Beatrice Fairfax PKOBLEMS THAT PKBPI.KX. A Test of Friendship. Oear Miss Fairfax: X corresponded with a yqpng man distant relative to me for a year, at the end of which time he. came here, staving at my home during his entire visit. After he went back home he continued to cor respond with me as usual for eight months. Three months ago he failed to write as punctually as he usually does, so I wrote him. askng the rausofand he answered that the whole family had been ill. Now- the thing that puzzles tne, is that after 1 answered his last letter, which was nine weeks ago, I did not receive any more letters from him. 1 feel ns though I ought to write and find out the reason, but my parents as well as my pride tell me not to. We shonuld like to have a third nel son's advice. Will you kindly advise me? PUZZLED. Suppose this were a woman friend instead of a man—wouldn't you. In view of I he illness in the family— write and nsk If all were now going well, or if there were still more wor ries and troubles. Kindness and cour tesy are never amiss. Don't be self, conscious about this situation, but show the reality and sincerity of your friendship and Interest by writing t<^ say that both you and your parent*1 are hoping all i» well and that you would be glad to hear that your friend's silence means that he has been busy or careless and that there Is nothing radically wrong. The young mans attitude In return for your loyal Interest will show you exactly ntt—:—i—: _ _.. 1 nhNEBBS- -KID NAPOLEON._Drawn tor ‘^aha^^o. ne.. \ fcoDY , DiD VOoGodowm^ f I'LL 5AY V DiD ! - Ami 1 To the Gas company amd jf iToud that ujeaxe.n -4 COMPLAIN ABOOT TAE /(PACED GuV "PLENTY ^_nT-r^: . .. j l Told him that 1 was OnE Customer TheV \ COULDN'T GVP _ It WASN’T THE Amount BUT ^ (The principle Ml *»-*!>«»«, t»».l 1 Hi LET THOSE BIRDS KNOoO THEY WEREN'T Do ll Business ujov\ a *>eiey n&H — usr a red ylOODED AME.WU.Wd UT111.N THAT DIDN’T WANT -THE BEST OT IT AnD WOULDN’T .TAKE THE tjWORT EN$ -/EITHER — VOU OUGHT J To &FE THE OJfiH THE7 treated me — luce alderman oust * before they wanted y ' an ORDINANCE PASSED, LO& V T- BCHG ^.takgs - ) OtU. KNOV*) ^_—^ °^D /W x l roe / SCoTT , y#VJ ,f - /dcmt Know, WHAT VOVJ’RG \ ASKIAJ& f^G "To DO *' THOUOOUWS W £ M THOOTANO -rit !v <^\ME YOU “^fcLP M»NVJ^S ^ *W^ "To MAVCS. up V6VJR (^IND jjj i^TBtJSLS M,MV>Tgs — Copyrn^t lf?1 Wy F —tmrm m \a* \ n n TXT/''' TXT/''' T TTi U A 'T’UIhD R.fuumi SEE J1GGS AND mawhe in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus dKINCjINO U ir r A 1 HllK.---u. S. p.te.t OHIC. page OF colors IN THE SUNDAY BEE icwn^t. mn \'M THE manager and • REPEAT-TOO CANT WOKE (N ,-' here_ LI DOMT C^RE HOW MUCH YOU I V/A.NT FOR. THI'b REiTAURMT • | • vannk buy it ri<;ht mow - \ / - = \ "7 WELL or COUPLE • i'll bell if i <^et my 41T ME A MATCH AM'<^0 OOT AN- f^OT ME A BOX or ClCAEf'b - I'm the. r-' ^ PROPRIETOR HER.E - j © Hi! tV IMT'L ftATUHt SCWVICt. I»e. -J ; !i|| JERRY ON THE JOB GIVE HIM A CHANCE!—HE’S STILL YOUNG,_Drawn for The Omaha Baa by Hob.n •r^TF II Bu'lo a ) l AS 4000^0 V / A^ A'Pc.'-J ~r*e VQEiGuT J »«T l »UTV>t W-L-~TlNML fe J^L The Luck of the Game By Briggs ^ ^ HOW JYOU 6 Post ) 1 HAPPCWCD To Houj "ns — Do That Andy-? 1 | Got A 6ooD ToPPeD IX vJo \ J)Rlv/E j ITS / 5UT The B/sll HOPPED OVER. Tue. Brook - hit a ROCK AwD ©oonJCcO R'CHT UP il To The fla& Like |g A.L'TTLC ffl SlXtSO FAR on « » T1*— s I what friendship he gives and how much you can count on him. Betty: You ask love to make you happy, to content you, to satisfy, to stimulate, to thrill and to enthrall. But how can it, when you do nothing to stimulate It in turn? In demand Ing your rights you deny your right to love. Kor love Is giving. When you love, you do not think of lelf. of your own satisfaction, of what is due you. When you truly love, you vearn to he so fine and loyal and worthy that love will t* a welcome guest In your heart and will know that It has found an abiding place with you. When you think you are disillusion ed with love, you may be disappointed In some one who was nevery worthy to call up a big emotion in your heart: you may be bitter against yourself for the selfish demands which made It Impossible for love to stay with you. But. love is still there—like the sun light behind the clouds. 8. 4.: I too hate to see you part with your "precious locks." If your hair is so beautiful why do you want to bob It? If curls are becoming then wear your tresses in curls. It Isn't so much a question of style, especially when one Is 14. Strong Testimony Is Given By John A. Evans Declares Tanlac Ended In digestion, Nervousness, Headaches and Insomnia —In Pink of Condition Now, He States. “My health was so badly broken up and I was so played out that at times I could hardly drag around, but Tan ias has made me feel fine and strong enough to tackle any kind of work,” recently said Jotm A. Evans, 2106 Harney, Omaha, Neb., well known con tractor. "My appetite and stomach failed me completely and indigestion, headaches, nervousness and poor sleep nearly put me out of business. I had knifelike pains in my back and arms, felt bad all the time, and couldn't get relief In spite of all I could do. "Well, Tanlac has given me such a corking appetite that when the call for meal time comes, I'm ark speedy as a boy Just getting out of school. My digestion is perfect, I have gained 10 pounds, sleep fine, and am in the pink of condition in every way. Tan lac has certainly done the work for me," Tanlac is for sale hv all good druggists. Accept no substitute. Over 37-milllon bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Nature's own remedy for constipation S'or »ais everywhere.—Advertisement. t 9 I I CAN WEAR SMALLER \ SHOES, ^NOW/ I Bathe My Feet in T1Z OH YES M e»n wear smaller, H daintier shoes r.nce I use ■ Tiz. It is because my feet I •re never swollen or tender any [ more. J The minute you put your feet in M ■ Tiz bath, you feel pain and tan- n darnees drawn out. Oh! What relief. No more tired, aching, burning, shoe-chafed feet. Ti* draws out the poisons end J acids that puff up your feet. Get a box of Tiz for a lew cents at a } department store. j ^SSSSSSSBSSSSSS aii v Snsp.Mrih 666 is th# most speedy r» medy we know fo# Constipation, Biliouin*:;, Colds, Headaches Slid .Malarial Fever. ADVERTISEMENT. Beautiful Hair Fascinates All # —— TYi* hair tftchnlctUv .• a criminal who cannot resist the temptation to steal hair: who can not see a beautiful woman without being uncontrollably seized with a desire to snip a lock of her hair and carry it away. ( Yet the hair fetishist, criminolo- '» gists say. is only abnormally af flicted with the same fascination for beautiful hair which all of us pos sess in milder form. Features are unchangeable. Fize and figure are m-re or less unalt erable. But beautiful hair is within the power of every woman. Regular and thorough cleansing with FITCH SHAMPOO is the fire requisite of a dean, dandruff free scalp, and beautiful, healthy, glos sy, lustrous hair. Without proper care ar.d a-ten tion your hair is bound to be dull, thin and straggly. I'se FITCH S'HAMPfkj and your hair will be clean, colorful and altogether charm ing. The FITCH SHAMPOO is on sale at first class toilet goods counters. In two sizes, 75 cents. 11.50 for fam ily package. Complete directions :n package. Applications at leading barber shops. Our fine 16 page illustrated book let. The Secret of Beautiful Hair." mailed free to anyone on request. Address F. W. Fitch Co.. Des Moines, la Fistula-Pay When Cured STk A mild system of treatment that c - res Piles. Fistula srd rtwer 10/ Iscta) Dissasst la a si l « • ;* I M trt SllfM op eration. No Chloroform. Ethe* or other genera, anesthetic ased. A cure guaranteed in every ease accepted for treatment, and ro money is to be paid until cureo. Write for book on Recta! Diseases, with names and testimonials of tncra than 1.000 prominent people who ha'e been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY Sanatorium. Petera Trust Bldg. < Bee Bldg ). Omaha. Neh. ABIE THE AGENT— au^us^m^. I i( ca^ol \ 1 C0NS,\t>E*\*i(,&, I lltO TNKr =jl \ fcIGrHT A.UJW.V. / * VM C,WIKK, NOU fOOTICE \ ( "THAT VM fcSSA^lNC, FROIA THE ) 1 cuus. Enclosed fim> check. / V POR DUES UJHKT I OWE' \. NooH\ TRllv y • n -,=, ( X HEAR NOU RES>U R€S\QMEDiy _ 'SES'. MMX Ca>B UJHW ^ \_ET$ MEMBER QoTXftT LOM^ UHTNOOT PfcNIKHx, #V\R“T WORTH BaON<*^ ■TO IP. _ Resinol relieves chafed skin MEN whose outdoor life cause* skin imtit:« and tenderness, through excessive perspiration, rubbing of the clothing etc. wi 1 find b.essea oc*(ti!ort in tbs use of Kestnoi. This souhing ointment-so w\d»!» used in the treatment of ecierna ard kindted ills—cools the skin, stops the smarting and reducesthe inftammat! n almost immediate!'' Try it and you wii1 be delighted with its Quick act! n. You will alto Reainol Soap and Reainol Shaving Sock. They contain the earn* aoottrng Rr* nol in gredient* • h»ch enable them •o thoroughly deanae the akin e*t leave it tree from acna tivenea* and amarting wait— fy* tha Ry*>nol tno froti* d'CK‘»’ today. A weak * trial Will COfivinca y»M. WOMAN SO ILL GOULDNOTWORK Gained Strength,Weight, and Now Doing Own Work by Taking Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Marion. Ind.—“I was all run-down, nervous anil bent over. 1 could hardly arag srouna. let alone do my w ork. I read some let ters in the papers tcllingwhat l vdm E. Pinkhani's'' rg etable Compound had doneforothers and 1 thought I would try it. Then a man told tr y rus band about hia wife and what good it had dona «*' r nun u> raw rrr ;ry iu 1 took one N't tie and could see w at it did for mein a week** time, an.» hen 1 had taken three N'ttles l had ga ted both in strength Bnd weight an.- was doing my own w ork I took it N-fore my last baby was tvrn and it helped me so much. I sure am glad to reoom mend the Vegetable Compound to any woman who sutlers from for .V ail ments, for 1 know by experience what it can do, 1 have used I.ydia 1 ihnk ham's Sanative Wash, sis. the l iver Pilla.too.and think them tine Mrs. Wm KrpRHHiK. tSM E. Grant Street, Marion. Indiana A record of nearly fifty years ser- ■>, ^ vice should com mce you of the ment of Lydia L. i’u-JGiaui a Cvoi^xund.