\i Farnun o Instant relief from CORNS without risk of in fection End the pain of corns safely, in one minute with Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads. They remove the cause —friction-pressure, and heal the irritation. Thus you avoid infection from cutting your corns or using corrosive acids. Thin; antiseptic; waterproof. Sizes for corns, callouses, bunions. Get a box today at your druggist's or shoe dealer's. Write for free Mm pi* of Dr. Scboil'e Zino-pada aod hie booklet." The Feet and Their Care." Addreu the Scholl Mfg. Co , Dept h • 213 W Schiller St.. Chicago. Thin n/iecml nhn fie ennen the init‘1 nf hiiiiMmn DI Scholls Xfino-pads Thu azr quickly and iqfely re liever callouirn Made in the la bora tone* .*# the Srholl Mf*. Co, maker* of l)r. Srhnll*« Arch Support* and other F«a»t Comhirt Appliance* Put one cm-the pain is gone[ Now I ask a favor of the ladies / have a great delight—an olive oil shampoo for them Dear Madam v K «-ASiADY. B S MV CM Cb-m.a Your husband knows me the chief chemist at Palmolive I have just given him a new delight a gentler, quicker shaving cream Now I have as great a joy for you A gentle shampoo olive oil! that does not make hair dry and brittle, that leaves it soft and gleaming The favor I ask is that you try it And then give me your opinion I asketl 1000 women Recently I asked over iooo women what they wanted most in a sham poo. They named but one require ment But as yet had failed to find it A thorough cleanser that would take out all grime and foreign matter yet which would not take away the life and lustre that adds so much to charm Scores of scalp experts agreed They Mid ordinary shampoos were too harsh. And advised the oil shampoo hut made a point of ohtv oil So the olive oil xfuirnpoo Now I offer you the olive oil sham poo world famous for you to use at home After the ordinary harsh shampoo, re sults will he a revelation You will note them in your mirror Your friends will note them And then you will do as thousands have done think me for a new delight < •tvmuK* lOJI 1W C .• |f; v(itfanda. J-Laivhy. $ Etrh (o/ilhams. Dmsonalitibs VTO more aching burning, swol Jen. shoe crinkled feet No more pains in corns or callouses No matter how much foot trouble has tormented you. or what you have tried without relief just use Tiz. “Tiz draws out the poisonous exudations which puff up the leet. “Tiz gives such quick relief it is almost magical Your shoes will not seem tight and your feet will no longer be sore and tender !Hf Get a box of "Tiz at any drug Kor department store A whole V year s foot comfort for a few cents g^ftAnjETnEmNTIZ “My Pretty Mother • her heir ien’t fray and Ufly” What *oau hu aat thrilled at the praise of her little eeaT She kaewe the lb eeritr of hie eeaepltaaeat. Bat weelda't H hart ta hear hia STV- Crmr hair atm mm* ta chU arm. They cannot diner-tail—to. Stay you— for yoar chil dren. Brtiic tWir admiration. BROWNATONfc Tints Gray Hair Any SHaSs Da eat permit rear hair pramatarelr. Brawaetoae iaatmatiy crap, fatal, streai hlaacM hair ta aataral mt kran ar Hack, lair ta apply. G a a ra *M harmless te hair, seal* ar akh. At healers IV u4 $1.M. Trial battle seat hiiect far Ibe. THE KENTON PHARMACAL COMPANY 3M Cappin Buildini Covington, Kp. NaTaae laaoaalH Shaarpaa. aatara'a kair vaak. eieaasaa aad beautifies At dsatrca or direct. Ific. bebe Daniels. $ Elliott Dexter. a rr. rzr_.7M