Burgess Nash Co. Monday Special Values in Finest Furniture $900 Living Room Suite $600 A HANDSOME lounging living room suite consist ing of one chair, one chaise lounge and one lounging dav enport. Upholstered in the finest of mohair, down stuf fed, in every way an elegant suite. All spring construc tion and solid mahogany frame, regularly priced at $900.00. Monday special at only, $600.00. Buy on the Club Plan. $850 Living Room Suite $595 A BEAUTIFUL 4 piece living room suite made by the famous Karpen manufac turers. The set consists of a large davenport, 2 chairs of tempered spring construction, a beautiful hearth bench. All solid mahogany and upholster ed in silk damask. A regular $850.00 value. Special Mon day at $595.00. Buy on the Club Plan. $1975 Bed Room Suite $ 1500 13 EDROOM suite consisting •*-' of 8 pieces in burl wal nut, a masterpiece in bedroom furniture — perfect in con struction and original in de sign. A value such as this is very exceptional as it is a suite that may be passed down as an heirloom. Regular $1,975.00. Monday, $1,500.00. Buy on the Club Plan. $850 Bed Room Suite $595 A N elegant 9 piece bed ■**- room suite, consisting of twin beds, dresser, chiffonier, dressing table, bench, bed stand and two chairs. It would be impossible to make a finer suite or to finish a bedroom with more elegant furniture. Regular $850.00. Special Mon day at $595.00. Buy on the Club Plan. $ 1200 Dining Room Suite $975 D ERFECTLY constructed A dining room suite con sisting of )0 pieces. In con struction and appearance you cannot find a more beautiful suite. It is of solid walnut. Regularly priced at $1,200.00. Monday special at. $975.00. Buy on the Club Plan. $110 Karpen Coxwell Chairs $69.50 Q ri.ENDID selection o f beautiful Karpen Clox well chairs, of solid mahogany, and upholstered in mohair. Known throughout the coun try as the finest furniture made. All color upholstery to select from. Regular $110.00 values at $69 50. Buy on tho Club Plon. $19.50 Sewing Table $12.50 Al GOOF) looking and prac tical article of furniture —a combination sewing table and end table. Made of solid mahogany. A regular $19.50 value priced special for Mon day at $12.50. Buy on tho Club Plan. Fourth Floor . _ I Display Windows for Better Homes Week Every window in the store is devoted to , the display of House Furnishings. Burgess-Nash Company "EVERYBODY^ STORE" ' The Galleries of Interior Decoration will prove most entertaining. Visit them for ideas both old and new. BetterHomes Week Exposition Unde* the Auspices of the Omaha Bee and of the Better Homes Bureau Home makers who take pride in the beauty and good taste of their home furnishings will not fail to attend this important Omaha event, the purpose of which is to provide a lecture course and exhibi tion that will be of help to them in planning better homes. The Omaha Woman’s Club, the Omaha Society sof Fine Arts, the Public Library, the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce and other public welfare, social, educational and civic organizations havb been in strumental in making this an event of permanent value and of lasting influence. Since the work is to be done for Omaha as a whole, rather than in the interest of advertising any individual firms,’no firm name will appear upon any exhibit. The following firms have, with the Burgess-N’ash Company, established a precedent in Omaha, since this is the first time that such an agreement has ever been reached. Beard Wallpaper Co. Corte-Aldnus-Hunt Co. Eldridge Importing Co. Hartman Furniture & Carpet Co. Mickel Music House Omaha Sanitary Supply Company. Orchard A Wilhelm Co. Thomaa Kilpatrick Co. The McGrew Co. Thompaon, Belden Co. The G. A. Skana Co. Union Outfitting Co. In this exhibition of the fashions of new furni ture valuable ideas are to be found with regard fo the arrangement of present furniture, as well as in the selection of new pieces. Furniture for the Home Naturally, intelligent selection is the important thing It is far better to have a few pieces of good furniture, furniture of exacting workman ship, thorough dependability and good taste than a quantity of unattractive, poorly constructed fur niture. At the Burgess-Nash Company new furniture of national reputation and character, pieces that will endure and in which there is pride of possession make this shop of never failing interest to Omaha home makers. . • If finance* do not permit the. realization of beau, tiful plansr, we suggest our Club Plan, whereby you may enjoy while you are paying. Interior Decorating As an Aid to the Establishment of Better Homes There is a fine art about the furnishing of a home. A woman's natural inclination, which is towards perfection of detail, does not fall short in the home, yet, just as as she receives inspiration and ideas from experts at fashion centers, so the perfect home maker consults an experienced au thority in regard to plans for a new or for an estab lished residence. W. G. Colling interior decorator, is the genius able to help you to transform or to create the best of better homes. Estimates of the cost given without obligation. Rugs bring a pleasing harmony of color when chosen from stocks that offer pattern*, shades and textures in as sortment* so comprehensive as to mean almost unlimited choice. Domestics and Orientals in every standard size, and others that are cut to fit winding stairs and long halls. I Chinese Orientals Genuine Chinese Orientals in Minf design: soft colorings In blue, taupe, canary, gold and mulberry. The extra heavy quality of these importations make them especially desirable. 9x12 size . S295 4x7 »ize . 882.50 4x6 iit« .867.50 2x3 size .815.00 Other sties proportionately priced Sixth Floor Draperies Lighter window hangings for spring and summer are in the mind of the woman who plans ahpad, who is r.ow thinking of how to make her house cooler and more pleasant, during the summer months. She'll begin them now and be prepared should summer surprise us and come early. Sheer drapes of soft silk stuffs, crisp cretonnes pat terned in bright Ylowers and fruit*, quaint chintzes and light madrases she will use to bring the new season right into her home. Women who do not snake their own drapes will find ours a nftost satisfactory department, whose charges are very reasonable. Piano Bench Pads I5x36-ineh aize, made of fine quality velour, plain or figured. alao heavy tapeatry in verdure colora. Filled with pure hair and made with three atrapa that huckle on aecurely. Ao OC Special at .$JafaO St(»wj Floor Needs for the Kitchen So much importance is at tached to the kitchen that its fur niture should he selected with regard for economy of steps, perfect sanitation and scrupulous cleanliness. Refrigerators, stoves, cabinets and the countless con veniences of the modern kitchen may be chosen from compre hensive stocks that include your individual needs—and at the prices that you have planned to pay. Universal resist-stain steel par ing knives. Regularly 35c and 40c, special at. O-So-Ezy Floor Mop — Large size that regularly sells at $1.25, special at.(i7 f 10-piece white lined hrown bak ing set (1 casserole, 1 nixing howl, 1 baking dish and 6 custard bowls), special, per .#JM5 10-gallon extra heavy rein forced rim garbage can, ex ceptionally priced ...#3.25 Toilikleen, large can priced for Monday at.15tf “Alaska” lea cream freezer, 2 gallon size.#2.45 Fouilh Floor. Sunfast Drapery Silk \ beautiful heavyweight silk of high luster in shades of rose, gold, mulberry, mahogany and blue. 36 nch width that regularly sells at $2.73. Special, yard . Serond Fleor Reed and Fiber Furniture A most attractive all-reed fernery finished in a number of col rs The regular pricing is $13.50; Monday z.yo ,5#fond Floor Silverware A beautifully appointed table aet with Sterling and Sheffield ware or with the wry serviceable community plate makes the hostess more rhnrmiltg and her hospi tality more gracious. Roll Tray Sheffield silver roll tray of finest qual ity hammered silver on heavy nickel silver base, designed with heavy drop handle Regularly aold A np ml $7.90. Monday et. Main Floor Graniteware 14 and 17-quart round diah pani, 9 and 12-quart oval diah pana, S >4-quart tea kattlaa, calien pota of varioua airra, 9-quart vagatahla kattlaa of whita granita QQ with blua adga, pieca. . . . Ot/C Fourth Floor China and Glassware hxnt t reproduction* ®f the dinnerware of royal court*! "1*o the finest of china in open atock pattern*. Clear and spafkllnp fur use with china and silver; tinted for breakfast nook and the tea time hour. Dinner Set 42-piece collage dinner eat of American ■emi-porceJain. Colonial ahape with hMe border and floral decoration. AA Regularly $10 S(l; Monday.... «pOaV»U Fout I h Floor Goblets and Sherbets fall stemmed, imported load-blown glass ware, handed with fired-on gold. Sat of six in delicate petal shape . $3.95 Fourth I loor MmT’J ItV K of Extended Payments A dignified credit system that enables you to enjoy a well-furnished home with only a small cash investment. The Club Plan will bring to you. and into your home, furniture and furnishings through a system that we believe to be the most satis factory in existence. Although only recently established, it has proven tq be a cheerful, fair priced, easy payment plan. You have the ad vantages of a cash customer: The same low prices and the assurance of satisfactory service. The terms are very easy—only a small amount weekly or monthly. Become a member of our House hold Club- Enjoy purchase* while paying for them. Club Plan Offices Sixth Floor /zrhe>l I Burgess-Nash Household Club Plan