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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1923)
It Is Your Turn to Choose-a Vacant Room or a Good tenant. 'Which will it be? An Omaha Bee “Rooms for Rent” advertisement will produce the latter, usually at a cost that doesn’t exceed one week’s rent. Phone your “Want” Ad to AT lantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. Remember, Omaha Bee “Want” Ads Bri ng Better Results at, Lesser Cost. ^ EMPLOYMENT ^ A penis, Salesmen .47 AOKNTS—$300 month. Steady pay. New est stylo written guaranteed hosiery. Must v tar or new hose free Experience un necessary. Spare time satisfactory. Sam ples free. Jennings Mfg. Co., Line 3031, Dayton. O. SIDELINE salesman cy distributor, pock *t sample free. Stata territory covered. Exclusive contract. No Investment. In xestlgate. Multlvlder Co., 3600 St. Johns, Kansas City, M15. AOKNTS—Portrait men. Get the biggest profit and the b®st service My "Life Color" portraits deliver 100 per cent. Let me tell you more. M. A. Beall, Artist, -457 Harrison St., Chicago.___ j AGENTS-—Amazing new bright light for. kerosene lamps. No mantles; supply e*s 1! y carried; quickly shown; fast seller. Tremendous profits. Yapolite Co., Dept. 395, Toledo, O. _ SALESMAN with car to work Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota territory. Salary and expenses, on bonus proposition. Real I line for live man. Apply Monday, Mr. j Miller. Room 440, Kontenelle hotel._ WANTED—Young man to sell a specialty i to retail grocery trade in Omaha. A good ! salary to tight man. /tate age, exper- j 4 lerme, Reference. Add/est W-764. Omaha 1 Bee. ’_ AGENTS WANTED—To work mis city to ; sell rustproof clothes line stretcher with sets of hooks. Is a money-maker for a hustler. Will show sample. Call eve nings 8024 Evans St., or write. aIjENTS—Goodyear^Mfg. Co.. 18-c”iGood year Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., is making an offer to send a handsome raincoat free to one person in each locality who will recommend it to friends. Write today. AGENTS—Fnsteet selling patented neep# sity on market. Retails 12. Your profit $1 Svlre repeater. Write for particulars. Superior Co., room 227. 303 W. Chicago A vi*.. Chicago.____ T.AltGE shirt” irinnufaeturer wants agents to sell complete line of shirts direct to wearer. Exclusive patterns. Big values. Free samples. Mddison Mills, 503 Broad way, N. Y____ LADIES—Do your own hemstitching and j.looting attachment, fits any machine? Sent collect. $2.50. Agents wanted. Colo rado Attachment Co, Box 2210, Den \ei*. Colo. ____ AGENTS—flf dally taking orders; union made raincoat and outfit, $2.H2; we de liver and collect. Wire or write Eastern Raincoat Co, 913-921 Roosevelt Rd., Chi cago. 111.____________ SALESMEN and District Managers— Hosiery, mill to consumer; $1.50 deposit ■ ,ri ladles’ silk; new demonstration sells every prospect. Prienni Silk Co. (B198), < ieveland. O._ _ SALESMEN—New Ford accessory Henry overlooked; each dozen sold represents $2 »ash commission. Write. Dollar pocket simple outfit, returnable. Universal Prod ucts Co., Memphis. Tenn___ AGENTS—Everybody eats. $.'>0 weekly in troducing Mother Hubbard Foods direct to consumer; $160 worth of goods free; also free outfit. Adam Inthout, 650 Con gress. Chicago.____ AGENTS—Chewing gum, sell to dealers Agents make big money. Four flavors. Novel packages. Write today for exclusive proposition. Hslmet Gum Company, CIn- j rlnnaM.____ ___ AGENTS—Men women; salary $7 5 full time. $1.60 an hour apare time, selling the genuine guaranteed hosiery direct to xvfarer; beautiful line. International Knitting Mills, Norristown, Pa._ PERMANENT and profitable connection for man with some sales experience: pref erably along electric^ lines; in answering stats age. experience and telephone num ber. Box W-100, pmaba_Bee._ AGENTS WANTED—Soap agents to sell our 150 products. No money required. Write Llnro Company, Dept. 312, St. Louis. Mo. ____ SALESMEN—Represent Jobbers army-navy goods, also large manufacturers skirts and embroideries; apply with reference*. I,. L. Schwarts & Co^ 490 Broadway. New York. AGENTS—Radlollte charges batteries In 10 minutes. Wonderful discovery. Gallon free to agents Radlolite Co., St. Paul, Minn._„__ WANTED—Salesmen with advertising ex perlcnce for city work. Salary and com mission. Permanent employment. 475 Brandels theater.__ _ SALESMEN—New auto tube; seals Its own punctures: fully guarantepii; car owners buy on sight when demonstration is shown. Harrison Mfg. Co., Hammond, Ind SIDELINE salesmen wanted, sell coat to your trad* in carload lots F7arn week s pay in an hour Washington Coal Co., Stock Yards Station. Chicago.___ AG ENTS—-Da \ Is sold 24 Sprapurnps and Aut ii washers In 24 hours; profits $i.50 each: Square Deal, particulars free. Write • he Riy Rosier Co., Johnstown, O. kGENTS—$425 * month made by Kh « Hurt sell! soiling our spices, extracts, soaps, «*(r. Write for terms and territory. La. ii » Co., Dept IH, Bt Louis, Mo SALESMEN — Exceptional opportunity, hustlers earning big. Write McCleery Cal endar Factory. Washington, la Situations Wanted—r>male . 4K WHITE WOMAN wants day wqrk. 3k ■ I __ r*.i. >.j a Bl£ woman laundresi WB. • 2446.__ . ! WORK wanted by day or week. WE. 6317. j Situation* Wanted—Mai© . 49 ATT ENT I* JN "CONTRACT*> RS First class plasterer, interior and exterior, non-union and sober Wants location in j ■ mall town where there is a demand for J same. Robert Clover, General Delivery, , Omaha, Neb.___I WANTED—Position «s manager of gen- | era! merchandise store. Sixteen years ex. perienr* with rural anjJ city fan I furnish best of reference. Address Y-J204, | ’’he Omaha Boo kSST’ f ’Ft F)PIT-« OI.LE' T< iR Or office po- | sitlon desired three years’ experience, age 10; $125. Address W-712, Omaha Bee. ' ----« ii ■ -- -- i ^ financial ) Business Opportunities .30 o ooooooooooooooooooooooo o 9 O • o O O O o O O o 0 o THE BIG t AUTO COMFANT. O O x ° o 9 o ° O Offer* to one m*ri of proven O O ability In eerh of th* fnltotvine O j O line* opportunity to Join with It. O O . 2 1 O *o O Auto Repair Fhop O 1 O Flint Hhop— Top Shop O O Rod? and Fender Shop O O Tire and AU'.o Accessories. O j o 2 o 2 o ° O Thia organisation will on May 1. O O 1 #?3. open garage and auto bual. O O nop* with atoraga for 200 automo- O O bliea. Applicant must have own O O equipment. We all! lease apa-• O O to each industry. Only email In O O vestment required. This iu a ’-are o O opportunity to make cun nectlOfls O O wr h an organisation with a. big O O future For particulate phone, O O We. *462 O O O O O O « O O * O O O ooooooooooooooooooooooooo HARDWARE—For sale: One man hard ware In live central Nebraska town of 1.00 from 12 to 14 mile* from any other lawn Oood i>- u building, 64 "f,,» fli« turn, $000. and select stock running around $3,000 owner can’t eland Inside work and must sell, Deal can be handler! with $3,000 cash. This la a real deal at the prl< a quoted and you must bring tb*» • ash -no trade* considered. Address Y 2299. Omaha Hae ooooooooooooooooooooooooo O ' o o o O BAKERT AND CONB’KI'TIONERT O O STORE IN IOWA TOWN OK O O » fibO INHABITANTS FOR SACK O O KIKTT MINES FROM OMAHA. O O KOR INFORMATION CAL.L. WA. O O lift. O 0 ° OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO9OOOOOOOO 1 a I»1 es' ready-to-w«*r .h-.p ip f|fi« th* ti.*t town* sf r.ntr*l N'*hr**k*. I n t* 4a»* room *nd fitful**. lorsted ow th* host »lr**t Attrsotlv* !'•*» B*«l r*» *or,* fnr ..lling AdtR*** W-713. Om*h* Be* ---— FINANCIAL Bmlnwi Opportunities .50 HOMES AND INVESTMENT On Turner Blvd.. between Farngm end Dodge, 7-room home. strictly modern, hot water heat and brick duplex with • rooms each, up-to-the-minute In every way This property will increase In value and pay u big return on investment. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO . Realtors. 12 20 Fnrnnm St. JA. 06G4; \\ A. 2H76. BUSINESS FOR SALE. Consisting of ladies' and gents' furnish ings. notions, tobacco, cigars, confectionery, stationary and general variety stock, (lflod business, good corner. Health failed; not able to attend to business. Must sell out. Stock and fixture* invoice $2,600. Address W-726, Omaha Bee.______ HOTEL for sale in a srticuy «.amour community at Victoria, Kan . population of 1,000. 16 rooms, steam heated; city .water. Thin property would cost $10,000 Ho $12,000 on today's market. Will sell same to reliable party for $6,000—$500 cash and balance $60 per month. L. I* M oore, Oakle y,Kan. _ NOVELTY—Spank the girls. A new novelty just nut. Sells on sight at carni vals and fairs. Sample, 20 cents, postpaid anywhere (Jet prices. Tex Moore's sales girls sold 1,400 opening day at a carnival. Agents take notice. Wichita Novelty House, 721 West Maple, Wichita, Kan. blacksmith shop. Win sell the best shop In beat town In Iowa. Up-to-date, elect rlcally equipped, old established good business. Must sell on account of father’s death. located at Red Oak. la. Address Geo. A. Isold, 3535 Mouth Benton. Kansas City, Mo. WANTED—Trustworthy, competent man with $5,000 cash and up by well known mfg company to establish and manage permanent subsidiary business in Omaha. Willing to pay right man $350 a month and expenses with share of profits extra. Address Y-2306, Omaha Bee. CAFE, western Nebraska railroad eating house, feeding two passenger trains every day. newly equipped, good location and good lease, doing a good business. Address Box 132. Wn11 ace. Neb._ FOR SALE—Grocery arid meat market, all sales rash. Thf only one 1 have left to sell. Going in the wholesale business. Momeone is going to get. bargain. Phone AT. 4540 or AT. 7911. and ask for Dave. ISTOOO A YEAR cleared in good-running general store, lively North Dakota town, main N. P ino Owner retires. Part cash, balance suitable terms. Inquire Sol Jam polsky. Hebron, N. D. __ F< >Ft RENT—Commercial hotel in town < f 1.600; steam heat. X5 rooms, well equipped. $7,000 cash will handle. Good business; only hotel In town. Address W-761, Omaha Bee. _ WANTED—To buy, in Bellevue. Neb. home and location for drug stock. Must l»e a bargain for cash^ Wart to buy from owner. Alt particulars first letter. Box 166. Monroe. Neb.__ HAIR DRESSERS, ATTE! A good business, fully equipped, to sac rlf' e immediately for $500. Centrally lo cated 30$ Neville Bik. JA. 1795 or ■1A. 5392.___ STRICTLY cash business for sale in grow Ing Wyoming town. General merchandise. Owner wants to retire No exchange con sidered Address Y-2287. The Omaha Bee. CLEANING and pressing establishment; 5 living rooms in connection. Ford truck. Everything to run a first-ciass shop with. 2621 N 16th. WE. 6951. GROCERY STORE AND MEAT MARKET for sale One of the best Good reason for selling About $2,500. Will take part cash. HA. 7087 __ WANTED—Man with railroad experience and $1,500 <»r more for permanent posi tion Shortline railroad. Address W.7S8, Omaha Bee. ___ THE CHICKEN HUT Must sell my business on account of poor health Best- location in Omaha Doing good bus.,* is 4226 Florence boulevard. BAKERY—Wholeeala, retail, only one Iowa town 2.000 population; sell flt right; for cash; machine equipped. Y-2307, Omaha lV*e. _ I i * Fr**s information Dept. 14, Paul Kaye, 149 B'way. _ FOR QUICK HALE—18 rooms, completely furnished; unusual barga'n, good ln«ome, nl el r >• nlshed >73( How jid T-HAVE to offer a state proposition with a small capital. Universal seller. Call or write. 1 722 Capitol Ave BARBER shop four** hair, for sale In quire Commercial Barber Shop, Scott St. and Broadway. ('oubril Bluff**. |l tie bin nesses In central Iowa. In city of 30,000. Address W-770, Omaha Bee. CONFE'’TIONERY and cafe that you are proud, if iu ky enough to buy. Write Box 286, Tonganoxle, Kas_ PURITAN billiard hall In Grand Island for Hale or •‘change. C. B. Freeman. Grand Island. Neb. GARAGE — I.ease for sale Full of stor age Doing fine business. Leaving the rity. 2304 Sh*;rmart Ave. WE. 7171._ m. . h shop on percentage; A-l reference. Address Y 2301. Omaha Bee.___ CAFE—For sale - heap. In good railroad town of 2.901* If Interested, write P. O. , account of out of town business. WE. 0605._____ STORE building for rent, suitable for any business at N'eola. la Call HA 7410 ROOMING house for sale. flood money. < FOR MALE—Cleaning and pressing store Call HA 2*64 Investment* .. 51 BRICK FLAT TWO.modern 5 room and hath. ea« h well located near 3U»h * Dodge S* Price I1O.50O. Term- $2,000 '*a*h O'KEKFF. REAL ESTATE CO Realtor* _ 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. JA 2716. INVESTORS NOTICE. W« are offering the Apartment house at Barney and nth Street* with or with out the residence went, A substantial investment paying a food rate of In terest E If. BENNER COMPANY. 406 Keeline Bldg Realtors JA. 6664. $77**25, FIRST mortgage discounted 10 per cent r* nl estste security. Now bears 4 per cent Interest, making IS per cent on your money for one .ear. Due May 1, 1924 Mr. Lovejoy, BA 47 47 ^ _ f. I’d n • gage* on Omaha property. F. o Horirrk A Co., 640 let Nad Bank Bldg. AT. 2611. _ Loans on Real Rafale . 5 r pkr ' i. r MONET Ban Were' R«MB4 system 6 per cent Inane are made on city or farm property to buy.-build. Im prove or pay Indebtedness Banker- Be * rve Deposit (’ompanf, Lathrop Building. K a nans City, Mo _ __ , and e> MONET. Loan* *m Omaha Improved property at lowest rate* FRANK H. BINDER. ’v 1661 FARM LOAN® € pei cent 4u years on authorized plan; no rommlislon. write tor name nearest agency Lincoln Joint St o k I-and Bank. Lincoln. Neb WANTED to loan. $100,000 In or near Omaha, In sum- of $1,000 to $10,000, F. !» W LAO A D. II BOWMAN. 310 S Mih_Hf . Wend Bldg. AT. OlM. MONEY to loan on farm* and Omaha i rea I estate. MYER® A It A IN BOLT <’0.f ! ♦ t O ha ' • 11 n Bldg IA 0711 ST RABBIT 5-year loans, 6*^ per cent. AMOS BRANT CO. roi S 14th Arthur Bldg. AT. 4';40. omTh 6 HOME®—I AST NKR FARM® O'KKLKK REAL ESTATE CO 1016 Otn. Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 1716._ FARM LOAN®. Large nr email. West Neb farms, ranches. Kink a I n Vestment Co., 645 Om. Na L_ BU. I,OW rata Of « >t> property; qu closed. No monthly payments. JA. Id^J. w P ORA HAM __ ' ■ iTiof gag.nt ra 1 - pur chased by Tuksy Company, 620 1st Natl. Bk JA. 4223.___ SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences, i'ash on bend Prompt service. E. H. Ijoug* e. Tnt- . 53R Keeline Hldg __ 6% AND*6 PLF.R CENT—NO"" DELAY UARVIN RRO® , 364 mri Nat l Bldg Ituy 1st 2d mfg* Corkln. 1»H om Nut. r 'if .T . «s, ■ ■■■"■; riL.-. t—jm - ,~nr. • -w ._r -• =s*xj=r.ic Money fo Loan . 58 MONEY to loan on automobiles. W’E 5444 or BA 0924 FINANCIAL Money to Loan .... .53 YOU want money DON’T PAY HIGH RATES We loon any amount up to $500 at the lowest rates. Can be repaid In easy monthly payments to suit convenience. We are licensed and bonded and have been in business over 30 years, therefore >ou are sure of a quick, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY 50* Karbach Blk. Telephone Jn. 2295. aputheaat Cornar_18th and Douglas hta. Wanted to Borrow . 54 M: JI > f-> v hundred dollars more to pro mote sales end of proposition which should net many thousands In three months. If you want to take a chance on proposition that may net you thou sands act quickly. Either sex, confiden tial. Address W-762, Omaha Bee._(_ LIVE STOCK Dorn, Cats, Birds, I’ets.55 SOM 1 > ; **::•>■rr.;;.v ' It nanr? female* ready to male, $2. Singers, $8 Per pair, only, $9 If taken aoon. 6621 Blnney st- ...... PUPS—White collie, pedigreed, 6 months old. sired by all-white Majesty snd Queen Paradise, 4528 Franklin st. \va. 1204. KITTEN, male, Silver color, brad. Splen did type, great pet, 3 months. J. A. S' roudL 2422 8 Uth st . at. 8T44. PUPS—Thoroughbred collies. Call \VA. 6624 afternoon and evening. WATER SPANIEL, Irish setter puppies. WE_61 39.___ NANNY GOAT and kid. JA 6048._ Horses, Cattle, Vehicles .56 HARNESS, the best that can be made, at first cost. We make them ourselves and hell them direet to the farmers. Harness fiom 136 to 1110. Alfred Cornish, 1210 Farnam Sr., Omaha. Neb cow—Fresh cow. 2429 S. 4Cd St Call HA. 6761 _ _ GOOD work mule for sale. Call KE. 0946. T-■ —'J-——■■ ■ • . Poultry snd Supplies .57 Ql/ALITY chicks, from standard breed* heavy laying fewls. White and Buff Leg . 100, $15. 8. oF R. C Br I*eg., 100. $1.1 White or Bril. Rocks. Red*. P or R. comb, 100, $16. B. Orp , W. Wvn , I*. Uha., 100. $18. Assorted, 100, $10. As. sorted. large breeds only. 100. $14. Quantity Die., 10 per cent for 500 or more, 32-page Cat free. Prompt delivery to your I’ O. Missouri V’alley Farms, Columbia. Mo. BARRON eggs, basket strain. single comb White Leghorn*, bred to lay and do lay; eggs, $7 per 100; special pen. $n per 15, also Jersey Black Giants eggs, 25c each; chicks. 10c each. Clark K. Thompson. Bedford. la. QUALITY chick?, egg*. 16 standard bred varieties Best winter laying ^strains. Free deliver) Reasonable prices. Prompt shipment. Catalogue frVe. Missouri Poultry Farm*. Columbia Mo BOW and seven pig*. 2 weeks old; three ahoats, weighing 80 pounds each. MA. 27$?.__ ___ _ LAYING strain Ancona eggs — $2. $3. $5 per 16 egg*. J. W. Tobin. worthing ton. la._ QUALITY purebred baby chick*, eight xarietles. Can B-4523. Franklin Hatchery. 690 Franklin Ave . Council_Bluff*, la. R. T. RED setting eggs. 5o each. Tt. J. rooster and chick remedy. K E. 2906. Uth and Marry. JA. 0159. SINGLE comb R. I Red hatching eggs and setting hens. WA. 6864 JAPANESE du ks f r *..1*, 2493 Grant St. Call WE. 5110. EGGS—Thoroughbred white Langshan; large cockerels MA. 07**' Barr! d ROCK for setting, &■ each. Call MA. 49.U-F2 ^ merchandise""^ Clotliinc and Fur* . CO FOR sale at a bargain, ladles’ coats, capes, suit*, dresses, sweater*, hats, sizes 34 to 38. Man's spring and winter over coat Large size. AT 5240 FULL DRESS stilt* arid Tuxedos for rant JA 3136._109 N. 16th 8trest J Feldman. Good Thing* to Eat.62 . food snd *■«.* l dressings * De livered to all parts of city Phone order to KB. 348 2._Mrs.^Frank Seeley IfotiM'liulri (iood* . *3 BETTER HOMES IN OMAHA ARE quit, often furnished with a . h'*' e pie. « here and there, secured at the auc 'lons held by Stephenson a at !6o§ Capi tol A\.- Pome of the other homes are also made more cheerful and comfy with out the expenditure of large sums of money end many s thrifty housewife has furniture that ?he wants, all bought at a bargain in the auction* The next *a!e will be held on Tuesday. May 1, at 1:3V p. m. ar which time there will be a»-v crai consignment* of high < a«- as well ft s’nple furniture, fropi wht< h to make solectlona. Frank B Stephenson Auctioneer. STEPHENSON’ AUCTION COMPANY, 1 509 i apltol A \ e. FI 'RN’TTl RE AUCTION* THERE will be another big furniture and merchandise sale In DO TV IV 8 AUCTION HOUSE 1STH A W’EHSTF.R ST Monday Sal# Start# at 1 I*. M. Sharp. Including parlor suite* bed room suite*. Period dining room aultr*, library tables. g«** rang'# kitchen • abln#ta, rug.*, targe. ■ nd etna!I, chair* and rocker*. bookcasca. writing d**k* also merchandise, Includ ing dre**e*. puree*, sweater*. »dk ho*c, yard good*, cap#, glovei and hundred# cf other article* TAMES I,. DOWD A CO, Auctioneer# If you have an> thing to #«li call AT 0966 FOR HALE—Furniture of • 9 room house. Com# pl'-k out what you want, pay for It ami take It away. 2912 South 14th Ht. KITCHEN Cupboard, oak 7s-1n high, upper door# (las*, good condition, lid. IA ' * _ i EXPERT sewing machina repairing. MICHELS. I6th and Harney. AT 4lfl. - it ri.i> 9 brass • i. ling ■ las apt Inga and mat treat, fi" c.’all WA 1763 KWVV1NO inn*’hint, good, nrtv Royal, In j fin# condition. Call If A Ufl HI OVEN gas rang* »nd also Incubator ■ .lowrlry and Wilrlm .M III AMONIJH. \V# pay the best prbe* with privilege to I buy ba* k at #mal| profit. GROSS JEW-I ELRT CO, Omaha, Neb., 40il N. Ibth St j Felephon# JA. 6U4t>. m ,, t| __j__ . 1 MiihImiI liiMrimienH .. fit HRAND mw Ludwig grand piano, regu lar price, I960, for "ale on easy term* or for i n»h at much le** ‘ all Sunday "II • lay or awning* week day*. HA 7«f0 SLIGHTLY USED PHONOGRAPHS $;ijf) slightly uaed Vlt trola. 1200. |3t6 "lightly u»c-d VU'trola. 1126, 1160 "lightly | uaed Vb trola. g7r.. |.H*> allghtlv uaed Jlrutiawlrk, 12.6. f 160 slightly uaed Flayer phone. IA •» gumante«d me. Irani* ally P'r fn.-t orchard A Wilhelm Co, fifth floor. SEVERAL slightly uaed upright and grand piano*, reaionabie pri* e and easy terms. MUROERtf NASH Co. TRADE your uaed piano on a new player piano. Ilnlance a* low a* 610 per month A HORPH CO., 1613 Dough*" RLIflHTLY uaed Kohlerf amphell grand. Adam dealgn I.Ik# new, HUROESS NASH CO XYLOPHONE -Three octavra. bargain, t60. Wilkinson Muelo Shop. 201 Arllng Rlk _ j PIANO—Mahogany piano in «torsge Call t. 11 Nrhle I A ! ^ Mariiii nn.l Kiiiiplle* . a RADIO suppile* for a.C< at reduced pi - * , Hull'*, socket*, rheostat# *nd plug*. 361" j Harney atraal | ^ MERCHANDISE j liadio and Supplies .... .68 i BKL-CANTO EoL'D SPEAK FR. The J speaker you have been looking for. Beau j tlful design, free from Jarring pounds and metallic vibrations. $25.09 delivered com plete Money Pack if not satisfactory. Write for particulars. Liberal discounts I to dealers. CENTRAL SUPPLY CO 638 B< efontaim Kansas City, Mo , ECLIPSE NO ONE Varlotnetor Typo I Crystal Receiving Set Positively the best j eet made for the money. $12.50 delivered, including "STANDARD” head phones, 'aerial wire, insulators, etc. Everything complete. Money back if not satisjac CENTRAL SUPPLY CO. I 3638 Bellefontaine._ Kansas City, Mo. , WAVE TRAP. The missing link in ra^lo. Stops interference. An invaluable and in dlspensible addition to any tube* receiv ing set. Price $8.60 delivered. Deacrip | tive literature on request. Money back 1 If not entirely satisfactory. CENTRAL SUPPLY CO [ 3638 Bellefontalne Kansas City, Mo. I MULTI RAD108C0PE. Enables four p*r | sons to listen In on one set of head i phones. The newest radio novelty. Money I returned if not satisfactory. $6 00 pre paid. CENTRAL SUPPLY CO 3 * 38 Be lje f o n t a Ine ■ _Km naas C11 y, Mo. Miscellaneous .I. 66 AUCTION! AUCTION I i NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF RE FUSED OR UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. The following described property, con signed to the- parties whose names follow, will be sold at public auction to the high est bidder lor cash at this compan/i un claimed freight sales room, 1111 Harney street. Omaha, Neb., at 9 30 a. m., on Monday, Muy 7, 1123, viz.: 1 crt. advertising matter, M. J. Klth r art ; 13 boxes folding paper boxes, J. r Carter; 3 ctns. wheeled toys k. d, C* A. Balinan; 1 kit roofing cement. E. lirum mltt. 1 pc. rough stove casting C. A Bitihe; 1 smoker (crated). Claude Ter rance; 2 ctns. printed forms, Farmers National bank: 1 bag animal food. Gust Bronmfeld or Gust Grommfeldt; 1 bdl. - hay knives, Badger Lumber <fe Coal Co.; 1 box battery plates. North Flatte Battery & Electric Co.; 2 boxes hoviseholU goods, 1 bbl. dishes. 2 bdl. linoleum. 1 bdl rocker, H W Harding: 13 bdl. paper boxes, G. W. Allen; 2 stock bricks. L. * . Nelson; 1 empty cream can, Waterloo Trenmery Co.; t> cartoons Jelly In guiss. Freiden Delicatessen; 4 ctns Jelly tn glass. 2 boxes Jelly In tins. 1 pall Jelly, l. H Habeeey, 4 ctns. Jelly in glass. 2 boxes Jellv In tins. 1 pall Jelly F. H Habeney; 1 bdl. 6 shovels, spoon. Class Electric cog 3 sacks stock powder. 1 hog feeder. J Meyers; 1 ctn. drugs. 2 cs animal feed. 1 ctn. animal feed. James Kasper; 1 *agon bottom. 2 wagon aides. K. A Asplund. - ini»s auto parts. O’Neil Manufacturing Co . 1 hand Ded cutter. 1 wheel Carl Moir; 1 drum pet lubricating oil, winder Bros . 1 steel hr! pet lub oil. I E. Uo**; 1 B £. anvil, Kansas i^trd lea * oia pnny; 7 pc 1 box castings. I poker. 1 bdl rings with lop. 1 roll *urn Jkt (l furnace. W. L Rub*--k; *> bbls. dry ,nImal Ionic. .In- Zwelner. 71 aa. k. «to-k fond A I. Kill*. 1 bo* wood lottery . ana. North Plait- Battery A Electric Co.: 2 sacks ground bone, 2 sacks * hat coal ecr.-enlng*. Gating K--d Co 1 -rate. - rocker* 1 box fixture* John Knott, l bundle grean h dee. K W. Bl«** Co. and many other ahipmenta too numerou* to UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. O C. Smith, purchaelr.g Agent. A S Charde. Sale, Agent. HUBTNE8S GpL’RSI -Complete, »" 1 ■* Sail* Buainr** Administration coarae. HU. lack of time prexentl ua-. kl. iToCRI.L SKaTKD Shetland pony buggy I ill WA. t‘3" yuH SALE—Ciu-en Ann- walnut dining table, with or without chair. HA ♦» FOR SALK—Several colon!-* of h-ee, IS each. II H llohw-r. Fort Calhoun. N»b BATTERY ahop equipment; practically n-w ; priced right. l’hiilt,_KK_Otl’. Seeds, 1’Iknts", Fertilizers.. *9 STRAWBERRY plant*. Progre*s:%# ♦'•er baarlng II 50 per hundred; H*-nstor Dun lap II per hundred. ■ Gt.r.g home grown plants Wm Bruce. 5311 Floret, e B’.vd. KK 4713. evening* |»nd Eunda >» ^ ONION SETS— WHITE. YELLOW. RED, 2 gFAKTS 25c —-BEHT BLUE «RAS8, L WHITE CLOVER, <5c, 2.TH A.ND ■MAHTHA BTri_ __ FLA.NTB—Gooseberry 2'».-, hardy plant*. 20c. strawberry plan's Tic. per 100, * ' J ♦ ___ ; everythin# I* irt-ex a til ehrube. Offi<« corner of t5th and Spencer. WA. 427* P. J !• lynn FLA STB—Raspberry and strawberry plant*. Ibrn* Nursery. WA. IMS. _ I’bAND'■ -StrawDrr^ plant* for aale 33.4 ‘ _ everbkar'ino A’Rawbi rrt plant* FOBS A I ,K < • ALL MA 15 4.'. _ Slop* and Offk• I' »|iiipnicnt ONE Toft Husaman meat AI splay esse: one 14 f» n»-*at mllnter. niarbls top and glass ...Sf '-all V S Kuncl, 1244 South nth d nil_ ONI, fiat gins* top mahog tny desk »r4 rhH;r Inquire Monday inorn^g U H < > m a h a N a? .. " m,\v v \I * USED SAFES AMERICAN MACHINERY A, SUPPLY CO. 1113-16-17 Howard St ___JA, I.7». v l; liL'Y, gall aafe. make deak,. almw , a*ea, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply ' o., ■ xv, corner 11th amt Dougin* JA *7:t. CIGAR "cask FOR HALF CALL RADIO A FI‘A RATl'H CO. 313 S. UTIL _ GUARANTEED typewriter*. IT l* and up. • -upplyCo.._M6I Dodga- - Swap Column .. NOTICE TO SWaWBU." ~ You may Insert a three-line \>ant Ad for three day, under thia claaalflcatlon. A bo* number will be affixed and you call 'for your replies. If you close a deal you pay tor you? adx ertlatng in the regular way. If not. „ Will cancel charge In other werde— NO SWAP—NO PAY I This offer is good only In Omsha and exclude# all bualneaa ada Buglnaea •Want" Ada In thl» column will b* chareol our regular rate, NO SWAP—NO PAT I WILL exchange 117-a ri Impro ad eoutn ern. Wla . dairy farm fur waatern Im proved or unimproved land nt r.jual value. Price l»o par e-re. In utnbrin. ■ ll.*uu immediate poaaeealon. Write Mt-ve Bit* tt. k Box 073. Plattamouth. Net. I WILL Ruiip »I*I" good 320-gore farm. two mile* southeast of Arapahoe. 1 °l° ion g« re» brok- and put into wheat. on third of the , wli' fll goes witlk the Imd. f<»r auto truck. h«*usi or g nid* fir at "mort gage pap#*- Krnnk Jlaruch, Klbn Neb HWA1* two at01 y. ''' room »»ri- k hotel, good town, no competition, electric lights, no i taxes, good proposition, also hove 1917 llupmobll* mr to trod* for model Lord, open or closed t>pe. will |u»y differ, i ei . e Atl-1 rc*.i s um, Omaha Hea H \ V A I’ 91 ul 11 ns snag-proof motorboat or truck for Lord You will be d« lighted with this craft Thorough I \ .quipped as re«tuir« d t>y I H Address HbOA, «Mnsha M- . iTl a St.. ni'' • ", So Dakota, - ■ ml from Pierre. dtilllog in \irlnlt>. thh el fn I fa land I.'. per acre Swap for Omaha property or what have you 7 Aildiesa H *27. i »m a ha Bee (if><)|> estatiTlshed i nf« buatnepa. >»ne of ] tba best. Owner a time occupied In ««ihei business 5w||i f (>| -ity real estate '4 . unt lots or aoreiige, Addrrsg 9* «:7. i Mu* ha m _ __ — | •jot H 2 AT 11 AVL —3-roum Opt. 'bobeet. n part merit In lha « 11 y for the prl-e ||A 1730 or MY F.ltS 4 RA1NOOI I' 4?4 tinialiu Hunk Hldg WILL swap ! karat diamond ting fur equity In lot in good location 'live 1<»« a II .in of lot tu f?r north or w« * \ddreaa j HAH, t imatiw |t**e LA HOLST aiia portable pool and b lliuwi table, cues, rack and balls for tadin or j i k-» ispsater. Addrene N < ■ omaba | line \A ATLfl power washing innohnn «->al •ange, for laying b* 1 « tn»b\ chit ka or : w bat hn\e you’* Address M • f> 4 *» Omaha Has ii At'lir.H and t room hou-o* f»nkei*on, j Tenn , for Ford -ms lota, «.r -ullage or' lot nt. ,».g lake Addr a H Aoi, Omaha Haa. WILL aw up Used 19 J K*»rd • l»Up* taking touring car as pari pi utenf. balance | -ash or «-as> payments. Address H roa, uitmlu Bee. 1 ^ MERCHANDISE Swap Column ....«••.W SWAP—Diamonds for coupe; late model; must be in good condition. Quick, fitude ' baker, Nash. Hupmobllt preferred. Ad drsss. S-641. Omahft_ Dee._ SMALL 0»cer, wire wheels, etc., Iti good shape, fast swap for Ford chassis or roadster with starter. Address 8-630, Omaha Dee._ ____________ MAN'S wool suit and vvercoat. size 36, good condition, swap for Victrola. Ringer sewing machine or what have you? Ad dress .8-629. Omaha Dee._ 1200 Vic*rola, 10 hens. 300 chicks 1 mo. old, for 3 lots to adT*. small Improve ments, as first payment. 8-844, Omaha Be*.__ 1921 OVKFtLAND ' 4 ' touting with start er; excellent condition. Will swap as first on 3 or 4-room house. Bo* 8-620, «»m a ha Dee._ m-:\v three-quarter size feather mattress, swap for mahogany library table or good golden oak dining table. Address S-600, | Omaha Dee. ! COAST to roast radio set. three-tube, • omplete battery, tubes and head phones, value. $150. to trade for Ford. 8-637, 1 Omaha Bee.___ Xn eqiuty in «,4 0 acres of Ilolt county fay rnd pasture land, for residence or vacant lot* Address S-64 5, Omaha Bee. FORI) sedan body, paint and upholstery, tjood trade for coupe body. Address S-817, Omaha Bee.__. wiiat have Vo fl for ,wo 1 building lots. Morningslde add? 8 648, Omaha Bee.'__ 6-ROOM modern 4 mgalo^p at 16,000 for 6 rms. in Dundee and pay dif fered ee. 8-648, Omaha Bee._ : R< -031 Mot $7,500 for 6-room modern In good loral * j 8-64 8, • Imi ha Bee RADIO outfit coast to oast n rang*-, car preferred, value 1750. S-655, Omaha Be*1___ Wild, 'trade 1922 big 6 Studebaker. A.l shape, for light roadster or late Ford coupe. Address 8-610, Omaha Bee \ NT lot, au trola, washing machine and vacuum clearer. Address 8 628 Omaha B*-» trie diah e for elec trie washing machine Address R-644. Omaha Bee. _ f Oregon fi clear. Swap for car. Address S-81Z, Omaha Be«*. . . four*oar, flat for Jong-dlatance radio set or cash. S-652, Omaha Bee. _ SALESMAN box fit* on rear of Fori roadster, to trail** for tools or what have vtfu? Box P-650. Omaha Be* WILL swap single-barrel shotgun, a good grunk and new auto robe for laying hens. Address 8-601. Omaha B**. TWO-ton Ma«k; just overhauled, steel cab. for good touring, coupe or sedan. Address 8-611 Omaha Bee _ FORD tounng body for Victrola records, library table, drop leaf dinner table or chairs Address 8-624, Omaha Bee. TROt K 1 l-S tone, standard maha* nearly new. for good pa***ng* r car. coupe or lousing Address S-602. Omaha Bee. WILT, snap odd pfe< *s of furnlturg for trunk and traveling bag Address fe-812. Omaha Bee _ ONE HORSE wagon, good * ngle harness, second-hand lumber for trade for what have you? Address F-613, Omaha Be* ONE'nee. $200 Chenev talking machine, vvl^ trade for good used piano Addict* 8-607, Omaha Bee PEERLESS oil burner, brand new for furna* o heating Will pay cash difference for Ford touring Box 8-818, f'n.ahn Bee. ."•■j I'ARA? diamond to trade for lot or equity in bouse. Addrees 8-638, The Omahii Bee 3 TUBE dry eii operated radio eel In cabinet, for Ford 1,500. mile range. Ad dress 8-643. Omaha Bee. NATIONAL ' *ash register, swap for wall paper and paint. Addresa 8-162, Oxua.ha Bee. orner lot 45th a 1 Howard, I - rooming house, restaurant or what have • LAND—4S" a• re ranch lend. ->ar. for Omaha property. Address 8 871, Omaha Bee ____ THREE good building lots In Kearny. Neb . to exchange for lot In Omaha or auto Addrees 8-639. Omaha Bee. ... Platte 8 miles ■ ■ wt of • olumbus. to trade fur 6-room house in nmaha Address 8-823. Omaha Bee. 7.1* A88E NOER car fo* 11 touring or sedan In flrst-clasa «onditlon Address 8-664, Omaha Bee - I on a?i 8 or 9-roor»» house Address 8-630. Omaha Bee. _ __ _ _ : beautiful ornament fur lvlng room. What have you? Address 8-809. Omaha Bee. FIVE passenger Jordon touring for trade for equity or on lot for house Address, I On i!<;i Bee. MY equ i f -r what have you* Bose Hi!| Addition. • s. .- * ' irrcha H< •’ PA ' swap f r painting, or what have j ou * * Ad dress. S-filt. Omaha Bee (’ONKKTTIONF.RY~etore; will “trade for city vacant property. Address 8-435, • maha Bee. f w swap for electric toaster or grill Ad dr**« 8-*50. Omaha lie* < ON<;bl,EI M Rl T Vx9 . for Door lamp or what hive you? Address S 617, Omaha Bat _ WILT, trad* a standard drop-head sewing machine for Victrola. Address S-122, *>maha B* * v. i swap rent of 4 ml I • ill all modern, walking distance f r r- t.t of modern bouse further out. HA 3356. fWO-TON truck aril trade f ■ n lot or equity in uty property S-34?. Omaha Bee $.10,060 .quit>- In 160 s.rcsT^r miles from Omaha w 1 i 1 trade for apartment house In I M: . 1 ' V Idress S i ha Bee $1,6 70 equity in ;->rsr old 5 room A om t'lnirmont bungalow, for car and ensb 8-4*8, Omaha Bee I A ROM cooler. 3 compartments. good con dition; exchange for s-.-ialliv cooler. Ad dress. 8 *08, Omaha Bee. for lenient box or used lumber Address, 8-818, Omaha Bee MODERN , t as firs* payment on a • room horn*' prb a $56'> Address Box l i # SIX-APT ' 4th and Ha nearly new, sell or trad* S a47. Omaha Bee_ SMALL fin m near Scott* bluff Neb. clear, grow anything, want city property. 8 *49. Orn* ha H t HAS ItAN\ii:, good condition swap for what have you* Addtess j* 61!, l.>rf\aha 2ai __ WIl.l, swim. • passenger touring for good lot or smaller cur Addiesa 8-880, Omaha _ __ I.RI' K in> oiiu good location. will take mortgng* ■ or small farm 8 *48. umahi Bre_ lit liGV, chin* cabinet to swap for wash tub* or Hall rug .t4 wide and 14 yards long Address s *20, Omaha Bee WILL -wap & v h .!«*• pa it t for what h»' c Mill ’ $t-74 iintaha Hr* .No Indian mnn r. yvlr with aid ■ nr for h>. » 01 ur Hot s tuna' « B*# 1IAHY rarti.-iga or •* t»t r Mn*.h*r to tfnfla for gtocrrlra 8-^.s»4, Omaha It*'** DInINUROOM I V B1 I ; . I ihli • ith dtawM AtldirM 8 • <•«. Oipahn Hm, TR A l»r«: Dorlgit tourlt.fc. l>.Mti t»«i- I I.lg* r*md«tnr Itodv fall K17 MM 8" \r Auto traitor !• phottogi a th. Ail<It naa, 8 « 4«V Th*- Om.ih i ft* * WILL lig i I* I Lira or pluw-^ota it* trad* fo* Rod Atltlt'w 8 A3, itinnha !(•« AN otgAii, good (ondlllnit for Lo bog or oil at itvo ItlilrM* S ♦* I A, Ottinhrt llr* I Al'Y S tbroa RtmtH diamond ting for l-'urd Vddrraa 8 Omaha Rpp Wli L aw ap Kimball piano nearly nr w for Ford *•' \ dilrrna 8 -M6. tlttiiiha llrr. 'Ilia'll k"ut pud kid to trad* for hloyolo. I Add'"v* S s’v Lituilm Mr* IIA.NI* vi until awiM-pn to Rwap for hnna Add r • v otnnlui |L « l>Ol>UF. touring to tradn for futnlahrd flm or win! huvr yon" 8 If* Omaha ll«*r WILL aw-up tnv arfvlra iim iuivsp f*»r rail ma«t agprttara ttpii S MR. Omaha 8\' \ 1* fit -»l • I i ’ r * on I tv it go for ga- t a ngr AitdrrR't 8 H?4. t Miiahn |i*»o " ILL rwrp |400 r«iulf> In fUfltlliira for 1 i ar or rliainonda 8 44*., rttnnlta It* r TIIUI'I tunhoganv »«»• k*-ta for what hair you? Addrraa 8‘tft, t’maha lira. , I_ MERCHANDISE Wanted to Bn} . 73 \VK buy magazines and hII kinds of waste paper. OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO. I St h and Marcy. __ JA. 0159. DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desks, need desks bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. 6146. RENTAL AplI-lain. Furnished .74 OOOOOOO00OOO00000000000oo o o o o o o o o O MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL. O O O j O 1STH AND DODGE. O I O O o o O Apartments consist of living room, O O dining room, kachenette and bath, o O O o o O Rental includes heat light, gas. O O phone and ma;d service. 0 O O o o O Apartments furr Cied toft wpter O O by Refinite Soft Water Process O O O O O 8- 8 o oooooooooooooooooooooo o Apartments furnished s* >ou would furnish your own home 1 room, a room accommodation, walking distance, $50 to $&'». 3 rooms, 5 room accommodation, $77.50 to Is5. 4 rooms, with bedroom. $105 to $130. CALL US WE WILL TAKE YOU OUT. DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY, Fireproof Apartment* Cor. 17th and Howard JA. 2805. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ] o o I o o o the el BKL'DOR o o EXCLUSIVE APARTMENT O O HOTEL. O G Attractive apartment* with kitchen O O and breakfast room Furnished O O complete. Combining the exclusive- o O ne*» of a home with hotel service*. O O Tub and shower bath. O O O O Weekly rentals Include light, gas, o O heat and maid service. O O O O I»odre at 18th. Tel. AT 4206 o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | -~ EI.9I.VORE Ft KNIHHED APTS. ; One lovely 4-rooin apt. 160; one large j room apt , 165. See these at once. You'll 1 i'ke them. EDWARD R GIBBS, HA 1114. ZllTSO 24TII ST.—3-room, strictly mod I era apartment. everything furnished; I garage If preferred Reasonable AT. I 2396. • fjrniahd, piano. aew;:.g machine, pri vate bath porch laundry, $55. adult*, i No. 18th S* Call WE 3841.__ v Dodga a'i Home for traveling man and Wife. Apis.. Flats, * n furnished. *3 APARTMENT THE AUSTIN. Ilth and Daven port . • A R BERRY. 40th and Ca*e I^»rge a!r\ 4 nnra apartmen * with 2 and 3 exposure*, $• ■ and $85. THE ALHAMBRA 48th and Cap itol Ave Three and 4-room apartment*. *n beautiful Dunde* $35 to $87 5 ' TERRACE COURT. Park Ave. at Mason St : 1 Three rooms with 5-room accom { modatUui ?w.» Murphy beds, $57 50 to $65.00. PALMER. 26th and St Marys: HANSrOM. 10.5 Park Ave I Three-room apartment* at Y66 60. | One room. 3-room accommodation. I walking distance, a part men*. S 7 • and $4n 00. furnished, $-0 to $56. CALL 1*8. WE WILL TAKE YOU * HVT DRAKE RENTAL AGENCY Fireproof Apartment* Cor. 17th and Howard JA 28«$. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o U ill! Vo 4 Sw " ' <1. 01- O O ner of Dew ey and Sweet wood O O A v -• i- w.en 3th Ave sad 26* U O O *tre« v $50. O O S Hi U K ; .gh O O 2528 Dodge street. $54 O O 4 Roon.a —N<* t*j Troy, 360* liar. O O n«v afreet. $57 5*' O O 4 Rooty 1*-— N o 7 l\y 2 407 N'or'h O O 1 4' h a r • $ i O * Rooms and D r ug 4 < eve— No O O 26 Mt Vernon, f.4 South Slat O O Street. $9$ O : O PETERS TRUST COMPANY O O “'4 here Omaha Renta O O AT 664 4 1 7th and Farnam St- O OOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOO OOOOOO i ONLY 2 apartment a left ia fUmona • o*irt. Omaha a n-we-t "Duplex t>**' I apartment Large living room*, dming | room. kitchcu fiiat floor. 2 «orner bed roomn. tiled bath upstair* Refrigerator, kitchen ■ gbinet. gas range. g*s water Keat#r al! furnished 3 exposures to each apartment. gi\ ngr • ro*- i»ni twin ;n all room*. Open fi*r Inspection today at 2307 Dewey Ave T H MAKNNF.R CO . Htflldera. 5’4 Omaha 1 *C Bidg AT 3'62 apartments now available. LOOK AT No. 16 Portland Park 4' and I*av 5 Room* at $4n 00 626 South Slat Ave. Thai an Apta. 4 Room* at $000 >04 South :i*t Avenue Manual Apia. 4 Room* at $45 06 . Purdrtte Apt* '.”>f and HurdeMe Sfa. T or 4 Rooms at I.* and You mi V »e.* anv of the*e lod*> W .1 PALMER CO AT S9$6 T$ RNER COURT In on* of Omaha * moat de*irab»e real dentist district a Opposite park and boule vard. three room* with five-room com modatUni*. Boulevard expoaute. available Mav 1. Janitor. 11A MM G M H A 18Kit. Mgr 3162 Dodge St. H.\ 7146 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo O room flat. 2124 Slier malt axe O O nur. |2S. O O PKTKfUt TIUST COM PANT O O Where Omaha Hen*# O O AT 04 4 iTrh end Farnam sta. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , \I'ARTMK\TS AND FI ATS 133 to 1100 W .1 I'AIAIKK Oil TtF.AL FSTATIT Management AT AIM’ Keelin* Rldg ri'UNKW rot RT A Pliable 1st « f Max Front apartment. I>at1 nr Iniulexard •M>i>au-*’ • • of Omaha* most exrlualx* tealdentlal ilu inn* tl W IIAISKH. Mgr *!*; f*.ufg* sv If A T140. ' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O 4 room flat 7".» South It'h afreet. O O > o O n.ri.KS TRl ST COMIVANT. O) O Wheta Omaha Rents. O i 0 AT 0544 l*»h and arnam Sta O I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI Till MOST select. beatldfullx situated and comfortable, all modern. aifM 5-tooin , aj’ta In Omaha garage tennis court Phone cxeolngt, Sundax. W\ •';*:» week riava .M 4 SOl’TIt SI!*U A I ’ A t; 1 MIA V 5 rooms, water furnished N*.« r»’»l.1*noA ae. Hon neat «• hoftla ■ t • hu ■ h-a lien 9so no I • at 44e| So JJtxd W .1 PAI.M Kit l/O. AT 49* u 1 UK t-» iNiTm.oW It- x at 1 t lx • in* room, kitchen bedroom hath large closet Nrvx. x er> fmr All modern S*r janitor .14 St.4f x'htxlre ti n*omi and bath Fxerx roinn an out aid a room, with an a bund ante nf sunlight. Melxrdrto \td* IMII and WooIxvuMh, winter rate t. -A I ■KNTIt A I «tn‘|ie. .1 I'-'ti *tf» im--.juxlr-t ondition .1 or 4 room apt* Offlo, 22dt% , North 2lot cz RENTAL - > Apts., Flats, Unfurnished.73 APA RTM ENTS FOR KENT W FARNAM SMITH & CO., Realtor* 1320 Ft _ JA. 0564. SIX ROOM, southeast corner apartment., St. Regia a part men in, 62l South 31th 8t. Telephone IIA. 70H3. FOR OffS ( W DRAKE’S 1000 APARTMENTS f'i !1 J a r ■' n : PACIFIC AND 32D BT. Root M '* . I pleasant rooms and bath, second floor, 196. HA. 3711. 4 ND and Harnoy, f-room apartment. 1 Vacant Mar 1ft. I GALLAGHER <fc NELSON. JA. 3382. PETERS-TRUST COMPANY. WHERE OMAHA RENTS.” AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. THE FRANCES, 2616 Capitol Ave. rood urn 4-room apt , bath, fine condition. Walking distance. $40._WE._5305. _ 6-ROOM modem flat for rent. 216 Park Ave. Cali Harney 2046. Walking dis tance. I CHEERFUL, now, airy, outside, strictly 'modern 6-room apt. 2214 1». near 23d 8t. modern. See Janitor. E ’ i 5th 81 rooti unfut r iihed apt. Reasonable AT. 6051._^ in apti | accomodations for 4 ".-ROOM . downtown, strictly modern. I t h 4 * • tilekkul. new, airy, •tUildt, strictly modern 5-room apt. 2214 D, near 23d St. 4 ROOM modern apt . walking distance, janitor service; summer, $56. WA. 386 8. | FOUR-ROOM modern apartments. low ' r-nf_G P. Stebbins, 1410 Chicago St. Houses, Furnished . 78 OOOOOOOOfOOOOOOOOOjOOOOOO O 8 roojg horn-. Well furnished O O e e^ping porch. 3f,2l Harney St., O O $125. O O PETERS TRUST COMPANY, O O Where Omaha Renta " O O AT 0544 17th aJul Farnam Sts O OOOOOOf. UOCcOOOOOOOOOOOOOO R 1 N'ce ard Harney 7201 Sunday and Monday only._ _ 8 ROOM residence, modern, partly fur nished. 21*? and Howard 81C0. Refer ences required. JA. 3256. H A 727*>—THOROUGHLY. MODKRN. \\ ELL FURNISHED. 6-ROOM HOME, DOUBLE OARAGE. 890 Houses, Unfurnished .V*** Gooooooooooocoocoooobooco o FINE DUNDEE HOME O O 9 rooms, 2 baths, double garage. O O e*ei dtion. Sir.1 Davenport O O St $225 O O PETERS TRUST COMPANY. , O O Where oma'na Rent* O O AT 0 54 4 1 7th and Farnam St* O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O 0000000000000003000000000 G • Jin bungalow 2437 T:tu» ave- O O RUf $4 O O 7 room house 4201 California o O street. $1* O O PETERS TRUST COMPANY. O O Where Omaha Rent*." O O AT 0:44 17 h «nd Farnam Be. O oooccoocoo 00 0000000000000 0 0 0 0 OO OOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O An attractive and d**irab> home O O of 8 room*, garage* for- 2 car*. O O 4.3 South 31at street. $125 O O PETERS TRUST COMPANY O O 'Where Omaha P.ent* O 0 AT 054 4 17th and Farnam S '* O 0000000000003370000000000 • K• m • \!. a * - - rag*, a’ 3421 Webster Reference* re i • HA .r!‘V .a uHIu P 4 room* a i ha- h. * ;; do eotne decorating. $2* 1*. J Stebbena Co., JA. 2162_ FOR RENT—5-room house n g-y>d repair, 241* No. 36th St_ • -BOOM cottage. May i. 3021 Chicago St. HA 111 FOR RENT—Seven-r i-oin modern house. Inquire at 4008 8. l?th St. Offices and Store* . 88 •> 712 aq f* f.oor a e on third floor .©? Industrial Bldg.. 37th and Webster. Hegt »■ 1 fireproof. day*;ght t-ldg pa** and freight elevator .-erviee. I w rent. Sow In*. ghf and p* %er wiring throughout, ideal tor light mfg . five car line* paaa corner. \r • r.\* we 4-8 1 9 10 Farnam, larg«* store With basement. 5 50. • f : U' rr rr* « -n - • ■ *» P l-'.g . * pi end' 1 front office F 1» *nd D H Bow man. 3iu S lktlfPSt. Mead B !g AT 6111. _0 ____ SPI.V.NDID store roon 42x132 ft mf « i;inh> f**r a |ar»cr near lTtb and Cuming St*. F I* W* »J and D If Bow man. 316 S 1Mb S'. Weed Bidf AT. mi.___ rmCE apace, lrrge. for rent. *u table for email factory-, we!! lighted and venti lated. hirh ceiling, private office* ard vault. For particular* a*e Aismito Pair* Leavenworth at 2 6th St V ERY de*irab!e office «pa e in V>«* Natl Tt Bldg Apply 40M Fir*t Nat l Bank Bldg _ _ amount • rim MA 20«2. Mr Rudolph. Reward. Hot»in anil Board .81 WILL board and *-oom two gentlemen for $« a * .»ch. Address N 22d A\e. Phqwe HA. 1121 _ _ I BURDETTE—Board and room or r -m without board private home WA (><, 7 • PARK a\ f ■ m — Mo fern full 1 'or for couple eoip ^d Board if *e *ired equate f'*• 1510 Harney St Te AT. 41» b e VF.R Y .•’•ra Ive modern room. 1 or J gentlemen. A 1 board, dts rab’e location. v a • if.____ LAB O K f I ge* • ASS ST, 18*17 *'o*y room and good home •King. reasonable li a ’"ft* tTe’A Room w .'h bosrd. two gentlemen, good home coeking, rea*. Hoorn*. UurnUlicd .. 82 0 00 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O * o o o O FARNAM ST IV** WELLING- O O Tt »N INN HAS NICELY FT R- O 0 MSIIFH ROOM* M 1TH DF- O O TV UK!' OR PRIVATE HATH AT O 0 VERY ATTRACTIA E RATIOS T» 1 O 1 0 PERM WENT GUI STS DON’T O O FAIL To M.K THEM O O O i o o OOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOO 1 r KKI, ROOM DIRECTORY for g ROOM Hl'NTKRS Should ><nu fail to find listed be >w ths room \ou want, call at th# Want" Ad > unter of Tha i*m.»ha Baa for a room d rectory The Omaha Bra maintains this i • rale# for jour rotjtfn'fr.i New Hit 1 . | t *',j ff x "ii VtIM tO Insert an ad of jour own phonr AT. 1 OtO and ask fo vilsa Smith, our "Room for Rant" epeciallst. V Cl ARHMONT HnrK.1. t?th near da-Kaon Atlantic ..Ml Con veniently located .private tmul. single or In eui.o Hot and % old water. '» le-phona, ' shower and tub bath Rates St to Hi' w askty l!i*a s‘ TIUHTY THIRh ST Two luge wonderful rooms, connection with bath, an suite or single private home gentleman i or couple delightfully coo 11 V ♦ *?. Kl RNISBKO ' ROOM l*OR RKM j New home and equipment, on Farnam line walking distance Mao garage «pa.« if dr •* -d Phone H£ If#. \ KHY fyn> extra 'atg« •. m In lovely i bungalow home /home ptiiiieg •. con i van out to car garage reasonah* kK I I WKI.l. turntahv 1 southea** tw:r, 1 or I . gent )r to eu who approtai* a ref wed home. ■ w . iws l .’i.vfa' if « i- \ w k g:i n I.ARilP pleasant room aoitable fo, 1 or gentlemen, icttpl*- «t, privileges Hsnacotu park district, on rat Hue it?;* s :tih 11? I* \ It K W I P nr f.»r lum' e , ar ge "•ulhraat *ootw. for two a mt lamer or mar r s,t couple In modern, pt *ate home ref ••ten it \ a a no pr.SIRKRI l room for gentleman p natr i family, icaaonabo Florene RUd V !: . ; ?* NP\T! Y furnished front room in pri i home if -is llsillv j s Itu Ai V Alia, i rental Room*, Furnished.31 TWO connecting fr«n^ rooms beautifully furnished, priva’e lavatory Large roorw with bath, board Oarage. HA. 179*1 37th St! M'ah <*6l'».viTl hotkt^ Desirable east front ro-.m, near bath ang phone, every convenience Harney 4**6. * \ room, block from Fount** park, privat* family. WE. 3164 HOWARD ST. 7 J 2 — Walking distance, nicely furnished sleeping rooms. Reason* able HA. 7378 ____ ___ LARGE f . r: • h* . • 1 <1 e modern homo of 3 adults, $4 v. cek. AT, 8S7£._____ HA 3 4 7 " if' 1.) — NT-'-;., furnished rooms* privilege*: nurses only._ ‘ *» rooms furnished, no children Phone WE. 1677. ft A. for one or two Walking distance 44 Keeping or sleeping rmc ( ail WA 6513. HA. 9ip6—<’OZT FL’RN ro« n modfr® liom*, lavatory; ref. geruien'-n pref. Du roan with ref. W 347, Oi j . vate home: for two Horn: privilege* FOl'R s'-epmg rooms, strictly modern, walking_distance. Call_WE. _37t0._ Ft’RNISHEl > room on ground floor. $2 69 per week. HA. 5390. HA. Si4j—Large attractive room. Idea! home. >4 blo-k to car; gentleman. I modern br.r k fiat. 13.fO ar.'l up; elose-in. TWE.NTV y EccJsD ST. 828 SO —-Rooms* Meals_if deeired Reasons hie. AT. 48 2? MOD, steam ht~l7 '.Q~ up7~72T~N. lith FL Booms. ttonmMWS . M UNFURNISHED rooms in private family : ro children. WE. €751. Call after 5 p- m. UNFURNISHED room modern, private family, rinse to car. garage If de«ire<J. WA. 5354. 4350 C harles St. --=- -- .yrr.t-1 Rooms for Housekeeping SI FREE ROOM DIRECTORY for ROOM HUNTERS. Should you fall to find Hated below the room you want, call at ths “Want** Ad < ounter of The Omaha Bee for a room directory'. The Omaha Bee maintains thla service for >our convenience. New list issued each week. And. If you waot to lnaert an ad of your own. phone AT. 17 ACRES with 5-R. house, bam at >i sheds, l blk. to Florence car. WftI re pair |400 per year F I'. Wead a? ■! D H. Bowman. 310 S ISth Ft, Wead Bldg AT. 0151 TWO room* furnished or unfurnished, fo il g h t housekeeping, gas. light and phone furnished; adults only_HA. 24*2. EXCEPTIONALLY !arg* c ^in house keeping • •>epirig roon.a Walkinj d.stanre. 2 2.4 Dodge TWO > or.r.c ting fror.' rooms, furnished cne-half Mock from Farnam St. 16.54. 2< I 5 25th Ave f W K NTT-THIRD ST~ ToS N.—Howm~ keeping rooms, gas Hght and heat fur bished. 8 'WENTT-8LXTH ST —H ousel ;ng room, complete. 16, main f.oor. HA III! m, for light house* ? M A. 4124 31214 CALIFf'RNIA FT—2 sod 8 mk*e ? skpg. suites, ground floor reas HA. 4441. i • • ... „ - • vate fsm ’y. ro cl- r_-n KE 2:'t. ST. MART AVK . 2*07 pD asset 1 erd 2-room Lskg6_Aptg_ AT. 4151. TWENTY -sixth St.—118 So., newly ftarl Mahed 2-room su.t to adults. Employed. Want Ad to R*>nt .85 " ANTED to rent, i-room rr.odern horn-, WA. 3 4 L€. Where to'fitop in Omaha .87 JJ*'Z*7*J SANFoKD—14th and Farnam. HuTKL HF2NFHAW—l<th and Farnam. Special rate# to permanent guests. CARLTON HOT Ell _Summer rates. $i per day and up. HOTEL NEVILLE. William Koenig. Mgr. i REAL ESTATE ^ Business Property . . 88 Close to 17th ana Doa^e St, Her* is a pi# e of property growing m value ami s; ill paying f per c »nt 03 1*4 * *4. which :» th~ pur-hat* pries. Gailafher & Nelson, t *-> P>IT« Trim »:.lf JA H>; Farms anil Ranrlirs . . 9<i PUGEf SOUND, ‘ WASHINGTON FREE M >VWO PI rURES AND SLfDEI Three « • Sunday aft--noon. 'Aprs; jit Croua.M Mock, or P* ' pkS .--s'ra: r,g fr i.t farming. «i airy mg and poultry 'a « r.g >;ure by Dr Wm C„ H. * of Seattle, anr.cum ,ng r**l opportun.‘.es open for mer. . ? small capital ;n the delightful .irnaie, i surroundings and splendid market Free informs. ' r ar.d literature *a. or %* r a Lr information, Wrn. Fond*-, 'cr caltura] Development '.cent, 1 opt A a- eat Northern Railway, 1 ' h* N Off * open e e _ n.ngs. M6NTANA* LOW R RI 4d~FARMS Tl • 'enk has a - umbe- c? mproved f.irn * and tar. has that w. P* dispose 1 °f regardlea* of a lull value. Tour chance to start r eht Here ■* samp’ 144-acre farm. 4 ni'.ies to gro-tire town in heart of oil activities m Montana »5* 1 land, nearly a!l tillable, g'od sna ' buildings Oil rights nay be valuable • nl I-. * per act# . a<-es m * half a lane a grating. $ '. ■ per s e • v k- r* n Ms* ne*0ta and Dakotas Terra* given. Why pay rent? Get a farm of your own in new and growing country W* wtl heir > ou Don't delay Mi’s tnday, l«. Farm I department, CAPITAL TRUST A SAVINGS RANK. _ St Paul Minn. * AN ADI AN PACIF1 ’ IRRIGATED FARM LANDS w* of*er you an ,'p. ;tun tv to buv • «»’f 1 la- ** in s r> 8 * 'tern A t-er-.-,. Achlw* independen t e' *nt r^r* * * adapted for 1 'i*to> >> r» airg. I nf». g of * S t fr SSSUrOtl b^ t'anadiat government < *te un v ^L'e, I-T10 loan, to approved settlers for firm Improvements Average price let an * - ?3 yea-* *o pa' « • na • -r *-• Cement * > s re ;u ring , . u.sfcn reaenable Improvement* it per cent down, neat principal payment end of 4:h 'e«r. Inter cat f at 7 years 2 in'r Vent per annum, baiai .\e at * p.*r . .-» t equal anneal payment* \| . K THORNTON, Supt cf v'oien* * atlor »V adian r*> il - Railway, K* 4th Avenue K, Calgary. Alberts, a Lana Opportunity*' " * f-v rV ar*- a: rdu. .non a to ***•1 • cb our Choice central lx iktmid • "4b Heat of clay loam i» roadr w a tc •choo*. neighbors »-<t ma-keta. W# h*ca a real pro;>*>»*; ,«n for peop'e of ti«a »r*'•'< « whc want to <*w ' a good faint home No •pebuUtom or agents wanted xv !a today fur oa' Special p'tloea and terms to actual aettl.r* JV HN S OXX \ IVMHKR "TWT, Owen C ark « aantj XVlecomdu K*'K S\t.K a' a haga-.n p e on ea»' te;iu* or might ! r««1e for ntrr - b«ndlt** or Omaha ott> property H*«cr« reach in Hu; to County south !>afcot» About •** «■ iri in ouit hi aii, largA spring, too large temrnt reservoir: 33* a ~o* few«:e*l. a *5 good »ott and igya extra good Ope rf *’ be* lit. c rattie V, »• . he- So ?H l»ao l'»tge Iff per a>re Make me an offer. MMKS t 1HJW P **i Bn»«n H'tvk Omaha V*-* * farm for %at* 1 n.’ee from Couiu ] Hiuffa. With fin* itnprotemectla. ail-tv.,«»!*T« h*iU*e Xv'flcnt . v!l*u«.dmg* • a'e- doubJ, gwiagc *u soM feat-d *n4 • of. water K>'*- «iu*c* aa*c p -c tU.»h* I* wl! hn da t X w o .«, ,* • he a i>a ‘ » ■' • e * 'a • * c « • * .M Phone H XX x*.** Counrt; Hiuffa xx '. K *en a. Hour t * 'MW! M'Tt y *! i'O arrt »- V • • » * in wreha xx ;• .» C *♦,», .Net .aft, Vltxa -k