GLORIA ANI) HER BEAU. A new picture of Gloria Gould, youngest daughter of the late George Jay Gould, who died a few weeks ago in France-, with her fiance, Henry A. Bishop jr. Mr. Bishop, a student at Vale, is a greatgrandson of the builder of the Rari tan 1 anal. Iiiltrmttntnal Riyht THE THRILL THAT COMES ONCE IN A LIFETIME. Twenty Kimc years from now these two Italian youngsters will be telling their own bambinos how back in 1923 they were permitted to kiss the hand of Eng land’s Queen during her yisit to Rome. p.< a OFF OYSTER RAY. The Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club held its first regatta of the season on Memorial Day, the feature race being that of nine six-meter yachts. Mrs. H. R. Plant’s Clytie, which finished third, is shown leading W. A. W. Stewart’s Hawk (finished last) around the stake, i^vick TF1K K. K. K. OF N. J. Hundreds of hooded knights of the “Invisible Empire” march in (lowing robes, after dark, through the streets of Point Pleas ant to attend the first pub lic initiation ever held in the East. Prominent in the parade were contin gents of the Royal Riders of the Red Robe (foreign born Americans) and Ka melias (women’s auxiliary of the Klan). n <■ imrrr Right — LIBERTY OR DEATH. If he lost his grip on the former he’d surely have met the Grim Reaper. Sig Smith, one of the country’s nerviest daredevils, pictured astride one of the great metal projections that surround the headgear of Miss Lib erty on Bedloe’s Island. The photographer who snapped this unusual pic ture did so from a vantage point on the statue's up raised torch. /• d a. -1 Ambassador Herrick with a group of residents nf the American colony or. a visit of inspection to the American Hospital in (’.iris, now under construction. Left *o right are: Ijeopold Huffer, member of the hospital board of gov ernors; John Kidglev Carter, vice president Blythe Branehe, president <>f the American Chamber of Commerce; Miss Holden of the nursing staff Ambas sador Herrick and Miss Hannan, head nurse. Wide World I I The Pleasant Way To Reduce Fat I housamls have too ml that Marmola Prescription I ablets arr the pleasant wav to redtne excess Hrsh Rigorous diet and rxeriiae are no longer nn rs .ary Marmola null redmr taf at Imm t w• * to four |H»umls per week (XI per Ihix of hi tablets, • a< It i lean and fresh in sani tap* pa« kag* \l .||| good drug stores ■ *i l»s mail from I he Marmola Company, C»fl»hrl.l Hl.lg DM HOI c MR II i MRS (ATT COM KS MOM K. Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt, founder and honorary president of the Interna tional Woman Suffrage Alliance, pictured on the Herengaria as she returns from an eiyht months' tour of Kurope during which time she attended the convention of the Al liance in Rome. !"in miiumnl xjo more aching, burning, swol 1 ' Irn shor crinkled feet Nomorr pains in corns or callouses No matter how much toot trouble has tormented you, or what you have tried without rebel. |iist use Tl/ I 1/ draws out the poisonous exudations which (Hitt up the leet I 1/ gives such quick relict it is almost magical Your shoes will not seem tight and yout leet will I no longer tie sore and lendei I'd a Imx ol Ii/ it any drug or depaitment store A whole year s Ii «>t i omloi t lor a lew i cuts Bathe Them inTIZ A PAIR OF DOTS, (’harming Dorothy Dick son, who danced her way into New Yorker’s hearts a few seasons ago in “The Beloved Vagabond,” in a new study with her daughter, Dorothy Dick son Hyson, taken in Lon don, where she has been appearing for some time past. 1 nternat -1 wrrp.w for rtn>n- nut/t -*• i L*\jr\ RESTORES COLOR AND BEAUTY TO GRAY AND FADED KAIR Gf)^ * 100