New York Kansas City Topeka Wichita Oklahoma City Lincoln Omaha NEW BLOUSES—Pongee end Georgette, stunning styles and shades, lac* and embroidery effects, to ne 94.00 values . . SPRING SWEATERS—Styles for now. Slipons, sids of fsets, sleeveless sport coats, most attractive Si QC shades and combinations, 97.50 down to. COME TODAY SPORT SKIRTS—Striking styles—rich tan*, grays, browns, beaver, roae, white and happy combinations. M QC Remarkable values at $25 down to.. SIIJC PETTICOATS—Finest quality Jerseys; colors to match spring dresses, plain and fancy pleated tO ACk bottoms. $4 values only.I r We Want Every Child in Omaha to Have a Free Mama Doll or a Free Radio Free With $35.00 Charge Accounts Complete in Every Detail READY TO HOOK UP; fine head phone, aerial wire, all awitchea, nothing to buy—good for 25 to 50 milea. Every home ahould have one. You can get it Free at Harria-Goar’a dur ing our Opening Sale. Come now—come tomor row—come any time dur ing thia aale. Thia wonder ful $15 Radio Set will pleaae you beyond all ex pectation and YOU CAN GET YOURS FREE BY OPENING A CHARGE ACCOUNT DURING OUR OPENING SALE AMOUNTING TO $35 OR MORE AT ONLY $1.00 A WEEK ON YOUR ACCOUNT. MAMA POLL FREE WITH IIS CHARGE ACCOUNTS— THE MOST PERFECT DOLL EVER MADE —IT WALKS, IT TALKS. IT SLEEPS. THEY COME IN BEAUTIFUL BLONDES anc Brunettes. The delight of every child end no matter how many dolls your child may have, another is a new sensation. YOU CAN CET ONE FREE AT THIS OPENING SALE BY OPENING A CHARGE ACCOUNT OF »1S OR MORE AT ONLY •! A WEEK ON YOUR ACCOUNT. You can buy one article or several to make the required amount. Come while they laet. Direct From Antwerp—Saving 25 Per Cent to 35 Per Cent With Easy Term* to Suit Special Diamond Ring Sale A special lot of fine, carefully selected Diamonds, mounted in latest style 18k white gold mountings, a regular $60 value. Special during this j*QQ CA Opening Sale, only .^ * 50c Down and $1.00 a Week! SELECT YOUR DIA MOND TOMORROW—A WONDERFUL SAVING ON THE DIAMOND ALONE AND YOU GET THE $15 RADIO SET FREE —AN UNPARAL LELED OFFER AND OUR WAY OF GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH THE GOOD PEOPLE OF OMAHA. mm FREE CATALOG—We open charge account* everywhere. If poitible come to our (tore—but if you live too far away, write for our Free Catalog. We send good* on approval, no money down. We tru«t honeat people everywhere. Store Opens 9:30 Saturday Morning You and your friends will want to see this new store, the store that “tells it in values” and throws in easy terms for "good measure. We have been in this same business, same policies, same firm members, and same management for about 25 years; and, strange as it may seem, w’e don’t need the money. Therefore, we plan to open at least 5,000 charge accounts the first 60 days, and we are making these special inducements to open a bunch of them at this opening sale. Better bring your friends here tomorrow. Suits Dresses Men And clothes Yovnjtten The Perfect Fitting Clothes-arid the Great est Values Since the War, Bar None! VIRGIN WOOI., HAND TAILORED SUITS—N.w two and thi^o-butlon breasted models. Fin. soft cassimsres, pure worsteds, beautiful »er(.s, da luxe fabrics from the leading makers. NEWEST PATTERNS IN TARTAN BROWN AND GRAY CHECKS— Pin Pin stripes and rich shades in solid colors. Wonderful suits, standardized and guaranteed savings to you of $10 to $15 a suit of your own selection—stouts, slims and stubs included. YOU CAN BUY THEM FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS AS YOU PREFER — THE PRICE IS ALL THE SAME, AS HARRIS-GOAR CO. NEVER CHARGES FOR CREDIT—and remember, at this opening sale you can get a fine $15 Radio Set Free. Men’s and Young Men’s Suits Summer Suits for Hot Weather Unmatchable values in fine Mohairs and Palm Beaches. #i o 7C Values up to $10.75, only ...... FINE GABARDINE SUITS, hand tailored and silk trimmed, value* to $30, only $24.75. BE HERE EARLY—If you come now you get the Radio Set or Mamma Doll Free. The World’s Greatest Anatomical Shoe! EndoraH by The American Posture League, Inc., and recommended and prescribed by physicians everywhere. i nr.rr. is I’H'illirsu I uw (•UUII I UK IIAKKI.S-GOAR customers. Our staff of New Yorlt buyers are constantly on the alert (or you and us. The Ralston and Tru*ped-lc Shoes mrm recognivea me world over as ' life •evert" to lame people and those who wieh to enjoy shoe satisfaction. You can get them here at the loweat mini* mum retail selling prices and you can pay an easy terms. Moderately priced. $7.50 $9.95 $10.75 Other good shoes for men and women, $A.M to $A.7B—all guaranteed. To Wear Now Alltyme Silk Crepe Dresses All colors and happy combinations in rich browns, tans, navies a:>d high colors—dresses of stylo and great durability—fine for vacation. Reg ular $18 values—all A AC sizes, only .sP*/se70 CANTONS AND CREPE DE CHINE, many silk laces included; stunning styles to wear now; very dressy models, sizes 14 to 44; every new shade, in cocoa brown, castor, navies and attractive combinations. Regular $25 frocks d*1 P AA at our Opening Sale, only.V * WsvU • CANTONS. FLAT CREPE, GEORGETTE— Wonderful dresses, including many printed crepes—very superior quality and deluxe styles. | Come tomorrow and see how much you can save —Regular $35 values, during our A J? Opening Sale .«P 127 s 4 D EXCLUSIVE MODELS IN CANTONS AND FLAT CREPE—Fifth Avenue’s latest copies of Parisian models—dresses that you should see now,^wonderful fabrics, wonderful styles; come and save nearly half at this Opening Sale. Reg ular $45 values, £0/1 only.IpZ4s l O —and remember that with any charge account of $15 you get a beautiful $5 Mama Doll Free 'and with an account of $35 you get a fine Radio Set as our compliments. Silk and Wool Capes Women’s and Misses’ A special purchase of 500 beau tiful silk and wool capes and coats, suitable for now and early fall wear makes it possible for you to save lj| to lu here to morrow. VELOUR CAPES— Overplaids, plain and sport models, $15.00 values, only . SILK LINED VELOUR CAPES, $25.00 values, tomorrow only •t .* 14.75 BRYTONIA CAPES and Casca clinr capes, full silk lined, em broidered models, values to $60, now only . . . .*39.75 I New Spring Suits Tailored and Fancy Fine French Poiret Twill*—Full *ilk lined, beautifully hand em broidered—navie*. tan* and co coa brown; brand new and if* • on'* la*t word in *tyle value— $40.00 regular. At thi* *ale only .924.75 Beautifully Tailored Model*, in cluding (tout*. *uperb Poiret Twill fabric*. Tan* and Navie*. Regular $60.00 value*, now only at .93-4*75 507 0> 511 SOUTH 165! ST « * *-v ^ ElOINS New Boulevard 18k White Gold Models lTJtwel k This new Boulevard White 9 Gold Elfin is the last word in 9 watch style and watch ac Q curacy. It is the one watch that H is the pride of the great Elfin 9 factory. Regular $40 at retail — W out owing to our largo pur f chases we offer you thia won derful style watch eon pa at only 50c DOWN AND $1 A WEEK zlJewel Genuine Waltham Guaranteed to Pass Any R. R. Inspection A REGULAR %SO VALUE, complete in a 20 year geld filled cate; during thta C*2Q CH Opening Sale only 50c Down and $1 a Week! Not#: If you cannot come. #uh for Ftr# CaU^i \V # trust honest people etcrywheie and send |«vmIi on ap ptoval But, if possible, come now and see how muvh you aave.