RENTAL Apt!)., Flat*, l nlumlslirt) .15 o oooooooooooooooooooooo o o o O Two menu. No 1$ Joyce. $7th o 0 and California Ht» . 916. O O Three rerun., No. Kingaborough, o O 2688 Dodge St., (64. O 0 TJtree rooma. No. 17 Kingaborough, Q O 3668 Dodge St. $65. O O four rooma. No. 1$ I*y. 8407 N. 0 O 16th St., $60. O O Four ronma No. « Flo Lee. $0th 0 O and Canltol Ave, $67.60. O O Four ronma. No. 10 Troy. $60* a O Harney St., $67.60. Q O Four rooma and dining alcove. No. O O $0 Mt. Vernon. 624 K 31l>t St.. $85. O O Five rooma, Apt. No. 8, 221 N. 0 O 24th St.. $45. O O Five rooma. No. 0 Potter. $$$1 O O Farnam Hr.. $90, O O Five room., No. 11 Mildred 4111 O up Dodge St.. $ino. O P!) Five rooma. No. 28 Mt. Vernon. O (0 824 S. 81st St.. $100. O aO Five rooma. No. 19 Elwood. 49th o ■0 and Dodge Sis., $115. O fo PETERS TRUST COMPANY. O O "Where Omaha Rents.” O O 17th and Farnam Sta. AT. 0644. O o oooooooooooooooooooooo § o oooooooooooooooooooooo 6 a A LARGE HOMEY APARTMENT. 8 O O O In \V>at Farnam district, 4 pleas- Q O ant rooms and maid's room; largo 0 O sleeping porch; surrounded by 6 O trees. 534 «. 40th Ht. O n PETERS TRUST COMPANT. 8 O "Where Omaha Rents.'1 O 17th and Farnam Hts. AT. 0644. n O O *>00000000000000000000 O TURNER COURT. UeLutifulJy located. In one of Omaha's moat deairahla residential diatrlcta; II beds, built-in features, front exposure. Available at once. From $55 to $70 .lanitor, HA. 6896. G. M. HAUSER. •■102 Dodge St,HA 7140. 7-rm. furn. house. July 1 to Sept. 15. West Harney Conveniently located to street car. Unusually cool In hot weath er• fTeae. rent to responsible party. HA. 438 5. DUNDEE—The Alhambra, A bedroom apart merit, »ast exposure. $75. One of the finest apartmentw in the city. Call .TA. 2805. Drake Rental Agency, I7tb and Howard. BEAUTIFI'D 5-room apartment in Chula Vista, immediate possession, $80. I!A. 4 3 3 5. FOR ONE OP DRAKE'S 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackson 2806. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. ‘WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sta FOR RENT—7-room brick duplex, best §"'uaidanctf district; 42nd and Davenport. ’0 DE’*ATUR HT.. nice eolt3ge. 6 rms. mod. e»c„pt heat. Water rent paid, only 130 month Horace m higoins, ja 4i4c 7 ROOM mooern two-story brick house, sleeping porch, sunroom, best location, 17 5. 120 N 38th 8t. JA 1523. MODERN Seven-room dwelling; four bed rooms on second floor *2907 Dottglil St. Frank Wilcox. HA. *92* ,20 DODGE HTRKET—Modern six room bouse, newly decorated, *45 per month. HA. 3050 for keys._ NICW 6-room brick houae, with garage, $66 at 1308 Bonth 27th Strict .1A 12»4 SEVEN-ROOM modern hous*-. Well lo cated. good condition. HA 7124, 6 - ROOM modern cottage with garags, 257 7 Ellison Acs. $30. HA. 3670. *62$ Pinkney Kt.. 6-r., all modern; screened porch, large yard. A real home. Of fires an«l Store* .. W INDIVIDUAL floor space in Industrial; hiheated. fireproof. daylight bldg ! Pat-, and freight elevator *sr\ice. Low ; rent, low ins light and power wiring , Ideal for light mfg. or other business: 5 , ar iirmw i.;ih t-orner. WK ?■ and ’He MCE mol Isrg** front room with alcove, h Iso 2 s m« I Dr, HA, 2378 1101 8. Slit. j£ yLNTKENTH 8t.. 14.71 N - - Nb ely furn. room. Hftirflv tnoth-rn. W K 32*2._ TWENTY 0IXTH, 0—Nice cool front rmi; oflo-r room* t<>r r*r>t. ,1n fcth AND HAKNKY—Lovely rm. near hath. <’nll HA. 4**0 fo r pnrt irnlw rs. HOWARD Hi . 2209—'J pleasant sleeping ring., | \sith running waf>r. JA, 42Hi. SANITARY room, modern, electric and »'.ik' I right*. Ha 4 307. MOD. rool rooms. 13.50. 724 No. lsth. Kootns. Cnturnlahod . H3 HtJlTE nF 3 light housekeeping rooms, ’lisp * 2-room m»t. Klv o.i«3 Kootns for HiiURCkstpliiR .H4 TWO large rooms In mod. home, every. Vilng furnished: gas range, also, washer. Walking distant:*. HA. 1115._ « 'AHH HT.. 249*-—Two nl« rool mom- on 2d floor. I.; two on 3d floor. |5. Every thing furn AT. *10C. TWO or thrso wsll furnished hskpg rt.orns. Mri* Hv modern. W K. 1170 'LEAN 1 nnd 2-room Hpig.. everything fyffi,; laundrv done. J 9874. '•AriTOb AVI-:.. 2.< 1 :• 2 1MO.MH HIM OND J 1,00It >» 1 .41.1. at ’743._ | ■QUCILA8 .ST. SS6S—Me* dfc.plnir ;err to ISIcip ill Oiralm .H; ^BsTtoi, »int-t. tti v~ iifh rr Mr,, W f rniimr, hot. r-oM wot.r, t>Gc p«r rlsy off up. >1 fuT weak and tip. j"ONTFNELLE HOTEL. l*lh and Douglas MS. AT. «224, /THERE HRE JV)ST ft FEW tHORE\ ( BOXEO -TftHE THOSE OOVJN TO / V-T HE CAR ftNE* IT V/Jl IV HE ) V_ RFHOX TO 00 -ftUTOSTjy r\ at y \ RAN A WANT AO \N THE OMAHA BEE ANU GOT H CAMP KIT F\S COMVltlfclV FURNISHED AS MA’S KITCHEN\ NOW SHE THINKS SHE OUGHT TO TAKE ALL THE OTHER HOUSE HOLD GOODS ALONG'. I’YE CARRIED OOWN EUER'(TH\N6 ERon THE FLY SWATTER TO THE r BATHTUB “TALK ABOUT CRUELTY / . to an\w\Als-that flavver \y V- SWEATING. BLOOD RIGHT / v-- NOW) ! >._ SHES TAKING SO MUCH GRUG ALONG EUERT&OOX \N\IVTH\NK WERE ft DINING CAR-IFWE WERE GOING ft FEW NMLES FARTHER SHED f VNftNT TO HOOK ON TO ONE ^ CORNER OF THE GftRDCN ) AND TftKE IT ftLONGTOOl ) ^rr fttfflaur *nd Tribun# fyndlp#!#. t>«» R rAW REAL ESTATE Farms and Ranches.90 TKXASr KINK NI.ACK LAND. Deep and rich, settled farming com munity, Roslta Valley Ranch. Duval County. Texas; school on property, de lightful and healthy climate; good water; splendid drainage; two cropa per year; good oil prospects, nil and mineral rights go with land, only $25 per acre. Write for particulars. C. W. HAUL COMPANY, OWNERS. no YEARS FN RU81NEB8. 510 Turn bow Tluildlng, Houston, T* x ax. FOR BALK—My fine wooded farm, on shore* of Clear lake, Tows. Well suited for subdivision for summer homes, golf ground®, hotel, etc. Paved road and electricity through property, which is very beautiful. Mrs. Rose M. McIntosh, Clear l^tkp. Ia. 240-ACRE FARM for sale. two miles ea^t of Oayvllle, S. D . a town of 300 with good accredited high school. May he sold a* two farm- For further particulars write Mrs. Gertrude Olson, Qayvtlle, S. D. Loti for Sale., „ . L,,,....,,..... 91 BuMt!3£ Sites Overlooking Beeson. $10 Down ansi $10 a Month. High and sightly hon&esitcs. close to car lino and schools; some as low as $250. You tan start your home immediately. For ap pointment cal] W A. 1320, Web. 2084, or Kt*". 0415 evenings; JA. 1245 days McCague Investment Co., 1506 Pod go St. FLORENCE FIELD WILL BOON HE OPEN. C. W, MARTIN A CO. CALL AT. 7322. We will show you HANSENS ADDITION \V/lL build "to your order on our bea utl ful lots In Edgewood; very easy terraa F’hone Atlantic 1540 HANSENS ADDITION. Center of growing ReuidenUal Section. DUNDEE HCILPINO SITES. GEORGE A CO. AT. |n. 4. Real Egta t enson_ _ ^^ _ 92 TAVED ROADS all the way to HANSENS ADDITION. Real Estate—Central - HANSEN'S ADDITION. Highest Spot in Omaha. HANSEN'S ADDITION Every lot has j»*w*r water, gas. Real Estate—Council Bluffs . 94 HANSEN’S ADDITION. Oth and Lake Streets. Drive out tonight to HAN’SKN'S ADDITION Real Estate—Dundee.95 DUNDEE HOME—VERY ATTRACTIVE MUST SELL, LEAVING CITY. OWNER MEANS BUSINESS South front, corner lot. plenty of flowjrs and shrubbery; 2 car garage. Large living room arrangement, fireplace, good dining room and kitchen. Second floor. 3 bed rooms, ■ loping porch and dressing room; vapor heat. one room finished In base ment. Cost about 118,000, asking flu.000, half ta-h GLOVER Sc SPAIN, REALTORS. f.i k.on :tlO. *11-10 aty National. DUNDEE 49 i 3 CALIFORNIA ST. $9,©00 * rooms and den first floor. 1 corner bed rooms. sleeping porch and bath 2nd floor; one large room 3rd floor; hardwood fin ish; nlcaly decorated: furnaro heat; ga rage for t rarn with separate heating plant. Hptr.ial taxes paid In full. GEORGE Sc CO., REALTORS Atlantic SON HANSEN'S ADDITION _ Beautiful Vl*w DUNDEE. ~~ i NEAR :,2D AND UNDERWOOD, ONLY 99.150—>$2,760 CASH. Reduced for Immediate sale: * room* t*e aldva hall, aun porch find sleeping porch; 4 bedrooms and finished maid's room: In excellent condition: very substantial: beat of finish and floors: now unoccu pied CALL MR GILBERT, JA . 6444. H. If BENNER UP, 406 KEELINE BLDG. HANSENS ADDITION. Largs lots,_ Real Estate—Florence.96 11 ACRES on Wash, highway. >.$ mile north of FLORENCE. Price. $9,000. Will trade for Omaha residency property. pr>*. session at once. All crops go with place. NKTHAWAY. SOLE AGENT. KE. 1 409. Build your Home In HANSEN'S ADDITION. NETHAWAY, 'home agent" ap«c|*u»f |n north end property (whites only) KB, I40f HANSENS ADDITION la the place to buy^^^^^^ Real Eetate—Miyellaneous ... 97 We Worked Hard to Get These 9 Bargains so Hurry and Get Yours. 9*54 No. 24'h St,, f.-room modern except heat. 42<*xl2n ft. Jot. Paving raid $2,500. .1116 So 22nd St . « room and 2-car g« rnge. All modern. Full basement $,",7&*' 1910 No. 13rd Kt. ri room modern. Ga rage. $4,760 — 9600 cash. Hurry I 4 119 No 17th h* . 5-room modern hub galow. Paving paid. $5,000 Submit your terms. 6314 No. 27fh St , 7-roorn all modern. Oa ragfc. Paving paid. Must bo sold $6,600. For * quick sale. 1526 fco 17th St, 7-room. Paving raid $4,200—11,000 cnf Bungalow. $4,404. $410 N i * i h A ■. * K K 4 44s. ALFJt&D TiJOMAb A goo Co.. Realtor* Real Estate—Miscellaneous ..^. 97 HANSEN’S ADDITION. _Every lot hn* wide whIU*._ HOMES for workingmen. Pour room* partly modern, full lot, easy terms. 81,800 Have others. Stewart. Ralston *0-W Everybodv rsvea over HASSON'S ADDITION. Real Estate—North .98 Bungalow Bargain $500 Down. Five-room s]J modern, oak floors through out. living ^ ini and dining room to be! decorated, fin* built-in cabinet*, etc.; full ; cemented basement anti attic. This n-w home ia complete In every way. Please i call ur for an appointment. Evening call J II. Payne, WA. 7t'50, or C. P. Allen, KE. 5744. Payne & Carnaby Co., •'Your R*«Jtora" 616 Omaha Nit. Bk. Bldg JA 1016. JUST COMPLETED " STRICTLY MODERN, FOR COLORED \\ «•' have just completed another 4-room i i.nd bath, atrictly modern bungalow, in a. i good location. It has full cement busc I inent. oak floor*. paving all paid. If | you arc looking for u now bungalow and want it worth the money and only have a little cash to pay down, be aure to have Lewis at WA. 3422 show this today. R. F. CLARY C0o, Realtors, ! 24th and Atnes KE, 0175. Beautiful East Front. I Utuber construction, fi-room modern bun galow, overlooking Miller park and Minn* Lusa and adjoin lb; Florence field. Street 'to l»e paved at <»n- e. Ouk finish In living and dining rooms. Oak floor* throughout, white enamel kit chen and hath. Built-In kitchen cabinet*, full cement basement with floor drain. Laundry conveniences in basement. K. T. Slattery, WA, 4173. Grover-Hlbbafrd Co., Bulldem of Good Homes. Atlantic 4056. Choice Kountze Park Horae Bargain for $6,25©. Et«t front two-gtory oak finished home, four room* on first floor, three l*droom>*. bath and sleeping porch, second floor; good attic, pre-sed brick foundation, built for a home. Call. Osborne Realty Co., f30 Petera Truat Bid*. JA. 2SI2. ~N1FTY NEW BUNGALOW. R*tve large rooms and a'tic ready to fin Ish in two more room a large porch, oak floors throughout, b1id*n and enamel tn bedroom*. nt'-e lighting fixture*. Of» payed street and corner lot, Just deco rated. all ready to move Into. You will *ay it ia sure complete. Price $5,760. About Il.t60 first payment, balance lea* than rent. Just north of new north aide high school. On? sold able of thta last W. J. TRAVER, Tall AT ****Kvp. KF! 1226. Mlnne Lusa Bungalow. I> utlful B room bungalow with flrepla» • * od other built-in features; beat loca tion in addition. Iteal bargain at $1.19". with term* Evenings, phone KE. 6039. KK. 6356 or KE. 5091. Equitable Trust Company, 1613 Louglaa Iteakore AT 2945. Bungalow West A nicely arranged 6-room bungalow. Oak floor* in every room, oak finish in m*ln noma, white enamel tn other room*. Strictly modern. Buy*? may have choice of flxtui «. shade* and decoration*. Loti 59xl$C On p*v*4 *Heet. Tvro block* to f-arllne. $-00.00 down. Balance lllce i rent. MR VOBKIa JA. 0° I 3 Best Buy In Omasa. If you «re looking for a real bargain, let ins show you this dandv cottage. pa*r 2dth and vtmsa avvnu* Klv® rooms and both first floor; two f.ol*h**d rooms leec Oful floor. Imp oil’ll front lot; . hifi;en hours, some fruit Juet h r*;if anil at 14.260. on good term*. Call Mr. llniner. KK. 4n:. or AT. mu. To the Highest Bidder. 1-room Kellastone house located north; atrlctly modern and nicely decorated; oak floors and finish, large lot. east aipoaure Will sell within the next two weeks to the highest bidder gee It today. Call AT. 2116 or AT 6011. WEAR FONTEWELLE PARK $200 CASH Brand new. five rooms and bath, oak floors throughout Modern except ge« A bargain at $1,500. an eagy terms. Call Mr Ibolerm-ri, HA 5465. r. J | \'» »HTII 4> TM AVK. Five-room, all modern bungalow, close »o rar; can give Immediate possession. rmtll cash payment to handle. Look this over and make me an offer. Mr. Lead, WA. H5»: AT *41? HAVK T-Tr fino V If you have I will build h double cement block garage on a good level lot. Live In It and don’t pay rent. Aak for Mr. Carse. 11M South llth Ht. HANHKN'A ADDITION. All Streets l*aved. NKA T l Windsor school on 14th, 7-room modern, corner lot. paved street. $4,750; $7$o cash, balance K /.. ,IA. 142A. HANhKNH ADDITION __T«ota sold on eagy ternii. PATtTKt -If A- Itnette'liniilZr AT. 1250. D K BUCK /a CO buy and tail homes F.M.itr—South 99 If ANSI NS ADDITION Overlooks Country club. Built By C. 6. Carlberg 2841 South 32d Street THIS IS THE MODEL HOME Built by C. G. CARLBERG Completely burnished by Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Open for Inspection Daily 1:00 to 9:00 P. M. You Are Cordielly Invited Real Estate—South _-J: •_■ .• —r•; 99 $2,700. Good Terms. 4-room cottage and 2 lota located south west, high and aierhUy, south exposure, garage, chicken house, drilled well. An Ideal home for the sir ill family. Lota of around, pure water ume and Investment—4-room house located weal; atrictly modern: on paved street, south expoaur; lot 59x146 ga rage. at . Price only 15,000.40 on good ’arms. Bee It today. Call at 6411 or AT. American ffiig. & Finance Company, Bull# 214. Courtney Bldg Clifton Hill. Mx«reom all modern home, south front Jot. 40x130.’ng, dining room and kitchen, snd one, vedroom first floor, two bedroom# and ; oath second floor Newly painted and decorated. Built-In kitchen cahlnst*. $4 259 1399 down. Mian'** monthly. Grcve Hlbbar<3 Co., BulMer# of Good Home# AT. 44 56. IS. T. Plattary. ! NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, NEAR CLAIRM0NT— $6|25D. OaV floor* and finish, fine floor r'.tr, , large ; .omy a’t'**. full foment ba«ement. drain «tc and large eou'h front Jot. A good buy at the pr|r* asked. A. P. TUKEY & SON, •Tukey Hold If* 429 rtrat Nat Ilk Hldg.JA. 4221 Leavenwcrth Heights. Dandy brand new frame, all modern bungalow, vry nifty arrangement; oak floors throughout, walnut finish mam rooms and wh:,e ansmel In bslanca. Tile bath. pice built-in kitchen, full floored attic full cement bailment. l.ary • lot. Price and terms reasonable. D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors, ?4S Omaha Nat. JA. 199t. Kvinlni* call MA. 1544. { "4424 DOUGLAS STREET”. Beautiful 7 room#, modern In detail; nak finish and floor*, beautiful yard: all ar*» r iair paid. A real horn* for 17.759, 1 1.590 CHAS. W. YOUNG & SON, t#92 City Nat. Bk AT IMI; HA. 4951; Mr Anderson. Co H. 3204. | WEST FARNAfi HOKE A g»>oU 7-room home tn excellent condi tion <*nt and a half ht«'ke te B!a« k atone hotel and a half block to car This <« « very comfortable home. If«a garage and alley |# naved. FIRST TRUST CO., 409 FI ret Nt 1 Bk BldgAT 0 729. New Home*—ynur term#. AT. 4451 Grove-EIbbard Co. JJi/sS;: " 1 Tornadoes Come Uninvited Proteet Your Property We Write INSURANCE! Tornedo—Eire— II oil—Cyelone Liability Shopen & Co. REALTORS JA 4228—Insurance De#tv MINNE LUSA SPECIAL About ready to move in. A splendid bungalow of 5 large rooms. Living room. Built-in bookcases. Lots of cabinet work in kitchen. Rear entry. Center hallway. Full base ment. Best of oak finish floors. Will decorate to suit you. Choose your own fix ture*. The best buy in Minne Lush today. Price >5,750, $1,000 cash. CLAIRMONT On tOth street, just off Military avenue, a beautiful •' room Kellastone bungalow. Living and dining room fin Ished In oak. White enamel in kitchen, sunroom and bed rooms. Oak floors through 1 out. Full basement. Floored attic. Sunroom can be used a* bedroom. Price $0,500. Terms. Want offer. Sunday call Mr. (trader, KKnwoml 51170; Mr, Lang ' fi'llner. KKnwood 2H32, or . 1 Mr. Hoisiugton, KKnwoou ! 3472. » I Charles W. Martin & Co. j Realtor* 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. | AT Untie 0157 Real^Eiutc— SIX ROOOMH AND SLEEPING PORCH. BLOCK WJCST OF HAN9COM PARK. Horn* about 8 year* old, Ju*t painted and decorated throughout; fireplace, book canes, oak floor* and finish, double gar ag» Can b- bought right as owner ia anxious to sell. W FARNAM SMITH A CO. Realtor* 1320 Farnarn St. .JA. nfi«4: Eve. HA 22»7. 8024 CALIFORNIA ST.—0-room. modern, 11.000 cash down. R»*al bargain at price anked. Creigh, 608 Be*. JA. 0200, Rea I E»tate— We»t ■; ■ ■ •_ _• ■ ljX INVEST your dollar* In _HANSEN'S ADDITION, ‘ H W Vollund Co for Haul Service. AT 131 Real Estate—Exchange ... ... 101 HAVE fin* 1.500-acre ranch; want small er farm W 157, Omaha Be*._ »I*ANHKNTS ADDITION I* restricted. Real Estate—Exchange .:.....L101 V. i. W ILL aubirlt you a reasonable off*» In excnange for your lam* Income or mdae Try ur. we probably have Just wha you are locking for./ FJJCItT L. COOK * CO.. IH HroT/i Bldg AT 82*7. “LET'S MAKE A TRADE*’ WANT Income anywhere for good farm Value $20,000. W 176, Omaha Use. . FIANHKNK A DDITION js bound to lnereaae in value. Re«l Estate—Wanted .,... .102 HKE u* firit. Need Matinee, any location- i i to ft rooms Bhut-en A Co.. Ft •altera. 1A 4221. 234 Keelim- Bide WE have live buyer*. Hat your hone# for sale with ue. HASP BROTHERS Realtors 21f 11-14 Keellne Bid*AT. 0721, GRUEKIG ?£'.%£%* ,ou' 1400 Flrat Nst‘1, Bank Bid* JA. 1IB. HAVE buyers for food home*. D« you want to sell youra? List It with C. A. Grlrnmel. Realtor. JA. Hit. WE need aoma Hat inf a. Buyer* wilt la*. Quick action J U HIATT CO.AT. HOP. CH AS W YOUNG A SON. Real Estate. Rental* Insurance. 1602 City Nat‘1 BkAT MH. HAVE buyer for 7 or l-room home near Central school. AT. 1S06. Must have a borne. Box W.317, Oouba Bee Graham Peters Co . eel) homes JA. fill. Chus K Hfiman. AT IflO. Real Estate. L J Beybold A g^n 226 City Nat AT >101 HASTING* A HEYDEN REALTORS, Western Real Estate Co. J A. 2607. h H Hrf-vnw ae'la anea AT. 33j4. S P H' iHTWKT real •state. AT. 1IM. Rea It■ • •• ••• 1Q3 IF WE cant sell your home tn 30 days wa will tell you why CARL H ROOS CO.. S66.606 Sunderland Bid*AT. Ull. GLOVER AND SPAIN. Realtors City Real Estate Specialist* JA gilt).>13-20 City Net. Bank SLATER 8e CO. Realtor! beeline Bid* E H RENNER COM PANT— H EALTORB Big Real Estate Development Means Future Increased Values WEST (ODGE ACRES (Opposite Peony Farm) Sale Now On Come Out Tonight! Here’s the Way Dundee Looked in 1909 From Photograph Taken at 53d and Dodge in 1909 Dundee Land Is Now Worth $12,000 an Acre WEST DODGE IS NEXT-HERE’S YOUR CHANCE On paved West Dodge Road. Elaborate system of streets. Independent water system. NO CITY TAXES. Electric lines pass addition. Bus lines pass addition. Soil is very productive. Concrete drive now through addi tion. Every tract close to pavement. Soil noted for richness. Well restricted; no “tar paper” WEST DODGE ROAD TO BE REPAVED. \ ^————»mmmmmmmmmm THE STORM Did not damage our addition in any way Come out and see the excellent roads and drainage system we have. WEST DODGE ACRES LIES WEST, AND THAT IS THE WAY OMAHA IS MOVING SALE NOW ON-ACREAGE IS SELLING FAST Drive out anytime and view this wonderful development. Branch Office on Dodge Street, Just Opposite Peony Farm Use the Judqment ol the Early Dundee Pioneers. BUY NOW. Salesmen on the Addition Until Dark No City TAXES Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney REALTORS AT. 0060 No City TAXES