All Kinds of Wants Supplied Through the Use of Omaha Bee “Want Ads. Read Ihem—Use them m put tin AN AX> IN "twE Sum day SEE TOT*^ SOME CHICMENS SO GE T BUSY AND C LEAN U P • |/ SORE ILL \ I WASH MV | HECK AND § PUT ON | MV NEW I A NECK TIE 1 BOV! M YOU CLEN.N [« Ilf UP THE mmi CHICKEN COOuP ' 1 . .. that’s the & KINO OF $ y$%J] CHICKENS p Hj^ I MEAN-JI |L|FE S | Ck)S^ | OME DAI2N TMIMC> I AFTER fk' MOTHER BEE WANT AD RATES IBo per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 3 to 6 days. *10c per line, each day, 7 days or longer. The .above rates apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed ) “public wants,” and do not Include adver tisements of Individuals or concerns ad ] Vertislng or exploiting their businesses. These rates apply to The Sunday Omahs Bee ns well as The Morning and Evening Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening editions at the one cost ■ CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. iMorning Edition.....9 p. m Evening Edition.11:30 . m. ; Sunday Edition.t p. m. Saturday I Want Ads accepted at the following! ; offices. Main offlr*».17th and Farnam Sts South Omaha.N W. cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluff!..19 Scott St. j Telephone ATlantic 1000. Call lor “Want” Ad Department. An, -experienced “Want” ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will bo mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either .eharire or cash orders. ANNOUNCEMENTS y Burial Vaults .. 1 DISTINCTIVE features, see demonstration at factory. Automatio Sealing Concrete1 Burial Vault. Inaist upon your under taker u&ing no other. Every vau't itamp ed; watch tor name In lid. Manufactured only by the Omaha Concrete Burial \ault Co.. 6210 N. 30th St.. Omaha. < Cemeteries, Monuments . » |-VISIT FOREST LAWN. -There arc thousands of plants In the greenhouses, at the entrance of Forest Lawn, which will be set out for the lf>t . own&rs during the next few days. Order. ‘ are being received at the cemetery for spring planting The greenhouses are (very beautiful now and are open for ln I spectlon every day. Offices at Forest I Lawn (north of elty limits) and 7.0 ;Braudels theater.__ ; I" CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE. Manv lota and single graves for sale In beautiful Prospect Hill cemetery. 33rd and Parker streeta. Call superintendent • office. WE. 2404. Florist* . * iLEE LARMON iJOHN BATH. 1*04 Farnam. JA, 1006, j. HENDERSON, 1607 Farnam. JA. 120*. Funeral Director* . 8 i F. J. STACK & CO., ' Omaha’s best undertaking establishment ™ow AMBULANCE EES Thirty-third and Farnam._ HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmern. Phone HA. 0205. Office 2611 Farnam J (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1»82.)_ f Crane Mortuary CO., 1 CONDUCTED BY LADIES ONLY. Uis South 20th St. AT 36X9 and AT 3600. ; Hoffmann Ambulance Dodge at 24th. Fuoeral Directors. JA. 3**1 iCRQSBY-MQORE''XL \ LARKIN BROTHERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 4*13 BO. 14TH. ‘Sk K0RISK0 23d and O Sts. _ _1300 S. 131h Bt. HULSE & RIEPEN, Paneral Directors. 3334 Cuming. JA. 132*. H. E Kramer MT‘ Taggart & Son iZ'Ac^'r Join A, Gentleman Street. JBMILEY & DORRAWCE •Funeral Notice* . * £3btShtON—-W. E«.Vl. passed at Phoonlr. Arlz., Saturday, May 6, 1923. Mr. Leigh ton is survived by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Bodkey of Phoenix, l Aria Funeral services st Croaby-Moore funeral home, Twenty-fourth and Wirt Streets. Monday, May 14, at 2 p. m. In i terment at Forsst Lawn cemetery ._ •BLOEDKL—(Fatty) Leonard R., No. <22 East Locust St., May 10. age 69 years. Deceased is survived by one daughter Bernetta Griffin of Wyoming and two brothers Henry and George. Funeral ser vices Monday at 2:30 p. m. from Hoff mann Funeral Home Chapel. Interment West Lawn Cemstery. Lost and Found . 8 LOST—In front of Gayety Theater Friday night, May 11, one diamond and pearl pendant earring. $50 reward. Return to Frank Johnson, care Burgess-Nash <*n. DIAMOND PIN—Lost Tues.. lTnT Bf?I> FI KHTK COM PAUL PRICKS—WHY PAY MURK? :in»3 4. 6 96 | 13x3 » »6 1 Shipping on upprnvgl, $1 with nrflrr. . K/wyjtN TIRK jliBBBRW, 1722 CUMINO. Aut4M fur SgMt* ... ...jj.M iSXTKA good 1914 Ogilllao. n-w Urrs At f. big sacrlflr.*. I’.rionntl. Mr Parkins., AT. 9270 or 2066 Farnam for purl frit j a ri. _ __ _ USED part* for *11 m»ka* of c»r*. Pori need p»rta at half prlts*. Nab. Auto Part*. J*. 4911. I i r , , j . J i a ( automobiles Autos tor Sato . Ford Coupes, 1922-1923 Models. Practically new. 0$en All Day Sunday. Nebraska Buick Auto Co., At. 9903. 19th & Howard Quality Used Cars Marmon Model 34 Tourlnt Packard 3-35 Touring. Packard 2-35 Touring. Cadillac, four-passenger Phaeton 1923—Maxwell Roadater. 1923—Moon. 6-passenger 1922—Bulck Sport Model. 1922—Bulek Roadster. 1922—Durant "6" Touring 1922—Moon, four-passenger 1922—Ford delivery. 1922—Ford Roadater. 1921—Chalmers, four-pass 1921 — Apperson Annlveraai y 1921—Chandler, four-pans 1921—Dodge, five-passenger. 1921—Ford Touring. 1921—Reo, five-passenger. 1921—Co'e Roadster. 1921—Maxwell, five-passenger 1921—Oaklond, five-passenger 1921—Chandler Sedan. 1920—Bulck K-44 Roadster 1920—Haynes, four-passenger 1920—Bulck K-4S Touring. 1920—Studebaker Special 1920—Dodge, five-passenger 1920—Roamer, five-passenger 1920—Stearns-Knlght. five-passenger, 1920—Monroe, flve-pasaenger 1920—Chandler, four-passenger 1920—Nash, flve-pasaenger 1920—Oakland, five-passenger. 1919—Hupmoblle Roadster. 1919—Hudson Sedan. 1919—Hudson Touring. 1919—Maxwell Touring. 1919—Stearna.Knight, four passeotaa, 1919—Oldsmobll* "V Touring. 1919—Oldsmobll* "6,” 5-paseenger. 1919—Overland "90" Touring 1919—Dodge Roadster 1919—Reo "3" Touring 1919—Velie, five-passenger 191*—Haynes, four-passenger 191*—Bulck five-passenger 191S—Bulck "4,” five-passenger. 191 S—Dodge, five passenger. 191*—Mitchell, flve-pasaenger 191*—Overland "90." five passenger 191*—Briscoe, five-passenger 191*—Saxon "6." flve-passeng*r 191*—Ford, five-passenger 191*—Kissel Touring. 191*—Cole Touring. 191*—Studebaker Touring 191*—Scripps Booth Roadster. 3VE ALWAYS CARRY AT LEAST 100 CARS TO SELECT FROM. Terms »s low ss |35 down and 310 s month. Every ear is demonst rated to your entire satisfaction. "Open Evening!." Meeks Auto Company, Phone Jackson 4101. 2053 Fsrnsm St Here Are the Best Bargains In Town Bulck Touring . 112* Dodge Touring . 176 8t udebaker Touring . *00 Maxwell Touring . 200 Overland Roadster . *7* Chalmers Touring . 1** Chalmers Sport . *bo Bulck Touring . <00 Oldamnhils Touring . ■ • • *00 Cole Eight Touring . 100 Cherovlet F. F. Touring . 360 And Other*. Coma In and inapecf our used car bar gains. They cannot be duplicated In value for the prices we ask. Moat of them are overhauled and repainted. UBRBAL TERM.* open Alt Day Sunday Nebraska Qldsmoblle Company AT. 1770. Howard at 16th Esa**v Koadater | 1121 modal, repainted and renewed 1600 Ford Coupe This la an exceptionally good car. new paint and many extras . 1366 Hudson Speedster. 1620 modal—hH» new tires and good paint—runs like new . 1600 We have others from 160 to 11.000. 8*»e us before you buy. Terms. open Evening*. Andrew Murphy A Hon Retail Salesroom 1410 Jackson Durant and filar Cars, .I L. W. ! BUYING a customer's car from us with our guarantee la like buying s new car, all except the lirlce $ 100—12.760. First, second and third aerlca Pgcl.arda, Two 67 Cadillacs one Mtutx roadster One ft port model Paige DUS Bulck. 6-pa*a touring California top RICHARDSON MOTOR Co, 3016 Harney. HA 0010 Aak for Dick Packard J ^ AUTOMOBILES Autos tor Sain .x- ■ .13 You Wouldn't Object to LIVING IN A "USED" HOUSE WOULD YOU? THEN YOU WOULD BE PROUD TO OWN ONE OF THE FINE CARS WE HAVE MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW—AND TO GIVE YOU SATISFACTION. Cadillac Type 57 Phaeton. 4-pas senger open car. All In fine con dition. Good mechanically, good paint, top. Urea. Cadillac Type 65 Victoria. The Cadillac Coupe model. A real buy. Fine paint and tires. Up holstety good. Excellent mechan ically. Peerless Sedan. Wonderful con dition. New paint; new tires; up holstery good. Excellent median ■ bout this car Is right. Cadillac Type 5» Roadster. Looks and runs like new. Will giva its purchaser years of satisfac tion. Gopd paint, top, curtains, tires. Good mechanically. Oood all through. Jordan Sedan. New paint. All good tirea. Upholstery new A beautiful _ar. traded in by an Omaha business man on a new Cadillac Sedan. Your friends will hardly realize it isn't a brand new car. WUlys-Knlght Sedan. When you see this car and drive It your self, you will realize what a real buy It Is. New paint and every thing In fine shape. Priced low Cadillac Type 65 Phaeton. Good blue paint. Running condition fine. A good buy. Splendid car for the man who is looking for a car that will give him service and satisfaction Cadillac Type 81 Touring In good condition all through Priced cheap. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SELLER 18 THE MOST IM PORTANT THING TO CONSIDER IN THE PURCHASE OP A USED OR RENEWED CAR THESE CARS ARE HANSEN REBUILT SO YOU ARE SAFE THOUSANDS OP DRIVERS WHO PURCHASED THEIR CARS FROM US WILL TELL YOU THAT OURS Jfl A SAFE PLACE TO BUY J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co, Farnam at 2«th. HA. 071 • Open Today Many makea—many modala on dtaplay not Hated above. COME UP AND LOOK THEM ALL OVER BEFORE YOU BUY GOOD automobiles at honest value* Tou don't take anybody a word for these cars, drive them yourself and If at auy time within seven days from data of sale you decide that tty* service la not In the car bring It back and we will ellow you full purchase price on any car In our stock. What could be fairer? 1921 Dodge tour ing. good condition and new tires, $500. Kxcellent Ford sedan, must be seen to be appreciated, $376. Kxcollent 192$ Durant sedan. This car la practically usw and can be bought at a right price. 1921 Wlllya-Knight coupe, you can't get these very often, $1,100. Many others. Open evenings Terms without finance < harge Wiliys-Qverland, Inc. 2682 Km main .Hi HA 0353. NF.VV AND UHKD - Mrs if A HARO K IN Ford care and trucks. $60 and up Ford bod lea and winter fopa Cara gold on terms to reliable parties. OOLDBTROM AUTO HALF* CO. Central Oarage Open Day and Night DIM tU1.00o Don't need the car. John W l orn* \ Osreo’s. I o»wa. 1917 FORD sedan. Just overhauled, In A -1 shape. For this bargain cell Mr I». L Harney, AT. 9270 or Farnam __ NEW and used Fords, rash or tertna C. K. PAULSON MOTOR to, Authorised Ford and Lincoln Dealers 20th and Arne* Ave Ke VIU h I I 1 IMA k I i r hlS CSi la Just the one you have been looking for Cali AT. 9270 or 20(18 Farnam hi 1920 MAXWELL roadster, run Fes than 9.00b miles, completely overhauled, good tires and paint Ilk- new, $200 Phone .\3L'4 C01 Harrison HI , Council Bluffs 1921 Roadster fully equipped. f» new lire*, perfect condition. must be sold at once t'all AT, 9072 FSI |» CAltM THAT CAN BE I HKl» Nl BPAHKA fII.D0MUBILE CO IJotvaiU si lath. At. 17i0. A I AUTOMOBILES ^ Auto* for Sale .13 1921 Ford touring, Id This car must ha seen to be appreciated. Call AT, 9270 or 2066 Farnam. _ NEWLY overhauled car, bargain for sale or trade for Ford coupe. 1933 S. 61st Ht. WA_1692._ _ ______ USED CARHT O. N. Bonney Motor Co. 2664 Farnam. ON E-t Guilders. Contractors .22 M. A. ZONA, cement contractor, do any kind of concrete work at * real low pm e. such a* basemnet floors, sidewalk*, ga rage floor*, driveway*, cement steps, city cr country. Phone MA. 0198. CEMENT Blocks—Best in Omaha DIAMOND CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. 42d and Parker WA. €773 CALL HA. 6627 or MA. 0694 for expert sodding, seeding hedging or trimming. GARDNERS. __ \ " Dsnring Academic* .23 I,earn to dan - foe 94 at KEEPS 1911 Farnam. Claeses Mon., Wed. and Frl nights. Dancing Tues.. Thurs , Hat. and Hun. nights. Private lessons by appoint ! ments._JA. 9479___ l)«lMtlv» Atenrin .24 RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland Bldg. JA. 2094; night, KB. 9912._ JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cssea._AT 1136 ti,tract" fluildr-rn. 25 GET our jr. es on complete garages M>r rlson Lumber A Coal Co._ WE 6 561. Moving, Storage .2t» FIDELITY STilRAGE A V AN ~CCh MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Good*. Pianos, Office Furnltnre. 1107-11 HOWARD HT. _ JA 02l9. EXPERT China, furniture pecker*, fire- < proof storage. Phone JA 1604. The Terminal WarenouM Co.. 702 South 10th V sdu • ESTIMATE furn on packing., mov. and storing Contracts taken hy Job or hour. Globe Van A Storage Ca JA. 4336. AT. 0230 Grossman A* Hon*, own era. WE MOVE LONG DISTANCE _PHONE AT. 3496._ — Moving—Packing—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co _2J» N. 11th Ht. Phone JA *033 BEK INS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE H«th and Leavenworth Sta Parking, mov ■ l * MOVING, hauling, city or country. 8od Wl Milliners, Dressmaker* ......... 27 DRESSMAKING— FI rat rj«*«i dressmaking: six >«*ar* New York experience; cne year Chi' ago VV E ’ - 1’aintlnc. I’aiM-rinc . Jd PAINTING. paperhanging House repair ing of ail kinds. Prewar prices. WE. 1979__ TAPERING, PAINTING. WALLPAPER i *L KA NINO. CA LL HA. 79 7 4 _ STUCCO painting, paperhanging. WE 4666. Painting, paperhanging K*ilogg. We. 9668 Patent Attorney* .29 J. W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney. 171J Dodge, room 209 Also Washington. P. Kodak Finishing NA FILMS DEV>£IOPED fRMl The Knulitn Co. 290* I,r»v#nworth FILMS i ■ 1 fret Price Rat here Friday KA8K •Tt’Pin, 216 Neville Block Print cm* Engraver* . 31 k~l M 19 JA II Professional Semrn, X Raja .IS I’RLSCIUPTIUNS carefully compounded at the > Shfinun * Me on n-il Drug Stores KMaI v Bayi . MM DKNTAIi X-ray lOo each; 93 full s«t )t aril ‘ ■ am Services Offered . .31 I V\> lie A I’iNt; Re din* sodding and shrubbery. HA Or* i 7 W .1 Burback. AUTO painting, good work. John Dra* bek, 2 201 R 1.1*»» Ht . Omaha. Call JA. 2909 HAUlTfh’ti wnhea. rubbish, furniture tnov* i Ing Ton truc k K K, I0b3. UAH fu**! lines run. Claa stoves repaired and regulated and connected JA 9f0|. SODDING H K KI > i N U I.AWNl \ CIALTY KK 3194 1 1. I 4 ^ educational""^ Ituninrvi t olli'ur. . 8; KXI'K.It l KN'i T* D comptometer operator* are always in demand If you are not an operator an eight week*' enure** In the Compfomete* sthnul will fit you to hold uni* of these desirable positions that me always open If you must work, why not prepare an that you will *et the moat for > nur lima' Let us tell you about our day and evening « lasses COMPTOMICl Kit SCHOOL. 300 Courtney Hlnck “'The school that Graduate* Ftperta'* I. A Y Ml HUUI. NIIIHT ftCHOOU Complete couraea in atrouHlincy, ma chine bookkeeping. cotnptomet ry, ahorl hand and typewriting, railroad and wire leas telegraphy, civil service and all Kni llsli and commercial branches Write, tail or phone Jackson 1991k for largs Ulus Hated coining Address Hi>V I.I S CVLLKUIC. Boy Irs Bldg, Utuahu, Nsb. educational"""^ Business Colleges . 37 EIGHT to 12 wee s | ‘pare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American College. 1912 Farnam. VAN RANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 8 E Cor. Nineteenth and Douglas. Ja. 6890. General Instruction . 39 WANTED—-Railway postal clerks. Com ment e 11.600 year Men 1*8 to 35. Ex amination* everywhere May 26. Specimen quest Iona free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 216 B. Roch ester, N. Y TYPISTS—-Author* a me tl to $3 50 a thousand words for copying anti correcting their inauacrip**. If you want part of this spare time work, write at once R J. Carnes, Authors' Copyist. Dept. 82, Tallapoosa, Ga. MEN over 18 polling to travel. Make secret Investigations. Reports salary and expenses. Experience unnecessary. Write J. Ganor, former Govt. Detective, St I.ouia. GIRLS—Women, 18 up, $95-1150 month. Government position, steady work, llat free. Write Immediately. Franklin In at it ut< Dept 657 B, Rochester, N. Y RAILWAY postal < I erks, $1,600 ~fir*t year. Omaha examination May 26. Speci men questions free Apply today, 897 B, Add re* a Y-2I16, Omaha Bee. DETECTIVES-—Needed everywhere: rood pay; interesting work, experience unnec essary Write International Detective Ex change, Chicago-a to learn barber trade; big demand, wages while learning: strictly modem. Cell or write 1403 Dodge 8t Tri-City Barber College MOLEH BAR BER COL LEG e7~ 11ft 8. 141 h St. Write for -analog. ^ EMPLOYMENT ^ Help Wanted—Female . 44 SALESWOMAN* and buyer f«*r general store In Wyoming town of l.ftOO popula tion Salary $llf. to 115®. Call at Y W. C. A employment office. HOC 8EKEEP E Rw a n ted on farm for three. State wages wanted in first let ter Address J. D Marsh. Griswold, la . Rout e 2_ WANT* ^ k \y to work at SOI la fountain. Apply Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. General Office 24 floor, lfth and Farmcm. _ WILL pay girl’s tuition through busi ness college for some light offb e ■ .. RELIABLE woman for general house work liar Z*hi.__ N’T maid for get Must be good • ook. Reference* WA. ^*27». housework, no laundry. WA 3550 WANTED—A white maid for general housework HA 3100. 115 N 32J WANTED—A good white maid with ref * «4 NEAT appearing .*ffSr- girl; amall saiar> , > ' K ellne B illdtng. GIRL for general housework, refer^nc-s required,_two In family _ 303 S_(2nd_St Help \N tntrd—Malt .45 EXPERIENCED CAR REPAIRERS W ANTED— EX V KR1KNCED i* A R REPAIRERS APPLY AT SI PERI NTENDENT OF SHOP'S OK PICE l' N ION PACIFIC. I1TH AND CASS STS WANTED EXPERIENCED SHOE FADES MAN. Permanent position. *© .Experience un• netrssary Largest concern of its kind In the world. Our men now getting $?t»0 week I v Lowest mine price* duran t.e Coal Mining Co. )«fl Wall St. • 1 go._ _ MEN- $.16 to $56 weekly In your spare lima doing special advertising work among the families of y our city: no e* perlence neceanarv Wtlte today for full parficulats ArnetPan Products Co, 516.1 American Bldg., Ctmlnnatl. o Mill! I •' • ' V • i u i; • ■ t rf m ;.*h t. ' • lots, chandeliers, beda autos by new method We atari you without capital Write tiunmental Co. 137 Ohl. Decatur. Illinois WANTED hour Don't wrrlte. come at once Ernest Itnkahr Sons, rats Swift A Co. Colum bus N•h _ STATB-NAItY engineer wanted for tern porary work Must have third grsde ll cense Apply IMaul Superintendent. Ala rntto Dairy. S6th and Leavenworth SALESMAN Age 27 to 35 Muat have ahlllty, reference*. expenses and $140 Walts Kef Co. 113 First National bank i EMPLOYMENT H«lp Wanted—Male ...4* I.A l'I KS ! u *U 't hi hi] 1 r I.ux xarnplen while handling nur high grade hoxlery. i'omni:« sion to capable women. Mr Tice, JA. 4»a ». Omaha and Nebraska town*._ yol \i; couple or middle-aged man and wife t«. work on farm; long job. Address John Hoyt, Nap#r, Hah Bt*S boy for 1S01 Karnam St. Caii Mon* day morning.__ Young man to work evening*. 1H01 Far* nam. Call Monday morning._ DIARY hand. *65 to $75 per month and board. Apply 516 S 10th_St.__ j CARPENTER HELPER, with tool* HA. ! LP*9- - Help—Male or Female . *6 J AGENTS^-Wanted, men end women 10 sell guaran'eed silk hosiery; good propo. ! sit.on to producers. Style Silk Hosiery Co., 1 :-39 Lefiang Bldg. Agents, Salesmen .47 DISTRICT SALES MANGERS $20,000. An old established well-known and weil-rated firm has opening* m Omaha. Grand Island. Lincoln. Springf eld. Jefferson City, Jop lin Wichita Topeka and Inde pendence tKansas) for the dis tribution of a nationally advertised hou-ehold appliance. Applicants must b« under 37 years of age. of mature Judgment and have an enormous capacity for work. An essential requirement Is experience and ability to attract, train and hold i» large sales organization. The selling plan contemplate* dis tribution through retail store* ar.d is based on aggressive and Inten sive seliing methods To ths right men. on a minimum earning capacity of $20,000 per annum, will be extended a very favorable contra* t with long-time prote**. non. Your r* ply will be confiden ! tie' and if favorable & persona! Interview will b* arranged In replying give phone number Ad j t dre*s Y-2317, Omaha Bee A BL E. EX PERI ENCBD SALESMAN 1 Who ran successful/ deal with executives aa an equal. ,'1 . this man we offer an egreptiona! op t »rtnuity to capitalize hie experience and .1 with a large, responsible or , ganfzatton , Our axles have been steadily climbing for more than l# years, each year's totsl exceeding the previous one We spend over $40".000 annually in national •over using; our business is sound, our field Is widening, and the man selected will have genu ne opportoulty for growth In per sonal power and lncom*. This !• not a - k. hnr.d, or in«ur»n' e propoe • on U e prefer man wPh the following quail f;>‘Atlor.s: l Between agea of 2* and ! 4*. 2 High school or college educa t on * Demonstrated earning capacity I of et $1,4M per year Flnanloal ar I r-* r.g • menta satisfactory for the r ght man. Telephone for a;po.ntment, Mr Mau*. Hotel Fontenelle. I ». ni to 4 p m Mat ; urad> or Monday I___ _> HIGH GRADE SPECIALTY SALESMEN, attention Tlie United Aluminum corporation of St Louis have vacancies for three ! classed specialty men to sell the Per fee. ; lion Trade Builder Each sale pays $27.74 j commission beside liberal bonus w hen rea sonable total is reached We have let ters from mmhauls stating that <>ur proposition has incre i«" U their bualn^aa *0 per cent to 100 per cent Big mail orders on which salesman receives credit Good exclusive territory . commission paid weekly For personal interviews phone or write M H Grossman. District Sales Man ager. 2IS Mouth Eighth Mt . Council Bluffs. I Phone 4 4$__ STOCK SAL EMM KN I Come to cool Colorado and Join us In offering most eiceptlona! dividend pay ng pax king house and feed yards issue in entire country Personnel of manage ment and bank references very best. Positively no advances but best of co-oper ation gt\en all produters. Men having ex perience In exchanging stocks. bonds* etc. especially desired UNITED STATES FINANCE CORPORATION 522 Foster Building. Denver. Colo SAI.FSMKN Experienced general retail furniture a.iiq»man for cash and time pay ment store . Young or middle aged mar r.rd man preferred Must be a capalx* salesman, reliable. health), of good char acter and habits, pleasing appearance, forceful personality OlVe age. refer whether married, where and hoar long you worked at last similar position, how much wages you expect Steady poai lion at good pay with old-established house for right person Don't apply un less experienced Write or see L. C. George. 41ft S. 19th St.. Omaha SHOE SALESMEN? Two thoroughly experienced retail shoe salesmen can make excellent, permanent connections with the largest manufacture era of shoe accessories in the world These men will be placed in old. estab lished concentrated territories. wjiere they can live at home and work their territories by making abort, periodic trips, position offer* many attractions includ ing good sa'ane*. ail expenses, with addi tional commission bonus. For interview phone Mr Fellers Monday or Tuesday at the Fontenelle Hotel SAl.k.SMI.X—The Blanchard company. Aurora. III., hn« unusual opportunity for experienced specialty salesman Line com prise* exclusive ar calendars, holiday greetings, direct by-mail advertising anil high grade pencils and specialties Liber a! com mission contra t . weekly advances exclusive territory !’• rmunmi connection with established house a leader in Its field Slate experience full) T II G»ad> Dire tor of Sale*. The Hi an. hard iv ‘ wholesale coal corporation to solicit car load order* for finest quality bard and soft coala from combined consumers for shipment direct from mine Saves users 25 per cent or more Store*. factories, v. h.•.»!.- instltut m 11-m. « are .•*v ■. Mild Our men making $S oeti to fte.ben ' > e.*i rly Some working .apitaf tircexaary In the b.ginning N.» exp.-nerne requited ‘ Boy 1st on Coal Co. *475 S Harms Ave, Chicago • proof of $ to 115 dai.y New «tvie guaranteed h.»alery, R? styles. IS colors Neither experience ner capital needed Just show samples. t.»ke o’der* W* de liver and collect Your pay daily All I transpot tation charges paid Monthly) bonus beside* 7 palis hose guaranteed 7 m. nth*. 117.' Complete outfit furnished, all color*, grades, including *tlk* Mao o 1 Ghre Mill* Co. Suite 2671. Cincinnati. Ohio SALESMEN- Only on** sale taPv i>. in* i2o*1 per month Five sales. 91.060 monthly Main or aide line xtarvricu* new I II* adding machine Hetail* 115 00 Work equal* IS00 machine sub tracts, multipile*, divides. *u's»matica|l>. Speedy. accurate. durable, hnitd*omc live year guarantee Trem *\ d *u* .»» n»an*t Amaaing ptoflt* Write quick fo» liberal trial offer and prote i»d t,r*t L*r> Lightning Calculator Cv» . lsu» Is, A* rand KaplvD, MU h \ ^ EMPLOYMENT Agents, Salesmen ...4? AOKNTS—We start you in buainsrr. fur I niehing everyth ng. men and women, *'r portunjty lifetime to earn 130 to I10‘l v* kjy operaing our "New System Spe rfalty Tandy Fatoriea." home oi email room anywhere. Vaiubaie randy hook free ‘V. Hlllyer Ragsdale. Drawer 134. East i Orange N J j AGENTS—Jua* ou-: Brand new !n\*n j tlon. Tn limited sales. Retail only |! ao Sell every Ford, Star. Overland and Chev | rolet or> sight Fifty rales a day easy— 130 profit. Going like wildfire. Write ! ‘iui‘ k f*>r details Address Perrin Co . ' 227 Michigan St . Toledo. O : from our sale* force* past week w •* have *^ several Immediate varsiK i<-» in city aaley. j Omaha and Council Bluffs; I9f> and ui weekly. Previous rales eaperience un necessary Call Monday. 9 a m to 2 i p m Room 252. Rrandeis Theater Bldg "AGENTS—92 hour lift dav D’r* •■ib*’* * i new |2 25 household articles free to I ladle* our guaranteed good# Experience unnecessary Part time satis factory. Pay every day. 8amp!es fee# i Jenning* Mfg Co. District D-2143. Day. ■ ton, Ohto. t’OLLEOE graduates. men and lade* with college training. We will pay of |per week, and over th » •ummer for those who will meet our reou *-emeiite and study our hur:n«“ «emble m office. 2d floor, 1 € 14 Harney, 7 p. m Monday._ 3ALESMAM You- opportunity • * with us Call be tween * and JO a. m. 407 Brand#:-* Theater Bid? r.V—Han't?*?* and repreaer tivea, four pair lad V silk ho*# S' GO. ruaranteed $1 00 to representative*. IIOO.OO per week to managers with 500 00# district •'ample* r.n credit letter .•* Q- • Co., Lexington. Ky. SALESMEN can *am $10 or mor* i daily selling our Ford accessory as side ! i.M SelD for illustrated circular and propost ion. Myndera Manufacturing Company. ! Memphis Ter v AGENTS—We need 500 responsible men ; *nd women •* oore to handle jur business In all localities and send ua ord-m fc r>ur 350 products If you n*ai buei : writ* row American Produ- s Co >‘■.•4 2 - A^^rrlcan bid?.. Cincinnati. O. SAIFS MANAGER For thriving education ins* tut ion. salary • 250 Wen? young man who will invest _ ’$1,000 Give ar* *xp*rier. * and educe- m - I tkm. Addr*a< W-152. Omaha Bee. ■I mat ifactorer want* •• it. - ii complete lin* of sh.rta dir- ? -e I wearer. Exclusive patterns Big values. F*T*e samples. Madia* n Mills 50$ Broad I way. .V. Y__ [AGENT®—M*r. wnrr.en. salary $75 fwl\ t!m* $1 50 an hour spare time s Mng ih* genuine guaranteed hosiery 4!.yc? to *[**r*r i| !!n» fnta*natfunal i Knitting M !*a. Norristown Pa SALESMAN—$150 month and expenses selling merchants our line Expert* r-: i not required Send addressed eavel >pe for information Box 115. H gh Coin-. AGENTS—B.g money aelling MP»cV*N .'■h:rts“ dire* ; to wearer. Late*: p,ti - terns. Proposition entirely new. Com* I Pl*ie ^mple line free Packard Shir; *v • 10 s. w*n> Chicago AGENTS—District mHRjpn 175 week r selling guaranteed silk hosiery to con’, turner*, spare tune satisfactory Fifth Avenue Hosiery Co, Box 5«. Station O New York. AOENTS—4’hewing gum. sc’! to dea'*»* Agent* make big money. Four flavors, novel package*. Write todav for exclus ive proposition Helmet Gum company. Cincinnati. WOMEN OF EDI'CATION TO TRAY1K1 ir Colorado during summer Interesting * * k akm? school lines; salary, commis and railroad fare paid Call Mr* Davis JA *0#Y SAI KSM \N—If \ u want this year, writ# b*'« Strong line for retail stores Nationally adx*erti»‘«i; established t-on rern. Liberal weekly advance* to pro dmer Th- Continental Co. 1070 E-j hd i*1 eve;and O, Dept lit A«, ENTS -- T-a-ge manufacturer wants agents s*!l hosiery direct to consumer salary com mission $ 4*> experience unnec *«sa-v part time permitted Helix Mills • EF Broadway. New York. A'.KN.N— -w * Wl.; pay you to distribute religious literature in your i nimanln >teedv work Man or woman Experience unnecessary A t’.y Universal Bible House. Philadelphia. AGENTS—U* dally tak ng orders, union ntad- raincoat and outfit. fj.gj. we de liver and collect. Wire or write Eastern Raincoat Co. tl3-tJi Roosevelt Rd Chi cago._ S A I.ESMKN- Nt w auto t ube.- seals its own punctures, fully guaranteed Car owners buy on sight, when demonstration is shown. Harrison Mfg Co. Hammond. Tnd SALESMEN — Money-making apacisltlee manufactured by us Want real gpectaltv salesmen Write us If you can produce result*. Krvder Shepard Co Kansas City, Mo AGE. NTH—fit* .» month made by Me Burt com selling our spices, extracts, soaps, et Write for terms and territory. I ••-assta Co . Dept 11T. St Louis. Mo W L have opening for several experienced h. s -ry «!• sman n state of Nebraska and Iowa Write or call JIT Arthur Bldg, "nuh* Neb. AGENTS—$2 an hour Newest " k1fchen tool Every woman uses JO times dallv f ^ich se'ier Hig profits Sample free Thomns Mfg Co. bosk <44. Payton. O v NK S \ KS MEN WANT El toal to your trade In carload Jots Earn ' '* t v In an hour Wash ng n Coal V° Su' k Yards Station Chicago AGKXTS W anted, ao*p agei ■ eel! •" ' 1 ' 1 'd iets No m ' ' ' .11 -d Wr>te Lmro company. Dept. J1J. St Lou*. • ■' ’ ' cn «- Write the Ray Kusler Co . Johnstown, a'' shirt line, for Jobbing and department stole t *nde Answer with reference* to la Ea.o hh'rt Co *4o liroadwey, New \ork city. 1 • • »% . • men in Neb and Iowa Address Whx Omaha Reo 9LI.L something to dealers with a fu ture our plan repeats. * ou gel vours. in - v^GPUe Hex W.ffl. Omaha Dee CAJPAHI r young sales »dt» n bakery dept Hef.-rents- Non hr up A Jones 1(1] Ear ns m_ Situation* Warned- I . «i« is li*M SI-KEEPER wants position Yeung, nrai refine,] widow ' ole Van An*. ■ ‘ v N M« c " h.ta. K a a Sitiiatltigi* W anted—Malr 49 Pi AStKRER First Css* nonunion *|*» around man Can step a oug W-IP4. Rea K\J’KKli'\0;|. e t > wants postGon Add..»K tdi s *Mh St Phone MA !«)< v* L- ** yenr* old wsnta work. W A SHO, a