The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 11, 1923, LAST MAIL EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    Former Senator
Welcomed Home
Chamber of Commerce Gives
Luncheon in Honor of Re
turn of Omahan.
-— /
Gilbert M. Hitchcock, former
L’nlted States senator, was officially
welcomed back to Omaha and private
life at an Omaha Chamber of Com
merce luncheon yesterday in the
chamber dining room.
Mr. Hitchcock was presented by W.
F. Baxter, who represented the cham
ber as chairman. Mr. Baxter com
merited on the fitness of the welcome,
called attention to the reputation
gained by Mr. Hitchcock during his
lengthy term In public oftlce and ex
pressed the belief that the ex-senator
is well-fitted to hold even more re
sponsible posts.
v Glad to Return.
Expressing happiness over his re
turn to Omaha, Mr. Hitchcock called
attention to the metropolitan charac
teristic^ of this £lty as compared to
those of the same population in other
localities. He traced the fundamental
causes of Omaha's growth to, first of
all, the Missouri river, and, second,
to the establishment of the I'uion Pa
cific railroad and the resulting es
tablishment of other railroads.
He warned his audience that Oma
ha should take steps to retain Its
commanding situation as a railroad
center In view of (lie proposed merger
plan. He also urged the development
of territory tributary to Omaha as a
means of Insuring the continued
growth of Omaha.
Deflation Predicted.
Then, turning his attention to in
ternational 'affairs, Mr. Hitchcock as
serted that this country “is to a very
large extent dependent for its pros
perity on conditions in all parts of
the world.” He declared the United
States is producing a large surplus
which it is not able to sell because of
the Inability of European countries
to buy. He advanced the theory that
this country must face another della
tion period in the near future, and
closed by urging some participation
by the United States in world affairs
to restore the prosperity of the
New Victor Records
Special Issue
Dearest (You’re the Nearest to My Heart) Georgie Price
Morning Will Come (from “Bombo”) Georgie Price
First Victor record by this big vaudeville artist who can not only sing but
whistle. Both numbers are (ox trot songs in the most winning of popular
styles. The voice is clear, and distinct—so is the whistle. Something
you will enjoy. No. 19047 lO-inch. List Price 75c
Out Where the Blue Begins John Steel
Mother’s Love Elliott Shaw
New favorites of popular character. John Steel has a tenor song of God’s
country, which is any place where the streets come to an end. Elliott
Shaw has a sympathetic baritone song, especially appropriate for
Mother’s Day. No. 19053 lO-inch. List Price 75c
You Tell Her—I Stutter—Fox Trot
Original Pennsylvania Serenaders
That Red Head Gal—Fox Trot The Collegians
Two ripping fox trots by two organizations new to Victor records. The
Pennsylvania Serenaders come from Lancaster Co., Pa., but are particularly
well'known in the South. The Collegians are real college men—from
Cornell University. No. 19049 lO-inch. List Price 75c
Liza—Fox Trot Zez Confrey and His Orchestra
Down Among the Sleepy Hills of Ten-Ten-Tennessee
—Fox Trot The Great White Way Orchestra
Great piano rhythm work in “Liza”.—some of the finest we have ever heard.
Both this and its companion are in the strictest up-to-date fox trot style and
easily danced to, for the public “Fox Trot Marathon” or the simple home
celebration. No. 19055 lO-inch. List price 75c
Hear the above Victor Records
on any of these Victrolas
You can always depend upon Victor Records for whatever
is newest and best in music, and this special list presents the
latest popular “hits.” Played on the Victrola, with a Victrola
Tungs-tone Needle, they give a quality of reproduction which can
be secured through no other combination. The three Victrolas
below are representative of the eighteen styles from $25 up.
Victrola No. 260
Victrola No. Ill
Electric, $265
Victrola No. 230
Klrctric, $415
r . Victr »la
Look for these trade -marks. Under the lid. On the label
Victor Talking Machine Company, Camdon.N.j.
Benson Students Stars of Home Talent
Photoplay to Be Filmed at Krug Park
Itensnn High school students who are the movie stars of a home 5
talent photoplay.
Scenes of the "elopement” of the scenario are to be filmed at Krug
park Saturday and Sunday in order that the crowd there may be tire
“extras” for the picture.
Home talent plays used to he quite
the thing. Now home talent motion
pictures seem to ho getting a grip
on the amateurs' fancy. Benson is
an example of this. A few years back
the high school students and the
younger folk would have picked a
popular downtown opera house to
stage their home talent show But
now they go out and contract with a
| film company to depict their celluloid
j tragedians and comedians.
Paul Monroe and Grace Vodica are
playing the leading roles in the ama
teur play. Of course there must he a
villain and in this particular play
the long whiskered, grouchy-looking
individual is "Doc" Connelly, lie
plays the part of the Irreconcilable
father who won’t give his ear to the
Dramatic Appeal
in Fraud Trial
| Ex-Mayor Smith Pleads for
\X illard Mathews and Fi\e
Young Defendants.
Former Mayor E<1. 1*. Smith yester
day made a dramatic appeal in federal
court before the jury hearing the
Colonial Timber anti Coal corporation
case, for his client, Willard V.
Mathews, former head of the Pioneer
i State hank, Guaranty Securities com
pany and other hanking Institutions
now defunct. He was the first of 12
1 attorneys who will speak on behalf
of the 13 defendants.
! Mr. Smith made a special appeal
; for five young men among the defend
"Elves Before Them.**
"I hold no brief for any of these,"
he said. "I sin attorney for Willard
] V. Mathews and I speak with «u
thortty from him wh>n 1 say. apply
the lash If you will to his back, hut
stay the rod from these young men.
They merely did what their employer
asktd when they gave th«" notes as
charged by the government. They
hive their lives before them. My
client’s life lies chiefly behind him.
"If pun shment Is demanded, apply
the branding iron to him. You know
that at the opening of this trial he
was and had been for some time in
the penitentiary and at the clone of
the trial he will return thither to
bear the punishment demanded for
improper use of the funds of his
" Valedictorj ” S [h it] i
Mr. Smith declared this was his
"valedictory” speech before a Jury,
his family having prevailed upon him
to discontinue active trial work.
H s partners, W. A. Schall, Frank
Howell, former United States attor
ney, and Frank Sheehan, were present.
Special Prosecutor W. C. Dorsey for
the government finished a six honr
speech Just before Mr. Smith started.
Mr. Dorsey spoke five hours Wednes
day and one yesterday morning
Pupils in Recital
Forty eight juvenile piano pupils of
Mrs. DeRoy Saveli jiartlcipated in a
recital Wednesday night In tha as
seniblv ris in of Schtnoller A Muel
ler. 1 iilft iKdge s'leet. Parents and
friends encouraged the young play
ers in their musical endeavors.
cJLook Jbr this
in the
Keep tfic a/i
1eurui yru
Keep it
Mid-West Electric Co., Omaha, Neb., Distributor
NEBRASKA POWER CO., 15th and Fanmm Sts.
JAMES UtlRR ELECTRIC. CO., 1413 Dod*e St.
E. B. WILLIAMS, 1906 Fanmm St.
CHAS. NEJEP1NSKY, 1252 S. 13th St.
THOS. DURKIN, 2223 Cumin* St.
HODGE ELECTRIC CO„ ^508 N. 24th St.
CITY OF EDGAR, E.l*ar, Neb.
UNITED ELECTRIC CO., Lrxin*toii, Neb.
W. B. MILLS, McCook. Neb.
THE WATER A LIGHT t O.. Nebraska City, Neb
TEK H ELECTRIC CO.. Oakland, Neb.
NEBRASKA GAS A ELI < IRK < o., Osceola, Neb.
I II. FOWLER, Paxton, Neb.
NEBRASK A G\S & El FCTRIC CO., Plattsmouth, Neb.
W. A IIISCOX. Wavne, Nob
(•MAR G. FLEMING. Wilsonville. Neb.
DEAN a CO , York, Ni b.
marriage or his lair daughter.
So Paul Monroe and Grace t'odica
whisk away and get married. Hotly 1
pursued by infuriated "fatha" they I
seek to evade him In Krug park.
They ride the big dip, the caterpillar: !
they squirm their way through
crowds that squarm around the tank i
where the “Girl In Red" makes dar- ,
ing dives on beautiful Arabian horse: ;
they dance in the huge Krug park ;
pavilion. Hut they can t lose father. J
One situation brings up another, j
and the narrative moves swiftK-.
All the film has been completed ex- ,
cept the part which pertains to Krug l
park, which opens Saturday. In or- !
dor to have the crowds and make it
realistic, the filming was deferred un
til Saturday and Sunday, so Krug
will look, something like Hollywood
while the camera sleuths grind off
reams of film on these two days,
while the park |«>trons. wholly un
suspectingly play the part of extra,"
look on.
-The ••York'
Can be had In Adam brown,
red mahogany or American
walnut. A beautiful exam
ple of fine Brannwrick cabi
net work.
A Gift For Mother
On Mother’s Day
Dad and the hide are getting together to plan a surprise for
Mother, on Mother's Day. They want to show her how they
lore and appreciate her.
How can they beat express this*
Here Is the solution—A Brunswick phonograph And, truly,
they could think of notnlng that would he »o acceptable.
Mother has always wanted a phonograph. >he love* musle*
ret she doesn't get time to go out to hear much good music.
But The Brunswick brings It all to ber. She <-tn hear all tho
world's great artists, all the singers and instrumental stars,
all the new dance mnslc, all the bright popular new songs in
her own home.
Dad. suppose yon and the kids rovne In and see this beautiful
Brunswick, the York. Hear it. Note how perfectly it inter
prets the mnslc of greatest artists. It plays all records with
abaolnte fidelity. Let ns dellrer one at your houss Mother'!
Day - and we caa arrange terms to suit you.
Victor and Brunswick Record
Suggestions for Mother’s Day
Break the News to
Dreaming of Home
and Mother
Dress My Mother
I’m in Hegven When
I'm in My Moth
er's Arms
Ireland Must B;
Just as Your Mother
Just Before the Bat
Little Mother of M ne
Mother Machree
Mother My Dear
Mother of My Heart
Mother o' Mine
Mother's Love
Mother's Lullaby
Mother’s P r a y e rs
Have Followed Me
My Mother
My Mother Bids Me
My Mother’s Eve
ning Prayer
My Mother's Prayer
My Mother’s Rosary
Rock Me to Sleep
Somebody's Mother
Take Me Back tt
Home and Mother
Tell Mother
That Old Irish
That Wonderful
Those Songs My
Mother Used
Was There Ever a
You're the Best Llfc
tie Mother
Phonograph Department—Main Floor—West
Refining Co.
Announces the Opening of
Another New Omaha
Service Station
At 13th & Martha Sts.
Saturday, May 12th
Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil
To each customer purchasing
five or more gallons of gasoline
at this station on the opening day
A Carnation for Each Lady Customer
For Convenience Use Sinclair Coupon Books
Sinclair Coupons are redeemable for gasoline and Oils
at Sinclair Service Stations or the Stations of Dealers
handling Sinclair Products in Omaha or elsewhere.