I Clubdom Business Women Leave for Con vention Miss Florence L. Hathaway, presi dent of tht Omaha Business Woman’s club, and Miss Pearl Jenks, vice presi dent, delegates to the national con vention of Busines and Professional Women to be held in Portland. Ore., July 9-15, leave Monday evening with other delegates from Nebraska for St. Paul, Minn., where they will meet the special train for delegates going to Portland. Mrs. Maude Adair is a state dele gate. Miss Agnes Ward, who is going to Portland to make her home, will meet the delegates en route. The Misses Helen Collins, Ellen Schmidt and Jenny Joy, will be in the party the latter three going to Seattle, Wash. The Omaha and other. Nebraska delegates will be welcomed in Port land hy Miss Viola Wetherill, a for mer Omaha business woman, chair man of the hospitality committee for Nebraska. The special train leaves St. Paul over the Canadian Pacific, with stopovers at Banff, Lake Louise, and a boat trip from Vancouver. Miss Kate Field of Lincoln, president of the Nebraska Federation of Busi ness and Professional Women, and Mi$s Dora Carriker of Hastings are among the Nebraska delegates. City Mission Notes The City Mission, 1204 Pacific street, is caring for 29 people this week—almost a full house. Three of these were flooded out by the storm. The Daily Vacation dible school will begin at the City Mission July 9. The workers will arrive next week, having just finished directing another school. fjivhoy come from the National Bible Training school In Des Moines, la. The City Mission wishes to express Its appreciation for the two consign ments of books which have arrived. The children in the mission like books of helpfulness and optimism such as “Pollyanna,” “Daddy Longlegs" and “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." His torical novels and books by Riley, Field and Stevenson also claim their approval. Douglas County W. C. T. U. Douglas County Woman's Christian Temperance union will hold an exec* utlve and Americanization meeting Monday, 2 p. m., in room 316, Y. M. C. A. Delegates will he elected to the na tional W. C. T. U. convention to be held in Columbus, O., September 4 to 14. The Nebraska state meeting will be held In Hastings in October. Degree of Honor. The Fast I ’rt sklents’ association. Degree of Honor, will be entertained by Mrs. C. E. Vaow, 2862 Ames ave nue, on Tuesday afternoon. House of Hope. Rev. Paul Calhoun, pastor of Cen tral United Presbyterian church, will be the speaker at the House of Hope. 7511 North Thirtieth street, this after noon. at 3 o'clock. The church choir will sing. There will 1 c no more services at I Jne home until September. Circle ti Postpones Meet. Circle 6 of the First Presbyterian church will postpone Its regular meet ing on the Four of July to July 18. They will meet at the Child Saving Institute. Prettiest Mile Golf Club. The regular meeting of the Prettiest Mile Ladies' Golf club will l»e held at the home of Mrs. Mary lander ford. 6218 Florence boulevard, -Tues day evening, July 3. Grant Relief Corps. U. S- Grant Women's Relipf corps ■will hold their regular meeting Tues day. 1:30 p. m., in Memorial hall, courthouse. Dolly’s Hath. When the bisque doll in your fans Hy gets very much soiled, rub it thoroughly with cold cream or but ter and then wipe off with a clean white rag. It will clean it beauti fully and with no injury to this im portant member. Today Is Here—W hat Are You Doing With It' Years ago I heard the story of a great author who almost destroyed himself through drink. Time after time he “swore off"—recognizing that the enemy he had entertained so care , lessly was destroying him. But he Lu^er got beyond the satisfaction of THjving to quit drink—and breaking 4 A vows. W*ic morning when his valet brooch Him the daily "pick-me-up." the man said: “Take it away. I've stopped drink inf?. "When, sir?" gasped the badly trained and sadly experienced vaU i "Now," replied the drthKer firmly “Today. Just this minute." In explaining the rerorm that fol lowed, the man who had hitherto ben: so weak, said: "When I heard myself say, ‘I hay stopped’ and It sounded like an al ready accomplished fact. It wasn't so hard. Making up my mind I would stop didn't get me anywhere hut say lng I had already nutt put the thing down so definitely as signed ami seal e