Beatrice Fairfax Problems That Perpl ex Dear Miss Fairfax: In regard to your editorial in which you give your opinion as to the Chicago judge who gave a little girl to the foster mother. I think your opinion Is decidedly wrong as well as the judge's decision. From all accounts, the natural mother was not to bluipp for the loss of her child. Tn the first place, she must have gone into hysterics when < she found her baby was gone. "Oh, i my darling bfihy that (lod gave me. Some one has taken my precious baby jthat I nurtured in my womb.” No oneiknows the grief of this blessed mother. Oh, Miss Fairfax, can you understand instinct? You surely must never have had a baby of your own. This mother was noi responsible for her baby being taken from her. Therefore she did not neglect her baby, nor could sht give it this "lov ing kindness” that she longed for so to do. The example this mother set to the world in search for her child is equal to Evangeline. It tells us of our blessed Savior. "Behold, the Lord brings back 11 is otvn." It far surpasses the fester mother's “loving kindness" and care. There is an instinct which is deeper than human service or acquired love and affection. It is deep as eternity and its depths the human mind cannot fathom. Here we have an example of natural Instinct, of love mid tender affection —the real mother would liked to have given her own child. The foster mother deserves credit for mothering'the child as purely and holy as any mother could do, but she 1 should make the supreme sacrifice of giving the child back to its natural mothVr, as the mother was not respon- ! sible for the loss of her baby, and the j years of anguish and persistent search were far surpassing in hu man emotion of love and Instinct, which the foster mother knew noth ing of nor could understand. M TRUE FATHER, Uni oil There is enough fine and true senti ment l#i your letter to make me want to -publish it. I think, however, the point I made in the letter you refer to was a worthy one. That Is. we must expect love because we deserve THE NEBBS_ its knitting time in nebbville Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess (Trademark Applied For) \COOK. AT THESE SOCKS - IF I COULD ONLY FIND' ONE GOOD ONE THAT I COULD 1 PUT ON. MV RIGHT FOOT 50 I COULD GO AND BUY A PAIR OF SHOES THE SHOES I'M WEARING TAKE IN f VWATER FASTER THAN A SUCTION | -. ] UEV FANNIE « HAVEN'T VbU GOTOME UNMENDED RESPECTABLE SOCk IN \THlS INST\TUTlON ?» THOSE I FOUND' l CAN'T TELL WHICH END To PUT ) MW FOOT iMTO —_rJ . - >.-> I DARNED THEM AS -MUCH AS I CAN L,. I USED TO DARN THEM OVER A CHINA EGG A wash Boiler will slip through the holest NOW - THEY RE SO BAD YOU COULDN'T EVEN USE THEM FOR SPATS WHY . DON'T YOU ^ BUY SOME NEW ONES ? VOU GO AROUND) SMOKING IS AND 20 CENT CIGARS ALLJT -tuf time dont be so kiND To Yt— L-XferiYOOR MOUTH WHY DON'T a *K<^?0lVoU DO SOMETHING FOR) g £ . p FlEr tr—I B f JTxW IT?'' *7^^ cJUST BECAUSE I'OMCXtA COWLt < CIGARS AWV SUE THROWS »T OP TO I M£.flW l SMOKE ’EM SO SHORT l WAVE TO H GET FOR-^^TS fl )l GOT TO BE A SHOP faF a R ; Wealr, S&J l®jf I BARNEY GOOGLE_ BARNEY’S NOT SO “KEEN ON THE SCENT" Drawn for The Om.hi. Bae by Billy DeBeck _ _a .. I i.ii.i 1 .1 m w—-rrr-. 1 I ■1 "" _ -*' Vr" ~ —' ■ j|». jii.' > So you finally Got To Chicago ( AFTER ALL = WHAT HOTEL ARE [YOU flopP'ng (n?= and are you I GoincJ To introduce That | 'Spark pluG’ of yours t0 \ Tue havwthcrne track ? ( You ue Got The t0\du \. GCinG crazy x---[-Y Ncrr So PAST, \ \ / MAC ' x GOTTA LAY \ W LOW FOR A few DAYS-/ lx think MY SWEET y j-~4 ^—^vnoHans on s\ jss ««HEtLs>a -A,?E»ON we S|R "x E «•A Gu'DE - how J Bernard GocGie /WOijlD Too like S yTo take ,n the ) v_Tws hotel* ( Stock yards ,-^ V°0»6gH \lh 1 Vxianted t0 see »vnait HERE. TitC r GO To PAV GOON) AMO VMASU Ittl. hy ICiM m »«*■»«■■ ■<* t PHoo'f VxiHAT OC&S ^DEGer''! po am SAYS V* IT'S All •OFF BRINGING UP FATHER— see jiggs and maggie in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE (Cop> right. 1»-S ) OH: DEMR - I DON’T know .who 1 WI'bH I | e>OT I «bEE COULD dreg's NO re^on WHV like hr% L VOU :n0^LD^T' MINNIE-. AnoL^s:. [] p 'jlih II ylf -.---' aL . J X_1!—^—*- - f~' ] YOU'RE A DEAR • I WANT l MR*b MINNIE APOUB •YOU TOBE V/'UL BE HERE HAPPY* MAOCilE % TONIGHT AND I f I ME DARUN'- WANT YOU TO ' \_y---' EEE_ HER , v / V7HO 't> (/• MR'o. L THE ) MINNIE. jpWtURT AvPOEI'o «***■■*' • , 1 A 9 © IMS At INTI. FlATVIWt Scrvicc. INC. *_ ‘bA'f- have: A, room REAOT • l think i ll WITH Tcu bOOH ■ JERRY ON THE JOB* REAL CAUSE FOR ALARM. Drawn for Th.0~.lw.Bee hy Hob.n /IT 100«.S ^ ' MECW UMGOOD J MS■ / BI_'• J Woua. / TO Tlfin I UM? J =!t ) -77 / 04 Booo Pooh * we \ we ooesvrr \mock. ! ,?eo8abw viwvrr'fb utct cm EiAovv.i ■ 3rr 8eTrea.[~— But vc 9>emo // hIcouaiuted r W im dt'nwt 7 ( Vj'^ ^ r~ L Beaoikwj • /* S Jo8 J ' ^kte 'Tables: 1 i^iwj i» Mt ru.uwi —Itr*cm. »—* _ _ It and not solely becauae of ties of blood relationship,^ Anxious: You can find auitaV# \e,«cs «f the publl* library If ' or* lin t a librarv in your town write to .Miss Mary Williams, State Library Commission, Lincoln. 37-Lb. Gain Delights Well Known Engineer Moore Declares Tanlac Overcame Weakness, In digestion, Headaches and Biliousness Left by Flu, Restoring Weight, Strength and Vigor. "When I start 'praising Tanlac 1 hardly know when to pht on brakes,' is the characteristic statement of Owen E. Moore, 1328 Troost Ave., Kansas City. Mo., for many years engineer on the K. C. Southern. "1 he treatment put my wrtsle system l*a' k in good running order and my weight went up from a hundred and fifty three to a hundred and ninety pound*. >bad ease of flu left ine no run I could hardly walk down the street, and the way I lost weight alarmed me. Indigestion kept me in misery, constipation, biliousness and headaches were some of my worst troubles, and I was,so unstrung a good night s sleep was out of the question. • The Tanlae treatment switched me back on the right track in fast time. My digestion is first class, everything I eat agrees with me, and I feel as sound and fit as 1 ever did. Tanlae gets my O. K. every time.” ■ Tanlae is for sale by all goetd drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 million bottles sold.—Advertisement. • ADVERTIHEMENT. ADV EK ITHEM KM . Thousands have weak Blood and don't Know it— -,*/■ O U can I “spot” them, wher ever you meet —pale and anemic! You know, too, the rosy lipped,' correct weight, snappy eyed liman or woman with rich red blood. You recognize them at a glance! Remember this, the number of blood-cells you have controls your nerves, your vital ity, your health and strength! It is all you have! The answer, then, is, build up your blood-power! S. S. S. will do it! It is the great est blood-cell builder known. This is why it has proven such start ling results In rheumatic condi tions, in stopping pimples, boils, eczema, skin eruptions, in clearing and beautifying the complexion, and in building up thin, worn-out men and women. Stronger and more useful nerves depend on blood power. S. S. S. will improve your appetite and give you greater ener gy, strength and a more youthful appearance. Mr. C. Vega, 1228 Vice Street, Cin cirnati, Ohio, writet: "I have fol lowed your directions carefully and am highly pleased. S. S. S. has im proved my complexion. I have gained in weight and feel much stronger." Try it yourself. S. S. S. is sold at all good drug stores. The large size is more economical. Get a bot tle today! S. S.S. makes you feel like yourself again AID EBTIkHI NT. \ liood Tiling—Don’t .Miss It. Send your name ami address plainly written together with 5 e-nts (and this 'lipl to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dos Moines, Iowa. and re"-;ve in return a trial package containing Chamber i tin’s Cough Hejnedy lor coughs, colds, croup, bronchial, "flu" and whooping cough, and tickling throat; Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for stomach troubles, indiges tion. gassy pains that crowd the .heart, biliousness and constipation; . Chamberlain's Halve, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and skil affections; these valued family niedi< nes for only 5 cents. 1 Don’t miss it. Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can l»e quickly • overcome by applying Mentho-Sulphur. declares a noted skin specialist. Be ; cause of its germ destroying proper t mo. which general! overcomes skin diseases. Eczema. Itch. H.niples, Rashes. Blackheads. In most cases give wav to Zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itch ing usually stops instantly. Zemo Is a safe, antiseptic liquid, cjgan. easy to use and dependable It costs only S5c; an extra large bottle, II 00. It I*'positively safe frr tender, sensitive skins, . Ain’t It a Grand and Glorious Feeling? _ By Briggs ABIE THE AGENT y\FTCP cTARG *■ UL C'T* LOOI-Jtoi-r PUNT6D *■ Jw*U0. You BOO^'H'T Fftoiv ,A/ lF/MVIOU5.MUl:|'Sl=RyJ Ar>*0 .Dc/Bim*1 Tr-«6 Orc>»rv wji>oti~« MOMtHi tbo MAuP (Saz.£D out AT T^it; UTTLC mouinjD OF LCAv^P* AMD TMAT Tne ^ s AC R e O _vSPt) T aojD TVie vWABMiiH wjCatmer rexjv/C' (jAZBD Dou6T ^ULi-V at r- «£_ urne 9d " • IT Lives ^ • t U'jes!‘ * AKI.D 50B6 KmOOGh Tm abc ^Tv»*_ isjeuo gbebn >svxxjrs JUST/AS PvaikI AS AwvThihC, - OH Boy!.'!, Ain J IT: A I.RM-D RAMh AND » V/* I 1*0 * * TrA*t» hf. GOOb MORWIIOtr E'S>'r^w» miltou, \ MR. KABlBBlfc * PR >N^WE . ,>cTu5 ^ 1ST* ( rToot>^''N\ VBE'- ' / MUJ.1 \ / “THAT f SL8KSSS&' ; **?*£■ TERRIYORV / \ \ OM MV „c^tvV RM»0! / _ fl builds new strincth AMO J REAtFLESH Over 68 Year* of Succes* \Dt kkti>kmi:nt. MRS. HICKEY SO WEAK COULD HARDLY SYAND Tells How Lydia E. Pink ham’sVegetable Compound Restored Her Health Worcester. Mass. - “ I had so~e trouble caused bv a female weakness and got so run down and weas from it that I could hardly stand or walk across the floor. The doctor gave me all kinds of pills, but noth ing helped me. I happened to meet a friend who had taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege I'1* • Itnhlo Compound, so I thought I would try it. After tak ing it a week I began to improve.and now 1 feel fine and am doing all of my housework, including washing, sew ing and house cleaning. 1 have recom mended your medicine to my friends, and I am willing for vou to use this letter as a testimonial, as I would like to help anv one suffering the wav I did from such a weakness. Jirs. Delia Hickey. 4 S. Ludlpw St., Worcester, Mass. Lvdia E. Pir.kham's Private Text Book upon “Ailments Peculiar t<* Women'’ will be sent you free upon request. Write to The LydiaE. Pink ham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass. This book contains valuable information. \1>\ I K1 I'l MINT. GREW STRONGER AND STRONGER After 7 Vetri of Suffering SW Cot Well by Taking Cardui Which She Found “The Right — Medicine.” New Orleans, la.—“1 am in the best of health.” writes Mrs. I.uoien Jacobs, of 2221 Marais- Street, this city. But some time §Jro, Mrs. Jacobs found herself in a condition which she described as follows: “When my was about five weeks old, I caught cold, and was a very sick woman from that time. 1 was unable to do my work. I did not know what it was to feel well a day. I spent money. I tried every thing. and to think I suffered and suffered for seven long years, just the shadow of a woman hanging or. not fit to do anything, just a bunch of nerves, aches and pains! “1 had awful hurling* in mv back and sides. I could not rest at night. 1 would hear of something, take it, and feel better for a little while - then back to my old aches, someone else doir.g my w ork. “Someone told me of Cardui. and as I had tried so many things that had failed. I tin iWwith tile faith 1 soon found it was helping me, first my nerves, than 1 began to gam strength. 1 knew then 1 had found the right medicine. I took it faith t'p>!^. and 1 grew well and strong —tire nice part of it. 1 stayed that iav and grew stronger and strong VVV Take ANY 5CARDUR J TheWomdiTs Tonic S