Spend Five or Ten Minutes Each Day Getting Acquainted With the “Want” Ad columns of The Omaha Bee. Thousands of dollars worth of real estate, automobiles, furniture, machinery—an4 scores of other articles—change hands each year through this wonderful service. And, if you wish to insert an ad of your own, phone At-lantic 1000 and ask for a “Want” Ad taker. i | 1 % * ___ - ( announcements ^ Personals . 10 rHEATRICAli historical reiWJUl cos tumes for play* and parties. *t Lloben*. Omaha. mTn1 (ruRING. ma reeling. $16. AM branches beauty work taught. L'Charme School. AT.4819. AUTOMOBILES Amii Accvssiiritis. Tires . . .11 NEW TIRES—OL’ARANTEEI’ FIRSTS COMPARE PRICES; WHY PAY MORE? 30X* .I 5.96 I 34x4 .IK 95 3'tf1*... . *95 1 JSxSH • S3* Snipped on approval. $1 with order. K AIM A N TIRE JOBBERS. 1723 Cuming. Autos (or Sale .13 Used Cars NAME TOUR OWN PRICE. We have- a car to fit your pocketbook, no matter if It ie $25.00 or $2,500.00. Some of our cars are rebuilt, others are not. We i an eupply you with iust what you w.int at a price you want to pay. Below are listed aom* of our bargains: Bt’ICK SEDAN: lo^o. new / paint, cord tire*. car completely rebuilt and in A-l shape. *1.000.00. v lU.'ICK K-49 TOC KINO CAR 1919. h».« show practically no wear at nil. Get this c*r. which has a new car \ nlue. and aav# two years’ depreciation. $550.00. A REO for $50.00. Can you beat It? NOW, A 1922 FORD SEDAN that cannot t>r told from a new one. Don't, buy a new 1 ord sedan, get this one, your might win never know It from a new one and you ean rave $160.00. It la youra 1 $550.00. How's this, a FORD TOURING f<-»r $50 00. Wo a!** have a FORD SEDAN. 1920. that is repainted and in A-l shape, for $350 00. The** car* will not laat tong. Come early fmd get jour choice. Remember, we are :ust aa interested In the u«ed cars we - II as we arc In the new ones. Nebraska Bulck Auto Co. * 1#th find HnwardJRe Atlantia MM. TIIH MAN WHO BUYS th» hotter gr«d»' new car Invariably turn* in a condition uaed car. FICHARDPGJt NT OTr»R EAR COMPANY Packard Distributors. tot*? Hnrn**' _____ OI.DRMOR!RE nr»».t(in t**nek .$ 200 Rebuilt Grant! 2*-ton truck .. R. uttlic 2S-ton rebuilt, pneumatic nt* > tires . .. * * • • • *'* ® 9HV4*ral exceptional value* In r orda ana light delivery tr" '-* Andrew Wurpby & Sen 14th and Jackson Sta. NEW AND USED CARS AT A BARGAIN cord care and trucks, $50 and up. Ford bodies and winter top*. Car* sold on »erma to re,table par»1*s. GOLD8TROM auto pares co. Central Garage Open Day «nd Night 1*119 Harnev Street. TA;_*468 e'GMl!r" bargains In used Fords: prompt delivery of new Forde y M’CAFFRET MOTOR CO.. The Hardy Ford Service Station. It 5th and Jackson Sts._At 7711._ FOR SALE—Maxwell touring car In good mechanical condition, with 4 ntw tlrea. A real bargain. Call HA. 22<9 after * P m. __ _____ DODOE ROADSTER. 1914 model, at >J4»j bargain. A-1 condttion Alao one Ford ,-Hdster truck. 1f22 model. Real bargain o et on<'#i 2220 Ha may._ MORI minted top. !9l« model. Bargain. Pfeiffers. .'-25 |.-HV»nwonh. ~USEI- CARS THAT - AN HE l sELf NEBRASKA OLDSMORU.E CO How uni nt 14th _ *4. I”*_ NEW and uaed Forda. cam or -*-m, r. E PAULSON MOTOR CO., AuthorlMd Ford and Lincoln Dealer* ;f‘lh and Amro Ave. Kt- ^4* USED - ARB O. N. Bonpwy Motor Co. 3S94 Karnam. _ USED part* for oil makee of car*. Ford • S.d part* at half prlco. Neb. Auto Part*. Ja. 4931. _ _ Vii H.LT expert and trlm-ner. 412 S- ,*44h. A.non Wanted . U 0000000000000000000000000 O o o ° o AUTO STORAGE. O o o t . O 15 CENTS PER DAf. O *»•, O o BIG * AUTO CO.. O O O O U20-22-24 N. nth St. WE. 34*3. O 2 o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO have'iloroae for 300 care. Rate; 13 90 nn li;o.32-JIN^19lh Wt. Phone YVE. 5143. Trucks, Tractor* . M O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O o O TRUCKS FOR SALK O O 4 1 -4 -TON PATRIOT CHASSIS O O WITH CAB; 3 t-TON INTERNA- O O TIONAL CHASSIS WITH CAB: O O A "I TRACTIVE PRICES STAN O O I-ARI- OIL COMPANY ROOM 4-9 O O STANDARD OIL BUILDING. AT- O O LANTIU 3900. O O o O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o ^ BUSINESS SERVICE ^ Acrorilian Pirating .21 >CCORDIOn7 BWK hnlf. . hoi plMttnc, covered hut ton*, all sty I «.*.*•; hemstitching, buttonhole* Write Meal Batten A Pleat ing Co.. 20* Brown Block, Omihft, Neb. Telephone JA. If 16._ _ NKP.itASKA PI.eXtINO, Hemstitching. Covered Bottom. 1*0* Knrnarm second floor. JA. 5670. Dancing Acadtmif* .*.<28 CCA RN to danc• for "|4 a* i/b"|CPS 1*1* P«rn*m. Claeses Mon. Wed. and Krl nights. Dancing Toes., Thura , Set. and 1 Sun. night*. Private lessons by appoint* rnenf. JA. 5470^ I>et«ctiie Agem-ir* .24 I: h I r AIU.B Dstsotlve Bureau. Sunderland Bldg JA. 2066; nlg^t, KB. 3*11. _ ,7 A M KB AI.l.AN, 512 N*v|!l, nil,. Evld.nc. ■e>lire,V_ >n jcjjx^icancr—T — Oarage Builder*...23 OKT our prices on complete garages. Mor* ' hi"1-! \ « "Wl_ Co _ W K 66IC_ Moving, Storage .„.26 FI DEC IT V H TOIl A OR Ar VAN CO. MOVING PAt KING ST<»KA efoua-hold fMode. Pianos. Office Furniture. F 1107.11 HOWARD ST »A. 02** PITTMAN TRANSFER CO. AT. 515*. WE HA I • 1» ANYTHING ANY TIME OCR Randy cocation. ill* st maiiyh A V K _ EXPERT China, furniture ps< Uers, fire I't-'tof store ge Phone JA. 1504. The Terminal Warenouee Co., 102 South 10th o* . coiner .Tones, on Viaduct. ^ BUSINESS SERV1CE~> Moving, Storage .. M KSTIM ATK furn. on parkin*., mov. amt storing Contracts taken by Job or hour. Globe Van A Storage Co. JA. 4338. AT. 0239. Grossman A Sons, owners._ BERINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE 16th and Leavenworth Sta. Packing, mov Ing. store ge. shipping. JA. 4142. ~ Moving—Packing—Storage. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse A Van Co. 219 N. 11th St. Phone JA. 3032. Milliner*. Dressmakers . 17 DRESSMAKING snd making ovtr a »P« clfelty. Jackson 4738 ^ raintinu. Papering ...29 PAPERHANOING, painting, decorating. Hava your work dona by an expert. It costa leys and looks better. WA. 241^. PAINTING, paperhanging. interior deco rating, estimates free. Ref. furnished. D. J. Harter. AT. 8744. _ PAINTING, pa perhft tiglng. House repair ing of all kinds. Prewar prices. WE. 1978._ PAINTING—Interior snd exterior Work guaranteed Call after 5:3tk__ WE. 3948. HOUSE painting, paper hanging, carpen ter work. W. M. Graven, AT* 2473. PAINTING A ND PAPERHANGiNG. GOOD WORK, CALL JA J94L PAINTING and pHptrhanging-.^prices res. enable, good wotk, WA. 4061. PAINTING, paperhu nging. good worn, right prices. CALI. HA. 1223 TAPER ING'; PA I NT I Mi. ~ \V A LLP AI’F.U GLEANING. CALL TIA 737 4 r s luting, paperban g Ing.' K alio g g .We. 6 668. Patent Attorneys .29 ,j7~\V. m"a RTIX. Patent Attorney. 1712 Dodge, mom 209. Also Washington. D. C. T help inventors well their patents. Kodak Finishing NA FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Th« Ensign Co., 2SQ<» L-avnworth. FILMS developed free. Price Hat here Fri day. KASE STUDIO, 216 Neville Block. Printers, Engravers .81 Finny Printing r©.. *12 8 IS St JA. 1951 ■ -- ■ ■- ■■■—.— -- j. Professional Services, X-Rays .It PRK8(’R IPTION8 carefully compounded at the n Fhermin A Mc~onn»!l Drue Store# ui,.ViAL X-ray 50c each: 93 full eet 619 Securities Bide 19th s^d Firnam Services Offered. 31 AUTHOR8—I’ll type your manuscript* In a neat, ar<-urat# manner that will Impress any editor. Address W-262. Omaha Bee GA8 ftt«] lines run Gas atQTlI repaired anti regulated and connected. JA. 6902. NEW Ford ton truck for hire. Consider contract job. Living wage. VVFI 5947. HAULING of any kind. One and two-ton trucks at your service. JA. 2360. _ ULA8TERINO brick and cement work. Right prices WA 0607. --T-—• _J-■ ' - - Serrirea Offered . M BLACK dirt fertilizer, aodding and grad ing WE- 1727. ___ GARDEN rdf-wing, mulching and digging cellars, grading sodding. We. 4767. **HRf BBERY—SeedIng. Sodding. Grad ing. Phone AT. 0990 C. Bowlin. SODDING ami feeding lawn* i spe< laity. Also cement work. AT. 0719. ^ EDUCATIONAL-^ Business Colleges . 3? UXPF.rUFNCED comp*on! ter operator* are always In demand. If you ar# not an operator an eight weeks’ course In the t'ompfometer school will fit you to hold one of these desirable positions that are always open. If you must work, why not prepare so that you will get th** most for your time? Let us tell you about our day and evening classes. COMPTOMUTER SniOOL 306 Courtney Block "The School That Graduates Expert*,'* DAT SCH M)l. — NI-iHT trHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all Eng M»h and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for larga Ulus trsted catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyle* Bldg. Omaha. Neb. VAN .C A NT SCHOOL OF BUSINE88~ g E Cor. Nlnet*enth and Douglas. Ja. 5990 Musical, Danriiig, Dramatic. 48 EARN $.0 weekly spare time at home addresaing. mafling. music circular* Send at on* * for information. Amernan Music Co, 1656 Broadway, l»ept_24-F N T. Trade School* ...,. 41 WANTED—Men, ladies and boys to lasrn barber trade; big demand. wa|«t while learning atrictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge 8t. Tri-City Barber College 51 OLE R BARBER COLLEGE! 110 S. 14th 8t. Wrlta for "analog. —.■■ ■ ,.r ri .... ^ EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Female .44 ANY ENTER U RISING GIRL OR WOMAN WILL LIKE THIS JOB 75 YOUNG WOMEN TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY LAST WEEK. But there are still places for more op erators among the girls and women who make Mina Taylor wash dresses and aprons In our big modern daylight plant— atid soma mighty fine opportunities, too The one* who get these placet will work on pretty dr as goods—crisp and new and Inviting. Working conditions are of the most pleasant. with lots of sunlight, air and a cafe operated at coal. If you are an experienced power machine operator, you can begin at once at good wage*. If not. but you are fond of sew ing. jou ran learn under our system of thorough instruction* and soon he at work, happily getting a mighty satisfac tory pay envelope each week. If you've ever operated a power niwhinf, you r'allse that It Is not difficult work — It s lust h matter of learning to guide the good* while the machine do*a the sewing for you. v Coma In—talk it over with us. Or telephone AT. 7373 any lima on week day*, between * a m. and ft p. pt . and ask for Mrs. Kale Kelly, or if you cannot rail 'luring these hours, call Mr. Kent merer, superintendent of factories at his residence, WA. fi03ft, any time after *16 p. in. on week days. Jf desired, we can arrange to have soiQt One call and explain this work to > on. Hut think about its opportunltleg for you —JIIOHT NOW. M E SMITH A CO.. Omaha. "Daylight Factories’' I Of h and Douglas Street* XVE wish to hear from lady residing In Omaha, who can Immediately invest fi;»0 for part Interest and lake full manage ment of a new and profitable buxines* to he opened In Omaha soon. Business • an he conducted In small office or pri vate borne and should net 11*0 per week to start. Address Hox 464. Worthing ion, Mi,in. _ HfrlHKKKKPEU wanted; Christian Lu theran woman to keep house on farm, close to town. ConvoBltncea very good. Will exchange references. II. XV*. Hlrhlef. N'ckerson, Neb. WANTED—An experienced saleslady for Dry Hoods department In a department Store ' SMITH HULTIN AN DEKSONhCO. XVahoo, Neh. WILL i'Nv girl’s tuition through bualneas college for doing some light nffh * work. Stale age and education Write Ho* W 7Bit, Omaha lire , 'll, mTnacj Eli’s .9* to 91fi per dn.v Omaha or travel. Dt posit required KK. I7*»l or AT &3»5. 11 • ' I r till Eft Want■ -I a neai tin | *nc«d girt foe «*• nerel housework, Could go home at night. 14&9 Lothrup ^ EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted—Female .It WHITE maid for general housework; 3 in family; good wages. WA 2101 EXPERIENCED whl7£ maid for aecond work. Call WA. 0744._ __ VKR Y competent white cook. Referencea required. Edgar Mormun. jr., HA. 1073. WANTED—Laundrea*. white, referencea. WA. S993. y .. ■ —■ - -i , Help Wanted—Male . 45 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2 ° 0 o C YELLOW CAB o O O o WANTS o O O O 40 hen. o 2 ° o o O Twenty new cahe will be pat In O O , o O service May 1. If you can fur- O j° , O O nl»h satisfactory reference# and O 1 O O O deelra pleasant outdoor work at O O O O a good salary, apply O O O o o O YELLOW CAB A B AGO ACE CO., o O O O O O 271 h A\* and Harney. O O O O O O Onl> married n»en between 25 and O O O O 4*) need apply. C O O O O O O O O O O o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o 0 0 o o O Wanted— O o CARPENTERS. O O APPLY O O O O SWIFT * CO.'S PI.ANT, O O Columbus. Neb. O O , O o o O o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o TWENTY-FIVE FIR8T-CLA8S O 0 PA PKRH ANGERS WANTED. O O Must be union men or willinr to Q O declare tbeir intentions to become c» O an. Scale of wages, $1.12 1-2 and O O up per hour, K hour* per day. O O Apply Business Agent. Q O PA INTERS UNION. O O I.abor Temple, 19th and Davenport. O 0 O oooooooooopooooooooo opoop WANTED—A man who has been In busi ness for himself Must be over 25 year* and furnish good hank reference. Apply Mr. Stewart, 414 ?. 17th street after 3 o’clock. ~M AN WANTED; one who can manage * business and han dle men; no investment; branch already oprp and growing, national factory-to uaer organization; liberal inducement; muat be a worker. 2$2 Rrandeia Theater Hid * *_ _ COOPERS wanted for out of town work In jour r*p!y state experience, age, etc. Address W.702, Omaha Bee. WANTED AT d.VCK — SIx good hoys with or without bicycles. Oood pay. Splendid opportunity for advancement Apply Western Union Telegraph Co., 207 Ho. 1 4» h St WANTED—Cine first class Granite letter Cutter Will pay good wage* and trans portation. Write. Heratesd Monument Co.. Hcotta bluff, Neh _ , WANTED—Two upholsterer* to ta< k on I muslin, also man handy with tools, at once. Ask for Mr. Fillmore at Audi torium. ‘ WANTED two carpenters Come ready [ for work; ask for Mr. Fillmore Auditori um Mr Mar-Donald. The Omaha B*e WANTED—Experienced horse collar cut ters Transportation furnlahsd Roce Horin Haddlery Co Muskegon. Mich. BO iKkl EPER WA NT v: I > — Fast. lecvrtN work required. Steady position to right tarty. Address W-354. Omaha Bee. KXP¥■RI cnCED MltiraX • « CKMrtet Managers. Central State* Automobile As sociation. Grand Island, Neb CANVASSERS wanted Men and women to sen silverware direct to housewife. 421 Arthur Bldg _____ WANTED—First else* cement man to taka charge of mixer. Good Job for right man Phone K| t - • WANT! i*- 3 floor moulders Apply Orif fiti Whe-I Co. 9th Ave. and 24th street. Council Bluffs. flelp— Male or Kemak- ... <6 AGENTS—Wanted, men and women ta sell guaranteed silk hosiery, good propo. s tion to producers Style Silk Hosiery Co., 339 Leflang Bldg. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position Call AT. 7 774 or write American College. 1412 Farngm. Agent*. Salesmen .. 47 aIJvertThem’ent^ ^ The corner stone of the foundation for your permanent success an a salesman de pends solely upon the merits of the ar ticle you sell. Will It repeat? In oth*r words, ran you sell the saina customers season after season ? Also, can they hon estly and ronsclent iotsaly recommend the article to three friends and acquaintances* We have that article, and choice terri tory for those who act quickly. You can’t put over what you put off—dq it TODAY ia a good slogan Write or call O. W. PAULSON. 217 Arthur Building. Omaha, Nebraska |>NE of Omaha's leading Home Building Co.a have opening for high clans sales man Ws want s man who ha* the abil ity to close contracts for building homen, proepects furnished 2 per cent enmm4* slon paid. State fully your selling record. Give fu l name, address and phone num ber Address Box \V.7»,9. mnahi Bee._ HA LEHMAN—Wanted A-l Custom shirt salesman, splendid territory in Nerbaska and lo'xn Liberal commission with draw 4ng account after two weeks on business sent in. Fine opanlng for >oung man who wants to work Writs us. The Wich ita Shirt Co. Wi hits, Kan._ HA LEHM AN—$150 month and expenses. selling merchants our line Experience not required. Send addressed envelop* for Information ^ Ilex Jll High Polnt| N 4 HA LEHM KN—Sideline salesmen wanted! sell coal to your trade |n carload lota. Earn week’s pay in an hour. Washington Coal Co Stockyards Station. Chicago. HI DEI INK for salesman calling on garage trade in Nebraska and Iowa Established merchandise W-72S, The Omaha lire. TWO energetic salesmen for Omaha and coundl Bluffa. Address W-TOt, The Omaha Bee. Situations Wantril—F.malr . ♦* ' » ! • Pom! N ft! t • • - - Ad drrnn J. K rlo,,_JL7,• Unroln. N«b. DAY WORK wanted; whlta woman. AT MM ^ FINANCIAL Bualnttia Opportunltlea .!M> oooooooooooooqoo&oooooooo o o 0 o O BAKERT AND CONFECTION Bit T O O HTflRK IN IOWA TOWN OP O O 3. A*0 I Nil A BTT A NTH FOK HAI.K. O o riFTT mu.ea rnoM omaiia. o o F')K INFORMATION CAI.L IVA O O 1I»T O 0 o o o ooooooooooqoooooooooooooo FOli WALK Grocery andi miat inarkat, all BMira i:»*h. Thn onl; on* I hnv* lafi | in nr 11. lining In tha who|nn*lf bu*ln»an Honu'ona In going In g*» bargain. I'tlon# AT 4*40 or AT 7111, and nab for Pavn CO sfROTI fiffBUT NT O It H FOR kALB. 1 GOOD LOCATION. CALL WK. 1130. financial Business Opportunities .50 HOTEL for sale in a srtlctly Catholic community at Victoria. Kan , population of 1,000, 16 rooms, steam heated: city water This property would com $10,000 to $12,000 on today s market. Will sell same to reliable party for $6.000—$500 rash and balance $60 per month. L. L. Moore. Oakley, pn. __ DISTRICT manager wanted, to appoint agents to sell our full (overage health and accident policies, which pay for nat ural death. Why not have r» business of your own? Write for full information. PIONEER INSURANCE COMPANY. Lincoln. Neb. >; \\ , i i > . i’ to garag 60x128, well equipped with machinery; 4 large modern living rnu over fron*; keeps j 3 mechanics busy. Ford agency Did $!')4. I 000 business lost year. F'rke $16,000. Half | cash. Pv O. Box 320, Omaha, Neb. " CRT well furntshad rooming spring cleaning finished Completely equipped. Part cash. 2200 Davenport, AT. 5020. _ _ _ FOR SALE—Good going 4, The Qtngha Bee EXPERIENCED auto painter wishes shop on percentage; A-l reference. Address Y ■ I t Bee t'AFK—For sale ehrap. In good railroad town of 2.000. If interested, write P. O. Bo\ 421. Havenna. Neb. i-'i »j: £ ALE—Well luippad • bop ai.d garAge combined If inicrentf-d Inquire of \ M Kyhn. Hoelun v.-|» WANTED—Garage -tock with- Ford agency. Address. Y-22A6, The Omaha Bee. ROOMING house for sale. Good money. Sell reasonable WR. A137. Investments .51 CASH paid for 2d mortgages on Omaha property. F. C. Horacek A Co, $40 1st Nat’l Bank Bldg. AT. 2531. j Loans on Real Estate . 52 ' 6U, AND *% MONEY Loan* on Omaha Improved property at lowest rate* FRANK H. BINDER. 12.1 City Nnt._ __! I WANTED to loan. Itnn.ono in or af Omaha. In auma of 91,999 to $10.900. F. D WE AD A- D W BOWMAN. 819 S 18th St , \N>»d Bldg. AT. 0151. MONET to loan on farm* and Omaha real estate. MYERS A RAIS BOLT CO.. 4 24 Omth a Nat. Ba n k _ Bid g. J A. 0746 ; STRAIGHT 5-year loan*, 6 per rent. AMOS GRANT CQ. 291 8. 19th_Arthur Bldg AT OMAHA H M Eft - -KASX NEB I-- \ RMS OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 191 <1 Om Nat. Bk Bidg^JA 271S. FARM LOANS. Large or smalt. West Neb. farms, ranches. Kink# Investment Co., *46 Om. Nat. Bk. j LOW rata on city property; quickly closed. No monthly payments. JA. 15?3 !___W. T OKA HAM._ i SECOND mortgage* or contracts pur. chased by Tukey Company. *20 1st Nat’l j Bk._JA 4223 j SIX per cent loans on Omaha residence*. • C««h on hand. Prompt eervic#. E- II. I Inc., r3a Keeline Bldg. >5i* AND « PEER CENT—NO DELAY GARVIN BROS . 3*4 Om. Nat’l. Bldg 1 Buy fat 2d mtg*. Cork in. 919 Om. Nat. | ■■■> sj-ai.^rrrrTr=■ ■■ .. -■ i’ Money to Loan .53 TOC w a NT MONK Y DON’T PAY HIGH RATES W# loan sny amount up to $690 at the , icwe*t rate*. Can b# repaid in easy ; monthly ravmsnt* to suit oon\en!en*e. • We are licensed and bonded and ha vs teen in bustnees over 30 years, therefore ' >ou art aur« of a quick, confidential and j square deal OMAHA LOAN COMPANY • 19$ Ksrbach Blk. Telephone J a 2295 Southeast Corner 15'h and Douglas Sts. MONEY •« loan on automobiles. WK. ; 54<;3 or MA 0»2*. j ^ LIVE STOCK } Dags, Cats. Birds, PM . It NA V»T fr«h. an-l kl.ls for §4le ! J. P A'll'. Hot S. MA »4f,« | Horses, Cattle, Vehicles .M J HARNESS, the beat that can be made, at , first cost. W# make them ourselve* and • **11 »b#m direct to the farmers Mtrnen f from 935 to 9110 Alfred Cornish. 1210 | Farnam ft., Omaha. N#b ! FRESH family rmv Tnd . aif for eal#Tc*iI ; MA 2299. between 4 39 and *» p. in. i PouHry and Slipping .57 j I?A TINtT*sfraln Am-'u.a ^**^1001 ! per 16 egg* J, \\ Tobin. Worthing* J ton. I *. QUALITY purebred baby chick* eight varieties c*|j H-4H.it. Franklin Hitchery, 610 Fra 9 k 1 i n Ave Council Bluffs. Is j It i. Red ■•tttng egge 6c each ft I. I rooster and chick remedy K E. 2906... MERCHANDISE ^ (lothinc and Kurrrow Night. DOWDS All riON HOUSE SANITARY COL’CIL $2 • K ■ L WE «2b9 ^ _ . tlewrlry and Watches . 64 ~ DIAMONDS Ws pay the beat price* with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEW. F.LRY CO. Omaha, Neb.. 403 N. l«th ML '''^aaKWBMMBMMamwBamaaa Mi arc I Ian cou a .66 ONE rubber ho##. one electric meat grimier, nun grtodatnne. one m fd • sit*, two wheelbarrows. 702 N I7th Ave. MumUmI Instruments . fi< PL K1HT L Y IJ« K D~~ Pi IC )N OO11A V1 i sT ‘' $.60 slightly used Vwtrols $200 l-’-'ft slightly used Vn troli, 112ft; 1150 slightly used V lot roll. 175; $.110 slightly used Itrunrw l< k, $23$: $150 slightly us-d Player phone. $40; guaranteed tnschanlcalljr per fect Orchard 4* Wlihslm Co. fifth floor. TRADE s >ur ><.«*•! piano •• a Mats playat piano. Hsian* e aa tow aa $10 par month A HORPE CO.; 1313 Douglsa Radio and Supplies .K8 RKMI KR radio art. Including audlon luhe Cost $4'*. Itange 1,000 ml Like new Sell for $35 Address A khernhargar. Rchuy lef. g\ab. Nrrd*. I’lanlH, Prrtilln-r* fi'.l onTcTnYet s—wiiitk. ykiTUoVv. nv:n. a qt-AHTM 16' fltlST Bl.uii -1RAMI, «6r, WHITE CI.OVEH, .6.:, J7TII AND MARTHA XT* n i: vc • \ < ' M A 11 A .y • • t htng In trees and shrubs. t»fft«a corner of f51h and Hi.enH 00 a year, wall secured for what hava you? Addross Hog S • $00, Omaha l*-e, ^ MERCHANDISE Swap ('olumn .12 NOTICE VO S^VAPPERJv You tuay insert a three-line “Want'* Ad for three days under this classification. A bo\ number will be affixed and you call for your replies. If you close a deal you pay for your advertising la. the regular wsy. If not, vre will rsrfcel charge. Xn other wcrds— NO SWAP—NO PAT! This offer is good only in Unuht and excludes all business ads Business “Want” Ads In this column will be chargt-1 our regular rates. NO SWAP—NO PAY I 9" ACRES hardwood timber land. 5 acrea • ■lear. 14 miles from Council Bluffs. Trade l for boa Angeles property. Address S-219, The Omaha Bee bADlES gold wrist watch and < haln, also new- brown coat, size 49, swap for good bedroom furniture. Address, S-43, The Omaha Bee. SCHMOLLER and Mueller player piano, l&n rolls, mahogany cabinet swap for good Uhed tar. Addles* 6-802, Omaha Bee. * TRADE fr light car. Grafle*. nx? lens Volf htlorider. oversize. Address S-48R, Omaha Bee _ SWAP—Marmot cape Value fSn.nn. for wax oak duofold, beveled plate mirrors or enamel breukfni. K\V yi.'i0 tractor to trade for or | lit* touring rur Would sell Box 8-897, : « Jtuaha Bee. SWAP with owngr, 11 room*, wall furti . ihliod. for Omaha r- id#n'e. Sotn* « anh I Address S-S06, Omaha Bee. ■ . ' rado farm. 7120 in wheat, for something here. S-896, The Omaha flee WILL a»vap Kimball piano (nearly new) for what have you. Address S-896, The Omaha Bee TWO.TON truck, wit! trad* for vacant lot or equity In city property. S 341, Omaha Be*. _ '\ ILL swap my equity in three Jots at 44th and Frederick for $184 valuation. Address S-894 Omaha R"* NOltROEOVsK blue eilk velour coat, eilk Itned. almost new, for what have you? S-*39. Omaha Bee. _ ALMOST n^'-v pool table for trade ae part payment on good automobile Addreaa S-*91, fimah i Bee. __ REGAL high apeed hand ua her. No. t shape, for what have you? b-892, Omaha Be# _ WILL trade my Oakland touring car for n suod Ford roadster or touring Addreaa s-$04. thmtha Roe I AFVM D" »«.T‘ - Improved farm Paw son t o N* b Swap for house or atock of goods Adrd engm**. -omple^ with start**- and battery. Ad tires* $-*43 oir.aha B*‘ I 1*0 ACRIW In Salem. Ark. for trad'*. I S-112. nniiha Bee____ _ * le for will self on easy terms W F. 3779 WILL aw up house painting for uaed car. Addreag_8-740._L)mahie__ Pee HEO apeed wagon to trade for touring j * ar or most anything b-ifS, Omaha Bee. gwep for .*1 4inond. Address H-54J, Omiha Re. rt h 14 for furnace, Addreaa 8-84*. Omaha Bee. sflOTGl’N to s'-ap for diamond or car. Value list. Addr#sa 8-840, Omaha Be*. ( KURD apotlight. good condition, i«4p for » ease Add B#*^ Wanted t«» I?ti3 73 kga and all kinds f ■ * I paper OMAHA PATER STOCK CO, H«h and Mercy J A Mil V KB. DB8K9 j New desks. ua#d deaka thought, told and traded J. O. Read. 1 S07_Farnam. AT. 4144 {ONE Hoffman pressing machine in good ! '-. edition, without boiler Call At 1JOO. Moore | ess- srr-— -js—--r-r— -_r- r. -xau- -=s_-. RENTAL j Apia., Mat*. I* tirni*li»a»tjr HJL (90.’ Apt 11 Victoria, immediate j ae umioii Very desirable. APARTMENTS AND KEATS— 921 to $i00~ W. .? PALMER CO REAL ESTATE Management. AY *9*n Keeline Bldg NINE -ROOM flat for rent with six room of furniture for sale lift South I4th i S’ . over Kegger-Fo* drug store i ■ DRAKES 10 00 APARTMENTS Call Jackson 2905. pa* 11 it and iYd si pleasant room* and ba’h. second floor, I HA 4!NI* and Harney, ••room apartment Vs. ant Mny 1st UAELAUlICK A NELSON. JA. 31U. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. WHKkB OMAHA RENTS” AT o.»44 17th anti Tarnatn Sta. flat f Avr. Cali Harney 204ft talking dis tance 1-ROOM apt downtown, strictly modem. I -5 and lift per month. II.'4 Capitol Avg. t'lll'lKRri'L hew. alr> outside, strictly modern 5-room apt 2314 l». near 13d St. 4 It* HIM modern apt., walking distance, janitor sgfvice, summer, f ♦. \VA 319E FOl'R ROOM modern spsrtments, low i ATTRACTIVE six inoma and bath, good . h \ . ItOt'M apt . unfurnletml lsiJ Emmet | S! MeRstri .ill IliitiM'., Kunil«li(il . 78 I nlahed, lie’ uud Howard lido Refvt* | en-ca requite*!. JA. 3.'5( f ___ I RENTAL House#, Furnished . 7* j PAIIK ST.. SOI—Nicely fi,rnl»h»i1 7-room house, walking distance. HA. 0363. Houses, Unfurnished ....79 FOR RENT—6 room sTrictly modern home, reception hall and breakfast nook, hot water heat, garage, near 20th and Fowler Avenue Two-year lease. Poseca aion In 10 days. JA. tiQi3, Calkins Co. POnOB and 4~>d Sts.—High.elaas brick ji'toUx. conveniently located: 6-room and gnrnge, rent. >60- Wg. 1046. [i d dtl Duplex: modern, hot water heat. STX-SOOM. part modern : 3-room. «« re j gardening. 964 Omaha National Bldg. | SPLENDID si I-modern house, about May 1. Coma to 3421 Dodge. 11A. 0437 . Office# and Store# .i. HO (1,713 «q ft. floor space on third floor of Industrial Bldg.. 17th and Webster. Heat ed. fireproof, daylight bldg., pass, and freight elevator service, low ien». low Ins. light and power wiring throughout. Ideal tor light mfg.; fh • car lines pass corner. AT. M76; Eve. WR. 3441 PARK AM 8T.. 1107—Store room. 24x132. and 1809—Stors ropm. 19x132. If tenant warns more room will built two stories shove, #n.-h 46*132. with light on three aides Thoe F. Hall. 404 Sunderland Bldg. AT._j406 __ _ _ FOR RENT—Large display window with ,]#-»*R room <#ood location downtown. Tele phone service furnished tit enographer in office. Will make low rate. W-7&5. Omaha Bee. ____ VERY deelrabfe office apace in First Nat’l Bank Bldg Apply 400 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Room and Board. ... 81 FOR RENT—T»e*lrpble store room. 2 ?n0 square feet. 1110 Harney 8t. Tel. AT. 4666, _ VERY attractive modem room, 1 or 2 gentlemen, A*l board, desirable location. HA 3«12.____ _ __ MAPLE 8T.. 6611—Desirable large, for 2 men. Home cooked meats pri home. rAM^T., 16S7—Cosy room and good home cooking, reasonable. HA. 1304 (Tel. > — Room w ith board, two f»n*kmen, good home cooking, reas. Hoorn*, FumUhed .8? FREE ROOM""L»IRECTORY for ROOM HUNTERS, Should you fell to find listed below the room you want# call et the 'Went'* Ad counter of The Omahe Bee for a room directory Tha Omaha Bee maintains thia service for your convenience. New llet issued each week. And. if you want to insert an ad of your own phon* AT. 1040 ar.d ask for Mlae Smith, our "Room for Rent" specialist. * | TWENTIETH 8T . *04 8.. at leaven worth —LergSi luxuriously furniahed rooms. ; palatial 14.room horn*. five minutes' | walk from city hall# everything new and immaculately clean; rar«g*>. breakfast optional, suitable for* busine** or profea sonal i eople or those who can appreciate the very bo’, very reasonable to right partle* JA. 0420 f LARGE front room in private home, nice ly furnished 4 window*, nice closet, with mirrored doors. Will rent reasonable to • 1 or 2 gentlemen. or couple employed. IMS Sofcth 2tth street.____ FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT New home and equipment on Farnam line; walking d 'Un^ Also garage apace If desired Phone Har. Sl&© SIXTEENTH ST., !©•* 8.—S rooma for ladies only; meals If desired All modern. JA. 4344 _ __£__ • ■ ■ rooms, running water. 14 and t». HA. *©04_ ____ Fro^t rm in Dundee bom* ftrace in ear. | Gentleman with ref. W-147. Omaha B»e. | T \ R G E a * •~r» c t j v a room n private art, I close In References. AT fiS*9_______ ' ;'jp AND o-ItVeij ventilated sleeping i rooms, lr H up 4*3 3 8 23d f?t I U?» \\V\\ ENt7ET 1 f FT— Veiy pleasant I rooms, close-in; ressonehle HA jf 4*—Man's room private home Refe^ene- ting from roem*. furnished, one half Mock frotu Farnam St . 14 :<■>» ft ::-th A-e. ____ TWO rooms furnished or unfurnl-hed. for light housekeeping. gas. light irvl phone ■ only u A 7 46? 2 pleasan* houaeke^r t g room* with pri -ate fmrly no children KE 2.2f. ST m\RYY AV|?. :o#>t Clean, pleaasnt 1 1 ru'd . room hskg^ Apla^ AT. 4141. Wanted to Rent • • W IriT reward' For Information leading to rental of i- , room modern h«u« with garage Weal or North location Small family. Beet ref erence* Not over |4© Address W - 7 © 7, i uuaIm B» e. ^_ Where to Slop In Omaha . ft? HOTEL" HANFORD—13th and Farnam. HOTEL H KNBHAW — 13th and Farnam. Special rate* to permanent gueata. . fjj • Summer rates, fl par dev and up. REAL ESTATE ^ Farm* ami Ranolir,. 90 “Land Opportunity” Write for our special tnducem*nt§ to settlers on our Choice Csntral Wisconsin lands He-* of clay loan sail, roads, water. • schools, neighbors and markets. W| hav* a r***l proposition for- people of email meant oho want to own a good farm home. No speculators or agenta wanted Writs today for our Special privet snd tenna to actual aettlers JOHN S. OWEN 1 UMBER COMPANY. ow*©n. Clark County. Witcossln buy farm bargains. Brown county. South Da kota «>ne cultivated quarter. |7.3f»ft; an* other. $4 40°. for quick sale. Owner. Bo* 344, Aberdeen 8 D. FARM FOR SALE—1Tom bprlng ranch. 140 acre*. *0 In Cultivation. 72 fruit trees. 2‘» acres plum© and berries Clear title, fS.flpo Pat* down bal. to suit William Heffron. 5ener*a, Kan____ . v it i trade ■ ranch i^O irilgated. for Ontuha property. MA ;©I5. _ _ Jw» Malta 1 5Vt% | Loans \ on Omaha SReal Estate 6% Monthly raymtnt I o*n* an Rnirfan.fi severs TRuvr Company . Peters National Bank ____________ ^ REAL ESTATE Farm* and Ranches. FOR KXCHANGB—nrit real'Palate mort gagf*, for land. Income property or iner handlh'1 Schwab Pro*. 1028 Plymouth Bldg , Minneapolis, M4nn. *-----— --eTrrr—r- ts:—.,-ra Lots for Sate . 91 WILL build to jour order on our beauti ful lota in Edfewood; very easy terras. Phone Atlantic 354U. DUNDEE BUILDING ” HITES GBOROK. The Realtor. AT 3024. |T00—Lot 40x1)6 on Wirt St., near 43rd: paved street, near car line. C. A Grtm mel, JA 1616 Real Estate—B>ns,,n .91 6312 Military Ave. Five-room. »M modern, story and c half j home, »t. $4,750; a bargain *»» this figure. | Let ms a how you today. Mr. Fead. iVA. El 69. AT 7412. . .1 . . ... .— ; ,J.. -1. ~ ^ Real Estate—Dundre . 95 Owner Leaf In? City Nearly new Recast one bungalow. five room* and hath; r.ll modern, ohK ffpot.. j oak anti enamel trim, etc fine lot. 6ft xlXft. on paved street Only J* Oft <*ash: bnlane*) like rent See thi* today at 611 | North 4*th. or r-till HA 54* . DUNDEE HOMES $7,750, $8,500, $9,50$ BURT C. FOWLER CO.. Realtor, JA. !4;f Real Estate—Ftnrenre . 9t» NETHAWAY. hom* aient'* • perUllit (n north .n't property (whiten only). HE. 140*. Real Estate—Miscellaneous .97 Blit-Rite Construction Advice, plans and estimate* gladly fur nished- We build home*, apartments or •tore buildings You will save money by calling 'i* AT. *Seft. W. J. Palmer Co., 412 Keeline Building. HOMES for . workingmen. Four rooms, partly modern, full lot, easy terms, f 1.200. Have others. B*»wart. Ralston 10-W._ 14.00ft—$5ftft CASH—6-room modern, with g^rnge. 2 years old TA 7S91. ALFRED THOMAS it Son Co.. Realtor*. Real Estate—Nor«h . 98 Duplex, N. W. Corner 24th and Cass 6 large rooms and sleeping porch. full cement baeement snd attic on each *'dc; two car garage beautiful shade trees Newly decorated Inside and out. Thu Duplex is different from the average as each s.de face* no a different street. Briofc raveniept on both streets. B“ing with in one block of vreighton University's new bnllding and St John's Church and Schools, > l©*e to ‘ entral. Technical a''d the heart of the city. this property will always be good Even.ngs c*ll It E. Hu* hie!, AT. 1725. J. J. Molvihlll Company, 200 Brandeia Theater Bldg JA 8252. 7 Neat Cclcnial House ~ Facin? fiiller Park Very attractive, practically new. T rooms with 1: r.g room, dining room hreakfa-t room and it:tt hen first floor Three bed roorm* and 111*» bath 2nd floor: fir-pla^e. bookcases oak finish. Two-car garage. -Price, I> 350. I’.ftoe rash Glcyer & Spain, Realtors, JA. 2850. 938-20 City National. Bargain Hunter Attention J!ft» 'hlo streets. 1 rwri' a*td bath. mod ern except heat, immediate pr»i.*e**-on. Hie full !«♦, n**r car Vue. #in be bought for 17 tf yey hm e fl.lftft • %*!~ if *' d in the next ift days Phono JA. 2112 day* WA. 5052 s'epingr _ NEW FIVkTrvwiM ft 'NOALOW 8 $.200 KKLLASTONL Built by owner, and up to date, ready to mote right Into; on paved s'rfet. Just north of Kouatxe Park W If. GATES. <47 Omaha Nat* l Back Bldg JA TCM Modern BungalowTe^,353” V ghty nett Mfnne i.u* • hun*«!'»w oak fir sh, 4 -oom- and Murrhy bed arrange, mem. I»!rt rhesp ?nd heats rent Easy term* 1 hone AT '>*74 d»^s BEST pn "S on * • nstruction of homes Best rate rial* and aorkinsnshlp Cstnp keU. f *7 Keel + n* AT 4<*4< HOP v\SH—43fl per month. ♦ rooms elec, trie light, well, etc Good lot 44*t Fowler A1 e Ns dealer* If \ «ft4 4 4184 NO 17TH BT— ns modern, ga isge 14 .8§9j_ 11.009 down JA. 07C4 buy. hem Wiil BrtiN—l9Vth .99 Beaumui Home, gs-jo Near Jfth and Gold, except ion all} g*od 5-room modern home* splendid hickep | variety cf fruit, p- pert} all In fine con dition CSas, W. Young & Son, !««2 <*lty Nat Bank AT t«f%; HA - * 1 Mr l.ynn. WA. <<55 Mr Anderson. T'o Bluffs 1214 Mr Booth. MA kk HOME Ilf HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT **JS South 22nd St * rooms, atrtrtly modern with latest built-in feature# just one block to carime Pm ?, $7.*50. SI 900 j dom n balance |T0 per month C G,CARLBERG REALTOR 212 Brendet# Theater Bldg JA *W5 NEAT” a-ROOM COTTAGE. IS 25* #;•« cash. »:i month or other easy terms, moder except heat well located near lith and Vinton Poaeea a on today _M KITRICK R K. CO. JA 1** KOFNTZF BARK BARGAIN ' 5 rm» and both, strictly mod . vacant: Immediate posse**: nr 175* cash balance on term#. Consider r»>od Ford aeditn and \ aome * sah JA 215? day*. \VA 50(3 eve. i . h IB 'Ml f Very he*t terms House in g." d sedi tion, level lot. well located, near 14ih : and Vinton Owner having c tv. a real bargain M* Kltrfck R F t’o . ,i \ *!** NEW •-room home. SMh »n4 Hi- Kory. Excellent location. Brice 15.150 Term* Norris A Norris. |M N. 1 th St AT 70*3 ~Confsr With Ccftn 4 * IS Sc :4th St MA. illt Real EXltt—WM. 100 l? v r sre look hg for • l|*wl bungalow that U» priced light, well built, and in a high class «1 strict surround *d by new heme*, inves t'gate thia propert'* at once Home has 5 good atfrd rooms fin ished in oak and white enamel, plenty of cupboard apace large cl>*#t a, full cement basement, a‘ry *nd light: l*ige att -. '.arse 4 la'el lot on grade strictly mod ern Thla property i# an excel, lent buy a» th-* price asked - namely. 17.15* Fas* term*. Call Mr Oo« dt :cl\. JA I evwalna w v c*v« ^ REAL ESTATE ^ Real KsUlft-WwI .1M 4I85CASSST. A beautiful 6-room full 2-»t©ry bomg; ? bedroom*, sleeping porch ana bath 24 floor; Urge living room with fireplace dining room and kitchen let floor; double garage; nice |ot. Price 18.T6Q: terms Evenings call Mr. Reed, KE. 5611. GRIJENIG REALTY C3„ REALTORS Jackson 1966 14n0 First Nat Rank ~ SAVE RENT WHILE ~ BUILDING Htucco garage. 18x1*. flnlahed for living purposes. Lot 48x108, pgvipg paid. Leav enworth Height* Addition. 11,850.00. Terms GALLAGHER & NELSON, 520 Peters Truat B!dg *_ JA. S7.*k -^ood Home Bargain . $r.,T5'» with tcrme. takes 6-room all mod ern bungalow on south fr*nt corner lot in Leavenworth Heights. Evenings phono Mr. Gehr.e. KE 5039 or Mr. Pjtk.n, KE Equitable Trust Company, 1818 Doug lag St Realtors AT :»L CLOSE IN CHEAP HUY v room* strictly modern hijfi with 4 bedroom# f.'lotn t" <'rr!gh'' n colics'1. • .Same can be purchased for $6,400 00. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 620 Peters Trust Bldg JA._ISI2* $3,71$; $760 CAHH 6 room modern, one story, frame, with garage; near car; imrredtat* p'-rrrasion. rHAH r HF.f.MAV, A T 6260. Rral Estatr, West.1M “BUY A" NEW HOME Po vnu "ant a hop;** that i* ar’tstic ard ronvetu**ntly planned? The living room If 13x13, with fireplace. Corner bedrooms. Well arranged klt'-h^n wt’h canopy stowe hco-i rr d cr* •» kfaet table Frame ’■on«’ror t on. complete with *. adm screens and fixture-, all for 16,100 1 terms. Call ua now'. BENSEN & GARRETT AT 9U'’ _our t*rir- AT. 4356. - Iibbird Co. V H W Voilend Co foe P.eal Strv.ce. AT. 3:1$ L1 T C >■:*-■ k Lockwood Add. KE 2330^ R*nI E.tate—F.irhancr .101 ’.V £ WILL submit you a reasonable offer ♦ r exchange for >our lard. Income or j mdse Try us we probably l ave ju*t what | } on art looking for BERT L. COOK A CO.. 610 Brown Bldg A^ 6267. ’LETS MAKE A TRADE"_ OWNER WILL SELL or trad* fo- god lu’o one cr two weV loeated Ralsffa reader’ el io’a In city for e few dajs only. Address Box W-7J6, i Omaha Bee. Real R.tatr—Wantrd .10! "Se* u- fire’ * We n**»d :»ting? Any loca tion Five to eight rm* Ca*h or terms. SHOPEN A COMPANY. Realtors. ' JA. 422* 234 Keeline Bldg. c u fremr »** tv~ - ,■> Lm? wu* llzKUJbRiljr ?,r quick results ! 1400 Erst NatT. Bark Bldg. JA. iHf. | CHAR W. Y.jl’NG 4c SON. R*al Estate. Rentals, laaucan-**. |6I| • Nat l Bk_AT. H4I. WE need toras listings. Bujers waiting. Quick action. J_L. HIATT CO_AT. *300. 0?UinETT REAL ESTATE. D.arLC i 1 S'ii#. R-nur. Ir.surea* r».Y p-re-« Trv«t» Bldg. JA. #423. PAY ash f - » a ' .»•■*. :» cr second mortgages, AT 4115. PR ANK C. BEST CO. *A2 Securities Bidr iKK>l» party to buy ur Proem modern house M 11 r*v C * cash; $40-$4i a month. Box \V * 7 0 3. Tho Atm*ha Be* F. E nervlee L. I> gwanaon AT. 3737. S J\ BOSTwTolc re* 1 Vs: at »*. aT. 16f 6. ~~~HA STINGS A HEYDE^, REALTORS. Graham Tet- * Co, *•!'. homes i.V. #551* TO #ell > e Voorheo* A Bundy. AT._SStJ* i. j. SeyboltT.A Son" 22 6 City Nat AT 37ft* Cha# E T* I"1- a n. AT_ fYsfl. fteal Ekata. \t r»:ern Real Estate Co JA ?<07. CAKj._ li RQ. ~»8 Co A"’* <3*7 > ^ ' Realtor* ..1W SLATER A CO . Realtors Keel.re Bldg* K H H E N N E R COMPANY. Rea Bora. £ > - Storage Auction Sale!! , THURSDAY. APRIL 26th. 10 A. M. and continuing until all are sold, many unclaimed lots household goods consisting of furniture of all description, pianos, linens, dishes, etc Every piece absolutely sold on bid to satisfy charges. I RANK STEPHENSON -Auctioneer Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. 219 North 11th St., Corner 11th and Davenport.