Omaha Produce Omaha, May 12. BUTTER. Creamery—Local jobbing price to retail ers; extra*, 44c; extra in 60-lb. tubs, 43c; hiandartis, 43c; firsts, 41c. Dairy—Buyer* are paying 84o for best j table butter (wrapped roll); 31c fur com mon and 28c fur packing stock. For be*t *weet unsalted butter some buyers are bidding around 36c. BUTTERFAT. For No. 1 cream local buyers are pay ing 34c at country stations; 40c deliv ered Omaha: 4c lesa for No. 2 cream. m fresh milk. Some buyer* of whole inlik are quoting $2.20 per cwt. for fresh milk testing 3.5, delivered on dairy pintrorm Omaha. EGGS. Most buyers are paying $6 40 06.60' a case, for fresh eggs (new cast?* included), either by freight or express prepaid Oma ha; state held eggs at market yalu* Jobbing price to retailers: U S. specials 20c; V. S. extras. 26c; current receipts, 25c; No. 1 small 24c; cracks. 22c. BEEF CUTS*. The wholesale prices of beef cuts in ef* feet today are as follows Riba. No. 1, 25c; No. 2, 24c; No. 3. 18c. Loins—No- 1, 33c; No. 2. 31c; No. 3. 20c. Round*—No. 1, 16V4c; No. 2. l6e; No. 3. 12Vfce. Chucks—No. 1, 12c: No. 2. JlVie; No. 3. 10c. Plates—No. l, 7Vfcc; No. 2,. 7c; No. 3, 6c. POULTRY Live—Heavy hens, 20c; light hens. 18c; leghorns, about 7c less; 1923 broilers, l’s 1 b. to 2-lb., 32o per lb; Leghorn broil- , ers, about 10c less; capons, over 7 lb* , 25c; old roosters and stags, lie; ducks, fat, full feathered, 16c; geese, fat, full feathered, 12c; turkeys, fat K lbs. and up. 20c.; no culls, sick of crippled poultry wanted. Jobbing prices of dressed poultry to re tailers. 1923 broilers, 46c; heavy hens. 27c; light hens, 26a; roosters, 17c; storage •luck ducks, 26c; geese. 23c; turkeys, 36c. CHE USE Local Jobber* are selling American ch« ese. fancy grade, at the follow ing prices. Twins, 24V&C; single daisies. 25c; double daisies, 24Vac; Young Amori. 4 as. 25Vfcc; longhorns, 25c; square prints, 23V*c; brick, 25 Vic. FRUITS Pineapple*—Cuban, fancy, per crate, $4.2 5 04.75. Rhubarb—Home grown, per dozen, 60c. Strawberries—Louisian*, fancy. 24 full pints, per crate, $4.00; Arkansas, 24 full quarts, per crate, $5.50. Banana*—Per lb., 8Vic. Orange*—California navels, extra fancy, per box, according to size, $5.2506.75. choice, according to size, 26050c less; Tan gerines. California, $3.76 per box. Lemons—California, uxtra fancy, 300 to 360 sizes, $7.60; choice, 300 to 360 sU*». $7.00; limes, $3.00 per hundred. Y ranberriea—Fancy Cape Cod late ; Howes. 50-qt. boxes. $6.00. Grapefruit—Florida, fancy, all sizes, ( $4.5005.75 per box; choice, according to j size, 60c to $1.00 less per box. Box Apples—‘Rome Beauties, according , „ to grade $2.2502.50; Newton Pippin*, all sizes, $2.60; Winesaps, extra fancy Wash. Ington, $2.7603.26; Arkansas Black. extra ( fancy, $2.5002.75; Spitzenbergers, all . / sizes, $3 00. Fig*—Calnornia, 24 S-o*. carton boxes, j • 2.75; 60 8-ox. carton boxea, $3.78; New Smyrna fig*, 6-lb. box, per lb., 35c. Date*—Hollow!, 70-lb. butt*, 10c *er lb.; Dromedary, 36 10-ox. cases, $6.75 per Casa. Barrel Apple*—Fancy Nebraska wine sap*. $7.50; fancy Nebraska Ren Davis. $5.75; choice Nebraska Ben Davi*, $4.75; choice Nebraska Winesaps, $6.50. Cherriee—California, 8-lb. box, $4.00, VEGETABLES. Potatoes—Nebraska, No. 1 Rueset Ru ral*, sacked, $1.25 per cwt.; Nebraska Early Ohio*. No. 1, $1.25 per cwt.; Nebras ka Early Ohios, No. 2, $1.00 per cwt.; Minnesota Red River Ohios, No. 1, $1.60 per cwt; Colorado Brown Beauties, No. 1, $1.60 per cwt.; Idaho Rueset Burbanks, $1.75 per cwt. New Potatoes—Florida, *acks, >o |b; ; * Texas Triumph, per lb., 8e. Sweet Potatoes — 8outh*rn, hamper,! $2.25. New Roots—Southern turnips, beet*, car- ! rots, per doz. bunches, $1.00. Old Roots—Beets, carrots, turnips, pars nips, rutabagas, per lb., 3 Vic; in sacks, per lb., 3c. Radishes — Homegrawn, per dozen bunches, 60*. Mushrooms—Per lb., 75 086c. * Peas—New southern stock, per lb., 20c. Peppers—Green, market basket, per lb., •0c. Beans—Southern wax or green, per hamper. $5.00. Asparagus—Home grown, doz. bunches, •l 25. \ Lettuce—California, head (4 doz.), per crate, $5.00; per dozen, $1.25; hot house, leaf, per dozen, 60c. Cauliflower—None on market at present. Parsley—Per doz. bunches. 70c. Onions.—New Texas whites, $3.00; yel low, sack lots, per lb., 4c; Imported Span ish. per crate. $2.50; home grown, green, ■HP p. • dozen bunches, 30c. fe’ery—Florida, per doz. bunches, *c- 1 cording to size. $1.1001.46. Tomatoes—Florida, fancy, 6.oksket crates, about 36 lbs. net, $5.06. Egg Plant—Selected, per lb., 20c. <*abbage—New Texas stock, crated, 6c per lb., 25-50 lbs, 6>»c per lb.; Mississippi crated, lie per lb. Cucumber*—Hot hous*, per doz., $2.50. FLOUR. First patent, In 98-lb. bags, $6.6$ per bbl.; fancy clear, in 49-lb. bags, $5.45 per White or yellow cornmeal. per cwt., $1.8 8. Quotations are for round lots, f. o. s . OmaLa. FEED. Omaha mills ana jobbers are selling their products In carload lots at the fol lowing prices f. o. h Omaha: Hran—(For immediate delivery), $21.00; brown aborts. $30.60; gray shorts. $52.00; middlings, $33.00; reddog, $35.00; alfal fa meal, choice, $28.50; No. 1. $26.60; No. 2, $24.50; linseed meal, $46 60; cotton seed meal, 43 per cent, $50.20; hominy feed, whita or yellow, $32.00; butermllk, * ondensed, 10-bbl. lots, 3.45c per lb.; flake buttermilk, 500 to 1.500 lbs . 9c per lb.; egg shells, dried and ground, 100-lb. bags. $25.00 per ton. BE ED. Omaha buyers are paying ths following 1 rices for field seed, thresher run, de livered Omaha. Quotations are on the basis of hundredweight measure; Seed—Alfalfa. $10.00014.00; red clover, $3.00014.00; alsyke, $8.00014.00; tim othy, I4.OU05.OO; Sudan grass, $5,000 * 00; white blossom sweet clover, $4,00 0 6.00; millet, high grade German, $2.00© 2 50: common millet, $1.6002.00; amber sorghum cane, $2.0002.26. HAT. Prices at which Omaha dealers are sell ing In variola, f. o. b. Omaha, follow; I'pland Prairie—No 1. $1 9.00020.00; No. 2. $16.00018.00; No. 3, $12.00014.00. Midland Prairie—No. 1. $18 50019 60; , No 2 $16.00017.00; No 3, $11 00013 00. Lowland Prairie—No. 1. $11.00016.00; No 2, $10.00012.00. Alfalfa—Choice. $24.00026.00; No. 1. $21 00023.50; standard, $19.00020 IQ; No. 2 $17.60019.00; No. 3, $15.00017.00. St raw—Oats. $9.0009.60; wheat, $8 09 HIDES. TALLOW. WOOL. Prices printed below are on the basis ct buyers’ weights and selections, deliver ed Omaha: . Hides—Current hides, No. 1. 10c; No. 2. '.( green hides. 8c and 7c; bulls, 7c and tb-’ branded hides, 7c; glue hides. 6c; kip, ■* j-»4o and 11c; calf. 14c and 12Hc; dea - runs. 80c each; glue calf and kip. 6v; horse hides. $4 000 3.00; ponies and Rjues. $] 75 each; colts, 25c each; hog skins. each; dry hides. No. 1. 14c per lb.* dry salted, 11c; dry blue, 6r ” Tallow and Grease—No. 1 tallow, C’^v; K tallow,6v; No. 2 tallow, 5‘/ic; A grea*'-, * 6V; H grease, 6c; yellow grease, 6>Ac; brown grease. 5c. (.’racklings—Pork, $80.00 per ton; beef. $40 oo per ton. Wool—Wool pelta. II S0H226 for full •.•oolf'l «kln.| aprlnf lamb.,. 60n each; .Kf-arinns, lie mk; cllpa. no »alu«: wool, 3l(j!43e. »w York Coffee. New York. May 12.—Th« market for • .off*'* future* *a* very quiet »uda>, with ? ' . u- tuatlon* narrow and Irregular. me . - opening was 4 point* lowr to 2 point* higher and the. market Honed 2 point* • ** net higher to 7 point* lower. September • " contract* eased off from *-2*c to * 2U • and December from He to 7 94c, end U*t price* were unchanged to 7 point* lower on the more active poaltloti*. .Sale* were estimated at about «.00U bag*. t logins • quotation*: May. 9 S0«. July. 9.18c; Mcp* lornbr, l.Uc; December, 7.92c; March, New York (lanrral. New York. May 12 — Wheat — Spot, ■ ready; No. 2 winter, c 1 f traik. N» w York, domestic, $1.46*4; No I dark north ern Mpring, c. 1. t. track, New York, *» 1 < rt. $1.17*4; So 2 hard winter, ft 32; No 1 Manitoba, $ 1 31 *«. and No. 3 mixed durum. $12«H. Corn—Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow anil No. 2 whits, c. I f. New York, all rail, 69%»\ and No 2 mixed, 99 %c. Oats—Spot, barely steady; No. 2 white. &5V*&6c. Ps*d—Kany; city bran, 37.r»n, weatsrn, I16.R0 n ton. In 100-pound m«h ka __ ANNOUNCEMENTS Ilurinl Vault* . 1 . DISTINCTIVE f *;i i in #•», tji-nionatrai ion at factory. Automatic Scaling Con>:r«tt Burial Vault. Inglat upon ^"ur und»*r inkar ualng no othar. I'JvoryTuu't iiamp *-d: watch for nam« In lid, Manufacf urt d only hy th# Omaha Concrat* Burial Vault ■ OmrtfHw, Monument* 3 CKMKTKI Man\ Itita anil ainglt' grave* for nal* In l^autlful Pi oh r»«*»• t Hill n«l i'utker atno'tf* Call iupuiIntendent a Cfflce. WK. 2404. Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Express Scores of Wants Each dav—some of them will interest you. Look them over today—and every day. It’* a habit that pays well. Read and use The Omaha Bee “Want” Ads—the bee-line to results. And, if you wish to insert an ad, phone At-lantic 1000 and ask for an ad taker. BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 day* or longer. The above rates apply exclusively tn; Want Ads which are commonly termed “public wants," and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns ad vertising or exploiting their businesses. The**© rates apply to The Sunday Omaha Bee us well as The Morning and Evening 3ee. All week-day advertisements appear '.n both morning and evening editions at the otie cost CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Morning Edition.0 p. m. Evening Edition.11:30 . in Sunday Edition.• i>. m. Saturday Want Ads accepted at the following offices. Main nfffc-.17th and Farnarn Sta South Omaha N W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.. . .Ik Scott St Telephone ATlantic 1000. Call lor "Want" Ad Department. An experienced “Want" ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. The rates! quoted above apply to either ct^rge or cash orders. _ Cemeteries* Monument* . $ VISIT-FOR EST LAWN There are thousands of plants in the greenhouses, at the entrance of Forest Lawn, which will be set out for the lot owner* during the next few days. Orders are being received at the cemetery for spring planting. The greenhouses are \ ery beautiful now and are open for in spection every day. Offices at Forest Lawn (north of city limits) and 720 Brandeia theatfr. _ I Florist* .-. 4 LEE LARMON' 19th and Dnualaa JOHN HATH. JB04 Farnam. JA. 1906. L HENDERSON. 1507 Farnam. JA. 1259. Funeral Directors . 4 f: Jo STACK & C0~ Omaha’s best undertaking establishment Sw AMBULANCE EftSSf Thirty-third and Farnam. ffiAFEY&'HEAFEYT Undertaken and Kmbalmcr.. Phone HA. 0265. Office 2611 Farnam. _ (KSTABI.1WHBD SINCB 1881U ‘ Crane Mortuary (X CONDUCTED BY LADIES ONLY. El5 South 20th St. AT. 3689 and AT, 3890. Hoffmann Ambulance Dodrfe at 24th. Funeral Directors. JA. 8901 CROSBY-MOORE ^hVJ^,. LARKIN BROTHERS, FUNESRAD DIRECTORS. 4813 SO. J4TH. r,f, korisko ,s: 23d and O 8ta.__1260 9. 13th Bt HULSE & RIEPEN, Funeral Dlrectora. 2224 qumlnr- JA. 1226. H. H. Kramer "STInT Taggart & Son John A. Gentleman Street. ~BRAILEY &~D0RRANCE ~ I. nut and Found . 8 DOST—In front of Gayety theater Friday night, May 11, on© diamond and pearl pendant earring. $50 reward. Return to Frank Johnson. _care Burgess-Nash Co. LOST — Small whit* dog with brown spot**, bushy tail, strap around neck. Lost ou South Side MA 0895. Reward. DOG—Lost since May 7. French bulldog, tag 7415, Named Terry. Reward. WE. 7051 I’ersnnal* . 14 THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 41*5 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street.__ ICE—30c per 10J lbs., 39th and Leaven worth. Drive over. Op*n 7 s. m. to 4 39 P m- City Ice Company. _ THEATRICAL historical masque coe ,umes for plays and parties, at Lieben’a, Omaha.__ EMBROIDERY, beaded bugs. • ro* hetlng. baby layettes and artificial flowers, made to order, gall AT. 9209. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER DK8IRK8 WORK EVENINGS. CALL AT 9209. ---- ■ --- ■ AUTOMOBILES .Autos for Snip .13 Essex Roadster 1921 model, repainted and renewed.. $500 Ford Coupe This Is an exceptionally good car. new paint and many extras ... $3*5 Hudson Speedster 1920 model—has new tires and good paint—runs like n*w . $6M We have others from $50 to $1,000. See us before you buy. Terms Open Evenings. Andrew Murphy A Son. Retail Haleiroom 1410 Jackson Duran£ and Star Cars, J. L. W. NEW AND USED CARS AT A* BARGAIN Ford cars aud trucks, $50 and up. Ford bodies and winter fops. Cara aold on terms to reliable parties. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO. Central Garage Open Day and Night 131$ Hart et. J A. 2411. « Ir used For da; prOBgl delivery of new For da. MCAFFRET MOTOR CO, The Hardy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackaon Sts At. 7711 NEW and used Fords, cash or terms. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO.. Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers 20th and Amen Ave. Ke. 014* JED NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILE CO . rtf4 at ltth. At 17 70 USED CARS O. N. Bonney Motor Co. 2554 Farnam. _ > parts for all makes of cars. Ford used parts at half price. Neb. Auto Parts. J ■* 4121. J FORD ton truok for sale."’ A-l runtUSS | order. WA. Ml6. _ ______ OVERLAND, *3 B. parts for Hale ch*ap. ' Apply at '» p. m.. AT. A106. i Autos Wanted . lft If AVE stor ge '■ r 00 ■ a rs Rates 1 tO up 11 Chons WE. 64*3. BUSINESS SERVICE Artoidian IMcatliiR .U ACCORDION. HIDK, kmf* . bo* r'*»Mn». covered button*. oil style*; heinul tfehtnir. buttonhole* Write Meul Mutton * Plenl loIT Co.. 308 Brown Block. Oin»h», Neb Telephone JA. 1934. NKHRASKA IT. E A TIN O. ! Hematltrhlng. Covered Tlottone. 1304 Camem e«rond floor. JA. r.f.70 FIRMT CLA88 painter and paper hanger ‘ all WK. 2427 Monday morning /luildcrft, (’nntracloi* . 22 | M. A. ZONA, ctment c ontractor, do any i kind of concrete work at a real low price, •uoh iia baaemnet floor*, sidewalk*, ga rage floor*, driveway*, cement etep*. r|ty ‘ r .country. Phone MA. uil»* I I'lAMONH ('ONPflKTK PRODPPTH CO., 42d ahd Parker. WA. C773 ‘•AT,I. HA f.A27 or MA. 0614 for expert i sodding, seeding, hedging or trimming. MIDCITY landscape: oardnkkh IlnnHriK A«ideml«i .23 I.KAHN to datTcw for S4 a» KKIOP’H 1818 Purnruu, t'lanaae Mon , Wed. and Frl I night* Dancing Tues.. Thor*., Hat. and i Hun. night*. Private leaaona by appoint In <'!,** .1 a t • Dftortlre AKriirlPH .24 ItKLIAfUiB Detective Bureau, Sunderland 1 djf l v , *■. night, KK ISA 11 ■ IA M H H AM,AN. 312 Neville nik Evidence j ••cured in alt ia*ca AT. lilt ^ BUSINESS SERVICE"^ Barage Builder*. . . , . 25 GET our prices on complete garage** M«7rl clson Lumber A Coal Co._WE fir>61 Moving, Storage . 26 FIDHL1TY 8T()FtAOK~ijf~VAN CoT MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household Goods, Pianos. Office Furniture. 1107-11 HOWARD ST. JA. 0288. E3X PEHT 1 !b I .I fUffllt111 • pa Ikcia, fire proof storage. Phone JA. 1604 The Terminal Warenouso Co., 702 South 10th on \ iad |< • ESTIMATE furn. on packing., mov. and atoring. Contracts taken by Job or hour. Globe Van A Storage Co. JA. 4238. AT. 0230. Grossman A Sons, owners WE MOVE LONG DISTANCE _PH ON E AT. 3 43ji._ # Moving—Packing—Storngs Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Ca 219 N. 11th St. Phone JA. n032. BEK INS OMAHA VAN & STORAGE IGth and Leavenworth Sts. Pa* king, mov In® storage, shipping J \. 4111 .\lOVINO. hauling, city or lountrv. Sod *11 ng and bltck dirt, • WE. 2127. _ Milliners, Dressmakers .27 DRESSMAKING—First clans dressmaking; six years New York experience; one year in Chicago, WE. 0896. _ Painting, Papering .28 PAINTING, paperhanging. House repair ing of all kinds. Prewar prices. WE. 1978. b A PE RING, PAINTING. WALLPAPER CLEANING._CALL HA. 7174._ STUGCO painting, paperhanging. WE. «t5«9. Painting, paperhanging. Kellogg. We. 6688. Patent Attorneys . 29 J. W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney, |713 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington. D. O. I kelp inventors sell their patents. Kodak Finishing . MA FILMS DEVELOPED FHER The Ensign Co. 290* Leavenworth FILMS developed fret. Price list taeie Friday KA8E STUDIO, Neville Block. Printers, Engraver* .31 KDOY Printing Co.. 113 g, 11 St. JA. Wl. Profeaaional Services, X-Rays .SZ PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded *t the 5 Sherman A McConnell Drug Store* Dental X-Rays. 32A DENTAL X-ray. 6Qc each; IS full act 619 Securities Bldg.. 16th and Farnarn_ Servlets Offered.34 KLINE W lNDOW CL E A NI NO CO. wishes tp announce that they will clean windows in private residence* for 11 per dozen, on outside window* from May 15 to June 16._Call AT 54H9 LANDSCAPING, weeding, sodding and shrubbery._HA. 0617._W. J. Burback. AUTO painting; good work. John Dra bek. >201 8. 13th 8t., Omaba. Call JA. 2606. HAULING ashes, rubbl*h. furniture mov ing. Ton truck. KE. 1063. OAH fuel lines run. Gas stoves repaired and regulated and connected. JA. *>0l. SODDING, RE ED IN J LAW NR A S P E~ CIALTT. KE. 3194 CKM KNT work of ali'_klndel KE'.~m! ^ EDUCATIONAL Business Colleges .31 DAY HCHOOL—-NIGHlT 8CHOOLr Complete course# jn accountancy, ma ekioe bookkseptng. ooniptoaietry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, rail or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illus trated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you f<»r s fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American College. 1912 Farnam. ' van . a NT SCHL OF BUSINESS ' *4 E C< Nineteent h and Douglas. Js. 5S90 Trxlr Schools .... .. - 41 WANTED—Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wage# while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 140.1 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College MOL ER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 8. 14th 8t. Write for -atslog. EMPLOYMENT ^ Help W'unted— Female .44 VVANTKJ)—Young lady to w girl'a tuition t hiough us ness college for doing some light office -1 RELIABLE woman for general house work. Har. 3184. COMPETENT maid for general housework. Must be good rook. References. WA. 0271. ■ housework; no laundry WA. 6130. WANTED—A white maid for general housework. If A 3300. 1 15 N 32d. WANTED—A good white maid with ref Will i- * v good wage WA o744._ ■ ■ . r t<» start Apply 203 K**eiine Building GIRL for general housework; reference* required; two In family. 30ti S. 62nd St. Help—Male or Female . 4G AGENTS—Wanted, mm and women to sell guaranteed silk hosiery; good propo. sitlon to producers Styl* Silk Hosiery Co, .35 Leflang Bldg Help Wanted—Male . 43 EXPERIENCED CAR REPAIRERS WANTED—EXPERIENCED CAR REPAIRERS APPLY AT Nl PERI NT E N DENT «*F SHOP'S OF. KICK. UNION PACIFIC, 11TII AND CASS STS. WANTED EXPERIENCED SHOE SALEH MAN Permanent position, good ■*!■!> A I*PET SUPERINTENDENT. BALCONY. THE BR A NVET8 RT<)R KM pipk uni: work Men wanted Immediately to work on Hlnelalr pipe line, nil »ummer* Job Camp* located ut «•ahkneh and Hrond water, Nebrn*ka. via Union Pacific railroad, flood board and lodging In camp*. $1 20 per day Wafi.n: 94 00 pipe Rung* and la fib ditching gang* lea* board. Apply at K A. Marph<»r*nii Camp*, <>*hkn«h mid Broadwater, Neb WANTKD—Organizer* f »r the Dor**t era , of Ainerlfo, founded In 17lo. one of America * leading patriotic, beneficial fra j t erne I order*. I have the mom liberal contract on commiaelon ever offered to i *thtf» or dlatrlct organizer* (lend aalea "ren can earn flf»,000 per yrei Writ* l) <\ ('ox, Cupreine organizer. 0* Lincoln Ave. Newark. N J l>o TO! | If >ou are alnoera and have a d*.»lr* to do Ida tltlnaa and are willing to work hard to gain ftur-CM*. we will |... pl*aaed (o ha\r an Interview We will pay you while learning. If you qualify : 1 ot • ■ • Mld| W ANTKI' Brick layer*, wage* 11 p.-r timir Don't write, come at once Dr neat Ttokahr At Nona, care Mw ift A t'o . f'nlnm hua, N’eh MI'S hoy for 1801 lainam i$t. Call Mon | day morning EMPLOYMENT ' Help Wanted—Male .45 i DIARY hand, $65 to ^75 per month ami i hoard. Apply 316 S 10th St. | Agents. Salesmen . 47 I i aOLLEmaha B< e W OMEN OF EDUCATION TO ‘TRAVEL i In folorado during summer; interesting work along school lines; hbIhit, commlx I sion and railroad fare paid. fall Mrs. I I»a\ is. .TA. 6903. j WE have opening for several experienced | hosiery salesman in s’ate of Nebraska and I low* Write or rail 217 Arthur Bldg., Omaha. Neb. A R I: *-r shop doing good business modern in i ail ways. Some term« If wanted. J. 8 Ha per. Bloomington. Neb. MEAT market and grocery for sale Only market In city 1,000 population. Will invoice about $5,000. Writ# Fred Klakt, Cheyenne Wells. Colo PARTNER- -Wanted for good buatnoM proposition Address W 74». Omaha Bee. FIRST CLASS "meat market for Ad dress City Meat Market. I^oup City. Xen. RESTAURANT f<»r sale-' r;.,od condition, : reasonable. 2703 Q St. MA. 2004. RESTAURANT and ooft drink parlor for | sale_Call at 524 8. 13th 8t_ Invest morn** ..51 CASH paid for 2d mortgages on Omaha Sroperty. F. C. Horacek A C©., 4 40 1st ©Cl Hank Bldg. AT. 3531. j Loan* on Heal Estate .52 5* AND «V MONEY. Loan* on Omaha iraprfved property at lowest rates. FRANK II. BINDER. 421 City Nat.__ _ -TA. 1M1. I WANTED to loan. $100,000 In or near i Omaha, In sums of 11.000 to $10,404. F. F> WRAD AD H BOWMAN, j 310 P 14th St , Wead Bldg. AT <>151. i Six per cent loans on Omaha residences. . Cash on hand. Prompt aervlco. E. H. ' » Inc . Hi Keelloe Bldg._ MONEY to loan on farm* and Omaha real estate. M TERR A RA INBOLT CO., 424 Omaha Nat Bar 1 c .! \ r~44 OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEFFK REAL ESTATE CO. 1014 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg JA. 3TIs. FARM LOANS. Large or smell. West Neb. farms, ranchea. Kloke Investment Co.. 445 Om. Nst. Bk. LOW rate on city property; quickly closed. No monthly payment* JA 15?I. W. T. GRAHAM._ STRAIGHT 5 year loans. 6 per cent. AMUR GRANT CO. . * 11th _ Arthur Bldg. AT. QUO. , SKCONI> mortgages or cortrscta pur. • hated by Tukey Company. €20 1st Nat'l. I Bk. JA. 4223 _ ___ i AND 4 TERR CENT—NO DEL AT GARVIN- HR'IS. 144 Om Natl. Bldg , IP.y 1st-2d mtga. **.2I1bsIs==:** * , Money to I tens I female*, $3 each; yellow Angora kitten*, j male. f&. pair. $7. not related lira J. I It Dyke*. Mankato, Kan ' WHITE collie pupplca. pedigreed, aired by All White Majesty" and da in ‘ cjueen * Frank llH. llorse*. Cattle, Vehicle* .IW SALK OF HORHKH FROM UPDllCK F ARM Two carloada of horaea, Including riding horaea, mare*. tolta and inulea. The*.* will be aold at private sale. Horaea. $10, 120. |30. $«n. $50. $60. Marea with colt b\ (he aide, $.'6. Come out Monday for big bargain* UPDIKE I.UMUKR A FOAL COMPANT, 43rd and f’harle* kite. fOWH—Several fine young family enwa. Jaraeya and Guernsey a, freah and close I’miltry and StippHw* .51 ' HABY chick*, special reduced price* only Hr up, llo< ke. Red*, Wyandote*. Orping ton* and Leghorn* AH purebred Uvi de livery guaranteed Postpaid. Write for free catalog Anderson Farm Hatchery. Juniata, Neb (Fifteenth season I ; ('H1CK$—quality pure bred baby ' hick*, alao hutching egga, eight varieties It. f*23. Franklin At e Hatchery, 690 Frank lin Ave.. Council Bluffs KNUMHH White leghorn hatching egga, f per 10$. t.arge bird* profitable win **r layer* Tho* K Goff. Wood River, Neb Phone Birch 491 in Rork EO n $1 per setting" 1R per 100. « hick* $1$ per inn, prepaid • - MERCHANDISE ^ Clothing unit him .liO I • * t I ; N«*• |y flroa Wood pole phoep Will nail I ' haft|| IT.41 WIIIIp Avp. WK ORSft | b'VU. I>flKHM luila and Tmtdoa for rant JA J12< 10t N 14th HI reel .1 Fa 1 dll F*< »lt h a I l <»n* Inn mi" . young j rla »*/>uta unit dr»a*ra «'ajl IIA t»i^l IIoiikpIioIiI HiukW .IS n'RNITI’HK AT Al’l'TION Thia After noon and Tomorrow Night, Do W l>'II AUCTION IIOUSK. TWO (Triantal nig*, ala e 4 a« feet, one I Turk tali oriental, pipe 2 '« « I '4 feel. good j pm n»w. Hnrgtiln .1A MIU 1T'RMTl’fl 10 of nosy root ft rm flat for j*al* and flat for rant to party »>u>lng I furniture flop* in AT t a J&. CM'KIlT «*wing ma. hlne rapairing STICK KLft. 16th and llarnay. AT lift. R’Olt MAI.I Bahy buggy in etrallant ] i orullt Inn, |*rlre f I f* AT ftlft l I flftCRI* JKHATOtt "e l1.. White M .un Mato and diop head M*in* machine Ken I ml ^ MERCHANDISE lloiiseliolil (liHHlit . 63 THREE-QUARTER V>n - Martin SJ3 nomplrtr. .133 S. Hist utreet. _WA. 7347. LI.OY1) baby buggy for Hale. A-l condl tiou._HA. i>982. 118^NortgL 2Cth. I Seeds. Plants, Fertilisers. 69 BENSON OMAHA miner?; everything *n trees and shrubs. Office corner of 66th and Spencer. WA. 4278. P. J. Flynn. .T=~—r .r 7.7ag-.,-r ■ ■ ,-s. tss,. ■ —■ --^=3 . Jewelry and Watches . 64 diamonds: We pay the bent prices with privilege to buy back at atnail profit. GROSS JEW KLRY CO, Omaha, Neb.. 402 N. ICtb St Telephone J A. 604JT.___j Machinery and Tools . 65 < '< HAND printing preen, » font* type. caseH._rules,_etc_Call HE. _ Miscellaneous . 66 1 BLACK*"walnut trees ready for shipment. \ 1H Inch to 16. 30u; maple, elrp. ash. 26c; i all perfect stock. J. L). WilliamH, Spring Green. Wie.__ Musical Instruments . 67 VJCTROLA ANiT BRUNSWICK "sainplea and slightly used Instruments are offered at greatly reduced prices. Terms and service. Fifth floor Orchard A Wilhelm • lo. VJCTROLA for sale, box with 102 rec ords. Price $26 cash 2063 Karnatn St. Apt. No. 4 Ask for Elmer P Mooney. TRAIN) your IM*d piano on a new playar piano. Balance as low aa $10 per month A HOSPK CO., 1613 Dougina._ : FISH Eli upright piano; good condition ; '3640 Harney._Phone H_A^_6827._ FOR SALE—Baris piano in good condition,] beautiful tone, leaving town. 1705 Vinton. 1 Store and Office R<|Ulpment .70 T V P K W R1TER8. ADDING MACH IN e£ : LOW PRIORS GUARANTEED SERVICE MONTHLY PAYMENTS ALL MAKER FOR RENT. ALL MAKES TYPEWRIT ER CO., 206 8. 1STH KT., AT. 2414. NEW AND USED SAFES." AMERICAN MACHINERY A SUPPLY CO. 1,iiLJ:"17_,i0*ar4 Di.dga- j Swap Column . 72 110,90b EQUITY in splendid 4*0 acres wheat land. **astern Colo., for Omaha residence or Income. Will assume. Box 8-143, Omaha Bee. __ WILL swap modal 4 Overland, good con- 1 ditlon, used market valu-. $426. foi Ford coupe, same value 8-942, The Omaha ’ Bee. _ _ $1,000 EQUITY in city property; trade 1 for good used car and aome cash- Ford sedanp referred. Address 8-669. Omaha Bee_ WILL swap a good building lot and pay caah balance on a a or 6 room borne in north part of city. Box S-973. Omaha Beej STEEL range, steel bed and spring*, oil heater, electric Iron, etore board, for sec- l ond-hand building material and pump Address 8-924. The Omaha Bee WILL swap a well improved Missouri farm, clear, for lota, acreage or western land. What have you? 8-592, Tha Omaha Bee___ ! HARDEN HOSE. 75 ft ; lawn mower, hand plow, wheelbarrow and other gar den Implement# for trunk or trunk and suitcasr. Address 8-926, Omaha Bee. REED fly shuttle loom, trade for wat>h or light cprirg wagon. What have you ? 8.-946, The Omaha^ Bee. FLEMISH Hi ANT rabbit* and hutches to swap for chickens or what have you? 8 •$1, Omaha Bet ONE Nash Six. perfect condition, for smaller car or aome furniture. 8-949. omaha Bee__^ FORD toadster, new paint, new top; car in fine shape Will trade for piano or player. Address 8-922. The Omaha Bee. 1922 ONE-TON FORD TRUCK, new, pneu matic stock, grain body Trade for good touring 8-979. Omaha Bee.__ ■mild tires Swap for good touring 8 • Tfi Omaha Bee^ _ _____________ ■ ! 4 < ADILLAC 4-1* irlfeg deal for a t<>w r«r. perfect shape Swap for < oupe. piano, diamond._S-S77. Omaha_Bee GOOD, well located r v I IM swap for lota, or what have you? 8-593. Omaha Bee. WILL swap $i*.o equity in there lota. 44th and F'rad*rick, for what have you? 8-944. Omaha Bee.___ \ |t»L1N. bow case. \ .tv old B rich tone, value $I5«. swap for phono Omaha H _ : ('LEAR y ARM new Omaha for bueineaa or Omaha property. Box 8-667, Otatka Bee. 209 FT TRAMBLE NET—KxThanga for good set r.f boxing glove*. Address 8-229. Omaha Bee.___ SW A P • wo .a ce level lota Mornings I# Ad . for one lot near car line Will pay \ < ash difference Box 8-752, Omaha Bee I mfg. business for anything of $1,600 value Box 8-949, Omaha Bee._ PEEBLES* oil burner, brand-new. for fur nace heating, wilt swap for anything of value or sell Box S-974. OmahA Bee WILL trails good bed. springe mattress and bookcase for three-hole oil stova or s » «*maha Her l-TUBE DRY call radio *h with phones and batteries, for Ford or 150 i ash Boi 8-65*. Omaha Bee WILL swap lady's tailored suit, site in. for housework assistance. Addr-ss 8-901. The Omaha Bee Bt’ILI it and Oraad Ave What hava youA Bo* 8-972. Oma ha Bee 8WAP—Auto trailer wo;th |60 for two new .t:*3'4 tires or what#ha\e you? *4 66?. Omaha Bee WILL swap Victor Vi> trols nearly new. on a Ford « ar. Address Bo* 8-6*3, Oma ha Bee I for large old house close In. Address 8-891. Onuh i Bee , HAVE perfectly good Folutnbl* grafonola to imp for medium priced tar. prefer- , ably Ford Ho* 8-5*6. Omsha Bee i • ’ i I aaai bin and half, IIal I’arifir, for lata* old house close In 8-6*9. Omaha Bee._ __ DIA MONO g value I trad# for Ford roadatet. Address S 911. The Oma ha Hee ' I 5 '"it i.s. Funadlan land, on railroad! for high grade car, new or nearly new ; ■ I rhe < mu Fin Bie_t 91.&09 EQUITY it arga I atot all modern home, to aw*p for small place. j Address 8-92 1. The Omaha Bee BRAND new 1923 Ford eedsn. |40n ' Want to trada for other • ar e.jual value Patty take over note Fall HA. 1*76 TWENTY acres. Butler Cf Missouri, to trad*- for player piano or what hav# iou' Address 8-9M0, Omaha Her I.1HKHTV touring, fine condition, for late model Ford « «up* or what have you* Ad dress 8-492. Omaha Her. * - f Y I. IN I> E ft i ca k -1 condition, trade for good Ford roadster Address 8 94 Omaha B<*r MULLIN' snag proof motor boat on truck, swap for Ford Address 8-997. Omaha " _____ 11A \ K i Step radio very sensitive | need ■* Ford !.«■('• tiade Address 8 9*1. Omaha Bee WILL swap 120ft piano for touring car or ••■dan. or what ha\# you' 8-963. Omaha He. NEW phonograph to swap for large gtse refrlgeratot. b 950. Omaha hee MWAH painting for Ford < ar Address 8 99*. Omaha Iter V I'Allt Airedale dogs to swap Whit hava you? A<1 dress H IP Omaha lire "II. trade Apperson touring car for truck Address 8-6*1. Omaha Has 8'VAP pool table for painting and paper- i hanging Address 8 976. nnmlu Its* HOOD AUTO to trade fur what b|\ • you? Mot 8 .i. Omaha lift Olftl.M* 93 5 bicvclo for radio, same valued 8 597. Omaha lie* It.’ifl KIMU/\I.L piano, swap for plumbing Murk Addr* * 8 4"« Omaha Hi. o\ Klti.ANU 63 fur Ford or other light oat 8 941. Omatta Her " ILL swap motor boat fur Ford «a» , Address 8-211. The Omaha Hee PAKT8 for podge touring to swap f.»» aim thing of value 8 9.4, Omaha Her I 4 PLOW, used traitor for wliat hats )uuf 8 941, Omaha Mrs ^ MERCHANDISE S\\H|) Cdmi.II “NOTICE TO“3V»APPER£ “ i You may insert a three-line "Want** Art for three days under this classification. A bo* number will be affixed and you call | for your repllee. If you done a deal you pay for your advertising in the regular way. If not, j r/e will cancel charge. In other words— NO SWAP—NO PAY I This offer is good only In Omaha and i excludes all business ads. Business “Want" Ads (n this column will be charged our regular rates. NO SWAP—NO PAY I i OLD lumber, window's and doom; also j lady's gold wrist watch and new brown ; coat, size 40 Swap for b»*droorn furni ture or what have you? N-52o. Omaha j Bee._: ROOMING house, modern, close in. ; rooms all rented, trade for lot. small house or land. Address 8-96*>. Omaha Bee____j LOOK—'rake my advice, this is unusual: 1923 Ford touring, used 60 days, will I swap for some cash. What have you? 8-9*4_ I Wanted to Buy . 73 j Desks' DESKS. ~ DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and *jadert j. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. A'jT- 6144 -— RENTAL y Apts., Flats, Furnish*3 .74 . TWO ROOM furnished apt . one at $40, on* at $45 Look at 506 South 21at Ave. , W. J. PALMER CO _ _AT. 6960,_ 2, or S-rooni apt* Private bath: 4-room accommodations. Brown Apia, 5*8 North 21 at. AT 7 4 4 9 2 NICE large r.. private hath, furnished complete, electricity gas. phone furnished Private home. $50. 545 S. 21 at St. HA. 4 ;0 ; HUNTER INN, AT. 4960—I4th and Dodge Sts Home for traveling man and wife FURNISHED 2-room apt stri* tly mod ern- 2032 N. 19th. WK_^:i9?3 Apts., rials, I nfiiniislied ..75 A P ARTM ENTS FOR KENT. 7 rooms. Her building. 522 South 16th street, $7^. 7 room. Malvern building, TO- South 16th street. $70. 3 rooms, Lavidge block. 1602 Farnam stree!, $40 GEORGE AND COMPANY. AT-!«intl»* 3024 A HEAL apt. home, iso bed rooms reception hall, good service and , good location Portland Apt#., Park Ave. and Leavenworth St. W. J PALMER CO AT 8910. ' 7-ROOM APT $ 50 Look a* the Thalin Apt*, 626 South 21st 1 Ave Nearly decora'ed, close-in, good service W. J. PALMER CO. _•__AT. 8984._^ ___ TURNER COURT. 1 Available June 1 Front apt Park expo sure. 3 room# with f.-room accommoda tion. Janitor. HA. nt*6 G. M. HAUSER. Mgr $102 Lodge St _ HA. 7140. t SOUTH SIDE APTS 5 rooms at $50: 4 rooms at $25. Look si 440* Sou*h 22d \V J PALMER CO. __AT._6960.__ 602 SOUTH 1oTH ST — 3-room flat, mod ern except heat, in good repair, $23.50 , HASP BROS • I W. J PALMER CO REAL ESTATE management. AT. »96n _ _ _ Keeline Bldg FOR ONR OF DRAKE’S 1004 APARTMENTS Call Jackson 2605 PETERS THUS ! N Y WHERE OMAHA RENTS.” AT._0544 _l?th__and Farnam Sta WE. 7026—4-rm. apt . water and tel. fr*«. >i block to car: lea#* tesued to re ftponsiMi party. , 8l'BLE - ~ 4-i 630 Park Ave. L .1 Seybo d A Kon 226 City Nat ! AT *>361 FOUR-ROOM modern apartments. low J ’ Stab « rI gt St. 14 $ 1ITH STREET - ' • and bath, modern except best. JA. 1194. CENTRAL, enclosed porrhev 3 or 4 room . apt#. Office 220‘a S 22d____ | 4-ROOM modern ipt with funroom and garage. _k J 1 1 M A $5M. Hnuw«. Furnished . ** iVk' 'U< >11 V« ITT A * street. Inquire ftllnlg itiUon, 20th and w . .<58. I ••ROOM all modern bungalow with ga H|t Call HA I4S1 ‘•ROolf. all modern newly decorated, on car line. 2324 Deer Park btuievurd Office* and Store* 80 FOR RENT. <23 South 14?h street, corner store. 20* 60 Modern Meat and water fur nished l.»a*e to reliable party iSKORQE AND COM PANT. AT-lantfc sn;« ' and ISO*—Store room. 1**112 If tenant wanfa more room will built two atones s bo v s, each *1*11?. with light op three ■Ides. Thoa V Hail. 404 SunderlanU nidg AT. i <0(1 f*ARQK office for rent reasonable, good location. Call AT 7*M StCK light office and desk ‘space l.<-w IZm*' Telephone and office girl free AT DKHIRARLK loft epaie, turn live rental * ■ ■ tdnjer-Bidg ,171 ! Podgo St .1 A 501 3. Room and Hoard. N1 TWO nicely furnished rooms with board. Private family. 270a I,eavenworth St JA OOOD home to room ami hoard for Two gsr.tlemon , reasonable, ll*2 South 10th St ROOM, board, if desired private home. saeellewt location W A 291 TENTH ST. 27 4 ;» s Hoard and room for ' I"1 P' mod-rii, Immi. Room*. Furnished . !«OT Kf. HANFORD—J 9th amt Karnam. HOTKL HRNfillAW —Ifth sml Parntiu. Special nrteo to permanent gueata. Koflt large light housekeeping and alecp. ing rooms, light. h-at and eatci furnish od KK JJ9* it04 4 No 24th St •‘ASH M 3191 — Nicely furnish d r > m for gentlemen Private entrance. ad.r.t Ing hath HA 34* CALIFORNIA 8T . • * * N e furnished clean room, til private home for l or 3, HA. 3199. _ 1'7 (TICL. > - Attractive loom in Dundee, prhata famll) , 1 bto« k to . ai . gent leu.h n prefcited ' FRY pleasant room for gsnt leman or couple employed Kvery horns comfot t. No Other roomeri h.-ahahe location KW . **3 HA " -,54_f wo room furnished apt. i b1i»ck south of llan»roin park KK • Ht tTel I—Cool, airy room, dose to golf links; home privilege* f 1 nr ?. private home Ha 445 TWO rooms, fuintahed of unfurnished, modern, private horn*- 3017 Marry. 4.i| S 31st HT -Two furnished steep ing rooms, hoard if desired ,IA 170 4 K Mil HT, - tM • Sleeping room, i ladies or gentlemen; car «im<.. also WK J«f7 Niri: SOCTII FRONT ROOM llltU'K FLAT. 1*20 CAPITOl. t'AHNAM ill*’. Well furnished south front room gentlemen, couple w A 443 LARtlK front room on gtcund floot H 2«>» s x.dh \\C I’ARK A\> l ■' 1" * »rge mom on • ar lln- geiit|. oi.ni_pfd . It M> vik HA *1*0 Mow Utl) Hi. .71? Walking dis 'Steely furnished rooms re «suns tile HA 7 i , X HAHN l y Hr, 4y Pleasant room In a \ ■ • Pilot II V V LINK NK V NT 14. '. I MiR' n 11 modern room. $4 per week WK suit J*TII and Karnam- l.aige front room. :: closet", on carlioe HA 4*41 I.ovki.y roum ii ne«r private home, •« clUSHO location. N\ A 1Ul. ^ RENTAL Rooms, Furnished .82 FREE " ROOM DIR ECTOR* for ROOM HUNTERS Should you fail to find listed below the room you want, call at the “Want*' Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory. The Omaha Bee maintalna thia eervfc# for your convenience. New Hat Issued each week. And. If you want to insert an ad of your own phone AT. lOtO and ask lor Miss Smith, our “Room for Rent" specie Hat. LARGE, finely furnished southeast front room, adjoining bath loom. In private hem# of two; exclusive neighborhood. A teal home for a man with satisfactory ref erences. Address Box W-792, Omaha IJee.__ 2 OR 3 large rooms, modern home, every thing furnished electric laundry, waking distance. Not In rooming house district. Must be seen to be appreciated Call HA. 1615._ ._ CALIFORNIA, 2103—Choice of 2 fine apartments, each two rooms, well fur nished; lovely, cool place for summer; reasonable rate; easy walking distance. AT. 4M«. __ SPENCER ST 2122—Furnished room for gentlemen, with or without board. Ref erences. ROOM for rent, ail modern. JA. 1422, H ; X. 22ml St Rooms. I nfurnislird . 83 THREE unfurnished rooms, phone, light and water fftraished. 1305 S. :i2d Ht. Rooms for Housekeeping 84 FREEROOM DIRECTORY for ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fall to find listed below the room you want, call at the •Want" Ad counter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory. The Omaha Bee maintains this service for your convenience. New list issued each week. And. If you want to Ins*-" an ad of >our own. phone AT TWENTY-SIXTH HT.. s7»“s?—One Urge room and Kitchenette, running water and gas *tove. to employed._ TENTH ST. *747. SOUTH—Two rooms and bath. Everything furnished. $2a a month. EXTRA large downstairs front room and kitchen, mahogany furniture, priv home, close to car Phone WE. 0707. SIXTEENTH ST~ 621 S^Neat'Iy fur nished sleeping rooms; also light house keeping room*, janitor service. Apt. 11 DAVEnFoRtT 2637—Desirable. private, modern, reas Prefer employed couple desiring permanent ho in*-. _ ONE large room, everything furnished bur Unen, $7 Also sleeping rooms. HA. 5476 2702 Farnam. ____________ 261* DAVENPORT—Two rooms, electric lights telephone, gas range furnished newly decorated LARGE room and kitchenette in strictly modern private home. 4702 N 29th St. KE 1996 DODGE ST.. 2*02—Suite of cIean, neally furnished rooms on first floor, suitable for 3 adults._ _ Xft'ELY Ybrntghed room with private bath an-.l kitchen, $50. JA *805. 2* 3u UAPITOL AVE—2 modern parlor floor electricity, water and heat—Adults. NICE largo front room, gas furnished. 627 8 17th Avr LIGHT housekeeping or board and room. 3011 Pacific St. HA. 7116_ TWENTY-SIXTH ST . Ills N.—Housekeep ing r»omr on the fira* and second floors. 2 51<^—$3 w eek I y._Elec., cool. Wherp to Stop in Onialia . 87 MERCHANT HOTEL—Permanent rooui era, |4 per week and up._ * LAIR MONT II oT'eTl. 17t h near Jackson. 1 .fortab> rea>-»na bTe. weekly ra*»*_ ^ REAL ESTATE ^ Farms and Handle* . 90 FOlt SALE—l€0 acre* ties* railroad) 'al ley land. Thayer county. Nebraska. well improved. Including modern house, go sere* fenced hog tight. 4*> pasture, 20 alfalfa, balance m cultivation. Town 2 miles. Near school L. O. Winfield. Bel videre. Neb. ISO-ACRE farm for sale; good sugar beet land For particular* writs to P O. Box H, ScottsMu ff N'e b_ _ Lota ft r Sale .91 LARGE lot Jn Greenley addltior; good in veetmeni easy terms W A JJgf. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lot* In Klgewood. very aasy terms. Phone Atlantic 2540 DUN IW K ~BU1 LDINil SITES. GEORGE A CO. AT J024_ _ LOT in Lockwood Additiow. KK. 2t1b. R#*al Rsthte—Florence ... .96 NETHAWAY. home agent" specialist In k] « « Real K«tafe—Dundee 95 TWO Dundee home*, each $ mom*. garage* 17. 0. IT.sSo respectively. Hurt G Fowler < C.> ^ J A 14_£«^ _ _ Real Kslatr—MiareRaneou* .91 Bllt-Rito Constriction *dvi e. plans and estimates g.adly fur niahed We build home*, apartments or store buildings T©« will save money bv calling hi, AT AMO W. J Palmer Co., 412 Keeline Building I iKK frontage and islands in tha North « ds of Minnesota at $1 to $11 per acre. ldej*» locations for a summer outing, hunting fithng and canoeing Church Land Go. Duluth. Minn. HOMES for workingmen. Four rooms partly modern, full lot. easy terms 11.200. Have other* Stewart Ralston 10-W ALFRED THOM * S A Son Go. R-a!tore M South . 99 DoTni.K~Vl.AT 7-ROOMS RACK This properly u in fir*l dm condition • nd rut* for 1120 per month It will ■ how better than IS per cent net on the money required to sw mg tt. Th« buildinir could r»nt be bu It for the prue aekr-d Come out and look it over. PRICK M ©to FRED 1 AXOt’SKK. Owner ISO* South 2ft h St HA *141 Confer With Cohn 4S23 So S«t«t St St A ©143 * Excellent location Price li.S&O. Term* Norr » a V. rti • 1*4 V lath St AT ^ REAL ESTATE ^ Heal Estate—South .99 THRKK-ROOM house for sale and garage for three cars; also household furniture. Make offer. AT. 5 Z*'J S. f. , ~sf. -1, ...TT. j - .. - J=rr.agr- -a- 1 .! ;ei -..r ■ ,"a Real Estate—Nor«h . 9H —Owner"Force! IT Sell Must Be Sold This Week A Real Bargain What Will You Offer? We just listed this full two-story strictly modern in every way, shape and f m. residence located in the heart of Kountze Place, with large living-room and recep tion ball aero?* the front of the house; dandy extra large light dining-room; well equipped kitchen, on the first floor, with oak floors and oak fint.-h three extra large corner bedrooms and bath on **' - ond floor with hard maple floors and birch finish; good stora*?*- atile on the third floor; full cemented basement with all modern conveniences; dandy lot on paved street, all paid, nice garage, on - half block from street ear erviot; **-hool and churches of all denomination* v.ithtn two or three blocks. Tt»»* owner of this well built and well located figure has a larg** family and wax. forced to buy a larger house end he must move this com ing week. Possession can be giv*n in 4* hours’ tune. This place is worth f7,Sf«. Price ha* Just been reduced fo tK.tiO, but owner will consider any reasonable pri* o and reasonable terms We will subm.t any offer in reason. This hin t bunk, it is a r*-»l proposition, t ali Payne Investment Co, Realtors. 537 Omaha National. AT. S9*‘.0 Perrou, WE 0*32. Gibsmv KE. 32-7 Newion. KE 114#. Beautiful IockwosI Hume 9-room homo in beautiful Lockwood vi cinity close to Elmwood park: atrirtty modern, some built-in feature*; floor* laid old cabin style Price only I6.S40. Good terms. Atlantic .',$11; Jackson 64fl. A DANDY 4-room modem heme * »h garage near 24th and Am-i for 13.750 ♦ " A D E BLVK A CO fau* and m»IJ hom•-« R*al Estate—\V#^t M —Brand New Bungalow ~ $5,75®—Terms FiVE-ROOM. oak finished bunga’o* built-in features fully cemented ba*e. meet; let S9xIF>9 w:h pa ng all pad fine shade tree-; one and one-half block! to car. A real pick up. 0sb3rne Reaitj Co. i 530 Peters Trus' B:dg JA ??«: COZY 5-rooro bungalow <'vThedral dis trict. extra !-rge r>ak ard era ,! finish Garage Price t« Terrr s are easy. See It now You'll l»e ea'i* f;ed Eve. call WA. 17 44 Day- AT. 33*!. REAL BARGAIN. For Sale—By owner, one 6-room. modern bungalow, in Bends Park district, $5.0«\ Fall HA. 9374._ HOMES'! HOMES!’ HOMES!! We Have Them—o—We Sell Thara NEBRASKA REALTY CO Lr-. Ps-tterron Big JA 47>o. New Home*—>«ur terms. AT. 435®. Groye-Kibbard Co, i 3024 CALIFORNIA ST. € -room, modern, 11.099 c=tsh down. Real bargain at pr.r* I rrejgh 6 01 Bc-e., J A f.2 FIVE-ROOM bungalow, located west; bar gain AT. iUI__ i FTVE^ROOM bungalow. Located west. ^ArEa>n- AT ***? _ ! H. W Vc lard Co. for R«al Sfr-rtce. AT *5*1 Heal Eilat,—Eirhane, .101 WE WILL, submit you a reasonable off*r in exchange for your land, income or mdae. Trv us. we probably bara just what you ars look log for. BERT L. COOK A CO.. 61* Brown Bldg A? 6247. "LET'S MAKE A TRADE-** _ F* *R exchange—$30.0*0 first mortgage s-» rured on §0* acres of land. Will take >n exchange $25 *i©« land or Inrome prot»er j ty. and $5.0*0 casb. Schwab Bros . 162$ Plymouth. Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. \ —rr-r." " \mms==ama>* —a.-- . t.t-- j Heal E-tat,—Wanted .111! W# need 1-stintr* badly on mode*-*** ' pr-red homes. Phore us aM wr saiese nan will ca!L Kdw. F Wi Cams Co., §05 Omaha Nat. Bnk. YJ.dg. JA 0426 iGRUENIG 1460 Firat Nat’L Back Bldg. JA 1666 ’ SEE us first. Need listings, ar.y location. I 5 to 6 rooms Shopen A Co, Realtors. | TA 4226 23$ Keelme Bldg __ 1 CHAnrYOP NO At SON. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. ]662 City Nat*!. Bk AT. *661. WE need soma listings. Boyers waiting. Quick action. ; J U HI ATT CO._AT. 166a. PAT rash for small home*. coatracts or second mortgages. AT *!J5. PRANK C BEST CO 6*2 Securities Bidg HAVE htiy-rs for good homes. Do you want to sell yours' Lus: it with C. A. Qrirame!. Realtor. JA 1615. % R- E. service l> D Swarsn. AT *212. 1 yV"Bup K\y R1 \ I n H We Completely Finance If you earn a clear lot or can buy one we will build you a house, ac cording to your ptans and furnish a I 'the money. We now have a number of homes under construction that we are build t)g for r«.»nle by this plan, and will be glad to shov them to you. Our price a and terms are very reasonable. We invite vou to call or ph >• e for o< np>*e information. t'veninr* call Mr. Herron. KK ('*4*. Herron Home Building Company 17UI Douglas St. JA 1040 J. Arthur Chriatse, Mcr. 4 More Days Till The Big Auction Sale of 1000 Beautiful Homesites in Homewood Addition Joining Ralston andLakoma Club A chant e to buy a Beautiful Homosite mid the stately trees of Homewood , where you hear the call of the wild, yet enjoy the conveniences of the city, such as street cars, paved streets, city water, sewerage and electric lights. .Three Days Sale Friday, Saturday, Monday, May IS, 19, 21 $1,500 in prizes to be given away. Free barbecue lunch each day Deadline's Famous Colored Band. National Townsite Company 511 Brown Block, in charge of sale. James L. Dowd, Auctioneer.