The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 05, 1923, LAST MAIL EDITION, Page 9, Image 9

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    Ak-Sar-Ben Rodeo
on; 6,000 Sought
300 Cowboy Hustler* Start
This Morning to Lasso
, r. .
* More than 300 business and profes
sional men, among them many lead
ers in the city's business and civic
life, forgot everyday worries and
troubles Thursday night and Intro
duced a little of the old^vild west into
“Powder River. ’er buck; 6.000
or hust,'' was the yell of the evening.
It was the gathering of more than
300 cowboy hustlers at the Fontenelle
corral (hotel* for the big feed at which
time final instructions were given for
the big Ak-Sar-Ben membership
#The opening of the roundup had
been set for Monday morning, but,
because of the eagerness of the cow
boys to start lassoing for members,
0\erseer J. E. Davidson of the Ak
Sar-Ben ranch, chairman of the
membership committee, announced
that the roundup for members would
he started yesterday morning.
The 300 cowboys hope to lasso
6,000 members before May 14.
*“It will be done. It must be done
for Ak-Sar-Ben never has failed and
never will," Mr. Davidson said as he
obtained the pledge from each cow
Bark to Old Days.
Instead of the usual banquet
tables, covered with shining white
linens and lined with shining silver
ware, the workers were greeted with
long tables made of old rough pine
boards. Instead of the usual polished
rhinaware, there was nothing to be
found but tin plates, tin cups and
old fashioned knives. forks and
It was back to the old days of our
grandparents, as brought out in a
speeqh by Mayor Dahlinan, Omaha's
™ real Cowboy mayor.
Every man wore - a red bandana
handkerchief around his neck as cow
hoys^did In the good old days, as told
in the western story books.
The gathering of the business men
to receive their final Instructions was
the most Inspiring held here sinco
the war days, Mr. Davidson told
them. "Such spirit makes big
cities," he said. “Lack of such spirit
is what prevents towns from becom
ing cities.”'
Leaders of Omaha civic life 3at at
the speakers’ table. Among them
were George Brandeis. Ward Burgess.
Charles Black. Jay Foster. Everett
Buckingham, John L. Kennedy. J. E.
Davidson, John Gamble, Rooert
Trimble and Nelson B. Updike. Mr.
Updike had as his guest at this ta
ble Frank Woods of Milwaukee, one
of the owners of the Harley-Davldson
Motorcycle company.
Compliment* Newspaper*.
Mr. Davidson opened the meeting
with a welcome and told his listen
ers that he had faith that they would
not fall Ak-Sar-Ben in thia crisis.
The newspapers of OniAha espe
cially have been wonderful to ua In
this campaign.” said Mr. Davidson.
Overseer in Charge of
Ak-Sar-Ben Roundup
"They always do their share in the
great civic undertakings. With their
support and your work, we can't
Mayor Dahman emphasized the im
portance of the responsibility of the
cowboys in making the roundup a
success, advising them that only
team work as In the days of the old
fashioned roundup will make this
modern roundup a success.
"You men are making history
now," said Mayor Dahlman. "Let's
carry on. Every man sit In the sad
dle until the job is completed. Then
only do you pass into the ranks of
the veteran cowboy. I know, for I
spent many years in the saddle and
I was a good cowboy, too."
Everett Buckingham, president of
the Ak Sar-Ben, spoke of the won
derful work of the big boosting or
ganization since ita birth. 27 years
.ago. “Omaha owes support to Ak
Sar-Ben," he said.
"Samson." in the person of Secre
tary Charles Gardner, read the final
instructions to the woikers.
Kennedy Makes Snappy Talk.
The chief address of the evening
was made by John L. Kennedy. It
was a serious survey of the civic re
sponsibilities of the citizens' of
"Get out pf your mind that ‘George
is going to do it,’ he said. "That has
wrecked 'many organizations in civic
undertakings. Do your share and so
will George. Always remember that
you are not begging when you ask
a man to Join Ak Sar-Ben. You are
doing him a favor. You are bestow
ing upon him a special privilege and
he should thank you for tendering
him an application card.
"It is a privilege to live in Omaha
and It is a privilege to Join the Ak
Sar-Ben. I have been its counsel for
27 years and I know.
"Out of 200,000 persons in Omaha
Ak-Sar-Ben should have 10.000 mem
bers. It shouldn't be a difficult task
to get 8,000 members. A man who
won't join the Ak'.’Sar-Ben is a Rip
Van Winkle and should be awakened
to his civic responsibilities. Let's
wake them up.
“We raised millions during the war
Comfort and Style Combined
CHARM and character are permanent features
of Fiy’s Feminine Footwear. In addition,
super - style and super - comfort make them
They offer every assurance of long, satis
factory wear and are available at prices
unusually low considering quality.
Dainty Cut-Out Oxfords and Strap Pumps
$6.00 $9.00
for destruction. Thank God sc nun
have an opportunity to woik to con
struct: to make our city a bigger and
a better city in which to live; a city
of w hich we will all be proud.”
Funny Stunt* Pulled.
The gathering had its funny side
as well as the serious one. There
was plenty of "wild west" yelling.
Every range or division of worker*
pulled some stunt or another. The
Tom Quinlan's range sprung the first
surprise by announcing that every
one of its 55 workers had joined the
AkSar-Ben. The "Benzine Boys" un
der John Hansen quickly followed
suit. ,
Gould Dietz entered the dining
room, carrying a “six shooter" al
most as big as himself. Many ex
pected the plaster to come crashing
down as he shot toward the ceiling.
He used blanks.
Gardner "branded'' several with
the Ak-Sar-Ben brand “A. S. B."
They cringed and yelled as the elec
tric branding Iron was placed against
their bodies.
Hobert Trimble, the newest gov
ernor of AkSar-Ben,' termed the
“baby governor,” and O. T, Eastman
of the Merchants National bank, who
had been extremely 111, received ova
tions as they entered the hall. It
was Mr. Eastman's first appearance
in public since his serious illness.
The totals in the drive will be
posted every two days on a lS-foot
sign on the Klectrio' building. Fif
teenth and Farltam streets.
"Don't take 'no' for an answer,"
was the final wofd from Overaeer Da
Omaha Wettest Place in
State Says Under Sheriff
Omaha is the wettest spot in the
state of Nebraska, according to Dep
uty state Sheriff J. H. Miller, who
with two companions. J. P. Anderson
and Lyman L. Cromwell, is making
an investigation of conditions here.
They will make a report to Gover
nor Bryan, who has placed himself
at the head of the law enforcement
machinery of the state.
At Seventh street and the Burling
ton tracks Thursday, the investi
gators arrested James C. West of
Fort Dodge, la., with a traveling bag
containing liquor. He was fined $100
in county court yesterday.
10-Inch Rain at Steinauer »
Floods Business District
special DUpatrh Pi The Omaha Bee.
Pawnee City, Neb., May 4.—Ten
inches of rain fell at Steinauer, Neb.,
last night, causing Turkey Creek to
overflow so that the business dis
trict was flooded for the first time in
years. Water stood four feet deep
in the railroad station, but receded
this morning.
Lenroot Urges
W aterway Plan
Wisconsin Senator Warns
Against Government Rail
Ownership in Address.
I'nited State* Senator Lenroot of
Wisconsin, addressing the Knife and
Fork club in the Hotel Fontenelle
Thursday night, warned against gov
ernment ownership of railroads,
demagogues in politics and a "hands
off" policy regarding Kurope. Ho
spoke in favor of the proposed world
court, the St. 'Lawrence waterway
and fiscal help for the farmer.
'lie was introduced by Rev. Frank
G. Smith. Senator Howell sat be
side him at the table. High points
in his address were:
“Government ownership of tail
roads may have to come. I'd be
sorry to see it. For if it doeis, with
435 congressmen and 96 senators de
termining wages, etc.. It will make
the river and harbor ‘pork barrel’
look like 30 cents compared to the
railroad ‘pork barrel.’ ”
Kntil led to Fair Return.
"There's too much tendency to re
gard the railroads as public enemies
They are entitled under the constitu
tion to h fair return on their invest
ment. Unless they are allowed rea
sonable passenger and freight rates,
they will not prosper. And if they
don't prosper, this country can't
"The St. Lawrence waterway will
bring the markets of the world to
within 500 miles of Omaha by per
mitting ocean steamers to come into
Chicago. It will cost $232,000,000 to
build, but won’t cost {he taxpayers a
cent because. In building it, 1,450.000
electric horsepower will be developed,
which will be sold at $20 per horse
power, producing sufficient income to
liay interest and principal In 40
"The St. Lawrence waterway will
save every farmer of the middle west
8 to 10 cents a bushel ou wheat In
transportation charges.”
“Demagogues in government are a
great menace. If you business men
don’t take more Intered! in your gov
ernment, you may wake up some day
and find you have no business."
Better Credit for Farmer.
“There are too many politicians
who are moie anxious for the votes
of the farmers than for the welfare
of the farmers.”
"The greatest business In this coun
try is agriculture and we are just be
ginning now to give the farmer the
credit that merchants and bankers
-have had for years. The Intermediate
Omaha’s Leading Drug Stores’
4 Good Stores-Conveniently Located
16th and Harney — 16th and Dodge — 24th and Farnam — 19th and Farnam
Moth Bags
For protecting your winter
clothes and bedding from
moths. All sizes and shapes.
Friday and Saturday we of
fer an unusual value in the
most popular size. $1.50 No.
3 Wayne Cedared Ward
robes, will hold three gar
ments, for . .. .98*
May Bargains
50c Rexall Liver Salts for 39*
50c Lemon Cocoa Butter Skin
Cream for . . . .25*
50c Harmony. Cocoanut Oil
Shampoo .. 33*
60s Lord Baltimore Writing
Paper, white, blue, lavender
and pink shades, for . . .39*
25c Puretect Peroxide of Hy
drogen for . . . .13*
65c Puretest Peroxide of Hy
drogen for .33*
60c Fancy Whole Maraschino
Cherries for . . .29* •
These bargains will continue
through the month of May
until our present stock is ex
Patent Medicines and
Household Remedies
$1.00 Listerine .. . .71*
35c Mecca Compound for burns
and cuts . . 24*
60e Caldwell’s Syrup of Pepsin
for . 42*
$1.90 S. S. S.$1.39
60c Sal Hepatica.42*
50c Pure Teat Boric Acid, full
pound for.33*
$1.00 Riker’s Beef, Wine and
Iron, full pint.79*
25c Merck's Zinc Stearate 19*
$L00 Pyros for the teeth and
Jtums •>. 64*
$1.25 Nujol.94<k
$1.50 Kolor-Bak. $1.39
25c Listerine Tooth Paste
for . 17*
30c Phenolax Wafers . . .J7*
30c Kondon’a Catarrh Jelly
for . 23*
50c Pepsodent Tooth Taste
for .33*
25c bottle Castor Oil.... 16*
$1.10 Tanlac.74*
25c Lysol .18*
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste. -33*
50c Rexall Orderlies ... .39*
$1.00 I.avoris . . .69*
65c Kotex Napkins.49*
B & P Frowners
These are little court or stick
ing plaster devices intended
for removing wrinkles from
the forehead and preventing
the wrinkle and frowning
habit. Sold in boxes at 35*
Toilet Articles
at Sharply Reduced Price*
30c Resinol Soap .21*
25c Woodbury’s Soap ...18*
50c D. & R. Cold Cream. -37*
50c Java Riee Powder. . 34*
50c Q-Ban Hair Tonic... 37*
$1.00 Terra-Derma-Lax
(English Beauty Clay), 60*
25c Mum.18*
25c Colgate’s Violet Talcum
Powder .... . 14*
$1.25 Piver’s Azurea, La Trefie
or Floramye Face Powder
for . 70f
25c Golden Glint Shampoo or
Rinse . 18*
50c Hair Groom.37*
50c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil
for . 36*
35c Palmolive Shaving Cream
for ..23*
40c Rexall Shaving Cream
for . 21*
Chloroform Liniment
For Sprains and Rheumatism
We furnish the above named
article in 2-oz., 4-oz., S-oz.
and 16-oz. bottles at 25*,
45*, 75* and SI.25.
Standard strength only.
$6.00 Electric Iron for $3.98
We are offering the "Per
fect” Electric Iron, like
cut, fully guaranteed,
We are quite sure that
irona no better than thia
are being aold in Omaha
for $5 and $6.
$1.50 2-Quart
Hot Water
Guaranteed 1 Year
Mothers’ Day
Candy Special
Liggett'* Delicious Sentiment
Package with beautiful motto
to mother. Gold frame and
hanger attached. Don’t fail j
to remember mother. We
will send it for you. Price
Cough Drops
3 for 10<*. This includes
Dean's, Luden's, Smith Bros.,
Stearns' and Red Cross.
40c Shaving Brush
Bristles are set in rubber, guar
anteed not to come out, 19c
Victor’s Tonic Lotion
Makes pimples and skin erup
tions disappear. Not greasy.
Just apply and pimples and
blotches vanish. Ask us about
16th and Harney mm 16th Mid Dodge mm 24th and Farnam «m 19th and Farnam
- — - - - - - - » .__
credit bank, just opened here in
Omaha, is one step toward better
credit for the farmer."
"Our prosperity depends greatly on
peace In Europe. The present trouble
in the Ruhr, I believe, is Just a neees
rajry step to convince France ti»at
Germany can't pay the sum originally
fixed. Europe must get peace and to
work before we can have full and
real prosperity.”
"The world court is not the off
spring of the league of nations. It
was first suggested by Secretary of
State Hay under President McKinley,
24 years ago. True, the league of na
tions favors It, but it is an American
product. It Is a step toward peace."
"Rigid economy In government and
in life is a necessity’. Increasing taxa
tion is a menace to the life of the
nation. Moreover, taxes must be
equally distributed, each person being
taxed in proportion as he la able to
Camp sheldon Schedule
Shows Reduced Periods
Special Dlbpatch to Th« Omaha Bee.
Columbus, Neb., May 4.—Seven
periods instead of 10, as In former
years, are provided for in the ad
vance schedule for the summer sea
son at Camp Sheldon near Colum
bus. which will open June 4.
The schedule is as follows: June
4-11, Epworth Eeague institute: June
11-20, statewide boys' camp, ages 12
to 15; June 20-30. Omaha boys camp;
July 1-4. open period; July 5-14, Boy
Scout camp; Aug. 21-29, State Hl-Y
camp; Sept. 7 9, employed officers con
Hervy F. Smith of Omaha, state
secretary of the Y. M. C. A. coanty
work, will be superintendent of tha
camp this year.
Great Britain has more than 300,*
000 girl guides.
An extraordinary selling and
Hats formerly priced
$15, $12.50, $10 and $7.50
Saturday at
Brim Hals
Cute Pokes
Small Hats
of Colors
and Matron
T TERY seldom are you offered such a collection of
V higher type Millinery at such a low price. Included
are hats reduced from our oirn stock: also higher priced
hats iust received and purposely marked $5.00.
Leghorn Hats. Fine Milans, Hemp Hats. Crepe Hats,
Hair Hats, Silk Hats and Novelty Straws
The Ruud 95 it built to
give the tmall bom*
the tame tuper-emceU
lent hot water aervice
that ia now anjoyad
by ownart of Ruudt of
larger tite.
Structurally it doet not
differ from the large
Ruudt. The 95 it built '
down in tica only--not
in quality.
Let Us Install and Finance Your Hot Water Needs
WhatWill Your Water Heater
Be Twenty Years .
From Today?
Will it be a water healer or a piece of junk?
Ruud Water Heaters have an international reputation
for length of life and quality of service during their
life. Kvery' installation is guaranteed by 25 years of
^ specialized experience.
An inferior water heater can never give the name
uninterrupted hot water service that a good automatic
water heater will.
If you buy a water heater simply because its prii c is
low, you are gambling with your own comfort and the
comfort of your family.
Ruud Hot Water Service is a known value. The Ruud
delivers instantaneous hot water when and where you
want it—the first day you buy it and for years after.
—. ■
Gas Department HOWARD* STREET
Don t Gamble
- •
With Your Hot Water Supply!
1 11 1 .. ■ "
Thousands of RUUD
Heaters are in Use .
• in Omaha i
Covering a period of successful, satisfactory service
for the past twenty years.
> our home deserves the best automatic water heater
that can be made.
Every size and every style are on display for your
inspection at our showroom, l&Ott Howard street
Ask our Ruud salesman to call and explain your needs
We make it possible.
If you arc building or planning to build, provide for
instant, abundant, automatic hot lvater by specifying
the Ruud Automatic Water Heater. If you already
have an inferior tank heater service, 5-011 can modern
ize your hot water supply by installing the Ruud.
Set aside five min
utes to see the
Ruud hcatinf wa
t e r aromatically
as it flows and to
learn how you can
have “Million Dol
lar Hotel Hot Wa
ter Service" rifht
in your own home
at small cost.