Many Wshington Towns Under Water By Associated Press. Spokane, Wash ,t Jim» 1-Whiiv towns in Crows Nest Pass, Alberta, bave been flooded by the bursting of the banks of the Old Man river, after 16 hours of steady rainfall, ac Use Cuticura Talcum Daily For The Skin After a bath with Cuticura Soap and warm water Cuticura Talcum la soothing, cooling and refreshing. If 4te skin is red, rough or irritated anoint with Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. They are ideal for all toilet uses. **•)> Ttm bf Mali. Addraar. "CitleviUk MaldenU.ilaee." Sold ray ^j25!j|*^Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 60c. Talcum Sc. PS^Cuticura Soup shavaa without muf. BENJ. H. BOYD of NEW YORK CITY WiU Deliver an Address on The^March of the Nations to Armageddon “Million* Now Living Will Novor Dio” “Something tremendous moves just undtr the trouMed surface of Inter national affairs. Events, some sinister j and all significant, are lifting their heads on both sides of the Atlantic. I “Premier Poincare warns Frenchmen ' that 1929 will bring the ‘gravest crisis' j since 1914. Like a grey Jermiah, Cle meneeau talked to us of disaster. Lloyd George predicts the wrath to come. Prime Minister Bonar Law fs gloomy and Germany is making gestures of despair. j “Evcfots are galloping to a decision in an uncertain future. As France . marches, London joins with Berlin in ! saying that the crash Is near in Ger- 1 many. While the Allies talk and the French fix bayonets, the Teutons are j sliding into the abyss of industrial chaos." “And he gathered them together Into m place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon." Rev. 16-16. You eannot afford to allow pleasure or bosfnees to keep you away from this message of the hour, you are In vited to hear. EAGLES’ HOME 17th and Cui Street* * % Sunday, June 3 3:00 e'Clock P. M. Auspices International Bible Students* Association F-R-E-E cording to a special dispatch from Calgary, Alberta, today. Electric lights and power provision cut off and railroad and motor traffic is at a standstill. The town of Coleman Is partly un der water, mines there are endangered and light and power cut off. At Blair moore six houses and the Victoria bridge were washed away and light and power are suspended, with some streets under six feet of water, at Frank three feet of water coven some of the street and the Canadian Pacific railway tracks. 2,000 Students Expected to Attend Kearney Normal Kearney, Neb., June 1.—Registra tion of students at the Kearney State Teachers college got under way, with a vanguard of students on hand in dicative of a record enrollment before classes convene Monday. Registration for the summer term last year exceeded 1,700, and It Is be lieved that 2.000 will be enrolled this summer. That estimate has been made by those In close touch with prospects and on the basis of this figure rooming accommodations have been solicited. If the registration reaches 2,000, It will necessitate using every availablo Inch of floor space in th# big school for classroom. Includ ing some of (he hallways and an over flow will be accommodated at the high schAol, which is available In case necessity. Housing of 2,000 students can be arranged, but It would be extremely difficult to accommodate a greater number. Denver Business Men to Invade West Nebraska Special Dispatch to Tha Omaha Bee. Scottsbluff, Neb., June 1.—Denver business men, following practically on the trail of the Omaha trade excur sion of a few weeks ago, have an nounced a similar trip for the middle of June. Forty-four Wyoming and 14 Nebraska towns will be visited. Executives, rather than employes and salesmen, will represent the Denver firms on the trip, according to pre liminary plans. Two Kimballton Boys Are Drowned at School Picnic Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Atlantic, la., June 1.—Two boys, aged 8 and 14, sons of James Peter son, farmer living west of Kimball ton, were drowned while swimming near Elkhorn. They were members of a rural school picnic party. Miss Brown, school teacher, made heroic efforts to rescue the boys. Collie Dog Adopts Pig Spurned by Its Mother Sperlal Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Fremont, Neb., June 1.—A pig, lone survivor of a litter born on the Dan Taylor ranch, near Fremont, has been adopted by a collie dog as a member of the little family of pups, born € •■Religious Vision and tho Modern Mind” By REV. RALPH E. BAILEY Unitarian Church 3114 Harney Street Sunday Morning at 11 o’Clock Public Cordially Invited about the same time. The bow spurned its lone offspring and the mother dog willingly adopted the exiled pig. The little porker is flour ishing under the watchful care of Its foster parent. North Bend Youth Admits Attempt to Assault Woman Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Fremont, Neb., June 1.—Frank Orendorff, 16, was aentenced to the state reformatory £>y District Judge F. W. Button for a term of two to four years, after pleading guilty to the charge of attempted assault. Orendorff was arrested a few days ago upon the complaint of Mrs. Ida Auten. 65. of North Bend, who claimed that the youth attempted to attack her on the etreets of North Bend. Mrs. Auten was accompanied by another woman', when Orendorff Is said to have leaped from behind a tree and made his attempt to attack her. Cries of alarm brought aid and Orendorff disappeared. Kearney Editor Is Dead Following Heart Attack Specie! Dlepsteh to The Omaha Bee. Kearney. Neb., June 1.—F. L. Whe don, owner and editor of The Demo crat, & weekly publication, died sud denly at his home thle morning from heart disease. Mr. Whedon retired last night In apparent excellent health after getting his edition out of the way for the week. He awoke this morning and complained that be was not feeling well. Death followed with in a few minutes. He Is survived by his widow; daughter, Mrs. A. W. Stephens of this city, and a brother, William, I .os Angeles, Cal. High School at Aurora Petitions for Auditorium Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Aurora. Neb., June 1.—The senior rlasa of the Aurora high school has Just completed a canvass of the elec tors and have a petition now contain ing between 900 and 1,000 names, ask ing the board of education to construct a gymnasium and auditorium for the use of the schools. Bryan Seeks Legal Aid to Solve State Finances Lincoln, June 1.—Governor Bryan today called upon Attorney General Spillman for advice In regard to methods to be followed In providing pay for state appointees, particularly RUNNING RACES! Today^-2:30 P. M. AK-SAR-BEN FIELD General Admission $1.00 plus tax. ( Boaton Drug Co. Children BOc plus tax. > Reserved seat on sale at ( unitt-Docokaj Drug Co. AUTOMOBILES FREE __ _—— “You’re Got to See Mamma Ev’ry Night” The popularity of thia r tuneful, eeU-etarting toa trot ia epreading like epidemic. If you want ^g the fineel veraion of it r S ever played, get the V Columbia Record, by The ^B Oeorgiana. M “You Tell Her—1 M Stutter" ^g |e the encore number on ^g the other eide. B At Columbia Deelere A-3357 Columbia Ortphophona 1 STARTS TODAY SIGHT | EIGHT DAYS V DAYS BAMOH ALICE HAYOBBO TEBBY Bex Ingram’a I “Where the Pavement End*" or “PMiion Vine” 4 « ANNIVERSARY WEEK J. Warren Kerrigan and Sylvia Breamer in “THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST” •Iso Colonel House and Hit Colorado Jazz Orchestra and BUSTER KEATON In “The Love Nest” Thomas Meighan—Lila Leo IN v “The NE'ER DO WELL” Special—Elks’ Cornerstene Coramonial I Vaudtfilla—Photoplay _ j Superb 6-Act Bill .Of All Now Faaturaa, Haadad by tha Clavar Mualcal Ravua. “Little Cinderella ” Photoplay Attractlona Antonio Collaan MORENO MOORE la “LOOK YOUR BEST” la Addition to tha Third Coiaplata Story j “Fighting Blood" Sarioa i NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS HAMlL.ON - ■ . 40th and Hamilton HARRY CAREY In "THE KICK BACK" VICTORIA .... 34th and Fart "Caalaat In Omaha” MARGARET MARSH AND LIONEL BARRYMORE In "BOOMERANG BILL" GRAND .... i«th and Blnnay BUCK JONES In "TROOPER O'NEILL" BEK WANT ADN BRING RESCLTN UP WITH THE BIRDS FOR ANOTHER LIFE USED TO BEATUG OF WAR TO YES SIR \ LIFE'S OUST ONE BUSSFUL ] OWY-OH, AINT NATURE GRAND1. MEET BOTH ENDS-BUT 5INCE DAY AFTER ANOTHER SINCE DOC ( SAY CANT YOU SEE DOC SURE POP AND HIS WANT AOS INTHE GAVE NY INVENTIVE GENIUS A / THE SIGNALS 7 OMAHA BEE /&7\ YOU BETTER GET ONE CAME INTO MY LIFE ITS PRUNES A OFTHOSE SELF ftROOSERSJ V AND CREAM -i' f*?V*ERX BOW'S TAUKN* | UflU about*. I 0 _ . O _ * -<* * 0 V I .( • KtfltMr *M TMbwi* ajmMot* Dm MateM . ■lz code secretaries, who were given no appropriations tor salaries by the recent legislature. The governor asked the attorney general to help him untangle the financial muddle. The right of the governor to trans fer funds of one department for the use of appointees In another is one of the legal questions the attorney gen eral Is asked to explain. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Convene Special Dlapatrh to The Omaha Bee. McCook. Neb., Junel.—Fourth An nual Convention Southwestern Neb raska District association of Odd Fel lows and Rebekahs opened a two day session in McCook today with an attendance of over a hundred dele gates. Eighteen Odd Fellow ltdges and 14 Rebekahs are represented in this meeting. Following a grand lodge mseling, the delegates staged a parade headed by the Benkleman band. Both orders have extensive programs. Sessions wyl close tomorrow afternoon with election of district officers. Another Bryan Employe Goes on State Payroll Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Lincoln, June 1.—Another employe of the old Bryan Commoner, which ceased publication a few weeks ago. went on the state payroll today. This time It is Miss Ora Ogg, who wii» be chief clerk in the office of George E. Hall, secretary of the dopartmert cf finance and re^nu. Hall stated to day that he did not know how much Governor Bryan Intenided to have tho state pay Miss Ogg for her services. Former Lieutenant Governor Is Divorced by Wife Nebraska City. Neb., June 1.—Di vorce without alimony was granted Mrs. Nancy Pearson, wife of former Lieutenant, Governor James Pearson. In district court here. According to testimony in the case, Mr. and Mil. Pearson differed radically In their religious beliefs. Both had previously been married and each had several children from former unions. { ANNOUNCEMENTS^ Burial Vaults . 1 DISTINCTIVE feature*. see demon at rat I on at factory. Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial Vault. Inaiat upon your under* taker ualrg no other. Every vau’t etarap ed: watch for name in lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Go. 8210 N. »0th St. Omeha. Cemeteries, Monuments . t Beautiful J^est Lawn ~ Visit nature's beauty apot, Forest Lawn cemetery. It la more beautiful thla spring than ever before. Northbound electric care will take you there. Call at the greenhouses at the cemetery entrance. Of flcee at tha cemeterv. north of city limits, and 720 Brandeie Theater Florist* . 4 LEE LARMOrT 13th and Pottalaa JOHN BATH. 1104 Farnam. JA. 1304. I. HUNnEK80N^131i7^jriirnant^JA^JM* Funeral Directors . t F.J.STACK & CO., Omaha’, beat undertaking ES& AMBULANCE STSEi _Thirty-third and Farnam. Crane Mortuary WA. Peraonala ... in I WtI*I, not ha raaponalbla for any Mila contrnctad for by my wlfa. May K Mndt aon, or any othar par ton. Hignad. F. L M .i dlann. JgM |, 1013. THEATRICAL historical mnaqua coa tumai for plays and parttaa. at LUban'a. Omaha. Start* I' r.T.t M »>d> Ted., Uill jUI T.d.y NELL SHIPMAN Famous Star of “Bsck to Bod’s Country” IN 11 The Grab Stake” -BARGAIN PRICES O AGENTS ACCENTS /II MATS. /A EVE’S. #11 MON. # al SAT, SUN. ■* TO PEI. MATS. BEE WANT AD RATES ISO per line tun day. 1 or 2 days 12c per line each day, 2 to • days. I Or n.r line earh day. 7 daya or longer. Th* abov* rata* apply axclutlvely in Wain Ada which are commonly termed "public wanta," and do not Include adver tleement* of Indlylduala or concertia ad vertising or exploiting their businesses. These ratee apply to Th* Sunday Omaha Bee aa well aa Th* Morning and Evening Baa. All week-day advertisements appeal in both morning and evening editions al th# oaa coal. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Morning Edition.....2 p. m Evening Edition.11:20 . m Sunday Edition.• p. m. Saturday Want Ada accepted at ths following offices. Main eflle*.17th and Farnam Sts South uin*h*..M W. cor. 24th and N Sta Council Bluffs.12 Scott SI Telephone ATlantlo 1019. Call lor “Want" Ad Department. At experienced “Want" ad taker will rteelva your ad and a bill will ho matted later The rates quoted abov* apply to althai ebarga or cash orders. THE OMAHA BEE reserves th* right t< designate what conatltutea a public want THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. Personals .M THE SALVATION Army Induatrlal home solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga xtnea. We collect. We dtitrlbute. Phone JA. 4115 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 PodgC iiSOZl___ ( automobiles ^ Auto Accessories, Tires .11 NEW TIRES—GUARANTEED FIRSTS. COMPARE PRICES—WHY PAT MORE? 39x1 .. .» 5 95 | 34x4 .212.95 39x3914_... 6.95 1 12x3H. 1.96 Shipped on approval. |1 with order. KAIMAN TIKE JOBBERS, 1722 CUMING GUARANTEED FIRST TIRES. 30x3 nonskid. I*.75. 30x3*4 nonekld. $0.60. • Other sixe» in proportion. KAPLAN AUTO FARTS CO. 2111 Nicholas. JA- 3410. Autos for Sste .13 Ford Sedans Among our many other uaed ram we are showing two exceptionally good Ford Sedans which ara lata models and priced for quick action. If you ara figuring on buying a new Ford Sedan, do not fail to nee these be cause we may be abl« to aava you a lot of money. We will be gt«d to demonstrate at your home. Call AT 1*44. Guy L. Smith FORDS— For aaie. Sedan lato 20 . .$350 Ford coupe late 20 .. 325 Ford roadeter. It . 115 Ford Ppeedeter. IvSte model Ford touring cam from $126 to $175. Chevrolet. 26 .1J5 Maxwell spoedxter . To All care guaranteed NATIONAL. MOTOR SALKS 204 fin. 24th _AT 4214 SOME bargalna in uaed Forda. pr'ump* delivery of new Forde M'CAPFRBY MOTOR CO.. The Herdy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson Sta. At. 771L_ NEW and need Ford* cash or terms, a E. PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealers. 26th end Ames Ave.Ke» >146 USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Ca 2664 Farnam. USED parts for all makes ©tear* Ford need parts et half pries. Neb. Auto Part* Ja. Oil. USED CARS THAT CAN BE USED. NEBRASKA OLD8MOBTLK CO.. Howard at l»th. _ AL 1770 FOR SALE—-King t Sport model roadeter. aa good aa ntw. must be seen to be ap preciate d. W111 sacrifice. _AT. t)2t. Mj_iL>LY__#ltt'*>rt trimmer^$22^i^24t^ S BUSINESS SERVICE ^ iMarfln PI—ting .SI ! ACCORDION,- BIDE, kmf* . k*x pluttBB, . covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching. | buttonholes. Writs Ideal Button A Pleat ing Co., 308 Brown Bloek. Omaha. Neb Telephone JA. 1811. J NEBRASKA PLEATINO. i Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1801 1 Farnam. secondjnoor^JA^. 347S i ftalldm. Contractor, .ZZ CALL-HA. M37 or~MA.—MII for »*p«rt sodding. aeedlng. hedging or trimming. MIDCTTT LANDSCAPE GARDNERS. J. Z SMITH, general contractor, mod- | «" Waart—. a roicUltr. MA. «n« Danrlnc Academic, .3S i LKARN to dene, tor (4 at KEBP’C, 111* Farnam Siffhmer classes Mon . Wed and Frl Aaaembly dancing Saturday evening. Private lesson* by appointment. JA. I476; Detective Acenclea .Z4 JAMES Allan’al'Zeteori ve*. Expert secret 1 service. Ill-113 Neville Bloch, AT. HI8. _ RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland Bldg JA. 1088: night, KK 1113. Garage Builders .. 28 GET our prlcss on complete garages. Mor» riwon Lumber A Coal Co. WK 5581 Infttiranrc—\ll KimK.2d A CHARLES BUND BLAU CO. Fire, automobile, burglary, accident INSURANCE. K KELTNE BLDG. JA. 1180 Moving, Storage .28 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPP I NO. Household Goode. Pianos. Office Furniture. II07-11 HOWARD ST. _J A. 01* I F.XrKItT Chins, furniture packers, fire proof storage. Phone JA. 1304. The 1 Terminal Warenouae Co.. 701 South 10th , St., corner Jeaea, aa Viaduct. ESTIMATE fum. on packing,, mov. and | storing Contracts taken by Job or hour > Globe Ven A Storage Co. JA. 4118. AT. 1 0330. Oroaeman A Sona,_ owners. ( MnvIng^Tacking—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Ca : 111 NMlthJif rhonaJA. *011._ RttKINS OMAHA VAN A RTORAQK 18th and Leavenworth Sts. Packing, mov- , Irg. atorage. shipping JA. 4188._ MOVING, hauling, city or country. Ashe*. 1 rubbish removed. Cinders WE. 3117. ' —■»m;g*r»--TiTT nif I— nan i iiiimwiiiii in~r 1 Painting, Papering .. 2S 'Taperifanhing and decor ati ng ; WALL PAPE It CLEANED By expert workmen Price* reasonable. } For estimates, phone _AT. <463. Eve. KR. 3011. 1 PAINTING-—Any kind of inside work. ^ Re a ton a hi e._ Call JA §413 after 8 p m , PAINTING—¥* give”" service,' satisfaction , and a aye you money_H A. soil. i I’APEKING. painting, wall paper cleaning. • t ail IIA 7174. r --rrsra ■tw i, Tier t —aa———jb—azaeaaatea 1 I’atont Atlomar* ..?» “ W. MARTIN. Potent Attnrn*,^ iflt * Dodge, room 10# Also Washington. D ] C. 1 help Inventors sail thslr patents i ^ BUSINESS SERVICE Kodak Ktnialuug HA FILMS d*T«loned Tree. Price list her* Friday, KASE STUDIO, ilt Neville Block. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. _The Enalan Co.. I»0« Leavenworth. Printers, Engravers .Si i-iDDY Prlnllna Co . »H S. II St. JA, MU Profemional Services, X-Rays.SS PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 5 Sherman A McTonnell Drag Storee Dental X-Rays ...y.......SSA DENTAL X-ray. *#o each; It foil act IH Securllle, Blda. nth and Farnam Services Offered..S4 BEAUTY Culture taught. Thera la always a position. LILLIAN SCHOOL of Beauty Culture, 304 Patterson Blk, AT. 3611. SODDING and seeding, high-claaa work; reeodding old lawns a specialty. We bare blue giaee nod. AT. 0719.__ LAUNDRY—Bundle washing and Ironing guaranteed. Try ua first. Anna Giliespie, 1064 Vfr N. 20th. JA 6366. LANDSCAPING, seeding, sodding end shrubbery. HA. 0617. W. J. Burback. SODDING, seeding lawns a specialty. KB. 3194.__ CEMENT work of all kfod*._KE._31>4._ ^ EDUCATIONAL Business Colleges .S3 DAT SCHOOL—NK3HT SCHOOL Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. abort hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1666 for targe Illus trated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. BIGHT to 13 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American College, 1912 Farnam. VAN RANT 8CHOOlTbr~BU8INESiT 8 E Cor. Nineteenth and Douglas. Ja. 6190 ^OMPTQMETER_echool. 309 Courtney Bid. Musical. Dancing, Idramatic .... 40 HENRY LOTZ. teacher of cornet and trumpet. AT. 2643. Trade Schools .41 MOLER BARBER COLLEOK. IIP S. nth jttvvrlte for catalog. ^ EMPLOYMENT ^ Help Wanted—Female .44 ooooooooooo66660660ooo066 o o 0 o o p O Real Silk Hosiery Mills of In- O. O Ol O dlanapoiia. Ind., offer you an o 0 o! C' opportunity to make real O O Oi 0 money thie summer. Only O O O O men who are sincere workers O O O O need apply. Only workers O O O O will be considered. 1 O ♦ O O Backed by a national adver- O O O O Using campaign. See our ad c O In THE SATURDAY EVE- O O „ O O NINO POST, also Ladies' Home O O Journal, Good Housekeeping, 8 O O O Woman* H"m* Companion. C O O O Vogue and Harper** Bssar. O O O O 439 Securities Building. O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ALTERATION AND SALESLADIES. Wanted—Experienced alteration and' salesladies for one of the largest store* of it* kind Now opening in Omaha. See Mr. Platt. Ml So. l«th St_ WILL pay girl's tuition through bualness college for doing some light work. State age and education. Writs W-136 Omaha Bee.___ _ _ WANTED—-At once, girl for general briia-work. need not be experienced but willing to work. Must live at my house. Phone HA. 9136. WANTED-—Ex psrlenced whit# cook with good referencea Apply Mra W. H. Me Cord. 6201 P* van port._ COMPETENT whit* cook, private family. Mra Samuel Reea 6166 Leavenworth WA. 1014. MelpWanted—Male . 45 o o o o o o o o 0 o O EXPERIENCED CAR REPAIRERS 8 8 8 ,0 WANTED—EXPERIENCED CAR- O 0 REPAIRERS APPLY AT StJ- O 0 PERINTENDKNT Or SHOP S OF- O 0 PICE. UNION PACIFIC. 11TH O Q AND CASS STS. O 1 8 8 8 0 o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOv WANTED—FI rat class jpotter and clean er; also able to handle alteration*, no booaer; high salary; permanent position. Olve complete information In flret lat ter Act quickly. Box 46*. Sioux Falla. S l) YOUNG MAN. STUDY LAW! Down town evening session*. University of Omaha Law School. Nominal tuition. Enroll now See Secretary. 1087 Omaha National llank.__ W A NT K7>—An experienced man to take over msnnagrment of general merchan dise store. Write Box 46*. Belgrade. Neb._*_ WANTED—Experienced counter men and <*ne coffee man for cafeteria. Hotel Rome, sixteenth and Jackson. Apply to Mr. Rau tnan, manager._ WANTED—Married couple to work on fi mi. also one single man. Address John Ho * t. Ns per, Nek. WANTED—A men to letter granite R t . Mendel! Monument Works. Superior. Neb. HH|>— Mai* or Prmalf . 46 WANTED—Man or woman that under stands operating knitting marhlna: good proposition offered Nothing to sell. Call Merchants Hotel. RoOm 108. Agents, Salesmen .47 SALESMAN WANTED—For Omaha ter ritory. man between 86 and I* Vith ability to create and csre for a large volume of business Permanent position. offer ing splendid earning opportunities Apply J. K Thompson. International Corre spondence School*, 7*1 World• Herald Bldg UITY and traveling representative* for nationally advertised business concern. Good money for producer*. FURR MI.K 'HOSIKRt Mil.I S. _ I lfArt hur Bldg. SXl.USM KN--If you are making less than $ per year, call on Danner. Keene hotel, room 144. Situation* Wanted— Female ...... 46 WHOLESALING — Expert aaTee woman Hants standard lina for the Pacific Coast state*. P assesses ability a* field execu tive and orcaniier of new accounts Yeats of suiceawful experience In wholesale line# A 1 refetences Addrea* Mrs K Situation' Wanti-d—Male 49 MAN. typist* malde sales * an take dic tation. some experience. \VA. 0444. i ^ FINANCIAL Business Opportunities .50 FOR SALE—Best one-roan hardware bus ineaa in central Nebraska. In llv# town of 500 population, with open territory In every direction from 12 to 14 miles. Good brick building and clean stock. Deal can be handled with 15.000 cash. Positively no trades. Don’t write unless you have the cash Address Y-2323. Omaha Bee. EVER develop your own picture? That’s how I started. Am ready to turn over my paying business to a young man with a little capital. Here's .your chance. 2211 South 24th St._ FOR SALE—Confectionery and bakery, to gether with a 5-room house, all on good business locations, with paved streets; two schools and churches In town. Apply at once. Y-2322. Omaha Bee._ WANTED—Party to ~ buy complete thrashing rig, cheap, near Yams, Colo., cash or terms. For particulars, write John Doll, 1S5 Penn St.. Pasadena, Cal. QUITTING BUSINESS. Fixture* and stock of groceries end meat market at bargain. Tel. 2526 or 1615. Co. Bluffs. GARAGE for sale. 40th and Dodge. Very good business. Fully equipped with tools and parta, 1554. Call HA. 2708. or WA. 6418. POOL HALL—Building and all. or stock snd fixtures, as desired Priced to sell. Ill health reason for selling. G. Whaley, Portsmouth. Is. BATTERY service station for sale; lo cated at the junction of 3 primary roads in good town Frank E. Boles. 4*2 High Ave. West, Oakaloosa, Iowa.__ SIX rooms; beautifully furnished apart ment for sale; close in; reasonable. AT. ; 4320._After_6. AT. Sill. _ _ NEW storeroom*. 25x110. Plate glass ! front, beat retail location In city. Ad dress Box_Sf. Shenandoah. la. IF INTERESTED in improvements on aviation, write Box W-13€,_Omaha Bee. _ InTertmemfc . 51 CASH paid lor Id mortgage* on Om&ha property. P. C Hc-racek 44 Co., 446 1st Nat*I Bank Bldg. Loans on Real Estate .52 i'W AND 4% MONEY! Loans on Omaha improved property at lowast rates FRANK H. BINDER. 423 City Nat.JA. 2541. WANTED to loan. $140,000 in or near Omaha, in sums of $1,400 to $16,000. F. D WEAD Sc D. H. BOWMAN. >10 8 lSth St. Wead Bldg. AT. 015L MONEY to loan on farms and Omaha real estate. MYERS A RAINBOLT CO.. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 0744. SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences. Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. H. Lougee. Inc.. 51$ Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS, O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. ITU, j FARM LOANS. Large or small. West Neb. farms, ranchee Kloke Investment Co., 845 Om. Nat. Bk. LOW rats on city property; quick!/ closed. No monthly payments. JA. 16M. W. T. GRAHAM._ STRAIGHT 5 year loans. 6H per C«at AMOS GRANT CO. 241 8. ltth Arthur Bldg. AH fit. SECOND mortgages or contracts pur. chased by Tukey Company, 420 1st Nat’L Bk. JA. 4223__ «H AND.* PEER CBlft—NO- DELAY GARVIN BROS . lit Oft Mfttl Bigg Buy Ist-Sd m*rs. Corkln. 414 Om. Nat Money to Loan . 53 YOU WANT MONET DON’T PAT HIGH RATES Ws loan any amount up to $544 at the' lowest rates. Can be repaid in easy monthly payments to suit convenience.! Wt are licensed and bonded and havej teen In bus'neas over $0 years, therefore; )ou are sur# of a quick, confidential and squara deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY 666 Karbach Blk. Telephone Ja. 2245. Southeast Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. DIAMOND loans at low rates. Business strictly confidential. DIAMOND LOAN CO. Est. 1 >64- 1514 Dodge. JA. 5414 MONET to loan oa automobiles. WE. 5461 or HA 0414. LIVE STOCK Horsrs, Cattle. Vehicle* . 56 SIX i Weeks old pica, also one brood sow. O. Kuechenhoff. 4 4th and Har rison MA 3621_ S*VEN_2;months old _pljs.__MA w2?42. Poultry and Supplies .5* BABY chick* Only So up Purebred popular va let lee Postpaid. Live deliv ery guaranteed. Catalocu* free 15th sea son. Anderson Farm Hatchery. Juniata. Neb BABY CHICKS. Prices reduced. Phone B-4823 Franklin Hatchery. 640 Franklin Ave. .Council Biu't*. la ■ ^ MERCHANDISE ^ Clothing and Furs . 66 ITU DRESS raita and Tui*do» for r»*t JA Ji:s_lut_N_l>'tb Straat J. P>ldro«n. > llouarhold Ouuda . 63 FOR SALE—-One 54-inch fumed oak. quarter-*#* ed dining table, with 4 extra leave*, A dining and l boat chair, serving table, china cloaet and library table, all new and absolute first class condition. Value over $17$. Will take $180 for the lot Cash only Thla la dirt cheap. Call Walnut 04$$ or com# to $11$ Capitol Ave. ___ COMPLETE walnut dining aulte with ob long laid#, Smith A Barnes piano, three Siece mahogany parlor suite, mahogany ropleaf table, rugs. lS6-lb capacity re frigerator Hoover sweeper and other fur niture. will he sold at auction at Stephen son's. 1 $0$ ('apitol Ave.. Saturday. June 2 at 1:18 n, m._ OVERSTAFFED armchair, mahogany rocker* and armchair#, sate table, dreew « . bedroom chairs, bras* bed. box spring and mat trees. Wilton carpet rug. HA. 246$. EXPERT sewing raacRIne repairing. MICK EL* l*th and Harney. AT. 4SIL TWO hot air furnaces for sale. ~2tl2 Dodge._HA. im._ SEVERAL nearly new rugs, different sites for sale cheap. HA. $6*1. FURNITURE of ll-room houee, two blocks from postoffice. JA 421$. HIGH oven gaa stove in 1st class cotT dIt Ion t __c hca p. J A 0!$$, ^ Jewelry and Wllchw . Cl DIAMOND* W# pay the best pr:cee with privilege te buy back at small profit. GROSS JEW ELRY CO. Omaha. Neb.. 462 N. 16th «t Ttlerhone JA $04$ " . —- "■ "" mm. mm M*chln-rjr »nd Tool. . 6.1 THE heat magneto ignition todav te the Roach magneto It costa a little more but it la found on Witt# Engines $. horse only Iff Witte Work*. MO.W.nw ;V6uJj6BtML.CH). Mn _ Muilvil Inulrumrntu . •; TRADE your used piano on a new player piano Balance as low aa $16 per month. A HOSPR CO. 1M1 Douglas HIGH GRADE piano, slightly used , hree j*e d a la, Attorn a 11 c wheel*. KR. lift. Store and Office Kqulpnient .tt WE BUY. eetl safe, make 4taK«, show rases, etc. Omaha Fixture A ftimydy Ca a w. corner 11th and Douglas J* Bit GUARANTEED typewriters, |f M aaid ug Midland S v »■' > Vo \«>'4 I'odga Swap CotRRIR .... * l K« nv.v • * •• * * * * I Hi '.■».* \ nhm3 graph, aleo eledrtc vaauunv elect riowa th ing machine, for eouity in let th good i location. Addreaa S K>*. Omaha Be* j ^ MERCHANDISE Swap Column ...7t NOTICE TtParVT A I"PER*. Too may insert a three-line **Waiit#* Ad for three days under th a classification. A box number will be affixed and you call for your replies. * Xf you close a deal you pay tor your advertising in the regular way. If not, we will cancel charge. In other wurde— NO SWAP—NO PAT! This offer la good only in Omaha and excludes all business ada. Business "Want" Ada in this column will bn charge! our regular rates. _NO SWAP—NO PAT!_ BRASS ted and leather top coat, fur lined, for refrigerator, garden hose and lawn mower, or what have you? Ad dreaa 8-218, The Omaha Bee. LARGE lot. three-story building, worth | $8,000. Encumbrance 13,500; take resi dence, lot*, acreage. What have you? 8-216, Omaha Bee_ TO swap. 144 steroacope camera, good condition, needs little work on shatter. | Will trade for good Underwood or Royal ; typewriter. 8-197. RESTAURANT tsken on mtgs. and doing 1 good business. Have to a»3ll, part caah or will trade for payments on cattags. | 8-209 Omaha Bee.__ ROOMING house. modern. close in, rooms all rented, trade for lot. small house or land. Address 8-988, Omths Bee.___ i EQUITY in four good lota on 28th street, close to Creighton Blvd-. for car. 8-928. Omaha Bee.___ THREE-FOURTH KARAT diamond, first class mounting, to swap for car. S-934, Omaha Bee. __ FORD roadster or coupe for other car* will give or take difference. 8-929, Omaha Bee. ____ SMITH Premier typewriter, good con dition. Swap for what you hyva. Ad« dress 8-208, Omaha Bee. WILL trade 1917 Ford roadster for vlc ■’trola or what have you? Address 6-228, Omaha Bee.____ WILL trade four burner oil stove, good condition, for gas stove with top oven. Address 8-214. Omaha Bee._ BEVERLY H 11.1^3 best acre. Will swap my 21140. equity for equity in bungalow or what have you? 8-985, Omaha Bee_ WILL trade Oliver typewriter foe re frigerator. Address 8-211. The Omaha WANTED—Woman to do housecleanlng, 6 days' work for good coal range. Ad dress 8-231, Omaha Bee______ NEW 2226 Victor YJetrola with several recnrls. for what have you? Address 8-238, Omaha Bee.____ GOOD soft coal heater. $85; new. used 2 months, for one coat of good paint on small house. Address 8-227, Omaha Bee. INDIAN motorcycle. 1918 Twin, for Ford or what hava you? Address S-927. Omaha Bee.___ HAVE life scholarship for complete law course to exchange for auto, new or used. Box 8-211. Omaha Bee._ 1921 FORD aedau, perfect conditio*; many extras. Trad* for plumbing werk. S ilt, Omaha Bee WHITE Rotary sewing machine or type writer fer wardrobe trunk. Address 8 848. The Omaha Bee. -seas hozr*!z 8-244. Omaha Bee. ONE 1919 seven-paseerger*Nash touring; ^ new battery, just overhauled. Swap for smaller car, ary make. 8-199. WILL (tip sanitary cot or good ml trea* for porch awing or porch chair. Ad dress S-202. The Omaha Bee. TRADE my cigar and confectionery storu for eamtv in home. Best location ia city. Address 8-198. Omaha Bee.__ 120 ACRES land, good cotton farm, in Palera. Ark. for what have you? Ad dress S-334. Omaha Bee.__ SAXON €. good condition, to trade for Ford louring or roadster. Box 8-219. Omaha Bee. SECTIONAL bookcase and 109 volumes fic tion for tised Ford touring. 8-224- Omaha Bee._ SEVERAL four-leaf clovers and mule for what have you? Address 8-228, Omaha Bee 2 large lo*s. 4 blocks from car for acre age S-24T Omaha Bee._ SINGLE-BARREL. 20-gauge shotgun for sutc tires. *ny sise. 8-241, Omaha Bee. WHITE Rotary sewing machine for ward robe trunk. Address 8. 184 Omaha Bee. HOUSF. painting to exchange for used car. S-214. Omaha Bee. MITCHELL six touring to swap for small car and some cask. Omaha Bee. Wiu- d to Buy . 71 •KR DESKS. DESKS. New e«k* used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C- Rg*=^=^^F*rnam ^Jvi***; { RENTAL Apts.. FUis. Furnished .74 TURNER BLWD., near Pimim. fire rooms enclosed porch, three months, end ing September References required. Phene HA 1103. twentieth. 120 No—Nicely furnished i lean, modem apt. Pleasant surround ngs* Adults. PLEASANT, clean 2-rm apt., everything furn is h ed. Call J A. 4214_ HUNTER INN, AT. St«b—24th and~Dodre Vs. Home for traveling man and wife, VNFQUALED 3 or ♦ rm. apt ; sleeping porch, all modem. Apply 224 tq No 22d TWENTT SEVENTH, ttl S —Two-room Apt., furnished or unfurnished PLEASANT, clean 2-rm apt . fumlahed. Call JA. 4214. 2303 Howard. BEAUTIFUL J-rm. 144. JA. 32fL ^ Apt*., Flats. Unfurnished ..75 AFARTMK.VTS. Four rooms. No. 13 Ekard Court. 41T So. 31st St I-arge living room, bedroom, tile bath, newly decorated throughout, beau tiful court of flowers and shrubs, ft: 4ft. Four ro^ma and Murphy bed. No. 4. Royal Apts . 312 So 2Tth Ave . very desirable screened front porch, bedroom haa four windows. 444.44. Four rooms No 31 I.sfsyettt. ITth Ave, and Jackson St Clese-in very desirable, good condition, tils bath. 144.4b. PAYNE A CARNABY CO., •Omaha « Rental Men. * 414 Omaha Nat Rldg _ JA. Ibid. for rent, an apt. t hat a different; a.g iight. airv rooms and hath. sleeping porch 12\?4. Urge shaded vard One lo ation Rent ini' per mopth. Readv for ocvttPancj Jur.e 1st Inquire owner 434 R_40th st HA _4444 _ _ fw L ’Co M A T TS . CL«YsWHRl >44 S 21ST A VS Rent fl>. or if wanted furni^nel at 14b per month Four rooms jnfnrni*he4 at 144. Look a? these today or - all AT. Iftift. W J_ rAl.MV.R CO Al'ARTM FNT? AND FL ATS—*34 to 4144. W. J PALMKR CO REAL ESTATE management. AT_*4*C K*elins R’dp* ’ 4 ROOMS—RENT 144 44 ~ [>er month Close In Newly decorated, look at 43* S Ave c*tl AT _ _W J PALMER