The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 01, 1923, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 6-C, Image 28

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    Auto Tourist Store Suggests Means
to Further the Joys of Picnic
Jaunting on Glorious Fourth
*'"■ - — - ~ --
THE Scott Auto Tourist headquarters, Fifteenth and Howard, Is a most
satisfactory place to find the things best fitted for picnic jaunting, for
one is quite sure that the things L' .own there are of finest quality and
construction, assurance of complete satisfaction to one versed in outdoor
life. White enamel gets, dishes for cooking and serving pack neatly into
a small pail, to be stowed into an inconspicuous corner of the tonneau.
The cost, very lov^, $5.50 up. Refrigerator baskets, insulated to insure per
fect food refrigeration, $7 up. Grids for the cooking fire. 60c, 75c, and 90c—
with wind shields, $1.75, and $2.50. A substantial refrigerator box to at
tach to the running hoard, sufficiently large to hold several days’ food
supply, $18. Iceless refrigerator which carries 4 gallons of drinking w’ater,
this also to be attached to running hoard, $14.75. Everything for the cele
brating of the Fourth will be found in this great Bupply house, from paper
dishes and silken flags, to tents and togs of correct outing properties for both
men and women.
Original Fourth of July Favors and
Place Cards Made to Order.
BUT a few hours' notice need be
given to the lady of artistic ten
dencies, Mrs. Rowe of the Pome
granate Shop, 210 Gardner block.
Seventeenth and Dodge. Original
sparklers for the Fourth of July
luncheon favors, each one based in
red, white and blue crepe petals. An
other suggestion for table center or In
dividual favor is a dapper Uncle Sam
evolved from crepe paper. Summer
classes are being organized for Den
nison paper work. Arc you interested?
Dainty Tub Frocks for Hot Weather
Wear at Prices Unusual.
Hayden bros. annex shop
is showing delightfully fashion
ed little frocks for hot weather
wear at prices low indeed. Ander
son’s tissue ginghams, Normandie
voiles and imported Swisses are $4.49.
Bourette ratine, silk thread ratines.
Gaze Marvell tissues, smartly tailored
• • •
Tie your little hand-rolled georgette
“hankie" to one of the new gypsy
Tiffin Dining Room Opens on July
Fourth—Family Parties Find
Spacious Rooms Unusually Cool
, _ .——————
THE new Tiffin Dining Room, Wellington Inn, 1813 Earnam, will open
July Fourth, and many reservations have ben made for family parties.
Home cooked food, daintily served, family style service if one desires.
?ou!d anything promise more solid comfort? North and south breezes clr
tulate through the high-ceilinged rooms, beamed in natural oak, English
ttyle; and to assure even more coolness there is a great suction fan secreted
n the celling. A dining room owned and operated by Mrs. Ada C. Cooke,
veil known caterer to the epicurean desires of the public, and Walter H.
tfailland, for years versed In the art of buying the best on the food market.
Dinner on the Fourth served from 12:30 to 8:30, with a price range from
15 cents to $1.00 a plate.
Jewel Shop’s Twenty-Fifth
Anniversary Celebrated by Special
Pricings on Diamonds
HE C. B. Brown Jewel Shop, 220 South Sixteenth street, are celebrat
ing their 25th anniversary by special pricings on diamonds, rings and
bracelets notable among the assembled diamond giftings. Exquisitely
hand pierced white gold and platinum jdng mountings hold stones of remark
able brilliancy, fitting commemorations of the integrity of this well known
business firm. If one is planning the purchase of a diamond bracelet, she
will surely find a viewing of the cunningly constructed flexible diamond
wrist circlets at Brown's decidedly to her advantage, for the prices are un
believably low.
Corsetiere* For Hot Weather Wear
Take Place of Garter, Girdle and
THK Barcley Corset Shop. 16th
floor City National Bank Bldg.,
16th and Harney, offej- as a cor
set substitute for hot weather wear,
the chic Corsiere which combines the
advantages of a garter girdle and
brassiere, $1.25 up. Corsets of com
fort for the big woman, summer nets,
etc. Alterations on all makes of cor
sets. .
Smart Stationery to Supply Need* of
Those Home from School.
MANY and important are the let
ters to be written during vaca
tion weeks by those home from
eastern schools. Glad Indeed will
these up-to-date person* be upon
learning that the Nabstedt Studio
Shop, 509 Brown block. Sixteenth and
Douglas streets, will not only supply
every stationery need, but will sug
gest Individual monograms as well.
Fashion’s Newest Conceit--“Choker
Short Length Strand of Imported
Beads Ideal Finish for High
Neck Line Frock
LA BOSCH IN. Hotel Fontenelle, Eighteenth and Douglas,_ presents for
your further bewitchment, fashion's newest conceit, the "choker,'’
short-length strand of Imported Chinese crystals, amber. Jade and lapis,
*7.50, fitting finish for the new high neckline frock. Exquisite Indeed the
' becomingness of the uncut stones, rare Inspiration of an Oriental who
caters to the needs of the American woman who demands at all times lndt
vidual bits of embellishment. There's really no end of "lovelies’ 'to be culled
from the curio chest In this beautiful shop. Aquamarine, amethyst and
turquoise bracelets in dull silver mountings, *15. Carved Jet, coral and amber
/ solid bracelets, large enough to be worn Just above the elbow, *3.50, these
called Into being by the sleeveless frock of summer. Proving the law of
opposites in woman's dress, the extremely long bead chains, many of them
extending below the skirt hem. Unusual!
First Showing of Silk Duvetyne
Chapeaux for Midseason Wear
MISS SHANAHAN, manager of the millinery department In the Jullua
Orkln Store, 1512 IJougla*, announces In manner most Joyous the ar
rival of featherweight silk duvetyne hat models to brighten up the
sports wear panorama of the various country clubs of the city. The more
conservative colors will prove delightful for travel wear. Noticeably dec
orative are the new slashed brims, the cunning roll-back brims and crushed
crowns, all of them hand embellished with 'broldered traceries of alluring
Hollywood Sandals Express a
Swagger Indifference as to Where
Ankle Straps May Properly
Be Worn
THE SHOE MARKET, 320 South Sixteenth street, has Just received n
shipment of the very newest thing In Hollywood sandals, swagger In
slashed openings and decidedly novel In a certain nonchalance of
direction In the way the several "round and round” ankle straps may lie
worn! A special white elk model at 36; models In fancy colors are 17—red,
blue, pearl and patent. Novel!
Pung Chow Promises the Popularity
Recently Achieved by the Chinese
Game Mah jongg
MATTEWH' ROOK STORE, 1620 Harney, presents Rung (’how, an
Americanized version of the Jolly Chinese gatae. Mah Jongg, which
attained such a degree of popularity during last winter’s social season.
It Is possible to buy a Rung (’how set for but 35, polished wood tiles which
will satisfy your mind as to whether or not you wish to Invest more money
a bit later for a set with Ivory bases; these at 315. Splendid train gifts for
the friend enronle to the summer lake cottage, excellent diversion to b* pro
vided for long hours on boat or train. Easy to learn, and lots o’ fun!
m * m aaa
Invent Money You Would llnve K|ient
in Vacation Railroad Tirkela and
Itnarii lllll* In Iteautifyinit Ike
rnraHE Brandela Stores wallpaper
| department, llftli floor, mucgeat
■*- beautlfvln* (lie walla of the
home for enjoyment at home through
out the year rather than a wild or*y
of expenditure dm in* the vacation
period. Repaper the run room with
a paper-pictured In blrda and flowerr,
S3 centa n roll. For the llvln* room
are offered delightful foliage and flow
er papers 1,1 tapestry effects, 22 and
30 centa, and a very fine paper which
wots formerly priced at, reduced
to 89 centa p roll.
• » •
French blue aatln la the new eoraet
conceit—lovely contrnat to the
‘plnka," ^
Pi operation for Vacationing at lloinr.
NOVEL, Indeed. tha vacation
plana for this year, weeks to
be spent In the pleasant In
terior of our own home!" blithely de
clared a little Dundee matron the other
afternoon. Continuing, she disclosed
the fact that each one of the family
was to have the privilege of selecting
with his share of vacation money a
piece of furniture which would add
to his comfort not only throughout
the summer, hut during the entire
year, this to he selected at Hrandt'a
flood Furniture Store, Eighteenth amt
Douglas streets, opposite the Hotel
Fontenelle. A store filled with worth
while, livable furniture, priced very
low, ^
• • •
A caracul choker for milady’s sum
mer wardrobe la a ravishing aftah
When the weather is hot,
And the sun's heating down, ,
Then I'd rather he not
In my office in town.
Mid the heat and the murk
Of a hot summer's day
I prefer not to work,
For I'd much rather play.
When the mercury climbs up to ninety degrees
f With a pipe and a hook I would loaf at my..
But when winter comes round
And the air s crisp and clear,
And there's snow on the ground,
And the wind nips your ear,
Then / long for the clime
Of the tropical Turk.
That's the season when I’m
Quite unfitted for work.
For the winter's the time when / rim true to
And l sigh for a place that is restful and
"Seasonal''—Flaccus, In Saturday Evening Tost.
Regarding Anniversaries
THE fifty third anniversary of the Omaha Bee! Will you Join us In expressions of gratification? A paper Is necessarily a public institution since It
is primarily a service of news gotten up m manner as Interesting as possible. But not only is it for the public, but by the public as well since the
news as printed is gleaned from the doings of the public at large. So on this, our fifty-third anniversary may I suggest that we continue the good
work together? "Here's to us all!”
j 'I. i , >-.1. . ... . ■- ■ .. ■ ■ r- - -r- - - ------
Fur Buyer Home From New York Suggests New Ideas
in Remodeling of Milady’s P'urs Before Summer Storage
M RS. RICHARDSON of the Thompson ridden Kur department Is home from New York with a wraith of new style Ideas which she is enthusins
tically suggesting to Milady Omaha for the remodeling of furs to be stored for thn summer tins n Immeasurably letter to take advantage of the
time which may be undlvldedly devoted at this time of the year to the business of remodeling rather than to wait until the busy fall fur seas, n hav
opened. The advance fur styles, ah, madam, they are tres charmant!
• • • ( * •
Crepe Elizabeth Fascinating Fabric
Card in Fashioning New (tub
LA MOND'8,"17th and Farnarn. pre
sent to delighted fashion follow
ers the delicately tinted f'repe
Elizabeth, quite the most enchanting
frock fabric which has been used for
the fashioning of stunning dresses for
club wear. Reminiscent of georgette
in Its sheernesa there Is a striking
difference In texture, a distinguishable
degree of fineness achieved In the
manufacture of the new material.
Adorable dresser*, J3!>.50 each!
• • •
Crane'* correspondence cards, silver
edged, with envelope* to match—
happy last mtnute train gift sugges
• • e
The Quest, of the lleautiful.
THE look of care Is the lewct t
alone of cleanliness and akin
health, but also of those final
understanding touches that accent
charm. What are those final touches’.'
The under powder cream that makes
your skin soft and fine; the clever
cosmetic that emphasize* the shallow
of your eye*; the rouge that simu
late* your coloring as It was In tin
'teen year* and—most Important—Hie
perfect powder. Ail lliese exquisite
preparation* Elizabeth Arden has
made for you, and they’re offered In
a very complete line In the drug dr
partment of the Urandels Stores'
"Illusion" powder, delicately tinted In
ochre and neutral; i leanalng cream;
“Amoretta" cream, (o lie used as a
powder bnse; bleaching cream; "kin
tonic, an astringent which may he
used instead of bleach; coolly refresh
Ing L/Otnonlea Hoap. Hundred* of the
famous Elizabeth Arden requisites
are listed In the exquisite littlei book
let, "The Quest of the Beautiful,"
which will be sent upon requeit.
• • •
Even If your com age falls In the
matter of red alines, there's a dash
of color whloh may be worn with
admirable composure -the lipstick
« • •
Tlie Parasol's the Thing—Have the
Hllken t'overlng Renewed.
THE Western Fmhrella rompnnjr,
Eighteenth and Harney, will fur
nish the silk and recover your
parasol or umbrella frame at cost,
nominal, Indeed. If you wish you
may furnish your own nmtrrlsl. I'll
bs glad to send price quotations on
work, also samples of the sllke 111
Goldstein-Chapman Store of Indi
vidual Shops Gives Suggestions
to Summer Shoppers
Hat Model* Demonstrate Beauty of New Cloche < haprau, Dividing Honor*
With the Tight I-tiling llraped Turban.
GILDSTK IN-CHATMAN'S hat department, under the management of Mr.
Hayes, has a showing of the new cloche chapeaux which fully convinces
Lady Fnshlon that tho Inspiration of the bat designer was an excellent
me. No leas lovely are the tight-fitting draped turbans of erepe and faille,
and tho mallnn twisted turbans which combine a certain tailoring of outline
with the fascinating fluff of mallne. Models to enchant, $10, $12 and $15.
Milady Mode Decide* in Fax or of Wool I'lralcd Skirt, for II* Trarllcal Wear
ing Qu.ililies Through Fall a* Well a* Winter.
GOLD8TKIKCHACMAN'S sports wear department, second flour, under
tlie management of Mr. Baum, Is Indeed an entirely satisfying place In
which to be costumed In the latest xagarics of the sports world. Al
together the most popular note at present Is the wool pleated skirt, because
it may be wcipi until late In the fall. Clever! Tan, gray and whit* wool
pleated skirt* at $9,9a and $12 95. Tan and gray canton and roshnntrn
crepes In planted models are $9.95; crepe d* chine*. $7.50. Formerly $10.95
Is the camisole top whits canton pleated model now priced at $8.95. In case
you do not find Just the skirt you wish, they'll make one to your order.
For xvear xvlth these graceful little skirls are sweaters just received from
the east, sleeveless and side tie Jacijuettes In silks and wools. In price range
from $? 95 to $10.95, combining every favored style note and color combina
tion of the season.
Children l.ove to Achieve a "llolihed" Smartness In the Goldstein-Chapman
Ilea uly Shop.
OLDHTKIN CHATMAN'S tun lit \ shop Is a splendid place In take Hetty
y and Bobby for the hnlr clip and ''fluff," for fhla department Is lo. itod
A right In the tots' own department, where they feel very much at home
among clothes for th* wee oms. A splendid place In which to bare a per
influent wave, loo iissurnnce of perfect work. "Since n woman's hnlr Is her
■rowrilng glory, It would lie Indeed n shame to experiment with any but the
most experienced permanent waver* " to quote Frank Hulontay, whose word
In regard to matters of hi nitty ts quite the ultimate authority
# • •
Bill* lint Model* For Hie Coiiservn
ll\ e Trnteler.
THE Heltmnn lint Shop Athletle
Club I'liil.linr, J t ti noil DoUg
ln». hnn n very Iiuhx work
room ilrxiKiilng noil fanlilouliiK the
delightful little eili bats dciniml
erl by the ooioterx itlve trnvelei The
wine woman rendtly rerognlne* the be
cumlngn«M of the labile hall
Featherweight Arch Kiipitnrtn, "Some
thing Different,"
r|A ln' '.w>t Forced Inn I’nrlor, *04
I lluahtnnn block, Sixteenth and
"*• Dougina alreeta, will make to
Jour order n pair of Featherweight
Arch SupiKthta, n relief for tired,
nrhlng feet You'll find a pair on the
vacation of Infinite comfort value.
Smartly Tailored Milt* in Thin Fabric
Promise (ool Summer Wear lor
Mi a
THE Wilcox Clothes Shop, 17th
and Harney, have an excellent
line of men's Palm Iteach aulta,
i xc, Ilent In tailoring, unusually fine
In fabric which they're selling at 115
a suit. Tan, gray, black, brown, and
navy', the color range la unusually ap
pealing. There's a tiny hair line
stripe in the navy blue material.
Smart substitute for the heavy suits
to the man who must present a smil
ing face even though the mercury
climbs up and over the 100 mark!
• • •
Jantien llathing Soils for Men ami
Women the "l-ii*l Word" In Com
fort and Hurahillly,
THE Townsend S)>orting floods Co
1309 Farnain, present a very com
plete line of the Jantxen bathing
suits, well and favorably known from
coast to coast, splendidly knit, the
knit that springs into shape after
stretching, cut on lines that conform
most comfortably and smartly to
the figure, they're quite the ulti
mate in desirability when one Is sc
looting the bathing stilt. Men's suits
ire 17. women's, 17 50. On all the
other bathing suits In stock there is
t discount of one third off the ortgi
rial pricing. Townsend's Is s jolly
place to go just before the Fourth
-f July holiday for they've every
llilng necessary to make a memorable
nocuaioti: picnic baskets, tennis togs
uul "tools." fishing paraphernalia
inti a complete line of supplies for
lie enthusiastic followers of our na
! tonal game of golf.
• * •
Winn Disasters Occur Don't Despair,
the Scientific Establishment Will
Kepnii- Ml Ravages.
Mil.ADY, donned In sports tog
gery, wended her way to a pic
nic gay, but sail to relate, dur
ing the first course of the picnic re
past, one of the famed "Illy" cups,
paper you know, filled to the brim
with rich grape Juice, was overturned
(o swish down the skirt length with
devastating effect! Every pleat In
the lovely little sand colored skirt dis
appeared tinder the Isfluencs of the
purple liquid. Discouraging, very!
As you may have guessed, this sad
dened picnic person wa* no other
than your well-known Polly, and she,
with her knowledge of "what and
where." sent the skirt to Dresner
Urns., Twentc second and Fartiam
Just now after calling for Information
she discovered that her skirt t* "good
as new.” A word to the wise!
The Time o’ Year Has Come for the
Permanent Wave, Milady s
Assurance of the Becoming Coiffure
—— ■■■.!■ . - ... . "
PERMANENT waving in surely the thing of ths future, for whatevgfl
drawbacks stood in the way of rapid development in permanent waving
of the past have been entirely removed by the discovery of the Nestle
Lanoll process. The complaints made against former processes were, in
the main, that most of the hair got too dry and brittle, that it was a torturous
proceeding and somewhat dangerous to apply. Just the opposite can be
contended for the I^noil process. There is no attack on the hair struc
ture or its grease filaments connected with the I-anoil, and certainly the
waving operation can be made as comfortable as a shampoo or a tnarce!
The Rrandels Hair and Beauty department, third floor, west, have
operators here from the Nestle shop in New York who do nothing but the
Nestle I^tnoil waving, preparing milady for her summer sojourn to
mountain and seaside resorts. Make appointments one week in advance if
Vacation Luggage Smart In Line.
Dependably Durable in Construction
NOT only must the luggage for
vacation uses be smart in line
and finish, but it must include a
dependable durability of construction
as well. This combination of desir
able qualities will be found in the
luggage offered in the display at the
Kreling & Steinle Luggage Store, 18th
and Farnam. Hat boxes, $5.59, $6.73
and $7.50; w-eek-end tray cases, $7.85.
$10, $12 and $13.50. Dainty fitted
cases. $32.50 and $35.
And for Midseason Wear New trepe
Frocks Slum Tendency for Intro
duction of Pirated Paneling*.
THK Ideal P»utton and P>ating
company, third floor. Brown
block. Sixteenth and Douglas,
have Just finished the pleat,ng on
ravishing little frr • ks for mkiseason
wear, blouses, long lined with insets
of pleated paneling oh either side of
front and back caught under square
yoking*. The skirt is pleat-trimmed
as welt, three and four-inch tiers of
pleating supplying the decorative
Windows Opened, Fans Installed,
Cool Dishes Listed,Metropolitan Din
ing Room Prepares for Midsummer
THE Metroplltan Dining Room, Hotel Keen. Eighteenth and Harney,
has opened the big square windows along the front of the room over
the door, which, with the addition of two low hung wooden fans is as
surance of a cool interior on even the hottest day of midsummer. The sum
mer menu Is now prepared and on it even the most fastidious person will
find the tempting delicacy suited to the hot weather appetites. Ices, sher
iffs. the most dainty of desserts and pastries, salads and sandwiches. A
goodly display. _._
Gold Plated Ware Supply
Gift Suggestions for the Golden
Wedding Anniversary
THE JOHN HENRICK80N" JEWEL SHOP, Sixteenth and Capitol, has •
solved the problem of gifting for the golden wedding anniversary oc
casions by the presentation of new gold plated ware. Of unusually fine
manufacture gold plate over silver, the shapely designs of the pieces offered
sre of unusual appeal. High stemmed Is a bow'! in the shape of a loving
cup, 36 inches high, its wide spread handles make it a most beautiful offer
ing to be selected for the momentous occasion. 140. For fruit or flowers Is
a centerpiece, 10 inches in diameter. 313. Smaller bowls to stand on either
side are 37.50 each. I'nusuallv delicate in effect is the pierced border of a
Stately compote. *15. High and graceful, delightful for candies, nuts or as
a receiver of calling cards on the console table in the hall is the stem bowl.
J12.50. Twelve Inch vases may be bought separately If desired or In pairs if
more than ore person Is to he Included in the giving. 315 each. Prettily carv
ed are the handles on a 12-inoh plate 316. Candlesticks In two different
designs are 36 '0 each. A dainty little cream and augar set is 312.
• • • • • •
New Woman's Exchange Planned for
Omaha Women and Her Out-of
Town Neighbors.
THE Book and O'ft Shop. ?fl floor,
ox-er Fry's Shoe Store, Sixteenth
and Douglas, has started a wo
men's exchange In which Omaha wo
men and her out-of-town neighbors
may place on sale products of their
cooking art or anything they'd like to
sell. A fee of $1 is charged, this se
curing prixilege of sending article*
for sale at any time,
r— --— -
If T« in the Summer Month* That Mi
lady Need* to Devote Part of Fach
Week to Care of Skin and Scalp.
THE tieauty expert* In the Delft
Beauty Shop, aecond floor. City
National Bank building. Six
teenth and Harney, have special
treatment* to keep In order Milady's
•kin and scalp precautions to offset
exposure to sun and water. JA. 1795.
• • •
Sunshades from Japan, oiled silk
snd paper prove excellent subetituta
for the hat when Miiady shops dur- ,
Sng the morning hours. *
Rose Blanket to Cover Casket
Shows Just How Lovely One
Thousand Buds Can Be When Each
Blossom Interprets the Beauty
of Her Neighbor
Jl'ST one thousand rose buds, the exquisite Russell hud*, were massed In
the lug blanket for casket covering of .a prominent Omaha woman—a
flower piece which spoke well for the art of the Hess 4 Swoboda flower ex
perts both In the growing of such exquisite bloom and in the arrangement
of the products of the greenhouse. As delicate in effect as mist in the sun
shine. the Iacey white stevia tucked in among the rosebuds and ferns through
out the exquisite flower piece. You'll enjoy a visit to this new flower shop,
now located at 1*05 Farnam. Thone Ja. 1501.
Fifty-Sixth Anniversary of Hydraulic
Press Brick Company
HY TEX BRICK have stood the test for 56 years, a ataternent which pro
vides thought for the builders who sincerely desire a material which
will defy time. The HyradulicPress Brick Company was organised
in 1567 and started with a very small plant, it has grown to be the largest
manufacturing company of face brick in the world, owning ?6 brickyards
which are distributed over the country from Nebraska to Washington. D. C.
Hy Tex brick are made of the finest days and shales known to the ceramic
science. The color*, of such exquisite shading shat they have called forth
expressions of admiration from color experts ihmughout the world, are
burned from the natural days and not treated with any artifk-ial process.
This guarantees them against discoloration or fading with age. t'ali at tb' '
! splav room, ground floor W o t\ building Fourteenth and Farnam. j^* ^
a viewing of panels laid in colored mortar joints repre-enttng the living wI , _
An artistic display well worth while. *
Zip! Boom' Bang! Hurrah for the
Fourth of July!
Bring this headline to either our store* and get toy airship
balloon free. Omaha Fireworks Company, 1411 and 1510 Harney.
THE Omaha Fireworks Company, 1411 and 151# Harney, operates under
the sign of a giant firecracker, indicative of the stock within. Great hab »
of firecracker* in reserve, still in their matting wrapping*, just ss
they arrived from Chinn, assure every small boy within mile* that here will
lie find a riotous mass of noisemaker* for the whole day of the Fourth w ;li
delightfully colorful fireworks for evening display. "More for their money
hero than any place else in town." is Mr, Katskee's promise. How's that,
Iveys ? • • •
(,nh Tinted Sandals \ ie with I harm
of Field Molise Color Note In Holli
Clave Kid and Suerle.
Tin". Kinney Shoe Store. Sixteenth
and Capitol avenue, have just re
ceived a shipment of vividly
tinted little sandals, flat heeled. #tn
green and blue, newest style models
In footwear, at ft .99 a pair Of equal
charm are the new models in field
mouse coloring, glace kid and suede
In medium height heels, one strap;
these at the same price, ft 9S. Has
lery to match, fl a pair up.
• • •
1 Inner Suggestions to Hilghten Ihe
Hoorn* of "Shul Ins."
FI.OWKHS for the shut In—dc
Hglitful way to express your
sympathy for those who must
endure pain during the summer
months when the rest of the world
i pflrously laklng to the highways in
quest of happiness. If you do not
want to cut the flower* In your
' harming garden, John Hath, florist,
isth and Karnam. will furnish deli
' Itelv filled hlooins which have all
ihe beauty of home grow n plants,
l'hons JA, 19OS
spurt* Suit* and llrevse* ..f Katin*
Mnl*h silk Hail Price on 'I nday
and Tuesday.
Iyu: Kdwii'.l Kevi,. : is >: 1*1 J
Farnam, are offering smartly cut
little sl«orts suits, and d < es at
half price for Monday and Tuesday
selling News! Chic In styling ;he wc, d
crepe pleated skirta for wear w th the
newest conceits in tie Mouses and
sweaters of individual preference,
(an, white and gray, »« 05.
• • •
Oldest F*tahli*hrd Millinery vlmp In
THE F M. Si'ha dell * Co Mil
linery Shop, m2 Dougina, la th*
oldest established millinery shop
In Omaha. One id the reasons why
their buyer* are so aide in interpret
lug the hat need* of feminine OtflXfcp,
I’rotty little hat* for near on Jr
4 are priced from 12 SO to fit. ,
THU and Tra4smark ksalalarsa * %
rataal OtT«a—A«e,