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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1923)
Evolution of Ironing Device Is Interesting Today’s Electric Iron Far Cry from That Which Smoothed Ancient Roman / Toga. Roman togas and the feminine robes which were in style at the same period of civilization had to be washed. Further, they had to be smoothed and made fit for graceful draping upon the limbs of their owners. This need called Into being the earliest form of ''•onlng machine of which history uiKes titsw: tne ‘'cochelia." The cochelia was a smooth table, Jpon which the clothes were laid; and upon which a weighted cover was placed. This was used apparently 1 without improvemnt for hundreds of years; the first record of progress traceahle being that introduced by the early Dutch, who with their exquisite neatness of housekeeping methods im proved that device by equipping it with a turnscrew, similar to that used in olftvjashioned letter presses. By 1800 the cover had been replaced by rollers that moved back and forth on the fabric to be smoothed. These were first of wood, fixed to the bot tom of a box weighted with stones. Gifts for Brides. A quaint hit of sentiment attached to these early ‘'mangles," especially those used In Norway, North Ger many, Sweden, and the British Isles. These were made of wood elaborately carved, and were usually given as wedding presents. Thus they were highly prized by brides, and those of more elaborate designs came to be treasured heirlooms, cared for and used from generation to generation. Wooden rolls became iron, with tho natural step forward of introducing , heat into these rollers. This was done by having the rolls hollow, placing in them heated Iron cylinders. These rollers were clumsy of oper atlon; and the next transition was the contriving of stationary rollers working against each other as in the present wringers rolls. What the Romans Missed. Last of all, the perfecting of me chanism and the new application of electricity as heat made this modern incarnation of the ancient "cocheHu" the Ironing machine known in its per fection today. This contrivance puts a gloss and a finish on the togas and the robes of civilised nations which would doubtless have given vast pleas lire to the fastidious Romans of the early centuries. The smoothing Iron has evolved by a no less interesting process. One of the earliest forms of this implement , known is a black glass contrivance, shaped like a large inverted mush room, which is to be seen in a British museum. This was found in one of the early viking tombs', of about the 10th century. , Similar implements were used in Norway, from whence these vikings made their way iijto the British Tales, until comparatively recent limes. This affair was pel Ished smooth and rocked back and forth on the linen to be smoothed until wrinkles disappeared It is five and one-half inches in diameter, with a stem seven and one-halt inches , lon*- t French smoothing irons came into being at the end of the 11th century. These were of iron, with an interior open shelf, on which either some burning charcoal or a. bar of red hot Iron was placed. These improved slowly, until 16th century they were changed only jn the fineness of f.nish given their metal; the heating process being carried on in the same laborious fashion. Built-in Bathroom Fixture Demand Constantly Grows There is a marked tendency among home owners, and those planning to build a home, to person ally select all the plumbing fixtures. Demand for built in bathroom fix tures is increasing, and for the av erage dwelling the built In bath Is highly desirable, because of greatly reducing the work of room cleaning. Not only can a built-in tub be ob tained, but built in showers can be included, along with bathroom ''jew elry”—soap dishes and towel racks, cabinets and toilet paper racks that are easy to clean and keep clean. There is no handsomer improvement in the modern home Interior than the up-to date bathroom. If an ancient Roman plutocrat could look upon a modern, sanitary bathroom, in its simple white ele gance, he would he properly Bum bled at recollection of his marble and mosaic hath. Its attraction de pended upon costly magnificence, but he was woefully lacking in con venience. In epite of the march of improvement, today’s plumbing prices put a complete, modern hath equip ment within reach of those In most moderate circumstances. * (Copyright, 191J.) Origin of Furniture Designs Offers a Romantic History All the form*, shape* and even the decorations of all furniture had their inception In some human want or wlsim- passion or sorrow. The history of every pices of fur niture would furnish material for a story that would fire the dullest Imag ination. From the hutch or chest of the 13th or 14th centuries there Is a con tinuous and fertile growth. By Itself it was a bed. seat, table or cupboard. Put upon leg* It grew Into a settle, settee, sofa or davenport. And by way of the davenport hack to a bed again. With the ends lengthened and doors fitted It lost Itself In the "clothespress" of our forefathers and the wardrobe of today. Old Table Cloths Make Good Kitchen Table Covers An old linen tnhleclolh, by cutting out the best part, can be easily con verted Into a pretty cover for the kitchen table. Hem H all nroilnd and then embroider a blue Initial In the center and crossstitch the corners with blue. When completed you have a very attractive cover, and frotn a piece ol , cloth that otherwise would have gone to waste or never made to give Its tallest value In bringing this lust touch to the home. I f The Compact Kitchen i All essentials within easy reach and unnecessary floor space eliminated reduces to minimum the labor in this kitchen. Gay chintz paper makes this living porch a charming spot. Real Estate Gossip_ William C. Bergen, owner of the Bergen building in the Bronx. New York city, is the only Individual In the United Stales who owns a county Jail. Negotiations are now under way for the purchase of the Jail by the oity. The county jail of the Bronx, With the bars and cells and all the accoutrements of the average penal institution. Is housed in tlie i’.ergen j ipitlding along with the register of \ deeds, the sheriff and the tax depart- j ment. • A modern.* completely equipped apartment was opened in New York last week on a monthly rental basis of. $9 a room. The building Is the Phelps Stokes fund model tenement, it Is estimated that the building which has accommodations for 92 families will show a return of 6'per cent on! the capital invested, even after 2 per cent has been set aside for deprecia tion. The significance of this com pleted project cannot be over esti mated. students of housing condlt ons declare, when it is considered that local builders have so consistently maintained in recent years that It Is impossible to build profitably modern apartment houses to rent for less than 115 a room. More than 690 applica tions were received for the 92 apart ments The structure was built by Byrich A Ward, general contractors, from the prize winning plans of Sib ley A Fetherston in a competition con ducted last year by the Phelrs Stokes fund under the auspices of the New York real estate board and other or ganizations. New York City's Downtown league, which awards a prize each year for the best building erected downtown and for the best alteration downtown, last week awarded the New York Stock exchange the prize for the best building erected in 1922, and the D F. Harris Hardware and Manufactur ing company. Inc., the prize for the heat alteration In style the Stock Ex'-hange building follows with cer tain necessary modifications the great Corinthian order of the present ex Ohange which is recalled by the pilas ter treatment of the Wall street front, Indicating the extension of the board room fl(K>r The Harris company build ing was converted from a dingy old five-story building into a modem six story structure with handsome store fronts and excellent appointments. Wrecking operations were started las; week to make way for the |5, 900,000 Westinghouse building at Rroadway and Liberty street. New York. Real estate boards vary sccording 1 to number of members from 858 in I Chicago to three in several of the smallest boards, according to survey} covering 228 boards The annual du*« innge from 12 to 1200. Majority of the hoards have business or firm membership. Twelve boards hasV both kinds of memberships. Member- ; ship fees range from II to l.'.oo. The! Minneapolis board is credited with __• We Greatly Favor the Better Homes Show S THERE is always a place for a small lamp, but not all small lamps accomplish their purpose—to eive light and to beautify.. The one illustrated is small only in size and price—it looms large in beauty. Of black pottery with hand decorated sil houette parchment shade —it is harmonious any where. Complete— It is a significant fact that with bet ter homes—and that, we take it. means artistic homes—comes the desire for betterment in all things— and so we offer as our contribution, our store and anything that is in it for the success of this show. Sheffield Silver Plated Buffet Set Complete with decorated candles and fruit as illustrated— Special $1000 Handsome iti design and of splendid quality, we offer this Silver Buffet Set with the knowl edge that it can be readily placed and that it will give lasting service. I IKK an ambient flame, i the iridescence on this Lustre Stemwear. It i* per manent and lasting crystal of fine quality and the shapes are beautiful. Note the Prices. Goblets, per dozen, $7 50 Sherbets, per dozen $7.50 Ice Tea Tumblers, doz., $6.00 Table Tumblers, dozen, $5.00 I'arfaits, per dozen, $7.50 Ice Tea Jugs, each, $3.00 I-1 A Lazy Su*an of Mahogany which revolves and car ries four porcelain com partments for relishes or sweets is an attractive accessors- for your table. Price $.15.00 □UD VASES—with the ap proaching season of flow good looking vases will la in demand. We illustrate some of colored crystal. These may be had in green, wisteria, gold or blue iridescent, at— $1.00 Torcheres Like lamps, may be had at any oriee, but the pair illustrated have silk brocade covered cyl inders and are handsomer than usual — $30.00 the pair Others nt $7.00, $10, $15 pair. HASK>:T:i are h necessity in every bedroom that pretends to he orderly and they may as well he decora tive. We are showing; some new ones. They are Chinese and come in turquoise, blue, old blue, lovely shades of pink and rose, and all hand decorated, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 • • • Po you want something; indi vidual in a basket? Have us decorate it for you. It coats ^ hut a trifle more. Wedding and Graduation Gifts Hero are gathered together on one floor the host in china, silver plate, crystal, lamps and art wares- mak lng it comfortable and convenient for you to make a ■election. And you are impressed constantly with the reasonableness of the prices. Genuine “Old Spode” Ware The table decorations of White Bone china, including fruit howl* and candle sticks, are famous. Many of the first pieces are to he found in museums and where ever there is a collection of fine china there also is to he found Old Spode. Many of our customers sturt their collection with one piece. W.H.ELDRIDGE IMPORTING CO., W.O.W. Annex, 1313-15 Farnam — ■ . — 329 members. Annual dues are $25, membership fees are $50, and the membership unit is-tb* individual. Courses in bricklaying and plaster ing have been Inaugurated by New York West Side Y. M. C. A., in an effort to meet the shortage of this kind of lalior. The greatest building era in the world's hiHtorv Is menaced by the white collar, builders report. The New York school Is the first of its kind In^any X. M. C. A. in the country. New York home builders ate plan ning to house more than 600.000 per sons this year. Projects recorded in the last two months call for $139, 125.000 In new buildings and altera tions, permits Issued and contracts awarded showing close to SO per cent I residential. The Chicago city council has added 220,000,000 to the burdens of 'Chi cago home builders in the last two years, according to a statement in the February Bulletin of the Illinois So ciety of Architect*. More than two years ago the Illinois Society of Ar chitect* recommended changes tn the code to lessen the cost of building w-ithout lowering the standard of sound construction. A check of build ing permits issued since that time shows that the excess requirements have coat the homebuilders approxi mately $2ft,noo,noo, the bulletin stated. ■fhe position of official city real estate agent, created by ordinance in Milwaukee, has been filled by Edward Grieb, a member of the Milwaukee real estate hoard. He has four as sistants. This is the first instance in which a city lias created an official position of this kind, according to Herb Nelson, executive secretary of the National real estate board. The action of Milwaukee is a clear recog nition of the fact that the public 4 entitled to the services of a trained realtor in the conduct of its business / f The Tennessee real estate license law is having a stormy career. After having been declared unconstitution-1 al by the United Statea district court of western Tennessee, its validity was affirmed last November by the United States supreme court In the case of R. W. Bratton versus William C. Chandler. The opponents of the law were not content to let the mat ter rest, and undertook. In January, to obtain its repeal by the Tennessee legislature. The house of representa tives refused to repeal the bill al though the senate seemed to favor it. The measure is, therefore, safe for some time to come. The National As sociation of Real Kstate Boards fa vors the adoption of real estate li cense laws in all states and provinces snd its officers are gratified with the success of the Tennessee realtors In maintaining their law. A few "realtor" certificates for 1923 are now being printed and will be issued shortly to all member boards of the National Association of Real --—■ Estate Boards (or dlstributbn to their active constituent member. The form of the "realtor" certificate ha» been changed somewhat by the "real tor” committee of which C. N. Chari bourn of Minneapolis Is ehalrma* Th« certificate is In the form of a I'ense authorising the active members 5f the local board to use the word "realtor.“ The Hr. IrOtus Real Estate Exelange has elected Bess J. Donaldson is Its £hfM woman member. A pamphlet describing real setatf board committee appraisal n-rhods and practises, the forms us«6 end fees charged, has been started by tb« appraisal committee of the JAtlonal Association of Real Estate Boards. Iievek/pment of standardized nethods of appraisal work and the stinulatlon of official real estate boafl a* praisals throughout the Unite! 6tates and Canada la the object of tba pamphlet. we!! built modern B’jbuTbl^T'oTnerT^gh'^^n^Dodg^'T^Te Paved road with one or five acre* of choice level rich ground located at “l*h and Dodge streets, in Beverly Hill*, restricted residence district. Three blocks from tenth grad* school, fifteen minutes by aaomobil# from Postoffice. In path of new Happy Hollow Country Club, West Pacific and Peoy Park * —kith class—large additions just being placed on the market. Terms $5,000 cash—balance suitable terms. Owner 81fi W. O. W Bldg. Pbo.e Daytime ST 1349 Confer With Sunderland Before You Build Youi Home TILES for the Better Home HEN you build a home, everything is a questior of convenience, healthfulness, attractiveness and permanence—not simply a question ol first cost. You do not build a Home every yea*, nor every ten.years. Tiling provides a degree of permanency, healthfulness and charm by viitue of its structural and decorative fitness and by its saiitary qualities, that is unobtainable in any other way. You will derive no greater pleasure, satisfaction and unfail ing service from anything else in your Home than fnm your tiled bathroom. Tiling is also the ideal materal for the fireplace—the pprch—the vestibule—the hall— and the sunroom. Visit our beautiful Display Rooms, where we will shoe you, actually installed—just as they would appearin your home—tiled fireplaces; an all-tile bathroom; Far facts china accessories; porch, vestibule and sunrocm tile. And, in addition, our easc^ are full of literalv thousands of tiles that are available for use in you* Home. Ask us to show you how economically tiles ma* be installed in your new Home or how easy it is t> modernize an old Home by the use of tiles in the bath room or for the fireplace. Itfs Good If Sunderland Sells It Sunderland Urothet'S Com pun {/—v ire third fl oot Sunderland Kudduuj ltV Jit Harneu c I e 1 e plona AT* U n i <2. 1 C