Unions Oppose Federal-Owned Roads, Is Claim Brotherhood Official, Speaker at U. P. Celebration, Says k. Govern ment Ownership No Solution of Problem. Opposition to government owner ship of rallroatfs from the standpoint of the railroad brotherhoods was voiced at the Union Pacific day gath ering at North Platte Thursday by W. N. Doak, vice president of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, according to Omahans who have re turned from the meeting. Mr. Doak's expression on the sub ject is considered significant for the reasons that heretofore, according to railroad officials, the brotherhoods have remained more or less neutral on the subject. “If half the statements made re garding management of railroads were true, it is a mystery how the railroads could have continued to exist,” Mr. Doak is quoted as saying. Held No Solution. "No government ownership system, in my opinion, has ever been devised, or ever will he devised, to fill the bill. I believe the men of our organization are not in favor of government own ership. We believe this will not solve the transportation problem. I sug gest loyalty to the company which employs you. Ask the patrons of the road to have faith in the rail road. On no other road, have the brotherhoods had the fairness and rn-operation that they have had with the Union Pacific system.” Carl Gray, president of the Union Pacific system, also expi I sed dis trust of government ownership, al though -.i'e was director in charge of i^iperation during the period of gov ernment control. “During the war the government took over the railroads, not because of any dereliction on their part, but to facilitate the needs of war trans portation because the government under one unified head could do things that the railroads could not possibly do without driving some of them into bankruptcy," he said. One-Man Power. “In this I was made director of operation* under the director general t cntn rmi imi mih iiiii him iiiii him iiiii mu mu inn t ■"■■■■ ■ ■■ ■ — ——--- 1 British Bride of American Citizen Barred Because Quota Is Exhausted New York. June 1.—Because Great Britain's Immigration quota hag exhausted six days ago, Mrs. Elsie Demitron, English bride of an Ameri can citizen, who arrived here on the steamship President Monroe this week, mt/st be excluded, an Immigra tion board decided yesterday. She ap pealed the decision to Washington. Mrs. Demitron was barred under the recent law stipulating that an alien marrying an American does not become a citizen of this country until she has lived here a year. The decision. It was believed, fore casts similar adverse decisions In the cases of five other British subjects who also arrived among the first class passengers on the President Monroe. Local authorities expressed the opinion that the only possibility whereby some of the other Britishers might be permitted to enter would be their temporary admission as tour ists. Claim for special considera tion as a tourist was made by one of the five, Mrs. Alice Robertson, who had her passport visaed by an Ameri can consular officer in England be fore the quota was filled and who and as such had absolute one-man power. "I wouldn't trust any man with that power. For such a condition to exist would be detrimental to the country and unsafe for the public." More than 6,000 persons attended the celebration. Four special trains were parked on sidings and all regu lar trains were crowded. Candidates Are Examined for Beatrice Postmaster Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Beatrice, Neb., June 1.—D. E. Batle, P'Stoffice inspector, and Warren Adams of the civil service department are here examining the qualifications of candidates for postmaster. They are R. R. Kyo, Robert Pease, Mrs. Clark Perkins, H. L. Harper, J. R. McCann and G. L. Mumford. Concert Club Campaign. Robert Sheehan has been appointed campaign manager by the City Con cert club for a drive to raise $5,000 for band concerts in the parks during the summer. The drive is scheduled to start Monday, and will continue two weeks. C. B. Binns will be assistant manager. .. „.....-n ► stated that she would remain here only six months. For the first time since the re stricted immigration law became ef fective, the British quota was ex hausted Just before the President Monroe arrived. This fact is apparent ly not known in London and as tonishment expressed there at the de tention of the British subjects is based on a belief that the action is unwarranted, Imlgration officials said. A Clearance Sale Two Hundred Beautiful Hats Reduced for Saturday Leghorn Hats - Crepe Hats Sport Hats - Dress Hats Felt Hats ■ Silk Hats Wa Suggest Early Shopping on These Hats. The Values Are Extraordinary. Trimmed Hats! Sport Hats! CLEARANCE On Sale Saturday Morn ing or While They Last ‘ V . • ■ . * tea V - r: •' . - ■ - Beaton Drug Co. FIFTEENTH AND FARNAM Special Cut Prices for Saturday and Monday Mail orders receive prompt attention. Add 5 cents on the dollar to cover packing and postage. -DRUG WANTS - 26c Carter’s Liver Pills 14* 60c Palm Olive Shampoo for .39* $1.00 Nujol . .89* 50c Mentholatum . .. ■34* 85c Glover's Mange...59* 40c Oil of Salt.26* 60c Swamp-Root.48* 60c Norwich Milk Magnesia, full pints .33* $1.10 Mastin's Vitamon Tab lets for . . . .69* 35c Mufti Clothes Cleaner for .22* 25c Lvsol . . . .19* 50c Blue Ribbon Metal Pol ish, pint size .39* $1.25 1 pint Imported Olive Oil for .89* $1.00 Listerine .75* 25c Cascarets . . .18* 60c Murine . . . .45* $1.00 Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic for . .. .79* 60c Doan’s Kidney Pills for .44* $1.25 Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound .94* Eagle Brand Milk ....19* 30c Laxative Bromo Quinine for .23* 40c Castoria . . . .25* 30c Phenolax .22* 35c Sal Hepatica.21* $1.50 16 oz. Lyko Tonic for .98* $2.75 Lunch Box with Vac uum Bottle, complete for .i.$1.98 $1.00 1-quart Th(ermo Paks for Ice Cream . ...29* 35c Mennen’s Shaving Cream for .23* $1.00 Gem Razor with Blades for . . .67* $6.00 Gillette Gold Razor and two Blades, special for .79* 75c Rubberset Shaving Brush, guaranteed not to shed bristle, each...39* Auto Strop Razor with three Blades and Strop, Satur day only all for. . . .64* 35c De Luxe Shaving Cream, special Saturday only for .19* $1.00 Gillette Razor Blades for .69<* $1.00 Auto Strop Blades for .66* -CIGARS 15c Mozart, Rosa size. 10* Box of 50.84.25 15c MiLola Kcn\\*>ods. .10* Box of 50.84.50 10c Mungo Park PerTecto for .5* Box of 50.82.25 10c Mozart Excellentes, 4 for .30* Box of 60.83.25 15c La Muna Comrades, 4 for.30* -CIGARETTES Camels, Chesterfields, Lucky Strikes, 2 pkgs. for. .25* Per carton .81.25 -RUBBER GOODS Guaranteed for Two Year* 2-quart Velvet Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe 81.25 2-quart Velvet Fountain Syringe for .89* -CANDY $1.10 Allegretti Chocolates, per lb.75* 75c Lowney’s Assorted Choc olates, per lb.39* -ELECTRIC $6.00 6-lb. Electric Flat Irons, complete with cord, for .83.49 66c Heater Connection Plug, fits nil irons . . • ■ 35* $1.00 Double Socket 2-Way Plugs for .59«* $1.60 Heater Connection Set, including socket plug, R-foot heater cord and Se edritv plug, all for..98* $3.00 Electric Curling Iron. special for.81.49 15c Fuse Plugs, any size, each .7* 10 to 50-Watt Edison Mazda Lamps .32* -PHOTO DEPT. - Films developed Free when prints are ordered. The splendid tonieandregulating ef fects of Lyko have helped thousands of people who felt weak or lacking in energy to get back their “pep and punch.” This splendid preparation is a genuine aid to Nature—it helps toput strength into worn-out bodies. fflKD The Great Genera ITonle Contains pure tAedicinal In gredients each of which acts beneficially on some part of the body. It it a tonic, a recon structor, a laxative which peo ple everywhere have used to advantage and satisfaction. Regular $1.50 Size. Full 16ac. — HOUSECLEANING — WANTS 60c large Cuba Wool Sponges for.21* $1.15 large Auto Chamois for .79* 60c Enoz for Moths. . .49* 25c box Cedar Chips.. 14* 1 lb. Moth Balls.19* 35c De Mar’s Bug Killer for .23* 30c O’Cedar Polish . . .24* r—TOILET ARTICLES — $1.00 Q-Ban Hair Tonic for .63* 50c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil . Shampoo, Beaton's. -34* $1.00 Glacier Clay, the new product.79* 50c Soap Dolls, the latest novelty, with feathered hats .... .29* Pepsodent Tooth Paste 33* 60c Forhan’s Tooth Paste for .43* 50c Milkweed Cream. • 36* $1.00 Pompeian Massage Cream for . .69* $1.50 Djerkiss Vegetal.98* 75c Melba Love Me Face Powder . . . . .49* 50c Luxor Rouge.39* $1.25 Piver’s Face Powder, LaTrefle or Azurea, each .69* $1 .50 Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal for .89* 50c Pebcco Tooth Taste for .33* 75c Stacomb for the hair for . 54* 50c Hair Groom . . • 43* $1.50 Van Ess Hair Grower for .81.29 $1.00 Krank’s Lemon Cream for .79* -ROUGES $2.00 Goutorbe’s Pouble Compact in the new shades, Orange and Bego nia, gold or gunmetal cases, special.98* 60c Goutorbe’s Rouge in all shades, special.39* -PERFUMES $3.50 Mary Garden Extract, Per oz.81.98 $3.75 Coty’s L’Origan Ex tract, per oz.81.98 $1.50 Jicky Extract, oz.79* $100 Locust Blossom Ex tract, oz. . .. .49* : $1.00 Colgate's Violet Ex tract, oz. . . . .49* N $1.00 White Rose Extract, per oz. ... . 49* -SOAP 10c Life Buoy Soap, 4 for.25* 10c Palm Olive Soap...7* 25c Cuticura . . .19* 1 10c Olive Skin Soap, 4 for.25* 10c Florentine Castile Soap. 4 for.25* $16.50 Radio Crystal Sets Com plete for $9.98 Ready to tune in. Just honk up to any lamp socket. No outside wires necessary. This set Includes box, crystal, phone and Duncan plug. Guaranteed by us. -BATHING CAPS New Shipment Just Received 75c Bathing Caps.39* $1.00 Bathing Caps...59f ■ || Mil llll Ill M ■ s » Tomorrow Alright Vote to Show View of Women on Judges’ Stand Women of the special committee of the W. C. T. U. are reticent about expressing themselves on the action of the municipal judges in the matter relating to Judge William Wapplch. "We will speak later with our ballots,", one woman said. "The decision of the judges was not unexpected, but I will reserve my opinion for another time,” said Dr. Jennie lull'd. Mrs. W. T. Graham, chairman of :he special committee said she would not give a statement at this time She announced the committee will re port to its organization June 12. Wins Scholarship Prize. Alfred W. Christenson, stenog. rapher for the Adams-Kelly company, and a student at the night law school of the University of Omaha, has won first prize for scholarship, consisting of a set of law books. He is a third year student. Hearing on Milk and Cream Rates on at Federal Building Hearing on milk and cream rates from certain Iowa points began yes terday in the federal building be fore Interstate Commerce Commis sion Examiner F. M. McM. Wood row. The Harding Cream company and Klrschbraun & Sons of Omaha *re the plaintiffs. The Chicago & Northwestern railway, Illinois Cen tral railroad and American Railway Express company are defendants. Neff to Drive Home. Representative P. B. Neff of Bloom field, who has been visiting relatives in Wahoo and Omaha since the legis lative session, will drive home next Tuesday. Pinto Orders Examination of Women Held at Jail Health Commiaaioner Pinto Friday ordered the chief of police to permit Police Surgeon Kinyoun to examine women being held at the Jail without bond due to the absence of City Phy sician Boler from the city. The police commissioner Thursday refused to permit this. One-Minute Store Talk "I’ve traveled from coast to coast for years —made a hobby of | watching clothing stores—you folks lead AmeVica. There are big ger towns than Omaha —but there are no big ger clothing stores in spirit, in service, in selections or values," commented a visitor at our store recently. 3£e91$&rqdfuL Strarv If Hat \ Selection ^ Calls for Intelligent Service. You're Sure of It Here. $2.00 and Up Cool Athletic Union Suits. Size for Every Man 34 to 56 $1.00 and Up Demand Utmost Value For Every Dollar and Youll Buy Nebraska Super Value Clothes That’s what the Ne braska’s plan of selling develops-tne ut most clothing values in the height of the season. You get all that’s coming to you noiv. Values so great that there can be no lower prices later. 1 Buy now and get the style, service, com fort of a full season’s wear. Buy from Nebras ka’s wonderfully complete selections. Here you get full mileage out of every clothing dollar. Big Demand for Sport Suits of Style Distinction; Feature Values at Others at $25 to $50 They’re every purpose clothes—real sports suits * are built that way. Cleverly styled and tailored for wear anywhere. Vast range of new ideas here Many Men Demand Finest Clothes Made ' j You’ll see us selling genuine Hocka nums and other finest weaves at $50— it’s very unusual., . ' ' ' Pencil StripesGoingBig— Morocco Chevrons *45 Distinct style note in the new one, two, three, four-stripe effects—blues, browns, mixtures. Silk Lined Suits Are Smart, Stylish and Comfortable $3750 They make summer dress up a pleasure—you've never known finer values in silk-lined worsted suits. Others at $30 to $50 1 f Y TT?A Great stocks, thousands of pairs of high EXTRA rr r>s\rronno grade worsted trousers—cheviots, serges, T/ « , »- c 1 tlUL 1 tJEj I\io cassimeres—All sizes, V A.JLL EjtJ $3.50 $5 $7.50 Men*» end Yeung Men'e Ciothre Entire Second rioor Mein Building SEE OUR COMPARE WINPOWS OUR VALUES TODAY ALWAYS ...CORRECT ArPARKL FOR MEN AND WOMEN