Beatrice Fairfax Problems That Perplex A t'a«c of Tolerance. Dear Miaa Fairfax: I am a rIiI nf 22, of one religion, and my sweet heart Is 13, of another. We have been going together for the past four and a half years. My mother says if a man thinks enough of 11 girl to marry’ her he should change his faith for her. Now this young man holds that both being the same religion does not guarantee happiness. So we have decided to settle It by your answer. We have been engaged one year. P. D. Q No matter what your difference In creed, you both believe in the same essentials of faith. If you both have a deep religious sense. We all turn to the same Father for help and guid ance. We ail give gratitude and love to the same great Creator. If you love and respect each other, the dif ferences In method of worship cannot matter when compared with the great essentials To prelend to change a creed is to 1m miserable. Try to see how much your creeds have in com mon and recognize that they are hut branches of the ►line basic faith in love and truth and humanity. Toler ance, rather than argument, will bring you close. Ilateles*: If you are fortunate enough to have an escort to the graduation exorrises toll him that you will l.e tdnd to go with him and p inpl> thank him for the courtesy. It Isn't at all nrci .saury to have an escort ami I wouldn't worry about It if I were you. __ Mrs. C. J. Ott, Aral woman ever to preside over the Ohio house of rep resentatlvcH, was a Red Cross canteen j worker during the world war. THE NEBBS_ somebody's coming to my house. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess (Trndrrr.ark Applied For) WELL\F THEY OWE^JsvTCALLTHArs) THAT GOY MOTHER WILL NEVER GET AN'/ ONE DEBT THAT I WOULD CANCEL PLACE BECAUSE HE WILL NEVER LISTEN I'M SO SLEEPY \ FEEL LIKE SOME TO ANYBODY BUT WIM5ELF . IF HE EVER ONE WAS SHOOTING CHLOROFORM lN ) wr0T£ A BOOK ENTITLED "GREAT MENj MV FACE WITH A FIRE HOSE ,-' 11 HAVE MET" HE'D cJUST SIGN,-' ->v-L----x HIS NAMEJ csTS ) jfih b (and THAT WIFE OF his — SHE'S GOT a ^ VOICE that SOUNDS LIKE YOU WERE CHOK ING A FIDDLE TO HEAR HER TELHT SHE NEVER ENAOYED A WELL DAY IN HER LlFE-4 HER LIFE DIDN'T START FROM TdE CRADlE BUTj from her first operation andi^got TO S'T AROUND All NIGHT USFFNING TOj •(Gar***. >«a. •• ft*. •*» t (tJ-& m BARNEY GOOGLE_ Sparky Gets “Fired” and Breaks a Record. Drawn for The °™aha Be.e by Bill!r DeBeck _ - - ■ ■■■ ■ JJEWJWF—■ -t- --1 ^A^ILE IN 7 Minutes - OH — A 7 FAT CHANCE HE-S G&NNA H/5NE UP AfiAlMST * o» -Voi -vo» ' Next SATVODAV \XJITV A Two flat Record WAIT TfcERt. • SUNSWlNE. ^ -, ^ /a DOU.AR. l a Bunch * and / AHe 7&OSE TfcE r l - &66€iSt Vbo l ) CARtt*'7 I ( 4AMO. • \ CVEQ - OOffr / ' VW«Af> 'EM UP - J Ode BumCA. (Tell Me wuhn 1 To START, BOSS SPARWLY ^ > ..— VMU.I KNOUJ \. UiWEfO To 3TWIT nn T\Tr'T\Tr< t Trv r> \ rpiyrn Refi.i«r»d SEE J,GGS AND MAGG,E ,N EE,*-E Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus BRINGING UP rATnhR-u. s p.t»i oiik. page OF colors IN the SUNDAY bee ccowhsm. ittt > I'VE JOt>T HIRED A, C~ V<\LET FOR YOU - I’M Tired of ‘ocewtc, too ^>'ttin{ I CARRIED A. HOD TER TEH YEMRb LIKE \ •'%THI^^H ) YOU NEVER / KICKED —"—' I - ...- I KNOW WHAT I'LL OO * T" HOW- 1 ‘bOPPO'bEl I'LL MAKE A PAL OF THl*b I LL EjE. DKL^LD VALET AM' lts~l RODOCE (JPUIKE1 A OOHPIN'- HIM TO THE. -S) 4TTi \% JERRY ON THE JOB have a care, young man. Draw"for Th* °Tha B”by Hoban UflN DAS Me Gnwevi Vieso ) 'TUa'T BA3V Wff / ^VioSE *S <5EttikS Wifeez. Since Mow Vaco Pjfwa BiwET.wes seem /• ' 1 ma*iug a vice^v op / UuGmuG A'r 'TUT 7 . EiGuTFEKTTW < j*»ftviowev^r) » ONLV Sfe*t V I SittOS* NENEB, V1MOW J i \hheh vfo Stop / \ Celebrating rWU&l-- jiw run*! Trouble* Over, State* Popular Hotel , Man "My friends all say I look better than I have in years, and I certain ly do feel the part, too,” recently said Geo. L. Burke, popular day clerk at the Portland hotel, 555 Main street, Kansas City, Mo., and a for mer resident of Youngstown, O., in relating his experience with Tanlac. "Before taking Tanlac I had no appetite, and for two years had been almost a chronic sufferer from indi gestion. Rheumatism, knif-like pains in my back, headaches, dizzy spells ■ and frayed nerves also added to my misery. I was losing weight, and had to strain every nerve and muscle to keep going. “Well, Hanlac did away with all my troubles, added fifteen pounds to my weight, and put me in pink of con dition. I can't gay enough for Tan lac." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- j gists. Take no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Na ture's own remedy for constipation. For saye everywhere.—Advertisement, i Shave With Cuticura Soap The New Way Without Mug Ain KHnM Mf.NT \ Good Tiling—I»«n't Mina It. Bend your name and address plainly written together with 5 rente land this slifil to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des M*,ines. Ji., and receive in return a trial package containing Chamber lain's Cough Kennedy tor cough*, colds, croup, bronchial, "flu” and whooping coughs, anil tickling throat; Chamberlain's Ktomach and Liver Tablets for stomach troubles, indig' tion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipation: chamberlain's Salve, needed in every family for bums, scalds, w ounds, piles and sk.n affections: these valued fam ily medicines for only 5 cents. Don't miFs i*. 666 is the most speedy remedy we know for Constipation, Biliousness, Colds, Headaches and Malarial Feeer. WHEN IN NEED OF HELP THi OMAHA BEE WANT ADS TIZ makes SMALLER FEET OH, YES! I can wear smaller, prettier shoes since I use Tie because my feet are never swollen or tender any more. The minute you put your feet in a Tiz bath, you feel pain and tenderness drawn out. No more tired, aching, burning, shoe chafed feet. Tiz draws out the poisons that puff up your feet. “Tiz” will end your foot troubles so your shoes won't seem tight and your feet will never get sore, swollen or tired. A whole year’s foot com fort in a box of Tiz bought for a few cents at any drug or depart ment store. |Batk^Tlicn^nTIZj| Purify your Blood this Spring with S.S.S. OF course you will purify your blood, you realize the importance of it. Many peo ple, however, overlook the fact that Win ter. with its heavy meat diets, has left their blood thick and sluggish. That listless, tired feel ing creeps over them. They feel that something is wrong—yet. they can not say just what! But isn’t it easy to throw off the ills of Win ter! Take, for instance. S S. S the world’s best blood medicine for five generations. S. S. S. purifies the blood. It makes it clean and rich. S. S. S. stops rheumatism and skin eruptions; pimples, black heads, acne, boils, eczema! It builds up run-down, tired men and women, beautifies complexions, and makes the flesh firmer. S. S. S. will im prove your appetite and give you greater endurance, energy and strength? Mr. D S. CantrtU. 1202 East 4th St. Alton. Ill . write*: "For lire years I was troubled with pimples and black beads on my lace and back. Alter taking S S S. for only a abort while all my pimples started to leave. J lee! 100rc better and can eat more than ever. S.S S. is a grand medicine" ^Try it yourself. S. S. S. is sc at all good drug stores. The large size is more economical. Get a bot tle today! S. S.S. makes you fed like yourself ogam How to Start the Evening Wrong By Briggs /noiu Fox as ice ^ I cozv es/e*MiN6 /st ( I Howe - - A p?aimV ( \ NI6HT UKe Thi3 I A Good . J ; 3g§§^^ Book - oH / IAJCU MiLUICer^T ITS a FlMe. UTTLC NIGHT To p HOMt I3n T l Vs/A & Th^ WAME. OF J That LEaoimg mam / WHO TUAVet>,lM . ) ’.SAR^h ‘ SVRACU5P / ^WHY'THATfsuAl UH - H -.That UJA3 let 'Mc,mtNK*' * * . ■ '*.'. IIU R T. TrlUat Im AMD ,50 The EVCMIMG was irrbparA6LV Ruined f \ WUH YoO WOOLDN'T ASK MlZ. To ReMUNBOR nam£5*'> I Can t <20iT TiaviMA To IRtMfSMO. «. T^u* rf{, S' CHAPJ NJAN«r I CAN'T GST MT MIND OU MT 'RtMDlAJfc '<(& , i ABIE THE AGENT— i*.* »* CH NOU 'JE QV n->- BO'*-BIT Buv A TlCktT FOR. OKjoy BtCAUjtfL $fc,CHE VfO.QfcRHOU'Z l C>ONT uJWT \ concert; To oook OHE^P'.’. / I r I_ —L OoH , HOu> \ hate that u Stuck op Sache eAeQeahoetz' To ME HE S A fH0CT PEANPR BES'bES-ST>EE l &CUQHT A T icket fvs.t> U.L ho: ' \ HEAR THAT OVJfeU A'WOOAAN.'b PEOPLE U)ERt To iACHt VALQEHH0OT2 COMCERT - ootRt ^OO THERE ? SEi^ _ ' m HOU) UlAS HE =\ 1 U)AT CVAET) A BlQHl'T? CM*FUUN~ viU&T AS \\ACV \ PEOfVE THt»sn \ APPLAUt> AS t>\t> ' Hiding a rash wont heal it Attempt* t ' conceal c. mpifsi'n h mishes usually . »~d or. y sene to draw attention to the detects. I nderneath most unattractive skins is a clear, pleasing complexion—ail that is needed is the proper treatment! It is surprising h. w often a brief use ( Kesinol Ointment and Kesinoi S'ap » i c ear away blotches, redness and toughness and gn e the skin its natural freshness and charm. A»X mor drssv.rt tn» R» . Resinol^ ... i i • * S ■ . * i * . ! • a l Courteous, intelli* gent want ad I service is given you I when you phone * your want ads to ! I The Bee. I n f..{