Women’s Gloves of Style and Distinction. Correct < Modes for Street and Dress Wear I .V| Kayser Silk Gauntlets— Most exquisite style, ex- ! tra quality Milanese, wrist strap finished with dainty pearl butterfly. Shades of mode, pongee, gray and white. O AA Per pair, U*wv » Long Gray Suede Gloves —Elbow length, attrac tively embroidered backs —overseams. Per pair, Kayser Long Chamoisette Gloves — Elbow length spear back, pre-shrunk fabric. A complete range of colors. 79c Per pair. Special for Saturday—-Long Silk Gloves and Gauntlets Novelties and plain effects, splendid quality Milanese silk, Kayser and Van Raalte makes. O AA Per pair, £.Uv Main Floor—North Veiling Specials The Correct Finishing Touch to the Costume French Chenille Veil ing—In new colors on light back- 7Qf» grounds, yard, l*rC Drape Lace Veils—In all de sirable shades; many patterns and styles; very suitable for draping the plainer QC hats. Each, JrDC Main Floor—North Handkerchiefs Fancy Handkerchiefs for Men and Women Women’s imported Irish Sham rock lawn handkerchiefs with hand-embroidered comers and hemstitched hem in white and colors; pongee colored handker chiefs with colored thread around ' hem; Jap silk handkerchiefs in all colors and patterns; men’s fine mercerized cotton hem stitched handkerchiefs, full size; men’s white handkerchiefs with colored woven stripe 1Ql . borders. Each, A Group of Imported Irish and French Linen Handkerchiefs for Men and Women Women’s handkerchiefs, hand embroidered and with spoke hem stitching; colored and white linen handkerchiefs with fancy embroi dered corners; men’s fine^ sheer linen handkerchiefs in varied width hems, plain or with em broidered initials; OC — 35c to 50c values; each, IfYou Bought Only One Victor Record A Week You would soon have a treasury of music wherein the greatest composers and artists of the entire musical world are represented. Come in and let us help you select the record you want this week. Main Floor—W est Jewelry Earrings—H undreds of pairs in the very latest styles in pendant, shower, hoop and drop models. 2.00 to 3.50 values, 1 CA per pair, l««Jv Spun Glass Bracelets—The newest fad; two or more are •worn. All colors; each, U«JC Double Compact Cases— New hammered silver cases; large sizes; w’ith chain; a charming and use ful accessory. 1 CA Each, l.*HJ Main Floor—East Boys’ Clothing Special! 400 Boys’ Fine All Wool Suits Each With Two Pairs of Trousers 10S ) Made to Sell at 12.75, 13.75 \ and 15.75 ‘ Every suit is of all-wool fab rics, made by one of Ameri ca’s best makers of boys’ clothing. In styles for dress, confirma tion, graduation or school wear. A large and varied collection of colors and patterns. All are tailored to retain their shape. Coats are full alpaca lined, taped double seams, full lined knickers. Only a special cash purchase make* this sale possible. In tweeds, cassimeres, Cheviots. All sizes, 6 to 18. Boys’Crisp New Aftr* Sport Blouses, each VJOC Fresh, crisp new sport blouses. Of fine percales in neat striped effects. All of standard makes and full cut. Guaranteed fast color fabrics. A new one if it fades. Sizes 6 to 16. Fourth Floor Saturday—Big Values in Women’s, Misses’ and Girls’ Attractive Wearing Apparel 638 Women’s and Misses’ Smart Spring ^F*00 Suits at ZD Regularly 39.50, 49.50 and 55.00 Over 100 of the best styles—short Etons, short flare, long tailored jackets, side tie effect. Many are handsomely embroidered, beaded, tucked and silk trimmed. Materials are Poiret Twill, Twill Cord, Trico tine, Velour and Checks. Sizes 14 to 20 and 34 to 46. Second Floor—West Silk and Lingerie Blouses Regularly 3.98 ^ AA and 4.98 Values Beautiful hand-made and domestic voiles, dimities and batistes, lace and embroidery trimmed. The silk blouses are of fine novelty prints, georgette crepe and pongee. Overblouse and tuck-in models in dozens of different styles. Long or short sleeves. Second Floor—South ^ % A Variety of Styles 500 Fine New Coats-Capes-Wraps Regularly 39.75, O Q 00 49.75 and 59.75 £tO Beautiful fabrics, such as Fashiona, Veldyne, Vel verette, Ormandale, Twill Cords and Novelty Sport fabrics. In a wide selection of the season’s most attractive models. Second Floor—West Beautiful Radium Silk Petticoats Regularly 4.98 O 5.98 and 6.98 Made of wonderfully fine quality radium silk with dainty hemstitched, tucked and embroidered flounces. A wide range of high colors. Regu lar and extra sizes. Girls’ Wearing Apparel 1000 Girls’ Gingham Dresses, each., 1.49 2,00 and 3,00 Values Manufacturers’ sample lines and hundreds of dresses from our regular stock. Many are made of imported gingham in dainty large and small checks. An opportunity to buy enough dresses for the whole summer season. Sizes 6 to 14. 100 Girls’ Spring Coats Formerly 10.00 to 15.00 Styles for street, dress and sport wear. Clever ly styled in many different models. Sizei 6 to 16. Reduced to— An Unusual Offering of I Spring and Summer Silk Dresses at 18°° These frocks have been reduced from our bet ter stocks. They are of fine Canton Crepes, Crepe de Chines, Figured Silks, Georgettes and Prints. A variety of charming styles for sport, street or dress wear. Misses' sizes, 14 to 20. Women’s, 34 to 40. Second Floor Crisp and Dainty Graduation Frocks Priced from 10.00 to 25.00 A complete choice of organdie, georgette and crepe de chine dresses, daintily tucked, ruffled, pan eled or ribbon trimmed. Sizes b to 14. Second Floor—FT cut A Safe Place ior Your Furs Where they will be protected from dust, moths and loss by fire or theft is essential during the summer months. Send them to our Cold Storage Vaults and assure your self of this protection at the small cost of 3% of the value of the garment. Call Atlantic 8666 or call at our Fur Department, Second Floor, Center 2000 Baby Chicks 10c, 15c and 20c Basement—West Candy Specials Coco Balls—Fresh, soft cocoanut rolled in balls, dipped in a rich vanilla and chocolate cream fon dant and rolled in OQ chopped nuts. Lb., Cream-Dipped Brazil Nuts —Whole Brazil nuts dipped in a .vanilla flavored JQ cream. Per pound, *K/C Old-Fashioned Black Wal nut Taffy—Made with New Orleans molasses and fresh cracked black wral- OQ nuts. Per pound, OjQ Chocolate-Dipped Fudge— A rich, creamy fudge, dip ped in a light choco- OQ* late, per pound, UJC Chocolate Milk and Bittersweet Chocolates—Soft, creamy centers, hand-rolled. Packed in one-pound JA boxes. Per box, *HIC 1 Main Floor—ff est A Beautiful Figure For the Present and for the Future—is what the Gossard Front Lacing Corset Gives Take heed, oh. Youthful Scoffer. Those who are best informed tell us that woman’s piquancy lies in concealment, not exposure. There are some tiny illusion-savers in Gossard Front - Lacing Corsets that will enhance your charm to day and protect you a few years hence from the discouraging task of attempting to regain lost fig ure lines. Priced 2.75 to 25.00 Third Floor—.Vorth Hartmann Red X Wardrobe Trunks Cushion Top In trunks, as in every other ine of merchandise, there is Dne standard and scores of 3thers "just as good." In wardrobe trunks Hartmann s the standard by which all 3ther trunks are measured. People of taste and good susiness judgment always 'ind the standard is not only Ttore sausiaction, out more economical, i ou will find hat such people accept tffe superiority of Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks unquestionably. A demonstration in our Luggage Department obligates vou in no way. Full Size Wardrobe Trunks. 27.75 to 65.00 Fourth Floor Special Purchase of Wall Papers A fortunate purchase of a Chicago jobber's surplus stock at a very low price enables us to offer attractive papers for every room at less than > 2 price. Bring the meas urements of your rooms with you. 20c and 29c Plain Pulp and Duplex Oatmeal Papers— In all shades, roll, 7' uC4 18c and 20c Bedroom Pa pers — Dainty florals, chintz and satin stripes, per roll, 8'^C4 High-Grade Bedroom Pa pers—Values from .'toe to 45>c. chintz and florals, per roll, 19c4 35c and 45c Waxed and Varnished Tile Washable Papers—For kitchens and bathrooms. IQ Per roll, l*rC 12* 4c Papers—Suitable for any room, per roll. 4* 29c and 35c Two-Ton* Pa pers—For living rooms and halls, eight patterns 1 J only. Per roll. 14C 49c New Tapestries—For your living room, dining room, hall, 41 per roll. Ll1C With bands to match. 79c and 89c Tiffany Blends and Grass Cloth Papers— 30 inches wide, only nine patterns. Per QA roll. JJC All papers acid with hands or cutout borders to match. Papers priced by single roll. All sales final. . Fifth Floor—If rut i___