens' conference, la sea
son here today, which adopted a
resolution urging American partici
pation In the world court.
Man Held for Attack
Has Criminal Record
Charles Miller.
Charles Miller, 320 North Nine
teenth street, arrested Wednesday
night on a charge of attacking the 6
year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Christensen at Calhoun, Neb.,
was arrested .September 12, 1919, on a
charge of grand larceny, according
to Lieut. A. A. Andersen of the police
Bertlllon bureau. He was sentenced
to two years and paroled.
Three Killed, 100
Injured in Iowa
fwo Dead From Auto Acci
dents, One Drowning
on Fourth.
Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee.
Des Moines, la., July 6.—Three
leaths and nearly 100 Injuries are
-esults of Iowa Fourth of July cele
Milo McKibbon, Jessup, la., was
tilled when an lnterurban train
crashed into an automobile at a
trade crossing. Four other occu
pants of the machine were injured
ind were taken to a hospital.
George D. Holmes, 23, Avery, la.,
vas drowned in the Chariton river.
He fainted and fell in, according to
Tiemhers of the party.
B. F. McQueen, 31. of Locust Grove
ivas almost instantly killed when his
peck was broken in an automobile
tccident at a crossroads. His wife,
wo children and mother-in-law were
pot seriously injured though their,
•ar rolled over three times.
AVhen a toy cannon loaded with
dack powder failed to go off, Joe
rkerepa, 40, Cedar Rapids, invest!
rated and lost his left eye and three
London women, even those of the
ppiddle class, now smoke In parks and
Entrance Floor
Saturday—A Sale of
Values to $5.95
Fine worsted*, solid col
ors and many attractive
'color combinations. All
the wanted styles. Now
is the most advantageous
time to buy.
Chiffon •Hose
Pointex Heel Square Heel
Shown in Black, White, Gun
metal, Cocoa, Gray, Bobolink,
Caramel, Silver and Nude. Clear
as crystal weaves. Every pair
is perfect. Silk to the top and
from our regular stock.
Herzberg’s Chiffons Have a Reputation!
Beautiful and Wanted creations,
Frills and tailored modes. Widest
possible selections, one prettier
than the other. Every blouse in
volved has been reduced.
Net and
All Sixes
Bluffs Man Shot
in Gun Accident
F. A. Beeson, Retired Realtor,
Found Dead in
F. A. F.eeson, 41, retired Council
Bluffs realtor, was found dead in his
room at the home of his sister-in-law,
Mrs. W. H. Campbell, 208 South First
street, with a bullet wound in his
Beside the body was an automatic
pistol, which he apparently had been
The clip, containing the cartridges,
was lying on a dresser in the room.
He purchased a bottle of oil for the
weapon yesterday. Coroner Cutler
declared that Beeson probably re
moved the clip and started to clean
the gun. forgetting about the car
tridge which remained in the barrel.
The dead man's widow and daugh
ter are in McAllen, Tex.
He is survived also by his mother,
Mrs. C. FJ. Thornton; a brother, W.
I,. Thornton; three half-brothers,
Floyd Thornton, Ota Thornton and
,T. P. Thornton, and two half-sisters,
Mrs. Mabel Hayden of Council Bluffs
and Mrs. Bela Creager of Otoe, la.
Beeson formerly was a member of
the J. W. Squire real estate firm.
Man Shot in Pistol Rattle
With Police Officer Dies
Wallace Osborne. 2613 C.rant street,
died in St. Joseph Hospital Thurs
day as a result of gunshot wounds
received Wednesday In a pistol battle
with Harry Buford, police emergency
driver. Osborne had attempted to
kill John Howard, 2301 North Twen
ty seventh street, and had refused to
drop his revotver when ordered to do
so by the officer.
Mate, Father in Prison;
Young Wife Wins Decree
Marie Otevvns Mur Sort |
Marie Stevens Burton, 21, is
through with men.
She said so in district court Friday,
where site appeared to obtain a di
vorce from her husband, Raymond
Burton, now serving a sentence for
Her father is in prison, too. on a
charge of violating the narcotic law.
"It’s too bad my father is in pris
es, ” she said. "He told me never to
marry, because all men are fools."
Bee 'Want Ads Produce Results.
Saturday-An Astounding July
Clearance Sale
500 Mid-Summer Hats
Hats Formerly Marked to 00
Sell to $15.00 Reduced to
Included are Beautiful Leghorns,
Smart Navy and White Hats, large
dressy White Hats and clever
Sport styles.
Hats Formerly Marked to $
Sell to $7.50 Reduced to
All White Hats, Sport Hats,
Flower Trimmed Hats, Felt Hats,
Gray Hats. These hats at this
price will surprise you—the selec
tion is wide and varied.
Hats Formerly Marked to $ 1 89
Sell to $5.00 Reduced to JL
A selection of 175 Sport and some
Trimmed Hats—some just arrived.
Extraordinary values. Felt Hats,
Ribbon Hats, Straw combinations.
Compare these hats with those you find
elsewhere, and you will learn these cannot
be duplicated at anywhere near the sale
See These Hats Tomorrow
Rivals in Love Affair
Fight Duel to Death
1-os Angeles. Cal., July 6.—To win
a love no longer legally within the
reach of either, two men fought a
death duel with pistols in a small
room on South Pickett street' today.
One is dead; the other is a fugitive
from justice. Neither knew the wo
man in the case has long been mar
The dead man ts Jesus Eaya,
descendant of old Aztec aristocracy.
The fugitive is Elimo Castro. Both
have cherished admiration for the
girl, a scintillating Spanish beauty,
since four years ago.
Police on Lookout for
Butter and Lggs Swindler
Police are looking for a man with
a Ford car who has "allckered" sev
eral Omaha wholesale concerns out
of a quantity of butter and eggs in
the last few days.
His method is to call the wholesale
house, represent himself as tha pro
prietor of some established grocery,
I declare that ha la completely out of
butter and eggs and that he la serid
I ing a clerk to get some. A few min
utes later he drives up. tella
the wholesaler he Is from the grocery
he mentioned In the telephone con
versation and drives oft with a car
load of merchandise.
Cigarets Iq Germany cost 100 marks
each. '
“Meet Me ^ 8-Hour
c“"BurgesS”Nash Company ifs
place to meet for "EVERYBODYS STORE" dcred
refreshments. Main Floor
Toilet Goods Specials
50c Dr. W c s t ’ 8
Tooth OO
Brushes. . . i*
$8.00 Metto Re
ducing; C»0 CA
10c AUaddin Dye
?„°r"p'.3... 25c
30c Amolin 1 Q
Powder. ... X */ C
50c Pebeco Tooth
IT':,.... 33c
$1.00 Mavis Toilet
a?ter:.... 69c
10c Olive Cold
Cream Soap. . vC
50c Rubber OP
Gloves.... OOC
$1.00 bottle CQ
Bay Rum.. OJ/C
$2.00 D j e r Kiss
Toilet <|*1 on
Water. . V $•
$1.75 Foi/n- OQ
lain Syringe,027C
75c Rubber /f Q **
Sponge*. .. “J/C
25c Mum 1 Q
Deodorant, AI7C
55c Cedesco Dental
ST.... 29c
10c Creme Oil Soap,
60c Syrup OQ
of Fig*.... OJ/ C
$1.25 K. L. Moth
Sprayer *7Q
Outfit.... • *7C
10c Life Buoy
Soap. OQ.
6 cake*. . .
10c Hardwater Cas
SL* 20c
50c Djer Kiss Face
ST:... 35c
Main Floor
25c Pear’s Scented
35c Soap OC
60c Hospital Cot
ton, pound OQ
roll. Oi7C
75c Fitch Dandruff
Remover PQ
Shampoo. . wJ/C
15c Nikko Shoe
50c Mulsified Co
$2.50 Azurea or Le
Trefle Toilet
ZT:. $1.98
$3.50 C o t y ’ s
L’Origan Toilet
ZT:. $2.19
Girls’ Gingham
Dresses $7.50
Site* 12. 14. 16.
Attractively colored checked
gingham frocks trimmed in organdy
to match the checks. Made with
panel effect with hemstitched ap
pliqueing of self material. The
round neck and short sleeves are
finished with velvet ribbon. The
wide sash is of organdy.
Orchid Green
Blue Brown
These frocks are regularly priced
f 10.00. Third Floor
A Group of
Summer Blouses
Very Special at
Taken from our stock of higher
priced blouses is this group com
posed of organdies, voiles and nets
made in
Tuck-in and Overblouae
styles. Some of them are trimmed
with Irish laces, others with filet,
and many with the attractive Merh
lin laces. Every size from 34 to
Third Floor
Women '*
New Neckwear
Crisp Organdy Vcstees
with collars and cuffs to
match. Trimmed in nar
row val laces or colored
embroideries, in tuxedo
Attractive Lace Camo
■ettes to be worn with
suits and sweaters.
Net Guimpei trimmed
with dainty laces and
colored oryandy. Rose,
yreen, yellow ami laven
Mam Floor
/ _
Women's White Footwear
of Nile Cloth and Kid
Complete Line of
Sizes and Widths.
Main Floor
Spanish Heeled
At $10
White kid pump with low
cut arch, ankle strap and
center strap; a single row of
perforations forms the only
I trimming.
Two-strap pump of very
fine quality nile cloth with
straps and trimming of white
kid. Made with plain vamp.
Low Heeled
At $11
A very dainty one-strap
pump of fine white kid made
with thin turn sole and flat
covered heel.
White kid pump with low
cut arch and center strap.
Made with hand-turn sole
and buckled ankle strap.
Women's All-Wool
Bathing Suits
$3.95 to $4.95
Bathing suits in which one
may play, splash and swim
to her heart's content.
We carry only all-wool
suits, which means that
every thread is pure wool.
These two special groups
include all colors. Solid
color suits or with stripes
and checks of contrasting
shade. Sizes 34 to 46.
Third Floor
Bathing Needs
35c Bathing Caps, all colors... lfc
50c Palm Beach rolls and water
*‘ing«, make swimming safe and
easy for bathers.35c
60c All-Rubber Garters .55c
• 1.50 Bathing Bags, all colors. 75c
• 1.79 Bathing Bags, all colors 85c
Mata Floor
An Exceptional Value
Chiffon Hose
Women’s full-fashioned, all-silk chif
fon hone, sheer and clear and woven
with reinforced foot.
Black, White, Pearl Gray,
Gun Metal, Beige, Nude,
Sand, Fawn, Flesh.
Main Floor
Crepe de
Chine and
) Gowns
ji Mm; new
p styles made of
f fine quality
Crepe de Chino
or heavy Kadi
um silk. Some
are plain tailor
ed models, the
others are ex
quisitely tr i in -
ined with dainty
lares. Pink and
whit \
Sftnnd KImi
for Summer
Mello Mints
Pound 39c
A delicious creamy
after-dinner mint
regularly 4 9c a
Swedish Kisses
Pound 39c
Pure sugar mint
candies that will not
become sticky dur
ing the hot weather.
49c value.
Toasted Marsh
Pound 39c
l,v re s h Marshmal
low# rolled in pure
coconut and then
toasted. M.|n Floor
For the Kiddies
35c to $1.45
Of crepe, muslin or
11 n*ret to. nicely made
with buttoned or elas
tic waistband and with
rlastic cuff at the
knee. Pink or white.
Muslin Slips
85c to $4.95
Pound nrckcd or
bodice lopped, made
with embroidered ruf- '
fie anil deep hem, some
lace trimmed.
TMr<l f loo*
Kiddies’ Sox,
Pair, 25c
Value, to SOc
A splendid assortment
1 a i»nd 3 4 length
n sox, woven with
Chooso a mini
brr of pairs at
this ffrmtly rr
duood prior.
Mam I I«m»i
Two Underwear Specials
Women’s Lisle
Union Suits
Fine quality lisle trunk
with slove silk tops, made
sleeveless style, full shoul
ders or bodice top and knee
tiftht. flesh. Regrularly $1.75
to $2.00. Sizes 34 to 44.
Women s
Vests 45c
An exceptionally fine
mercerized vest, sleeve
less style. French hand
tops Flesh color. Reg
ularly priced at 75c.
Sizes 36 to 44.
5ocond Floor
Luggage Vacation Trip
Wardrobe Trunk*
The famous Herkert & Meiscl
theatrical trunks that have all the
latest improvements. including
ironing hoard, iron holder, shoe
box, hat box and sectional drawers.
The trunk and all parta are made
of 3-ply veneer and 2-ply fiber.
These trunks are regularly priced
Suit Case Sale
All genuine cowhide
leather suitcases. 24 to 26
inches in site, built on solid
steel frame with strongly re
inforced corners and fin
ished with two leather straps
are reduced for Saturday’s
selling. $10.00 and $10.50
values are included.
Patent Enameled
Cases, $3.98
Women's overnight hags
and suitcases of patent
enamel are regularly
priced $7.50 each; Satur
day $3.9*.
Traveling Bags
All leather IS inch bag
regularly priced $11.00 is
reduced to just onchalf
its former selling price.
'To Tn^mi
. ‘t—i—t—r
Main Klwr
Bargain Basement
Women’s Pure Linen Dresses
Attractively made of good quality linen that will launder
without fading, and featured in
Turh'c Different Styles
Among which are alim stale* for alender figurea and beoam
ing atyle.a in the larger aiiea. New and popular trimming*
make theae drev*ea acrv apea'ial aalue* /4 ft
Sire* Ifi to 44. $3*4*7
Bargain HaiwnMl