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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1923)
Important Clothing Offering for Little Men! New Two-Trousers Suits for Boys Short lots and odd suits from the season’s selling. All-wool h fabrics, new Norfolk models, light and dark patterns. All strain r points reinforced and both trousers lined. Remember, two pairs of trousers mean double wear. New Tom Sawyer Wash Suits Guaranteed fast color, good-looking shades and color combina tions. Middies, Oliver Twists, Belters and Balkan styles. An un usually large selection. Sizes 3 to 8. Ileal boys take'to Tom Saw yer Wash Suits. They’re affinities. Boys’ Blouses, 78c Of the better kind; fine percale, madras, poplin khaki and blue chambray; collar attached styles, i neat stripes, checks in light and dark effects; also solid white; regular standard brands such as "Boy Blue,” “K. & S.” and "Puritan;” all sizes, 6 to 16. Children’s “Koveralls” l 95c to 1.25 The national play suit for little boys, 3 to 8; guaranteed fast-color khaki, blue denims; long and short-sleeve styles; sizes 3 to 8. Fourth Floor. ( Boys’ Shirts, 1.00 Finest of well made shirts in neat striped percales, fine count; clever new patterns that are appealing; collar-attached style; sizes 12 to 14y2. . Art Needlework Goods ' Little pieces of "pick-up” work to do in idle moments make it easy to give handmade gifts at small cost and without extra effort. Sweater Materials—In a package, sufficient silk and wool yarn to complete the garment and full instructions for making six designs. 1.90 10 3.10 Priced from Made Up Stamped Night Gowns—Of good quality 98c nainsook. Attractive designs. Each Stamped Quilt Blocks—Fifty of them combined with dain tv pink, blue or lavender satin make a wonder 1.75 quilt with very little work. Per set Newco Art Lamp Shades—Frames and all materials to make it with. Everything to match and cut in the right size. No waste of materials. Sheets of instructions en closed, 4-inch to 26-inch sizes 75c t0 12»00 Classes all day In all kinds of fancy work. No charge when materials are purchased In our Art Department. An expert i instructor in charge.-''__ Third Floor—West Infants’ Spring Apparel Children’s Spring Capes—Tailored with care, which means service. Knitted Capes—Cleverly styled 'in four different models; knitted of good weight yarn in firm, even weave; tan, red, Copenhagen, Alice m blue and pink. Attractively trimmed t % in stripes of white. Sizes 3.98 1 to 6 years. Priced at.... Comfortable Capes—Of soft wool mixtures. Yoke styles with roll or / flat collars. Some with touches of 'n color or stitehings that add to their I smartness. In all new Spring shades. ^ Sizes 2 to 6 years. 4.98 Priced at Little Boys’ Tailored Wash Suits—Fresh and crisp. Every suit is tailored from the finer and more durable materials in baby styles. Solid colors of blue and tan, trimmed with white, in cut-out designs appliqucd O AQ and O QR on suits. Sizes 2 to 4 years. Priced at “ * * Boys’ and Girls’ Play Garment*—Overalls and Koveralls; made of dark blue ehambray piped in red; short 1 25 sleeves, square necks; sizes 1 to 6 years. Priced * Service to Expectant Mothers Nurse Putnam is now in our Infants’ Department. She will answer questions pertaining to the care of baby. Moth ers wii? find it to their advantage to ask questions. Third Floor—East At the Country Club—The Netherall ' • Supple, flexible, sleek, it encourages ac tivity and “improves your game,” no matter if it be golf, bridge or just being '■' ornamental. Three Garments in One Tho Net^ierall is throe gar ments in one—vest, bust con finer and girdle, .and yet it takes but a minute to adjust. Easily laundered, too—tub it like a pair of silk hose. Made of summer mesh, silk Milanese and various combi nations to suit individual preferences. The colors are white, flesh and orchid. Priced $3.50 to $10.00 Everything Netherall Fitted With Brandeia Careful Attention. Beginning April 23rd, Miss Sylvia De Laudin, special rep resentative of the Treo Co., New York, will he in our Cor set Department. Consult her about the correct Treo Girdle for your figure. Third Flooi^—North Just Received A New Shipment of the Popular “York” Model Brunswick Phonograph 15000 r To see “The York” is to want one. Purchase your “York” Monday on our Special Club Plan or have one sent to your home for Free Demonstration. Phonograph Department—Main Floor—Wait Two Carloads of Linoleums ! Including inlaid linoleums, printed linole ums and plain linoleums for homes, restau rants and offices. In spite of the increase in the price of linoleums we are able to place on sale this large quantity of linoleum at a i: ,1 ;.r4i material saving. Sold for Cash or on Our Easy Payment Plan 1.60 Iinlaid Linoleum—Many patterns to select from in this lot of linoleums, a variety of colorings. The patterns go clear through to the back. Some hardwood and parquetry patterns are 1 OQ included. Per square yard, * w $1.85 Inlaid Linoleum—In blues, grays 1 ^.Q and tails. Per square yard * ** 1.00 Printed Linoleum—A good quality; 6 feet wide; in neat patterns of blue, tan and 7Qr green; per square yard ** 1.15 Printed Linoleum—12 feet wide; in 34C tan, green and gray. Per square yard 195 Inlaid Linoleum—In all til© and block effects. Many patterns and colors. 1 CQ Per square yard •««/ Plain Brown Linoleum -Extra heavy sur- 1 yC face, easily cleaned. Per square yard * 2.25 Inlaid Linoleum—Exceptional quality; small figures in tan, gray, black and blue shades. 1 •JA Per square yard 1 • • •» Inlaid Linoleum—Finest quality. Mon- O or day, per square yard £*»£**j 600 Yards of Printed Linoleum—12 feet wide; will cover the average floor in one piece. 1 A7 Per square yard * ■ 1.20 Printed Linoleum—6 feet wide; smooth var nish finish; choice colorings. no Per square yard 2/0 C 70o Felt Base Floor Coverings—In linoleum patterns. Per square yard 1.20 Printed Linoleum—12 feet wide; heavy and durable; u tan, gray and blue. Qfir Per square yard ^\/C 8lxth Floor—Wort Curtains and Drapery Materials 1,000 Pair* of Novelty Cur taine—An excellent selection of Quaker Craft Filet Nets, mercerized marquisettes, fine voiles and Swiss nets with lace insertions and edgings. 3.50 to 6.00 values; -i QQ priced, per pair, lec/O Curtain Vollee—Fine mercer ized quality In white, ivory and beige with double drawn j work border*. Spe- ty dally priced, yard, <<OC Extendon Curtain Rode— Made of heavy tubing with j curved or brass ball q ends. Worth 20c, ea., 5/ C J We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantltlee Special purchase from some of the world’s leading manufacturer!, of curtains and drapery materials makes possible one of the greatest money-saving opportunities in draperies ever offeree to Omaha home keepers. 500 Pair* of Imported and Domestlo Curtain*—Irish I’otnts, French Facets. Mario Antoinettes, colored Scotch madrases, Quaker Craft nets and fine O QQ voiles. Values 6.00 to 5f.00; special, per pair, tJit/O Novelty Panels—Heautirul allover figured pattern# In Ivory and beige; finished with rullion fringe ty •7C Specially priced for thla selling at, each, / O Quaker Craft Tuscan and Casement Curtain*—Plain and allover figured patterns In Ivory and beige; trimmed with mercerized bullion fringe. 7.60 C QQ values; specially priced for Monday,*per pair, OeiiU Quaker Craft Casement Curtains—Exquisite designs in beige and bisque; scalloped at bottom and trimmed with 4-inch fringe. Each curtain Is 45 Inches wide, so ; that a single ohe may be used as a window ■* ■* 4Q panel. Specially priced Monday, per pair, A Savoy Ruffled Curtain Sets—Made of fine mercerized voile with full narrow ruffle on edge, deep flounces at bottom and full pleated over valance, white Q QQ with pink ruffling and tie-backs. Per set, O Ruffled Curtaining—Fine quality mercerised OQ voile with full narrow ruffling; 45o value, yard. Ai/C Tuscan Nets—Genuine Quaker Tuscan nets In QQ plain and allover figured patterns, 1.2D val., yd. Ov/C Terry Cloth—All now Spring patterns In floral,/*Q bird and striped designs. 1.00 values; yard, OI/C Curtain Materials—A wonderful selection of filet nets, dotted and figured marquisette#, fin# voiles and Swlsaes. Specially priced Mbnday, yard, Oa/C Birth Floors— East <»* 1,500 Pairs of Ruffled Cur ts In*—Dotted and figured marquisettes, fins Tolies and plain mercerized marqui settes, some with silk hem stitching. Some with ruffled tlebacks to match. These curtains wer# made s' qq to sell for It; pair, l.C/O Window Shades—Made of good quality opaque In popu lar colors; mounted on strong spring roller. 76c ralues; a limited o Q _ quantity at, each, wt/C Casement Net*—lleautlful fig ured patterns 1n Ivory and beige. Specially CQ priced at. per yard. Offering Plain Art Linens Specially Fnced tor Monday . A wide Tariety of grades from the house of Thomas Young’s at reasonable prices. Linens for handkerchiefs, needlework, blouses, A shirts, sheets, pillow eases and lunch cloths. Hu.v now nt these low | prices for your summer sewing. Make Your Own Handkerchiefs Handkerchief Square* — For women'* handkerchief*; all linen, whits qq with colored borders. Each, Zt/C Handkerchief Suar**—For men'* hand* kerchler*; fine quality linen; In whlta with colored borders— Plain white squnren, *ach..494 Colored border aqua ret. ea. 594 Linens tor bummer bewing Shear Llnan—For handkerchiefs; 36 inches wide; specially QQ priced for Monday's selling at, per yard. t/OC Llntn—Fine quality for needlework; 86-inche* wide; specially ■* A q * priced for Monday's selling at, per yard, 1 »*xi/ Fine Blouee Linen—Snowy whits; 36 Indies wide; apectally y^Q _ priced for Monday's selling at, per yard, 0^7 C Irish Linen*—For sheets; 72 Inches wtde; specially priced O PA for Monday'* celling *t, per yard, *C«3V/ Llnan Tubing—For pillow case*; 42 Inches wld*; specially i QQ priced for Monday's selling at, per yard, X s%70 Fin# Linen—For lunch cloths; 45 Inches wide; specially n sq priced for Monday's selling at, per yard, Cream Linen—For ecarfs and art work; 22 Inches wide; np •pec I ally priced for Monday'* lulling at, per yard, Natural Lln#n—For art work; 1* lnche* wtd*; *peclally oq priced for Monday'* i*lllng at, per yard, %J*J C Main Floor—'West * % Monday—Bring Springtime to Your Watit^beas Well as to Your Home. These Re ductions Will Save You Money on ApparelrrAccessories and Home Furnishings. All Lots Grouped at Prices Which Will Make Mon a day One of Your Importa nt Shopping Days ————■———————^^1. _ Children’s Hair Bobbing 35c Ride the fcftllop'.nff pony while you wait. Third Floor—Wort i - - - - - -1 STORAGE EUR For the small charge of $% of their value we will store them In our cold-air vAult and In sure them a g a 1 n a t moths and theft. Phone %T-|66f, or call at ouf Fur Dtpartment. Second Floor—North Monday-Our First Redaction Sale of the Season! Women’s-Misseis’Spring Apparel At Important Shavings in Price The unseasonable weather 'hiring the month f of March restricted the buying of Spring ap parel to such an extent that we have on hand ththousands of garments that must be moved %t . oiiee. SALE BEGINS PROMPTLY AT 9 4, [TgT Come early and take advantage of this wonderful savings opportunity. There are € eg oats, Capes, Wraps, Suits. Dresses, Skirts, Petticoats, Blouses, Sweaters and Apparel fo r 0 rthe J unior Miss. j Beautiful Spring q WRAPS 20 Women's and Misses' Top Coats—Reduced for 8.00 Monday s selling to 25.00 to 29.75 Top Coate, Capes and Wraps—For 18.00 women and misses; reduced to 39 50, 49 50, 55.00 Coats, Capes and Wraps—With 28.00 or without fur collars; reduced to 59.75, 65.00, 69.78 Coats, Capes and Wraps—For 38.00? women and misses; reduced to i75.00, 85.00 and 95.00 Beautiful Spring Wraps and 58.00 Capes—Limited number in this group; reduced to * 110.00, 115 00 and 123 00 Wraps—10 in this group TgtQQ in all the season’s smartest styles. Reduced to * 25 Individual Wraps—Just one and two of a 1 1 Q QQ kind; formerly priced from 135.00 to 195.00; * Two and Three-Piece New Spring j SUITS Jj 75 All Wool Jersey Suits—For women and misses; Q QQ ideal sport suits; reduced to * 125 New Spring Suits—For women and misses; tailored trim med and sport models; formerly 25.00 to 17 QQrfjKi 35.00; reduced to - 300 Brand New Suits—Box coats, long coats, Fton Jackets; embroidered, tailored ami braid trimmed; for- OQ 00 merly 39.00 to 49.75; reduced to * 275 Women's and Misses' Tailored and Trimmed Suits—For merly sold from 49.75 to 6975; Q7 QQ reduced to * s 143 Better Two and Three Piece Suits—Formerly C7 QQ 75.00 to 110.00; reduced to a/« j 37 of the Season's Finest Models in Woman's and Misses’ Two and Three Piece Suits—Formerly priced 07 QQ from 125.00 to 195.00; reduced to * S.cord Floor 0 New Spring DRESSES 200 Silk Dresses for Women and Misses—Regu- 1 A An larly priced from 15.00 to 20.00; reduced to lV/.V/v 400 Spring and Bummer Silk Dresses—For women 1 C AA and misses; made to retail from $20 to $30; at * " 275 Beautiful New Spring and Summer Dresses—For street, sport, afternoon and dinner wear. Reduced from OC AA 39.00, 45.00 and 49.00 to 40,uu i|J15 Women’s and Jdisses’ Beautiful Dresses—For club, tea, ^^uV^teon and street wear. Reduced from AC AA 59.75, 65.00, 69.75 and 75.00 to ^ 13 High Grade Individual Frocks—Made to retail CC AA ^ from 85.00, 95.00, 110.00; reduced to 25 Model Dresses for Evening and Dinner Wear—At great"" reductions. Blouses, Skirts, Petticoats and/ f Bloomers 135 Beautiful Cloth Sport Skirts—Formerly 7.95. to A OQ 15.00; just one of a kind; reduced to, 150 All Wool Tweed Knickers —Of the better kind; A Q O made to retail from 7.50 to 12.50; reduced to 1 ) loo Jersey Silk Bloomers—Long and short styles; | AA reduced to * 200 Kayser Silk Petticoats—That were formerly O OQ priced 4.98 to 6.50; reduced for Monday to " gp^t75Fine Radium Silk Petticoats—In all colors; Q qq ~ ®rewroed in this sale to • 0«05/ 300 Lingerie Blouses—Some slightly mussed; formerly 1.95 to 2.50; included are some dimity blouses, hand-made 1 flA blouses, colored voile blouses and other styles. Now * Costume Blouses—Of crepe dc chine, figured silk, pongee; in overhlouscs, plain, beaded and embroidered. A OQ Formerly G.00 to 9.00; reduced to 100 Pure Thread Stlk Sweaters—In slipover and Tuxedo style; in novel color combinations or plain colors, 1 A cq Formerly priced from 25.00 to 39.75; reduced to Slip-on Sweaters—In all high colors; formerly 1.95 1 AA to 2.49; Monday reduced to * Second Floor —Specials in Spring Time Veilings— The veil occupies an important place in t ho scheme of the Spring costume, 1 should harmonize with the costume, a trim dotted veil for the business or streit I costume, a rich lace drape veil for the afternoon sostume. Drape Patterns Drape Pattern Veils— Tn silk mesh with che nille nml fancy embroidered borders in QC^. plain colors nn<l n variety of patterns. Imported Veiling French Imported Veiling—With chenille dots in a variety of color combinations on 7Qr* light end dark backgrounds. Ter yard * i j Main Floor—North ■ Specials in Women’s Gloves ’.t Low Price Features for Monday ^ Perrin’* Long Glove* - Elbow length in suede or glace. Attractively embroidered backs, P. K. or overseams. In desirable shades of C CA grey, platinum, mode, new brown, white and black. Per pair **•**'' rownee fcxtra Quality Real Kid Gaunt ti —Heavily embroidered back*. Hrown tan, beaver and black. Dlucon- o C turned etyles. 6.00 values, paJr, UiUU Kayter Long Chamolsetta Glovaa—Kl bow length; spear point back; shades of beige, mode, pongee, mastic, beaver and white. Per pair, 4*J C A Main Floor—North 2750 Fine Imported Baskets Direct From the Orient _ Specially Priced ^ Regularly Worth 2.00 A Decorative Basket for to 3.00—For Monday Every Purpose Fruit Baskets Flower Baskets Sewing Baskets Vase Baskets , Work Baskets ( Candy Baskets \ Shopping Baskets • Waste Baskets Jardinieres With Containers Fifth Floor—W*«t 50,000 Yds. New Spring Silks Fabrics that forecast the new Spring modes, the new weaves, the exquisite new colors. Each of these styles is copyrighted by the manufacturer and wrill be shown here in large variety. „:j Klo-Kanna Cat's Purr Zygane Hottentot Rhapsodie Whim-see Alltyme Crepe Coptic Borders Denishawn Novelty Mode Chic Braidelaine Puff-up 2.45 to 2.98 New Spring Silks at 1.98 2.75 Canton Crepe—40 inches wide; full range of new shades. 2.45 Sport Satins—40 inches wide; all new colors; plenty of hlack and white. 2.95 Crepe Shirtings—3G inches wide; in stripe and neat check effects. 2.75 Egyptian Paisley and Bandanna Foulards. 2.95 Charmeuse—40 inches wide; in navy, brown and black. 245 Alltyme Crepe—36 inches wide; in 22 new Spring colorings. 2.95 Bonnet Satin—Well known imported French fabric, in black only. 2.98 Flat Crepe—40 inches wide; a beautiful, highly lustnous fabric. 2.75 Crepe J^tin—*0 inches wide; in navy, black and brown.” 2.95 Chiffon Taffeta—35 inches wide; rich finish in plain and changeable effects. 3.25 to 3.75 New Spring Silks at 2.38 3.45 Printed Crepe-40 inches wide; in an elabo rate assortment of Persian and Oriental effects. 3.75 Poult De Soie—36 inches wide; a handsome and rich fabric of splendid wear. In a full line of colors. 3.25 Moire Canton—40 indies wide; in all the new spring shades. 3.45 Crepe de Chine—40 inches wide; heavy, high luster fabric in street and evening shades. 3.75 Gros de Londre—36 inches wide; a large va- • riety of brilliant, changeable effects. 3.50—Satin America—36 inches wide; highly lus trous heavy quality.' 3.45 Canton Crepe—40 inches wide; all the new Spring shades and ivory. 3.45 Silk 8nd Wool Crepe—40 inches wide; very dressy fabric; in brown, navy and black. 3.75 Black Silks—40 inches wide flat crepe, can ton crepe and radiums, 3.25 Gl&ca Satin—36 inches'wide; in beautiful color combinations for evening wear. Beautiful New Spring Silks at 2.98 Ormond Satin Canton—40 inches wide; a reversi ble quality and exceptional value. Mirror Plat Crepa—40 inches wide; a very com prehensive range of new colorings. Rialto Canton Crepe—40 inches wide,- a standard quality, even in weave and reversible. A full range of colors. Heather Dew—38 inches wide; the ideal fabrie for sport skirts or coats. Heavy Crepe de Chine—40 inches wide; in a wide range of colors. Hottentot Silk—10 inches wide; the newest idea in Egyptian design on a heavy raised crepe. Jacquard Canton—40 inches wide; a most exquis ite satin brocade. Matelasgs Crepe—40 inches wide; a heavy crepe weave with raised Arabesque effects. Striped Spurt Crepe—40 inches wide; white ground with heavy satin stripes or plaids. Ideal for pleat ed skirts. i White Silks—40 inches wide; Cameo crepe. Dori Soie, Crepe Satin, Russian Crepe and Satin Canton. The New Spring Colors Represented in These Three Groups Are i Fallow Laurel Capri Sand Almond Oriole Bobolink Lanvin Mephisto Cocoa Jade Moth Ceramic Zinc Fog Sandalwood Poinsetta Orchid Navy Brown Black Crass Pelican Blue Jay Titian Mountain Mist Vatican M*ln Floor—Center —For the Good Old Summer Time — Porch and Lawn Swings Don’t buy a swing until you have swung in it. Our swings are set up firmly so that you may try them out. Come up to our Furniture Department, 7th Floor, and have a swing. I Swings and Furniture Sold on Our Easy Monthly Payment Plan 4-Foot Beech wood Swing -Nut brown fin- 2.95 j. ish j complete with chains. 4- Foot Solid Oak Swing—Fumed finish; 6.50 Monday. ^ 5- Foot Solid Oak Swing -Fumed finish; 7 7C \ Monday. ' ' 1 ° 6- Foot Solid Oak Swing—Fumed finish; 9.00 Monday.. 5-Foot Solid Oak Massive Swing— 1 O AA Fumed finish. 1J,W • * Complete.with chains. Folding Steamer Chairs—Adjustable can- 1 yc vas back; hardwood frame. * m 6 Foot Solid Oak Massive Swing— 1 C O C Fumed finish .. 10.00 Complete with chains. 4 Foot Reinforced Brown Fibre Swing—| | OC Monday. 11,40 5-Foot Reinforced Brown Fibre Swing—OA ftfl Monday. 4U,UU 6 Foot Reinforced Brown Fibre Swing—91 CA Monday. . .A 1 .O Complete with chains. Couch Hunmock Swings Covering of heavy duck. from8 range 19.50t0 47.50 Lawn Swings and Folding Settees P Lawn Swings—KulJ bolted. *»'nts four; can be set up In a few minutes, eight feet high, weighs l (to pounds. Mrnlu of Indiana beech wood. 11m a slat* 22 lnohes long; back height from *eat to top of slsts, 28 Inches; fulcrum rode, 7 feet long; full boiled construction, spread, 8 feet 3 tnoliet bjr S feet; derrick finished In rtd; seats natural varnished; width tvr between irnu, 36 Inches. Specially priced for tbla selling, / • * O Folding Settee—Frame finished red; height or seat, 17 lnehe ; depth of seat, 12 Inches; height of back, 18 Inches; length over all 40 -e af Inches; specially priced tor Monday's selling at, each, 1 i JD Seventh Floor Van Ess Hair Tonic 1.29 Main Floor—Watt ■—■■■ I . I Genuine Tungsten Electric Lamps The new tipless type, guaranteed; 25, 40 and 50 watt sizes; 35c value. Fifth Floor—West Laces And Embroideries Varied stocks of laces and embroideries used so extensively on Spring frocks and lingerie are marked at low prices in our Embroidery and Lace Department, Main Floor. Spanish Silk Lacet—In black, white, champagne and other Spring shades. Allovers and flouncings in good heavy weight with rich, lustrous finish. All are new and 1 CQ attractive patterns. 36 inches wide. Per yard * Allover Embroideries—22 to 27 inches wide; in QO. whfye or ecru, fine Swiss, batiste and nainsook. Yd. Embroideries—i to 6 inches wide; on Swiss and nainsook; all are well made. For lingerie and children’s 71/ng* wear. Per yard * /ZC Main Floor—Centar | Spring Wash Fabrics For dresses, skirts, blouses, children’s wear, lingerie, and kindred uses, new cotton fabrics present endless possibili ties. For beauty, durability and economy they are un equalled. Seasonable Wash Goods The Season’s Newest and Most Wanted Material* at a Considerable Saving Grouped in One Lot. Values '5Qr* from 59c to 98c; per yard— v/C 30-Inch Embroidered St. Gail Swiss. 36-inch Drop Stitch Voile—in assorted colors. 33 Inch Imported Silk Mixed Tissue. 36 inch Box Loom Crepe—In plain shades. 36 mch Seed Voile—la a rang* of colors. 36-inch Epongette Suiting. 40-inch Fancy Printed Dress Voile. 36-inch Colored Basket Cloth. 39-lnch Chimoea Striped .Nain sook. Baeement—North Genuine Irish Dress Linen—The world-famous Non-Krush Shrunk finish colored dress linen, made of pure Irish golden flax. In a complete range of the wanted t OA plain shade*. 36 inches wide. Per yard * Main Floor—Center Royal Irish Dress Linen—36 inches wide; in a full 1 A A range of wanted plain shades. Per yard * • W Fancy Dress Voile—38 inches wide; in a range O 1 1/j of the season’s newest printings. Per yard Suitings—36 inches wide; including Beach Cloth, repps and other popular weaves. Values from 39c to O C _ to 48c; per yard AOC Basement—North Spring Domestics / Indian Head Suiting Fast color; 30 inches wide; the color is guaranteed to be tub and sun proof. If the color runs or fade we re fund the total cost of ga rment. This famous AQf cloth in a range of fifteen colors, per yard Peggy Cloth 32 inches wide; in navy only. Unequalled for wear and washing. Suited for children'a dresses, rompers 1 Q. and overalls. 3 to S yard lengths. Yard “ 140 Pieces of Imported and Domestic Zephyr Dress Gingham This lot includes Tootnl’s English gingham. Anderson’s Scotch gingham, the famous l’etcr Pan checked gingham and other equally popular and serviceable brands. Some .are discontinued styles. All 32 inches wide. Worth 75c. Per yard. 3 Cases of Fine Dress Gingham In plaids, chocks and stripes; iJ7 and 3'J inches 1 2l^C wide; in useful mill lengths. Per yard Shrunk Finish Muslin 36 inches wide; full spring water bleach; a quality similar to Indian Head. Worth 2!*e ; per yard Bleached Sheeting .’>1 inch, a good heavy quality suitable for single bed sheets pillow eases and similar uses While ihX\) IQ. yards last, per yard ** Pillow Tubing Unbleached and unhranded; a heavy round thread 1 quality equal to Aurora or Peppered. Per yard Basement—North Spectai Men’s Rain Coats, 3.95 Guaranteed rainproof Coats in tweed effects of gray, tan, brown; all around belts, convertible collar. Every seam sewed and strapped. All sizes, 34 to 4(5. Regularly 7.50. , Fourth Floor. * SpecTai Glove Silk Vests 1.19 For Women—all pure silk; in flesh and orchid; irregulars of 2.00 quality each 1,19 Third Floor—Contor Special Press T Trimming 5c Novelty silk ai^J^pported wash braids; all eolorMB.0c to 25c val ues. each 5c Maia F —L *■—Centar ___ * Special Wash Cloths 100 dozen large heavy turkish wash cloths, 25c quality; each, 10c Not over 6 to a customer. t Main Floor—Wait Special Turkish Towels 8c 200 dozen full bleached turk ish towels, medium size; hem med ends; each 8c „> » , Main Floor—Wni Special Table Damask 39c 2,000 yards of 58-inch satin finished Table Damask, in checked and striped designs, 79c quality; per yard, 39c Main Floor- -W*»t * Spectai Jap Rose Soap 5jc The transparent rose-scented glycerine bar; regularly 10c. Main Floor-Wool