Our Neighbors °f the Caribbean Sea * Charlotte Amalie -'Virgin islands - St. Thomas ^ptofher page ofviejures zn Jhe/buis 1? BosJoiek series Taken for yhe Omaha Bee in a ~£&ur of The Tropics V »*He Sam paid Denmark $35,960,96# for this harbor in 1917 With the ptirch.ise came new custom*—and the Volstead act \* a result a lucrative trad*' de>erfe00 pounds for his head. He had IS wives. One wife read some of his love letters, invited the fair competitors to a tea and poi soned the whole hunch. The lone-uimr sal t lor dream ine of home. Thr Munliing hridr and thr happy er 04*11 Thr I nitrd Stairs aftrr at trndine to drlnkine and eanihling on thr inlands t»«rn«d to thr marrtaer rrlation Polks hrrrahoiit didn't takr thr trnuhtr to ert marrird \ mar riaer llrrnar undrr thr t nitrd States rost 10 rrnts, twice as niurh as a day's war**, and was recar*k*d as foolish. lint now 1 nclr Sam insists on thr record* Somr rrrmt mar riaers ha\c hrrn si»k*nn»ii**«| with thr hridr ind erootvt surrounded h> their erand« iiitdmi. The natives lived to get I rent a bushel f<* muling ships, hut were deprived of this Ineonie when the I ulted Stafr* put in ma« hlnery to do the work The> formed a union, rjiinwl the priee to 3 rrnt«* and demanded thr> be given work I rule Sam *top|»ed the machines and let them work So It runt a the government nearlt tlOO.lHH) i > rat to keep natives from starting These islands are not produetlvr They even struggle for ill inking wafer -V Here ts the beautiful harbor f>»r which our government |mM $?.»,904.000 during the recent war. The pieture«u|ue rif> of ( harlotte \malie in the distance. Slrrcf srfrv in Cha* lf> Vlfw of Ihf harbor from Ihr hilla.