The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, April 28, 1923, LAST MAIL EDITION, Page 16, Image 16

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    Identity of
“Clara” Near
Letter Addressed to “Jackson”
Believed to Be Meant for
Brother-in-Law. Whose
Wife W^as in Trial.
By International Sews Service.
I.os Angeles, Cal., April 27.—Mrs.
Pitta 'May Jackson, the “baby sister”
-of Clara Phillips, "hammer mur
deress,” believed to he the woman held
under provisional arrest at Teguci
galpa, Honduras, with Jesse Carson,
was linked today with establishing the
almost positive identity of the woman
belli in the South American republic
as Mrs. Phillips, after authorities had
shown an exclusive and copyrighted
International News Service dispatch
front Tegucigalpa.
The ar. ’hurlties here based their be
lief on the fact that among the tele
grams and letters taken from the
woman thought to be Mrs. Phillips,
Honduras authorities found one ad
dressed to "Jackson" at Tampico and
signed "Mrs. R. M. Young, " the name
n1 the woman thought to be tfie
"Tiger Woman." •
Tiie message asked Jackson when
All I'hone* ATInntlc 4540
UOI .V I fit h Street
"r Itelivcr to All Parts of the
City. j
I KHO.M 0 TO 3 l». M.
Bacon Briskets, Ib.10*
Best Pork Chops, Ib....l2\*
Sugar Cured Skinned Ham*, per
lb.17 >=6
$ Rib Roast, rolled, Ib. . . . 1/L.*
| Boiling Beef, Ib.5*
I Spare Ribs, lb.o* *
SI l ure Lard, ib.12*2*
ft£%cr> thing in Our Store In n
Fresh Liver, io. .56 I
j Steer Steak. Jb.-12**6
Best Beef Roast, Ib.12:i.-*
! Leg of Mutton. Ib.IO*
Veal Steak, lb.20*
Boiling Beef, 4 lbs.... ... 25* I
I Leg of Mutton, ib.15c
. Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs.25*
j N'dck Bones, ib. . . . 5* l
Extra Fancy Smoked Sliced
Hams, every slice a beauty,
i per Ib.35*
Short Cuts. lb. .15*
Veal Roast. Ib. 11*
Veal Chops, 2 lbs.25*
Corned Beef, lb. . . .12 4*
Fork Shoulder Roast. Ib.10 *
Smoked Boneless Picnic Hams.
per Ib. 13 «■
Salt Fork. 2 Ibr.J55*
Extra Fancy Bacon, lb. 25r
Bacon Strips. Ib.12 *
Rick led Pig’s Feet. 3 lbs 25r
Fresh Pork Sausage, Ib. IO*
I Strictly Fresh Hamburger.
j 3 lb.«. 25*
| f. It Of ER A m-PARTMENT
Potatoes, peck . 15*
' Best Potatoes, bushel.85*
Carnation Milk, tall cans . IO*
Sweet Oranges, dozen... 2*
l^argc Grapefruit, each.. the
; large Heed Lettuce.25A
Fresh Strawberries, Head Let
tuce. Green Onions. Celery and
Freeh Tomatoes. New Cabbage
— Everything in Season.
Strictly Fancy Fresh Chickens
^ not accidentally good
but -Made Good Always
We Sell
The Big New Bar
* he was coming. The reply to this
message, signed ' Ben Norton.” stated
he was coming, as well as sending
‘'Jack," and to await his letters. The
name, "Ben Norton.” here is believed
lo be the Way Jackson signed the mes
sage to hide his identity.
Mrs. Jackson, before her marriage
to It. S. Jackson, was Miss Etta May
Weaver. Her husband is known to be
an oil man and rancher near Tam
pico and it was believed by officers
here, in view of the telegram found
In "Mrs. Young's'' possession, that
"Jackson' is Mrs. Phillips’ beother-in
law and has been in constant commu
nication with her and supplying her
with money. Mrs. Jackson was a
i witness at Mrs. Phillips' trial here last
October and November, and stated
then her home was Tampico, Mexico.
Special Election Is Sought
for Rural Electric District
Special IMopatrh to The Omaha Bee.
Fremont. Neb.. April 27.—A peti
tion was Hied in district court re
questing that a special election be
called to allow the residents of a
proposed Scribner rural election dis
trict to vote on a $90,000 bond issue
for the. establishment of the district
and the construction of light and
power lines. This is the first petition
for a charter to he filed under the
passage of the new amendments by
the legislature on April 18.
A district had been created previ
ously in Saunders pounty, but due to
technicalities on the levying of taxes,
was found to lie Illegal. The petition
in signed by 78 freeholders. Should
tlie bond issue be approved, an elec
tric light and power line, connecting
with the plant at Scribner will be
Defendant oil Stand for
Fourth Day in Fraud Trial
Luciep B. Fuller began his fourth
consecutive day on the witness stand
yesterday in the trial of himself and
13 others in federal court on ehargas
of mail fraud in promotion of the
Colonial Timber and Coal corpora
Half an hour was used in receiving
testimony of character witnesses.
Judge L. S. Hastings. Judge R. U.
Roper. J. G. Ross, Arthur Myatt and
George Sohweiser of David City, and
Judge B. F. Good of Lincoln, testified
that Fuller's reputation was good.
Charles Sellick, receiver of the Mid
land Savings bank, Lincoln, testified
that the reputation of Rev. Charles
1-1. Rogers, former pastor of Plym
outh Congregational church, Lincoln,
and former official of ihe Midland
eoncerti, was good.
Pile Dri\cr Crew Injured
in Accident at Fremont
Special Dispatch to The Oninhn Bee.
Fremont, Neb.. April 27.—Edwin J
Lunn. 26. Bonesteci, S. D.. and A.
Peterson. 23. Omaha, members of a
Northwestern construct ion crew, w-ere
seriously injured late Thursday after
noon when they were struck by a pile
driver. The crew was working at
Hie Chautauqua siding, one mile west
of Fremont.
The injured men were working at
the base of the driver when some
thing broke in tbe mechanism of the
machine, allowing the heavy weight
to descend. Peterson attempted to
scramble to one side, but one arm
was caught beneath the driver and
badly mangled. Lunn is more sen*'
ousiy hurt, suffering internal injuries,
doctors helievc.
S.-hlaifcr Matched to Meet
Walker in Chicago May 3
Morrie Schlalfer. Omaha welter
c ight, lias been matched to meet
Micky Walker, worlds champion
Iterweight, in a 10-round go at the
< Tilcagu coliseum the night of May 3.
it was announced yesterday by Pat
Boyle. Scblalfer's manager.
Boyle completed negotiations for
tin; match over long distance telep
hone this noon.
Where Your Dollar Does Double Duty
The Dodge Market
16th Street—Across From Postoffice <
Phone-ATLANTIC 7911—Phone
Specials for Saturday
Pig Pork Loins,
half or whole,
, per lb. H/2*
Pig Pork Rnaat.
per Jb.,
9' 21
Fresh Dressed
per lb., 22'it
Steer Pot. Roast, lb.lO'it
Steer Steaks, Ut .15«
Young Veal Roast, lb. . -llZzi/i
Young Veal Ureast, lb. ■-S'/it
Steer Round Steak, lb. .. 17'/2®
Yearling Lamb Legs, lb. 18^^
Lamb Stew, lb.
Sugar Cured Picnic Haras,
Per lb. .12/,4
Sugar Cured Bacon. lb.. 14^*
No. 1 Haras, lb.
Fresh Home Made Hamburger,
Fresh Pork Sausage, lb...lO«*
Pure Lard, per lb.ll’/ie I
Perk Chope. lb...
< aniMtion Milk, tall cane . ..
I Can* Fancy torn ..* .'***..
Fancy !*«»*. 2 «4n* .. .. •«_
? Found* Dried Peach** ....*.* .***.'.V
3 f.arge Can* flnminr .* Y.*.'.****. Y..
ft Pound* Frenh Hulk Oatmeal .•'!!!,!,! YiY!'..3V
Rogers’ Bakery Goods and
Fancy Pastries.
t (Juet Ineide the Door.)
Full Line of Coffee Roll*, Cookiee, Cakei, French Paltry, Pie*
and Bread.
25o Angel Food Cake .
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Freeh String Beane, lb.
Ripe Banana*, dozen ........ Y YY! Y *.! .ior
Oellcla Applea box ....# Y.Y/.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y * * * $1 1ft
Fancy Navel Orange*, dozen ..YY..Y..Y 2ftc
Fxtra Fancy l^arg* Grapefruit .. ..YY.YY.’YY YlOe
Freeh Tomatoe*. Aaparague. Celery. Online, .Vrawberr lee. Heart l'.einice a'
the right price*.
I i
VJb Recommend
its Always GOOD
•ELL OIWntn.Mj.H.rn
Surgery Heals
Crippled Girl
Children’s Home Society Ward
Now Can Romp ami Flay
Like Others.
The clays of miracles may lie past,
but modern medical science continues
to accomplish healings that seem quite
miraculous to many.
Pretty Esther ltutt. 14. is one of
those who consider modern surgery
capable of performing miracles. For
although she had become resigned to
the idea of walking her way through
life on crutches, she now is able to
cast her crutches aside and walk like
other happy, normal little gil ls.
Pul Into ley Water.
Esther was quite a normal, healthy
baby at birth. When she was if years
old. however, someone placed her in
a tub of icy water. Rescued from the
tub some time later, she was blue
with cold, and rheumatism resulted.
Her lift log was drawn up so that it !
was quite useless, and for 11 years
she was tumble to romp and play.
She was discovered last fall by Rev. i
C. E. Ryder, superintendent of tlie !
Beatrice district of the Nebraska Chil
dren's Home society, brought lo
Omaha and placed in the hands of
Rev. It. B. Ralls, heud of the society.
Rev. Mr. Ralls took her lo Dr. Robert |
Schlock, who is on the associations
medical staff.
Joyous News.
Then came tlie joyous news. An X j
ray of the leg showed that It was en- I
tirely possible, in fact quite probable, i
that Esther's leg could be brought
back to its normal usefulness She
was taken to the Methodist hospita* i
and after an operation a cast was!
placed on her leg. The cast has just I
been removed, and Esther's leg now Is i
quite straight. In a short lime she I
will be sble lo use it without diffi- j
Esther's parents are dead, and when
she was found by Rev. Mr. Ryder, she I
was living witli a grandfather, near ,
Campbell. Neb. Her grandfather had ,
been unable to support her. and in a
short time the association expects lo
place her in some nice home as a '
member of the family. She lias been
convalescing in the Home for Crip
pled Children, but being no longer a
clippie, she now is at the associa
tions home.
Eiglity-two per cent of the people
who died or were injured by fire
in this country last year were moth
Invalid Child Made
Well by Operation
Extermination of Coyotes
Profitable !\ear Falls City
special Dispatch 1o The Omaha Bee.
falls City. Neh . April '-’7.— Exter
mination of baby coyotes is proving
atiout a profitable occupation for :
Richardson county farnurs Forty
two coyotes have been turned into the
county clerk's office fur bounty in
less than a week, causing a drain of
$128 on the county treasury.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
U. S. Withdraws
F r o m Siberian
Consulate* at \ ladivostnk Or
dered Closed—Russ Ac
tion Cause.
By Associated l’rr»»
I la i bin, Manchuria, April 27.—S.
Pinkney Tuck, American (onsul at
Vladivostok, has announced that he
is leaving the soviet far eastern capi
tal with his staff May 1, and has
advised all Americans in the country
to do likewise, according to advices
received today.
It was also stated that Vice Consul
Edward B. Thomas, stationed at
Chita, is leaving on the same date.
By t'illverssl Sen ire.
Washington, April 26.—Russia has
taken a new tack to force nations
whigli have not already done so, to
recognise It as a nation entitled to all
diplomatic privileges.
It was reported nere yesterday on
good authority that the Russian gov
ernment has canceled the exequatur
of S. Pickney Tuck, American consul
at Vladivostok, and that he and
consular representatives of other na
tions not friendly to Russia, have been
ordered to leave tile country.
The act of the Russian govern
ment is equivalent to expulsion, but
it will be some deys before officials
here get the facts in the case, so as
to give them the proper political ap
Will Force Issue.
One official view here is that by
taking such a drastic step Russia
believes that ihe United Slates and
the other nations involved will be
forced to take up their commercial
and other issues direct with Ihe home
government at Moscow. It Is be
lleved that, rather than resentment
at the protests regarding the'killing
of clerk-ii)s, is tin- real motive behind
the Russian policy.
Stake department officials declined
lo comment on press dispatches stat
ing that Great Britain is threatening
to break off all relations with the so
viet government. Inasmuch, how
ever. as British consuls are to be ex
pelled from Vladivostok, it is entire
ly probable that Great Britain knew
of Russia, s intention to expel them,
and is now threatening retaiation.
Utah Hank Robbed of #7,000
Salt Fake City, April 27.—t’pw&rd
of $7,000 was obtained by robbers who
broke* open the nafe i f the First Na
tional bank at Moab, L'tah, today. No
other details were received.
A Queer World
-- -
Woodpecker Knocks An
tonio Caruso’s House for
Row of Portholes—Po
lice Called, But It's No
Won'j Stop.
Portland, Ore., April 27.— Antonio
Caruso complained to the police two
days ago, that a woodpecker had
knocked his house for a row of port
IioIps, where no portholes were needed
and that it was still s> lively on the
joh eaeli day from dawn to breakfast
"She peek and peek." said Antonio,
"and my house he look worse lak you
rail day by day. I say ‘shoo,’ but she
no go way. I want to kill her.’’
The itolicc department delegated an
officer to execute the bird. Tile trd
cral game warden warned llie police
that woodpeckers were federal prop
erty or wards of the government, or
something, and couldn't be disposed of
thus summarily.
Tlie policeman developed a streak
of diplomacy and asked to lie relieved
of the job because tile bird finished
work too early in the morning for
him to catch it.
Tile police department detailed Pa
trolman James Kelly, night officer
on the heat, to dispose of the bird.
Kelly announced the federal govern
ment couldn't stop him from shooting
the woodpecker hut lias not yet ex
ecuted his commission.
Meanwhile, the woodpecker pecks,
Caruso rises early to make vain at
tempts to ’’shoo she away.” and the
federal game warden awaits develop
» • «
Chicago. April 27.—Merle E.
Jones reached Chicago last night
on top of a passenger train. His
wife and children rode in a day
coach. They came from Portland,
Ore., and are bound for Rochester,
•N" T.
I was ill and couldn't work any
more and decided to return to my
old home,’’ Jones said. “I had just
money enough to buy tickets for
my wife and the children, sy de
cided trf ride ‘the top .”
Jones was covered with cinders
and nearly blind.
The Travelers' Aid society ex
tended relief to the fjmi’y.
Bee Want Ads aie the best busi
ness boosters.
’.xtra Specif
37 and 310
Saturday the Apparel Section Will Make Price Concessions
That May Seem Ridiculously Low ,
. ’24s
\ hIii#** In *4.'».00
Ws are showing ITrO Dress* tv In Canton
Crepe, Georgette and Ciat Crept*. These
dresses are pleked models from manulac
turera of highest standards. Kvery dress
pleasingly and individually styled. Desit- 1
able in fabric and make.
Value* to »3t.7»
We here selected an assortment of I,ad < -
Coats in Velours, I’olaires and Serges.
These Coats arc from a well-known factor).
The materials are exceptionally good and
the st)les are decidedly attraetl'e and popu
lar. Some are lined.
4 runplelp *l*<* raniri', Home
with Hlnomer*.
Saturday is Children’s Day Too
' Little Tots* Capes
and Coats
Coats and Capes for the C to 6 year old children
Kancr I’olo and Wool Mixtures, e»pry coat or
iapp of excellent quality material, Kach model
clever and attractive.
tlir^s’ Knit I a|>es, all colors• .. • •• • SK.9H
All < nlnr« »nd Si**-.
Under Girls’ Underwaiats. Muslin; also boys’ j
... . front fastening, tape and buttons; all f
WaiStS s'zps' real values at 3
Muslin Muslin Brassiere — Km- f
brokicrj and lace trimmed
BraSSiereS and reinforced underarm
^ernnd Fl«i*r
Neckwear and
Gove Sale
l Lot So. 1 conaiata of Polly Vnn
tfnil Tuxedo collar and ruff art *.
vest##* and Bertha collar*; regular
7ic value; apecial, Saturday. .4 Of
Lot No. 2 i onaiatg of an aaaort*
mcnt of collar and cuff acta.
Bertha, veaicea and panel col La*
in many handaoine paitnna, tegu
lar |1.25 value, apecial for Hatur
•lav HOC
Lot No. 3 conaiata of of
riela and org’Hndle. frilled atilmpe,
I lchua and collar and cuff ana,
regular |J 73 value, apecial for
Saturday at . 01.2ft
A wonderful aaaortinent of Fienrh
doited veiling* in plain or coinm
nation ifftet; ractalai Tin value;
apecial for Halutday. yard... 4f)f
1*1 UK *11.K (.I.OVtll
Ladle*' £*claap Pure Hllk (ilovea,
double tipped finger*; all color*,
•pfgtAl it r
K A A *K.H *11.H ta.OAK.S
Ladle*' Id-button Kaytei S !U
(ilovea black, white and onlore
ape.rla I a ( 91,30
Lid 01 Bp Wl lit Kav I 'bn n■
olaette (Jauntlet Oloveg, embioid
eied cuff*: worth $2.00, apecial for
Hhiurday a( ... • 1.00
Sale of Toilet Goods
A sale planned for Saturday that "ill surpass
any special offerings held in Omaha for many
months. Remember, too, \vc are featuring all
well-known standard line# and not off brands.
r,Oc Non Spl . 31ic
$1.00 *1/0 No t . 75*'
$1.00 Horry Kremola . 89c
$1 00 Ktank'a Lemon Cream, fot
Saturday. 75c
50c Melba Greaseless Creain. for
Saturday .. 39c
fiOc Creme ICIcava 39#
Wo I)Jer Kiss Vanishing Cream.
tor Saturday .... 39#
5<m Ur. West's Tooth Hrtishes,
for Saturday at . 39c
50c iVboco Tooth t’antp. 31 c
50c .lergen's Lotion . 39c
H5e Croat Ilia 35c
"Tie Stammb . 59#
,'i0c Bond 11 a Beauty I'Vg 39c
■ u Carmen I III Powdei 35c
76r Hudnut * Three Flower Cite.
Powder . 99c
$1.00 *l/e JtJer Kirs Cafe Pow
der . 7 r» C
H> Maiy Garden Fai e Powder.
..... one
Toe Prichard & Constance Am
ante rtuie Powder.-... fiOr
60c Walkin’# Cocoauut Oil
Shampoo . :ti!r
$1 .00 Lavortfi . 7 Re
,c I’nlui Olive Shaving ( ream,
.' i' irday it . l»Rt*
2r,c* Milk of Magnesia ... 10f
$1.00 Wrlsley's Toilet Water;
for Saturday ... .I»C
50c French litre Powder i!R<*
$! 00 Plver's French Face Poe
tier In Azure#. T.e Trofle and
Flornyme at lioP
$1.00 Hudnuts Gardenia Fa ■ e
Powder .••.... .... 8»r
jOj, Hudnuts Marvelous Fold
Cream .3f$c'
$1.00 Coty's I. Origan Fare Pnw
ilei . fine
Our stock <s complete in the latest
novelties in Ear Kings. Necklace?,
RractUti Soutoira iiultitruetibli
Pearla. French Ivory finished
Toilet Goods, etc. The following
era a few of the special Item* for
New Ear Rlna« at 1
50#. 75#. *1.00 *1.25. -ad
Novelty Hracclet* at
19#. 50#. 75# t« 95.00
A h t it sample line of New Cut
Head Necklaces m
91.25 t« 93.50
Fancy Har Pin* at.19#
Indestructible Pearl He add with
dtone *et, Merlin* clasp, at 93.1VN
Also our special Pearl Necklace
with 14-earat g*dd diamond set
Hasp at. 9S.H9
75c Ivory ftnfahed Drtninf Comb#
at 39 #
$1 ("> Ivon I n a»c DriMlAI c'oml s
at 50e
50c pnwdei Ho sea ... 35#
»0c Halt I fir. elver 35#
S ‘ 50 DuHarrv |l« i Hruahee Sat -
$1 00 t’hlld < Me?h Hag* 50#
Stone art Spanish t’omhs Satur
da> eprcidl at 91.00 •» 90.00
Bank Funds Used
lor Bootlegging
Official? of York, Pa.. Institu
| lion Estimate Thousands
L'?ed to Finance King.
York, Ca., April 27.—Official* In
vestigaUng^the shortage of fund* at
the City bank of York, estimated at
approximately tl.000.000, declared to
day that thousands of dollars of de
positor*' money had been ti»ed to fi
nance a bootlegging syndicate that
had its headquarters In a prominent
local club.
Charles S. White, In charge of the
police investigation, said that Thomas
R. Baird, the cashier, and William
Boll, his assistant, who are alleged to
have confessed misappropriating
$960,000 of the bank's funds, were
closely linked with the bootlegging
activities. Both are in jail.
Violin 278 Years Old.
Portland, Irjd.. April 27.—A Jacob
Steiner violin, made in 1643, is In
every day use in the home of Killlam
Bond, owner of a lex al laundry. The
violin has been in f-onstant use dur
ing its 27$ year of existence.
Millions depend on S.S.S.
to purify their Blood
SINCE t h e
days of the
Cherokee I n -
dians, man has
relied upon na
ture to pro
duce certain
barks and
herbs to puri
fy the blood.
Today, the
manufacturers of S. S. S. Rather
thousands of tons of these certain
barks and herbs annually and pre
pare in concentrated form, scien
tifically proportioned, that great
blood purifier, called S. S. S. This
is why §. S. S., since 1826, has
been such a great success. It has
meant to millions of underweight
men and women a plus in their
strength. S. S. S. builds blood
power. It builds red-blood-cells.
That is what makes fighting pow
er. And fighting power destroys
impurities! It always wins! It
fights pimples, it fights skin erup
tions, it fights rheumatism. It
builds nerve-power—thinking pow
er. These are the reasons which
have made S. S. S. today the great
est blood-c leanser, body-builder and
success builder.
Mr. James Cbaloupka, Camp Sher
man School. Cbillicothe, Ohio, writes:
"I teeI like a new man altar taking
S S S. It gave me a better appetite
aad cleared my skm el pimplta and
blackheads " *
Try it yourself. ft. S. S. is sold
at all good drug stores. The large
size is more economical. Get a bot
tle today!
S. S.S. makes you Jed like yourself again
Beaton Drug Co.
Specials for Saturday and Monday:
50c Sodiphene .39C
50c DeWitt’s Kidney Pills
for. 39c
60c Bromo Seltzer . . . 43C
75c Bengue Analgesique
for . 59c
75c Millikin’s Massage Alco
hol, pints .49C
30c Arnica Salve . ■ 16c
40c Oil of Salt.19c
50c pint Witch Hazel..30C
25c box Cream Tartar and
Sulphur Lozenges . 16C
75c Dextri Maltose. 63c
>1.00 Nujol, 3 6-ijz. 79c
60c Doan's Kidney Pills 44C
>1.25 PinkhamV Vegetable
Compound 94C
Facie Brand Milk 19C
30c Laxative Bromo Quinine
for . 23C
40c Castoria .23c
30c Phenolax.22c
35c Sal llepatica .... 21C
$1.50 16-oz. Lyko Tonic
for . . 98c
30e Mentholatum 17c
15c Red Rose Silk T ssue
Toilet Paper, doz., $1.00
Chesterfields, Camels, Lucky
Strikes. 2 pkgs. foi 25f
Tor carton.81.25
Fresh from factory.
10c Phila Rosa Conchas,
special, 2 for.15f
Box of 50.83.50
15c Phila Rosa. Pcrfcelo size,
3'for .- 25f
Box of 50....84.00
10c Flor de Intals.5f
Box of 50 ... . 82.25
10c Mozart Excellentea, Per
fecto sue, 4 for . . . 30f
Box of 50.83,25
$1 00 Double Two-Way Plugs
for . . . 50f
$1.50 Heater Connection Set,
including socket plug. t>-ft.
heater cord ar.d Security
plug, all for.98f
«:;,00 Electric Curling Iron,
M'O. ml at .81 .40
$0.00 Ivory Handle Curling
Iron, detachable for waving,
I :i !: 83.10
15c Fuse Tlugs, any size,
each ... . 7f
10 to 50-Watt Edison Mazda
Lamps . 35f
$2.00 Melba l.ovc Me Extract,
per ounce. 81.25
karess Extract. oz.t 83.50
$2.00 Djerkis* Extract
for. 81.10
$4.50 Houhigant's Quelqucs
Fleurs 1 xtract, 83.08
$3 i0 Houhigant's Ideal
Extract . 81.08
$1.25 Locust Blossom Ex
tract, per ounce. . . 4 Of |
1 9C Box
5.000 boxes of fine Linen Boa
Paper, 24 sheets and 24
envelopes In all the new
popular shades, worth 75c
and 85c. •
Films developed free when
prints are ordered.
.. — - 1 - ■■ ■ -1 ) .
oOc Pakn Olive Shaving
Cfe*m . . . . . 23*
$1.00 Gem Razor with blades
for . 79c
$6.00 Gillette Gold Razor with
two blades, special at 79*
75c Rubberset Shaving Brush,
guaranteed not to Fhed
bristles, ram . . ...•39c
Auto Strop Razor with three
blades and strop, Saturday
only, all for.64 C
35c DeLuxe Shaving Cream,
special Saturday only 19C
SI.00 Gillette Razor Blades
$1.00 Auto Strop Blades
50c Melba Preparations. 39*
75e Melba Love Me Powder
fiOc Sempray Jo-ve-nav. 44c
50c DeMar's Benzoin and
Almond Lotion .... 39c
75c Luxuria Cream... 63c
Complete line Karess Toilet
Preparations, including the
latest oval double vanity
50c Luxor Rouge . 39C
■J5c Grave*’ Tooth Powder
for . 17C
50c Palm Olive Shampoo
for . 39C
$1.00 Terra Derma Lax, 79c
$1 25 Pi vers Face Powder, La
Trefle or Azurea, ea.. 69c
$1.50 Pinaud's Lilac \ egetal
50c Pcbeeo Tooth Paste
for. 33C
50c Tepsodent Tooth Paste
for . 36*
75c Stacomb for the hair
50c Hair Groom . ... . 43C
$150 Van Ess Hair^lrower j
Frank's Lemon Facial Pack
for SI.39
$1.00 Frank's Lemon Cream
for . 79C
Save Your Nice Thing*
Spray your garments, fur*,
mgs and upholstery. Knot
will not stain or injure It
destroys the egg5, worms
and moths.
Pint, JS9f*- S or. 49*
Sprayers.. BO*
I 60c Knos for Moths... 49*
Joe box Cedar t hips... 14*
1 lb. Moth Ball*.19*
Sponges .10* up
55c DeMar’s Bug Killer. 23*
75c Johnson's Floor Wax
30c 0‘Cedar Polish. . 24*
15c Absorbene Wall Paper
Cleaner . . . . 10* U
1 pint Ammonia . .19* U
Moth Bags, all sixes, t* off
-SOAP— ~
10c Palm Olive Soap, 6 cakes
fov .35*
J5, Woodbury Facial Soap,
! rakes for. 55c*
Joe Cutieura 1 *><»
10c Olive Skin Soap,
4 ,-«'r ■ 35* |
10c Florentine Castile Soap.
4 for . 25* |