_ _ • % Letters from Little Folks of Happyland (PRIZE.) The Laughing Brook. Dear Happy: I am a member of the Happy Tribe, as I sent in a two cent stamp. With it I sent a letter and a story. I am II years old and will be In the seventh grade when school starts ' again. last year I had to make up a poem for language, which will come in this letter. "The Laughing Brook." Dancing gracefully o’er the rocks, And when playing never stops, Making pretty wayside curves. Through the reeds again it serves. Looking at the pretty sky. And the birdies flying by. Leaping, laughing In its play, Swerving past the mound of hay. Gliding by the meadow edge. Babbling over pebbly beds. Slipping, laughing in its play Never stopping; all the day. I have enjoyed reading the letters and stories very much on the chil dren's page. I hope some children my age will write to me.—Your Go Hawk friend, Gladys E. Beebe, Clay Center, Neb. Will Be Kind. Dear Happy: I would like to join the Go-Hawks. I am sending a 2 cent stamp and coupon for a but ton. I read the Happyland paper every Sunday and like it very much. I promise to do kindness to some one ^ every day. I go to the Hill Creek school. I am 11 years of age. I will be in the seventh grade next year. My teacher's name was Miss Pedersen. I will close as my letter is getting long. Yours truly. Beu lah Laughlin, Aged 11, Herman, Neb. First letter. Dear Happy: This ia my first letter to you. I am sending coupon and a 2-cent stamp. I hope to re ceive my pin soon. I am R years old and am in the fourth grade. I like to go to school. My teacher's name is Miss Hike. Yours truly, Herman Rohwer, Gretna. Neb. Fanny. Dear Happy: I am sending a 2 cent stamp for my pin. I have joined the Go-Hawks. Some of them have thetr pins. I have two brothers and three sisters. I have one pet. It Is a black dog. Her name is Fanny. I am 10 years old and in the fifth grade.—Elizabeth Knuter, Smithfield Neb. A New Member. Dear Happy: This is my first letter to you. I am sending a 2 cent stamp for my Go-IIawk pin. I am 11 years old and in the sixth grade at school. 1 have four brothers and one sister. 1 wish some of the Go-Hawks would write to me. Yours truly, Alice Johnson, Thurston. Neb. | My Pets. 1 have two pets. One is a cat which is very old. She is gray and white. Her name is Pansy. My sister and I have a pony. His color is red with black mane and tail. We call him Red. We ride him to school most of the time. I will try very hard to win my pin. I will promise to be kind to dumb animals. Mae Baker, aged 12, Albion, Neb. Second letter. Dear Happy: This is my second letter to the club, and 1 hope my letter does not get lost on the way. My school was out on May 18 and on the last day of school we had a picnic. I like my Go-Hawk pin very well. As my letter Is getting long I will close. Wishing some of the Go-Hawks would write to me, I am—Mabel Calvin, age 10. Raven na, Neb. . Shep and Tiger. Dear Happy: I am sending a 2 cent stamp so I can be a Go-Hawk. 1 am 8 years old and in the fourth grade. X have two pets. One is a dog and one is a- cat. Rhep is the i dog's name. When we sing he V sings with us. Tiger Is the cat's ¥ name. Well as my letter is getting | long. I will close.—Doris Slefken, I Pllger, Neb. Lost Hie Button. Dear Happy: I have been going to write to you for a long time, but I kept putting it off. Every once in awhile I would say: “Well I Just must write to the Go Hawk’s tribe and get a pin.” I lost my button. Enclosed you will find a 2 cent stamp tor my button. I was 9 years old May 3, 1923. I had a party' May 5. Six boys and six girls came to the party. Our school was out May 18. We had a picnic. The picnic was at our place. We had lots of good ’things to eat. A cousin of mine is staying with me for a week. 1 am going to Join the big club. Well as I can think of nothing else to write now I will close.—Willlard Harry Nelson, Age 9, Nehawka, Neb. A New Tribe. Dear Happy: Enclosed you will find six 2-cent stamps for six but tons. We have started a tribe of six girls. We all promise to be kind to dumb animals. Every meeting we read the Happyland page. When we do five good deeds we receive a colored feather: after we have earned three feathers we receive a colored bead. We have pledged that one member of the tribe would write a letter or story to Happy every week. President, vice presi dent, secretary treasurer, and wo have committees for all occasions. Well, I will have to close.—Yours Truly, Lois Koehler, Age 10, Osce ola, Neb. A New Go-Hawk. Dear Happy: I want to join your Happy Tribe. I promise to be good to all dumb animals. I am 12 years old and was in the seventh grade last year. Our school was out the 19th of May. I liked my teacher very much. Her name was Helen Groetzinger. I am sending a cou non and a 2-cent stamp for a Go Hawk button.—Clarence Demlnski, Boelus, Neb. Wants Letter from Go-Hawks. Dear Happy: This is my first letter, but I hope to write many more. I am enclosing a 2 cent stamp. I wish to receive a Go Hawk pin. I promise to be kind to all dumb animals. X am 6 years old. My name is Lucille Allen. I wish someone of the QorHawks would write to me. I could not answer them myself, but my sister, Margaret will. Lucille Allen, Box 47, Ansley, Neb. Wants Letter. Dear Happy: I wish to Join the Happy Tribe. I am enclosing a 2 cent stamp for my button. I am 10 years old and will be in the sixth grade. I have four sisters. Their names are Sylvia, Pearl, La Vern and Myrtle; and also two brothers, Ansel and Marvin. I read the Go-Hawk page every Sunday. I wish some of the Go Hawks would write to me. I would gladly answer. I will close for this time. Yours truly, Opal Fredrickson, Osceola, Neb. Route 1, Box 47. First letter. Dear Happy This is my first let ter to you. I am sending a !-cent stamp for my badge. I have a pet dog and eight rabbits. I am 10 years old and 1 was in the fifth grade last year.—Norris Lowther, Age 10, Coleridge, Nek. A New Member. Dear Happy: I am sending a I cent stamp for my Go-Hawk pin. I have two sisters and one brother. Their names are Walter, Inn, and Freda. I am 9 years old and will be 10 in August. I will promise to keep the motto and pledge. I will close for my letter is getting long.—Erna Oack, Age 9, Pierce, Neb. Pinky. Dear Happy: I am a little girl nine years old and was In the fourth grade at school last year. I have fmtr brothers and three sis ters. I live In town and rave a pet kitty. It's name Is Pinky. I enjoy the letters of the Go-Hawks. I am enclosing a 2 cent stamp for a but ton.—Lois lliatt, Paxton, Neb. ---j , THE SINGING DELL ^ INDEPENDENCE DAY g By HAPPY jjp TUL.Y brings Independence day, ” When flags will fly and bands will play, And all the world seems full of noise Of popping things of girls and boys. And over all the shining sky Will smile at folks as they pass by. As though it, too, would like to aay— July brings Independence day. How Jane Got a Go-Hawk Hatton. Dear Happy: This is the first let ter to your page. I will enclose a 2-eent stamp and hope you will send me a button. One day when Jane was walking in the woods she heard a bullet whizz by past her face. She walked a little way further and she saw a squirrel just about dead from a bullet wound. She took it home and fed it and bathed the wound every day. About two weeks later a man happened to see her playing with it and asked her where she got it. She told him about the day when someone had shot It in the woods. He then pulled a but ton out of his pocket and handed it to Jane. She asked him what it was for and he said: "You have been very kind to rhe squirrel and that is why I gave you the Go Hawk button.—I.yle Johnson, Age 11, 4732 North Fortieth Avenue, Omaha, Neb. Dotty and I. Dear Happy: Here is a poem I made up myself: When Dolly and I went out to day. I thought it was going to rain But when I was out about half a mile, I Just thought I'd better go back So I trotted back home. But l\efore I was back home the sun came out And Just shone and shone. So I trotted one mile ahead of me. —Harley Tuschoff, Age 8, Hender son, Neb. Mother Cat and Peanuts. Once u|>on a time there were two cats. The mother cat had a coat of three colors, orange, black and white, and her son had the same coat, but a little more white in it. His name 1* Peanuts. When we sit down the little one Jumps at you, sticks his little claws in the chair and climbs up. When hia mother is lying down, Peanuts will Jump at her and when she goes to cateb him he runs away. She fights him, too. and he cries. When we roll the ball to Peanuts he spits at it. When we roll it to his mother she rolls over and holds it in her claws. Pea nuts will run and hide when the ball scares him. I wish some Go Hawks would write to me.—Alfred Nordland, Aged », Genoa, Neb. Will Be Kind. Dear Happy: I wish to join the Go-Hawks' tribe. I am sending a 1-cent stamp for a Go-Hawk pin. I am 11 years old and passed to the eighth grade at school. I have one brother named Arthur. He is 8 years old. and one sister whose name is Kthel. Ethel is 2 1-2 years of age. I like her very much. I will try to be kind to all dumb animals I read the letters front Happytand every Sunday and think them very interesting. Well, as my letter is getting long, I will close and write to you some other time. Yours tru ly—Roma Rehrendt. age 11. Benson, Nob. Snip. Dear Happy: 1 am writing to you because I have read the Happy land paper and Idiave been inter ested in It so** am writing to you for a Go-Hawk button. I am 8 years old and in the third grade. We have a pet dog named "Snip," but It is really my younger broth er's whose’’ nume Is Robert. I am anxious to get my button soon so I will send my letter to you with my brother's letter.—Mildred Johnsi n, Weeping Water, Net), Wauls to. Join. Dear Happy: I wish to Join your Happy Tritio for which I am en closing a 2-cent stamp ami coupon for a pin. I am 12 yaers of age and in the eighth grade In aehool. I have one sister and two broth <-rs. My sister received her but ton and I like I# very milch. My one brother Is going to Join your Tribe, too. For pets I have a kitten named Tommie and a mother cat.— Tour Reader, Adeline C. Nuss, Sut ton. Neb. First letter. Dear Happy: This Is my first let ter to you. I wish to Join your dub I promise to be kind to all dumb animals. X am sending two stamps for two badges for my sister and I. For peta I have one dog and one eat. My letter Is getting long, so I will close.—Yours Truly. Kva Sir, Age 12, North Bend, Neb. Wants to Join. Dear Happy: I wish to Join the Oo Hawks. 1 am sending the 2 cent stamp to get my pin. I will do my best to keep the pledge. I have a roller canary for a pet. His naml is Scrappy. I am In the Seventh grade and I am it years old. tlretchen Foster, 3*04 North Twenty fourth street, Omaha, Neb. Kindness Helped. One day a boy whose name was Robert passed by the street and saw n group of boys with a small object in the middle at which they were Jeering and malting fun. He made his way through the crowd and saw a small boy crying. He was ragged and dirty and Rob ert thought at once he must he an orphan. He took the little fellow and led him out. He then told the boys that it was wrong to laugh and make fun of anybody. He showed them his Go-Hawk pin and told them about the Go-Hawks' Happy Tribe. Some of the older . boys went away laughing and others promised they would join the tribe and he Go-Hawks. Robert asked the boy his name and he said it was Jean and that his folks were dead and he lived with a mean old woman who whipped him because he did not sell enough papers to earn his liv ing, so he decided to run away. He soon met these boys. Robert took him home with him and told his folks. They adopted him and he joined the Go-Hawka' Happy Tribe. Soon the boys became like brothers and always lived happily together. I wish some of the Go-Hawks would w rite to me. I will gladly an swer them.—Elva Case, age 13. Craig, Neb. Poor Teddy. Dear Happy: I would like to join the Ho Hawks tribe. Enclosed you will find 2 cents for the pin. I have three sister and one brother. My sisters’ names are Adeline, Edith, Ruth and Howard. He is in tbe Third grade and Adeline Is in the First grade. My teacher's name was Miss Stevens. I like to go to school. We used to have a dog and his name was Teddy, but one day he killed a chicken and was going to eat It. Then my father shot Teddy. This is my first letter to you. My letter is getting long and I will close. Tours truly. Hazel Wiseman, aged 11, Ogallnla, Neb. A New Member. Dear Happy: This is the first time I have written to you. I would like very much to join the Oo Hawks so I am sending a 2-cent stamp. I promise to be kind to all dumb animals and help some one every day. I am in the eighth grade. My teacher’s name is Miss A. Ochsner. I am 12 years old. Hoping to get a pin. I am—Hazel Allen. Alnsley. Neb. Will Be Kind. Dear Happy: | am sending a cou pon and a 2 cent stamp. I would like to join your Happy Tribe. 1 will be kind to all dumb animals For pets I have three dogs, sev en cats and five little kittens. I have a white hen setting and hope she will hatch me some baby chicks. I am 11 years old and in the fifth grade nt school. As news Is scarce as dog's hair, I will close. —Tours Truly. Melvin Schulz, Kearney, Neb. Ruth. Dear Happy: t am sending a 2 cent atnnip and coupon for a l>utton. I read The Bee every Sunday. I will be good to all dumb animals. As I am joining I will write soma stories. I will close with one now. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Ruth. Ruth was 9 years old. Now Ruth's folks were poor while next door to Ruth there lived a rich girl whose name was Vera. Vera was 10 years old. One day Ruth was playing out in her yard and Vera came over and said to Ruth: "Bet’s go for a walk." While they were walking they saw some boys tying a tin can on a dog's tall. Vera went up to the boys and said: "Please take that tin can off that dog's tail.” The boys asked her why. She said: 'Because I'm a Go Hawk and can not bear to see you tying that tin can on that poor dog's tail." The boys took the tin can off the dog's tall and joined the Hpppy Tribe. When Vera and Ruth got homo Vera took Ruth over to her house " and had her join the Happy Tribe, Vera and Ruth always played to gether after that.—Bela Rentfrow,' age 9, 3037 Barimore Ave., Omaha. Go-Hawk IJfe. IJfe is hut a gurgling brook. When you're a Go-Hawk braye; Many hours of gladness you'll have If you will, the motto, obey. Help somebody every day That you meet along the way: Then you will make somebody's face smile. And the one and you will be friends all the while. i Then by taking care of the animals of nature. We will lie paid back in the future. By some loving deed— For the task we have done. —Anna B. Preston. Age 10, Lyons, Neb. First I/etter. Dear Happy: .1 am very much interested in your Go-Hawk club and would wish to join if 1 may. 1 am 13 years of age and am In the Seventh grade. My school work was very interesting this year. I would be glad to write stories or letters for the readers of the Little Folks of Happyland Lillian Dolan. Osceola. Neb. Wants to Join. Dear Happy: I wish to join your club. I am sending a two cent stamp for my pin. I have a dog named Brownie and kitten named White Dot. I am in the fifth grade My teacher's name is Bernice Burt, I am 10 years old.—Helen Ikiylls, Glenvil, Neb. A New Member. Dear Happy: I wish to join the Happy Tribe. I am * years old. I like to go to school. My teacher's name was Miss I-esta Mace. I liked her very much. I am sending a two cent stamp for a button. I read the Go-Hawk page every Sun Dot Puzzle Can Vou Ktninh Thin PIctureT Complete the picture by drawing a line throuah the data. n-«inuln« with an* and taking than) numerically.