Prosperity Due to Continue, Says - W. N. U. Official y. M. Harper, Back From Trip East, Finds Present Condition Is “Healthy Procedure.” Continuation, on a more healthful basis, of the present period of busi ness prosperity, wag predicted by W. M. Harper, assistant general man ager of the Western Newspaper union, with general offices In Omaha, cn his return from a trip of Inspection which has taken him Into leading cities over the country. “Notwithstanding what appears to be a slight ’et up in activities gen erally, and a falling off in volume of business, 1 regard it only as a healthy procedure, and one that is calculated to prolong the period of substantial prosperity,” he said. “I feel that banks and big business generally are appreciative of the fact that action that will tend to curtail inflation is very necessary If the | country's business is to continue in the healthy, vigorous condition which now obtains. "My own Inspection and checkin* up have caused me to appreciate the soundness of statements that have been made by such men as Judge Oary of the United States Steel cor poration. heads of Federal Reserve banks and others. It Is time for temperate action on the part of all business, but we can view the present and the Immediate future with con fidence.” Mr. Harper also remarked on the pronounced wag# inflation which has curtailed building activities to a large extent in the east. "During my visit to Boston,” he said, "I was told by bankers and of flclals of mortgage companies that they are holding down on loans for building Construction for the reason that at present prices, the structure is liable to cost more than it may be worth several years from now. These conditions, however, are bound to adjust themselves. Slowing up of construction activities will automati cally bring wages and other costs back where they belong,.” Mr. Harper's trip included St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Boston. New York,, Philadelphia. Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Fort Wayne and Chicago. Poland Is said to be reviving Its to bacco culture wlfh excellent results. ‘—-*-:— --- Too Much Brag in Patriotism, Says Bishop Shayler Tells Continental Club That America’s Duty Is Toward Neighbors—War No Solution. Bishop E. V. Fhayler, addressing the Continental club at luncheon in Hotel Fontenelle yesterday, stated that our patriotism should be some thin* more than a brag; something more than word* from the lips or in scribed on paper. "Much of our patriotism is on paper,” the bishop asserted. "True patriotism is a spirit which animates a man and lifts up aspirations for his native land." He referred to four great epochs in the national life of this nation and explained that during each of these epochal period* there was manifested a type of patriotic service which meant one for all and all for one." "American life is built on Christian ideals, on a Christian foundation." he added. "True American* grow out of the beet of other nations. We should remember that America ha* a relationship with all of the world and its neighbors must receive the henefi cencies of it* democratic govern ment. "The principles of which our gov ernment was founded should find ex presslon today in our united loyalty.« "We pray that the curse of war shall forever be ended; it will be ended when the principle* for which this nation stands are expressed In peace as they were In war. War never settled anything; it is only an irritation." Japan has become a close rival of Germany in the manufacture of rub ber toys. Council of Catholic Women Holds Its Annual Meeting Delegates from all the CatholU parishes In the Omaha diocese were in attendance yesterday at the annual meeting of the Omaha Council of Cat hoi :j Women In Pt. Cecelia cathe dral. Archbishop J. J. Harty of this diocese and Rev. E. J. Mullaly of Chicago addressed the delegates. Thu convention opened with pontifical high mass with the archbishop as celebrant. The Omaha Council of Catholic Women Is to promote educational en deavors and to co-operate In cliarit* able movements. Sale of Tissue Ginghams Burton’s celebrated quality that we consider su perior to any manufactured. A fine sheer quality and absolutely fast color; in all wanted designs and colors. 36-inc’n width. Yard This price for Saturday only. Second Floor “EVERYBODY’S STORE" 59c Burgess-Nasn Company. * Eight-Hour Film Developing Service Film* are developed without charge when prints are ordered. Films left before 9:30 a. m. will be ready the same day. Mr. Roha, in charge of this department will give expert advice on all matters pertaining to kodaks. An Offering of Printed Crepe Frocks Printed crepes predominate in this group of dresses, just as they do in any gathering of young women. Simply etyled, their effect is achieved through the pattern of their fabric. Lightweight crepes in tiny figured patterns with pleated, tiered skirt or side pleatings; heavier jilk weaves of Egyptian and Oriental designing. Straight of style, slim of line, they are youthfully charming. All colorg and black with white. Third Floor ' Hand and Beaded Bags Leather Novelties V3toV2\ess than regular price Sample lines from leading makers and imnorters at a fraction of their sctual values. Exquisitely Beaded Bags Reg. $3.95 styles.. .$1.95 Reg. $10.00 styles..$4.65 Reg. $7.50 styles.. .$3.95 Reg. $15.00 styles. .$7.50 Three Groups of Hand Bags $3.95 to $6.50 Styles $8.50 to $11.50 Style* $4g5 $12.50 to $19.50 Styles Included are shopping bags, afternoon bags, small strap purses, vanity cases—bags in every imaginable style and size, many with those dainty fittings so indispensable to Madame’s wardrobe. Made of silks, leather, pin and natural seals and grain leather, beaver calf vachette, Persian goat. Main Floor Third i loor An Opportune Sale of Boys" Wash Suits $2.39 A very exceptional purchase enables us to offer these better grade suits at so low a price. Made of the iturdier materials— Peggy Cloth Poplin Palmer Linen Pique Galatea Linen Crash Linen that*will withstand the necessarily frequent washings. Russian, Norfolk, Balkan, Oliver Twist and Middy suits offer variety in styles; the workmanship insures satisfactory wear. Sizes 3 to 9. Suits worth up to $4. Bargain Basement Saturday Women's Pure Linen Dresses Every i * Style j and Shade Size* 16 to 44 Lovely dresses, so smartly styled that you may wear them for almost every summertime occasion. There are 14 ityles and 22 shades from which to select. You will be greatly surprised to find such dressei as these priced so moderately, for not only have the best of materials been used, but each model is made with set-in sleeves. Collar! of Whit* Embroidarjr Tiny Paarl Button* Patch Pocket* Yarn Embroidery Hematltching Bargain—B***n*at Narrow Tia Balta Whit* Pi'ua Vaat, Collar and Cuff* Sale of Neckwear $1.00 White linen Peter Pan :ollars nnd cuffs, crisp and tailored, are most becoming ly worn on the new sweater. All are hand embroidered with dainty colors. Bertha collars made of fine embroidered net in vari ous styles and widths. Main Floor Chamoisette Gloves Pair 69c Pongee, gray and mastic, are the colors of these fine quality chamoisette gloves, 16-button, gauntlet 'or short styles. Formerly priced up to *2.00. Main Floor I Toilet Goods Specially Priced 35c Odorono for per spiration .27* 50c Mavis Vanishing Cream . . .35* 60c Mavis Lemon Cream at . ...35* 60c Stillman's Freckle Cream . . .33* $1.00 Lilac Vcgetale at.79* $1.00 Gem Razors with 3 blades . ...39* $3.00 Auto Strop Safe ty Razors ....800 60c- Gillette Razor Blades, Os .. . 320 50c Gem Razor Blades at .370 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap, 3 for... r»50 25c Resinol Soap, cake .. .100 50c Wild Root Sham poo at . . .300 $1.75 Djcr Kiea Per fume, bulk, oz.$1.00 50c Non-Spi ... -300 75c Stacomb for the Hair . . .490 60c Wild Root Hair Tonic . . .400 $1.00 Terra Dermalax at.600 50c Hyglo Nail Polish at .391* main rioor Sale of Deauville Scarfs These kerchiefs are a smart aquisition to any sports cos tume, and are particularly at tractive as a trimming for hats. A wide variety of colors from which to choose. Many of these formerly sold up to $4.89. Main Floor Sports Skirts and Sweaters For Younger Girls Skirts $3.95 Checks, stripes, plaids and plain colors of fine all woolen materials. Accordion Pleated Side Pleated Box Pleated Smart new styles, finished at the waist with either elastic or belting. Sizes 6 to 14. Others Up to $10 Also Kiltie Skirts in size* to 12. Made of the same materials* but held by shoulder straps with adjustable buckle, 93.95. Sweaters $1.95 Fancy or plainly woven in solid color or in gay combinations. There are boyish Coat Styles with two patch pockets. olip-Uvers with either short or long sleeves and belts or narrow string ties. Others to (8.9S Third Floor Women’s New Low Shoes At Popular Prices Tan and white, the popular shade* for which women are paying almost any price, we offer as reasonably as $7.75 . Beige suede sandal with calf leather trim and low covered suede heel. Field mouse kid san dal with low covered i field mouse heel. Sand suede sandal with calf trimming and low rub ber heel. White kid pump with cut out tongue and junior heel. White kid two-button pump with one-strap and low covered heel. _ Mtm Moor Lawn Mower* 16-inch Dundee • ball bearing lawn mower. Made of good quality ateel with self-sharpen ing blades ...$12.95 Adjustable catcher, 7Sc Garbage Can* Galvanized iron, strongly con structed with tightly fitting cover. 10-gallon d*0 QE capacity.*4)^*I/3 Screen V/ire Square foot, 3c Close mesh wire in all widths. Cyclone Trath Burner* Constructed of heavy steel wire closely woven. The bottom is of •heetiron top fits QE tightly, 28-in. high, »vQ*2/Q *___ ... Pwfth Floor Sporting Goods-Saturday Golf Club*. $1.89 Seasoned hickory shafts with hand-forged heads, drivers, brassies, mid-irons, mashies and putters. These clubs are $3.00 and $4.00 values. Golf Balls, 3 for $1 00 These balls are imported and sre greatly underpriced. Roller Skates, $1 69 Winslow ball bearing skates, adjustable to r No. 10 Vi shoe, $2,50 value. Croquet Sets, $1.79 Complete 4-ball set in box, reg ularly priced $2.50. Tenni* Racquet* $3.00 and $3.50 values. . $2.39 $10 Dayton steel racquets, $7.50 Bate Ball Suit*, $2.69 $4.00 complete suits for boys, 3 to 10 years. Rate Ball Special* 75c base ball gloves fo"- boys, 49c $1 mitts for boys.69e $2 professional base balls, $1.29 $6 professional base ball shoes, $4.45. $1.50 steel jointed fishing poles, 98c. Main Floor Men’s White Shirts .$1.95 Neckband and collar attached style* of the sort that have become so pop ular with man. Well made of So isettes Madras Oxford Cloth and priced moderately. Sizes 14 to 17Vk. Main floor Men'* Athletic . Union Suits 95c Made of cheeked nainsook with elastic knitted hack. A comfortable garment for warm days. Sixes 34 to 46. Men’s Hose, 35c 3 for $1.00 Mercerised lisle hose, good fitting and serviceable, in black, brown, navy, gray and white. New Spring Tie# 95c Regular 11.60 tie# of tweeds in stripes, checks and fancy patterns. Second Floor A Very Special Sale of Imported SAMPLE JEWELRY Latest Styles and Shapes Regular Marked Price . For its scope and general attractiveness tve have never before equaled the jewelry offered in this sale. The window display presents only an idea of the fine quality and the variety of the prices offered. ThHe Are Sample Lines and Surplus Lots of jewelry from some of America’s foremost importers and manufac turers that we offer Saturday at one-half the regular price. Gold-Filled Sterling Platinoid Novelties Every piece a very acceptable gift and equally desirable for oneself. Bar Pins, 50c to $2.50 Novelty stone settings in all colors and in combinations. Boxed for gifts and regularly 50c, $1.50 and $2.60. Cambs, $1.50 to $12.50 Bear iful new styles set with stones of 1 ery color, ruby, sapphire, emer i aid and rhinestones; also many com binations—all with platinum finished mountings. Regularly $1.50 to $12.60. Sautoires, $1.50 to $2.50 and eordelieres. Beautiful pendants bung on silk cords with coral, jade and other slides. $1.50 and $2.50. Earrings, $1.00 to $5.00 Hundreds of styles, many that we have never before shown. Regularly priced at $1-00, $1.50, $2.50, $5.00. The Marked Price* Bracelets, $1.00 to $2.50 Many new designs of jet or poly chrome or with stone setting* Pieces regularly priced at $1.00, $1.75, $2.50. Pearl Necklaces, $12.50 to $27.50 18 and 24-inch lengths of genuine in destructible pearls. Ideal for gradua tion gift*. Regularly $12.50, $20.00 and $27.50— Polychrome Jewelry, $1.00 to $5.00 Handcraft jewelry in excellent assort ment These attractive pieces in many colors that are regularly priced from $1.00 to $5.00. We offer them Sat urday. Necklaces, $1.00 to $4.50 Offering almost every conceivable style and color. Regularly priced $100. $2.00. $3.00. *4.50. Main Floor Miaaes’ Union Suita 69c Athletic union suits of fine cambric made with drop seat and bloomer knees, pin tube tape for garters. Ages 2 to 12 years. Women’* Liale Veata 55c—2 for $1.00 Made with bodice tops, ribbon shoulders; in pink. Sizes 34 to 44. Women'* Mercerized Veata, 59c With French band tops; in pink —sizes 34 to 44. Regularly 75c value. We wish to remind you that aur knit underwear department has been moved to second floor. Hair Net* “Venida’’ cap op fringe shapes, single or double mesh, OP 2 nets. fcOC “Ritz” double mesh nets in cap Gainsborough double OP mesh, 2 for.«OC Gainsborough single O P mesh, 3 for.fcOC Silk Nets with knotted ends, all colors, 6 nets O e? for .&DC Elastic Nets of very fine qual ity, all colors, 6 nets 25C Red Seal cap or fringe style, single of double, dozen QP $1.35, 2 for. £OC Main Floor Men’s Oxfords Prices that Are Very Low $8.50 jl Fancy red calf bal ox fords, medium weight welt soles, rubber heels. Black gunmetal oxfords, patent boxing over instep, medium weight sole. Gun metal, plain soft toe. Men’s White Oxfords Genuine White Buck O*forda; medium round #1 1 An toe; priced at... V * * evw Whit* Canvas Oxford?, irtodi fted English toe; Cfl priced at.V ■ iMv Mki« Moor Your New Straw Hat Need Cost No More Than $3.50 A model for every man Men who select their straw* from comprehensive assortments that include every kind and ahape, look well in them. Our stock include* China Splits Toy on Sennets Plain and Fancy Braids Com* in and lot us show, you a font at yricos that rang* from $2.00 to $ft.00. Main Finer