Kj RENTAL y Apts., Flats. Unfurnished .75 ooooooooooooooooooCoooooo o ° O A PLEASANT APARTMENT. O 8 ° O Hm large living room dining O O alcove, delightful sunroom, bed- O O room and kitchen: in one or Oma. o O ha's finest buildings. No 20 Alt. O O Vernon, 525 So. 31st Street. $85. O 2 O o o O We have a number of other apart- o O menta of various types available O O get our list. O 2 O o o O PETERS TRUST* COA1PANT, O O "Where Omaha Rents." O O AT. 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. O 8 v 8 OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOO TURNER COURT Jn on. of Omaha's most desirable resi dential districts, available at once. Boule vard or front exposure: liullt-ln features, two beds; 3 rooms, 6-room accommoda tions. From $56 to $70. Janitor. HA. 6690. O. M. HAUSER. MGR. 3102 Dodge St._HA. 7H0. A WONDERFUL 6-room ant., also one 6-room apt., available In the Portland Apt«.. Park Ave. and Leaven worth Sta. Janitor will show you or call AT. *380. __,_W. .T, PALM ER CO Houses, Furnished .78 SEVEN-ROOM modern house and garage, near car line. Ideal for summer. Refer ences. Ca 11 KB. 5605._ DUNDEE 6-room house, 2 screen porches; garage; 8 months: refercpces. WA._1448_. Houses, Unfurnished . 79 SIX-ROOM modern house In Dundee ha*v~ 1.n,5.“,‘'orr'er lot' 60x119, with garage, at 4623 Capitol avenue. W. H. Oates, 647 Omala Nat’l Bank Bldg JA. 1294. Nl'.w 3-room cottage for rent. rart modern. $20. KE. 5365. Offices and Stores-.80 LARGE office for rent; reasonable: good location. Call AT. 79S0. Room and Board.81 Farnatn. 3 8 f9, near Blacks tone Attrac tive room for summer, suitable for 2; excellent meals quickly served. This will be appreciated by some one deslr Ing a genteel plgrfe lo live. HA, 8136. 1816 Evans—Near Kountze park, rooms for two, breakfast If desired. WE 2786. HICKORY ST., 1013—Well furn. room In mod, home; private home, family. HOARD and room for two. WA. Q97Q. Rooms, Furnished .81 < WILLARD HALL. I A residence for self-supporting young wom en. Opens June 1. Nicely furnished rooms with board. Excellent social parlors. At tractive rates. Handy location. Apply for rfates to Mrs. Flora Smedley. Supt., at the hall. South Tenth St.. Worth ington to Pine._Phon% AT._3785.__ WE. 7193 (TEL.) — Large sleeping room, furnished complete. In private family, on Sherman Ave. car line; 2 or 3 young men preferred. "nice LY FT RNIS H E D ROOM FOR gtntleman: private family; on 2 car lines; home comforts._HA. 1784. MEN ONLY—Running hot and cold water, also apartments. Brown's Bachelor Apts.. 608 N. 2ltt._AT. J^449._ HOTEL SANFORD—19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. TWO newly furnished rooms with de lightful sleeping porch. 1 block from Blacks 1 ■! HA 2 3 7 <>. _ WA. 2642 (Tel.)—Ntc# room for tentli man. in private home. $4 per W4IK; ga rage for car. 11.50 per week. 2637 Davenport, clean, modern room*; peo ple desiring re«l home, investigate. HA. 7396.__ THREE fin* rooms and kitchen with 9 windows, telephone WE._6709._ ROOM with twin beds, walking distance. vcrv_ reasonable. HA. 6601._ Vi \ 3331—Ideal rooAis for summer; g et it 1 eman pref.; break fas t; 1 b I k. to car FINE room with bath, in private home of two._Rsiftis Park district. WA. 0435. HA. 2009 — Very nice housekeeping rooms. also >.ngle furnished rooms. JA. 3642._ CHEERFUL south room, furn in brown' mal "any._Park West car line. HA. 1524 ( MODERN room reasonable. In walking db -- nee. AT. 0173. 2411 Chicago St. 2 I> AND O J8T3 —Nice cool sleeping r wm?. 92.50 UP- 4933 South 23d St._ M Eli' HA NT.H< )T K L—Permanent room pf ers. 14 per week and up. TWO cool, quiet rooms for men who work nights. AT. 6677._ NICE, cool room, breakfast If desired. WE._J>8>2.____ WA. 2050—Restful and cool room for summer for l or 2. Private home. *C~~ ~ -= , Rooms, Infurnlsliert ». H3 TWO or 3 rooms for housekeeping, with water, light and gas furnished. 1326 8 28th St. —=,--.r •st ..=» 6.50. 209__ So.__25th _A v e. 124 FrTuth 31st Ave.. mod hskpg. rooms. 37. Laundry privileges. HA. 3713. 4244 HARNEY ST.—Three furnished mod ern housekeeping rooms. Tel. WA. 3740. FARNAM, 2226—Two-rm. spt.. running water, gas range^ laundry privilege.__ 2510 DODGE—<3 wcekly^cpoj^elec. Wanted to Rent .85 MIDDLE-AGED couple desire to rent 3. 4 or 6 rm. house or apt. about July 1— unfurnished. « ^ REAL ESTATE ^ r ljotn for Bale .91 HIGH, •lastly lot. eoiuheaet corner 4»th and Military Ave. All improvementa In and paid. 66x130. Thla lot and Ikoo cash for wh«t have you to offer. Give full particulars. Addreap Box W.155, Omaha Bee. ____ __ LOTS :t. 29 and .10. Biork 13. Nakoma Add. H»ve city water and rne block to car *650 on caay terms Campbell. AT. 804*. ___ WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lota In Edgewood; very easy term*. Phone Atlantlo *840.__ -DUNDEE BUILDING SITES. GEORGE A CO. _ AT 1034._ Real Estate—Council Bluffs .94 FOR SALE—Seven-room modern house. 12 lots. Must be sold within 30 days. 95,200. 3329 Avenus G, ^Council Bluffs Telephone Rod 4639 $2,800 New A dandy B-room bungalow, electric light*, oak floor*, full basement, easy terms. Near school and car. Meet me on the ground, 47th and I* Sts., after 6 p. m., or call KE 1218. REAL ESTATE ^ Real Estate—Dundee . 95 CMce Dundee Corner Ten roomi and bath, hot water heat. 2 fireplaces. Brick veneer to second flopr 2 large lots with a Varga variety of trees and shrubs. South and east exposure. Wonderful home for a large family or would make a splendid duplex. V»rice only $13,000. Terms owner going to California. Osborne Realty Co., 630 P.tpra Trust Bldg. Jackson J2S2. NEAR DUNDEE 4429 Capitol Avenue Five rooms on first floor; one bedroom and bath on second floor. This is not a new home, but a good one. Price $3,500. Owner need* the money. A. P„ TUKEY & SON, “TUKEY SOLD IT.*’ 620 First Nat'l Bank Bldg._JA. 4223. New Dundee Brick 308 SO. 51st ST. 6 rooms, large living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen with huilt-in fea tures. and brenkfast room. 3 nice large bedrooms, tile bath, everything up-to-the minute; cannot be duplicated today for the price asked. See this today. W FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Realtors. 1320 Farnam Rt. JA. 0564 _Eve.. WAL. 2876._ TWO Dundee homes, each 6 rooms, 2-car garages. $7,500; $7,850 respectively. Burt C, Fowler Co JA. 1426. Real Estate—Florence ._... 96 NETHAWAY, ‘home agent” specialist Id north end property (whites only! KE. 14Of Real Estate—Miscellaneous.97 Best Buy In Omaha. 7-room modern Bungalow. 84.COO. 861A N. 28th Ave. KE 4468._ HOMES for workingmen. Four rooms, partly modern, full lot, easy terms. 81,200 Have others. Stewart. Ralston 10-W. A T.FRED THOM a S * Son Co.. Realtors. ■..g. ■■■:-se- ■ — —■ Real Estate—North .1.98 SNAP NEAT MODERN HOME. 14750 Fine large pleasant rooms, all nicely dec orated. oak floors, built-in kitchen, dandy basement with floor drain, coal bin and fruit room; large, roomy attic; nice lot on paved street; terms. $1,000 cash, bal ance $45 a month. This will please you. 8ee it todav; owner must sell at once. D, E. Buck & Co., REALTORS 742 Omaha Nat l. JA. 35 43 Evening*: Lovgren. JA. 0304; Gilbert. WA. 6656; Paul Box. WE. 6372; Buck. KE. 2834 Montclair Stucco Five large rooms, finished in oak, fire place and built in features; high ceiling. 1 panel doors; full cement basement and large floored attic. You will like this d t W. FARNAM SMIfH & CO., Realtors. 1820 Farnam St JA. 0564. _ “Evenings. AT. 1799 • ClairmonfBungalow Just being completed; 5 rooms and large attic. Well arranged well built and fine ly finished: price $6,000. Shown by ap pointment. Cali Grant Benson, WA. 1580, evenings. Benson & Carmichael, ✓ 6 12 Paxton Block. AT. 3540. ~New Bungalow Just icomplet^d 5-room bungalow with oak floors throyahout. full »-ement basement, guaranteed furnace, neaf car and school $300 cash to handle, balance like rent. WA. 6159.____ Brand "New Frame bungalow now ready to occupy. Five rooms and hath, ail modern, oak floors. 6>tc. Only $500 down. Near Miller park. Call HA. 6465._ Partsch & Huettelmaler, K. E.. At. 6250.^ D E. BllCK CO. buy and »ell liomei. Real Estate South .H BRAND NEW'BUNGALOW" Five rooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen, two nice bedrooms, tiled bath with built-in tub, built-in features t hr<>ugho*it; plenty of closet room, full tenement; oak finish, everything com plete to make a coxy home; good sized lot. ehrubhery. paved street: Just one block to car line. Located a little south of H; nacom park on 32nd St. Price $6,900, terms. C. G. CARLBERG, REALTOR 312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tesar A Tesar specialize *n S K-.'ie homes. ^ REAL ESTATE ^ Real Estate—South .99 ~432 CENTER- 8T.'—riroom-hou*^ city water, gas, electric lights, only |900, *360 cash. On 10th. near Bancroft, nearly new 7 room. oak finish; owner, leaving cUy. has instructed me to get an offer. BERKA A MUS1L, JA. 6*67._ BIGGEST value. Beautiful corner bunga low. near Field club, many bullt-lns. cozy and light. Only *6,760. Call JA. 3261, * to 6 p. m. __ NEW 6-room home, 3 5 tb and Hickory. Excellent location. Price 18,260. Terms. Norris & Norng,_104 N. 15th St, AT. 7062 Real Estate—West .100 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o % New Dutch Colonial l O Blx-room modem, south front, O O garage. *tile bath, built-in tub. O O fireplace. French doors, lots of O O wall plugs, built-in features. O O breakfast nook for alx people; one O O block to school, one-half block to O O car line. located southwest, only O O *6.600./ Terms exceptional. O O Atlantic 5911. Jackson 6421. O ° American Mtg, k Fin. Co, ° O 8ulte 214 Courtney Bldg. O O O O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FIELD CLUB BARGAIN Reduced *3.000 below cost for quick sale Immediate possession, built to last a life time. nearly new, exceptional value; the price will sell It; 8 rooms, 2 stories and attic; oak aTid enamel finish; *4 oak floors throughout; maid's quarters 3d floor, beautiful suhroom. 2 sleeping porches. 4 bedrooms, brick fireplace, hot water heat, thermostat, etc., garage and cement drive, large lot. fine lawn, abun dance of shrubbery everything you need In a home, reday to move right into without additional expense. Evenings call KE. 4259: JA. 1426; WE 1949. BURT C FOWLER CO., REALTORS. 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg JA. 1 426. Hanscom Park Bungalow" We arc offering this 5-room, all modern bungalow, located just south of Hanscom Park, at a. real value; bas oak floors and finish, built-in kitchen, book cases, buffet, end a large corner lot: paved street. This house jj« 4 years old and all newlv deco rated; price only *6.300, $1,000 cash will buy it _ D. Eo Buck k Co., REALTORS 742 Omaha Nat Bank. JA. 2000 Gilbert: WA. 6656. Box: WE 6372 Lovgren: JA. 0304___ Buck: KE. 2834 Clalrmont Bungalow Beautiful 6-room «all modern bungalow In Clalrmont. Excellent condition: one-car garaee: for quick sale. *6.600 with terms. Flvenings phone Mr. Gehris. KE. 6039. or Mr Pitkin KE. 5091. Equitable Trust Company, REALTORS 1813 Poguas 8t__ AT. 2946. • 4411 Harney St. Open tonight from 7 to 8. This 6-room strictly modern, brand new bargain: is lust about ready to move into; beautiful oah floors, oak and white enamel in bed rooms. Full cemented basement. Large attic with stairway. Easy terms. HA. 3556._ Cathedral District Apartment of 3 rooms and ba*b with 4 room accommodation, if desiren: excel lently located, cool, comfortable and con venient: garage. croquet and tennis cohrt. Phone WA 0359 W FAHNAM SMITH A CO.. JA. 0364 aaWe Build to Please” TEMPLE M'FAYDKN CO. New Homes—your terms. at. 40'6 Grovc-Hlbbard Co. 3024 CALIFORNIA 'ST. 6-room, modern, $1,000 cssh down Real bargain at price ajdted_ Crelgh 6(J4 Bee. JA. 0200 McCague Investment Co., Realtors. Satisfactory service for 40 years. STRICTLY modern bungalow. near Hanscom Park; 1750 cash, balance. *40 per month. JA. 0420. _ 334 N. 41ST St7—Ten rooms. Bargain. Carl H._Roos Co., AT. 698L_ H W Volland < o for Service. AT 9545 5-R. Bung., located W^ new. \T._3281. Real Kalatr—Exchange ..101 WE WILL submit you s reasonable offer In exchange for your land, income or mdse Try us. ws probably have Juat what you ars looking for. BERT L. COOK A CO., 610 Brown Bid* AT 8287. "LET’S MAKE A TRADE” RUSTNES8 BUILDING—Income *200—per month; exchange for good farm. Dr. Parker. Excelsjor Springs. Mo. 1 " ■ ll. Meet Me at 84th and Pacific Streets Either Toddy or Tomorrow Early or Late and I Will Show You An Acre Homesite / # In the new Country Club district, where $250,000 worth of property has been sold in less than 12 months. This acre will cost you $800.00. $80 rfown and $8 per month. An acre like this makes five big city lots. __ If you don’t like this acre, we will show you other tracts in Ridgewood, Loveland and the Ryan Track Three units of the big West Pacific street development. Other units will follow in this territory next year. Restricted for better, moderate priced homes. This is a closing-out sale of the unsold tracts in the first three units. Prices and terms will never be lower; on new units they will be higher. You will probably never have a better opportunity to buy suburban property on the west side of Omaha— and Omaha is growing west. __I Branch Office at 84th and Pacific Streets. Open All Day Saturday and Sunday. SHULER&CARY REALTORS Phone Jackson 5074. Third Floor Keeline Building. ^ REAL ESTATE ^ Real Estate—Wanted .102 SEE us first. Need listings, sny location n to 8 rooms. Shopen A Co., Realtors JA. 4228. 236 Keellne Bldg, g. P. BQ3TWICK, real aetata. AT. 1606. R. E. service. L. D. Swanson. AT, >13S. Graham Peters Co., sell homes. JA. 0661. Chan. E. Belman, AT. 6260. Real Batata. Western Real Estate Co. JA. S607. ^ REAL ESTATE Real Estate—Wanted .102 VVE need lame listings. Buyers waiting. Quick action. J. L. HIATT CO. _AT. MOS. HAVE buyeiw for good homes. Do you want to sell yoursT List it with C. A. Grlmmel, Realtor, JA. 1615. GLOVER AND SPAIN. Realtors City Real Estate Specialists. rA. 1850. 918-20 City Nat. Bank. ^ REAL ESTATE ^ Real Estate—Wanted .10? WE HAVE 10 buyers-who want three or f• 1345 I Come Today — We Sell on Grounds Only. SALE NOW GOING ON and continuing until all lots are sold r » I Come Tonight — Come I Tomorrow—Come Sun- I day, Day or Night. I 1