Beatrice Fairfax PKOMjgiS TH AT 1‘KKI‘I.KV The Selfish Girl. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 20 and In love with a man of 24, who says he loves me. He takes me out Saturday nights and every Sunday he goes to his sister and loaves me home alone, tie you think 1 should resent this? M. K. The man who is kind and consider ate of'hiit own people will probably be kind to his wife as well. You cannot force this man to devote himself to you, but by being gracious and friend ly you can do much to make yourself necessary to him. Be grateful for what he does offer you and don t make selfish demands at this time. •lerry: I'm afraid I don't know any remedy for bowlegs except .lust long enough dresses to hide them. 1 wouldn't worry murh shout them. They're there and all the worrying in the world won't help them unless you have the bones broken and reset. I understand that clays are not harm ful to the complexion, but. never hav ing used them myself, 1 can’t give you any first band information. I do not beliete any depilatory will remote hair permanently. The only way to become less self.conscious is to ty to forget yourself. Make yourself in terested in the person to whom you are speaking and try to find out his particular hobby. Then discuss that. ■ 1 ■ ■ " —. i THE NEBBS— it’s A gay life. , Dr,wn ,or ™!£r.bLB£,bjr So1 H'“ fWo BETTER GODtW) ' SHOULD SAV i WONT pyiMt GA5 CbMPANV AMO ^0 DOvwu AND WOMBLl Ipav *t*wt Bui-tr rr msele aeter tae wav H WASN’T FOR Tms r-T W T&BWED U*.* » H PERCOLATOR WE COWE T«ON\ YiGHTTnG ti COULDN’T' EAIEM / Sfoctf - A NE88 NEVER |) WAVE. HOT COFFEE V SvR«.ENDERS b—Y—J v~:r---—' fTCO'Gt OWN SPITING^ rTboNTTARt ^TVVO?) WouCSELf-TUtv Downr Bunch or no or.- < CART anything ABOUT ) KULWOQS AlNT GolNG TOU - ~THEV WANE S|To *S 90 MlN TOUftTIRES TOR \ EAUCWNQ - ^ NOTUKMg ^M f \ t>ow*r mnow s XTirzrzrZ’ Tow-viLiawfcoar \ ** Supper --its ^ tr-'touwowT mpwEI bo HO.BD To ^OM “to OfMJO QnEB, IV '1 the mouse wftwour) Hor <*«, sccne either/ ^ G^S r.-'—N.y -I 1 " 1 ‘ mm.11 i ( NEVER MtND.SwEETMEARY f iil stop «f tvft: miCAtrsstN \ Store and Bovso^r.wa: cou> ■ Mr per and Deffttto Salad - and j [jvXn'ru MOT Corrtr. - Sum vom ^ my MOUtM l& vypTEQlNfi £r (WkjD BARNEY GOOGLE_ Is Barney Yellow? Well, He Isn’t .Parting with Any of It. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck - -1 i————————————^^^——— 3!(A TKROvXUa VMOOAY*i6 ABOUT'' TUat 4t v0.000 brase tv*ey FORCED ME To TAKE - RtEWT «00«J X-M GONWA D«A6 VT OUT OF TUE BANK - OWE »T 6A«*C To Twat C**OOk AND VXIA'SH (v\Y WAWOS OF Tre VUVHXE c*pr^. >»». br *»« f-*m~ * weMe vou ar« . \ ifst .500* s y ioq'S amo ao s 1 AU A»e«M \ VeiJCOWBAOKS Tw*T j , 3UST CWtfe / The 'rtacAsowY-/ n BRINGING UP FATHER—«Vffiri* ----- -i ■ — ■ ■ mm ■■ ■ ^e—■mmme———■■——1 ■ •— I JUtiT TAKE. A Quiet snooze in THE HAMMOCK WHIUE MAOOIEL lt> OUT ‘bHOPPlN’.’ !! z^ Z #jjf Z © 1M3 IWT-L fCATURC SCWVICf. Inc- *“ ALL RiCHT* MAC*<*IE -WHAT OO -<00 WAHTV WHERE: ARE . XOO? O-5 JERRY ON THE JOB— what about yourself, mr. givney? d"«"> <°r B" Hoban All Set Ma» 1 ^ i|Hl tiwtsuro'"foe UewofcT on ||8 "Twe 'T.t'J TAWnG “THAT J COWJ OS yioeojvff O j V 'TUE Con vsOT KMCWisvi j "tjc "raAiki vsaC ^ -H 7 On yTlWE 'TUA'Y ^ OBOW='THtfT 'JUS so«cl g J08 »/4kJO 1 DOKTT 4 I MtAVl /AA48E. EUMEW 1 || Guests' ot wakcj ,^g If f/AOE DsuvnanSvhP , a^ AtWT VSO CJMCM. maggi f 'TteaE-'TAVE A UOOK. AT ) ^VATl S'CEE. VNMAT I J ( NMQOTt OM lY * \ '-^ OWT VOU J/ / 1 SEE rr. ) / But i \c [ Camt < v^jTOtfty' XT SAWS' ‘VjJRl'TE MOOeTT? h UESIBUV’^ --- vN’ Try not to tblnk of yourself when you are alone. Get interested in some one thing and work at it so hard that you won't have time to think of your self. Be perfectly natural to a boy friend who comes to call. You might dis cuss some book you both have read, or some movie you both have seen. You might show him your flower gar den if you have one or let him see your snapshot book. It takes quite a while to explain about each snap shot. Or you might take him right into the kitchen, tie him in a big apron, and set him to shelling nuts for candy or helping you pull taffy. If a boy tries to kiss you, you can re fuse absolutely to let him. If he is a gentleman, he won't persist in annex ing you. J think you could wear yellow». [brown*, cream* and henna* very well, You would probably look well In w hit* too. The right shade of blue would bring out the bltie in your eye*. Pale green or pink would look well with ^ a white complexion. You are. a lit He overweight, but not enough to worn' much about. Avoid starches and sugar and exercise more. My. what a long letter this is, Jerry. Write m* again. (HI I .am pa. Adding a pinch of salt to the eft when filling oil lamps will cause them to burn more brilliantly. ADVERTISEMENT. 0 ADVERTISEMENT. Notice- rJS/catiwi? JJon t let sere, burning, swollen, aching, tired FEET, callouses, or' corns, bunions and blisters^v 3$o\\ ■jour jyjofli GYPSY FOOT RELIEF THIS wonderful secret from the desert makes soreness, burning, aching and pains from callouses, corns and bunions disappear as if by magic! Applied in one minute, without fuss or - bother, you walk, work, dance and stay on your feet as long as you please. NO need of soaking your feet in hot. cold, or medicated bath*. No powder* to dry, crack and blitter skin— nor plaster*, pads, or dangerous cutting when you have a box of Gypsy Foot ttelief. Don’t go on your vacation without it. It soothes, cools, heals and ends the worst case* of foot-suffering in three min ute*. or you get back the little it cost*. AH druggists sell i* including Sherman dr McConnell. Featon Drug Co.. Haines Drug Co.. Merritt Drug Co. and Green Drug Co. AD V F.RThKM FA T. 1 Remarkable Discovery Prom ises Relief to Rheumatic Sufferer*. German chemistry that has s van fo 'he world the boon of Aspir.n for tha relief of headache pain, and Novocains for painless dentistry. haa now come forward with another a^.'entific discov ery that promise# to make rheumatic pain a of the past for thousands "ho have suffered terrible tontures. A new combination of certain oils haa b»en discovered, which produces • clear arob«r liquid that afford# imme diate relief from pain in many in. stance*. It la *o penetrating tha* it disappears within a few se*-**nda. *© that jt mu>t be entirely absorb'd by the bodjr tissue Even in the moat advaftc ed and stubborn cases the ue»- of th!» remark able oil ha* shown astonishfnr Improve ! ment at once tn many cases Tired mus clee regain life, creaking mints nth the ; pain gone, become supple, and the an noying twinges cease. astonishing have been the results from the use of this oil that th* Amer ican distributor* have authorised iocml druggists to dispense it to rheuinatlf suf. i ferers n this etts. wth a positive writ ten guarantee, signed by t hemeelv«« to return the full nur< haae price of the f’-mt bottle If the rheumatic pain# are not won derfully relieved. All who suffer should take advantage of this liberal offer, ro le** >ou get relief from the very fir*! bottle your druggst will return your money It |* called Bubler Oil and ran be had at moat good druggists, such as ’’Herman-M -Ce nts**I! Drug Co. Reason Drug Co Merritt Drug Cn Barney pa gan Drutf Co . and l*nttt.Docekal Drug Co. ___ ADTEIThRNEXT. Child-birth Here i> • wonderful meseec* *° ell expectant mother*! When the Little One arrives, you can have that moment more free iron* iun*nnf man you ha\e perhaps imagined. An eminent physician, expert in this science, has shown the way. It was he who first pro* e*ured the preat^remedy, "Mother’* friend.4 Mr*. C. J. Hartman, Scranton, Pa* says; "With trty first two children I had * «&**©? and * nurse, and then they had to use instru ments. hut with my last t«o children I used Mothers Friend and had only a nurse: we had no time to get a doctor because I wasn't < \9T7 siek—only about ten or fifteen min- i utes.** Um "Mother's Friend” as our moth er* and grandmother* did. Don't wait, start today, and meanwhile write to Bradfteld Regelate* Co.. BA 4$. Atlanta. G*.. for a free illustrated book containing information every expectant mother should have. "Moth er's Friend” U eold by all drug store* •very* her*. Yes! Is Is Impossible to Carry on a Conversation Today. By BriggS r-\ (—7---T* Got a A Vers ( hav/e I match mo matches I OSCAR ? Today / -C—7 / VAJHCRe Vbo Goitre* c"0 Yp£ i HAoe l Vo op. vacation Wo vacate V*geffv? , T«;» Vca* f AtO/ PHOfOt f CALLS'. yJHlLF ( I WAS OVJT" ^ JOWMV ) VJtr PP. ►JO i TeiePHOMe c*u.s u/hilS Yo- \ ^5L'^2LVouur BOT IVLTOSS VOO, vjfil "t*** fr:'y to sst *vaj<*\* -r-^ \ 'TWOXJUAW » B ■ '^' i Vouwho^be.A /Wu.*n»str V Nou Q€T tVJO Tt> $*TE IP NoC OWE l ^OUAR&^TtoM V f*\fc BX)R 'DCA-LARS 's^25ii,_s<^/ V OR NocmiNQ'J y L L ' _ Ir NOU > ,U)HO AQAtW, / K>°OJJLETTS *VOSS\ / MO,»OC,S»QMV K'fcA ] R)UR t,CUAR& 1 l^fOOTNMOM! A _J ADVERTISEMENT. Nervous Woman . Complete Wreck Tell* How She Was Made Well by Lydia L Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Indianapolis, Ind.— “Now I want to tell you just what induced me to take your medicine, it. seemed that I had some kind of weakness so that I could not carry a child its full time. The last time I was troubled thi3 way I had a ner vous breakdown and was a com plete wreck. The doctor thought I would not live, and if I did that 1 would never be well and strong again. But I told them I was going to get well, that I was not go ing to die just then. My husband got me Lydia E. Pin*ham's Vegetable Compound and I took six bottles of it. 1 soon got strong again and had three more children. 1 have recommended the Vegetable Compound ever since, and if vou could see me now you would think 1 had always been well.”—Mrs. Mary F. HERkicK, 234 Detroit St, Indianapolis. Ind. Lydia E Pink ham’s Vegetable Com pound is an excellent medicine for ^ expectant mothers and should be taken during the entire period. It has a general effect to strengthen and tone up the entire reproductive sys tem. so that it may work in every respect effectually as nature intend*. AIMJEKTIbEMENT. Ladies Can Wear Shoes One si*e smaller and walk in com fort by usiig Allen'* Foot-Ease. t antiseptic, healing powder for tbe feet. Shaken into the shoe* Allen s Foot-Ease, nlake* tight or new shoes jfeel easy, give* instant relief to Corr,5 Bunion*, and Callu*c*. prevent* Hli* rr*. and Sore Spots and give* rest to tired, aching, swollen feet. Those who use Alien's Foot Ease have solved their foot troubles. Over 1.5*» 000 pound* of Powder for the Fee were used by our Army and Nav . during the war. Sold everywhere For Free sample and a Foot-Ease Walking Doll. Addres* 'A LEE NS FOOT EASE. Le Roy. S T. tm hurismiNT. GOITRE ^ Completely Relieved for Wisconsin Lady — Caused Choking and Smothering — Health Was Impaired—a Liniment Used. Mr* Was. P. J©n©«, HarUand. Ws« says sh© i» wiUtnc to writ© any or© how • h© *m, in a short t»m©. relieved of h©r t©n-y©ar rottf* with Sorbcl-Wuadrur W. a •tain)©** linimoat. Get f’-ee information from Sorb©] Com b*nj. M ©chants burg. Ohio. Sold hy a'.l •rue •tore*. lorfily at Sherman A Mt Con a© II drur store* \l>\ F.RTISKMI NT. You, Too, Can Have Beautiful Hair ■■ - — ■■■ ! Ttie novelist nays:—"Her hair scf* las silk—" The nio\ se screen r*citea.«-"Her hair, iich. brown and lustrous—" The poet sings —"Her ha;r, like spun geld—" Everyone recognise* the charm cf heautiful, soft glossy hair. Tct few realise that beautiful hair i* mainly a matter of care atnl eleanlieness A K1TCK SHAMPOO twice a month "ill keep your scalp clean and fees fiwn dandruff and the pores .open It will remove dirt and unnatural mis fjom the hair leaving it healthy, silky ipd lustrous. Don't sit by and watch >©ur hair grow thin and lifeless No amount of curling, patting or tucking away of stray locks can compare with a natural wealth of hair in clean, \ healthy condition. Write for copy of our free book let, "The Secret of Heautiful Hair." The FITCH SHAMPOO is on sal* at first class toilet goods counters In two sises. 7.< cents, list fotvfanit !>• package*. Complete directiona in ^ the package Appluat tor. a at leading Ivartver shops. Our fine Id page illustrated book lei. "The Secret of Heauttfu! Hair." mailed free to anyone upon revues Address F \\ Pitch Ce |ae* Mo re' Is - Advertisemet > Will \ IN Nl | It OF III I r TKA OMAHA HtvE WANT U>» %